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Intermediate B1 English Tests: Modules 1-12

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ts s
Test: Module 1 ................................................................................................. 4
Test: Module 2 ................................................................................................ 7
Test: Module 3 ................................................................................................ 10
Test: Module 4 ................................................................................................ 13
Test: Module 5 ................................................................................................ 16
Test: Module 6 ................................................................................................ 19
Midterm Test: Modules 1-6 ........................................................................... 22
Test: Module 7 ................................................................................................ 28
Test: Module 8 ................................................................................................ 31
Test: Module 9 ................................................................................................ 34
Test: Module 11 ............................................................................................... 40
Test: Module 12 .............................................................................................. 43
Final Test .......................................................................................................... 46
Key to tests ..................................................................................................... 51
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 10 .............................................................................................. 37
M Test
intermediate B1
A. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1. John checked and went straight to his room for a shower.
2. Let’s sign for a French course.
3. Hi, we’re your new neighbours. We moved yesterday.
4. Come in. It’s so nice of you to drop .
5. As soon as Mr and Mrs Smith checked , they took a taxi to the airport.
6. How do you cope the stress of everyday life?
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you
do not need to use.
1. If everyone gets in the project, I’m sure it will be a success.
2. It’s good to various qualifications before you start looking for a job.
3. Dr Spikes is a well-known doctor in the local .
4. This room is too to fit a table and four chairs in.
5. She speaks so fluently that it’s difficult to tell she isn’t a(n) speaker.
6. William searched for weeks before he found a(n) residence.
7. When things go wrong, I feel disappointed and .
8. There are two cafeterias on .
C. Choose a, b or c.
1. Do you think you will ever get of cycling to
a. surroundings
a. tired
b. used
c. over
2. The public garden was so that I just had to go
b. inviting
c. narrow
3. Let’s go for a coffee so we can get know each
Copyright © MM Publications
b. for
c. belongings
b. filled
c. aware
7. Using a computer isn’t difficult. You just need to get .
the of it..
a. hang
other a little better..
a. to
b. loved ones
6. Just make sure you keep me on your latest
a. posted
and have a look..
a. luxurious
5. Fay packed her personal in a suitcase and left..
b. know
c. access
c. on
4. I’m sorry to you that there will be no
performance this evening..
a. adjust
b. observe
c. inform
Test - Module 1
intermediate B1
A. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
A: 1 (you / regret) moving to .
the countryside?
A: What 7 (Mary / do) these days?
B: She 8 (study) at Manford
B: No, I 2 (love) it here. .
I 3 (go) for a walk in the .
A: 9 (she / like) it there?
forest every day. In fact, I 4 .
(want) to buy a camera so I can start taking photos of
B: Yes, she 10 (send) me .
an email every week with all her news. Listen. .
I 11 (plan) on visiting her in
A: So, 5 (you / think) of .
two weeks. Why don’t you join me?
staying here forever?
B: Sure.
B: I 6 (not know), probably not.
B. Write the questions. The words in bold are the
/ 11
C. Rewrite the questions starting with the words given.
1. What did you study?
1. A: Can you tell me B: Kevin is fascinated by computer graphics.
2. Where can I buy furniture?
2. A: Do you know B: I bought a cottage in the countryside last year.
3. Is the flat in good condition?
3. A: I would like to know B: My cousins are staying for two weeks.
4. How do you spell your surname?
4. A: Could you tell me B: I want to fix the heating in my new house.
5. Are you looking for a new flatmate?
5. A: B: Linda misses her friends back home.
I was wondering .
1. What does the man always do before travelling to a
new country?.
a. He checks the Internet for cultural differences..
b. He buys a dictionary to learn some phrases..
c. He checks the climate and weather.
2. Why did the woman choose her place of residence?.
a. It was spacious..
b. It was furnished..
c. It was peaceful.
3. Where is the house, according to the advertisement?.
a. in the suburbs.
b. in a rural area.
c. in the city centre
4. What is NOT true about Jill?.
a. She moved out of her old flat..
b. A friend put her up..
c. She found a new flatmate.
Copyright © MM Publications
Listen to people talking in four different situations and answer the questions.
Test - Module 1
intermediate B1
Read and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.
With or without
a flatmate? by Patty Wells
Many people find it hard to decide whether to live on their own or with a
flatmate. I have experienced both situations and know the advantages and
disadvantages of each. Personally, I think living with a flatmate can be fun,
but there’s nothing quite like living by yourself.
When I was at university, I used to live with Lucy. I met her when term first
started and we quickly became good friends and then flatmates. I liked the
fact that I always had someone to talk to and I never felt lonely. Also, .
because we split the rent and the bills, we could afford a spacious flat. .
And, of course, not having to do all the housework myself worked out for me
as well. Overall, Lucy was a good flatmate, but there were a few drawbacks.
For example, once she had invited some friends over and .
I couldn’t study. We had a huge fight and had to set .
down some rules after that.
1. The writer prefers living by
herself to living with .
a flatmate.
2. The writer thinks that it is
important for flatmates .
to also be good friends.
3. The writer and her .
flatmate often argued .
about the expenses.
4. The writer faced no .
difficulties when she started
living on her own.
5. The writer wants to get .
a cat because she .
sometimes feels lonely.
Now I live on my own. I have been living on my own
since I got a job two years ago. Living by yourself
is completely different, because you get to make
all the decisions. However, you also have all the
responsibilities; for example, paying your bills and
doing the housework. However, I enjoy having
my personal space because I can do whatever .
I want without asking anybody! In the beginning,
because I was used to having another person
around, I felt lonely. I no longer do and .
I appreciate the peace and quiet. I can’t afford
anything big, but at least I’ve decorated my flat
exactly the way I want and I’m also thinking of
getting a cat.
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You have received the following email from a friend. Write a reply.
Copyright © MM Publications
Hi there,
Guess what! I’m coming to your town for a language course this summer. How cool is that?
But I need some help before I arrive.
I need to find a hotel near an underground station, as the language institute is in the city
centre. Do you know any cheap hotels in the area? Also, can you tell me if there are any
good places to hang out? And let me know if there is anything interesting going on this
summer, OK?
Get back to me soon,
intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b or c.
5. The boy the cat but he couldn’t catch it..
a. dragged
back . .
a. hurts
b. injures
c. harms
a. recover
c. ruined
b. extraordinary
c. endure
c. fatal
a. passersby
4. The from here to the supermarket is about .
b. residents
c. spectators
8. We were when we heard the news about the
a mile..
a. signal
b. treat
7. Twenty thousand watched the game at the
3. The race requires endurance..
a. annual
c. chased
better now..
b. destroyed
b. forced
6. It took the man a few weeks to , but he is .
2. Why did you tell her about the surprise? Now you a. damaged
1. I spent two hours at the gym yesterday and now my
missing child..
b. distance
c. landscape
a. stunned
b. tough
c. trapped
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not
need to use.
1. A pleasant blew as we were sitting on the bench.
2. Turn on the air conditioner. It’s in here.
3. The got worse as we drove up the mountain.
4. Did you see the ? A storm is coming.
5. The plane had an engine problem and at the nearest airport.
6. The film is based on a real .
7. They need to take more security if they want participants to feel safe.
C. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. The interviewed the winner of the race.
2. The plane crashed in the sea. Unfortunately, there were no .
4. How many participated?
5. I don’t think Jack is the most suitable person to be the of the group.
6. The were from many different countries.
Copyright © MM Publications
3. The museum showed the students around.
Test - Module 2
intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b or c.
1. He rugby very often, but after university he didn’t have much time to play. .
a. used to play
b. was playing
c. play
2. A: to Vanessa’s house last night?.
B: No, I couldn’t..
a. Did you use to go
b. Did you go
c. Were you going
3. Jack to set his alarm clock and woke up late..
a. didn’t remember
b. didn’t use to remember
c. wasn’t remembering
4. My parents us camping every summer when we were young..
a. were taking
b. use to take
c. used to take
5. The child in shock when the police officers found him..
a. was
b. used to be
c. was being
6. Is that the man who saved the girl that ? .
a. drowned
b. used to drown
c. was drowning
7. we reached the park, it started to rain..
a. As soon
b. While
c. As soon as
B. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. While I (walk) down the street, I (slip) on the icy pavement .
and (fall) down.
2. As soon as Betty (see) the snake, she (cry) for help. Luckily,
some hikers (camp) nearby and (hear) her. They immediately .
(run) to help. Betty (shake) with fear but .
(be) relieved.
3. The driver (speed) when he suddenly (lose) control of the
vehicle. The vehicle (skid) across the road and (crash) into .
a supermarket.
/ 14
Copyright © MM Publications
Listen to a news report and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.
1. Which city was the train’s destination?.
a. Amsterdam.
b. Brussels.
c. Rotterdam
3. How many people were seriously injured?.
a. 50.
b. 30.
c. 20
2. How many people died in the train crash?.
a. 18.
b. 3.
c. 21
4. What do the authorities say about the train crash?.
a. that there was engine trouble.
b. that the driver is the one responsible.
c. that they haven’t found the cause yet
Test - Module 2
intermediate B1
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.
On Sunday a helicopter carr ying
w levels in the Andes
was making a routine check of sno
a cabin and wave to
when they spotted a man run out
get their attention. The cabin was
Mount Aconcagua,
shelter 9,300 ft above sea level
the highest mountain in South Ame
Gomez Cincunegui, he
The man’s name is Raul Fernando
ost four months alone
is 58 years old and he had spent alm
raisins and sugar left in
in the cabin. He survived by eating
als and eating them.
the cabin, and by trapping small anim
e and was tired and
He lost 20 kilos during his time ther
rwise he was in good
weak when he was found, but othe
g well and should be
health. Hospital staff say he is doin
allowed to go home in a few day
n called Bella Unión,
Mr Gomez is from a Uruguayan tow
uay, Brazil and Argentina
where the three countries of Urug
part-time plumber and
meet. He is a health worker and
ke. On 11th May, he set
enjoys long journeys on his motorbi
ntains but his motorbike
off on a journey through the mou
to his family saying
broke down. He sent a text message
ney on foot. This was
he was planning to continue the jour
him as he lost his way
the last message they heard from
during a snowstorm.
ething was wrong and
By 19th May, his family realised som
teams were unable to
informed the authorities. Rescue
worst had happened.
find Mr Gomez, and they feared the
copter crew when they
It was quite a shock for the heli
how he had survived
found him. They couldn’t believe
let him use a phone to
for so long. In the helicopter, they
They were travelling to
call his wife, mother and daughter.
her said ‘I am so happy.
San Juan at the time and his mot
I always knew he was alive.’
2. What is true about Mr Gomez?.
a. He was injured when they rescued him..
b. He had survived thanks to his supplies..
c. He had to find his own food to survive.
3. Where was Mr Gomez at the time the article
was written?.
a. at home with his family.
b. living in a mountain climbing shelter.
c. in hospital
4. Why did Mr Gomez send his family a
a. to ask for help because he was in trouble.
b. to tell them he was not giving up.
c. to inform them he was returning on foot
5. What was the first thing Mr Gomez did when
he was found?.
a. He communicated with his family..
b. He asked the paramedics to take him .
c. He informed the authorities.
/ 10
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Read the writing task below and write your story.
An international magazine has organised a short story competition and you
have decided to enter. The competition rules say that the story must begin
with the following sentence:
Kevin was in the middle of nowhere and he didn’t know what to do.
Copyright © MM Publications
Argentinian officials
1. How did the helicopter crew find Mr Gomez?.
a. by accident.
b. They were checking mountain shelters in .
the area..
c. after spending months looking for him
M Tes
od t
intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b or c.
1. Mr and Mrs Grantham really enjoyed the of the old town..
a. tour
b. voyage
c. expedition
2. My brother wears two pairs of shoes a year..
a. on
b. up
c. out
3. I love travelling by train. I sit and enjoy the ..
a. highlight
b. scenery
c. schedule
4. It is absolutely for you to take your passport with you..
a. essential
b. illegal
c. typical
5. I the software on my laptop yesterday and now it’s running much faster..
a. compared
b. accessed
c. updated
6. Do you know what they use in Indonesia?.
a. landmark
b. currency
c. hassle
7. All flights leave from terminal 2..
a. departure
b. interactive
c. domestic
8. It was a , but I managed to get to the top of the mountain..
a. courage
b. delay
c. struggle
9. She gave me the that she didn’t want to talk about the issue in front of the others..
a. impression
b. opportunity
c. suggestion
10. Have you seen the new stadium? It’s !.
a. major
b. massive
c. frequent
/ 10
B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. Listen to the . They’re saying something about our flight.
2. The police officer asked Mary to give him a of the man she saw.
3. I sent an to that company but I haven’t received a reply.
4. What do you consider to be your greatest ? 5. Coming to this restaurant was because of Mark’s .
6. I accepted the job in Paris, but I’m not sure I made the right .
Copyright © MM Publications
Test - Module 3
intermediate B1
A. Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple, the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect
Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: 1 (you / sit) there all .
B: No. I 2 (go) to the corner .
shop after breakfast.
A: What 3 (you / get)?
B: Some carrot and apple juice.
A: Was it nice? I 4 (not try) it .
B: Not really.
2. A: 5 (Ray / call) yet?
B: Yes, he 6 (call) about five .
times so far. The last time 7 .
(be) about ten minutes ago.
A: 8 (he / say) what he wants .
to talk to me about?
B: No, just that he 9 (try) to .
reach you and that you 10 .
(avoid) him lately.
A: Oops.
/ 10
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets. Add the, than
or as where necessary.
1. The hotel we stayed at wasn’t (exotic) we expected.
2. Your work is getting and (good) every day. Keep it up!
3. Maria completed the exercise (easily) me. I had trouble finishing it.
4. Eric is working (long) hours these days. He wants to finish the project before .
the end of the month.
5. That was (enjoyable) holiday I have ever been on.
6. Jim’s car is (old) Ned’s. They bought them at the same time.
7. We started walking (fast) usual because we didn’t want to be late for the meeting.
8. I find this beach is (peaceful) place on the island. What do you think?
C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. This is the first time Alan has tried sailing.
Alan sailing before.
Tim was Gary about the result of the football match.
3. It started snowing at 6 a.m. and it hasn’t stopped yet.
It 6 a.m.
4. There isn’t a more impressive view on the island.
This is on the island.
Copyright © MM Publications
2. Both Tim and Gary were anxious about the result of the football match.
Test - Module 3
intermediate B1
Listen and match the speakers 1-5 with the statements a-f.
There is one extra statement which you do not need to use.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
a. I can’t afford to go on my ideal holiday.
b. I prefer to go on a simple stress-free holiday.
c. I’ve changed my mind about guided tours.
d. I enjoy meeting new people when I go on holiday.
Speaker 4
e. The best holiday is with friends.
Speaker 5
f. There’s no point in going on holiday if you don’t experience something new.
/ 10
Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.
Exotic Maldives
The Maldives is the smallest Asian country, with the smallest population and
land area. It consists of a group of 1,192 islands in the Indian Ocean. However,
only about 200 of them are populated. About 90 of the other islands are tourist
The Maldives is a breathtaking tourist attraction, with magnificent blue waters,
white sandy beaches and palm trees. It is ideal for people who are looking for
a peaceful place where they can swim in spectacular waters and enjoy calm,
tropical scenery. You can enjoy the Maldives at any time of the year, because the
mild and warm climate is year-long, with the best time being from December to
February. However, from May to November there may also be heavy storms and
1. Not all of the islands are
tourist destinations.
2. January is not a very .
good month to visit the
3. You will see different .
marine life depending on .
the time of year you go.
