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английский для инженеров

федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования
«Самарский государственный технический университет»
Е.А. Градалева, Н.А. Гриднева, Ю.В. Лопухова,
М.О. Полухина, Н.С. Швайкина, М.В. Юрина
English for Technical University Students: soft skills
for career development
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета
СамГТУ_______________________2020 г.
УДК 42
ББК 81.2 Англ.
Г 75
English for Technical University Students: soft skills for career development: учеб. / Е.А. Градалева,
Н.А. Гриднева, Ю.В. Лопухова, М.О. Полухина, Н.С. Швайкина, М.В. Юрина. – Самара: СамГТУ,
2020. – ….. с.
Целью данного учебника является формирование навыков говорения, чтения, письма и
аудирования на английском языке у студентов I курса всех специальностей в техническом
Включает развернутую систему упражнений для совершенствования навыков устной и
письменной речи и контроля освоения лексики и грамматики на начальном этапе обучения.
Предназначено для всех видов работ: аудиторной и самостоятельной.
Данный учебник соответствует требованиями учебных программ по английскому языку
для технических вузов.
УДК 42
ББК 81.2 Англ.
Г 75
 Е.А. Градалева, Н.А. Гриднева, Ю.В. Лопухова, М.О. Полухина,
Н.С. Швайкина, М.В. Юрина 2020
© СамГТУ, 2020
Introduction. Nice to Meet You……………………………………………………..
Unit 1. Getting to Know You………………………………………..………………
1A Study Habits……………………………………………………..………………
1B How Do You Learn Best……………………………………...…………………
1C Talk about Learning Experience…………………………………………………
Revision Unit 1………………………………………………………………………
Unit 2. Education…………………………………………………………………….
2A Back to School…………………………………...………………………………
2B Higher Education…………………………………………...……………………
2C Campus and Traditions……………………………………………………..……
Revision Unit 2………………………………………………………………………
Unit 3. Your Future Career………………………..…………………………………
3A Career Plans…………………………………...…………………………………
3B Careers in Engineering……………………………………...……………………
3C Career Skills…………………………………………………………...…………
Revision Unit 3………………………………………………………………………
Unit 4. Technological Future………………………...………………………………
4A Important Inventions…………………………………………..…………………
4B Social Networking……………………………………………………….………
4C Online Learning, Online Conferencing………………………………………….
Revision Unit 4………………………………………………………………………
Conclusion. Public Speaking………………...………………………………………
Словарь ключевых слов……………………………………………………………
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Auxiliary verbs
Present simple and adverbs of frequency
Present simple and present continuous
Present perfect and past simple
Past simple, past continuous, past perfect
Used to/get used to/be used to
Be going to, present continuous, future simple
Future continuous, future perfect
Future time and conditional clauses
Passive voice: present forms
Passive voice: past forms
Passive voice: future forms
Modal verbs
Целью обучения иностранному языку в вузе является, как известно,
коммуникативной компетенции, то есть подготовка будущих специалистов к
эффективному общению на изучаемом языке в сфере профессиональной
деятельности. В условиях весьма ограниченного количества часов, выделяемых
на изучение дисциплины в неязыковых вузах, достижение данной цели
является очень непростой задачей. По убеждению авторов этого учебника,
более высокой результативности здесь может способствовать максимально
ранняя ориентация процесса обучения иностранному языку на будущие
профессиональные потребности.
Данный учебник, созданный для студентов 1 курса технических вузов
(уровень А2 – В1), нацелен на знакомство будущих инженеров с
профессионально-ориентированной проблематикой и, в частности, включает в
себя такие темы, как обучение в техническом университете (в России и за
рубежом), карьера в различных сферах инженерной деятельности (в том числе
необходимые инженеру навыки и способности), современные технологии (в
том числе социальные сети и дистанционное обучение). В целом, учебник, имея
профессионально-ориентированный уклон, развивает тематику общего курса
английского языка (General English), в том числе входящую в стандартную
школьную программу и потому в той или иной мере знакомую
первокурсникам. Это определяет языковую и смысловую доступность
включенных в него материалов для обучаемых и позволяет качественно
подготовить их к специализированному курсу английского языка, способствуя,
в частности, овладению ими базовой общепрофессиональной лексикой.
Учебник создан с опорой на актуальные аутентичные материалы, что дает
обучаемым возможность приобретения ценного опыта непосредственного
взаимодействия с изучаемой лингвокультурой, способствует более
эффективному формированию иноязычной социокультурной компетенции,
необходимой для качественного межкультурного взаимодействия, в том числе в
сфере профессиональной деятельности. Отдельное преимущество учебника
составляют задания, обеспечивающие возможность реализации личностноориентированного подхода, то есть задания, мотивирующие студентов на
высказывание собственной точки зрения по тому или иному актуальному для
них вопросу, апеллирующие к их личному жизненному опыту. Отдельно стоит
отметить задания, предполагающие поиск обучаемыми заданной информации в
англоязычных источниках и позволяющие, таким образом, более эффективно
развивать у них информационно-поисковые и информационно-аналитические
Каждая глава учебника включает в себя систему упражнений,
направленных на полноценное формирование языковой и речевой компетенций
обучаемых. Материалы для развития лексических навыков предложены в
разделах Vocabulary (аудиторная работа) и Vocabulary Bank (самостоятельная
работа), для развития грамматических навыков – в разделах Grammar
(аудиторная работа) и Grammar Bank (самостоятельная работа), для развития
всех видов речевой деятельности – в разделах Listening, Reading, Speaking,
Writing. Во вводной главе (Introduction) студенты учатся знакомиться и
рассказывать о себе на английском языке. В главах, представляющих основную
часть пособия – Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, предлагается материал по темам,
связанным с инженерным образованием, карьерой и технологиями. Разделы 2В
и 2С, тематически ориентированные на знакомство учащихся с Самарским
государственным техническим университетом, при использовании учебника в
иных университетах могут быть адаптированы под соответствующий вуз. В
конце каждой главы представлены задания для обобщающего занятия
(Revision), разработанные для контроля усвоения изученной темы. В
заключении (Conclusion) обучаемые знакомятся с основными правилами
создания презентации, что обеспечивает развитие у них навыков публичного
выступления, которые необходимы как в университетской, так и в
профессиональной среде, в частности, для полноценного участия в
международных конференциях и на форумах, для представления своих
проектов зарубежным партнерам. В учебнике также имеется словарь ключевых
слов, разбитый по разделам и предлагающий то значение каждого включенного
в него слова, в котором это слово употребляется в самом разделе.
Авторы учебника рассчитывают, что работа с ним будет продуктивной и
интересной, обеспечит развитие необходимых на данном этапе
коммуникативных навыков, мотивирует на дальнейшее овладение английским
языком и, конечно, усилит интерес учащихся к выбранной профессии.
Nice to Meet You
Exercise 1. Introduce yourself to all the other students in your class.
My name is
Hi! I‘m____.
Nice to meet you.
Exercise 2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
Look at the photo below. Where are the people?
Who are they?
What are they doing?
Do you think they know each other? Why/ Why not?
1.1 Exercise 3. You are going to hear two conversations in which people meet
for the first time. Answer the questions for each conversation.
1. Who are the people?
2. Where do they meet?
3. Why are they there?
1.1 Exercise 4. Listen to the conversations again and write in the missing
Conversation 1
Molly: Excuse me? Hello!
Peter: Hi!
Molly: My name is Molly. What __________________?
Peter: I‘m Peter. My friends call me Pete.
Molly: My friends call me Molly. Hi, Pete! Nice to meet you.
Peter: It‘s _____________________.
Molly: Are you a student here?
Peter: ____________. My class is at 9 o‘clock with Miss Taylor.
Molly: Miss Taylor? She‘s my teacher. You‘re in my class!
Peter: Great!
Molly: Where ______________?
Peter: It‘s over there.
Conversation 2
Peter: Hi! I‘m Peter. Peter Crum. I‘m in your class.
Teacher: Hi, Peter! Nice to meet you! Hello! What‘s your name?
Molly: I‘m Molly. I‘m in your class too.
Teacher: Hello, Holly! Um, is ____________________?
Molly: No, it‘s Molly- M-O-L-L-Y.
Teacher: M-O-L-L-Y. Molly. Hmm! What_________________, Molly?
Molly: Lin. L-I-N.
Teacher: Peter Crum and Molly Lin.
Peter: Ah, wait. Excuse me! ______________ Miss Taylor?
Teacher: No, I‘m not. I‘m Mrs. Smith. Miss Taylor is in room 203, over there.
Peter: Oh, thanks!
Teacher: Have a good day!
Peter: Good bye!
Molly: Bye!
FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE Greet people and give personal information
Exercise 5. Complete the phrases with the words from the box.
meet (x2)
Say hello
Good 2 _______/3________/4_______
Greet new people
Good/Nice to 5_________you.
Greet new people and friends
How are you?
How are you7 ________?
Say goodbye
Hi! Hey!
(It‘s) Good/Nice to 6________ you, too.
I‘m good/I‘m very8______/I‘m OK,
thank you. How 9_______ you? / And
_______. /See you.
Exercise 6. Act out the conversation 1 in Exercise 4 with three different people.
Use your own name and the real name of your teacher.
VOCABULARY Personal Information
Exercise 7.Write the words under the correct heading.
video games
social networking
Physical activities
Musical instruments
Exercise 8A. Complete the phrases with the words from Exercise 7. One word
can go with two verbs. Which words don’t fit?
Do yoga, _______, the ________
Go travelling, _______, _______, _______,_______, _______
Play video games, _______, _______
Play the violin, _______,_______,_______,_______
Exercise 9. Think of one more word to add to the lists in Exercise 8.
Exercise 10. Work in small groups. Find three activities you all do. Then share
your findings with the class. Use the following example:
Useful language
-What do you like doing in your free time?
-I like playing video games.
-Really? Me too!
-What are your hobbies?
- Yoga and karate.
-Oh, that‘s interesting!
After the verb like, we
often use –ing when we
speak about activities that
bring us joy.
I like playing football.
To show interest and agree
with a person, we use the
following phrases:
Really? Me, too!
Oh, that‟s interesting!
-And what about you?
-My hobbies are travelling and jogging.
Exercise 11. Look at the sentence beginnings in bold 1-9. Match each sentence
with a pair of alternative endings (a-i). The first one is an example.
I am from Germany.
Egypt, Russia
I am 19 years old.
I speak Spanish and English.
I study at university.
I live with a roommate.
I am in my second year.
I am interested in sports.
I study Medicine.
I am a university student.
With parents. / On my own.
A teacher. / An engineer.
Music. / Physical activities.
17. / 20 years old.
Egypt. / Russia.
School. / College.
Engineering. / Architecture.
First year. / Third year.
French. / Italian.
Go to Vocabulary Bank Introduction for more practice.
Exercise 12. Work in pairs. Use the language from Exercise 11 to say true things
about yourself.
GRAMMAR Auxiliary verbs
When we make questions, we use such auxiliary verbs as be (am, is, are) and do.
What do you do? (Present simple)
What is your name? (Present simple)
Exercise 13. Complete the questions with the correct auxiliary verbs (are or do).
How old ______ you?
Where ______ you from?
What ______ you interested in?
Who _____ you live with?
What languages _____ you speak?
Where ______ you study?
What _____ you do?
What year ______ you in?
What ______ you study at this university?
Exercise 14. Answer the questions from Exercise 13 (A-I) using the sentences
about yourself from Exercise 11 (1-9).
-What do you do? (G)
-I‘m a student.
Go to Grammar Bank Introduction Exercises 1and 2 for more practice.
