S L'leclmied '-Thernxil lx:* Fluld $v:**rr':*- f\x$ic*Lxlxn *u*i*n* www.$iayth#-c*s:r SL'{Ythe p.E. \4,1\lv. Sl aplr e P li. crl Ir! M ECHANI TH ERM CAL ENGI NEERING AL AND FL UI D SYSTEM S PRACTICE EXAM A psychromdricchat (normd temperdureranged provi ded on page 50 f or yanr possi bl e essurr€ sea lvr.vw.$q:th${.ccm ue. U nless elwd) is othervrri e, [*pyright 0 201 $ded lerd corditions 7.,*,li rights rwwved. FE drenicd * Therm*l srr* Flui{i &Ss*s * Fbadi* Lxar *u$icn* L4 001. $rdn hadening (A) (B) ,,",rwr*r. Sl *yth$S. c*n': occurswh€n: TheultimdetensileSrength can beedimded from the Brindl hadness number. A mderid has been Sresed bqond the yid d $rength to sme poi nt i n the pl a$ic rqion, and then the load is removed. (C) A pat iscydicdly loded sotheSressiskept bdow theenduranelimit, thushaving a nomindly infinitelife (D) Ma<imum *rer dressthory predidsthesfrs $rengrth asonehdf of thetensileyidd $rength. 002. The compresd bi I ity f #tor, Z'. (A) (B) lsthe rdio of inertid Allowsfinding the foreto visusfore deru point in aflow fidd. tenrpeduredong the 100% rddive humidity line in a prychromdricchat (C) (D) lstypicdly negleded wfen theMah number issrndl. Accountsforthederidion of red gasesfrom i@-gabefrarior. www.$ayth#E.mn: Copyrrght C 2017 All rights re*rved. l)E Mechx":ic*i ^ Thefnrd ;nd fl*il.I 003. gr$e*rs* i\'a*ire Sx*r *ucx{i*n* A rerotdy locded frcility ha no eas/ access to dedricity. Thry provide nrechanicd po\rver to a group of pumps Option and v,'i'rv', $aythclL <ln are considering two optionsto A is to drive the pumps with a diesd engine o$ion B is to coude the px.rmps to a ga turbine. The pumps require a power inpt of 450 hp to operde troperly. The t$l e bd or pnovi des some i nf ormdi on rqgadi ng the opti ons Yaly MdntenanceCoS Fud Fud Co$s Fud HedingVdue Ex@ed Life $5,000 Diesd $2.60 per gdlon 16,000Btupagdlon 15yas For both ryderng it i s o<@ed thd the sd $9,000 Ndurd Gas $2.25 per million Btu 20,O0OBtuperpound vqe vd ue wi | | be equd to the book 15yers vd ue dter 1 5 yeas of deprecidion. Acmrding to mmpany policy, deprecidion is to be cdculded with the doubleddining bdance rndhod. The thermd dficiency (percert4e of energy in the rnedtanicd erwgy) fortteDiesd engireplart is$o/owhileit is65%forthegaturbine Using an intered rde of (A) (B) (c) (D) fud thd is converted to usdul 60lo, the get worth of 'the sdvage vduefor the gaturbine is rnod nerly: $4,877 $11,500$27,500 $235,000 \ www.SlrythePF.com C*pyright S :017. "{11 rightsrmav* PF tul*J:a:ic.d * Therr::irl ad Fli*id &S*lrr- Pr"alice Exar Que$i*n* r.rww. $i 4rth#i:^cr:nr 004. Fat of the f$ricdion drarving for a rnachine pat is *rown bdow. The draring indudes ar isordric visr, md three orthogond via,vs One of the orthogond *rded region. visrvs has been covered with a rct tn i-- t____t Fwr d terndi ves f or tlre mi ssi ng vi sr www.Slayth$€.c*nr ae *ronrn i n the noct I @< lrHrRD-ANGLEpRoJEcrroN I I p4e **pyright {s 20'17. ,Sll rights rmxvec! FL l,{mh*":lc$ ^ ThcrmeJ ar* 5ir"l]rJ The vi eiv thd *roul d be pl d &S*sn** lt*ice hxm.:"1 www.$iq;ih*Pf;.com Quc*icn* on the $aded aea i s rno$ nealy: (A) (B) (c) (D) www Saythef€.com il*pyrighlQ 2S1?. All right*rmsvd Pf Mx*a:icd *Thsnrd ard Fir"rld $ystr*+r** ltxtlce i:xryri Que$ions A 005. supplier to the antomotive indu$ry us v.'\lJ /ir Sl dt ptt cods to f*ricde Also t*le *rorn isthe profit thesupplier md<eswhgt sdling thepart to itsqt$omers bdow summaizes how much Part d rnod $1200 10 Profit ($) 50 30 (A) (B) (C) (D) 006. to 100 pats per day. For profit*rility, the totd number of asilnethd wery prt mdeissold. Thecompany can thee pats The number of patsA ard B thd mud be mde nerly: of pat B. 70 of pat A, and 30 of pat B. 50 of patA, ild 20 of pat B. 20of patA,adS0of patB. 30 of pat A, trrd 70 A cooling cfranber in a anbielt plant ternperdure A s,rdr up 70. You mry per day in md<ing dd ly to mad mize profits is mod Part B 20 patsmdeper day mud bed leas +end A Cost to Fabricate ($) nrdrine ha the carcity to podue Lonl the sane 3D mdd antting mdline to md<e two different pats A, and B. The The ilytnd{. phammrticd rnanr.rfaduring pooess is normdly 305 loruer pro6 u@ re$lted in a monrentay rise of the charber thd tlre temperdure differenoe, in oF, with the anrbient wa redud by 75Yo bdone thal the ternperdure rdurning to qC, o(perienced in the normd. The lolrled tenrperdure differene with artient dart tenrperdure, in cl'ranrber during the process upsd is (A) (B) mo$ nerly: -13.6 4.2 (c) 7.5 (D) 225 wivw.$l4rthePfi.corn Copyright S X)1?. .qli rights rre"ved. F€ i,'l 007. whxric*i * ?h*rmd ;xrd Fl uid *stlxns * ft"&tl ff] fxs\"i *ueSi *ns r,;*nv. Si qrth#["cor:l A vacrlum of 25 kPaismeasrred d alocdion wherethedwdion'is3@0 m, wherethe dmospheric pressrrre is 70.7 kPa, The *6dute presilre (mmHg) at thd locdion is np$ ne€rly: (A) 0.34s (B) 45.7 (c)70.7 (D) 343 The$dt 008. filled 94 of acylirdricd viscomder is6 ft 7 in long. Thed'rdt diander is 1.6 indres is0.0079 incfresmd contains SAE 10W-4O horsepower needed to rotdethedldt d Theflui* oil d 105F (dynmricvisosity = 69 cfl. The 1200 rpm is rno$ nealy: (A) 0.25 (B) 0.e (c) 1.5 (D) 2.0 0@. A Pltot Sdictubein an dr flow $rean indicdesaddic preserreof 17 peig and a$4ndion pressurecf 25 psg.TheMdr number fortheflcnr d thelocdion of tfreHtot $dictubeismo$ nealy: (A) 0.58 (B) 0.70 (c) 0.75 (D) 0.85 r*ww.SlaytheF[.cnr* C*pyrightS ?$1?. All rightsrwved PF M snarlcd - Thsr":ral exi F!uid *Srwn * [Ya$ice f,xan Qudicns wwr,v.${aythd€.com 010. A normd *rock ware trards d 600 nr/s through S4nant 20 oC dr. The vdocity (n/s) induced b$i nd the $ock weve i s mo$ nerl y: ( )2u" (B) 3s7 (c) 343 (D) 600 011. A v€rcuum clsrer isc+deof crding avacuum of 0.3 ps jud insidethefpe. Thema<imum vd ocity (nVs) thd could be qpeded in the hose i s rncd ned y: (A) 58 (B) 34 (c) 1el (D) 11 www.Si4rth*f.mnn Copyrighl S 2S17. Atl rights res*v* i:€ \{ x$e*l m} * f h*rrnal .x:ej [i i::* *y-**xs * i\mt] cp Lx*n *u**{i*ns 012. A vdve mmufadurer us ivw-v.$i4,lh$€.c*m the rig $ro,vn bdow to ted thdr vdves The working fluid is wder ( kinerndic viscosity = 1.12 c$, dendty = 62.4lUft3 ). Tl'ueflow rde is400 gdlons per minute, ald dl piping is4-in, sdredule4O, $ed pipe (lD = 4.026 in). Theted sdion (behrtrear pressure galges PG001 atd PG002) is 1,000 fed long of horizontd, drdght pipe. For thetes conditions, the Moody fridion fador is knorn to be 0.018. Upon driering $eady $de flow, the preswre readings aeTO psig for PG001 and 25 psig for PG002. For thevdve bdng teded, theequivdent length in fed is moS rerly: (A) 0 (B) 110 (c)22o (D) 1,000 Valve beingItested l PGOOl I I Water from To plant water pipe network remote reservoir PumpA vrv,rw $l4rihePE-ccm C*pyrlght S 2*17. Ali right* rxrvd. PE Ms*ra:icd 013. *-Thc"r'n:d ;*^rd A solid coppe fi*i* Sg$rws* **$ice sph€re with a dianrder,of 1 inch is initidly d a spdidly uniform tenrpedure of 150"F bdore bdng inerted into a Sretrn of indicdes a temperdure of 130'F Btu/(ft2h'F) is rnc$ wwvr SaythePE.com [:xan Que*i*ns dr d 80'F. A themocouple d 6tq 1 minute and 10 sords the $rface of the +here The hed tra,$er codficient, in nerly: ( )12 (B) 120 (c) 558 (D) e55 0l4AGincfrthickbrickwdl sepadesthehotgreinsidearirdu$rid furnrefrorntheanhtentdrand its surroundingq whidt ae d.Tl"F. The brick wdl has a knonrn thermd condt^divity of 0.7Btuft/(ft2h"F; and ternperdure of the outer asrrfa@enrisivity of 0.8. During $eady operdion of thefurnre, thesurfare fre of tlrewdl was rnemlred a212"F.Assuming a convedive codficient bdween the outer tryerdure ( fae of the wdl and the snrounding dr hd trader of 3.5Btu/(ft2h"F), the of the i nner face of the wd | ("F) i s nrcd nerl y: )212 (B) 352 (c) 550 (D) 700 www.Slrythd)[.ccnr '1C t*pyright S ?*n7. Ail rights rmmvd. PF. M 015. ehar:i cd * Ther"md ard fi ui*J W$$rrs !ry&Xi m ilxxr: Gum*i *ns r,iwrv Salothd)[ r:cm A thin-wdled, sphericd $or4econtdner isinitidly full of liquid nitrogen of the @nt.ir€r is 0.5m a thermd ad it is covered with a 25 mm thick vacuum d.TlK. Thediander foil-md instlding dankd, with onductivity of 0.@17Wl(m.K) . The anbient temperdure aound the contdner is27'C and the convedion codficient dr - bdrrysr the outer s.lrfa€ of the insr"rlding blankd and the slrrounding is known to be 20W/(mt X ) . A produced by boil-off. , srdl vent in the conta'ner dlorvs the esc+e of the nitrogen gas A t*le with sdeded dda for N, is provided for your conditionsdescribed, thetime (hours) required to loe 1Oo/o possible use Under the of the liquid massof nitrogen in thetank is mc{ nerly: Saturation Properties for N, ( )22.5 Temp. (K) (B) 25.0 70 (D) 32.5 77 80 sla A the sla Enthalpy (kJ/kg) (m3/kg) Liquid (c)27.5 016. Volume Vapor 0.001903 0.52837 0.001236 0.22600 0.001258 0.16473 Liquid 14.14 28.U 34.85 Vapor Ahu+ 222.49 208.34 228.37 199.73 230.61 195.78 wder lreder direds sola energy towads a horizontd pipe carying wder. The dfed of energy can be +pnoximded as a conSant hd flux on the prpe outer surfae of 64OBtu/(h ft'z) . Thepipediander is2.36 inchesmd it isnegligibly thin-wdled. Thewderflow rde through the pipe isS0lbm/h with an inld tenrpedure of 68'F md a didtagetenrpedure of 120"F Using a dynanric visco$ty for wder of 1.16x 10-slbf 's/ft2and a thermd condudivity for wder of 0.378 Btu' h /ft "F, the pi pe srrf are tanrpedure (' F) d the di sdrage I ocdi on i s rno$ rreal y : ( )174 (B) 1e6 (c)212 (D) 250 *rwv; SaytheFE.com '!1 C*pyright O ?*1;. All rights rmmvxl. E M*ct-u:":ic$ * lf'iern"rd arJ ftr"r!d S\l$ems * Ft*dice Exat www.$llrri*eS$.com Quex{ians A cabon ded (1% C) fld plde 0.63in thick is d an initid tenrpedure of 1100"F when it is srdderly plunged in a wder bdh with wder d 60'F. You may N"rme a convedive fr& tran$er 017. codficient of 1800Btu/(hftz."F). Thetirne required (snds) for tlre misplmetenrpedure of the pldeto drop to 200 "F is mo$ The f ol louri ng t*le naly: has sd eded dda (c) ue. possi ble Thermophysical Properties, Carbon Steel (1% C) (A) 4.5 (B) 8.6 for cabon Sed , for your - ThermalDiffusivity 17 (in'zls) 0.02 Density (lbm/ft3) 490 Heat Thermal Conductivity Btu/(lbm'"F) (Btu'ft)(h'ft'z'"F) Specific 0.11 (D) 34 018. A 12-in thick brick ecterior wdl is used in at offie buildirg with no insuldion or dded internd fini*r. On a winter day, the folloruing tenrperdures were meslred: insjde dr ternperdure, 70"F; otrtside dr tenrpedure, 15'F; indde snfre tenrperdrre, 56"F; o;td& surf*e tsrperdurq 20"F Asmirq a tkrermd condudivity of 0.7Btu/(h.ft."F) for the brick wdl, the convc{ion hed tral$er . codficielt (Btu/(h-ft'?. "F)) for the inner sjdeof thewdl, is nrod ne*ly: (A) 0.e (B) 1.8 (c) 3.6 (D)7.2 www.$ayth#.conr 1? *cpyright S 2017. All rights rxavd f€ llis*ar:icd *Then;x} *rd iluid $v$*x** llmtice Lxxx Q*Slnns 019. A cylindricd, dmospheric-pres$retilk with adiarder of ppe. The tank is used for tfre Sor4e jd,fud of liquid lvww.$qi{h*t:h"c*x 10 m jd fud. During haoneinld pipeand oneoutld simultaneous loding and unloading, d a rde of 1 m3/s through the inld pipe lf the lord inside the tank is to rie d a rde no greder than O.Sn/minute, the lorued flow.rde (gpm) d whicfr the jd fud mu$ bedrarvn fromtletank through theoutld ptpeismoS naly: liquid is ddivered to the tank (A) Cannot beddermined (B) 35 (c) 2,070 (D) 5,476 020. An dr Srear of 50,000 CFM enters an sr+ordive cooler where it is sprayed with a mi$ of cool wder. During $eady $de opedion, 4proximddy 70o/o of the wder sprayed w4ordes and mixes withthedrwhiletherenrdningwderismllededinabasinanddrdned. Forthemnditions*roivnin thefigure, therequired inp;t of liquid wda (gpm) ismo$ ne*ly: (A) 2.60 (B) 3.75- (c) 4.55 (D) 5.80 liquid water Note A prycfrronHric cfrart is pnovided for your posdble uein p4e50 950F rel. hum. = 80% wvrw.SlaythePE ccm { rel. hum. = 20% P=14.7 psia 50,000 cFM 13 Copyright S 2S'1?. Ali right* rmrvtxl Pf lt'lnch*-ricd *-fhe'ffial arii 021. iiuid SS*xs* !Yn*:tic.e [x;xr"l w*;w.