4. The sea level in the .
Maldives was lower in .
the past than it is today.
There are thousands of different species of fish and other underwater
creatures to see in the Maldivian waters, so one of the most popular
activities is scuba diving. Many say that the water is clear enough to
see fish passing at a distance of 50 yards! Across all of the islands,
there are many diving spots for those interested in exploring the
remarkable marine life, like sharks, colourful fish and beautiful corals
under the sea.
Copyright © MM Publications
The Maldives is the lowest country in the world, since it is only 4 feet
11 inches above sea level. One of the greatest dangers is that these
islands are slowly disappearing into the water because of climate
change. As temperatures are rising, the ice at the poles is melting
and as a result the sea level is rising. Scientists claim that in 100 years
many of these tropical islands will no longer exist.
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Think of an interesting park you have visited and write an article describing it.
Describe the park, say what attracts visitors to it and refer to any other special features.
intermediate B1
A. Circle the correct words.
1. You can trust Edward. He is very sociable / reliable.
2. I heard that they are renting / hiring new people in the sales department.
3. If you want to become a politician / vet, you need to be a good public speaker.
4. I like spontaneous / ambitious people who don’t really plan anything in their lives.
5. My brother has been working very hard for the past year. I think he should get a pay rise / an income.
6. Are you delighted / willing to work weekends? If you aren’t, I need to find someone else.
7. Natalie has many years of knowledge / experience in accounting.
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.
1. I think teaching is one of the most jobs.
2. Why did Chuck like that? I’ve never seen him so angry.
3. Lindsay doesn’t her emotions easily.
4. Mary went to university for better career .
5. Our new colleague doesn’t seem very and is a little lazy.
6. Judy has got all the to get the job.
7. In my opinion, quitting your job was a very decision.
C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.
1. You should dress formally for the interview so you can a good impression.
2. Alice always her hair by herself.
3. You know what? You aren’t any sense.
5. I’ve some research on the subject but I haven’t finished yet.
6. We’re counting on you, Suzy. your best!
Copyright © MM Publications
4. We an effort to finish the work on time, but unfortunately, we didn’t manage to.
Test - Module 4
intermediate B1
A. Circle the correct words.
1. You should have / must been more careful while you were riding your bicycle.
2. Tony needs / ought to go to the dentist right now. He’s in terrible pain.
3. You mustn’t / don’t need to bring a sleeping bag. I’ll lend you one.
4. Laura must / could be good at her job because she got a promotion.
5. She can’t / mustn’t have moved to Paris. She doesn’t know anyone there!
6. You didn’t have to / had better not come so early. Lessons start in half an hour.
7. This book seems familiar. I may have read / should have read it when I was young.
8. We couldn’t / mustn’t enter that room. It says ‘Staff only’.
9. You could die / have died in the car accident. You were lucky to survive.
10. Charlie shouldn’t / doesn’t have to forget to pick up the children from school today.
11. Lucy can’t be / been tired. She woke up ten minutes ago.
12. I may / must have time to make dinner tonight. If I do, do you want anything in particular?
/ 12
B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. It isn’t necessary to wear a uniform at work. HAVE
a uniform at work.
2. I’m almost certain that Sue isn’t out because she said she was tired.
Sue said she was tired so
at home.
3. It was wrong of you to lie to your boss.
to your boss.
4. There is a possibility that Taylor had an argument with his brother.
with his brother.
5. You should avoid staying up late when you work early in the morning.
staying up late when you work early in the morning.
/ 10
Copyright © MM Publications
Listen to a radio presenter interviewing a zookeeper and write T for True or F for False.
1. Bill Delaney has been a zookeeper all his life.
2. Bill has to make sure visitors to the zoo are safe.
3. Feeding the animals is one of Bill’s favourite jobs.
4. One of the lions recently injured Bill.
Test - Module 4
intermediate B1
Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
Tips for earning
a living as an artist
According to the writer,…
1. with a little work you can become a rich and
successful artist.
Most people believe that in the world we live in today, it’s
impossible to earn a living as an artist. Art is seen as more of
a spare-time activity than a full-time job. Well, being a rich and
successful artist is not possible for everyone, but with a little
work, you can pay the rent on time and go to sleep with a full
stomach every night.
The first mistake that artists make is to try and earn money by
doing only one activity. It’s good to have exhibitions and to do
public commission. It’s also a good idea to try and sell work
on the Web and to work as a teacher at a local school. On their
own, these activities don’t provide a lot of money, but a variety
of these will help you earn a living.
2. artists are advised to focus on an artistic activity
they are good at.
3. creating original work is essential to becoming
4. artists with low quality work rarely become
5. it is sometimes hard for artists to be organised.
In most jobs, it’s important to fit in and get along with your
colleagues. But for an artist the most important thing is to stand
out. In fact, being weird will be to your benefit. The less normal
your work is, the more people will remember it. If you develop
a style that is completely different and people like it, then you
will have more chances of selling. It may be frustrating, but
you often see artists becoming successful, not because of the
quality of their work, but because their ideas are out of the
Talent, imagination and creativity are essential for a professional
artist, and having the freedom to do whatever you want is
always nice. Being well-organised isn’t something we usually
recognise in an artist, but to be successful an artist also has to
keep this in mind. There is no clear road to success as an artist,
but if you act professionally and set your own deadlines, then
your chances are better.
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You have seen the following flyer. You are interested in taking part but you need more
information before you decide. You want to ask about the following:
• if experience is needed
• if accommodation is provided
• how long the programme lasts
Working Abroad (IOSWA)
a foreign country?
Are you interested in working in
ple from all over the world?
nce and interact with young peo
Do you want to get work experie
ad in any country they like.
ents to spend time working abro
The IOSWA allows university stud
l programme by living
icipated in this fun and educationa
Over 60,000 students have part
r choice.
and working in the country of thei
m, giving your name, age
Lisa Miller at lisamiller@ioswa.co
For more information, contact
type of work you would
are interested in going to and the
and saying which country you
like to do.
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International Organisation for Stu
M Tes
od t
intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Having a small handbag is easier to carry around but it’s not very ..
a. separate
b. outdated
c. practical
d. instant
2. You should read magazines to keep with fashion..
a. at all times
b. up to date
c. face-to-face
d. going
3. If you down the page, you will find links to more websites..
a. drag
b. scroll
c. press
d. tap
c. explain
d. interrupt
4. I’m sorry, but may I you for a second?.
a. continue
b. add
5. I tried to him, but he didn’t listen and hit his head on the shelf..
a. care
b. yell
c. beware
d. warn
6. The use of mobile phones is not in the library. Please go outside..
a. permitted
b. forbidden
c. illegal
d. supposed
7. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables is to your health..
a. effective
b. beneficial
c. protective
d. inconvenient
8. The museum shop is on the second floor..
a. located
b. allowed
c. commonplace
d. mentioned
9. The situation is dangerous and requires great ..
a. control
b. hazard
c. caution
d. manner
10. Maybe we should John’s parents that he isn’t feeling well..
a. notify
b. mention
c. refer
d. complain
/ 10
/ 10
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
gossip foreigner time-saving progress against
portable generation difference crossroads
1. Walter was a(n) in the country, with little knowledge of the language.
2. These clothes belong to an older .
3. It’s pretty rude to about other people.
4. We usually bring a(n) TV whenever we go camping in the countryside.
5. With this device you will have more time to relax and enjoy your spare time.
Copyright © MM Publications
6. As you can see, work is in on the new swimming pool.
7. The traffic lights at the near my flat don’t work.
8. Some people can’t tell the between the colours red and orange.
9. I want to become a nurse but I don’t like the idea of working night .
10. Stealing is the law.
Test - Module 5
intermediate B1
A. Complete with who, which, that, whose or where. If they can be omitted, put them in brackets.
1. That’s the annoying man was whistling during the film.
2. I have a friend second language is Swahili.
3. Ballswaith House, Lord Angleford used to live, is now a museum.
4. A tablet is a device you can easily carry around with you.
5. Mr Foster, lives on the fifth floor, is a lawyer.
6. This is the road leads to the park in Lormont Road.
7. The person I spoke to on the phone earlier told me to come here.
8. ‘Coffee Beans’, is a new café in my neighbourhood, makes the best cappuccino in town.
9. Mary Rogers, new book I have just finished reading, is a famous writer.
10. I want to go to the ice cream parlour we used to go when we were kids.
/ 10
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B. Join the following sentences using who, which, whose or where. Add commas where necessary.
1. This dress is made of silk. It is very expensive..
2. My cousin is a reporter. She works for the Daily News..
3. Fiona is my best friend. Her husband is a qualified chef..
4. This is the storage cabinet. We keep the cleaning products in here. .
5. Mrs Gibson is a PE teacher. She gave me permission to leave..
6. These are the items. You are required to take them with you..
1. What does the woman want to do?.
a. deactivate her account.
b. send a photo.
c. install a program
3. What is compulsory for the visitors?.
a. wearing a helmet.
b. using the emergency exits.
c. evacuating the building site
2. Which of the following does the woman mention?.
a. drive over the bridge to Langford Road.
b. walk along Bridge Street and take the first right.
c. drive along Bridge Street and take the second right
4. How was the man trying to get the woman’s .
a. by using gestures.
b. by whistling.
c. by sending her text messages
Copyright © MM Publications
Listen to people talking in four different situations and answer the questions.
Test - Module 5
intermediate B1
Read the texts and answer the questions below. Write D for Daniel, N for Nancy or P for Philip.
I spend a lot of .
my spare time on social media sites. I’ve got.
an account on many different ones because they.
help me stay in touch with my friends as well as meet.
new people with similar interests to mine. Actually,.
I don’t even use my phone to contact them that.
often anymore, because I am always.
online on a social media site. Additionally,.
these sites are great for organising events..
My cousin managed to inform people.
about a charity event in our town using.
just social media. Over 300 people.
attended the event..
It was amazing!
1. Who mentions that social media sites
can have their good and bad points?
2. Who uses social media sites mostly to
socialise with friends?
3. Who disagrees with how a family
member uses social media sites?
4. Who refers to the dangers of using
social media sites?
5. Who prefers using other ways of
I’m not a fan of social networking sites. .
In fact, I haven’t got an account on any one .
of them! I don’t want to put my personal .
information online for everyone to see and I don’t .
understand why other people haven’t got a .
problem with that. There are also a lot of viruses .
you can get from these sites that can damage .
your computer. Call me old-fashioned, .
but I actually enjoy talking.
on the phone with my friends.
and meeting them face-to-face..
It seems to me that sending .
an online message just .
isn’t the same!
Social media sites are pretty popular nowadays. So .
like everyone else, I use them to communicate with .
friends and play online games. However, the main reason .
I use them is to get information about news and events. .
They are pretty practical, but I think that some people .
overdo it and spend too much time on them. My sister, for .
example, constantly checks her online accounts and .
posts status updates about what she’s doing. .
I’ve told her a million times: nobody cares .
that you just had a sandwich!
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Copyright © MM Publications
Below is part of an email you have received from a friend. Write a reply.
I’m so excited about finally coming to visit you! I’m going to arrive by train on Monday
morning. I know you’re working. I want to go shopping in the city centre for a while. So,
just let me know where and when you want to meet up. Also, tell me how to get there,
because you know me – I haven’t got a GPS!
intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b, c or d.
a. awareness
b. responsibility
c. response
d. popularity
c. intended
d. revealed
c. of
d. with
c. accomplished
d. worked out
1. Debbie, it is your to keep your room clean..
2. George me for something I didn’t do. .
a. blamed
b. risked
3. All all, we had a great time yesterday..
a. in
b. out
4. Emily her goal and became a reporter. .
a. gained
b. set
5. Everyone was surprised by the team’s unexpected ..
a. concept
b. mission
c. victory
d. conclusion
c. height
d. speed
6. The of that building is remarkable. .
a. growth
b. altitude
7. A firefighter’s job is pretty , so not many people are able to do it. .
a. energising
b. demanding
c. appealing
d. satisfying c. secure
d. mature
8. I think my niece Tina is very for her age..
a. realistic
b. extensive
9. After his to finish the marathon, he never took part in a race again..
a. relief
b. disappointment
c. lack
d. failure
10. Did you see the news? A bear from the zoo!.
a. escaped
b. maintained
c. leaped
d. existed
/ 10
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
2. You have to get over your and do your homework. LAZY
3. Lake Baikal in southern Russia has a of about 5,300 ft.
4. My grandmother was known for her . KIND
5. Dan was to help me so I did everything by myself. 6. That is a very solution. It won’t work.
7. On second , let’s go out tonight.
8. My new colleague is but very eager to learn.
9. If you want to take up art, you need to have .
10. My grandmother can’t read or write. She’s . LITERATE
/ 10
Copyright © MM Publications
1. The waiter’s behaviour was very . I’m not eating here again.
Test - Module 6
intermediate B1
A. Complete the dialogues with the Future will, the Future be going to, the Present Simple or the Future
Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Ken, 1 you (do) me a favour, please?
B: Sure!
A: I 2 (cook) dinner later for a few of my friends but I haven’t got any chicken.
B: OK. I 3 (go) to the supermarket after I 4 (get) off work.
2. A: Any plans for tomorrow?
B: Well, my cousins from London are here and we 5 (visit) the National Museum. We’ve .
arranged to meet at 10 a.m. Would you like to join us?
A: Unfortunately, I can’t. I’m very busy with my new project. When 6 they
B: I’m not sure, but they 7 (return) to London by Friday.
A: That’s too soon. I 8 (not manage) to see them by then.
B: Maybe next time they come.
3. A: The meeting starts at 8 p.m. so I 9 probably (get) home late. B: I’m exhausted, so by the time you 10 (arrive), I 11 (fall) asleep.
A: OK, then. I 12 (see) you at breakfast.
/ 12
/ 10
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If you go to the supermarket, (you / get) some milk?
2. What would you do if you (win) a million pounds?
3. You should go to the mechanic if your car (break) down again.
4. I (join) a football team if I had some spare time.
5. Stan (not pass) unless he studies harder.
6. I (go) to the doctor if I were you.
7. When you (press) the button, the machine starts working.
8. If the children (not follow) the rules, they’ll get in trouble.
9. If I (can) drive, I wouldn’t have to take the bus.
Copyright © MM Publications
10. If Nancy (not live) near work, she would be late every day.
Listen to a conversation between two friends and write T for True or F for False.
1. Mark has wanted to quit his job for a few years now.
2. Mark feels insecure about leaving his job.
3. John is inexperienced in running a café.
4. John is unemployed at the moment.
Test - Module 6
intermediate B1
Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.
Y u r i.
Yuri Gagarin was born in the village of
Klushino in 1934, but grew up in the nearby
town of Gzhatsk. After graduating, he joined
the air force where he flew MiG-15 jet planes.
In 1960 Gagarin was chosen as one of the .
20 pilots to join the space programme.
The pilots went through tough physical training and psychological tests
to see whether they would be able to take part in the Vostok programme
which was designed to send the first human into space. Gagarin performed
well in training and was very popular with his fellow cosmonauts. When
they were asked who they would like to see fly first, all but three said
Gagarin. It also helped that he was only 5 ft 2 in tall, as there was little
space in the Vostok 1 capsule.
On 12th April 1961, Gagarin made history as the first human to travel to
space, and the first to orbit earth. The mission was a complete success and
Gagarin became an instant worldwide celebrity and travelled to Germany,
Canada, Egypt, Japan and Finland. Later he returned to Star City in
Moscow where the Vostok programme had begun. He spent seven years
working on a spacecraft that could be used many times.
1. Gagarin had always wanted to
travel to space.
2. Gagarin’s height made it difficult
for him to fly in the Vostok 1
3. In 1961 Gagarin accomplished
something nobody else had .
until then.
4. Gagarin died in space.
5. Armstrong and Aldrin were .
on the Vostok programme along .
with Gagarin.
Officials of the Vostok programme didn’t allow Gagarin to fly
planes for many years after his space voyage, because they were
worried about losing their hero in an accident. However, on 27th
March 1968 he was on a routine training flight with another flight
instructor, when his plane crashed and he died.
After his death, Gagarin was honoured in a variety of different
ways. The town where he grew up was renamed Gagarin, coins
were made with his face on them, and statues were created not
only in Russia but all over the world. But perhaps the biggest
honour was when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin flew to the moon
in 1969, and left a leather bag with medals commemorating Gagarin on
the surface.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of working out at a gym?
Copyright © MM Publications
Write an essay on the following topic:
M Mid t e
od rm
ule Test
intermediate B1
Choose a, b, c or d.
1. You paid £500 for that? You must be of your mind!
a. apart
b. away
c. off
d. out
c. gossip
d. yell
2. It was rude of George to Sam off like that.
a. say
b. tell
3. Mrs Benson called to her one o’clock appointment with the doctor.
a. inform
b. reserve
c. remind
d. confirm
4. I want a flatmate so we can share the .
a. services
b. measures
c. expenses
d. belongings
c. hurt
d. injured
5. The mud Sandra’s favourite shoes.
a. ruined
b. harmed
6. Vicky really Mandy’s help, so she bought her a gift.
a. appreciated
b. admired
c. endured
d. observed
c. treat
d. recover
7. It took me three weeks to from my injuries.
a. prove
b. remain
8. A: The engine of my car is making a strange noise and I don’t know what to do.
B: Just take it to a(n) .
a. consultant
b. vet
c. engineer
d. mechanic
9. Mark was because nobody in the restaurant spoke English and he was unable to communicate.
a. pleased
b. fascinated
c. frustrated
d. abandoned
c. fired
d. promoted
10. Nathan was so good at his job that he got .
a. rented
b. hired
11. The problem of air pollution is especially serious in areas.
a. rural
b. suburb
c. urban
d. suburban
12. Before you enter the building site, read these instructions. It’s for your own .
a. maintenance
b. protection
c. permission
d. warning
13. There was a(n) to my flight and I missed an important meeting.
a. departure
b. delay
c. arrival
d. overtime
14. I almost forgot to that I’ll be a little late tomorrow.
a. mention
b. reveal
c. refer
d. express
15. Frank a bad impression because he was late for the meeting.
a. made
b. did
c. put
d. got
16. Harry is a(n) person. He has never lied in his life.
Copyright © MM Publications
a. spontaneous
c. rational
d. courageous
17. James is very ambitious. He will definitely his goals.
a. obtain
b. do
c. achieve
d. get
18. The dentist asked his into pick up the phone.
a. participant
b. attendant
c. contestant
d. assistant
19. We went on a(n) to the desert while we were in Egypt.
a. voyage
b. honest
b. excursion
c. expedition
d. cruise
Midterm Test - Modules 1-6
intermediate B1
20. I’m fed with cleaning up after my flatmate all the time!
a. in
b. on
c. up
d. over
21. The police asked the eyewitness for a(n) of the man.
a. application
b. explanation
c. announcement
d. description
22. This room is ! Do you really need all the things in here?
a. spacious
b. cramped
c. furnished
d. luxurious
c. dropped
d. damaged
23. Jack’s computer got a virus and suddenly !
a. crashed
b. deactivated
24. Anthony is very for his age. He really needs to grow up!
a. unsuitable
b. immature
c. irrelevant
d. impractical
25. I thought that the of our trip was our visit to the castle.
a. highlight
b. opportunity
c. wonder
d. impression
26. We need to check by noon, otherwise we’ll have to pay extra.
a. away
b. in
c. out
d. up
c. getting
d. hearing
27. I’m not you. What do you mean?
a. catching
b. following
28. The plane crash survivor through the desert because he had injured his leg.
a. slid
b. floated
c. dragged
d. crawled
29. I have no about Ian’s success. I’m sure he’ll accomplish all his goals.
a. doubt
b. concept
c. awareness
d. thought
c. with
d. for
c. give
d. keep
30. It’s rude to make fun other people.
a. of
b. to
31. I always all my secrets to my older sister.
a. tell
b. say
32. The young girl woke up because of the loud .
a. breeze
b. lightning
c. thunder
d. shower
33. The exam was very so many of the students failed.
a. unappealing
b. demanding
c. unreliable
d. illiterate
34. William started shaking with when he saw the bear coming towards him.
a. fear
b. shock
c. anxiety
d. caution
35. You can adjust the of the bicycle seat if you want to.
b. depth
c. weight
d. growth
/ 35
Copyright © MM Publications
a. height
Midterm Test - Modules 1-6
intermediate B1
Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Paul, works in the restaurant across the street, is moving to Brazil next week.
a. who
b. where
c. which
d. that
c. used to walk
d. ’ve been walking
2. I found a wallet while I in the park.
a. walked
b. was walking
3. Mike jogging every day and he also played basketball once a week.
a. goes
b. used to go
c. is going
d. was going
4. Sam from university and now he is sending CVs to various companies.
a. has been graduating b. was graduating
c. has graduated
d. graduates
5. I think I’m coming down with the flu, so I stay at home today.
a. would
b. had better
c. need
d. ought
c. the last bus leaves
d. does the last bus leave
c. from
d. before
6. Would you please inform me what time ?
a. will the last bus leave b. leaves the last bus
7. Natalie has been working as a teacher 1997.
a. for
b. since
8. I can’t come over for dinner today because I work till late.
a. need
b. had to
c. have to
d. ought
9. You be tired. You’ve been working overtime all week.
a. should
b. could
c. must
d. will
10. That Mr Smith because he’s in Rome at the moment.
a. could be
b. must be
c. mustn’t be
d. can’t be
11. Fay camel before.
a. has never eaten
b. has never been eating c. never eats
d. was never eating
12. How much for that jacket? It’s really nice.
a. you did pay
b. you paid
c. did you pay
d. you pay
c. have been trying
d. ’m trying
c. that
d. whose
c. going to paint
d. ’m painting
13. I to reach Robert for days now.
a. tried
b. have tried
14. That’s the house I grew up.
a. which
b. where
15. I my flat this weekend. Will you help?
a. paint
b. ’ll paint
16. You won’t do well in your exam unless you harder.
Copyright © MM Publications
a. don’t study
b. will study
c. would study
d. study
17. Wendy an email when her computer crashed.
a. sends
b. has sent
c. was sending
d. sent
18. I to break the record for the 100 metres since I was a child.
a. been wanting
b. have wanted
c. was wanting
d. wanted
19. Tina was qualified applicant of all, so she got the job.
a. the most
b. more and more
c. more
d. the more
Midterm Test - Modules 1-6
intermediate B1
20. As soon as I into the house, I knew that something was wrong.
a. walked
b. have walked
c. was walking
d. have been walking
21. The students took part in the recycling programme will all receive an award.
a. whose
b. that
c. who they
d. which
c. won’t rain
d. doesn’t rain
c. that
d. which
22. If it , we’ll have a barbecue.
a. didn’t rain
b. wouldn’t rain
23. That’s the man car I bought.
a. who
b. whose
24. Sandy would open up a café if she the chance.
a. has
b. had
c. will have
d. would have
25. You to your boss like that. Now you’ve lost your job.
a. can’t talk
b. shouldn’t talk
c. can’t have talked
d. shouldn’t have talked
c. will cook
d. is cooking
c. much more
d. as
26. My sister dinner by the time we arrive.
a. cooked
b. will have cooked
27. My new job is interesting than my old one.
a. most
b. much
28. If I were you, I a hard hat; construction sites are dangerous.
a. will wear
b. wear
c. would wear
d. have worn
c. you see
d. saw you
c. most successful
d. successfully
29. What when you opened the door?
a. you saw
b. did you see
30. The firefighters evacuated the building .
a. successful
b. more successful
31. Iris what you mean. Why don’t you try to explain it to her again?
a. isn’t understanding
b. don’t understand
c. doesn’t understand
d. she doesn’t understand
c. may not have missed
d. may have missed
c. will have bought
d. am buying
32. Vicky’s late. She the bus.
a. can miss
b. may not miss
33. A: We have run out of milk again.
B: I some on my way back from work.
a. will buy
b. buy
34. There is something wrong with the washing machine . Can you call the technician?
a. that bought
b. which bought
c. we bought
d. where we bought
c. more sociable
d. sociable
a. not as sociable
b. as sociable
/ 35
Copyright © MM Publications
35. Victor is as his brother. He is very shy.
Midterm Test - Modules 1-6
intermediate B1
Listen to people talking in five different situations and answer the questions. Choose picture a, b or c.
1. What does the woman advise the man to do?
2. What was the woman’s previous home like?
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
4. How did the woman travel?
Copyright © MM Publications
5. Where did the man go hiking?
/ 10
Midterm Test - Modules 1-6
intermediate B1
Read and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.
Saved by a dolphin
by Jack Webster
Whenever I find some spare time, I like to go fishing.
Unlike most of my friends, I like to go fishing alone so
I can enjoy the peace and quiet. Once, I was out fishing from about 4
a.m. to around 10 a.m. I had caught plenty of fish so I decided to take
a little break. I put on my headphones and just sat back to enjoy the
music and the fresh air. I was so relaxed that I must have fallen asleep,
because I have no idea how my boat overturned.
When I came up to the surface, the water all around me was red.
‘Sharks can smell blood!’ I thought. I checked to see if my head was
injured because it hurt, but it wasn’t. As I was trying to see where
the blood was coming from, I spotted something moving under the
water. I quickly swam to my boat and attempted to turn it over but it
was no use. Suddenly, I felt something touch me on my arm. I couldn’t
help but scream. I turned around and saw the fish that I had caught
earlier floating on the surface. I felt relieved the blood wasn’t mine.
However, that wasn’t going to stop the creature below me.
All of a sudden, something rose to the surface. I was scared stiff! To
my surprise and relief, it was a dolphin, which started pushing me
away from the boat. I found it strange, but decided to let the dolphin
guide me. I didn’t feel very safe around all that blood anyway. As I was
swimming away, the dolphin pushed me even harder and then I heard
a loud splashing noise. I turned around and saw a shark eating my
fish. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I started shaking with fear, knowing
that I was next. The dolphin pushed me again to start swimming,
and that’s when I realised what it was doing. After what seemed
like forever, I saw a fishing boat and started waving and yelling, but
nobody heard or saw me. Then I saw something remarkable. The
dolphin swam towards the fishing boat and began jumping out of the
water. It got their attention and led them to me. I couldn’t believe it.
I was safe!
Since my narrow escape, I have come up with the idea to start an
organisation to help protect dolphins. I am very excited and hope
that I will have set up the organisation by the end of the month. My
brother, who I always go fishing with since that day, is helping me
out. He’s really looking forward to saving dolphins, too.
1. What was Jack doing
when the boat overturned?
a. enjoying the view
b. listening to music
c. fishing
d. sleeping
2. Where did the blood come from?
a. his head
b. his arm
c. the fish
d. the creature in the water
3. What did Jack do when he saw the dolphin?
a. He pushed it.
b. He went in the same direction.
c. He screamed.
d. He swam away from it.
4. How did the dolphin help Jack?
a. It kept the shark away.
b. It showed the other boat where Jack was.
c. It guided Jack to shore.
d. all of the above
5. What is true about Jack?
a. He has never been fishing alone since the
b. He has started an organisation that
protects dolphins.
c. He tries to help dolphins escape from
different dangers.
d. none of the above
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/ 100
Guess what! I’ve just found out about this great volunteer programme at a children’s
hospital in the city centre. It’s a great opportunity to help children and it’s really easy to
get there with public transport. I know that you want to do volunteer work so I thought you
would be interested in doing this with me. The only problem is that if we want to take part
in this programme we need to inform them ahead of time about the hours and the days that
we are available. We also need to tell them which months we are interested in volunteering
for. So, what do you say?
Copyright © MM Publications
You have received the following email from a friend. Write a reply.
M Tes
od t
intermediate B1
A. Complete with the correct prepositions.
1. I don’t mind the headaches. I just can’t cope
2. The village really benefited
3. I insist
the nausea.
having running water.
paying for the meal.
4. Two cheetahs escaped
the zoo last night.
5. The police have tried talking to the two men, but they just won’t cooperate
6. I’d like to congratulate you
winning first prize in the photography competition.
B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. The climbers kept climbing up the mountain. They wanted to reach the
a. peak
b. gulf
2. Suzanne was angry when Wayne
a. struggled
before it got dark.
c. canal
d. range
over a glass of orange juice on her new rug.
b. rushed
c. attacked
3. We take many things, like running water or electricity, for
d. knocked
and forget that some people haven’t got access to
a. granted
b. obvious
4. The purpose of this talk is to
a. link
7. I know for a
a. doubt
b. limited
Copyright © MM Publications
d. raise
c. filthy
d. extinct
out of the window.
b. gazing
c. relying
d. increasing
that Josie drove to work yesterday morning.
b. fact
8. The number of students at our school has
a. died
c. consume
on the living room floor and called a doctor.
6. When I entered the room, Mary was
a. heading
d. fact
awareness of endangered species in Asia.
b. grab
5. We found Mr Collins
a. unconscious
c. instant
c. certain
d. sure
c. decreased
d. sunk
this year.
b. depended
C. Match the adjectives 1-7 with the strong adjectives a-g.
1. small
5. unhappy
a. thrilled
e. miserable
2. angry
6. big
b. furious
f. fascinating
3. excited
7. scared
c. gigantic
g. terrified
4. interesting
d. tiny
Test - Module 7
intermediate B1
A. Complete with the Past Simple, the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Progressive of the verbs
in brackets.
1. By 4 p.m. I
(feel) exhausted. I
(shop) since 10 a.m.
(be) pleased with myself, though, because I
(buy) a
beautiful, cheap pair of boots.
2. By the time Wendy
(get) to the bus stop, the bus
3. Isabel
(wait) for half an hour when the waiter finally
her order.
4. Oliver and Fred really
(enjoy) the museum. They
(not be)
there before.
/ 10
/ 13
B. Complete using a, an, the or - .
Tasmania is
fish in
Andes is
longest mountain range in
4. In all countries,
police officers usually wear
island just off
coast of
lake near my house are really big.
5. Last Sunday we went on
they went straight to
day trip. When we got back home, the children were so exhausted
Listen to a radio interview and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.
a. in the town where Tim lives
3. What did Tim do when he saw that the house had
b. at a river near where Tim lives
a. He climbed up onto the roof.
c. in the village where Tim’s uncle has a house
b. He went back to the bedroom.
2. What is true about Tim on the night of the flood?
a. He drove through the storm.
c. He tried to go downstairs.
4. Why didn’t Tim speak to the emergency services?
b. He ate something and went to bed.
a. The phone wasn’t working.
c. He woke up because of the storm.
b. He heard them coming.
c. He decided to shout for help instead.
Copyright © MM Publications
1. Where did the flood take place?
Test - Module 7
intermediate B1
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.
My Dead Sea Experience
by Jeff Gibbs
I had been to Jordan a few times and I always enjoyed myself. On my
last visit, I decided to go to the Dead Sea, a place I had always wanted
to visit. The Dead Sea has been attracting visitors for thousands of
years. The shoreline of the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth not
covered by water, and the salt and minerals in the water are supposed
to be very good for your skin and health in general.
Arriving there, I noticed that all the rocks on the beach were covered
in salt. I immediately understood where the Dead Sea gets its name
from. The water has 30% salt so no plants or animals can survive.
There was a sign saying ‘NO DIVING’ and ‘SWIM ON YOUR BACK’,
but I thought they were warnings for people who couldn’t swim. I soon
realised that you don’t need to be able swim in the Dead Sea. In fact,
swimming isn’t really possible, as floating is all you can do. But it is a
very pleasant experience, and I could see why people compare it to
floating in space.
It was a very hot day and lying on the water was very relaxing.
However, I soon started getting hot lying on my back, as the water
wasn’t exactly cool. So, I decided to turn over. Big mistake! My head
went under, and I took in a mouthful of water. It tasted disgusting, but
that wasn’t my main problem. My eyes were
stinging! I was almost blind from the tears, and
I ran out to the fresh water showers nearby
to wash the salt out.
Copyright © MM Publications
A group of Tunisian tourists thought it
was hilarious, but it took me a while to
see the funny side. They came out to
make sure I was OK, and advised me
to take a mud bath. I wasn’t sure in
the beginning, but they persuaded me
it was worth it, and they were right.
It felt amazing, and after the evening
sun had dried the mud, I went back into
the sea to wash it off, making sure
I stayed on my back this time.
1. What is NOT true about the Dead
a. It has been a popular place for
a long time.
b. There is no place on land lower
than its shoreline.
c. It didn’t use to be covered
with water in the past.
d. People believe its salt and
minerals are good for you.
2. Why didn’t the writer swim in the
Dead Sea?
a. because of the signs
b. because he didn’t know how
c. because he found floating
more pleasant
d. because there was too much
salt in the water
3. Why did the writer get out of the
a. because he got salt water in
his eyes
b. because he swallowed some
salt water
c. because he wanted a shower
to cool down
d. because he didn’t like the
temperature of the water
4. What did the Tunisian tourists do?
a. They laughed at the writer when
he was taking a mud bath.
b. They advised the writer to take
a mud bath to help his eyes.
c. They persuaded the writer to try
something he didn’t really want
to do.
d. They advised the writer to
avoid doing something.
/ 10
/ 70
Write a story beginning with the following sentence.
Jumping off the waterfall seemed like a good idea at the time.
Your story must include:
• a map
• some rope
intermediate B1
A. Match the words 1-8 with the words a-h.
1. acid
5. global
a. dioxide
e. drink
2. alternative
6. immune
b. warming
f. pressure
3. carbonated
7. toxic
c. energy
g. system
4. carbon
8. blood
d. waste
h. rain
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
cut down on
closed down
result in
speed up
point out
stick to
1. You can’t go to the supermarket down the street. It
2. If we just
ended up
looked into
about a month ago.
the plan, everything will be alright.
3. We were late and we
missing our flight.
4. I would like to
the dangers of careless driving, so please pay attention.
5. Bobby
carbohydrates because he wanted to lose weight.
6. If you want to finish before noon, you should
7. I
a bit.
the issue and I found an easy solution.
8. Deforestation can
global warming.
/ 10
C. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. He became a vegan, so he cut meat and dairy products completely
a. out
b. down
2. Unfortunately, in many countries water is
a. affordable
3. I think the
d. away
and people have to walk for miles to find it.
b. expanding
c. scarce
d. devastating
caused by vehicles in the city is becoming worse and worse.
a. smog
b. dust
c. gas
d. threat
c. produced
d. discovered
a hidden cave while hiking in the mountains.
a. created
b. invented
5. Vegetables like aubergines and
a. apricots
are good for you.
b. oatmeal
c. calcium
d. cauliflower
6. Improving your eating habits and increasing physical activity are ways to
a. function
b. replace
7. I hope this piece of cheesecake is low in
a. calories
8. Food and
a. materials
b. minerals
c. prevent
10. There are many
a. vendors
d. exclude
. I’m on a diet.
c. vitamins
d. grains
c. substances
d. chemicals
are not allowed in the library.
b. beverages
9. New measures are being taken to help with the problem of traffic
a. completion
Copyright © MM Publications
4. We
of his diet.
c. from
b. congestion
c. criticism
in the city.
d. attack
outside the stadium selling sandwiches and other street food.
b. monuments
c. enemies
d. intruders
Test - Module 8
intermediate B1
A. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice. Start with the words given.
1. People believe that she is a great scientist.
It 2. The students have planted trees around the school.
Trees 3. They are building a new museum in the town centre.
A new museum 4. They gave Tom an award.
Tom 5. We should pay the electricity bill by tomorrow.
The electricity bill 6. Our company will hold a charity event next week.
A charity event 7. Scientists say that fossil fuels cause global warming.
Fossil fuels 8. We paint our flat every year.
Our flat /8
B. Circle the correct words.
1. Anybody can take / can be taken part in the race.
2. The residents were being cleaned / were cleaning up the beach yesterday.
3. Sugar considers / is considered to be harmful to our teeth.
4. Many houses have damaged / have been damaged by the floods in the area.
5. The furniture may deliver / may be delivered to your home tomorrow, so let us know what time you’ll be there.
6. At this hotel, they serve / are served breakfast from 6 to 9 a.m.
7. The boots I’m wearing made / were made in Italy.
8. All the employees will invite / will be invited to attend the lecture.
Copyright © MM Publications
Listen and match the speakers 1-4 with the statements a-e. There is one extra statement
which you do not need to use.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
a. You don’t have to change your whole life to do something for the environment.
b. I try to live an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.
c. Sometimes trying too hard to protect the environment can make the problem worse.
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
d. I don’t think we should worry about the environment.
e. We must protect the environment for the benefit of our health as well.
Test - Module 8
intermediate B1
Read the text and write RC for Rocking Chair, MS for Musical Safety or SS for Sunny Security.
Green Inventions
The number of electronic devices that exist is massive and new devices are
being invented all the time. But do we ever stop to think if all these devices are
environmentally-friendly and whether we are harming the environment for our
‘comfort’? Well, luckily, more and more people going ‘green’. As a result, many new
green inventions are being made. Here are just a few of the latest.
Rocking Chair
This green invention allows you to produce energy
while sitting and relaxing. All you need to do is
rock back and forth to produce energy from your
movement. All this energy can then be used to power
electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops.
You just plug in the devices to a USB connection which
is located on the rocking chair. It’s ideal for public
places where people need to wait for a long time.
1. This invention is
ideal for active
2. You can charge
your gadgets while
using this invention.
3. This invention
doesn’t need you
to keep moving so
that it can produce
4. You may find this
invention at airports
and train stations.
5. This invention can
also keep you safe
from injury.
Musical Safety
This helmet has speakers inside it and is perfect for cyclists,
skateboarders, snowboarders and anyone else who wants
to listen to music but doesn’t want to use headphones. You
don’t need to use batteries or charge it before you leave
your house because it uses your movement to produce
energy so that it can work. All you have to do is choose your
favourite music and just keep moving. This way you can be
safe, have fun and listen to music at the same time!
Most security systems use a lot of energy, but not Sunny
Security. This invention can power itself. All it needs is
the sun. It has solar panels which collect energy from
the sun so you don’t have to worry about wasting any
electricity for it to work. Also, the alarm is just as loud
as any ordinary alarm system so you will definitely
hear it!
/ 10
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/ 70
Write an essay on the following topic:
Cars should be banned from the city centre. Do you agree?
Copyright © MM Publications
Sunny Security
M Tes
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intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b, c, or d.
1. I’m afraid this particular model is out of
a. cash
b. sale
2. You should
c. budget
d. stock
everything into consideration before you make a decision.
a. take
b. give
3. Her first
c. make
d. look
c. preference
d. factor
when she saw the bear was to run.
a. instinct
b. pick
4. That watch is really nice and look at how cheap it is. It’s a
a. steal
b. rip-off
5. Betty absolutely
graphic novels.
a. pretends
b. appeals
6. Advertisements can easily
a. analyse
c. fortune
d. sale
c. adores
d. tends
c. influence
d. combine
c. autobiographies
d. fiction
the choices we make.
b. question
7. I don’t like reading
. I like true stories.
a. biographies
b. chapters
8. The book was very appealing because it had
a. vivid
descriptions of the places and characters.
b. ongoing
c. classic
d. dull
B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. I think you’ve
my name. It’s with a double ‘b’.
2. Your father would
3. Victor
of your rude behaviour.
his car keys and now he can’t find them.
4. I didn’t buy the book because there was a(n)
queue at the till and
I didn’t have time to wait.
5. It isn’t right to
older people.
6. There’s a problem with the
connection on my laptop.
7. She must have
me. I told her to come to the 3rd floor, not the 2nd.
C. Complete with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.
1. Ever since I gave them my email address, they have
Copyright © MM Publications
2. Kelly won’t lend you any money, because she’s usually
4. Jessica has a wide
of skills that will be useful for this job.
6. If you could
7. Britney
at this time of the month.
about the service at this restaurant.
5. This crossword is pretty
me with spam.
3. I’d like to make a(n)
. I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it.
me some cash, I could buy that game console.
around the shop for a while, but she didn’t buy anything.
8. We haven’t got many chairs, but you can sit on one of those
9. I can’t understand Diane very well. She has a strong Australian
Test - Module 9
intermediate B1
A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Charlie enjoys
(travel) but he can’t stand
2. It was kind of you
(lend) me your car for tonight.
3. My best friend made me
4. It’s no use
(go) anywhere by car.
(promise) not to tell her secret to anyone.
(call) him on his mobile phone. He left it at home.
5. A: I don’t know how
(use) this gadget.
B: Read the instruction manual
(get) an idea.
6. Mark wants
(work) abroad so he’s thinking of
7. Tina’s not old enough
(move) to Poland.
(drive). She has to wait till she’s sixteen.
/ 10
B. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given.
1. I’d rather eat some ice cream than vegetables.
I’d prefer 2. I think it’s a good idea to ask the receptionist for information.
How about 3. The teacher said that I should read more novels.
The teacher advised 4. Brian doesn’t want to eat at the Chinese restaurant tonight.
Brian would rather 5. Making important decisions when there isn’t much time is stressful.
It’s stressful 6. Please call me when you get there; don’t forget.
Please remember 7. Tony’s parents don’t allow him to drive the car at night.
Tony’s parents don’t let 8. If you get seasick so easily, you should try not to travel by ship.
You should avoid Listening
Listen to people talking in four different situations and answer the questions. Choose picture a, b or c.
2. What does Pete want to do tonight?
4. How much did the man spend at the supermarket?
Copyright © MM Publications
3. What is the man complaining about?
1. What is the woman most likely to buy?
Test - Module 9
intermediate B1
Read the text and write R for Robert, H for Henry or B for Brian.
I can’t start my day right if I don’t have a nice cup of coffee and about twenty
minutes to read the newspaper in the morning. That’s why my daughter bought
me an e-reader about a month ago. Initially, I didn’t really use it. It just seemed
too complicated. But she kept telling me that it takes about 75,000 trees to
print only the Sunday edition of a newspaper. I have to say that that piece
of information and the fact that I bought a newspaper every single morning
really influenced me. Now I only use my e-reader to read the news. Of course,
sometimes I still miss the smell of a newspaper in the morning.
Robert, Bradford
I’m really into technology. So, when a new gadget comes out, I rush to get a
hold of it as soon as possible. I really believe that they make our lives so much
easier. Don’t get me wrong! I also care about the environment, so I always
recycle all my old gadgets. Anyway, when the first e-readers appeared, I was
really excited and I immediately bought one. I downloaded my favourite books
and subscribed to various e-magazines and e-newspapers. But, eventually
I became very dissatisfied with it. My battery just kept running out. This is
very annoying, especially when you’re in the middle of reading something very
interesting. So now I prefer the way I used to read. It’s just simpler.
1. This person uses
e-readers because he
wants to protect the
2. This person doesn’t
read books only on
3. This person lost
his enthusiasm for
4. This person found it
difficult to use his
e-reader at the
5. This person believes
that e-readers are
more convenient.
Henry, Derby
I must have hundreds of books in my house. I love the idea of holding a
paper book in my hands and turning the pages as I read. I love their smell
and the way they feel. However, I have to admit that e-readers have certain
advantages. They are lighter to carry around and you can have over a
hundred books with you at all times. You can even subscribe to your favourite
magazines and have access to them whenever you like. Another great thing
about them is that you can adjust the size of the letters and make them bigger.
Also, you don’t have to worry about the light in a room being good because
the screen is bright enough. This is very important for me, because I have a
problem with my eyes and I shouldn’t tire them. I use my e-reader to read
e-magazines and for the news, but when it comes to books, most of the time
I choose the old-fashioned way.
Copyright © MM Publications
Brian, Dublin
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Write a book review about a book you read and didn’t like.
intermediate B1
A. Circle the correct words.
1. Why did you order four pizzas? Are you out of your mind / order?
2. Stay out of shape / sight while I go and see what’s going on.
3. I would rather talk about the situation in charge / person.
4. I’m sorry, but using my car to drive to Scotland and back is out of the reach / question.
5. Just try and stay in / out of trouble this time.
6. I love reading books, crime fiction in general / particular.
7. Steven has been in / out of work since he got fired last year.
B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. As we were
through the streets of the town, we got lost.
a. gathering
b. wandering
2. Most of the works of art on
a. display
c. approaching
are from local artists.
b. exhibit
3. It’s important to
d. proceeding
c. venue
d. sight
up before you do any physical exercise, so that you don’t injure your muscles.
a. pull
b. warm
c. sign
4. Most of my old university friends lost
a. contact
with one another a few years after graduating.
b. temper
c. patience
5. I couldn’t find all the ingredients for the cake so I had to
a. support
b. summarise
a. one
d. improvise
b. cause
7. You should water the plants every
d. interest
c. persuade
6. Please donate whatever you can. It’s all for a good
a. fund
d. lift
c. donation
d. plan
day in the winter.
b. after
c. other
d. each
C. Complete with the words in the box.
1. Tommy and Richard had a
of a time at Andy’s house on Saturday night.
2. Has it ever crossed your
that some people might not like your lemon cake?
3. You can kill two birds with one
by taking me to the airport, and going to the
Copyright © MM Publications
supermarket on your way home.
4. Learning to edit photos on the computer was a
5. Do you want to
6. To
of cake.
a bite to eat before we go out?
Tom up, I told him he sang like a cat with toothache.
7. My father really gets a
8. That’s great news! You just made my
out of watching my brother play football.
Test - Module 10
intermediate B1
A. Rewrite the statements using Reported Speech.
1. ‘I must learn to do a somersault,’ said Ted.
Ted said 2. ‘Jenny pulled a muscle at the gym yesterday,’ said Mary.
Mary told me 3. ‘I haven’t seen the sequel yet,’ said Nicola.
Nicola said 4. ‘We’ll raise a lot of money with the charity event,’ Fiona said to me.
Fiona told me 5. ‘I’m going to start weight training next week,’ Harry said to Roy.
Harry informed Roy 6. ‘I may miss lunch because I’ve got an important meeting,’ Annie said.
Annie explained score
B. Rewrite the questions using Reported Speech.
1. ‘When did you buy this video game?’ Fay asked Joanne.
Fay asked Joanne 2. ‘Can you help me with the housework tomorrow morning?’ Linda asked me.
Linda asked me 3. ‘Where are my gloves?’ wondered Ethel.
Ethel wondered 4. ‘Have you been waiting long?’ Samantha asked Oliver.
Samantha asked Oliver 5. ‘What is Jack doing in the back garden?’ Wayne asked.