Exercise 15. There are seven more mistakes in the text. Find and correct them.
Tom Smith am my classmate. He 20 years old. He is a university student too. He in
his second year is. He live with his mother and father. He speak French and English.
He is study American Literature. He am very interested in sports. He likes football
and volleyball. He also interested in movies and social networking.
Go to Grammar Bank Introduction Exercise 3 for more practice.
Exercise 16. You are going to write a profile of someone in your class.
1. Write questions to ask. Use the
topic ideas below and think of your
 Personal details;
 Country;
 Study;
I am from Germany. He / She is from
 Free time;
He / She lives on
 Hobbies;
her own.
 Languages.
Example: What is your name?
(personal details)
2. Choose a student you don’t know
very well. Take turns to ask and
answer your questions. Write down
your partner’s answers.
*have something in common- to have the
same interests, hobbies, ideas. For example:
Oleg and I have a lot in common. We both
like video games, karate and football.
3. Write a profile of your partner.
4. Swap the profiles with your partner. Check the information is correct.
5. Read other students’ profiles. Who do you have a lot in common* with?
Vocabulary Bank Introduction
Nice to Meet You
Exercise 1. Number the sentences in the correct order.
I‘m Veronica.
It‘s really nice to meet you, too.
Yes, I am.
Oh, great! Me, too. What‘s your name?
Hello! Are you here for the English class?
Nice to meet you, Veronica. And I‘m Nicole.
Exercise 2. Decide which word is the odd word out? Explain your reason.
1. DO yoga, karate, Pilates, volleyball, the shopping.
2. PLAY video games, violin, volleyball, football.
3. GO jogging, swimming, shopping, skiing, movies.
4. PLAY THE drums, saxophone, football, piano, guitar.
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with true information.
1. I like___________________________.
2. I do ____________________________.
3. My hobbies are___________________.
4. I study at________________________.
5. I speak__________________________.
6. I play the________________________.
7. I live with_______________________.
8. I am interested in_________________.
Grammar Bank Introduction
Auxiliary Verbs
Exercise 1. Write the questions.
A. 1____________________________________?
B. I‘m from the United States.
A. 2____________________________________?
B. I‘m sorry, I never tell people my age.
A. 3____________________________________?
B. I am a college student.
A. 4____________________________________?
B. On my own.
B. Engineering.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct words in italics in the text.
Hi! My name is/are Kate. I are/am 20
years old. I am/is from Germany. I am
study/study architecture at university.
I‘m in my second year. I lives/live with
a roommate. I am/are interested in
sports. I like/likes doing yoga and
Pilates in my free time. Nice to meet
Exercise 3. Write about one of your classmates. Use the example in Exercise 15
Lesson Introduction.
1A Study Habits
1B How Do You Learn Best
1C Talk about Learning Experience
1A Study Habits
Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Do you like to study?
2. Do you have your favourite subjects? What are they?
3. Do you think you are a good student? Why / Why not?
Useful Language
After the verb like, we use to-infinitive form to express habits. For example: I like to
study in the evenings.
Study (v). In this unit, we use the verb to study in two meanings. 1. To learn about
subject at school, university (I study at university). 2. To do work such
as reading and homework. (I like to study at home).
Learn (v). To get knowledge in a new subject or of how to do things. (A. We learn
English at school. B. First, I want to learn how to use this computer).
Habit is a thing that you do often or regularly. For example: Anne has a good study
habit. She often reads academic books.
VOCABULARY Study habits
Exercise 2. Work in pairs. Match the two parts of the expressions for study
habits*. Then use some of the expressions to describe which activities you often
do or are good at.
Example: I am often good at taking tests.
1. care;
a. to university on time;
2. do;
b. plenty of exercise and sleep;
3. get along;
c. a short break;
4. take;
d. about doing well at university;
5. be good at;
e. questions in class;
6. ask and answer;
f. a study plan;
7. make;
g. well with my teachers;
8. do;
h. good notes in class;
9. get;
i. taking tests;
10. take;
j. for class;
11. get;
k. my best at university;
12. be late
l. my homework on time.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 1A for more practice.
Exercise 3. Read the questionnaire about study habits. Answer the questions.
Then work in pairs and compare your answers.
1. Who do you like to study with?
a. Alone;
b. With friends. We chat and study;
c. I don‘t like to study.
2. You take notes in class:
a. Always;
b. Sometimes;
c. Never.
3. How many hours do you usually
study in a week?
a. More than 6 hours;
b. 3-5;
c. 0-2.
4. You do your homework on time.
a. Always;
b. Sometimes;
c. Never.
5. Do you take short breaks when
a. Yes, after one hour of study, I
take a 5-minute break;
b. Sometimes. I usually forget
about time when I study;
c. Never. I don‘t need them.
6. How many hours do you usually
sleep at night?
a. 7-8 hours;
b. 5-6;
c. 3-4.
7. You make a study plan for the week.
a. Always;
b. Sometimes;
c. Never.
8. Do you usually get along well with
a. Yes, I never have problems with
b. Not always;
c. No, I don‘t.
Exercise 4. Now look at your answers and count the number of As, Bs and Cs.
Then go to Vocabulary Bank 1A and find out what your answers say about your
study habits.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 1A to see the answers.
Exercise 5. Work in pairs. Look at the box and read some tips from an expert on
how to be a good student. Think of more good study habits to add to the list.
How to be a good student
 Find a quiet place to study.
 Study when you are fresh.
 Get plenty of exercise and sleep.
 Find a study partner.
 Take notes when you study.
 Make a study plan for the week.
GRAMMAR Present Simple and adverbs of frequency
Exercise 6. Look at the sentences. Match the sentences (1-2) with their uses (a-b).
1. I always do my homework on time.
2. You need to sleep at least seven hours to be fresh.
a. To talk about something that is always true.
b. To talk about habits and routines.
Present Simple
Look at these examples of the present simple.
I study well.
She cares about doing well at university.
What do you do?
He doesn’t make a study plan.
Do you like to study?
I don’t take notes in class.
Does she get to university on time?
Exercise 7. Complete the table with –s, do, does, don’t and doesn’t.
I /You /We /They sleep well.
He /She /It sleep1________ well.
I/ You /We /They+ 2_________+sleep well.
He/ She/ It+ 3__________+ sleep well.
_________+I/ you/ we/ they + sleep well?
_________+he/ she/ it + sleep well?
Exercise 8. Put the verbs into the correct column in the 3rd person singular (He/
She/ It).
Say, study, kiss, try, listen, hurry, go, use, like, pay, watch, stop, relax, stay, finish,
take, get, do, sleep.
ss, sh,ch,x,o + es
vowel + y+ s
consonant + y = ies
Exercise 9. Pronunciation /s/, /z/, /iz/
a. 1.2 Listen to the endings of the verbs in Exercise 7. Is the sound /s/, /z/ or
Example: says /z/
b. 1.2 Listen again and repeat the verbs.
Exercise 10. Read the interview with Jim about his study habits. Complete the
conversation with the present simple form of the verbs.
Interviewer: So, Jim, where 1_____________ (you/ study) after classes?
Jim: Well, I always 2__________ (study) in my room. I like to be alone.
Interviewer: 3____________ (you/ study) at the same time every day?
Jim: No, I 4________ (not), but my sister 5________ (do). She always 6_______
(study) after dinner.
Interviewer: That‘s good! This habit 7________ (help) your brain to get ready for
learning when you sit down.
Jim: Really? Very interesting!
Interviewer: How often do you study with the music on?
Jim: To be honest, I love listening to loud music when I do my homework.
Interviewer: Well, loud music 8______________ (not/ help) you focus.
Jim: Yes, my mother 9________ (say) the same.
Interviewer: 10____________ (you/ take) short breaks when studying?
Jim: Yes, I 11________ (do). I always take regular breaks. I exercise for about five
minutes and then go back to study.
Interviewer: What time do you go to bed?
Jim: It 12________ (depend). When I have a lot of homework, I often go to bed late.
Interviewer: You 13_______ (need) to sleep about eight hours to do well in classes.
Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Does Jim have good study habits? What are they?
2. What bad study habits does he have?
3. What study habits do you have in common with Jim?
+ I/you/ we/they have
he/she/it has
- I/you/we/they don’t
He/she/it doesn’t
? Do I/you/we/they
Does he/she/it have
Adverbs and expressions of frequency
We use some adverbs and time expressions to show when and how often we do
something. Look at the word order:
She always takes notes in class.
He goes to the library once a month.
I am never late for my classes.
Every week I make a study plan.
Do you often do your homework?
Exercise 12. Look at the sentences 1-6 below. Put the words in bold in the
correct place on the line.
1. I never have problems with teachers.
2. He often studies in the library.
3. They are sometimes late for classes.
4. We always ask and answer questions in class.
5. My sister usually makes a study plan.
6. I seldom take short breaks when I study.
Exercise 13. Put these time expressions in order.
Twice a week
Every Monday
Every morning /afternoon /evening
Once a year
Twice a day 1
Three times a month
Exercise 14. Look at the sentences in Exercise 12 and the grammar box. Notice
the position of the adverbs and expressions of frequency in the sentences. Then
choose the correct options to complete the rules.
1. Frequency adverbs go after/before the verb to be.
2. Frequency adverbs go after/before other verbs.
Exercise 15. Find and correct the mistakes in sentences 1- 8 below. There is one
mistake in each sentence.
1. I ˅go always to the library in the afternoon.
2. I do sometimes my homework at night.
3. I every morning make a study plan.
4. I study alone seldom.
5. I usually am late for classes.
6. Never I get plenty of sleep.
7. I look often at my cell phone when I study.
Go to Grammar Bank 1A for more practice.
Exercise 16. Write three true sentences and three false sentences about your
study habits.
Example: I usually get to university on time.
Exercise 17. Work in pairs and take turns.
 Student A: read out your sentences.
 Student B: guess which are true.
Exercise 18. You are going to listen to a student talking about his study habits.
A. Before listening, write the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. does/ Where/ he/ study ___________________________________________?
a) at the Medical College
b) at the Technical University
c) at school
2. he/ Where/ like/ to/ does/ study_____________________________________?
a) at home
b) in the library
c) other place
3. usually/ does/ study/ When/ he______________________________________?
a) in the morning b) in the afternoon
c) in the evening
4. take/ How often/ he/ notes/ does_____________________________________?
a) always
b) sometimes
c) never
5. use/ during classes/ How often/ he/ does/ a cell phone____________________?
a) always
b) sometimes
c) never
6. make/ Does/ a study plan/ he_______________________________________?
a) never
b) every day
c) every week
1.3 Exercise 19. Listen to Daniel’s study habits. Circle his answers on the
questionnaire above.
Exercise 20 A. Work in pairs. Find about your partner’s study habits. Look at
the ideas below and ask the questions How often…? Remember to use an adverb
or expression of frequency. Take notes.
A: How often are you late for classes?
B: I am usually late for classes about three times a month.
be late for classes;
go to bed late;
do your homework on time;
take notes;
take short breaks when studying;
look at a cell phone or text messages
during classes;
study alone/ with a partner;
go to the library;
get to university on time;
study with the music on;
make a study plan.
B. Complete the table with the information about good and bad study habits of
your partner.
Good study habits
Example: He is seldom late for classes.
Bad study habits
Example: He usually goes to bed late.
C. Work in pairs. Compare your answers with a partner. Which study habits
are the same? Which study habits are different?
Exercise 21. Write a paragraph about your study habits. Use the language from
Exercise 20 A. You can also use the information about Daniel as a model for
your writing (see the audio script in Grammar Bank 1A).
