PROF ED PROPONENTS AND THEIR THEORIES 🌷 1. WILHELM WUNDT-father of modern psychology 2.SIGMUND FREUD-father of psychoanalysis, and psychosexual theory 3.JOHANN HEINRICH-father of education and pedagogy 4. IVAN PAVLOV-classical conditioning 5.BURRHUS F. SKINNER-operant conditioning. 6.DAVID AUSUBEL-meaningful learning 7.JEROME BRUNER-discovery learning,spiral curriculum 8.ALBERT BANDURA-social cognitive learning theory. 9.EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE-law of readiness and exercises 10. KURT LEVIN-life space content. 11.KOHLER-problem solving by insight, insightful learning 12.URIE BROFENBRENNER-ecolog­ical theory 13.SANDRA BEM-gender schema theory 14.HOWARD GARDNER-theory of multiple intelligence 15.ELLIOT TURRIEL-Social domain theory 16.LAWRENCE KOHLBERG-moral development theory 17.ROBERT STERNBERG-triathlon theory intelligence 18.ERIK ERIKSON-psychosocial­ development theory 19.MA. MONTESSORI-transfer of learning, kindergarten preparation of children. 20.EDWARD PAUL TORRANCE-creative problem solving 21.CHOMSKY-linguistic acquisition theory 22.JEAN PIAGET-cognitive learning theory 23.JOHN WATSON-behavioral theory 24.EDWARD TOLMAN-purpose behaviorism 25.BERNARD WEINER-attribution theory 26.DANIEL GOLEMAN-emotional intelligence. 27.TITCHENER- structuralism psychology 28.ROBERT GAGNE -sequence of instruction 29.ABRAHAM MASLOW - hierarchy of needs , motivation theory 30.BENJAMIN BLOOM - bloom's cognitive taxonomy 31.DAVID KRATHWOHL - affective domain 32.LEV VYGOTSKY - socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding 33.JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa , empiricism 34.CHARLES COOLEY - looking glass self-theory 35.JOHN FLAVEL - metacognition 36.ARNOLD GESELL - maturation theory 37.JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing 38.DAVID FROEBEL - Father of kindergarten 39.AUGUSTE COMTE - Father of Sociology. 40.JOHN AMOS COMENCIUS - Fr. of modern education. Just Sharing! #LET2023