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good assignment

Good or Bad?
This assignment requires you to think about the true meaning of being good. Many people
throughout time have been considered good and bad depending on the perspective of who is
asked. For example, to some people, Genghis Khan was a brilliant leader whose actions
created a unified Asia and Europe. To others Genghis Khan was one of the most prolific mass
murders of all time. Your goal for this essay is to take a stance on whether or not you think
Fritz Haber was a good person or a bad person. Convince your audience (Mr. Champion) to
agree with your choice.
Step 1
Listen to the podcast on Fritz Haber. Be sure to take notes on the good and bad points about
Fritz’s life as well as thoughts about the story.
Step 2
Use this knowledge and your notes to write a 5 paragraph, double spaced persuasive essay on
what it means to be good. Be sure to back up your thoughts with facts provided in the podcast
and from your own research. Be sure to refer to the podcast, other sources and Fritz Haber in
your essay. You should also make connections from your life experiences to make your essay
Step 3
Upon completion of your essay you will share your rough draft with a classmate. You are now
responsible for helping to edit your classmate’s essay while they also provide feedback to you.
Step 4
You will now need to take the suggestions of your classmate and continue to revise and edit
your own work. You will need to complete a good draft that will be handed for a summative
Due Date: Oct. 23, 2015
The Good:
The Bad:
The Research: