King’s College London This paper is part of an examination of the College counting towards the award of a degree. Examinations are governed by the College Regulations under the authority of the Academic Board. Degree Programmes MSc Module Code Module Title Examination Period 7CCSMAMF Agent Based Modelling for Finance May 2019 (Period 2) Time Allowed Two hours Rubric ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS FROM SECTION A AND TWO QUESTIONS FROM SECTION B. Calculators Notes Section A is worth a total of 50 marks. Questions in Section B are worth 25 marks each. If more than two questions from Section B are answered, the answer to the first two questions in the exam paper order will count. Calculators may be used. The following models are permitted: Casio fx83 / Casio fx85. Books, notes or other written material may not be brought into this examination PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE EXAMINATION ROOM 2019 King’s College London THIS PAPER FROM THE May 2019 7CCSMAMF SECTION A 1. What is systemic risk? Why is it important in economics and finance? [5 marks] 2. What are the key elements of an agent-based model? [5 marks] Page 2 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 3. What is the ZIP trading strategy? Why is it studied? [7 marks] 4. What is the Roth-Erev trading strategy for double auction markets? How does it compare with other trading strategies? [7 marks] Page 3 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 5. The following payoff matrix corresponds to a modified version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma called the DA’s brother problem. In this problem, Prisoner 1 (the row player) is the brother of the District Attorney (DA). Deny Deny 0, -2 Confess -1, -10 Confess -10, -1 -5, -5 How does this problem differ from the standard Prisoner’s Dilemma? Is there a pure strategy Nash equilibrium? Is there an equilibrium in dominant strategies? Provide details of your reasoning. [5 marks] Page 4 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 6. Consider the following 2-player game. We will refer to the row player as Player 1 and to the column player as Player 2. Left Right Up 5, 5 Down 3, 0 0, 3 3, 3 a. Find all equilibria of the game – both in pure and mixed strategies – and indicate the respective (expected) utilities for both players. [4 marks] b. Now assume that the payoff of Player 2 has changed as follows (the change is indicated in bold). Left Right Up 5, 5 Down 3, 1 0, 3 3, 3 How does this affect the equilibrium strategies (both pure and mixed) of Player 1 and/or Player 2? [3 marks] Page 5 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 7. Describe the revenue equivalence theorem and its implications. Discuss why, despite the revenue equivalence theorem, truthful auctions are preferred. [7 marks] 8. Suppose the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism is applied to sell two objects {A, B} to three buyers {1, 2, 3}. A buyer can buy none, one, or both of the objects. The valuation function of each buyer depends only on the set of objects assigned to that buyer and is given by: v1 (∅) = 0 v1 ({A}) = 3 v1 ({B}) = 2 v1 ({A, B}) = 15 v2 (∅) = 0 v2 ({A}) = 2 v2 ({B}) = 8 v2 ({A, B}) = 10 v3 (∅) = 0 v3 ({A}) = 10 v3 ({B}) = 3 v3 ({A, B}) = 12 Determine the assignment of objects to buyers and the payments to the buyers, under truthful bidding. Discuss why buyer 1 might have an objection to the outcome. [7 marks] Page 6 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF SECTION B 9. Explain the game rock-paper-scissors. What are the consequences of playing repeated games? What is the Nash equilibrium strategy for the repeated game? Can this strategy be beaten? How? [25 marks] Page 7 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 10. Suppose you have been commissioned by the Bank of England (the central bank of the UK) to build an agent-based model of the lending that takes place between the major commercial banks (eg, Barclays, NatWest, HSBC, etc). What would be the agents in your model? What would be the links between them? How would you calibrate the model? After the model was completed, suppose that a senior official of the Bank of England asked you to share the model with the commercial banks. What would be the potential consequences of doing this? Do you think sharing this information would be sensible or not? [25 marks] Page 8 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 11. Consider the following 2-player game. L C R U 1, 2 3, 5 2, 1 M 0, 4 2, 1 3, 0 D -1, 1 4, 3 0, 2 a. Does either player have dominated strategies? If so, identify them. [4 marks] b. Does either player have a dominant strategy? Why or why not? [4 marks] c. Use elimination of dominated strategies (EDS) to solve this game. Show the order in which you are eliminating strategies, and specify whether you are eliminating strictly or weakly dominated strategies. [6 marks] d. Is your EDS solution a Nash equilibrium? Why or why not? [4 marks] e. For each player, find their maximin and minimax pure strategies. Indicate the corresponding utilities of the players. [7 marks] Page 9 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF 12. Facebook applies the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism (a.k.a. VCG) for its display advertising. The items for sale are the ad slots to be shown to a visiting user, and the buyers (a.k.a. agents) are the interested advertisers. Consider a setting with two slots: 1 and 2, and three advertisers: A, B and C, competing for these slots. Two of the advertisers, A and B, are direct competitors, since they are offering similar products (e.g., Apple vs. Microsoft). Therefore, if A’s ad is shown in either slot, the value of the remaining slot for B is diminished, and similarly for A if B’s ad is shown. Consequently, their utility not only depends on which slot they receive, but also on who receives the other slot (there are so-called allocative externalities). One of the slots is more prominent and therefore more valuable to all agents. Also, all advertisers prefer to receive both slots rather than one slot. The agents’ private valuations for the slots are given in the following table, where for A and B, v indicates the (higher) value in case the slots are not divided between these direct competitors, and v 0 is the (lower) value in case the other slot is awarded to the direct competitor. Agent A B C Slot 1 Slot 2 Slots 1 and 2 0 0 vA,1 = 2.0 / vA,1 = 1.5 vA,2 = 1.6 / vA,2 = 0.9 vA,1+2 = 2.3 0 0 vB,1 = 2.5 / vB,1 = 1.6 vB,2 = 2.0 / vB,2 = 1.5 vB,1+2 = 2.9 vC,1 = 1.0 vC,2 = 0.7 vC,1+2 = 1.1 a. Given the agents’ valuations as above, what is the efficient allocation of the slots? How much is the social welfare in this case? [7 marks] QUESTION 12 CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE Page 10 SEE NEXT PAGE May 2019 7CCSMAMF b. Compute the transfers for all agents under the VCG mechanism. [10 marks] c. Show whether (and why!) the resulting transfers are (1) individually rational, (2) weakly budget balanced, (3) strongly budget balanced. [8 marks] Page 11 FINAL PAGE