Example: My name is ….I live in…. and I am a student at….
Vocabulary Bank 1A
Study Habits
Exercise 1. Match the words in A with the words in B. Then complete the
sentences with the expressions.
plenty of
A quiet
B a short break
for classes
1. I always try to find a ___________________ to study.
2. My teacher says that I am a bad student because I am always ______________.
3. It is important to get ________________ to do well in classes.
4. I usually _____________________for about 10 minutes and then go back to study.
5. A good study habit is to ___________________on time.
6. My sister usually makes a _________________ every week.
Exercise 2. Cross out one incorrect phrase in each line.
Do your homework/ a study plan / your best/ well in classes
Take tests/ notes/ plenty of sleep/ a short break
Make exercises/ a study plan/ questions
Study alone/ with a partner/ your homework/ at university
Get to university on time/ plenty of exercise/ your best/ along well with teachers
Exercise 3. Put the words into two groups – good study habits and bad study
Be late for classes;
Use a cell phone during classes;
Do your homework on time;
Make a study plan;
Go to bed late;
Get plenty of sleep and exercise;
Take good notes;
Study with the loud music on.
Mostly A answers:
Mostly B answers:
You are a very good You are doing OK, but
student! Continue doing you should work on your
good work!
study habits to do better
in your classes.
Mostly C answers:
You are at risk to have
problems in your classes.
Look at the questionnaire
again and think about
what you can change in
your study habits to do
better at university.
Grammar Bank 1A
Present Simple
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs.
1. Jim always _______ in his room because he _______ to be alone.(study; like)
2. My brother ____________ study plans. (not make)
3. You _________ to sleep about eight hours to do well at university. (need)
4. My sister _________ at the same time every day, but I ________. (study; not)
5. This habit _________ you learn better. (help)
6. I ______________ to loud music when I _____ my homework. (not listen; do)
7. Every Monday he _______ late for classes. (to be)
8. My friend Tom _____________ bad study habits. (not have)
9. My brother and I always _________ to university on time. (get)
10. Andy _________ a lot in common with his sister. (have)
Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. good/ taking/ usually/ Are/ tests/ you/ at?
2. study/ Do/ make/ you/ plans?
3. for/ late/ How often/ are/ classes/ you?
4. study/ usually/ hours/ How many/ a week/ you/ do?
5. like/ you/ Who/ with/ to/ do/ study?
6. bed/ What/ go/ usually/ do/ time/ to/ you?
Exercise 3. Match the questions in Exercise 2 (1-6) with the answers (a-f).
a. I think I study for about twenty hours.
b. Yes, I always make them at the beginning of every week.
c. Alone.
d. Once or twice a month.
e. Yes, I do my best to study well.
f. About 11 pm.
AUDIO SCRIPT from Exercise 19 Lesson 1A
My name is Daniel. I live in Denmark, and I am a student at the Technical University
of Denmark. I care about doing well at university. After my classes, I like to study in
the library. I usually go there in the afternoon. I sometimes study at home, but not
often. It is noisy there. I always take notes when I study. It helps me to remember the
material better. I never look at my cell phone or send text messages during classes. I
am seldom late for university because I usually get plenty of sleep. At the beginning
of every week, I make a study plan for the whole week. I am always busy!
1B How Do You Learn Best
Picture 1
Picture 2
Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures above. Discuss the questions.
Look at the Picture 1.
1. Who do you think the girl is?
2. What is she doing?
3. How do you think she is feeling? Why?
Look at the Picture 2.
1. Do you think she is satisfied with the test result? Why?
2. How long do you normally study for an exam or a test?
3. How do you usually feel when you get bad exam or test results?
1.4 Exercise 2. Listen to the speaker explaining the situation in Exercise 1.
Answer the questions:
1. How many learning styles does the speaker mention? What are they?
2. For most people, is there only one study method that is the most effective?
Exercise 3. Complete the questionnaire to discover your learning style. Circle
the letter of the phrase that is true for you most of the time.
1. When you read for fun, what kind of book do you like reading?
(V) A book with a lot of pictures in it.
(A) A book with a lot of conversation in it.
(K) A book with action stories.
2. When you learn how something works, you…?
(A) Listen to someone explaining it.
(V) Watch a video tutorial about it.
(K) Try to understand yourself.
3. When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do?
(K) Trace the shape of letters in the air. (Finger spelling)
(A) Spell it out loud to see that it sounds right.
(V) Write it down to see that it looks right.
4. When you read, you often find that you…?
(A) Read out loud or hear the words inside your head.
(V) Visualize what you are reading in your mind.
(K) Make short, sudden movements and try to ―feel‖ the content.
5. What helps you to learn better in class?
(V) Interesting photos and pictures.
(A) Clear definitions or explanations.
(K) Projects and activities.
6. You like teachers who…?
(K) Use hands-on activities (active learning).
(V) Use the board or projector while they lecture or run a seminar.
(A) Talk with a lot of expression.
7. When you see the word cat, what do you do first?
(V) I picture a particular cat in my mind.
(A) I say the word ―cat” to myself silently.
(K) I think about petting and feeding a cat, what it feels like.
8. When you have to remember a list of items, you…?
(V) Write them down.
(A) Say them over and over to yourself.
(K) Move around and use your finger to name each item.
9. What‘s the best way for you to study for a test?
(A) I discuss all test questions with a study partner.
(V) I review my notes more than two times.
(K) I make tables, graphs, mind maps and draw them on cards.
10. When you study, which strategy do you prefer?
(V) I use a highlighter for key points.
(A) I summarize the information and tell another person.
(K) I write key points in a diagram or chart.
Exercise 4. Now look at your answers and count the number of responses for
each letter.
Visual (V) = ________
Auditory (A) = ________ Kinesthetic (K) = ________
Exercise 5. Read statements 1-7 about characteristics of the learning styles. Do
you think they are true (T) or false (F)?
1. Auditory learners like to use physical experience (touch, hold, do) to learn.
2. Kinesthetic learners like to get information through ears.
3. Visual learners remember and understand information better when they see it.
4. Spoken instructions are easier to understand for visual learners.
5. It is more effective for kinesthetic learners to take notes.
6. Visual learners benefit the most from listening to lectures or verbal explanations.
Exercise 6. Read the text and check your answers.
What’s Your Learning Style?
People usually have different learning styles. One student may learn more effectively
from listening to the teacher. Another person learns more effectively from doing
hands-on activities, while some other students may benefit the most from charts,
graphs, and images the teacher presents during a lecture or a seminar. A learning
style is important at university. Each different style has certain advantages and
disadvantages compared with other styles. There is no ―right‖ or ―wrong‖. VAK is a
popular learning styles model, which focuses on learning through different senses:
we look and see
we hear and listen
we feel and do
Visual Learner
If you are a visual learner, you prefer to receive information through your eyes to
learn well. You enjoy learning through reading and using pictures, diagrams, graphs,
etc. You understand and remember things when you see them. You can picture what
you are learning in your head, and you learn best by using methods that are primarily
visual. You like to see what you are learning. You often close your eyes to visualize
or remember something. You like to use colour coding for your notes.
Auditory learner
If you are an auditory learner, you prefer to take in information through your ears.
You need to hear things to learn well. It is easier for you to understand spoken
instructions than written ones. You may benefit the most from discussions, lectures
and question and answer sessions. You enjoy small group discussions and can learn
best when talking with a partner. Talking out loud about what you learn can also be
Kinesthetic learner
If you are a kinesthetic learner, you like to get information through your hands or
body. You are a ―hands-on‖ learner who prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what
you are learning, and you may learn better when there are activities that include
physical movement. You also take notes because the movement of your hand across
the page helps you to take in information.
However, many people have a mixture of learning styles. To study successfully, you
need to experiment and find the most suitable method or maybe a combination of
several styles.
Exercise 7. Match words or phrases in bold in the text with their meanings.
Example: 1.Doing something and not just reading about it or watching other people
do it: hands-on.
1. To understand and remember information that you hear or read.
2. To write down information during a lecture or a seminar.
3. To get help or an advantage from something.
4. A system of marking things with different colours to make it easy to see separate
5. To form a picture of someone or something in your mind to imagine or remember
6. To express something (for example, learning material) with words to yourself.
Exercise 8 A. Work in pairs. Take turns to describe your learning style.
A: What is your learning style?
B: According to the questionnaire (or VAK test), I am a visual learner. I
learn better when I see information… And what about you?
B. Do you agree with what the text says about your learning style(s)? Why?
VOCABULARY 1 Study strategies for VAK learners
Exercise 9. Complete the sentences below with these words.
study aids
record lectures
participate in
visual presentations
visualize things
course material
make gestures
key points
1. Pay special attention in class to _______________, such as PowerPoint, paper
handouts or video.
2. Study with other students and listen to what they say about the _____________.
3. Sit where you can actively ______________ classroom events and discussions.
4. Find additional learning material, such as audio _____________ (even from other
colleges and universities) on the course topics.
5. Write things down because you remember them better that way. Write
______________ several times.
6. ______________ and listen to them again later when you get ready for a test.
7. Use your hands to create a range of ______________: make charts, posters, flash
cards, and so on.
8. When taking notes in a lecture, use diagrams, different colours, lists, and
_______________ to help you remember.
9. Try to ______________ that you hear or things that someone reads to you.
10. When it becomes difficult to focus on studying, get up and move around;
_______________as you read aloud.
Exercise 10 A. Work in pairs. Decide if each study strategy in Exercise 9 refers
to visual, auditory or kinesthetic learning style. Then complete the table below.
The first one is an example.
Sentence №
Learning Style
B. Add the following sentences (11-15)
to the table and write their learning
11. Sit where you can hear the teacher.
12. Participate in activities that involve
touching, building, moving, or drawing.
13. Sit near the front of the classroom so
you can see everything.
14. Use video podcasts to review
15. Read your textbook and notes aloud
as you study.
Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Do you think these strategies help students learn better? Why/ Why not?
2. Which study strategies do you often do?
3. Do your choices match your learning style?
4. Can you think of other strategies that are good for your learning style?
Go to Vocabulary Bank 1B for more practice.
GRAMMAR 1 The present continuous and the present simple
Present Continuous
+ I+ am +studying
You/ we/they+ are+ studying
he/she/it+ is+ studying
- I+ am+ not + studying
You/we/they +are+ not (aren’t) studying
He/she/it + is+ not (isn’t) + studying
? Am+ I+ studying
Are+ you/we/they + studying
Is + he/she/it+ studying
Present Simple
+ I/ you/ we/ they+ read
He/ she/ it+ reads
- I/ you/ we/ they+ do+ not (don’t)+ read
He/ she/ it+ does+ not (doesn’t)+ read
? Do+ I/ you/ we/ they+ read
Does+ he/ she/ it+ read
Look at these examples of the present simple and the present continuous.
The present simple uses the infinitive form of the verb (without to). The third person form
(he/she/it) adds an –s.
Example: You like to use colour coding for your notes.
Example: My classmate uses a highlighter for key points.
The present continuous uses a form of the auxiliary verb be (am/is/are) and the –ing form
of the verb.
Example: I am reviewing my notes at the moment.
Exercise 12. Read the conversation between two classmates. How are Emma and
Jane preparing for a test? What test do you think they are preparing for?
Emma: Jane, are you going to the canteen* now? Can I join* you?
Jane: Sure! Come on… So, how are you doing?
Emma: Good, thanks, but I am feeling stressed at the moment because of the test.
Jane: Yes, I know. I am feeling the same. Are you getting ready* for it?