$ry{hS}il c*m Qr:*i*i':s An ided Diesd cydeusesdr( R= 0.37@psiaft3/(lb"R), ce= 0.240Btu/(lb"R), k= 1.4) and d the Sat of ttre compression *ol process the working fluid is d 80"F ute pressure acfriered i n the cyd e is 58 ba, the compression rdio afr i s 14.7 psia mod lf the ma<imum nsly: (A) 58 (B) 18 (c) 8 (D)2.7 022. Cdtare is burned in a condant Fesilre h.rrner ad the mmbx.rdion equdion for the dud process is CrH,, * 16.32(Q+3.76Nr) --* 7.37CO2+ 0.65CO + 4.13Or+ 61.38Nr+ 9HrO Thepercent e<cessdr kHng used ismod nealy: (A) 1475 (B) 131 (c) 16 (D) 31 wlw.Sxyih#E.mnr -) .', :. c*i.r l: 'j" t' ---:: 14 ; t: 'q' " i.t .i * "+ 1\ -1 o\ L-/ C.opyri ght O 2*17. Ali riEht* rxerr*. PS f'"{sjirnicd *Thryrnal al$ Fluid &Ssr:s* ilYx*ic*l:x;xr.i *ueSi*i":* A cabondd bwer4e facility ha 023. dways nra'ntdned d. -12"C and 5@ kg of a gaseous form d ad d the corresponding sdurdion pressure The tank sies of heders md pressure sent to a anbient tenrpadure (22"C) and a pres$re d the cabondion cabondion process A floriv mder 0.1 actud m3 of gaseous CQ hSH ccn'l ^ for liquid cabon dioxide (COr) Sorage The tank is liquidveor mixtureof COrwith a5% qudity. In deady $deoperdion, from the bottom of the tank in a tank r"*";lv. ${ qtt of regul dors 170 kPa initidly contdns the liquid isdrarvn thd dd iver the CO, Selute for ue in the macfrines drorrus a continuous cons.rmption of per hour. Under these corditionq thetime (hour$ until the mm inside thetank is reduced to 50 kg is mod nerly: (A) (B) 4.5 68 (c) 18 (D) 1475 Thefollcnring t$le ha sdded ddafor CQ for your possible use: Saturation Properties for CO, \ Temp. Absolute Volume cc) Pressure (MPa) (m'/kg) Entropy Enthalpy (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg''C) \yf Liquid Yw., Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor 2.359 0.000997 0.01595 167.55 436.09 0.8825 1.9187 2.429 0.001002 0.01545 169.78 435.89 0.8908 1.9137 -12 2.501 0.001007 0.01497 172.01 435.66 0.8991 '1.9086 -11 2.574 0.001012 0.01450 174.26 435.41 o.9074 1.9036 -10 2.649 0.001017 0.01405 176.52 435.14 0.9157 1.8985 -14 -13 www.$lxyfhePfi.com til Capyright 0 ?$17. S,il righNs resex"ved l{: l\,'lcr*;x":i*l -Therm# xrd 024. Flr..rid S\$sxs* Frdice [xx.n Qu*icns A gmthermd po,ver plant us wr/w geothermd wder eldreted a higl.r-pressure Sayih*f mrx sdurded liquid d 450'F. This wder is throttled dornrn to a pressure of 70 pda bdore entaing a sepador tatk. This s.xdden presuredrop resrlts in the"fldring" of the liquid into a liquidv+or mixture In the tank the resulting veor is sepaded from the liquid and percert4e of geothemd wder thd (A) Cannot beddermined (B) 17o/o (c) 32% (D) st% i s srt i n directed to a turbine On a v+or form to the turbi ne i s mo$ ms qador badq the nerly: Vapor to turbine Liquid to re-injection well From Production Well: Saturated liquid water 4500F 025. A simfleanrmoniaveor corryesion rdrigerdion sy$em hasalod of 5tons Tlreev+ordor tenperdureisS"F.Theannrcr,ialearesthee<pa.rsionde/icewithaqudity of Woandentersthe @mpressor assdurded vapor. Therequired flcnru di4ran for mmonia is prwided in the nect rdeof rnmonia(lbdh) isnro$ rrealy: (Note A P-h p4efor yorr pmiHe use) (A) 50 (B) 75 (C) 150(D) 200 w*w.$lqyth#.corn '16 Copyrrghl O 2il17 Ali riqhts reserved f€ Mexha:jcaj -Tt':*rssai x:* li*irj &rst*gn*- ltretic* *x;xn Quex$i*cs wrvw.$i*yt\$S.c**r 026. Nea the erth's equdor, the wder d ose to the s.rrface of the ocem to sol ar hedi ng. At greda depthe the water rernd ns rd rerd ns wam yetr-round, due divd y cold. lt is proposed to td<e advant€e of this temperdure difference a'rd build a power plant *sorbing hed from the wam wder rEtr the slrfreand rQeding thewde hed to thedeep, cold wder. Assrming thesurfaeand dep wder aed 24'C xtd 3"C, respectivdy, the ma<imum possible thermd dficiency (%) of sucfr a plant is nnd naly: (A) 7.0 (B) e.0 (c) 12.5 (D) 87.5 O27. A hed dl tirnes pump is used for heding a house duriqg winter. The house is to be When the outdoor 55,000 Btt/h. dr temperdure is 25"F the hed lf theoutdoor dr isused athehed to run this hed pmp source, losses from the mdntdnd d.78"F d. houe ae edimded to be thethordicd minimrm pcnver (hp) required under the conditiqrsdescribed is nro$ nealy: (A) 1.5 (B) 2.1 (c) 5.4 (D) 8.0 lvvl'w.SlElh#E.conr 1$ il*pyrighl0 2*1?. All rightsrwvee! P[ l\,1 s*ari ed - T i:ermai arcJ li *ili ;:v-$*::* .* lYSi ce [xa:: Qu*ians \r!v!^r Sldyt:d€ conl o e, a e: 9. :, l ot_ F: F i,, .#o '^: 5 r:_ v.-r *'v '' , i oi, ot. @:. oi or. !o - .. n G i: O o @i. lr o: 6i' ai a. o n m :" oi i oi. 64. o o c t. aa ci" sl , a .+ : oi Of *f I oi ai oi , ot o: oi ni Ni o q o o o € o o (ersd) arnssa:6 www.$l4itheP[.con'r 17 C*pyright 6 ;*'17. All riSht$ f€$€rvexJ l)[ Meck*i*d *-ih*"*xl m$ liuid &$*xxs* ilbx{irxfxryl Qs**i*n* 028. The Sear povver www.$lact*d:L,wnr plmt *rown op€rdes as at ided rdted-regenerdive Rarkine cycle. $emr enters the high pressrre turbine d.22A0 psia and 1100"F. The condenser preswre is 1.5 $ean discftaged from the high pressure turbine d pda Sonre 580 psia is sent to the closed feed wder heder (FWH) and the red is sent to the boiler for refred and further e<pansjon in the low pressrre turLrine. Additiond information is given in the figure The pecent4e of the high pres$re turbine dern drage thd (A)7v, di i s di verted to the cl osed FM/H i s mo$ naly: (B) 17% (c) 27V, (D) 37Vo 2200 psia 1100"r Boiler Condenser sat. liq. Pump 003 Pump 002 1 \ wttw.Sqith*P*.mnt ttrl - i l.i '1 $, Pump 001 # 7i" 73 1!) ilq:yri ght $ :017. Ali ri ghts rxcv*. Ft M*;sric{* - Thrynd xrd flxid $rst*rra* ?l#ice [x:xl Que$ions 029. An dmospheic pressrre air $rean of 300 CFM d 65'F, with *"lvy.,Sl.rytheP9 ccm a humidity rdio of 55 grdns of moidureper pound of dry dr isto becooled by floraring over acoil. Condensdion isto bearoided, so thecooling proe*rdl end with thedr d atenrpedure5'F *ovethedqrv point. Unde these conditionq thema<imum dlow*ledry-bulbtenrperduredropforthedr ("D ismod ne*ly: (A) 3 (B) 9" (c) 1e (D) 51 Thegado4etank isf*icded by bolting togdf€r two hdf-cylindricd thin dldlsad tuo henisptrericd *rdlsasfrorn. Thetank isdesigned for an internd opedirq pressureof 3 Ml%. The tankismadefromamderid haringandlow$lenormd Sressof l50MPaadhe aninnerdimder 030. of 4 m. Therequired minimum thickress(mm) of thel'renri$hericd *rdlsisrnod tely: (A) 3 (B) s (c) 20 (D) 51 rvww.SaytheP[.con'r C*pyright O :*17. All rigi:ts rw'vd l)F MqJra*c;{ *Therrnal xrd flr:id g$en:s* Ftx*irx 031.4$ed (modulusof da$icity, 1.75 in thick. E) $x*sx Su*i*n* wv,*v. boltisuedwithoutwadlerstoclanptworigidded SI qrth*Pi:. c*n": pldeq each A s€ment 0.5 in long of thethrded sedion of the bolt rerndns under the nut, while a segment 0.25 in long is inside the nut. Assume hdf of the bolt in the nut contributes to dongdion. lf k, is the $iffness of the unthreaded section of the bolt, and krthe diffness of the threaded sction contributing to dongdion, theequivdent spring conSant k"o is n,#? €) *.* (c)ffi (D) k,+ k, www.SlaytheP[.com :'1 C*pynightS 2017. All rightsrm*vd i\: i,,ldrajcai - Thernd 032. An indu$rid boiler Safdy Dwiefor www.Sl;nytl'ld:L.ccn ;lrd Fluiri $v$*ns* Fb:*ice Lxa':r Ou*ions in$dldion isto be performed in @nformancewith theASlVlE Controls and Automaticdly Fired Boilers (CSD-1) $adad (rdwant portion reproduced bdou/, with permisdon from AstvlE). Fer the $andad, under whd drcumSane car a single sddy dtutoff vd ve be usd i n the ga (A) lf the i nput i (B) lf theinput islora s strpply Ii ne? greder than 5,000,0@ Btt/h ad it than 5,000,0@ Btr./h and i s not posd bl e to ue two vdves i n seri es thevdvehaaproof of do$reinterlock fundion. (C) | f the i nput is greder than 5,000,000 Btt-/h and the vd ve has a pnoof of d o$re i nterl ock f undion. (D) None Thisisnot dlouted by theSmdad. CF-180 Safety Shutoff Valves (a) Each main burner supply tine shall be equipped with a safety shutoff valve(s) that shall compfy with the applicable provisions of ANSI 221 .21|CSA 6.5, Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances, ANSI 221.78/CSA 6.20, Combination Gas Controls for Gas Appliances, or UL 429, Standard for Electrically Operated Valves. (b) The burner supply line shall be equipped as indicated below for the applicable input classification or any greater input classifications: (1) For boiler units having inputs less than or equal to 5,000,000 Btu/hr (1 465 356 W), the main burner supply line shall be equipped with at least two safe$ shutoff valves in series that may be in a single valve body or one safety shutoff valve with a valve seal overtravel (proof of closure) interlock function. lf the two safety shutoff valves are in a single valve body, the two safety shutoffvalve seats shall be in series and shall have independently operated valve shafts. (2) For boiler units having inputs greater than 5,000,000 Btu/hr (1 465 356 W and less than 12,500,000 Btu/hr (3 663 389 W), the main burner supply line shall be equipped with at least two safety shutoff valves in series that may be in a single valve body. At least one of the two safety shutoff valves shall incorporate a valve seal overtravel (proof of closure) interlock function. lf the two safety shutoff valves are in a single valve body, the two safety shutoff valve seats shall be in series and shall have independently operated valve shafts. Reprinted fronr ASIM CSD-1 - 2009 by permisdon from An'rerican Socidy of Mechadcd Eqginas All rightsresved. wwrv,$*ytheFE.ccnr .}, Ccpyrighl e 2*1?. ,{ll righisrmervxl. f{: *'l eirex":i c*r} * Thex"mal a'ld Fl ';id g$*rns - !?aS! cx; llxar wrul,v.$tqrth*PL.**m QurSiq:ns 033. A pressrrrized, insulded hot wder tank $ores heded liquid wde d 25 pd (*mlrXe) ild A pump is used to td<e wder from tl're tank d curves a rde of 1100 gpm. The pump perforrn n€ 180oF. ae fridion and minor losseq the ma<imum hdght (fed) *ove the wder srface of the sldion reervoir this pump can be locded without experiencing caritdion is mo$ nerly: provided bdorv. Negleding (A) 8 (B) 21 (c) 34 (D) 224 Flow Rate, GPM s00 '': 1000 i-: -i 1500 : 20 F IL E([ o F g2 t 15:(, (L T z 190 180 NPSHR 160 150, 0 500 1000 2000 Flow Rate, GPM wrvrv.$iaghf[.corn **pyright 0 2017. All rights rmaved. PF fr{ex*a":lcd 034. An *Themral ard fluirl S!st*ls-f}aiicefxan Qu#i*ns w*r.tr.$,4rthdlL.cnm arid flonr hydrallicturbinedsrdops 5,000 hp d thesfrdt when operding with a head of 40 ft. vaidion of aid flow turbine dficiency with specific +eed is provided for your possible use lf theturbine isto operde d peak dficiency, the rotdiond speed (rpm) is mo$ naly: A plot drowing (A) (B) (c) (D) tfre 300 140 100 e6 80 50 1 60 :::: 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Specific speed, N"d,US customary units 035. A vdve manufadurer uestheted rig drorrun bdonr to dderminethe vdves The working fluid is wder ( kinenrdic viwsity, v = 1.12 c$, florn rde is 400 gdlons per minute, fld lm codficient K for thdr density , p = 62.4ltlft3 ). The dl pprng is 4-in, sdredule 40, $ed ppe (lD = 4.0% in). A differentid U-tube manonrder rnenures the pesurre drop across the vdve a 8.5 inches of nucury. The loss codf i d ent K f or the vd ve, is mod ned y: (A) 8.5 (B) 12 (c) 6 (D) 24 Valve beins testecl To plantwater PumpA www.Sq'thepf"com pipe network Manometer :4 Copyrlght 0 :{.}'X?. All rights rexxrvd. l€ lltu*rx.rl** *T\*rn:ai ard Fli;ld $y$*ms* Fr*$rcc Sxx* *ues$i*n* i,,'rgu, Si ayrhePf ccn r resvdrs ae @nneded by three ptpng segments in series As$me a Drcy fridion fador of 0.03throughorrt dl prprng.Forthemiddles€ment, theprpelength is2,100ft andthesrmof 036. The two the minor loss codficients E K= 2.Q. For the other two segrnentq the equivdert length is provided in thefigure Theflow rde(gpm) ismoS nerly: (A) Cannot beddermined (B) 0.r/ (c) 165 (D) 345 L*ru = 6,600 ft D = 1.5ft L = 2,100 ft D=6in," /./ = 5,400 1ft EK = 2.0 *lvw.Slaythd&.c*m 2$ C*pyright0 2*17. All rightsrwv*d i)f, \.{*charic$ - Therlnd *'rd Fixj* &r**rrr** 037. FointsA md B in the Mollier l**icn lxan Qu*ir:ns di4rm v'rww.$lqrth$e .c*nr bdow represent respedivdy the inld and outld of a$ern turbineoperding d dedy $ate Tfrereisonly oneinld and oneoutld. Theisetropicdficiency of this turbineismo$ nealy: r.o t (A) 21o/o (B) 630/0 @ r.e 1.s z 2.1 2.2 2.3 1650 1 16ffi (c)71% 1 1550 (D) t 1str t 145S 1 ii&'t,e 't r35S t r3w 1 1250 85o/o -o f, m j CL (g -c c ul -' '*il rlsor--i*,; 1100f - 1rffi 11m '"i7e i j rosoil---r*S tw sCIl-'{ s$01 85S 8S 7S 1 1.1 "4.2 1_3 1.4 1_5 1.6 Entropy, www.$layth#.eonr :{i C*pyright S ?*17. ,{11 rightsrmwvel. X' ii.'l*arlcxd *Thryrral ard Flr.,rid &$sxs^ kdire[x*"n **ext]*n* w*",w.$laythd€.*am 03S.Wderentersthetubesof asrndl padld flcnarhedo(cha€er d.74oF $dl dardeof 30gpm. Onthe side'10,700|t/hof ahedtran$eroil entersd 175T. Thehedtrandersrrfacereais94fta, ad the overdl hed tran$er codficient is 2@ BtL/(h'ft'z.oD. For this hed o<dranger, the number of tran$er units (NTU) is mo$ nerly: (A) Cannot beddermined (B) 2.5 r (c) 3.0 (D) 3.5 lf needed, you may usethefolloting vduesfor +ecific hed c, md density, co,= 0.7 Btt-/(lb'oD Po,= 81.1 c*d*= 1.0 Btr/(lb'oF) p: lbfft' P*a-= 62.4lblft3 Also, thisisaplot of hed e,xcfranger dfetiveressforyour posdbleue: C.i./Cr- = 0 1 (, 0.9 -.