PMB / Westville Campus MODULE COURSE INFORMATION SHEET - 2024 MODULE CODE: COMP702 MODULE NAME: IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION LECTURERS Module Coordinator – S. VIRIRI Lecturer - S. VIRIRI Administrator – Charmaine/Bev LECTURE MONDAY OFFICE 319 319 W / PMB TELEPHONE 3021/7724 3021/7724 3018 / 5609 TIMETABLE TIME VENUE 10:00 – 12:00 305/F47 Online TUTORIAL E-MAIL magwazac2, bonhomme TIME VENUE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MODULE WEBSITE CONTENT AND DELIVERY TUTORIALS N/A PRACTICALS CALCULATORS N/A Gonzales R.C. and Woods P., Digital Image Processing, AddisonWesley, 3rd Edition. N/A ANNOUNCEMENTS DP (DULY PERFORMED) N/A ASSESSMENTS Test1 (20%) + Test2 (30%) + Assignment (20%) + Project (30%) BAR CODES Yes Test 1 (28 March, 2024, 10:00 am) Test 2 (23 May, 2024, 10:00 am) PRESCRIBED TEXT TESTS MAKE UP TESTS HOT SEAT CONSULTATION TIMES By appointment Module Objectives: It covers the theories, techniques and applications of image processing and computer vision in real-world contexts like biomedical imaging, biometrics, remote sensing, industrial vision, surveillance and security. Module Topics: • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction: Image, Graphics, vision and computer; Signal processing overview, Image processing basics, digital image formats, image processing and vision systems, applications. Data Structures for Image Processing: Matrices, chains, topological data structures, relational structures, and hierarchical data structures. Preprocessing and Image Amelioration: Histogram, histogram transformations, Modification of the histogram pattern, filtering. Introduction to Mathematical Morphology: Elements of Set Theory and Logic, Thinning, erosion, dilation, opening, closing. Segmentation: Detection of connected components, Thresholding, Edge detection, region detection Features Extraction and Representation: region identification, description and representation of contours, description and representation of regions. Linear Image Transformations: Basic Theory, Hadammard Transform, Haar Transform, Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Wavelets. Image Data Compression: Presentation of different techniques and different norms of compression, Coding, Fractal Image Compression. Elements of Pattern Recognition: Different methods of pattern recognition, Learning and Clustering, structural pattern recognition. Texture Analysis: Statistical texture description, Syntactic texture description methods, applications. Motion Analysis: Optical flow, moving Object detection and Tracking, Behavior Detection and Modeling, Kalman filtering. Tests and Assignments: There will be two tests, two assignments and a project. NB: A doctors' certificate is required if you miss a test. Tests • • • • and Assignments Dates: Test 1: 28 March, 2024 Test 2: 23 May, 2024 Assignment: (See assignment outline) Project: (See project outline) FINAL MARK = 0.3*Test1 + 0.3*Test2 + 0.2*Assignment + 0.2*Project References: (Useful Textbooks) 1. Gonzales R.C. and Woods P., Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition. 2. Sonka M. Hlavac V. and Doyle R., Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, PWS Publishing. 3. Burger W. and Burge M.J., Digital Image Processing, Springer. 4. Duda R. O., Hart P. E. and Stork D. G., Pattern Classification, Wiley Interscience. 5. Snyder W.E. and Qi H., Machine Vision, Cambridge.