Emma: I am trying. Actually, I have a study plan.
Jane: Really? Tell me about it.
Emma: Well, this week I am reviewing my notes and colour coding all the important
grammar rules. Also, 3 days before the test I want to rewrite my notes using diagrams
and charts. It usually helps me to remember them better. I visualize them in my head
when I do tests.
Jane: You are so lucky! This strategy doesn‘t work for auditory learners. I am this
type of a learner. I remember better when I talk out loud about what I learn or when
someone explains the material to me.
Emma: Hey, do you want to study together one or two times this week? We can ask
each other questions and discuss key points.
Jane: That‘s a great idea! I am free on Wednesday and Friday. How about you?
Emma: Yeah. That‘s good for me, too. Do you want to meet in the library at five?
Jane: Sounds good. Oh, look, there are so many people in the canteen! Let‘s better
buy some sandwiches in the supermarket.
Emma: I think you are right.
*Canteen (n) a place in a school or university where you can buy food and drinks.
Example: A canteen in my university serves food of good quality.
*Join (v) to come together with other people or things. Example: Do you want to join us
for dinner tonight?
*To get ready = to prepare (v) to make yourself ready to do something or for something
that you expect to happen. Example: I am getting ready (I am preparing) for an exam.
Exercise 13. Look at the underlined verbs in the conversation. Which verbs are
in the present simple? Which are in the present continuous?
Exercise 14. Choose the correct tenses to complete the rules below. Then choose
examples from the conversation in Exercise 12.
A. We use the present simple / present continuous
1. To talk about actions that always, usually or never happen.
Example: __________________________________________________________
2. For facts (things that are always true).
Example: __________________________________________________________
B. We use the present simple / present continuous
1. To talk about actions that are happening at the moment of speaking.
Example: __________________________________________________________
2. To talk about temporary situations or activities.
Example: __________________________________________________________
3. With time expressions: now, at the moment, today, this week/month/year.
Example: __________________________________________________________
Exercise 15. Match the sentences (1-2) with the rules (A-B) and underline the
correct tense. Then add them to the table in Exercise 14.
We use the present simple / present continuous
1. Stress is becoming more common among university students.
2. In the photo, you can see I am working on my project.
A. To describe actions in a picture, video, etc.
B. To describe trends (something that is happening more and more these days)
Exercise 16. Add –ing to the verbs. Put them into the correct column.
sing, lie, hope, run, cut, take, meet, sit, fly, change, die, go, buy, sit, type, visit, get
+ ing
-ie = y + ing
-e = ing
double consonant-ing
Exercise 17. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
A.: How many hours do you spend when you study for exams?
B.: Well, it depends on the type of an exam. For example, my next exam is
English. I‟m usually spending/ I usually spend 2 hours to prepare because I
have no problems with reading and writing in English, but this time I study/
I‟m studying extra hours. I‟m reviewing/ review grammar rules to do well in the
final test.
A.: Where do you study best?
B.: I always study/ I‟m always studying in the library. I like to be alone. It helps
me focus on the material. However, today the library is closed and I finish/ I‟m
finishing my project in the dormitory* room. It‘s very noisy there.
A.: What is the best way for you to study?
B.: In general, I‟m working/ I work a short time on each class every day. I think
it is very effective to study well at university. At the moment, I‟m writing/ I
write a term paper* and I spend/ I‟m spending 2 hours a day to finish it on
*Dormitory Am./ Hall of residence Br. (n)
a large building in or near a college or university,
where students live.
*Term paper (n) a long piece of writing on
a particular subject that you do as part of
a course in university.
Stative verbs describe emotions, opinions, the senses, and states that do not change.
I want to rewrite my notes using diagrams and charts.
I remember better when I talk out loud about what I learn.
Dynamic verbs describe an action.
I am reviewing my notes at the moment.
I visualize them in my head when I do tests.
Exercise 18. Look at the grammar box. Choose the correct option to complete
the rules.
1. Dynamic verbs are / are not used in both the continuous and simple form.
2. Stative verbs are not normally used in the continuous form / simple form.
Exercise 19. Are these verbs stative (S) or dynamic (D)?
1. Want
10. Know
2. Look
11. Remember
3. Hear
12. Work
4. Depend
5. Learn
6. Study
7. Prefer
8. Review
9. Mean
13. Understand
14. Help
15. Visualize
16. Like
17. Use
18. Need
Exercise 20. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. John is on the phone. He is wanting/ wants to know his test results.
2. Do you remember/ Are you remembering your last exam?
3. Sorry, I don‟t know / am not knowing the answer.
4. I hear/ am hearing you have a new English teacher.
5. Do you like/ Are you liking your colour coded notes?
6. Emma is in the class. She helps/ is helping her friend with an exercise.
7. I prefer/ am preferring to study with a partner.
8. Are you studying/ Do you study this week?
Exercise 21. Write six sentences about your study life using these time
this week
once a week
at the moment
Go to Grammar Bank 1B Exercises 1 and 2 for more practice.
GRAMMAR 2 Verbs with two meanings
Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic with a different and more active meaning.
You can use the verbs think, have and see in the simple and continuous forms, but with a
change in meaning.
I have a study plan. (=possess)
I am having a 25-minute break now (=relaxing)
I think you are right (= my opinion)
We are thinking about our next exam. (= have ideas or words in our mind at the moment; we
are considering it)
I see what you mean (=understand)
Are you seeing your classmates a lot at the moment? (=meet regularly)
Do you see our new teacher over there? (= the sense)
Exercise 22. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. What do you think / are you thinking? Is it a good idea?
2. I am not seeing / don‟t see anything from the whiteboard, I have a poor eyesight.
3. At the moment, we have / are having discussions with our teacher about the ways
to remember the course material better.
4. Emma is seeing / sees the Professor now.
5. They don‟t have / aren‟t having time now to help you with the task.
6. I am thinking / think about how to do well in the English test.
Exercise 23. Work in pairs. Use three verbs (think, have and see) to make
sentences that are true for you. Then share your answers with your partner.
I think I do well in classes.
I am thinking how to study better.
Go to Grammar Bank 1B Exercise 3 for more practice.
Exercise 24. Work in pairs. You are going to interview your classmates about
their ways of learning. Make questions and then interview them. You can also
use your own ideas. Don’t forget to take notes.
1. What / learning style?
2. How / prefer to take in information?
3. What strategies / often use in your studies?
4. These strategies / help you to study better?
5. How / prepare for exams?
6. Feel / stressed about your studies at the moment?
7. Try / to experiment with other strategies this year?
Exercise 25 A. Complete My Learning Style organizer about yourself. This will
help you to summarize the information about you as a learner.
My Learning Style
My learning style(s) is/are:
This means I learn best when:
As a learner, I am good at:
Exercise 25 B. Present your learning profile to other students. Then read other
students’ learning profiles. Who do you have a lot in common with?
Vocabulary Bank 1B
Study Strategies for VAK Learners
Exercise 1. Label the pictures. Write the type of a learning style.
Exercise 2. What learning style does a student have according to his/her
comment? Write it down.
1. ‗In a lecture, I benefit the most from videos and PowerPoint presentations
our teacher provides.‘
2. ‗To do well in a test, I discuss all test questions with my study partner.‘
3. ‗Finger spelling helps me a lot to do well in English dictations.‘
4. ‗Oh, I never understand when my teacher explains in words how
something works. I better come home and watch a video tutorial. It is more
effective for me.‘
5. ‗I prefer teachers who use hands-on activities in their classes.‘
6. ‗My friends think I am strange because I write lecture notes several times.
But what can I do… I remember material better that way.‘
7. ‗I love listening to science podcasts.‘
Exercise 3. Match the words to make phrases.
1. Key
A. Notes
2. Colour coded
B. Things in your mind
3. Record
C. Podcasts
4. Visualize
D. Gestures
5. Participate
E. Points
6. Make
F. Aids
7. Study
G. Lectures
8. Audio/video
H. In discussions
Exercise 4. Use five phrases from Exercise 3 and make up sentences with them.
Example: I listen to audio podcasts every day.
AUDIO SCRIPT from Exercise 2 Lesson 1B
It is Jane. She is studying for a test, and studying, and studying. And here she‘s
getting her test results. All that studying, and she still gets an F. And the thing is
there‘s no one right way to study. Some methods might work great for one person
and not at all for others. Everybody learns differently. In order to find a study method
that's best for you, it's important to know your learning style. The three most popular
learning styles are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. For most people, one of these
methods will work best but it's also possible for a combination of different styles to
be effective. To discover your learning preferences complete the questionnaire in
Exercise 3.
Grammar Bank 1B
The present simple and the present continuous
Verbs with two meanings
Exercise 1. Correct the mistakes in the underlined phrases.
Example: Shh! The professor looks at you!
The professor is looking.
1. They have always a five-minute break after 25 minutes of studies.
2. I am wanting to know my exam results.
3. Do you live in the hall of residence this year?
4. Jane goes to the canteen now. Do you want to join?
5. My roommate isn‘t liking it when I read notes aloud as I study.
6. He has poor eyesight but he never sit near the front of the classroom.
A.: Are you going to the library this afternoon?
B.: I don‘t know. It is depending on when you want to go.
Exercise 2. Fill in with the present simple or the present continuous.
1. I (study) a lot now because of my exams.
2. Some of the students (not understand) basic grammar rules.
3. English (become) more and more popular these days.
4. I love that podcast. I (listen) to it every week.
5. Can you call me back later? I (do) my homework.
6. He (work) on a special task at the moment.
7. Emma (have) some problems with Math.
8. In lectures, our teacher (use) different visual presentations.
9. In this photo, they (relax) on the beach after classes.
10. Emma (prefer) to study in the library.
11. My brother usually (watch) video podcasts to review lectures.
12. I (not remember) what this word means.
13. My classmates and I (enjoy) small group discussions.
14. Jim (not want) to spend a lot of time preparing for his exam.
Exercise 3. Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or the
present continuous forms of the verbs. Do the verbs have stative or dynamic
meanings? Explain the meaning of each use of the verbs.
1. I ___________ (think) this is the best way to prepare for your test.
2. My classmate Kate ____________ (think) about changing the university.
3. This semester I prefer to study with my friend. We_________(see) things the same
4. We __________(not see) each other much these days.
5. Look! Jim___________(have) a conversation with a Professor.
6. People usually _________(have) different learning styles.
The present simple, the present continuous
Choose the correct answer. There is more than one answer in questions 1-4.
1. Which verb forms are used in the present simple?
a. infinitive + -ing
b. infinitive + -s
c. is + infinitive + -ing
d. infinitive + -ed
e. infinitive
f. the verb be (am/ is/ are)
2. Which verb forms are used in the present continuous?
a. infinitive + -ed
b. be+ infinitive+ -ing
c. am+ infinitive+-ing
d. infinitive + -ing
e. is+ infinitive+-ing
f. are+ infinitive+-ing
3. Which are typical signal words for the present simple?
a. every day
b. at the moment
c. sometimes
d. next week
e. often
f. now
4. Which are typical signal words for the present continuous?
a. Look!
b. usually
c. now
d. yesterday
e. today
f. at the moment
5. Which tense do we use when we talk about actions that always, usually or never
a. Present Simple
b. Present Continuous
6. Which tense do we use when we talk about temporary situations or activities?
a. Present Simple
b. Present Continuous
7. Which tense do we use with verbs that describe ways of feeling and thinking?
a. Present Simple
b. Present Continuous
8. Which tense do we use when we talk about actions that are happening at the
moment of speaking?
a. Present Simple
b. Present Continuous
9. What _____these days?
a. do you do
b. are you doing
c. is you doing?
10. Most visual learners _____ better by themselves.
a. studies
b. are studying
c. study
11. I ____much time studying at the moment.
a. not spending
b. don‘t spend
c. am not spending
12. Students ____ more homework this year.
a. are getting
b. get
c. gets
13. I ____ home late after classes.
a. am usually come
b. come usually
c. usually come
14. ____ the date of our next exam?
a. Do you remember
b. Are you remembering
c. You remember
15. ‗What is Kate doing now?‘ ‗She ____ for her test.‘
a. prepares
b. is preparing
c. preparing
16. Many students ____their learning style.
a. aren‘t knowing
b. don‘t know
c. doesn‘t knows
17. ____on your term paper this semester?
a. Are you work
b. You work
c. Are you working
18. I ______ at people and professors when they talk. This technique helps me stay
a. look always
b. always look
c. am always looking
19. In this photo, John ____ his project.
a. presents
b. presenting
c. is presenting
20. What ____ of our new teacher?
a. are you thinking
b. you think
c. do you think
1C Talk about Learning Experience
Emma Watson went to The Dragon School in Oxford. Then she
moved to Headington School. She finished this school in 2006.
She was one of the popular girls who loved books and received
good grades. Emma was extremely busy at school, but she
enjoyed that time of her life.
Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Did you enjoy your time at school, in general? Why (not)?
2. What did you like best?
3. What did you hate the most?
4. Were you a good student at school?
5. What study strategies did you use at school to be successful?
VOCABULARY Learning Experience
Exercise 2. Match the questions 1-10 with the answers A-J.
1. How are you doing at university?
2. Can you plan and do the work on your own without regular help or advice from
other people?
3. How many written assignments a week does your English teacher give you?
4. How do you usually feel when you fail something, for example, an exam?
5. How did you prepare for your last exam?
6. Have you developed a self-study learning experience?
7. What classes did you take last year?
8. Did you have problems with communication at school?
9. Was it difficult for you to transit from school to university?
10. Were your school teachers helpful?
A. Well, not many, one or two.
B. No, I didn‘t. I got along well with my classmates and teachers.
C. I took classes in English, Italian and Spanish.
D. To be honest, I seldom study because of my job, but surprisingly, I always get
good grades.
E. I do my best! Actually, my university teacher says that I am a self-starter.
F. I memorized the material from lectures…word for word.
G. Unhappy and sad. I always feel like I didn't do well enough.
H. Not really. My school has given me the right attitude towards university
education. I was ready to study hard to be successful.
I. Yes, very. They personally guided us. When we needed help or advice, they were
always there for us.
J. I think I have. University teachers give basics in their lectures. To do well in
exams, I usually explore topics on my own outside the classroom.
Exercise 3. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions 1-10.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 1C Exercises 1 and 2 for more practice.
Exercise 4. Read the text and find the answers. Several variants of answers are
1. …was ready for university thanks to school?
2. …is a self-starter?
3. …didn‘t do very well at school?
4. …doesn‘t stop learning and studying if he/she fails?
5. …thinks that school is easier than university?
6. …had good grades at school?
7. …had the same classes every day?
8. …knows how to be a successful student?
9. …got good grades just for coming to school classes?
10. …says that some school subjects are a part of the university programme?
How Has School Prepared You for University?
The transition from school to university can be quite difficult. However, according to
the survey by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 84% of American students
feel that they have received enough skills and knowledge to succeed at University.
Here are some students‟ responses on how their schools have managed to prepare
them for university life.
―The school has prepared me for university in several ways. It has taught me the
fundamentals of how to be a successful student. For example, writing quality
assignments, time management, following directions, using teamwork,
communication with classmates and teachers, organization and more. Everything
important for university I have learned from school. I have also learned from my
mistakes and successes at school, which has helped me to make my academic
decisions. I don‘t need people who tell me where to go, when and what to do because
I have become a self-starter. I feel that I was well equipped with these qualities when
I left school, and the university is where I put them into practice. I have already
studied at university for two years and I am doing well.‖
―In my experience, the school hasn‘t prepared me for university. When I was at
school, I took the same classes every day, which helped me to memorize the material
for each class. At university, you have different classes on different days and most of
the time you have to learn the material about the class to yourself. University is much
more difficult than school. Sometimes teachers at school gave you a good grade just
for coming to their class. At university, you are on your own.‖
―I believe that the school has prepared me for university. School has given me the
right attitude to push forward in difficult situations, and if you fail, you don‘t give up
and keep going. Also, many of the important classes such as English and math from
school lead to university classes.‖
―For me, the university was something new. I wasn‘t a strong student at school, but I
didn‘t let that limit my university experience. However, I had good grades, and
finally, I became a first-year student. I was in a brand new environment; I had a
chance to make new friends and explore new things. The atmosphere at university
was very different from school. At school, the teachers personally guided me. I had
problems adapting at university because the focus was on self-study. At this point,
my school hasn‘t prepared me for university.‖
Exercise 5. Look at the underlined phrases in the text. Match them with their
meanings 1-5 below.
1. To continue making progress in something.
2. To continue doing something in a difficult situation.
3. To have the necessary skills, knowledge, qualities needed to do something.
4. To stop trying to do something.
5. To have something as a result.
Exercise 6. Work in pairs and discuss. Do you think your school has prepared
you for university? Why/Why not?
Go to Vocabulary Bank 1C Exercise 3 for more practice.
1.5 Exercise 7 A. Listen to a student describing his transition experience
from school to university. Was he ready for the university life?
1.5 Exercise 7 B. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What kind of student was he at school?
2. Do professors care about your
academic results?
3. What are professors responsible for*?
4. Has he joined any sports or clubs? If
yes, then what are they?
5. Has he made new friends at university?
To pass somebody (v) to test somebody
and decide that they are good enough,
according to an agreed standard.
Example: The examiners passed all the
*To be responsible for something (adj.)
to have control over something.
Example: I am responsible for my
GRAMMAR The past simple and the present perfect
Past Simple
Present Perfect
+ I/we/you/they+ have+ passed (3rd
I/we/you/they+ have+ gone (3rd form)
He/she/it+ has+ passed/ gone
- I/he/she/it/we/you/they+ did not (didn‘t) - I/we/you/they+ have not (haven’t)+
+ pass
I/he/she/it/we/you/they+ did not
He/she/it+ has not (hasn’t) + passed/
(didn‘t)+ go
? Did+ I/he/she/it/we/you/they+ pass
? Have+ I/we/you/they+ passed/ gone
Did+ I/he/she/it/we/you/they+ go
Has+ he/she/it+ passed/ gone
+ I/he/she/it/we/you/they+ passed
I/he/she/it/we/you/they+ went
Past Simple tense of the verb be
is was and were
+ I/he/she/it+ was
We/you/they+ were
- I/he/she/it+ was not (wasn’t)
We/you/they+ were not (weren’t)
? Was+ I/he/she/it
Were+ we/you/they
Look at these examples of the past simple and the present perfect.
1. A. Most verbs add –ed to the infinitive to form the Past simple:
Example: The teachers personally guided me.
B. Many common verbs are irregular:
Example: I became a first-year student last month.
C. The past simple uses a form of the auxiliary verb be with was and were:
Example: The university was something new.
2. A. The present perfect uses the verbs have/has + past participle form of the verb (3rd
form). The regular past participle ends in –ed.
Example: I believe that school has prepared me for university
B. Many common past participles are irregular:
Example: I have already taken these classes.
Exercise 8. Look at the text in Exercise 4. Circle all the examples of the present
perfect and past simple.
Exercise 9. Which sentences (A-F) are the examples of the speech situations
described in the box?
Past Simple
Present Perfect
To talk about a specific event in the To talk about experiences or things that
past (we know when the event happened before now. We don‘t know
the date of the action or it isn‘t
Example:__________________________ Example:________________________
To talk about situations that started To talk about situations that started in
and finished in the past.
the past and continue now.
Example:_______________________ Example:________________________
With time expressions: yesterday, last With time expressions: ever, never,
month/ year/week, in 2010, ago.
just, recently, yet, already, since, this
week/month/year, today, so far, it‘s the
first time.
The university teachers have never guided
B. I finished school 2 years ago.
C. I have already been at university for two years.
D. In my experience, the school hasn‘t prepared me for university.
E. I received good grades when I was at school.
F. I studied Spanish for two years, but then I finished the course.
Exercise 10. Add –ed to the words. Put them into the correct column.
receive, enjoy, study, prefer, revise, drop, use, apply, stop, skip, love, plan, prepare,
play, memorize
-e = +d
vowel + y + ed
consonant + y = ied double consonant+ed
Exercise 11. Choose the correct options to complete the text.
The best moment I have had/had at school was in the 9th grade. That was when I first
became/have become interested in poetry. That class has made/ made my life greater.
This was the class where we had to write our own plays and poems and perform them
in front of the class. I felt so happy and the creative side of me came out. When I
wrote my first poem at university, I thought it was fun. When I have performed/
performed my first poem to that class, I found my passion. Since that day and today I
wrote/ have written over 400 poems and have made/ made 2 books. I already
performed/ have already performed on many stages in a small group of people and at
Exercise 12. Write sentences in the past simple or the present perfect using the
words below.
1. How long/ be/ at university?
2. When/you/ finish school?
3. You/ live in this city/ since childhood?
4. You/ study/ this summer?
5. You/ already/ make/ new friends at university?
Exercise 13. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 12.
Exercise 14. Write sentences about your academic life using ideas in brackets.
Example: (something you have done today) I have finished my project today.
1. (something you have done today)_________________________________.
2. (something you haven‘t done today)_______________________________.
3. (something you didn‘t do yesterday)_______________________________.
4. (something you did yesterday evening)_____________________________.
5. (something you haven‘t done recently)_____________________________.
6. (something you have done a lot recently)___________________________.
Go to Grammar Bank 1C for more practice.
Exercise 15 A. Work in pairs. Students A and B: write Have you ever…?
questions using the prompts in the box below. Student A- column 1, Student Bcolumn 2.
Have you ever…?
 Fail an exam/test;
 Have problems with communication;
 Write a poem/story;
 Change your university;
 Make a study plan;
 Study foreign languages;
 Study in the library;
 Be late for classes;
 Use video podcasts to review  Look at a cell phone or text messages
learning material;
during classes;
 Ask for help or advice from teachers;  Receive bad grades;
 Give up something;
 Memorize anything (for example,
poems, lectures, long lists of verbs);
 Experience the best moment at
 Join any sports or clubs.
B. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Try to find 5 things that you have
done and your partner hasn’t done.
C. Choose one thing you have/ haven’t (have never) done and tell your partner
more about it.
Example: I have become a poem writer. When I was in the 9th grade, I wrote a poem
for the first time and performed it in front of my class. That was a success!
Exercise 16. You are going to write a
comment to the question How Does It
Feel to Go from School to University?
personal experience. You can use
some ideas from other students’
responses in Exercise 4 to help you.
The first comment is given as an
example. Write 100-120 words.
School to University Transition
Higher Education
Useful language
We use contractions in informal writing:
‘m = am (I‘m)
‘re = are (you‘re, we‘re, they‘re)
‘s = is and has (he‘s, she‘s, it‘s)
‘ve = have (‘ve, you‘ve, we‘ve, they‘ve)
School Education
Colleges and Universities
The School Experience
How Does It Feel to Go from School to University?