- u; a 0.8 c, cq) o _o + 0.25 o.7 0.50 0.6 0.75 o o 0.5 C*n/Cr* = ol -r i : 1 c o o.4 o 0.3 x q) -c (u o 0.2 I Parallel-Flow 0.1 0 www.SlaytheP5.ccnr /./ C*pyrlgfrt iO ?ill7. Al! rights resaval !F M echai cS - Th**c:;d ard fi *id $lstesr:s - fk{rSi cs 039. During the night, when dedricity oods thefreing www"$iqrtrlreFfi.*o*r ae low, al office building hed, 0.88 Btr/(lbm.ofl; densjty, 67 lbn/ft3) to During f,x*r Cu*{i rxrs freewater us a chilled brine (gecific $ored in a lage, perfedly insulded vessd. procesq thewder in thetank goesfrom 5% iceby massto 95% ice by massand it hire ry$enr. During the day (a the building is ocanpied ild the brine sTdenr is inadive) the dored ice is ued to cfrill glycol which is pumped to the dr handling unit (AHU) and provideconditioned dr to the offices. Thededgn moling lod of theAHU is 700,0m BtL/h nd it mu$ provide this continuoudy during a perrod of 10 hours At the design td<es 5 hours of mntinuous operdion of the condition, the wder is 95% condition, therequired ie by mass and goes to 5o/o ie by nrs over the 10 hours At the design hineflou rde(gprn) isrno$ nedy: (A) 15 (B) 25 (c) e5 (D) 165 GlycolPump Brine Pump www.SirythdX.con': :8 **pyrighi0 2017. AII righisrmeved F€ MdieN"':ied *Therm*] xr* iluid $Vsl*yns* 040. A gas turbine power plant r*ed as dlown. fta*icesxx:: *u*$i*ns r..,rvw.$iry{ire8il^*om uss twedage compresdon with intermling and twod4e turbine comprwr is d 58 psig. Assunre anrbient presflre is 15 psia For minimum comprmr po^/er, the disdrage g4e press;re (psg) of the firS e(pilsion with compressor The discfrage of thesecond $ould benro* nealy: (A) 18 (B) 2e (c) 33 (D) 44 Regenerator rarxvw.SiaythePil.com ,0 Ccpy* ght Q 2t)'X 7. A tl ri gh{s rm.cvxi. P[' Mxfia:icd * Therr::ed ex:* Fiuid $oiS*n':s*" **ice lixar Que$icns yrw',v. S, ayihei:{"cnn t f w Sl,.r'\Ythc P.E. g,-nrr'. Sl ar,thePIi.com Thi s comfl des the nprni ng porti on of the pradi ce ted. To purcfraedddled, Sepby-$ep solutionsto dl the probletrs in this pradi ce ted, vi sit www.S aytheFE.com Thedternoon portion of theted Satsinthene<t p4e. A pycfrromdricchat (rprnd tenrperdurerarged provided on p4e 50 for ycur salwd) is posiHe use Unless Sded otherwise as.rrne sm lerd conditions wxrv.SlaythePf.ccm 3* C*pyrigh{ S, 2il17. All ri ghts rwv**. P*. M**a:it:$ * Therr:ral xrd l:li-:i<i Sl$wns* fYwli*e [xar"l *lrst]*n* 201. A combined cycle 96 turbine plant (CCGT) *r,,vtiJ.Seryth$fi.c*nt runs a gas turbine power plant coupled with a turbine power plaTt through a hed recovery Sean genedor (HRSG). The overdl combined plant is 9,000 BtL/(kWh). The rde for the nd ga turbine output is 150 MW trrd the nd $emr turbine otltput is 1@ MW. There is negligiblewade hed Ncided with the ga dant and thewaSe hed from the $ear plant is rieded through a series of ryeordive hribd, M $sn mling torrrers Under the conditions thehed load (Million Btu/h) on themoling towersismo$ nerly: (A) 5s8 (B) e00 (c) 1,397 (D) z2ffi 202. Hz, A certa'n cod hasthefollowing andysis '1 percent Oz, and 10 percent (kg of drlkg of dr. Theod on a rn€Fs bais 82 pecent C, 5 perert HzO,2 percert isburned with 50 percent o<cessdr. Thedrjud rdio fud) ismod nerly: (A) 10.2 (B) 15.3 (c) 25.1 (D).30.7 www.Siaytheff.ccl':r 3't C*pyright0 2*17. All rightsrwvxi. F€ M echa^ried - Therm;d axi d 25oC,1dm www.$4rt\#ll.com $***xs'- ltali*e Fxar Sudions - and agon - speific hed: 0.52kJl(kg K) - ae ad aemixed Seadily in ar di*dic mixing drarber, 6*rown. Thereellting gas 203. Cabon dioxideboth Fir.:id +eific hed: 0.85kJ/(kg.K) mixture is cooled to -25'C in a hed er<changa dorvnSre*n of the mixing charber. The cooling nredium in tlre hed e<cfranger is a drean of rdrigerart R-134a whidr enters the hed e(cha€€r liquicl-v4or mixture with 3ff/o qudity d -30qC and is didraged as a sdurded v+or required flow rde(kg/s) of R-134aismod naly: -30'c (A) 0.36 sat. vap. 6 a d -30qC. The R-134a -30 "c x=30% (B) 0.74 (c) 1.50 Ar, 0.5 kg/s (D) 1.e5 COr, 1 kg/s Thefollwrting tde hasdeded ddafor Heat Exchanger R-134a for your possiUeus: Saturation Properties for R-134a Temp. cc) Absolute Pressure (kPa) (m3/kg) Vapor Liquid -34 -30 -26 Entropy Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Volume Liquid (kJ/kg'"C) Vapor Liquid Vapor 0.9606 0.000714 0.27090 7.57 229.65 0.0320 84.430 0.000720 0.22580 12.65 232.17 0.0530 0.9558 101.730 o.000727 0.18946 17.76 234.68 0.0738 0.9514 dilt d ardeof 69.560 2M. Wder leavestl'recor&tsr of aporver 1,600 gpm and entersawd @ding to/ver b/ artient dr thd entersthetorer d 68'F, ild 60 peret rddive humidity and leares sdurded d 86"F. lf the torarc/s oolirg dficiency is 680/o, the required d 95'F. Thewder is cooled in thetorer flolrr rde(pound+msper hc,rr$ of dr thro^gh thetoryer isrpd rredy: (A) 1,600 (B) 413,500 (c) 7e7,000 (D) 826,500 wwv.Slryth#€.conr J1 Copyright 'f,2017 Ail rights rxvved. \ PS Mdxxricd *Tler*r*l lr:* 205. Tl€ pump dr€Mrs i:iL:id $:S*mc* ii'adic* hxxn $u**i**s 7@ gpm of wder from the bajn d www"$iq{hS{ c*m the bottom of the cooling tonrer and through the condens of a $ean power plant and then to the gray nozle d srds it the top of the tornrer. Al I pping isschedule40, nomind &in $ed pipe(lD=6.065 in). Thetotd length of prpeis800ft. All the dbols' teeq vdves, and fittings ae wdl reprsrted by a totd presslre drop across the condenser is 1 0 the fre psi . The sprry nozzles surface of the basin and tl're wder vdocity loss codficient d I K= 20 . The wder the top of the torver ae 30 ft *ove d the nozles is 40 fVs Negleding fly chilg€s in thewder propetieswith tenrperdure, m;ming a Dacy fridion fdor of 0.03, and ass.Jming a pump dficiency of 80%, ttrebrakehorspower (hp) forthepump ismo$ nerly: Cooling T (A) 15 (B)22 (c)27 (D) 32 Pump n=80% 206. When the 7@ gpm of $dt horepowe upplied to a certdn centrifugd pump is 25 hp, the pump disctrages w*er whileopodiqg d 1200 rpm, theneiy head '1800 rpn with a hed rise of 90 ft. lf the p.rmp speed is reduced to ris(ft) ismod nealy: (A) 20 (B) 40 (c) 60 (D) 203 www.Slqythffi.canr 33 **pyrigt"r{ O 2*1I. A:{ right* rrxe"vd !