NUKUS State PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE The department of English language and literature Classroom Language (3rd year) M. BAYIMBETOVA Creating a Positive Classroom Environment to teach ENGLISH Agenda The importance of positive environment to teach English How to structure the physical environment How to structure the emotional environment The role of self-esteem in the classroom It is essential… Research shows that when teaching English it is essential to have a positive environment in the classroom that time we can teach easily and effectively Which method is useful to have positive English environment ? It is effective to use suggestopedic method to have positive environment in the classroom and the learners can learn easily through the audio-visual way Useful tips to have an English environment Don’t use mother tongue during the lesson Use positive and friendly way of speech Use appropriate vocabulary and easily remembered ones Use posters and colored cards with the words of English on it Bring cartoons films, songs, and tales written in English Structuring the Physical Environment Desk arrangements Student placement Classroom decoration Music in the classroom Desk Arrangement Desks in groups, with students facing each other, can help stimulate student discussion Source: Desk Arrangement Desks in single or double rows are good for demonstrations and independent work Source: Desk Arrangement Desks in u-shapes are recommended where possible source: Desk Arrangement Desks in workstations are suited for students who have developed self management skills Source: Student Placement Place easily distracted students away from each other, doorways, windows and areas of high traffic Preferably, place to one side of the classroom, close to the front An inclusive classroom should place students in areas of the class best suited to their needs Classroom Decoration Students like to see their own work displayed, even in High Schools Class-made posters help students develop a sense of belonging to the classroom Plants and animals can have positive effects on the classroom (Nicholls, 2006) Music in the Classroom Music can be a great addition to any classroom – Use as reward – Create positive mood – Helps broaden musical experiences In inclusive classroom music can: – Comfort/calm and help focus (some students) Structuring the Emotional Environment “It is the teacher’s responsibility to value each and every one of the students in their class, so that each student feels special and important.” (GroundwaterSmith et al, 1998, p. 95) Strategies Greet students personally Make frequent eye contact Negotiate rules and routines with students Acknowledge positive behaviours Use positive language Interact with students outside the classroom as well. Avoid criticizing students. Minimise embarrassment Activity 1. Group work. 3 minutes to prepare for the answers. Creating a positive learning environment. Students fills the tables with the names of things or ways to create a positive learning environment. Activity 2. Individual work. 5 minutes. Students try to imagine themselves as young learners. The grade which they belong to is up to themselves. According to their grades and ages they have illustrated they should list sentences in columns. Activity 3: Hall of Fame: Individual work. 5 minutes. A concept/ topic which they couldn’t understand and now they do! When implementing rules into a classroom do the following: State rules positively. • Emphasize rationales for rules. • Minimize the number of rules. • Monitor rules throughout the school year. Whatch an extract from a film “The Ron Clark Story” Activity 4. Individual work. Set up rules for creating productive and positive environment for 3-5 rules. 2 minutes Students take a sheet of papaer each and do the actiity individually by creating rules for creating productive and positive environment for about from 3 to 5 rules. “We have to motivate our students but we need to keep ourselves motivated too!” Thank you