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Connection-Oriented vs Connectionless Protocols: Advantages & Disadvantages

1) Advantage and Disadvantage of Connection-oriented protocol and Connectionless
According to a7thson. (2003, January 2) to understand what a connection-oriented
protocol is, consider a very known service on which it is based: the telephone system. I have an
open circuit when I pick up the phone, and the dial tone carrier signal allows me to connect to a
destination of my choice.
Before delivering data over the same or separate networks, a connection-oriented service
establishes an end-to-end connection between the sender and the receiver. Packets are forwarded
to the receiver in the same sequence they were sent by the sender in connection-oriented service.
It employs a handshake procedure to establish a connection between the user and the sender in
order to transport data over the network. As a result, it is also recognized as a trustworthy
network service.
For Connectionless, according to a7thson. (2003, January 2), The process of sending
letters through the postal system is an excellent comparison for a connectionless service. Each
transmission (the "letter") includes the complete destination address and is handled
independently of other communications. As previously stated, the service must simply ensure
that each reaches its host within specific time constraints. Unlike a connection-oriented service,
the system has complete control over what happens between the sender and receiver.
In connectionless the data is transferred in one direction from source to destination
without checking the destination is still there or not or if it prepared to accept the message.
Authentication is not needed in this.
So, 3 of the Advantage is
1. For Connection-Oriented:
More trustworthy because it needs the handshake from the both ends.
There is no possibility of delay.
Data packet order is assured.
2. For Connectionless:
Enable send same data to be broadcast or send to multiple recipients.
There is no circuit configuration. As a result, establishing a connection can takes
only a fraction of a minute.
The costs are typically low.
So, from that we could get the disadvantage:
1. For Connection-Oriented:
Can only communicate with one person at once.
Need Time to configurate.
Need to allocate a resource before communication.
2. For Connectionless:
There is a chance of data packet loss, incorrect packet delivery, or duplication.
There is good amount of possibility of delay.
Less Trustworthy because there is no confirmation like handshake on the
Design Issue
In Connection-oriented, because the transmission paths are pre-established, the hardware
may become vulnerable and fail. Because the architecture does not enable multiple requests over
a single connection, it is necessary to establish a new connection for each request made.
In connectionless service, because there is no confirmation of the data received, data
transfer is unreliable because segments or datagrams may be lost over the network and the
protocol is unaware of the situation. Data may be received out of order, whereas fragments may
3) My preference
Connection-Oriented protocols, such as TCP, are preferred because of their data
transmission reliability, as well as the ability to transport massive amounts of data over a
network while knowing that data transmission is ensured.
a7thson. (2003, January 2). Connection-oriented and connectionless services. everything2.