€ Msjlanice$ * lh*r*al ard i:lxici SV**x** kxSlce [xar *uesi*n* '"rww SarrtheP{l rcm 207. A pumpisusedtoddiverwderfromagrouncl-ls/d, dmoghaicreservoirtoamunicipd wder tovver, dso d dmospheric pressure. The height of the water surface in the toruer is 170 fed. Normdly the pump (whose performance curve is *rown bdow) ddivers a flow rde of 1200 gpm and minor loses ae negligible For this di$ribution sysern in normd opedion, thefriction realY: hd loss (ft) is mod Frow Rate. GPM 0 500 1000 1500 2000 (A) e (B) 50 240 (c) 230 170 (D)220 220 20 [ 21o 82ffi Io I t 15a, (L z 190 10 180 170 160 0 2000 150 208. An irducfion nrotor on a single ph€ 230VAC circuit ha ar dficiary of 8ff/o ard a pore fador of 0.85. The motor drives a wder pmp (with dficiency = 907o) whicfr inpats a pesune of 25 Sd on tfre wder. Durirg nsnrd operdion, the current draln U r& $ tfree condi ti ons, the f I orv rde (gpn) through the Wmp i s mod rie the rnotor is noted to be 84 a.npa nal y: (A) eoo (B) 1085 (c) 1270 (D) 1555 wv,rv'l.$lqrihSe.com .aa Copyr;glil e 2.4i7 All rights rserved ![ Mech*ricxli - Ther:n*l arrJ F1i:i* Sy$*rr** 209. Wder is pm@ lYaJice Sx*x Sue*i*ns www.Slrythe$S.r::m rervdrs in a pi@ine with the following bdween two dmospheric presslre chaaderi$ics Ft@ineChaderi$ics FripelD, D (in) 12 Totd length, L (f0 230 Dacy fridion factor, f 0.03 Totd of minor losscodfidents EK $dic hed, 4"*inai*- 4*r* (f0 The sy$en is served by two identicd pumps in 2.5 50 padld, running simultaneoudy. The cfrarderi$ic qrrvefor eadr pump isgiven bdow. Thewder flow rde (gpm) in thepipdinernos nerly: (A) 1,000 70 (B) 1,700 60 (c) 2,2W do 50 -o N (D) 4,400 30 20 10 Flow Rate, GPM 210. Ahedtrm$eroil d430"F(deNty=40lbn/ft3)flovysintoamanifoldwheretheflonrisdivided into4brancfreslddedA B, C, andD.All pipingissdrdule40snless$ed pipe.Theflovventeing the manif old is 1 0,000 | bm/h, and the ad f I ow rdes for branclres A, B, md C, ae known to be 1 000, 2000, 3000 pounds per hour, respedivdy. sond, thesmdled nomind pipediande lf the vdocity in dl hanches is not to e<ceed 5.5 (in) for brarch D, ismo$ fed per naly: ()% (B)% (c)% (D)'l' wrarrv. Sl ayt heFE. ccnr liq Ccpyright $ ?01 ?.,Sli right$ fffiexrl*" I PE l\,{exi1a{cs} -Thsm$ uxj fluid $.S*x** Sxiic*[xar Qu*i*ns wv,rw.$qrth*$i:.c*m 211. Air (with a mass flonr rde of 0.3 kg/s) is compressed in a twodage turbocompressor with intacooling, as *rown. The ientropic dficiency of thefigure, thehed removed (kW) by theintercooler edr dage is 85%. With isrnod naly: the conditions $rown in (A) 10 (B) 1e (c) 2e (D) 40 212. Etha'e (CrHu) is hnned with 20 perwrt mmpf de combu$ion and a totd pressure of 14.7 e(6 psa dr durirg a comhrdion the ds r-point tenrperdure fo6. ('D Asmirg of the prodtds isrncd naly: ( )127 (B) 133 (c) 13e (D) 145 www.St4rthePtr.cnr:r 3S Capyright S 2S1?. All dghisr*rval FE f"'lex*a{cx* *Thessr:$ xld Flujd $lst*ns*l\*r*ice [x;n: *u**]*rs ,,vww. $l aqrthefrf; .c*rn 213. Odane (CrH6) is burned with dry dr. The volumdric andysis of the produds on a dry bais is given in thet*le bdovv. Under these conditionq the dr-fud rdio (kg drlkg ftd) co, 10.02% (B) 14.22 O, 5.62% (c) 16.32 co 0.88% (D) 1e.76 Nz 83.48o/o (A) 4.76 214. A $rear of coof ed 1,500 lbr/h of sdurded $ern d used, is mod nearly: 200 psia is throttled down to 20 psia and then in a hed uchanger so thd it becomes sdurated $ean 4ain. Under these mnditiong the which the $e*n mud be cooled (Btu/h) in the hed e(dtang€r is mod 1,500 lbm/h sat. steam 200 psia (A) 645 nealy: rded. O sat. steam 20 20 psia (B) 6,450 Heat Exchanger (c) 64,500 (D) 643,400 215. A heati ng edi on consi *s of a 1 $i n.-dianrder dud thd houses a 4-kW d edric Air entersthe heding edion d 14.7 p$4 50'F, ad 40% rddive humidity with a resj Sflce heder. vdocity of 25 fVs Thedr e<it tempedure('D ismod naly: (A) s (B) 57 (c) 61 (D) 66 www.SlaTthePE.ccm JI C*pyrightS 2017. "{l} righlslmxvd" Pf, Mex*:srisd *Therr:cl axd FlLrid $v$*r"ns* Itadice 216. An dr-conditioning ry$enr operdes f-xar d a totd ad a humidifier thd upplies wd dean www.Siaythd:I.**m Qr"re$ions press,rre (sdurated wder of 1 dm and consi$s of a heding dion v+or) d.212"F. Air enters the heding ection d 50"F and 70 persrt rddivehumidity d arde of 1240 CFM, and it learesthehumidifying sedion d 68"F ild 60 perwrt rddive humidity. The rde d whicfr wder is ddd (lbtt/h) to the dr in thehumidifying sedion ismod nedy: sat. vapor l2't2oF t I (A) 0.32 Humidifier (B) 6.5 (c) 12.5 (D) 1e.5 500F 680F rel. hum. = 70% P=14.7 psia 1240 CFM rel. hum. = 60% 217. During an dr-conditionirq proq 900 CFM of mnditioned humidity is mixed with 300 CFM of outdde dr d 80"F ard 90 dr d 65"F ad 30 peret rddive peref rddive humidity d a pres;re of 1 dm. Tlerddivehumidity of theresulting mixtureisnrod nerly: (A) 3tr/o (B) 45Yo (c) 53%(D) 90o/o 218. The gecific volurne of sdurded liquid anmoria 6.527x 10-6lbf .yft2. lf d -50"F is 0.023 the Reyrd6 number is 1,500,000 d ft3/lbrn, ad a locdion within a the viscod$ is }in lD pipq the msf|cnw rde(lbnr/h) of armoniaisrnod nerly: (A) 62 (B) 743 (c) 3,713 (D) 223,000 wwrv.Slaythd?F"conr 38 C*pyright 0 20'X 7. All ri ghis lmerverl FS \'1*:kt"'ile;rl 219. * Therm* xTd Fluid S!**iil** ltMic* {:xxr: Qit$i*ns r,r,w,rr SaythePf com Air d 10"C ard 80 kl?rentersthediffuser of ajd enginesedily with avdocity of 2@ m/s The inld aea of the diffus is 0.4 m2. The dr leares tfre diffuser with a vdocity thd is very snrdl compaed with the inld vdocity. Thetempedure ("C) of theair learing thediffuser is mod nerly: (A) 20 (B) 30 (c) 2e3 (D) 303 220. $ean d.2fi psiaand 700'F $eadily entersawdl-in$lded nozzlewhoeinld aeis0.2ft'z. The mass flcruv rde of $ean through the nozzle is 10 lbn/s $ean leares the nozzle d.2ffi psia with a vdocity of 900 fVs Tl'reqit tempadure('D of the$sn ismo$ nerly: (A) 600 (B) 662 (c) 700 (D) e62 vrww SaythePf-.conr 39 il*pyrigh{ S :*17. All riEhts rm*ved. Pe it{er*x":ieal * ?hei"n$ a:d F!*id $r$axs* Fradice Fxal Que$ions www.Si4rth#L,*enr *rovn in tfre figure. The flovrr rde of dern d the boiler outld is 15 kg/s Theflcnlrr rdeextrded d locdion 2 is 1.5 kg/s The po^/er produced by the isttropic 221. Consider the cogeredion $eanr plant turbine is 11 MW. The dreans l*ded 4 and 5 are fed into a heat o<dranger manufacturing'process Additiond informdion is provided in the figure and tran$er rde (kW) dd ivered to the manufduring Location Mass Flow (ks/s) Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 1 15 2 1.5 ? 13.5 4 u11.4 v11.4 v11.4 u11.4 5 2739.3 6 2073.O 7 640.09 8 137.75 9 144.78 10 u7.19 11 used as a heder t*le for a bdovtr. The hed prorc is mod nealy: 15 (A) 9,540 Pump 001 (B) 12,680 (c) 26,410 (D) 45,560 ir*wv.SlaythePf.con: 40 Ccpyrighi S 2*17. Ail $ghtsrmerved. Pfi Ms:l*ricx* - Thennal w* Fluid &rst**r** ltxtrcc [xlxtr ****io** riwvr Siiryinei:{ ccnr ?22. ln the mmbined gas ad Sern turbine (CGST) power plant sfrown, the is dr d 14.7 psia ttdT/"F. inld to the ga compressor The pressure rdio for the gas sysenl is 5. There is a perfedly-insulded hed recovey Sean gienerdor (HRSG) using the gas turbine o<ha.r$ a a hed source to boil and stperhedthewderinthe$earcycle ThemassflovvrateforthederncydeisT4l,Sffilbndhadthe power cons.rmption by the wder pump is negligible. Additiond informdion is provided in the figure Under tfese conditionq the hed addition cycle sy$em i s mo$ rde (Million BtL/h) in the combu$ion dranber of the gas nerly: h=138'l Btullbm '1560"F h=921.6 Btullbm 1 70sF (A) 1,740 (B) 2,680 Pump 001 (c) 3,440 (D) 5,110 www.$tqrth*f.mm 41 C*pyright 0 ?017. pill rights rmerval. l€ k;l*:a{ca} *Thryrxrl rsv;w.$irythdlL.ccnr xrri Fii:id $v*ef::s- FYaSiceFxar: *ueSions A reg€nerdive 96 turbine power flant is *ronrn bdow. Air enters the compressor d.1 W,27"C with a mass flovv rde of 0.562 kg/s and is compresd to 4 bar. The figure contdns dditiond 223. informdion. All the po\ /er dwdoped by the high-pressrre turbine is used to run the compressor. The lovrr-pressrre turbine provides the and thetenrperdure d the po\^rer odput. Eactr turbine has an isntropic dficietry of 87o/o inld to the higl'rpress.rreturbine is927"C. The presslre (kPa) d the inld of the I ow presrre turbi ne i s mo$ (A) e5 nd nerly: bar Regenerator 16 0 (B) 185 (c) 205 4bar 209 0c (D) 250 Air, 0.562 kgls '1 bar 27 0C 224. A regenedive ga turbine po,ver plaf is *rorvn bdow. Air enters the comprsr d.14.7 F, 80'F with a ffEEs flow rde of 450,000 lbrdh. The hed dded by the ombu$or is 89,100,000 Btt/h. The figure mntdns additiond informdion. Under tlrese conditionq the regenador dfediveness is mod nealy: (A)75Vo (B) 80% 60 psia 22404F (c) 85% (D) e0% Air, 450,&0 lbmlhr 14.7 psi 80 0F www.$iqtth$f.cart f*pyrighi S ?{]x ?.,Sll rights rmrvxi P[ l-1ccl";*rr]cai ancJ FIL:i* in9C{ A four-cy!6da 225. torque of 110 required (A) * T!:crnal vrww.$l*yt\*}[.**m $\rstems* ilracticc l]x*m *r:**ir:nr urLr- antonrotive spak-ignition engine is kdng designed to provide a ma(imum brd<e ft-lbf in tlre mi*speed range (3@0 rpm) with a me€n dfedive presilre of displmrent volumeof edt cylinder (in3) ismod 135 ps. The nsly: 31 (B) 43 (c) 61 (D) 123 226. An ided Otto cyd e ha a compressl on rdio of 8. At the begi nni ng of the compressi on process, d r isd 100 kl%ild 17"C, and 800 k.t/kg of hed istranSerred to thedr during thecondant-volume ddition pro6, Using colGdr-$andad assumptions (condant specific heat vdues d ternpedure), the mem df edi ve pressure (kPa) i s mo$ nerl y hedroom : (A) 338 (B) 4O4 (c) 621 (D) 800 227. A duie gde in a 10 ft wide cand is lifted s 8:it" thd the hdgtrt of the wder s.rrfae immediddy dovn$rear is 2 ft. The wder surface hdght updrean of the gde is 10 ft. When the gde is in the position $rown, a force Fsd" of '18,300 lbf is mea.rred. Under these mnditions, tfewder flow rde in the cand (million gdlons per day) is mo$ nealy: (A) 145 (B) 410 ,r{ (c) 634 (D) 875 wl**;v. Sl aytheFE.conr .t.:: C*pyright Q 2*17. Ali righisrsffred Ff L;l eeharieal * Thermd xrd $iuid $dgsrns * *a*ice Fxa's Qi"r*lcns 228. Tt:e. figure *rows a hed o(changer used 0.41Btr^/lbn/'F ) in a d o(cha€€r has been degrded is no hed lorge nqligible isld Say{hePf rirnt a cooler for hot liquid toluene (spetfic hed plrrt. The coolat is a $remr of 60 gpm of wder d 50"F, 110"F. Over the @urse of srerd yetrq the in$ldion on the l'red dtericd whicft is then dsdtag€d 6 r,^rww process so the mpunt of hed lo$ to the mbient from the hd The figure provides the pro6 dda o<changer vessd Under thee conditions, the rde d whicft naly: (Thousand BtL/h) totheanbrient ismod (A) 0 (B) 42 (c) 62 (D) 84 229. The top with an pat of a wder tank unkncnnrn derd is divided into two ty i s poured i nto ore si conpdmentq 6 dq and the wder lerrd ri drorrvn in the f igure. Ncruv a ses a etd fluid n anrcunt on the otfrcr sideto compesdefor this dfed. Asilrnethe liquid does not mix with wder. B6ed on thefind fluid hdgtrtsdrorun on thefigurq thedensity (lbrn/in3) of thefluid added ismo$ nerly: (A) 0.01e (B) 0.036 (c) 0.072 (D) 0j4 t -I I 32 in L I I 37 in + 20 in L I _t_ in v*vw.5)ayth*[.ccm ri t\ I uJ Yr ..{ *-1,.':: | -t--" ;1 ,.t Ce.pyrighi S :*1?. All rightsrxaved Ft Mer*anied *Thernr*t ard fluid $l$*xs* k*!!ci* [:xa:l Que*{i*i:s 230. Air ismmpressed $edily by acomprwrfrom wlvr.,r $i " hcPb ^ **m d.arde comprmr is 14.7 Vd and 68'F to175 paiaand 570"F of 3200 lbn/h. The poryer input (brd<e horqower) to the compressor is 175 hp. The intentiondly cooled by fins on the eryri $rfee of the compressor, The rde d which the compressor is cooled (Btr/h) ismoS nealy: ( ) 4,620 (B) 59,730 (c) 7e,860 (D) 88,540 231.ln a ddry plant, milk (specific hed., 3.77 k-U(kg"C); derdty 1035 kg/m3) d 4"C is pdeurizd continuoudy d 72"C d a rde of 12Ltsfor 24 hours a day. The milk is heded to the pa*arrizing terperdure in an dectric heder (a pdarizer). The pdelrized milk isthen cooled to 18'C in arother hed e<chager with the plilt old wder bdore it i ly rdri geded back to 4'C. To sive energy ad rnoney, s fi nd is conddering replaing tlre cooler with a regenerdor The current and proposed proces ae *rown i n the f i of the dd ly hedi ng requi renrert (kwh) f or the pdanri thd ha an dfectiveness of 82 percent. gure I f the regenedor is i n$d I ed, the redudi on zi ng hede i s mo$ nerl y: CURRENT PROCESS: (A) 2,610 (B) 4,680 (c) 62,700 Reftigerator Pasteurizer (D) 74,800 PROPOSED MODIFICATION: Refrigerator Regenerator Pasteurizer HEAT wllw.$lrylheFf.ccm 45 Copyright 0 2$17. ,&,li rights rmmv*: P[ Medraricd *The*"n$ ard Fluid *v-$ens- trta*iwfxan Qu*i*n* wwvr.$iqrth$)S,com 232.ln a $emrinjeded gas turbine, a hed reovery demr geneator (HRSG) produces slperfeded $ean whicfr ismixed with thedry dr (gecific hed, 0.25BtL/lbm/"F , molecula wdght 29lbrn/lbrnol) from the compressor. The $ea'rrdr mixture is then heded in the combudor produe power. For the purpos of this specrfic M.0.47 Btu/lbny"F and ildydq ad srt the Sean may be rrpdded a to the turbine to an ided ga with For the mnditions dlo\iln, the md mdecda wdgfrt 18 lbrdlbmd. fradion of $ean in the mixture d the combx.r$or inld is mod nealy: (A) 0.2 Dry air, 900,000lbm/hr 14.7 psi (B) 0.24 Steam, 180,000lbm/hr Regenerator, 140 , psia 750F (c) 0.52 (D) 0.8 4ZqE t__ r\ nn n_I 140 psia =22M\N 233. A counterfloru, @noentric tube hed e<cfranger is used to cool tlre lubricdirU oil (specific hed 0.5 Btr/(lbm "D) for a lage bank of Sdionay Diesd engines The flonr rde of oding wder through the inner tube (1-in diander) is 400 pounds per hcur, while the floar rde of oil throtgilr the otrter annulus (1.77-in dander) is 200 prunds per hon. The oil ard wder enter the hed e<chager of 210'F ad 85"F reryedivdy. Thefilm codficients ae400 fld 7 Btr/(h ft"D d ternperdures forthewder atd oil ddeq respedivdy. The tube lergth (ft), for a desired oil dischage tsrperdure of 14O"F, is rnod nealy: (A) 35 (B) 50 (c) 65 (D) 70 www.Slqrth#E.mm C*pyrighl $ 2S17. All rightsrmrued. Ff M schanitxl * ?ht:'l:lal *n* li uld S:st*xrs - Practice [x*n *r:e*ti**s wwv; 5l ayt"l-ePi'*:ont 2U.A heattran$eroil d320'Fisardl*leforheding20,000poundsperhourof wderfrom60'Fto 185'F. The heding will be peformed in a drdl md tube hed qchanger with the oil in the $dl side oil is 70 BtulVft2fF on the outside $rfm of the tubes and 540 F for the wder on the inside surfme of the tubes Ten tubes pm tfre wder throqgh the $d l. The convctive codficient for the Btu/h/ft'zf Edr thiruwdled tube is 1-in lD ad md<es dght pm through the drdl. Use a $dl-an*tube correction factor F=0.87. The disdrage tenrperdure for the oil is 210'F. The tube lengrth is moS nealy: (A) 10.4 (B) 108 (c) 125 (D) 1250 235. Hot o<har$ g6es, whicfr enter afinne*tube, croseflow hed exchanger 120"C, ae usd to hed wder d a flornr d 350'C and leared rde of 0.9 kg/s from 30'C to 125"C. For ttrese conditionq the overdl hed tran$er codficient is known to beU=1@W/(m?f). tt needed, you may usette following poperty vduesfor speific hed c, and density, p, which may betreded acon$ants c*= Under the 1000 k-tt(kg.K) Ps-= 0.686 kg/m3 c*d*= 4197 k./(kg'K) P*a*= 972kglm3 conditionq the hed tran$er dfediveness is moS naly: (A)72Yo (B)82Yo (C) 92Yo (D) Cannot beddermined wwr,v.Slayth#.u:n'r 4? iopyrrgltt O 2017 Atl tightsresrved lf, Mecha*ci* "*Thsmal md Fluid &r$er:s* iltmiice [xar Qu*]cns 236. The condensr in a lage power plant is a $dl-an$tube *tdl ad 30,000tubeq each o<ecuting two pm. www-$lqrth*FE.corn M o(changer, considing of a single Thetubesneof thin wdl conSrudion with 1-in lD. Sdurded $eam ondens to sdurded I iqui d wder on the outer srrface of the tubes with an mci ded convedion codficjent of 1940Btu/(hr-ft2."F) . Thecondener duty is6.82x 10eBtu/h whileusing 238 millionpoundsper hourof coolingwderardl*led68'F. Thepressureinthe*rdl (dean)sideis1.8 psi a U nder these condi ti ons, the shd | -and{ube conedi on f ador i s rnod nerl y: (A) 0.7 (B) 0.8 (c) o.e (D) 1.0 237 . ln a srsi ble cool i ng prorc of moi $ d r with no condensdi on: (A) Rddivehumidity increaseg and, humidity rdiodecreaes (B) Rddivehumidity dayscon$ant, ard, humidity (C) Rddivehumidity decree and, humidity rdiodsem rdio $ayscon$ant. (D) Rd di ve humidity i ncreceq and, humi dity rdi o drys cordant. c+aity of 1@ tors. lf thetorer opedes d c+aity in rnbient onditions of 70"F fld 60% rddive humidity with dr d 95"F ild 80% rddive humidity d the 238. A moling tourer ha a cooling dischagq theanount of wder ereorded (lbn/day) ismod nerly: (A) 845 (B) 9,310 (c) 14,510 (D) 20,300 www.$4,ihd)'[.com 48 C*pyrig*t S ?*1?. Ali rights rmcrved iE \4 239. tc!:*:ied * T|:sm* nrd Il uiii Air d is 0.4 Mk $vst*t"vrs *" iYmtl rx Lrxn *u*$i *irs 1 MPa and 600"C enters a converging Tl're rns flcnnr nozlewith www.$!qrtheP$.mm a vdocity of 150 rn/s The back pressre rde (kg/s) through the nozzle for anoz)ethrod aea of 50 crn2 is mo$ naly: (A) 4.6 (B) 5.1 (c) 7.1 (D) 7.6 240. The dr entaing 50% r.h. The totd i a colrditioned spa€ is srpplied sensi bler I oad n the space is 25 I bm of d 56"F, 55 r.h. The +ace is kept d.75'F ad for the space is 1 29,0@ Btr-/h ad the totd moiSure a/eordion rde wder per hour. Based on the sn$ ble load, the d r f I cnr (dm) requi red for this spreismd rrerly: (A) 1,130 (B) z2ffi (c) 6,300 (D) 12,600 wwlv.lileytheffi.mn: 4p **pyri ghl 0 ?S1 7.,{li rights r*x;wval F€ \{*:}unicd *ihsmd a:d fiuid $\$*rns* F}reciice Fxan Suesians v,rv-rw. $l ;vl*Sil. con': Alncl3w io s3HfNt -:unssfud uodvA q li:V iJ: ii] Cl{i:!)d }:3ii :Xj::.Slof, !} S^\ll:i! {.'!:!t i,- fNrodMSo ^.1.:iiirliH 4rrk. E i: t_ @tr L; .: li: rl € F o wr,vw.SiaythSE.con': Copyright S ?*17. -qll rights rmerv* l:f, Mdmrc*l *Therm*i ar* Fluid *r**r, :s* Prmtjr* $x*':i Qu*Si*n* www.$iqrthe*:[.com SI-AY'*c p.E. \v\rni;.Sl a\,thePl.l.cr im Thi s mnpl des the dternoon porti on of the pradi ce ted. To prrchae ddi* | ed , Sepby-d+ sd uti ons to d I the probl erns i n thi s pdi e ted, vi sjt www.S aytheFE.com wwrv.$l;lyth#"eom 5.t Cspyrl*ht O ?*n7. All righls rmexval. Slay the PE Thermal-Fluid Systems Practice Exam Errata. Problem 014. The numerical result for q_cond/A is incorrect. The math works out to be q_cond/A = 638 BTU/h/ft2 instead of 680 BTUft/fiA. This trickles down and in the end the correct answer is 668"F. We've changed choice (D) to make it 670oF. Problem 017. The problem statement has been changed to say "The time required (seconds) for the mid-plane temperature of the plate to drop to 220"F" as the answer of 8.6 seconds was obtained for 2200F. Problem 202.In the solution, the stoichiometric reaction for hydrogen is written as H2+0.5O2 --+ CO2, but it should be H2+0.5O2 --+H2O, the mass of the kmol of H2O is 18 kg, so the rest of the solution is correct. Problem 204.In the last line of the solution, the mass flow of water is written as795,670,600 lbm/tro. ur but it should be 795,670lbmlhour. The numerical result at the end is still correct. Problem 205. The given velocity at the spray nozzles should be 20 ff/s in the problem statement, not 40 ff/s. Problem 22S.The problem statement now states explicitly that it is a four-stroke engine. This was not mentioned before. Problem 234. The question at the end of the problem statement is a little clearer now, as it has been changed to: "The total length (ft) of each tube is most nearly:"