Wayne wanted to know 6. ‘Does your sister like drawing?’ Wendy asked me.
Wendy asked me C. Rewrite the commands and requests using Reported Speech.
1. ‘Take this folder to Mr Jenkins,’ Rick said to Colin.
Rick asked Colin 2. ‘Don’t get out of your car,’ the police officer said to me.
The police officer ordered me Copyright © MM Publications
3. ‘Children, stand in a row,’ said Miss Taylor.
Miss Taylor asked the children 4. ‘Don’t take my car again!’ Lionel said to his brother.
Lionel told his brother 5. ‘Show me your latest skateboard trick, please,’ Charlie said to Pete.
Charlie asked Pete 6. ‘Don’t dismount until we reach the farm,’ the instructor said to me.
The instructor told me 38
Test - Module 10
intermediate B1
Listen to two friends talking about university clubs and write T for True or F for False.
1. You have to pay a small fee to join clubs at the university. 2. Julie doesn’t want to join the gamers club.
3. Brian has bad memories of playing in a sports team.
4. Julie used to be good at art.
5. Brian and Julie decide to start their own club.
/ 10
Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
The Boston Marathon
1. The first modern-day
marathon was held in 1897.
Every year on the third Monday in April, people from all over the world compete
in the Boston Marathon. The first race was held in 1897, inspired by the success of
the first modern-day marathon of the 1896 Summer Olympics. Apart from being
the world’s oldest annual marathon, it is also one of six major ones held around the
2. The Super Bowl is more
popular than the Boston
The Boston Marathon was originally a local event, but over the years has attracted
a growing number of both professional and amateur runners from all 50 states
and over 90 countries. Back in 1897, only 18 people competed; however, nowadays
the event attracts an average of 20,000 participants each year. And, with about
500,000 spectators each year, it is also the most popular sporting event in New
England and the second biggest single-day sporting event in the US, just behind the
Super Bowl.
4. The Boston Marathon
has always had races for
disabled people.
3. The Boston Marathon is
always held on 19th April.
5. The Boston Marathon
starts in Boston city centre.
The race is always held on Patriots’ Day,
a state holiday in Massachusetts that
commemorates the anniversary of the Battles
of Lexington and Concord on 19th April, 1775.
Until 1969, Patriots’ Day was every 19th of
April, whichever day of the week that fell on.
However, in 1969 the holiday (and the Boston
Marathon itself) was moved to the third
Monday in April, now known as ‘Marathon
Monday’ by local residents.
The Boston Marathon is a difficult race and consists of 26 miles and 385 yards of
winding, hilly suburban roads, as well as the busy city streets of Boston city centre,
where the finish line is located at Copley Square near the Boston Public Library.
Write an article about an event that you attended and enjoyed.
Give information about the event, as well as your opinion.
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The Boston Marathon even offers the challenge to disabled people. In 1975, the
Boston Marathon became the first major marathon to include a wheelchair race. In
addition to this, it also has a race for the blind and visually impaired.
M Tes
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intermediate B1
A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. The fire gave a warm
to the room.
a. spectacle
b. explosion
c. glow
d. sunlight
2. Your headaches might get better if you start a special medical
a. adjustment
b. treatment
3. We have been
c. symptom
d. effect
c. committing
d. scheduling
this moment for a long time.
a. aiming
b. anticipating
4. I think you should
a doctor about your sleep disorder.
a. advise
b. consult
5. If you’re tired, why don’t you
a. have
d. recommend
c. receive
d. get
a nap?
b. sleep
6. Lately, Katie seems
c. cure
. We should do something to cheer her up.
a. delightful
b. outrageous
7. We should try to solve this problem
a. with
c. inadequate
d. depressed
c. for
d. about
all costs.
b. at
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. There are two phrasal verbs
which you do not need to use.
fall behind
give up
meet up
stay up
1. That was a nice story. Did you
2. After I
hung up
figure out
make up
keep up
, I realised I had forgotten to tell Sally something and dialled her number again.
3. No matter what I said, I couldn’t persuade her to change her mind, so in the end I
4. I
sleep in
late last night and now I’m exhausted.
5. I can’t
how this machine works. Can you help me?
6. If you
the hard work, you’ll soon get a promotion.
7. Mark is spending too much time playing sports and he’s started to
in his school work.
C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. The view from the top of the skyscraper was
Copyright © MM Publications
2. You should have a(n)
appearance at the job interview.
3. Peter decided to find out more about his
4. We had a
new neighbour.
time at camp this summer.
5. I knew she would react like that. She is so
6. He scored 25 points in one game? That’s
Test - Module 11
intermediate B1
A. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
1. Despite having a cold, Betty went to work. ALTHOUGH
Betty went to work 2. Even though I was tired, I couldn’t sleep.
I couldn’t sleep 3. Clark wrote the dentist’s address down in order to remember it.
Clark wrote the dentist’s address down 4. We stayed in the car until the rain stopped because we didn’t want to get wet.
We stayed in the car until the rain stopped 5. Penny wants to join a gym so that she can stay in shape.
Penny wants to join a gym score
/ 10
B. Complete the sentences with all, both, neither, nor, none, either, or.
of my classmates did their homework. I was the only one who did.
3. We can
Tiffany liked the cake I made. They thought it wasn’t sweet enough.
have a sandwich
a salad. Which do you prefer?
4. My brother speaks two foreign languages and he learnt
of them at secondary school.
of them is a doctor. Kevin is a teacher and Cynthia is a lawyer.
6. Mark has got lots of friends, but
7. You can
lie to Julie
8. This race is for
9. I buy
live in his neighbourhood.
tell her the truth. It’s up to you to choose.
amateurs and professionals.
my clothes during the sales. I can’t afford to shop at any other time.
/ 12
Listen to people talking in four different situations and answer the questions.
3. Why is the man calling his friend to pick him up?
a. His headlights aren’t working.
a. surfing the Net
b. He’s injured.
b. watching a film
c. He got a flat tyre.
c. reading a book
2. What is the student suffering from?
4. What does the woman think they saw in the sky?
a. an aeroplane
a. lack of sleep
b. the Big Dipper
b. lack of concentration
c. a comet
c. stress
Copyright © MM Publications
1. What was the woman doing before she had the
Test - Module 11
intermediate B1
Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
Endless days, Endless nights
In most parts of the world, the endless cycle of day and night is
almost always taken for granted. The sun rises, which means it is
time to get up and go to school or work; the sun sets, and it is time
to get ready for bed. But in some places, the reality is a bit different.
People living north of the Arctic Circle and those travelling south of
the Antarctic Circle experience two natural phenomena which make
them both excited and moody.
In what is called the ‘midnight sun’. The sun is visible for the full 24
hours of a day – there is no darkness. The number of days this occurs
increases as one gets closer to the poles. For example, in Svalbard,
Norway (the most northern part of Europe with residents) there is
no sunset for four months during the summer, and at the poles you
can stare at the sun for a whole six months. What that means is that,
at the poles, the sun rises and sets only once a year! Although many
people love the idea of endless sunlight, it is actually difficult to
fall asleep when outside there is broad daylight.
1. The ‘midnight sun’ lasts the
longest exactly over the poles.
2. The ‘midnight sun’ lasts for
a whole day each year.
3. The ‘midnight sun’ is known to
cause sleeping problems.
4. There are more periods with
only sun than periods during
which it is only dark.
5. A ‘white night’ is known for the
soft light before darkness.
The exact opposite occurs as well though: the ‘polar night’
or, in other words, nights that last for more than 24
hours. During this time, people might feel depressed.
Fortunately, this period doesn’t last as long as the
midnight sun. For instance, in Kiruna, Sweden, the polar
night lasts for about twenty-eight 24-hour periods, but
the midnight sun for about 50.
There is also a condition that falls somewhere in
between. If you move a little to the south of the Arctic
Circle, towards Scotland or St Petersburg in Russia, for
example, you will experience a ‘white night’. For a few
weeks between the beginnings of June and July, the night
sky has a blue-pink glow, like it’s early evening, but the sky
never turns completely dark.
/ 10
Copyright © MM Publications
You read this article in a local newspaper. Write a letter to the editor
expressing your views on the issue.
ion in Clayton.
plans to build a new underground stat
Yesterday Mayor Duncan announced
to reach the
residents, making it easier for them
He say
though, are not
accessible to everyone. Many people,
city centre, but also making Clayton
ound station
th, a Clayton resident told us, ‘An und
happy with this decision. Henry Smi
blems for residents.
. However, it is going to create pro
in our area is definitely convenient
who will
neighbouring areas to use the station,
number of cars and traffic in the area
park around
no parking spaces will be left for resi
/ 10
/ 70
intermediate B1
A. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.
for the time being
of all time
slim chance
from time to time
on time
by chance
some time to kill
stand a chance
in no time
half the chance
1. I met my old History teacher
at the supermarket last week.
2. I’ll be back
. You won’t even notice I’m gone.
3. I’d like to think that I can win, but in reality I don’t
4. There’s a(n)
that I’ll be able to get tickets for the football final on Saturday.
5. Mary’s flight landed
, so I didn’t have to wait around to pick her up.
6. Who do you think is the best tennis player
7. Put your bags over there
. We’ll pick them up later.
8. I enjoy going for a walk along the beach
9. We sat down for a cup of coffee because we had
10. My uncle will eat a whole pizza given
/ 10
/ 12
B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1.This hotel has an excellent
b. reputation
c. profit
2. When Ian realised he was safe, he gave a
a. flash
of relief.
b. blow
c. sigh
3. I’m sorry about shouting before. I don’t know what
a. felt
b. came
4.When I graduated, I felt on top of the
a. heart
5.We have to make a decision quickly. If we
a. spilling
over me.
c. went
d. gave
c. time
d. world
, it may be too late.
b. expand
6.Raymond couldn’t sleep. He was
c. remove
c. jumping
7.I’m sorry to hear about your bad performance. Better
b. late
b. going
10.Look on the
b. knocked
c. jumping
b. odd
11. She gave me a present
the door behind him.
c. stuck
c. bright
d. dropped
d. reasonable
the blue. I was totally surprised.
b. in
12. Don’t worry about Fred. He usually sleeps like
a. a log
d. making
side. It might be raining, but we’ve got a great DVD to watch.
a. spooky
a. on top of
d. chance
to conclusions.
9. Jack was furious. He walked out of the room and
a. slammed
d. tossing
next time.
c. win
8. Let’s think about this some more before we start
a. taking
d. progress
and turning all night.
b. sleeping
a. luck
d. birth
b. mind
a. hesitate
d. coincidence
Copyright © MM Publications
a. inspection
for service and entertainment.
b. a bell
c. out of
d. from
c. beans
d. ears
Test - Module 12
intermediate B1
A. Rewrite the sentences using Conditional Sentences Type 3.
1. Ronald ran fast and caught the bus.
If Ronald 2. Gary didn’t wake up early and he was late for school.
If Gary 3. Sally didn’t have a GPS with her and she got lost.
Sally 4. The weather was bad, so we didn’t go for a picnic.
We 5. I didn’t listen to the traffic report so I didn’t avoid the heavy traffic.
If I score
/ 10
/ 10
B. Read the following situations and write sentences starting with the words given.
1. I have to cook every day and I hate it.
If only 2. We shouldn’t have lied to our parents.
I wish 3. I regret not bringing my umbrella.
If only 4. My sister can’t speak French and she feels bad about it.
My sister wishes 5. Ted moved to New York and he just doesn’t like it.
Ted wishes Listening
Listen to people talking and match the speakers with the statements a-f. There are two
extra statements that you do not need to use.
Speaker 1
a. This person doesn’t understand a friend’s behaviour.
b. This person wishes his/her friend didn’t get upset so easily.
Copyright © MM Publications
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
c. This person wishes his/her friend wasn’t so picky.
d. This person is glad he/she doesn’t have to see a friend.
e. This person regrets having an argument with a friend.
Speaker 4
f. This person wishes a friend followed his/her advice.
Test - Module 12
intermediate B1
Five sentences have been removed from the text. Read the text and complete the gaps 1-5 with the sentences a-f
below. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A long lost boat
I grew up on the west coast of Scotland. My father was
a big fan of sailing and he had a sailing boat called ‘Jessie
James’, named after my grandmother Jessica and my
grandpa Jim. 1
My father used to take me and
my brother sailing every weekend and we had the most
amazing adventures. Well, that’s what it seemed like at
the time, anyway.
I was very sad when my father sold the boat, but he was
very old and couldn’t look after it anymore. 2
I have is a very old one from the first day my father
bought it. Anyway, I grew up, got married and started my
own family. I moved to the east coast because I found
a good job there. I wish I had taken sailing lessons, so
I could take my kids out sailing like my father did with me.
a. And I even found my name cut into one of the
wooden seats.
b. Even though the Jessie James belongs to someone
else, it will always be a part of me.
c. One day we visited a small town with a port.
d. It was a large white boat with a thick green line along
the side.
e. I noticed that one of them had a thick green line
along the side, and it sent a shiver down my spine.
f. If only we had taken more photos of that boat,
because I have so many nice memories of the times
spent on it.
Last summer, my family and I were on hoilday in Scotland.
I wanted to go and visit my old home town, but it was
too far from where we were staying. 3
I was
walking along the waterfront, telling my son about his
grandfather’s boat, when we saw two boats approaching
the port. 4
It was exactly like my father’s boat.
We waited for it to get closer and, sure enough, along the
side it said ‘Jessie James’. It must have been the same
boat because it’s considered bad luck to change a boat’s
I talked to the owner of the boat, and he let us come on
board. It had hardly changed at all. 5
My son was
very interested as I showed him around. This time I took
some great pictures, so I will never forget that boat, and
the good memories I had as a child.
/ 10
/ 10
/ 70
How’s it going? I’ve got a bit of a problem and I was wondering if you could help me. I’ve got
a friend who lost his job a couple of months ago. He has asked me to lend him money a few
times, and I am happy to help out. But now I’m short of cash and it’s difficult for me to help.
On the one hand, I feel sort of bad but, on the other, I think my friend spends more money
than he needs to. What should I do? If you’ve got any advice, it would be really helpful.
Copyright © MM Publications
Read the email below and write a letter to Laura giving her advice.
te a l
intermediate B1
Choose a, b, c or d.
1. A: I’m going to Barcelona this summer.
B: What a
! I’m going there, too.
a. conclusion
b. coincidence
2. Commercials and advertisements can be
a. misinformed
a. charge
4. Our school made a
c. fund
b. plot
6. How much caffeine do you
a. exclude
d. budget
c. legend
d. account
c. function
d. consume
c. spooky
d. picky
every day?
b. absorb
! When are you going to wash it?
a. filthy
b. tricky
8. The bungee jumping instructor
a. persuaded
me that I wouldn’t get hurt.
b. judged
c. assured
d. predicted
a web designer when I wanted to create a website for my company.
a. consulted
10. Lisa felt
b. advised
11. Exhaust
b. distracted
b. materials
b. to
d. complicated
c. chemicals
d. fumes
c. about
b. dropped
c. knocked
d. spilt
c. reputation
d. condition
for being lazy.
a. criticism
b. adjustment
15. There’s someone wandering around in the garden. I think we should
a. notify
16. You can
b. influence
the police.
c. indicate
d. impress
c. repair
d. reuse
this bag. Don’t throw it away.
a. result
b. replace
17. My uncle was in hospital, but now he has fully
a. recovered
b. cured
18. Brian started playing tennis but after a while he
a. banned
19. Wearing a seat belt is
a. demanding
d. of
the beans about our plan and now everyone knows.
a. killed
14. Ross has a(n)
c. dissatisfied
time, I go for a coffee with my cousin Jack.
a. for
13. Someone
d. affected
are continuously polluting the city.
a. fuels
12. From time
c. recommended
when she saw that her friends were hanging out without her.
a. rejected
Copyright © MM Publications
c. order
, a monster lives in this lake, but everybody knows it’s just a myth.
a. fiction
d. dishonest
of this hotel.
b. control
b. profit
5. According to the
9. I
c. misleading
to the Children’s Hospital.
a. donation
7. Your car is
d. chance
b. disapproved
3. I’d like to speak to whoever is in
c. consequence
b. missed
from his illness.
c. treated
d. transformed
interest in it.
c. lost
d. limited
c. compulsory
d. secure
for all drivers.
b. unconscious
d. person
Final Test
intermediate B1
20. She often suffers
a. of
terrible headaches.
b. from
21. Wind turbines can
a. build
22. I
c. about
d. over
c. produce
d. grow
b. invent
Diane the other day. Do you remember her?
a. came up with
b. met up
c. ran into
d. got along with
c. Liquids
d. Supplies
will be served after the lecture is over.
a. Substances
b. Refreshments
24. Wait for me. I need to stop because I’m out of
a. reach
b. question
25. I have read up to the fifth
a. chapter
a. expressed
27. I
d. breath
c. label
d. selection
c. released
d. rolled
in this book.
b. document
26. I told a joke and everyone
c. date
out laughing.
b. burst
wanted to study Biology but I ended up becoming a History teacher.
a. cautiously
b. eventually
28. We organised the event to raise
a. awareness
29. I wasn’t
c. initially
d. accidentally
about global warming.
b. suspense
c. evolution
d. support
c. generating
d. obtaining
so many people at the venue.
a. promoting
b. anticipating
30. I got a sandwich from a food stand because it was more
a. balanced
b. affordable
c. countless
31. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. I’m absolutely
a. hilarious
32. I
b. furious
than eating at a restaurant.
d. valuable
c. starving
d. irritating
up late last night trying to finish my homework.
b. stayed
c. gave
33. If you want to lose weight, you should eat food that doesn’t have many
a. calories
34. The scientists
a. pretended
35. Could you please
a. dial
b. minerals
d. made
c. nutrients
d. vitamins
c. improvised
d. conducted
c. analyse
d. proceed
an experiment in Antarctica.
b. examined
this paper at the bottom?
b. sign
/ 35
Copyright © MM Publications
a. kept
Final Test
intermediate B1
Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Jason and Audrey
a barbecue at the end of the month.
a. have
b. are having
2. Could you tell me
d. having
c. how spells
d. how you do spell
c. was climbing, sprained
d. climbed, was spraining
your surname?
a. how you spell
3. I
c. going to have
b. how do you spell
a flight of steps when I
a. was climbing, was spraining
my ankle.
b. climbed, sprained
4. Where have you been? Mr Lineham is furious because he
a. has waited
b. waits
5. In my opinion, instant messaging is
a. more convenient
c. has been waiting
c. less convenient
6. I’m making sandwiches for everyone so you
7. That large dark shape we saw out in the sea
d. didn’t need to
c. should have been
d. should be
ideas will change our company completely.
a. which
b. that
9. The writer believes he
c. who
b. going to finish
c. will have finished
d. is finishing
c. will buy
d. bought
a treadmill, he would never use it.
a. buys
b. would buy
11. Sadie
for a mile before she realised she was going the wrong way.
a. had been driving
b. was driving
c. has been driving
12. I arrived at the airport at three o’clock, but luckily my brother’s flight
a. hasn’t landed
b. didn’t land
13. If I hadn’t gone through a red light, I
a. hadn’t crashed
a. moved
Washington DC is
capital of
Copyright © MM Publications
c. -, the , -
d. -, a, the
c. have been tested
d. have been testing
c. made
d. make
a special vegan cake just for me.
b. making
that the average computer keyboard has more germs than a toilet seat.
a. is believing
b. has been believed
19. Everyone at the company
20. Lee has decided
d. is believed
c. will have given
d. would have given
b. to visit
c. visit
d. to visiting
b. to visit
c. to visiting
d. visiting
b. will be given
the botanical garden this afternoon.
a. visiting
21. Is Prague a city worth
c. believed
the day off on Friday.
a. will give
a. visit
d. had moved
b. tested
a. to make
18. It
c. has been moving
on animals.
a. have tested
17. Thank you for
d. wouldn’t crash
to South Africa.
b. -, the, the
16. None of these products
d. wasn’t landing
into the other car.
b. has moved
a. The, the, the
d. drove
c. hadn’t landed
b. wouldn’t have crashed c. didn’t crash
14. We haven’t talked to each other since she
d. whose
his latest novel by the end of the year.
a. will finish
10. If James
c. oughtn’t
a whale.
b. must have been
8. This is the person
d. as convenient
bring anything for lunch.
b. don’t have to
a. must be
d. is waiting
as sending someone an email.
b. convenient
a. don’t need
for you for half an hour!
Final Test
intermediate B1
22. Richard is too ill
part in today’s fundraiser.
a. taking
b. to take
23. I’d rather
b. don’t spend
c. to not spend
d. not to spend
c. won’t miss
d. misses
c. as important as
d. the most important
c. had ever heard
d. ever hear
c. if he needed
d. if did he need
c. not to lose
d. not losing
c. is cleaning
d. is being cleaned
c. In spite
d. Even though
c. in order
d. because
c. All
d. Both
your get-together next Saturday unless she’s ill.
a. will miss
b. doesn’t miss
25. Choosing a career is one of
a. important
decisions in a person’s life.
b. more important
26. That’s one of the worst jokes I
a. never heard
b. have ever heard
27. Emma asked Oliver
any help.
a. why he needed
b. did he need
28. The ski instructor told Harry
a. don’t lose
his ski pass again.
b. to not lose
29. You can’t go into the office at the moment because it
a. is cleaned
d. take
all that money on an armchair. I think it’s a rip-off.
a. not spend
24. Linda
c. takes
b. cleans
of being exhausted, I helped Danny finish his project.
a. Although
b. Despite
31. I studied medicine
I could become a surgeon.
a. so that
b. so as
his legs were broken in the car accident last night.
a. Neither
b. Either
33. Frank would have visited the Louvre yesterday if he
a. ’d have
34. I wish I
b. would have had
the time.
c. had
d. had had
c. didn’t eat
d. hadn’t eaten
that marshmallow. My stomach hurts now.
a. haven’t eaten
b. wasn’t eating
35. I have neither read the book
a. nor
seen the film, so I can’t give you an opinion on it.
b. or
c. both
d. and
/ 35
1. What does the woman regret doing?
a. going jogging
b. visiting her sister
c. calling a friend
4. Why is Darren unsuitable for the job?
a. He’s inexperienced.
b. He was impolite.
c. He’s immature.
2. Which happened first?
a. The man tried to call his friend.
b. The man’s friend left the café.
c. The man arrived at the café.
5. Why doesn’t the man buy the mobile phone?
a. He hasn’t got enough money.
b. He can’t get his money back if his friend doesn’t
like it.
c. The shop hasn’t got the one he wants.
3. Where does the man think John is?
a. at work
b. at a bookshop
c. at home
Copyright © MM Publications
Listen to people talking in five different situations and answer the questions.
/ 10
Final Test
intermediate B1
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.
A Two-wheeled Adventure in Barbados
Last summer, a group of friends and I went on holiday
to Barbados, a magnificent island which offers thrilling
activities as well as peaceful scenery for relaxation. We were
interested in experiencing both, so on our second day we
decided to go on an adventurous Segway tour. A Segway
is a two-wheeled vehicle which you can use while standing
up, and moves forwards or backwards when you press the
Our group met up with the guides near Barclays Park. We
felt rather nervous in the beginning because none of us had
been on a Segway before. The guides explained to us how
the vehicles worked and told us that it would be a piece of
cake. When I first got on, it felt a little strange, but after a
few minutes, I got the hang of it and off I went with the rest
of the group.
We started on an off-road trail, along the eastern shorefront.
As we rode along the rocky terrain by the cliffs, we could see
the beautiful waves crashing on the rocks below us on our
right and tall coconut trees on our left. Our guides informed
us that the trail led to parts of the island that couldn’t be
reached by other means of transport, so using the Segway
1. What did the writer and his friends generally want to do
in Barbados?
a. enjoy a relaxing holiday
b. do thrilling activities
c. go on a tour of the island
d. rest and do enjoyable things
Copyright © MM Publications
2. What was the writer’s first experience with the vehicle
a. He was unsure of it for most of the ride.
b. He had no trouble getting used to it.
c. His previous experience of it helped a lot.
d. It took him a while to get used to it.
3. What did the guides say?
a. that coconut trees grew along the side of the trail
b. that hidden beaches could only be seen from the trail
c. that the Segway was the best means of transport
in order to explore certain beaches
d. that the trail led to all the beaches on the island
was necessary to visit many of the hidden exotic beaches.
Cove Bay was our first destination, but to get there we had
to ride past goats and cows that were wandering around
the countryside. It was a difficult feat trying to avoid them
but we were rewarded by the unbelievable view when we
reached the beach. After that, we set off for Little Bay. We
rested there and enjoyed some delicious local banana bread
our guides offered us. Then we continued to zigzag up the
path to go north.
River Bay was a beach that held a nice surprise for us.
As we were passing, we spotted a whale in the distance.
I almost fell off my Segway when I pulled the handle to stop.
I couldn’t leave without a photo for my albums! Our last
stop was the Animal Flower Cave, which is located in the
northernmost part of the island. We got off our vehicles and
checked out the caves. They had colourful rock formations
on their walls and the view of the Atlantic Ocean was
incredible from inside. It was the perfect way to end our
tour before we headed back home. I had a great time and
would recommend this tour to anybody.
4. What happened during their journey to Cove Bay?
a. They had some difficulty with animals.
b. They went swimming.
c. They had a snack.
d. They had to
walk through
fields with animals.
5. Which of the following
is not true?
a. The guides drove the
group around the
b. The writer almost
had an accident.
c. The group explored
a cave.
d. The writer took pictures.
/ 10
/ 10
/ 100
Write an essay on the following topic:
The most enjoyable type of holiday involves travelling to
several places rather than staying in one. Do you agree?
A. 1. Do you regret
2. love
3. go
4. want
5. are you thinking
6. don’t know
7. is Mary doing
8. is studying
9. Does she like
10. sends
11. am planning
B. 1. Who is fascinated by computer
2. When did you buy a cottage in
the countryside?
3. How long are your cousins
staying (for)?
4. What do you want to fix in your
new house?
5. Who does Linda miss?
C. 1. …what you studied
2. …where I can buy furniture
3. …if/whether the flat is in good
4. …how you spell your surname
5. …if/whether you are looking for
a new flatmate
1. a 2. b
3. a
4. c
1. T 2. NM
3. F
4. F
5. F
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Hi, Steve. Are you looking at
the weather in Namibia on your
B: No, there’s no need. It’s always
sunny and dry there.
A: How long are you staying?
B: Let me have
a look at the
A: Hi, Jill. How’s it going?
B: Great. My new flat is just what
I’d been looking for.
A: I’m so glad. When did you move
B: Well, I haven’t yet. You see, I had
to move out of my old place two
weeks ago because the owner
had found someone to rent it to.
But my new flat wasn’t ready, so
I’m moving in tomorrow.
A: Where have you been staying all
this time?
B: At my friend Sally’s house. She
was my flatmate at university, and
she’s got a spare room, so I’ve
been staying there. It’s just like
old times.
A: Nice.
Test: Module 2
A. 1. a
2. c
5. c
6. a
B. 1. breeze
2. boiling
3. fog
4. lightning
C. 1. journalist
2. survivors
3. attendant
3. b
4. b
7. c
8. a
5. landed
6. incident
7. measures
4. contestants
5. leader
6. competitors
A. 1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. c
B. 1. was walking, slipped, fell
2. saw, cried, were camping,
heard, ran, was shaking, was
3. was speeding, lost, skidded,
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. a
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Yesterday, a tragic event occurred
when the high-speed train going
from Amsterdam to Brussels
Copyright © MM Publications
4. by
5. out
6. with
5. native
6. permanent
7. frustrated
8. campus
3. a
4. c
7. a
B: At least a year.
A: What language do they speak over
B: Well, on this site it says there are
lots of different languages but
the official language is actually
A: That’s helpful.
B: But our cultures are very different.
I’m making sure I don’t do
anything embarrassing while I’m
there. I always do some research
before a trip.
A: That’s a good idea.
A: So, what do you think?
B: Wow! It’s really nice. Look at that
A: I know. But I have to keep the
windows closed all the time. The
noise from the street is a little too
B: Oh, well. Hey, I love what you’ve
done with the living room. It makes
it seem like there is a lot of space.
A: But there isn’t any, I’m afraid.
B: It doesn’t matter. You’re living on
your own, so you don’t need so
much space. Where did you get
this sofa? Did you have it in your
old flat?
A: No. All the furniture was here
when I moved in. It’s the main
reason I chose this place.
B: Well, I think you’ve made a good
A: Here you go. This is a nice house
for you.
B: How many bedrooms?
A: Three. It’s got a large kitchen
and living room, and a big back
B: Sounds good. Where is it?
A: Hampton.
B: What? I told you I didn’t want to
live in the city.
A: No, it’s on the outskirts. I checked
the address.
B: Oh, it’s really nice there.
A: I know. It’s not like living in the
countryside, but it’s definitely
greener than in the city, that’s for
A. 1. in
2. up
3. in
B. 1. involved
2. obtain
3. community
4. cramped
C. 1. a
2. b
5. c
6. a
Test: Module 1
K e sts
intermediate B1
intermediate B1
derailed and crashed just outside
the city of Rotterdam, resulting in
many deaths and injuries. It is one
of the worst train accidents that
has happened in the last 20 years
and the first one to occur on a highspeed line. The latest reports show
that 18 people were found dead at
the scene of the crash, and 3 more
died later in hospital, making a
total of 21 people. 50 more were
injured and were taken to hospital,
30 of them suffering from serious
injuries. Emergency services and
rescue teams reached the scene
immediately and worked together
with local people to free the trapped
The cause of the accident is still
uncertain and the authorities are
still looking into the matter. ‘It is too
soon to say for certain whether it
was an accident caused by engine
trouble or whether the train driver is
responsible for this tragic event,’ said
one of the officials.
Test: Module 3
Copyright © MM Publications
A. 1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
6. b 7. c
8. c
9. a
B. 1. announcement
2. description
3. application
4. achievement
5. recommendation
6. decision
A. 1. Have you been sitting
2. went
3. did you get
4. haven’t tried
5. Has Ray called
6. has called
7. was
8. Did he say
9. has been trying
10. have been avoiding
B. 1. as exotic as
2. better…better
3. more easily than
4. longer
5. the most enjoyable
6. as old as
7. faster than
5. c
10. b
C. 1.
the most peaceful
has not been
as anxious as
has been snowing since
the most impressive view
1. f
2. d
3. a
1. T 2. F
3. NM
4. b
5. c
4. T
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Speaker 1
I try to go on holiday at least
once a year, and I always look for
somewhere special. Last year I went
to Egypt and visited the Pyramids.
It wasn’t cheap but I had the time of
my life. This year my friends want to
go to a resort and sit by the pool for
two weeks. I can’t think of anything
more boring. I want to see something
I’ve never seen before, and come
back with memories and stories of
adventure. I can’t do that if I’m stuck
in a hotel.
Speaker 2
I usually go on holiday on my own,
so I like to book guided tours. They
are usually pretty cheap, but to be
honest, not all the places I visit are
very interesting. However, I find it’s
nice to be with a group of people all
going on a trip together. Last year
I met a couple from Venezuela, and
we had a great time. In fact, I’ve
made many friends during my trips,
and we nearly always keep in touch.
Speaker 3
I’ve travelled a lot during my lifetime,
and visited many different countries
and cities. My wife wanted to go
skiing last year, but I’m not really
crazy about winter holidays. My
dream holiday is to drive across the
US. Just hire a car and see where
the road takes us. I went to a travel
agency to ask about it, but it cost too
much. Oh well, I can always take a
drive with my wife and pretend we’re
driving down Route 66.
Speaker 4
I’m a receptionist and I have to deal
with people all the time. I don’t
mind it, because I love meeting new
people. But when I go on holiday,
I need a break from all that. All I want
is a room in a nice luxury hotel, and
a good book that I can read next to
the pool. Nobody to bother me, or
ask me questions for a couple of
weeks. That’s all I ask for. Then, when
I return to work, I’m refreshed and
ready to deal with all those people.
Speaker 5
When I was young, I used to go
on holiday with my parents every
summer. When we didn’t have much
money, we used to go camping,
which I really enjoyed, but other
times we used to go on guided tours
of famous cities, and I hated it. What
could be more boring for a kid?
Anyway, as I grew older, I realised
that my parents were just trying to
show me more of the world, but
I didn’t appreciate it then. Nowadays,
I enjoy going on guided tours,
because you don’t have to worry
about organising anything, and you
are shown the best places.
Test: Module 4
A. 1. reliable
2. hiring
3. politician
4. spontaneous
B. 1. rewarding
2. react
3. express
4. prospects
C. 1. make
2. does
3. making
5. a pay rise
6. willing
7. experience
5. motivated
6. qualifications
7. careless
4. made
5. done
6. Do
A. 1. should have
2. ought to
3. don’t need to
4. must
5. can’t
6. didn’t have to
7. may have read
8. mustn’t
9. have died
10. shouldn’t
11. be
12. may
B. 1. don’t have to wear
2. she must be
intermediate B1
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Presenter Hi, this is Justin Smith and
we have invited Bill Delaney
on our show today.
Thank you for having me,
Presenter So, Bill. I understand that
you don’t have an ordinary
job. You work as a lion
trainer, is that right?
Well, not anymore. I used
to be one. Now I’m a
zookeeper and I take care
of the big cats – you know,
tigers, lions, leopards. I’ve
always loved animals which
is why I studied animal
biology at university.
Presenter Well, then I suppose you
had all the qualifications
for the job. What’s it like to
do the job you do?
Well, it must sound very
exciting working with lions
and tigers, but you should
know there are boring
parts, too. Taking care of
the animals, cleaning their
cages, keeping the people
who come to the zoo safe.
Those are just a few of the
hard tasks I have to do
daily. However, I wouldn’t
change my job for anything.
Presenter What’s the best part of
your job?
I love feeding and playing
with my big cats. Something
else I really enjoy is training
them. It’s also fun to
inform visitors about the
animals. You get all sorts of
interesting questions.
Presenter Have you ever been in a
dangerous situation?
Well, of course, and you
know there have been many
cases at different zoos where
people have been hurt or
even killed by lions, but these
are very few. I’ll never forget
the time when I got injured by
a lion I was training. However,
it was in the beginning of my
career and I didn’t have that
much experience yet. It was
my fault, though, because
I should have been more
Presenter Well, at least it hasn’t
happened again. Now,
what do the animals do
when you…
Test: Module 5
A. 1. c
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. d
6. a 7. b
8. a
9. c
10. a
B. 1. foreigner
6. progress
2. generation
7. crossroads
3. gossip
8. difference
4. portable
9. shifts
5. time-saving
10. against
A. 1. who/that
6. which/that
2. whose
7. (who/that)
3. where
8. which
4. (which/that)
9. whose
5. who
10. where
B. 1. This dress, which is made of
silk, is very expensive. /
This dress, which is very
expensive, is made of silk.
2. My cousin, who is a reporter,
works for the Daily News. /
My cousin, who works for the
Daily News, is a reporter.
3. Fiona, whose husband is a
qualified chef, is my best friend.
4. This is the storage cabinet where
we keep the cleaning products.
5. Mrs Gibson, who is a PE teacher,
gave me permission to leave. /
Mrs Gibson, who gave me
permission to leave, is a PE
6. These are the items (which/that)
you are required to take with you.
1. b
2. c
3. c
4. a
1. P
2. D
3. P
4. N
5. N
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Hey, Stephanie. Did you receive
that program I sent you?
B: Yeah. It was easy to install.
A: I know. I told you that. What are
you doing now?
B: I’ve been trying to send this
picture from my sister’s wedding
to my aunt for the past half hour,
but I’m having trouble.
A: Maybe because you deactivated
your account.
B: No, I changed my mind about that.
I need it to keep in touch with my
relatives abroad.
A: OK. Let me have a look then.
A: Excuse me, do you happen to
know where the nearest chemist’s
B: Chemist’s? There’s one in Langford
A: How do I get there?
B: Well, you could go along Bridge
Street, and take the first… No, it’s a
one-way street, you can’t go down
there. So, it’s the second right.
Then follow the road around and
that leads you to Langford Road.
A: OK, thanks.
B: But parking is difficult at this time
of day.
A: Really?
B: Yeah. It’s probably best to park
here, walk over the bridge, and go
through the park. It leads to the
chemist’s in Langford Road. It’ll
only take you five minutes.
A: Excellent. Thanks a lot.
Listen, everybody. There has been an
accident on the building site in the
main hall, so I’m afraid all visitors will
have to leave the building. I’m sorry
you didn’t get to see the whole of
the site, but there is nothing we can
do. You don’t have to wear helmets
as you’re leaving the building and
please use the main exit at the other
Copyright © MM Publications
3. shouldn’t have lied
4. might have had an argument
5. had better avoid
intermediate B1
end of the building. The emergency
exits should only be used by
construction workers. Thank you for
your cooperation.
A: Hi, Glenn. Where have you been?
Did you see my presentation?
B: Of course. I arrived a little late, so
I was sitting at the back. Actually,
I was trying to get your attention.
A: Why?
B: You said the name of the other
company wrong about six times.
A: What? Why didn’t you say
B: What did you want me to do,
whistle? Listen, Jane, stop making
A: I don’t know. You could have sent
me an SMS or something.
B: You wouldn’t have looked at your
mobile during the presentation!
A: I suppose not.
B: Anyway, I was waving like mad,
trying not to get noticed by others
too much. But you didn’t see me.
A: It was dark in there, I suppose.
What am I going to do now?
Test: Module 6
Copyright © MM Publications
A. 1. b 2. a
3. a
6. c 7. b
8. d
B. 1. unprofessional
2. laziness
3. depth
4. kindness
5. unwilling
6. impractical
7. thoughts
8. inexperienced
9. creativity
10. illiterate
4. c
9. d
5. c
10. a
A. 1. will…do
2. ’m going to cook
3. ’ll go
4. get
5. are going to visit
6. are…going to leave/do they leave
7. will have returned
8. won’t have managed/won’t
9. ’ll…get
10. arrive
11. will have fallen
12. ’ll see
B. 1. will you get
6. would go
2. won
7. press
3. breaks
8. don’t follow
4. would join
9. could
5. won’t pass
10. didn’t live
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
1. NM 2. F
3. T
4. F
5. NM
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Hello, Mark. What’s the matter?
Did you have another hard day at
B: Yeah. It seems like every day is
worse than the previous one. I just
can’t stand it anymore. I have to
get out of there.
A: You know what? You’ve been
saying that for the past two years.
Why don’t you just do it?
B: It’s not that easy, John. I’ve been
working at the company for over
fifteen years now.
A: I understand that. But if you’re
so unhappy, you should do
something about it.
B: You have a point. But what will
I do if I quit?
A: Listen. Do you remember how we
always dreamt of starting our own
B: Yeah, when we were still at
A: Well, it’s never too late. We can
finally open that café we’ve always
wanted to.
B: Do you really think that’s a good
idea? I mean, I’m an accountant
and I don’t know anything about
running a café, John.
A: So what? I do. I used to be the
manager of ‘Coffee Coffee’ and
I was pretty good at it too.
Anyway, nothing is impossible.
B: I’m not so sure.
A: Come on! It’ll be fun. And I have
no doubts about our success.
B: OK, John. But I want us to think
about the pros and cons before we
reach a decision.
A: Of course. But if we decide to
open the café, I need to inform my
boss two weeks in advance.
B: OK. But we still have a lot of
details to discuss. So, if I were you,
I wouldn’t say anything yet. It’s
still too soon.
A: Yeah, I know. I’m so excited,
Midterm test:
Modules 1-6
1. d
2. b
6. a
7. d
11. c
12. b
16. b 17. c
21. d 22. b
26. c 27. b
31. a 32. c
3. d
8. d
13. b
18. d
23. a
28. d
33. b
4. c
9. c
14. a
19. b
24. b
29. a
34. a
5. a
10. d
15. a
20. c
25. a
30. a
35. a
1. a
2. b
6. c
7. b
11. a
12. c
16. d 17. c
21. b 22. d
26. b 27. c
31. c 32. d
3. b
8. c
13. c
18. b
23. b
28. c
33. a
4. c
9. c
14. b
19. a
24. b
29. b
34. c
5. b
10. d
15. d
20. a
25. d
30. d
35. a
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
1. d
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. a
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Hi, Doug. What’s up with you? You
look terrible.
B: I feel so tired at the moment. I
don’t know what’s wrong with me.
A: I was like that last month. I felt
so bad that I was thinking about
seeing a doctor.
B: I don’t know what to do. I try to
sleep more and more each night,
but I end up feeling more tired
than before.
A: I know exactly how you feel. I used
to sleep over eight hours a night,
too, but you know what? I started
exercising again and it’s done
wonders for me. You ought to do
the same.
B: I think you may be right.
A: So, what’s your new house like?
B: It’s great. You have to come over
and see it some time.
A: Of course. A nice big house in the
country sounds amazing.
B: It’s not that big. It’s more like a
cottage, and it’s in the suburbs,
A: Well, at least it’s better than the
place where you used to live.
B: Definitely. I really liked the interior
and the fact that it was on the fifth
floor, but I couldn’t stand living in
the city anymore.
A: How are you going to get to work?
B: Well, I’ll drive to the nearest
underground station.
A: That’s not too bad.
A: Hi, Steve!
B: Hi, there. What’s it like outside?
A: It’s freezing.
B: But at least the sun’s out.
A: I suppose that’s something. Are
you still going bungee jumping
B: I hope so. Check the weather
forecast for me, will you?
A: Oh, no!
B: What? Don’t tell me it’s going to
be stormy all day.
A: No, but it will be overcast with
a possibility of showers, by the
looks of things.
B: That’s not too bad.
A: Who goes bungee jumping in the
winter, anyway?
B: Don’t start.
A: Hi, Sophie! How was your trip?
B: Fantastic!
A: Did you get back last night?
B: Yeah. I wanted to catch the first
morning flight, but it was fully
booked. I had to return so I can
get ready for my cruise that leaves
on Friday.
A: Of course, I forgot about that.
B: So, my only option was the train.
Luckily, my boss organised the
tickets and everything, and
I arrived at 11:30 last night.
A: You must be exhausted.
B: I am.
A: Hey, Mike. Have a look at these
B: Nice. Are these from when you
went hiking?
A: Yeah. Look at that view.
B: Wow! Is that Mount Penfield in the
A: That’s right.
B: So, did you climb to the top?
A: No, it wasn’t really mountainous
where we went, just kind of hilly.
B: I see. And how far did you walk?
A: About 10 miles. You should come
with us next time.
B: No thanks, Alan. I couldn’t walk for
10 miles even if it was flat.
A: You won’t know unless you try.
B: OK. I’ll think about it.
Test: Module 7
A. 1. with
2. from
3. on
B. 1. a
2. d
5. a
6. b
C. 1. d
2. b
5. e
6. c
4. from
5. with
6. on
3. a
7. b
3. a
7. g
4. d
8. c
4. f
A. 1. felt, had been shopping, was,
(had) bought
2. got, had left
3. had been waiting, took
4. enjoyed, hadn’t been
B. 1. -, an, the, 4. -, 2. The, the
5. a, 3. The, the, the
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. b
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. c
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: You’re listening to ‘Amazing
Stories’ and our next caller is Tim
from Weatherstone. Tell us your
story, Tim.
B: Hi, Dave. Well, do you remember
the floods in Winterden a couple
of years ago?
A: Of course. The whole village was
flooded. Were you there?
B: Yeah. I was staying at my uncle’s
summer house for the weekend.
His place is near the river and
it’s really nice because it’s very
peaceful. But it took me ages
to get there by car because of
the terrible storm. Some of the
roads had already started filling
with water. I arrived late, and I
was exhausted. I was also really
hungry, but I just threw my bags
down, went upstairs and fell
asleep immediately.
A: What happened next?
B: Well, I woke up some time during
the night because I was starving.
I got up and it was really dark, so
I tried to turn on the lights, but the
electricity wasn’t working. I used
my mobile as a torch and started
going down the stairs, but after
a few steps, I was amazed to find
that I was up to my knees in water!
A: Oh, no!
B: The whole ground floor was
flooded. I couldn’t believe it.
It was one of the worst–hit
houses in the area because it was
close to the river. I went back
to the bedroom and looked out
the window. There was water
A: What did you do? Did you climb
up onto the roof?
B: I thought about it. But first, I had
to notify someone, right? And
obviously the phone was dead, so
I used my mobile phone to call for
help. But before I spoke to anyone,
I heard a rescue boat coming up
the, well, the street. I shouted and
fortunately, they saw me. I had to
struggle to get out of the window,
and then I had to jump into the
boat below. But I didn’t manage
that last part. I fell into the water.
A: Wait a minute. Wasn’t there a
video of you on the Internet?
B: Yes, that was me. It was a
terrible experience and a pretty
embarrassing one, too.
Copyright © MM Publications
intermediate B1
intermediate B1
A: But I must admit it was a pretty
funny video. Thanks Tim, great
story. Next up we have...
Test: Module 8
A. 1. h
2. c
5. b
6. g
B. 1. closed down
2. stick to
3. ended up
4. point out
C. 1. a
2. c 3. a
6. c 7. a
8. b
3. e
4. a
7. d
8. f
5. cut down on
6. speed up
7. looked into
8. result in
4. d
5. d
9. b
10. a
A. 1. …is believed that she is a great
2. …have been planted around
the school (by the students).
3. …is being built in the town centre.
4. …was given an award.
5. …should be paid by tomorrow.
6. …will be held by our company
next week.
7. …are said to cause global
8. …is painted (by us) every year.
B. 1. can take
2. were cleaning
3. is considered
4. have been damaged
5. may be delivered
6. serve
7. were made
8. will be invited
1. a
2. d
3. e
1. MS 2. RC
3. SS 4. RC
4. b
5. MS
Copyright © MM Publications
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Speaker 1
Well, sure, I agree that many
people take environmental issues
too seriously, but not caring at
all about the environment is not
right either. You don’t have to join
an environmental organisation or
dedicate your whole life to trying
to save the sea turtles, but the
least you can do is try not to harm
the environment. By recycling and
reusing things, you can reduce the
amount of rubbish you throw away,
which can be beneficial for the
environment and everybody around
Speaker 2
If you ask me, I don’t really believe
there are any environmental issues.
The earth is a living, breathing
organism that has existed for
millions of years and has dealt with
many problems in the past. I hardly
believe that we humans are strong
enough to destroy it just because
we’ve built a few factories and drive
cars. Nature has the ability to cope
with any problems on its own and
continue to survive, so I think there’s
no point in trying to change things.
I honestly don’t understand why
we’re worried about some trees,
when we should be concerned with
more serious problems, like world
Speaker 3
I think that it is very important to
do whatever we can to protect
the environment. There are more
sources of pollution than ever before.
Exhaust fumes from vehicles, toxic
waste from factories and rubbish
are just the tip of the iceberg. And
it’s not only the planet we’re slowly
destroying. Apart from harming the
earth, pollution can be extremely
harmful to human beings as well.
Pollution causes many diseases,
killing over 100 million people
every year. Taking your bike to work
tomorrow instead of your car is good
for you and it will help out with the
Speaker 4
I consider the environment very
important to our survival. Global
warming, pollution and deforestation
are just a few of the problems that
will eventually destroy our planet.
Everybody should work hard to
try to prevent these problems. For
example, this summer I’m thinking
of volunteering at an organisation
in Central America which protects
rainforests. I also only eat organic
food and wear organically-produced
clothing. If everybody was a little
more careful, I think the problems
would be much smaller.
Test: Module 9
A. 1. d
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. d
8. a
B. 1. misspelled
2. disapprove
3. misplaced
4. endless
5. disrespect
6. wireless
7. misunderstood
C. 1. bombarded
6. spare
2. broke 7. browsed
3. complaint
8. beanbags
4. range 9. accent
5. tricky
A. 1. travelling, going
2. to lend
3. promise
4. calling
5. to use, to get
6. to work, moving
7. to drive
B. 1. …to eat some ice cream rather
than (eat) vegetables/ice cream
to vegetables.
2. …asking the receptionist for
3. …me to read more novels.
4. …not eat at the Chinese
restaurant tonight.
5. …to make important decisions
when there isn’t much time.
6. …to call me when you get there.
7. …him drive the car at night.
8. …travelling by ship if you get
seasick so easily.
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
1. R
2. B
3. H
4. R
5. B
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: So, what do you think?
B: It looks great on you, but it
reminds me of one you already
have; the one you were wearing
intermediate B1
A: Oh, Freddie! I gave you a 50-pound
note, but you didn’t have to spend
it all! You know we’re on a tight
budget this month!
B: I didn’t. I just spent £35 on the
shopping and as I was passing
by the shop I saw that they had a
special offer on some nice T-shirts
and got myself one. They cost £5 a
piece! So, altogether that’s £40.
Test: Module 10
A. 1. mind
2. sight
3. person
4. question
B. 1. b
2. a
5. d
6. b
C. 1. whale
2. mind
3. stone
4. piece
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
Open answer.
5. out of
6. particular
7. out of
3. b
7. c
5. grab
6. wind
7. kick
8. day
3. …to stand in a row.
4. …not to take his car again.
5. …to show him his latest
skateboard trick.
6. …not to dismount until we
reached the farm.
4. a
A. 1. …(that) he had to learn to do
a somersault.
2. …(that) Jenny had pulled a
muscle at the gym the day
before / the previous day.
3. …(that) she hadn’t seen the
sequel yet.
4. …(that) we/they would raise a lot
of money with the charity event.
5. …(that) he was going to start
weight training the following
6. …(that) she might miss lunch
because she had an important
B. 1. …when she had bought that
video game.
2. …if/whether I could help her
with the housework the next/
following morning.
3. …where her gloves were.
4. …if/whether he had been
waiting long.
5. …what Jack was doing in the
back garden.
6. …if/whether my sister liked
C. 1. …to take that/the folder to
Mr Jenkins.
2. …not to get out of my car.
Listening transcript
Brian Hi, Julie.
Julie Hello, Brian. What are you
looking at?
Brian It’s a list of all the clubs at the
Julie Are you thinking about joining
Brian I’m not sure. I’m a little short of
cash this term.
Julie So what? It doesn’t cost
anything to join.
Brian I know, but I might need to
get a part-time job, and I won’t
have time.
Julie You will. You only need a
couple of hours a week and
don’t forget it’ll help you relax.
Let me have a look... Skiing
club? No, that’s not for me.
Gamers club?
Brian I might join that.
Julie Come on. How boring can you
Brian Maybe you’re right. You can
do that at home.
Julie Hey, you could join the
football club. It would be good
Brian Not for me, thanks. I could
do with the exercise, but
I’m not playing in a football
team again. Not after what
happened in secondary school.
Julie What happened?
Brian I’d rather not talk about it.
Julie Oh, OK. There’s also a drama
club. How do you feel about
being an actor?
Brian No, thanks. Is there an art
club? I’d be interested in that.
Copyright © MM Publications
the other day at Mary’s barbecue.
A: Do you think so? Oh, I love that
B: The question is whether you want
two dresses that are so similar.
A: I suppose not. Well, then maybe I
should just get the bag. Anyway,
getting both would have worked
out to be a little too expensive.
B: Money is no object if you like them.
A: No, no, you have a point about the
Hi, Bob. It’s Pete. I got your message.
I’m sorry to hear about your backache.
I told Mike that we cancelled the
basketball match we had planned.
He suggested either seeing a film or
meeting at the usual café. I’d rather
not go for coffee again, but it’s up to
you. Call me and let me know.
A: How may I help you?
B: I bought this smartphone a week
ago, but I want to get another
A: Certainly, sir. Was there a problem
with it?
B: No, actually it works just fine.
It’s just not what I need and
I explained to…
A: Well, we have a wide range of
phones at great prices. Give me
one moment and...
B: Money is not the problem. What
I’m trying to say is that I’m
dissatisfied with your service.
I explained to the sales assistant
the type of phone I wanted to
buy, but I guess he couldn’t be
bothered to listen to what I was
saying. So I ended up with a
smartphone I can’t use.
A: Well, I’m sorry to hear that.
I’ll help you find exactly what you
are looking for.
B: I do hope so.
A: So, did you get everything we
need from the supermarket?
B: Yes, but I also stopped by that new
clothes shop on the corner on my
way home.
intermediate B1
Julie Me too. I was useless at art at
school, but I’ve always wanted
to learn... You know, I can’t see
one on the list.
Brian That’s strange. There’s one at
my sister’s university.
Julie Maybe we could start our own
art club.
Brian Our own? And get one of the
art teachers to come and help
Julie Nah, they probably won’t want
to do that. And we’d have to
arrange for a classroom and
equipment. Forget it.
Brian Yeah, maybe it’s not such
a good idea. Any more
interesting clubs?
Julie Let’s continue looking.
Test: Module 11
A. 1. c
2. b
5. a
6. d
B. 1. make…up
2. (had) hung up
3. gave up
4. stayed up
C. 1. astonishing
2. professional
3. mysterious
3. b
4. b
7. b
5. figure out
6. keep up
7. fall behind
4. delightful
5. predictable
6. impressive
Copyright © MM Publications
A. 1. …although she had a cold.
2. …in spite of being tired. / …in
spite of the fact that I was tired.
3. …so that he would remember it.
4. …in order not to get wet.
5. …so as to stay in shape.
B. 1. Neither, nor
6. none
2. None
7. either, or
3. either, or
8. both
4. both
9. all
5. Neither
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: I had an awful nightmare last
B: Really? What was it about?
A: Well, I was in the park reading
a book when suddenly a bear
appeared out of nowhere. It was
coming after me, so I started
running as fast as I could. I ended
up jumping off a cliff!
B: A cliff? What happened next?
A: I woke up, so I don’t know! It
was pretty scary. I felt like I
was starring in a horror film or
B: Maybe you shouldn’t watch TV
before going to bed.
A: Well, last night I wasn’t. I was
looking for some information
online and came across an article
about a bear attack, so that’s
probably why I had the dream.
B: Probably. Did you sleep well after
A: I couldn’t.
A: Ian, may I have a word with you?
B: Yes, Mr Wilkins.
A: Ian, I’ve been looking at your
latest project, and I noticed that
the quality has dropped. Is there
a problem? Maybe you’re stressed
out about your final exams.
B: Not really. I always do well in
A: Perhaps you’re suffering from
insomnia again? I remember you
had problems last year.
B: No, I’m fine now. I think I found it
difficult to do this project because
my flatmate is decorating the
house, and he is distracting me a
A: Ah, that explains it.
A: Hello?
B: Hi, Jeff. Sorry to wake you in the
middle of the night but I’m on
Webster Road and I need you to
come pick me up.
A: What happened? Did your car
break down again?
B: Well, not exactly. As I was driving
along, a fox ran out in front of me.
I didn’t see it until the last minute,
so I swerved to avoid it and hit a
A: Are you alright?
B: I’m fine, don’t worry. Fortunately,
I wasn’t speeding. I thought I had
a flat tyre, but it seems that both
my headlights are broken.
A: Oh, OK. It’s not a good idea to
drive in the dark. I’m on my way.
B: Thanks.
A: I just downloaded a great new app
called ‘Night Stars’.
B: What does it do?
A: Well, it locates your position
using GPS and it shows you the
names of stars, the galaxies or
the planets that are just over your
head. For example, look over
there. It’s the Big Dipper. You can
also see it on the screen of my
B: That’s nice, but I can find the Big
Dipper on my own, you know.
It isn’t that impressive. Wait a
minute! Did you see that?
A: What?
B: That thing shooting across the
A: It was probably an aeroplane.
B: It was going too fast to be an
aeroplane and it disappeared! It
could be a comet you know. What
does your app say about it?
A: Umm, let’s see... Well, nothing
much, actually. It’s just displaying
the name of the stars and...
B: See? I told you your app isn’t that
Test: Module 12
A. 1. by chance
2. in no time
3. stand a chance
4. slim chance
5. on time
6. of all time
7. for the time being
8. from time to time
9. some time to kill
10. half the chance
B. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d
6. d 7. a
8. c 9. a
11. c 12. a
5. a
10. c
intermediate B1
1. e
2. c
3. d
4. a
1. d
2. f
3. c
4. e
5. a
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Speaker 1
My best friend is Danny. We don’t see
each other every day like we used
to, but we always go out together at
the weekend. Last Sunday, we were
watching a football match together
and he was shouting so loud that
I told him to be quiet. He didn’t like
that at all and started yelling at me.
We both said things we didn’t mean,
and in the end, he left. It was all my
fault, really. Anyway, we’re meeting
up later today, and I hope he gives
me a second chance.
Speaker 2
I have a friend who I’ve known since
primary school, and we get along
really well together. But there is one
thing that drives me up the wall.
Half the time, I don’t know what she
wants or likes, and I don’t think she
does either. We almost got into an
argument the other day. We were at
a restaurant and she spent ten whole
minutes describing to a waiter the
exact details of a salad she wanted.
In the end, she didn’t eat it because it
wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.
I’m pretty sure she gets it from her
mother, who is exactly the same.
But even so, she can be a pain in the
neck sometimes.
Speaker 3
I usually meet my friend Susan for
dinner on a Thursday night. It’s
become a sort of tradition. We always
argue about where to go and what
to eat, and she usually gets her way
in the end, but I don’t mind. But ever
since she’s started playing tennis,
all she ever talks about is how well
she’s playing, and how good her new
racket is, even which tennis balls are
the best. It can get pretty boring,
I can assure you. So, I’m sorry to say
it, but it was a relief when she called
me to cancel last night. Maybe I can
find someone else to go out with.
Speaker 4
I’ve got a friend who is always
late. I mean, always. Most of my
other friends don’t talk to him
anymore because they find him too
frustrating. I don’t really mind that
much. It’s something you can get
used to, so there’s no point arguing
over it. The thing that bothers me,
though, is why he does it. There’s
never any reason, and he doesn’t
feel he has to give you an excuse
or anything. It’s just who he is and
what he does, and I can’t make head
or tail of it. Anyway, there are more
important things to worry about.
Final Test
1. b
2. c
6. d
7. a
11. d
12. b
16. d 17. a
21. c 22. c
26. b 27. c
31. c 32. b
3. a
8. c
13. d
18. c
23. b
28. a
33. a
4. a
9. a
14. c
19. c
24. d
29. b
34. d
5. c
10. a
15. a
20. b
25. a
30. b
35. b
1. b
2. a
6. b
7. b
11. a
12. c
16. c 17. b
21. d 22. b
26. b 27. c
31. a 32. d
3. c
8. d
13. b
18. d
23. a
28. c
33. d
4. c
9. c
14. a
19. b
24. c
29. d
34. d
5. d
10. d
15. b
20. b
25. d
30. c
35. a
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. c
1. d
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. a
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: So, did you have a nice weekend?
B: Yeah. I went to my sister’s for
lunch on Saturday.
A: How is she?
B: Not so good. She has the flu at the
A: That’s a shame. What about
B: I went jogging in the morning, and
then just stayed at home all day.
A: That sounds nice.
B: Well, I got a little bored, to be
honest. If only I had been home
in the morning. My friend June
called me about going on a picnic,
but I was out.
A: That’s a shame.
A: I saw Lee earlier. He’s very angry
with you.
B: Why? Because I was late at the
A: I think so. What happened?
B: Well, I had a nap in the afternoon,
but when I woke up, I was already
late. I rushed to get ready, and
drove to the café, but by the time
I arrived, he had already left.
A: Why didn’t you call him?
B: I tried calling him after I left the
café, but he wouldn’t answer.
A: That’s why I never have an
afternoon nap.
A: Need any help?
B: Yeah. I can’t seem to fix this shelf.
A: Why don’t you ask John? He’s
good at fixing things.
B: You’re right. Is he working today?
A: No. He has the day off, but he’s not
at home right now. He must have
gone to buy that new book he’s
been talking about. Give him a
call. He’ll come and help you.
B: Are you sure?
A: Of course. He won’t mind.
Copyright © MM Publications
A. 1. …hadn’t run fast, he wouldn’t
have caught the bus.
2. …had woken up early, he wouldn’t
have been late for school.
3. …wouldn’t have got lost if
she had had a GPS with her.
4. …would have gone for a picnic
if the weather hadn’t been bad /
had been good.
5. …had listened to the traffic
report, I would have avoided
the heavy traffic.
B. 1. …I didn’t have to cook every day.
2. …we hadn’t lied to our parents.
3. …I had brought my umbrella.
4. …she could speak French.
5. …he hadn’t moved to New York.
intermediate B1
A: So, what did you think about that
last candidate?
B: What was his name?
A: Darren Olsen.
B: Yes, he seemed very professional.
A: Definitely, even though he seemed
a little young.
B: Perhaps, but he was very mature
for his age.
A: I agree. He was very polite during
the whole interview.
B: That’s true. His CV says he’s only
been working for a year.
A: Is that all? I’m not sure that’s
enough. Not for the position we’re
B: I think you’re right. Let’s look at
that other candidate. Janice…
something was her name.
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A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I’m looking for a mobile
phone for a friend.
A: We have lots of mobile phones
over here.
B: I know the one I want. It’s the
FX350. I saw an ad on the Internet
that you’re selling them for £100.
A: I think that’s correct, yes.
B: I haven’t got enough cash on me.
Do you take credit cards?
A: Yes, of course.
B: And if he doesn’t like it, can I get a
A: Certainly. But I just need to check...
Yes, I thought so. It’s out of stock
at the moment.
B: Oh.
A: I can order one for you to pick up
next week.
B: No, it’s OK. Don’t worry about it.
Pioneer Intermediate B1
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni
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