Katie, student at Cardiff University
Answered December 17
I‘ve only studied at Cardiff University for four months. The transition from school to university, for
me personally, was quite difficult. In general, I‘ve had an enjoyable time. However, like many
other students, I felt stressed and missed home a lot. It was difficult to make friends at first, but
then I decided to become active in my university life. For example, I‘ve joined the Harry Potter
club and used this to make friends.
So far, my lectures have been the most interesting part of university education. I love to learn new
things. Fortunately, they‘ve all been informative and very interesting.
Your name, position
Your comment…
Vocabulary Bank 1C
Learning Experience
Exercise 1. Write words for the definitions. Use the words from Unit 1C Exercise
1. It‘s a verb. Not to pass a test or an exam. f__________.
2. It‘s a noun. A person who can work on their own and make their own decisions
without help from other people. s__________ .
3. It‘s a verb. To help someone to do something by giving them advice at different
stages. g__________.
4. It‘s a noun. It‘s a piece of work that a teacher gives to a student, usually as part of
their studies. a___________.
5. It‘s a verb. To learn something so that you will remember it exactly.
6. It‘s a noun. A letter or number that shows the quality of a student‘s work.
7. It‘s a noun. It‘s the process when you give people information or express ideas and
feelings. c___________.
8. It‘s a noun. It‘s the work that you do without the help of a teacher. s_________.
9. It‘s a noun. It‘s the way that you behave towards somebody/something that shows
how you think and feel. a___________.
Exercise 2. Match 1-9 with A-I to make sentences.
Example: 5-I.
1. Tony has good communication skills
2. I have changed my attitude towards universities
3. She didn‘t finish her assignment yesterday
4. University teachers seldom guide you
5. Ann learned by memorizing what she heard in the classroom
6. My brother has failed his exam
7. I studied hard last semester
8. He has always been a self-starter
9. I did self-study of Spanish at university
A. so he is staying at home this weekend.
B. so I can have some simple conversations in this language.
C. so he has many friends.
D. so now I want to get a higher education.
E. so I had good grades.
F. so she has got an F today.
G. so now he is working on his own without help or advice from other people.
H. so only you are responsible for your education.
I. so there was no need to study extra at home.
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with a suitable word.
1. I have given _______ trying to memorize my lecture notes. This strategy doesn‘t
work for me.
2. I took extra _______in Italian in the 11th grade because I wanted to study in Italy
after school.
3. At school I was well equipped _______ necessary skills and knowledge.
4. Hard work at school leads _______better results at university.
5. Our school teachers pushed us ________to make a success.
6. Sometimes it was hard to keep ________, but I needed good exam results.
AUDIO SCRIPT from Exercise 7 Lesson 1C
Personally, school hasn‘t prepared me for university in terms of education, but has
prepared me to stay social. While at school, I was one of those many students who
depended on the teachers to pass us because we practically didn‘t study. But now,
that I am at university, I have become responsible for my own education, because
some professors don‘t care if you pass or fail. The professors are responsible to teach
you, but it is YOUR decision to learn what they are teaching or not. School has also
helped me to leave my comfort zone. I have joined different clubs and sports such as
the Spanish club and the volleyball team. I have learned to make new friends and be
open with others in a friendly way.
Grammar Bank 1C
The past simple and the present perfect
Exercise 1. Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases.
Example: I have never do this.
I have never done.
We don‘t see each other since we left school.
Have you ever wrote a poem?
She have never failed exams.
I have finished my project last week.
When have you left school?
I studied hard this year, so I hope I can get good grades.
My brother already study at more than three schools.
I sent my teacher an e-mail last week but he doesn‘t
reply yet.
9. They have never experience bad moments when studying.
10. Have you took classes this week?
Exercise 2. Complete the dialogues with the past simple or the present perfect.
Example: I have already made a study plan for this semester. (already/ make)
A: How long __________ at university? (you/ be)
B: I __________ three months ago. I‘m in my first year. (start)
A: Do you live with your parents?
B: I __________ with them when I was at school but then I __________ into a
dormitory in September and I ____________ there ever since. (live, move, live)
A: ___________ to the library today? (you/ be)
B: Yes, I _________ home an hour ago. (come)
A: ___________ a good day at school? (you/ have)
B: It was OK.
A: How ___________ when you started studying at university? (you/ feel)
B: At first I _________ stressed and lonely because everything was new for
me. But this semester I __________ the basketball team. I __________ new friends
there. (feel, join, make)
The past simple, the present perfect
Choose the correct answer. There is more than one answer in questions 1-4.
1. Which verb forms are used in the past simple?
a. The verb be (was/ were)
b. had + past participle (3rd form)
c. irregular verbs (2nd column of the table)
d. have/has + past participle (3rd form)
e. infinitive + -ed
2. Which verb forms are used in the present perfect?
a. irregular verbs (2nd column of the table)
b. have/has + past participle (3rd form)
c. had + past participle
d. have/has + infinitive + -ed
e. irregular verbs (3rd column of the table)
3. Which are typical signal words for the past simple?
a. just
b. last week/month/year
c. often
d. yesterday
e. ago
f. yet
4. Which are typical signal words for the present perfect?
a. already
b. in 2009
c. ever
d. just
e. tomorrow
f. yesterday
5. Which tense do we use when we talk about experiences or things that happened
before now but the result of an action is important in the present?
a. Past Simple
b. Present Perfect
6. Which tense do we use when we talk about actions that finished in the past?
a. Past Simple
b. Present Perfect
7. Which tense do we use when we talk about an action that began in the past and is
a. Past Simple
b. Present Perfect
8. Which tense do we use when we talk about a specific event in the past (we know
when the event happened)?
a. Past Simple
b. Present Perfect
9. Jane _____ never studied at university.
a. is
b. was
c. has
10. I _____ school in 2019.
a. have finished
b. was finished
c. finished
11. After three months of hard work, Ann finally _____ a student.
a. has become
b. became
c. did became
12. In his lectures, Professor Johnson _____ visual presentations several times this
a. used
b. has used
c. is used
13. ______ bad grades when you were at school?
a. Did you receive
b. Received you
c. Did you received
14. I ______ my project last night.
a. have finished
b. finished
c. had finished
15. Have you had your classes ______?
a. yesterday
b. this morning
c. an hour ago
16. _____ to the library last week?
a. Did you go
b. Went you
c. Did you went
17. I ______ my classmates since last year.
a. didn‘t see
b. haven‘t see
c. haven‘t seen
18. Andrew _____ a strong student at school.
a. have been
b. was
c. were
19. I can‘t get into my dormitory room because I _____ my keys.
a. have lost
b. lost
c. have lose
20. When she _____ school, she was well equipped with necessary qualities.
a. has left
b. have leave
c. left
Unit 1 Revision
Exercise 1. Complete the crossword using the words from this Unit.
2. A letter or number that shows the quality of a student‘s work.
5. A process when you exchange information with other people through verbal or
written messages.
7. Your opinion or feeling about something or someone, especially as shown by your
11. If you are this type of learner, you prefer to receive information through your
13. To form a picture of somebody or something in your mind.
14. A place in a school or university where you can buy food and drinks.
15. Not to pass a test or an exam.
1. A talk to a group of students about a particular subject at university.
3. A piece of work given to students as part of their studies.
4. If you are this type of learner, you prefer to receive information through your
hands or body.
6. To come together with other people or things.
8. To spend time learning about a subject by reading, writing, going to school or
9. A thing that you do often or regularly.
10. Work that teachers give their students to do at home.
12. An audio (e.g. a radio programme) or video file that you can download from the
Internet onto a computer or mobile device.
13. If you are this type of learner, you prefer to receive information through your
Exercise 2. Match 1-8 with A-H to make sentences.
1. Are you getting
2. Have you already made
3. Do you take
4. According to the test, if you are a visual learner, you prefer to take
5. Does our teacher record
6. Did you use any study
7. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to focus
8. What is your attitude
A. aids to prepare for the last exam?
B. towards university education?
C. his lectures? Can I find them online?
D. a study plan for this week?
E. on studying. I lose attention very easily. Can I ask your teacher‘s advice?
F. short breaks when studying?
G. along well with you classmates?
H. in information through your eyes.
Exercise 3. Complete the responses with the words in the box. Then match the
sentences in Exercise 2 with the responses below.
make gestures
flash cards
responsible for
key points
colour coding
1. Yes, he does. But it‘s not a 1.5 hour lecture, just the __________.
2. In my opinion, it‘s very important nowadays. I also understand that I‘m
_____________ my education, so I take it seriously.
3. Well, when you stop giving attention to the subject, you need to get up and move
around; _____________ as you read aloud.
4. Not yet. I need to finish my _____________ first.
5. Yes, I do. I always take regular breaks. I relax or listen to ____________ for about
15-20 minutes and then go back to study.
6. It‘s true! For example, ______________helps me to remember the learning
material better.
7. Yes, I don‘t have any problems with _____________ at school.
8. Of course. I made charts and _____________. It helped a lot.
Exercise 4. Work in pairs. The box below contains 15 phrases you have studied
in Unit 1. Match each category (A-E) with three phrases.
A. Good study habits.
B. Bad study habits.
C. Activities and things that refer to the visual learning style.
D. Activities and things that refer to the auditory learning style.
E. Activities and things that refer to the kinesthetic learning style.
make gestures;
watch a video tutorial;
go to bed late;
paper handouts;
physical movement;
audio podcasts;
use a cell phone during classes;
get to university on time;
do your homework on time;
read out loud;
hands-on activities;
make a study plan;
be late for classes;
colour coding;
small group discussions.
Exercise 5. Look at the categories in Exercise 4 again. Can you add any other
words or phrases to each group?
Exercise 6. Read the verbs and write S for stative and D for dynamic or S/D for
stative/dynamic. Then complete the conversation with the verbs in the present
simple or present continuous.
John: Hi, Alex. How are things?
Alex: Busy. I _______ (try) to adapt to a new environment at university.
John: Yeah, I _______ (hear) that you are a first-year student now. Congrats!
Alex: Thanks a lot. What about you?
John: I _______ (finish) school this year. I________ (think) about what university
to go to at the moment. But I still _______ (have) one more year to make my
Alex: Good luck with this!
John: Thanks. Is university more difficult than school in terms of studying?
Alex: Well, yes and no. I spend more hours studying than at school because we have
more classes, but I always use the study strategies that make my academic life easier.
So, I ________ (do) well at university at the moment.
John: What strategies ________ (you/ talk) about?
Alex: There are several methods that work for me. First, I always _______ (make)
flash cards with a question on one side and the answer on the other. When I
________(need) to test myself, I take them and study.
John: Oh, I ______(see). What else?
Alex: As I‘m a visual learner, I also _______(use) mind maps to organize and
understand information better and faster. This technique _______ (help) me to
translate what‘s in my mind into a visual picture.
John: Visual learner? What _______ (it/ mean)?
Alex: Well, every person _______ (have) his learning style or a mixture of different
styles. They can help you to be more effective in you studies.
John: That‘s interesting. How ________ (I/ know) what my learning style is?
Alex: Go online and find the VAK questionnaire. There are many of them.
John: Thanks a lot for advice.
Alex: You‘re always welcome. Anyway, I actually need to go back to the university.
John: OK, no problem. Have a good day.
Alex: Thanks, you too. Bye.
John: Bye.
Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer.
1. I _______________ video tutorials.
A. have never watched
B. never watched
2. Adam ______________ grammar rules last night.
A. has studied
B. studied
3. _______________here since 2015?
A. Did you live
B. Have you lived
4. Amy and I ____________to the library three days ago.
A. have been
B. went
5. I _______________ exam results yet.
A. haven‘t received
B. didn‘t receive
6. ________________ an exam?
