Student Management System Create Database StudentManagement STUDENT TABLE create table student (student_id int not null primary key, name varchar(25), age int, gender varchar(1), class varchar(2), secton varchar(1) ) alter table student add foreign key (class, section) references class_section(class, section) STUDENT_SUBJECT TABLE Create table Student_Subject (Student_id int not null, sub varchar(3) primary key (student_id, subject) ) alter table student_subject add foreign key (student_id) references student(student_id) alter table student_subject add foreign key (sub) references subjects(sub) SUBJECTS TABLE CREATE TABLE SUBJECTS (SUB VARCHAR(3) PRIMARY KEY, CREDIT_HOURS INT) CLASS_SECTION TABLE CREATE TABLE CLASS_SECTION (CLASS VARCHAR(3), SECTION VARCHAR(1), CLASS_TEACHER VARCHAR(25) PRIMARY KEY (CLASS, SECTION)) Alter Commands alter table student_subject drop column sub alter table student_subject add sub varchar(3) not null ALTER TABLE Student_Subject ADD PRIMARY KEY (Student_id, sub) INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AND SELECT COMMANDS insert into student (student_id, name, age, class, section) values (1002, 'Karim', 22, 'XI', 'B') insert into class_section (class, section, class_teacher) values ('XI', 'B', 'Amin') select * from student select student_id, name from student update student set age = 32, name = 'Aleem' where student_id = 1002 delete from student where student_id = 1002 select student_id, name, CLASS_TEACHER, student.class from student INNER JOIN CLASS_SECTION ON student.class= CLASS_SECTION.CLASS AND student.section = CLASS_SECTION.SECTION CRICKET Example 1 --create table players --(playerid int primary key, --pname varchar(20)) --create table team_player --(teamid int, --playerid int --primary key (teamid, playerid)) --alter table team_player --add foreign key (teamid) references team(teamid) --alter table team_player --add foreign key (playerid) references players(playerid) Example 2 --insert into team (teamid, country) values (1005, 'ENGLAND') --INSERT INTO PLAYERS (PLAYERID, PNAME) VALUES (110, 'TAILYOR') --insert into team_player (teamid, playerid) values (1004, 108) Example 3 --select * from players --select * from team --select * from team_player SELECT Country, pname FROM Team INNER JOIN Team_Player ON Team.Teamid = Team_player.Teamid INNER JOIN Players ON Players.PlayerID = Team_player. Playerid --update team_player --set playerid = 107 --where playerid = 108 and teamid = 1004 delete from team_player where playerid=107 and teamid = 1004 Example 4 --drop table team_player --alter table players --add teamid int --alter table players --add foreign key (teamid) references team(teamid) --select country, count(*) --FROM team INNER JOIN players --ON team.teamid = players.teamid --group by country Example 5 SELECT TEAM_ID, AVG(PLAYER_AGE) AVERAGE_AGE, COUNT(*) TOTAL MIN(PLAYER_AGE) mini, SUM(PLAYER_AGE) TOTALAGE FROM PLAYERS GROUP BY TEAM_ID , MAX(PLAYER_AGE) MAXI,