Responsabilitati ISO 19650 ## Rolurile echipei de proiect KEY A B C Engleza Information Sponsor Project Information Manager Project Delivery Manager Romana Sponsor de informatii Manager Informational de Proiect Manager de livrare a proiectului Pasted image 20240312114659.png # A. Project Sponsor K E Y Engleza 1 ** Core task and org chart structure**Information management; heading the overallproject as the lead of the project team; receives information from project deliverymanager and project information manager; acts as 1st level project lead 2 ** Technical task: **none 3 Authority: person or organisation that provides the financial resources for the project 4 Quality Assurance: none Romana Sarcina de bază și structura organigramei: Administrarea informației; în fruntea generaluluiproiect ca lider al echipei de proiect; primește informații de la livrarea proiectuluimanager și manager de informații de proiect; acționează ca lider de proiect de nivel 1 Sarcina tehnica B. Project Information Manager K E Y Engleza 1 Core task and org chart structure: Information management; being part of the projectteam; co works with the project delivery manager; reports to the project sponsor; beingpart of the 2nd level project management; responsible for the assessment and needs aswell as invitation to tender and project close out 2 ** Technical task: **none 3 Authority: ownership of Exchange Information Requirement (EIR); Accept/rejectinformation exchanges within the common data environment towards the d elivery teamlead who must report to the project team‘s project information manager and the other tworoles; confirm/reject the BIM Execution Plan 4 Quality Assurance: takes the lead in establishing the information standard, theproduction methods and procedures, and is responsible for the project’s common dataenvironment R o m a n a C. Project Delivery Manager K E Y Engleza 1 Core task and org chart structure: Information management; being part of the projectteam; co works with the project information manager; reports to the project sponsor;being part of the 2nd level project management; responsible for the assessment andneeds as well as invitation to tender and project close out 2 Technical task:manage the delivery of information during the project lifecycle; developthe Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) by co w orking with the task team managers ;co work with the project information manager on the delivery of project information duringthe project including planning/monitoring and ensuring schedules/timing when projectinformation is to be prepared; who is responsible for producing the information, protocolsand procedures for each stage that shall be followed 3 Authority: ownership of the Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) execution onappointing party side; confirm/reject the BIM Execution Plan 4 Quality Assurance: approves/rejects delivered information to/from the delivery teamlead R o m a n a