A. Did you ever fail
B. Have you ever failed
7. It‘s the first time I ___________all the answers right in a test!
A. I got
B. I have got
8. Chris _____________ his assignment yesterday.
A. hasn‘t done
B. didn‘t do
9. ____________ last weekend?
A. Did you study
B. Have you studied
10. Jane hasn‘t finished her homework _________.
A. already
B. yet
11. I _____________ one of your projects.
A. have just seen
B. just saw
12. So far, this is the best lecture I ______________.
A. ever listened to
B. have ever listened to
13. What time ______________ home last night?
A. have you got
B. did you get
14. When I was at school I ______________to read out loud.
A. didn‘t like
B. haven‘t liked
15. I love science podcasts. I _______________ to them a lot this year.
A. have listened
B. listened
Exercise 8. Read the title of the text below. What differences do you think you
will find in the text?
Exercise 9. Read the text to find out if any of your ideas were correct.
Differences between School and University
It is important to understand how university is different from school and how
well your own past educational experiences have prepared you for what you will find
at university. University is a unique experience for all students. You have transitioned
from one form of education to another. Some students have difficulty because of the
differences between university and school. The university experience is usually
different from school in these ways:
• Time management is more important at university because of strict deadlines.
• You are on your own at university. Teachers expect you to do the work, meet
deadlines, and so on, without someone supervising you.
• There may be no attendance list, but you are expected to be an adult to come
to classes without fear of penalties.
• Many classes are large, making it easy to feel lost in a crowd.
• Many teachers, especially in large classes, teach by lecture – which can be
difficult for those whose school teachers communicated a lot with students.
• University courses require more study time and require you to work
• Your social and personal life at university is less controlled. Younger students
may experience more freedom to do what they want.
All of these differences can lead to emotional changes – both positive and
negative. For some students, independence and freedom can lead in negative
directions: sleeping late, skipping classes, missing deadlines, failing to prepare well
for tests, and so on. Other students who are highly motivated and work hard in their
classes may also have difficulty transitioning to the higher academic standards of
Overall, university is an amazing experience where you will grow and become
much more independent. However, with this freedom comes a lot more responsibility
and you have to make sure you get the right balance between studies and personal
Exercise 10. Read the text again and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. At school, it is more important to take control of your time.
2. You are responsible for your education at university. You do most of your studying
without help from teachers.
3. If you don‘t come to your class at university, you need a note from your parents.
4. Many classes at university generally have no more than 30 students.
5. A lecture doesn‘t include a lot of communication with students.
6. There is more freedom at university than at school.
7. Independence and freedom lead all students to positive changes.
8. It can be quite difficult for hardworking and motivated students to go from school
to university.
Exercise 11. Match the words 1-6 with their definitions A-F.
1. Deadline (n.)
2. Penalty (n.)
3. Attendance (n.)
4. Supervise (v.)
5. Independence (n.)
A. The fact of going to school, university regularly.
B. To watch a person or a group of people to make
sure that they are working correctly.
C. The freedom to organize your own life, make
your own decisions, etc. without help from other
D. The latest time or date by which you have to
finish something.
E. A situation where something becomes different or
6. Change (n.)
you make something different.
F. A punishment you get if you don‘t follow rules.
Exercise 12 A. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are two students who have just
become roommates in the dormitory. Spend a few minutes reading the cards
below and thinking about what you will say.
You are in your second year at university. Invent some details about yourself
(your name, age, interests and hobbies). Student B is your new roommate. He/
She is a first-year student. Talk to him/her about yourself, ask him/her how
he/she feels about a new environment and give some advice on study habits
and strategies that can help to make good progress at university.
You are a first-year student. Invent some details about yourself (your name,
age, interests and hobbies, your feelings about a new environment). Talk to
Student A about yourself, and ask him/her questions about himself/herself.
Also, ask him/her about studying at university (any useful strategies and habits
he/she can advise) and the differences between school and university.
B. Make a conversation with
your partner when you are
ready. Remember to use the
expressions to show your interest
from the Useful language box.
Useful language
It is very important to show that you are
interested in what your partner is saying.
Use these expressions to show you are
Normal response
That‘s interesting.
Oh, I see.
Stronger response
Wow! That‘s amazing!
That‘s incredible!
No way!
You‘re joking!
Exercise 13. Complete the Student profile form with the information about
First name: ____________________________________________
Surname: ____________________________________________
Age: _________________________________________________
Where are you from?____________________________________
Languages: ____________________________________________
Hobbies and interests: ___________________________________
Describe your good study habits: ___________________________
Describe your bad study habits (if there are any): ______________
Your learning style (s): ___________________________________
You learn best when: ___________________________________
As a learner, you are good at: ____________________________
Have you joined any sports or clubs at university? What?__
How are you feeling in a new environment? __________
Your favourite thing about university so far: ________
Exercise 14. Swap the profiles with your partner. Do you have a lot in common?
2A Back to School
2B Higher Education
2C Campus and Traditions
2A Back to School
Exercise 1. Answer the questions in pairs. Match the questions with the school
subjects below.
When did the Second World War start?
What is the capital of China?
Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
What video conferencing software do you know?
Who invented the theory of relativity?
What is 7–4+5?
How many legs does a spider have?
What is the formula of water?
Information Technology
Exercise 2. Explain the differences between the following phrases. Use any
English-English dictionary. For example:
Useful language
primary school
secondary school
private school
state school
Primary school and Secondary
school can be used without any
article when speaking about an
educational system.
Complete the sentences with these words.
I started at __________ in Manchester when I was 5.
It was a__________. My parents had to pay a lot for my studies.
When I was 11, I went to _________, also in Manchester.
It was a__________. Education was free of charge.
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the
skip subject
academic year
1. The _________ in the UK runs from early September to mid-July. It is divided
into three_________.
2. The name of our_________is Mr. Smith. He is very bossy.
3. We have to wear horrible school________ .
4. Look! We have a new _________. The first lesson for Monday morning is
5. I ______ English classes at a language centre because I want to improve my
communication skills.
6. I love maths. It is my favourite________.
7. You go to school, never______ classes, but learn nothing about the real world.
8. I never go to the_________. I bring lunch from home.
9. He asked for some________ from his teacher. He wanted to make his conference
presentation better.
10. Look! The exam results are on the _________. Exam results can be given as
marks (out of 10 or 100). But this time we have grades (A,B,C, etc.).
Useful language
go to school OR go to the school/college/university?
If you are going there for the very purpose it serves, there is no need to use any article. But
if you are visiting it for some other reason, you need to use ―the‖ before it. Suppose, a
student is on his way to his school, he would say ―I am going to school‖ (he is going there to
learn). On the other hand, if the father of the same boy is on the way to school, he would say
―I am going to the school‖ (Perhaps he is going to meet the headmaster or the class teacher
or he wants to pay the fees etc.)
Go to Vocabulary Bank 2A for more practice.
Exercise 4. Read Lucy’s diary for one of the days she spent at school. Was that a
good day for her?
My summer holidays came to the end. It was the beginning of the academic year.
Going from a private school to a state school was really hard for me.
The moment I woke up, I had butterflies in
my stomach*. It was a really big change.
Even the uniform was completely
*to have butterflies in your stomach –
to feel very nervous about something
different. I remember being nervous, not
you are going to do.
about finding my way around or anything
*to scan – to look at something
like that, just being there with people I
carefully in order to get information.
didn‘t know. I was about an hour early to
school that day. Adriana arrived when I was
scanning* the noticeboard. She came up, smiled and said ―Hello‖. That was how our
friendship began.
We were sitting and watching the welcome assembly for 40 minutes. After it had
finished, I checked my timetable and found my way to my first lesson with no
My first lesson was English – my favourite subject. First we had a listening task
which I found easy. While we were doing grammar exercises on the computer, the
teacher was checking our tests. I got 18 out of 20. We also wrote a small essay. She
said we would get feedback in a week.
The teacher of maths was using an interactive whiteboard the whole lesson. It had
graphics and video. But my classmates didn‘t look very interested in it. A mobile
rang and the owner hurried to switch it off. The teacher immediately confiscated it
until the end of the lesson.
In the canteen we could choose traditional or fast food. All of us decided to have
burger and chips.
From the very beginning of the lesson till its end our teacher of history was talking to
us as if we were adults. Thus, he could get our attention and didn‘t have any
problems controlling the noise level. Other teachers did.
Information and Communication Technologies
We had already designed the website before the headmaster came in. He was friendly
and gave the impression of being supremely confident. He gave us advice on how to
develop our study habits and keep up with the classmates.
All my lessons were a breeze that day. And I didn‘t get lost. By 6 p.m. I had finished
my homework and could relax.
It is going to be an exciting term. I promise I won‘t skip classes. But if it happens, I
remember that the worst thing I can say to my teacher ―I didn‘t attend the previous
lesson. Were you talking about anything important?‖
They are the same thing. The terms are used differently in different countries.
In the UK, the word headmaster/headmistress is standard at most schools.
In the U.S., a principal is the head of a state school while a headmaster and headmistress have the
same role at a private school.
Exercise 5. Say if the sentences are True (T) or False (F).
1. Lucy went to a private school that day.
2. She was very nervous.
3. She was afraid to get lost.
4. She was watching the welcome assembly for an hour.
5. Lucy had 2 mistakes in her listening test.
6. Her teacher of English promised to give feedback on her essay in a week.
7. Her mobile was confiscated until the end of the lesson.
8. She had Burger and chips for lunch.
9. The headmaster came to assess the website.
10. The teacher of history was the best one.
11. She liked all the lessons that day.
12. At 7 p.m. she was still doing her homework.
13. Lucy promised not to miss classes.
14. If she skips classes one day, she will ask her teacher ―Was there anything
GRAMMAR Past Tenses
Past Simple
+ I
Past Continuous
You ate (2nd form)
did not work
You (didn‘t) eat
was not
were not eating
Past Perfect
had not worked
(3d form)
Exercise 6. Find the examples of the past simple, past continuous and past
perfect tenses in Lucy’s diary.
Past Simple e.g. My summer holidays came to the end.
– ________________________________________________________________
? ________________________________________________________________
Past Continuous e.g. The teacher of maths was using an interactive whiteboard.
Past Perfect e.g. By 6 p.m. I had finished my homework.
Exercise 7. Look at the timeline and say which action in the given sentence
happened before another action in the past.
We had already designed the website before the headmaster came in.
Action 1:___________________________________
Action 2:___________________________________
Exercise 8. Look at these two sentences. What is the difference between them?
 We were designing the website when the headmaster came in.
 We had already designed the website before the headmaster came in.
Exercise 9. Which sentences (A-F) are the examples of the speech situations
described in the box?
Past Simple
1. Past actions which happened one after another.
Past Continuous
1. An action in progress happening at a particular moment in the past.
2. An action in progress interrupted by a short action.
3. Two actions in progress happening at the same time.
Past Perfect
1. Past action which happened before another action in the past.
2. Past action which happened before a specific time in the past.
A. While we were doing grammar exercises on the computer, the teacher was
checking our tests.
B. By 6 p.m. I had finished my homework and could relax.
C. Adriana arrived when I was scanning the noticeboard.
D. She came up, smiled and said ―Hello‖.
E. After it had finished, I checked my timetable and found my way to my first lesson
with no problems.
F. From the very beginning of the lesson till its end our teacher of history was talking
to us as if we were adults.
2.1 Exercise 10. Listen to the speaker and complete the sentences with the
verbs in the correct past tense. Explain the usage of tenses. The rules from
Exercise 9 will help you.
Listening2.1 .mp3
I (1)____ a wonderful teacher of biology. She was really
interested in her subject. I remember one lesson. After we
(2)____ ____ different types of vegetables, we (3)____
____ to flowers. She (4)____ a pink flower and touched its
petal. Then we noticed that she (5)____ ____! She
explained that nature was so beautiful and sometimes made Fig.1. – Lesson of biology
her cry. Something of this kind happened when she (6)____
____ us how the microscope worked. She started to smile all over her face when she
(7)____ ____ a plant. She said, ―Isn‘t it beautiful?‖ I saw that some students were
laughing at her while she (8)_____ ____ . However, her enthusiasm made me excited
about biology.
Exercise 11. Choose the best answer: the past simple or past continuous tense?
1. Last Monday I woke up as usual. I had breakfast, got dressed and left/was leaving
for school.
2. Yesterday at 11.30 we watched/were watching the welcome assembly.
3. Last night I learnt/was learning the text when I heard a strange noise.
4. The Internet connection was poor, so I finished/was finishing the video
5. Ted went/was going home when his classmate called/was calling him.
6. The window was open and a bird flew/was flying into the classroom.
7. Did you see her at the party yesterday? – Yes, she wore/was wearing a really nice
8. He only attended five lessons. But he passed/was passing his first exam.
9. Sam read/was reading a book while Ann revised/was revising for a test.
10. What did you do/were you doing when the headmaster came in?
Exercise 12. Choose the best answer: the past simple or past perfect tense?
Victoria wrote/had written the first draft of her essay by 4 p.m. yesterday.
He couldn‘t find his notebook. He lost/had lost it.
I improved/had improved my English before I went/had gone to the UK.
I felt nervous because I didn‟t cheat/hadn‟t cheated before.
I felt tired when I got home, so I went/had gone straight to bed.
After I finished/had finished my work, I decided/had decided to go for a walk.
I gave/had given Sarah my textbook only after she promised/had promised to
return it in two days.
8. By the end of the year he participated/had participated in 14 conferences.
9. A teacher walked into the classroom. I didn‘t know her. I didn‟t see/hadn‟t seen
her before.
10. – Did you cross out/Had you crossed out the word when you understood your
mistake? – No, the teacher collected/had collected the papers before that.
Go to Grammar Bank 2A for more practice.
Exercise 13. Interview your partner using the questionnaire. Ask for more
What kind of school / you go to?
/ you like it?
How many pupils / there in each class?
How much homework / you have?
/ you wear school uniform?
/ discipline very strict?
/pupils behave well
/ use mobile phones during lessons?
Which subjects / you good and bad at?
Who / your favourite teacher?
Exercise 14. You are going to write an anecdote*. The story can either be true or
invented. If it is invented, you must try to write it in such a way that your
partner thinks it is true. Choose one of the topics below. Use the language from
the box to help you.
Write about a time when you…
had a frightening experience at school.
*anecdote – an interesting or
funny story about you.
played a joke on the teacher or classmate.
got into trouble during the lesson of physical training.
Setting the scene
This happened to me when I was…
I was… -ing when…
I… because I had/hadn‘t…
The main events
I decided to… because… So then I…
Suddenly/At that moment…
What happened in the end
In the end… I felt…
Exercise 15. In small groups, read your anecdotes. Students show interest and
ask for more details. Then they decide if your story is true or not.
For example:
This happened to me when I was in
the 7th grade. I was reciting a poem
when the headmaster entered the
classroom. A man followed him.
Really? Who was it?
Vocabulary Bank 2A
Back to School
Exercise 1. Explain the differences between the following words.
1. Teach/learn
2. Study/learn
3. Teacher/instructor/lecturer/professor
4. Pupil/student
5. Take/pass/fail an exam.
6. Grades/results
7. Lesson/subject
8. Noticeboard/timetable
9. First draft/final draft
10. Examination/continuous assessment
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the given words.
1. In our school, most groups have about 30________ in them.
He is a______ at the University of California.
Pupil / Student
2. Who_______you to pronounce this word like that?
I would love to________a new language I don‘t know anything about.
Teach / Learn
3. Children in England go to______school from the ages of 5 to 11.
Then they continue at__________school.
Primary / Secondary
4. The exam_______come out today and I‘m really nervous. I hope I have passed.
A______is a letter which shows how well you did in a test.
Grade / Results
5. I made many mistakes in the exam and I don‘t think I_____ it.
I‘m nervous because I‘m _____ my first exam today.
Take / Pass
6. We have___________. The quality of our work is judged by pieces of course work
and not by one final___________.
Continuous assessment / Examination
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.
fail start
1. When she was at school, she had to______for hours every evening.
2. Our chemistry teacher was terrible. We didn‘t_____anything.
3. If you don‘t____your homework, you can‘t go for a walk.
4. I must_______tonight. I have an exam tomorrow.
5. In Great Britain children_______school when they are 5. And they
can‘t_____before they are 16.
6. The teacher was angry because some of the pupils had tried to______in the exam.
7. If you want to study at a prestigious university, you have to______a lot of exams.
8. I hope I will _____my exams. My parents will be furious if I_____.
Exercise 4. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions.
hand in
cross out
deal with
give up
keep up with
take action to do something
stay at the same level as someone else
give your completed tasks to a teacher
stop trying to do something
draw a line through something written
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the necessary prepositions.
1. If you make a mistake, just cross it______.
2. Alice missed a month of school because of the illness and found it difficult to
keep_____ _____her classmates.
3. You have three days left to hand _____ your final drafts.
4. Don‘t give____ or you will never pass the exam.
5. My brother couldn‘t deal_____all the work he had to do at school.
Grammar Bank 2A
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect
Exercise 1. Fill in with the past simple or past continuous tense.
1. Peter (read) the first paragraph when the bell rang.
2. Mozart (start) composing at the age of 5.
3. When he arrived, we (have) dinner.
4. I (be) angry because they were late.
5. She was playing the piano while Dan (sing).
6. I (sit) at my desk at school at this time last week.
7. When I was young, I (want) to be a teacher.
8. I haven‘t seen Julia for ages. When I last saw her, she (take) her final exams.
9. We (meet) Elizabeth in town a few days ago.
10. My neighbor (listen) to music from 9 to 11 p.m. yesterday.
11. We had to go to London last week, but we (miss) the plane.
12. – What (you/do) at this time yesterday? – I was walking home.
13. I dropped the container and it (crash) onto the floor.
14. It was a very difficult situation. We (not/know) what to do.
15. He walked into the classroom. Several pupils (type) while their teacher was
checking their assignments.
Exercise 2. Fill in with the past simple or past perfect tense.
1. Sue (finish) revising algebra for a test by 5 o‘clock.
2. When she (open) the door, she found that her flat-mate (made) a mess on the
3. Last week I (go) to my home town after many years. It wasn‘t the same as before.
It (change) a lot.
4. I met Tom a few days ago. He (just/return) from Ireland. He (look) very well.
5. We were driving along the road when we (see) a car, so we (stop) to help.
6. The plane (leave) by the time I got to the airport.
7. They (lose) the game because they (not/train) enough.
8. We (not/have) time to visit the Tower when we were in London last year.
9. She (ask) the teacher several times before she (understand) the problem.
10. (you/visit) London before your trip in 2018?
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple, past continuous or past
perfect tense.
The bell rang when _____________________________________________
I finished my homework at 5 o‘clock and____________________________
Bob fell asleep while____________________________________________
I arrived too late. They___________________________________________
He was cheating while ___________________________________________
When I got home I saw that_______________________________________
The exam didn‘t go well although__________________________________
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect.
1. The first modern horse racing ______ place in England in the 18th century.
a. were taking
b. took
c. had taken
2. She ______her homework when we came to see her.
a. was doing
b. did
c. were doing
When I phoned Jill yesterday she _____ a poem.
a. was learning
b. learnt
c. has learnt
_____the first airplane?
a. Had he invented
b. Did he invent
c. He invented
I _____my project by 6 yesterday.
a. did
b. had done
c. was doing
She _____a book from 5 till 6 yesterday.
a. read
b. had read
c. was reading
What was she doing when he called?
a. She had finished her assignment.
b. She had a birthday party.
c. She was watching TV.
The TV programme _____before I came home.
a. had begun
b. began
c. has begun
I was working when my classmate _____.
a. come
b. was coming
c. came
At this time yesterday we _____about you.
a. were talking
b. talked
c. had talked
11. He _____me as he was reading when I came into the room.
a. not see
b. didn‘t see
c. wasn‘t seeing
12. He was running to school when the storm _____.
a. broke out
b. had broken out
c. broken out
13. We _____your teacher a week ago.
a. had met
b. met
c. was meeting
14. I understood that she _____my letter.
a. hadn‘t read
b. didn‘t read
c. wasn‘t read
15. By 4 yesterday I _______ my exam.
a. was passing
b. passed
c. had passed
16. My course ______before my girlfriend arrived.
a. had finished
b. finished
c. was finishing
17. When ______those shoes?
a. you buy
b. did you buy
c. bought you
18. The podcast I ______ last night was really interesting.
a. found
b. had found
c. was finding
19. While I __________ a study plan, a dog ran up to me and took my pen.
a. made
b. was making
c. making
20. She _________________ all day yesterday.
a. relaxed
b. had relaxed
c. was relaxing
2B Higher Education
Exercise 1. These pictures show two different life periods of Irene Parker. In the
first one she is a schoolgirl. The second one was taken 15 years later at work.
Answer the questions. If you don’t know, guess.
Fig.3. – Irene is a schoolgirl
Fig.4. – 15 years later at work
What did she like to wear?
Does she follow the same style at present?
What did she like to do in her free time?
Does she spend her free time in the same way?
Did she plan to go to university? What profession did she want to have?
Where does she work? What does she do?
GRAMMAR. Used to / get used to / be used to
Exercise 2. Read the text about Irene Parker and check your answers in
Exercise 1.
Irene was my close friend at school. We used to get on well although we had
different interests. She was a long-haired hippy who used to wear jeans and listen to
rock music. My parents didn‘t like her and were making my life impossible. She had
a motorbike. We used to ride it every weekend and had much fun. But my parents
didn‘t allow me to join her. We used to do it in secret. I was admitted to the
university in another city and left. We completely lost touch.
Not long ago I found Irene on Facebook. She has changed a lot. She has got a
Master‘s Degree in Journalism and works as an editor for my favourite newspaper.
I‘m proud of her and at the same time I‘m very surprised as she didn‘t plan to go to
university. She was such a freedom lover. She wanted to become a photographer. At
present she is used to staying in the office from morning till night. And now she is
used to wearing formal outfits. It was difficult for her but she got used to it. Now,
after a year, she is quite happy.
Exercise 3. Fill in the grammar table with the correct heading. Then choose the
examples from the text about Irene Parker.
+ infinitive
+ -ing, noun or pronoun
+ -ing, noun or pronoun
Use it for the past
Use it to connect the past with Use it for the present
the present
Past habits and states. It is The process when something
not true now.
is becoming normal and usual
for you
Something is not new or strange
for you anymore.
Exercise 4. Use the rules from Exercise 3 to explain the differences between the
given examples.
1. She was a long-haired hippy who used to wear jeans.
2. And now she is used to wearing formal outfits.
3. It was difficult for her but she got used to it.
Now use your imagination and write your own sentences about Irene:
She used to___________________________________________________________
Now she is used to_____________________________________________________
She got used to________________________________________________________
Go to Grammar Bank 2B for more practice.
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use the correct
form of the verbs.
job place
graduate from
drop out
Bachelor‘s degree
Master‘s degree
1. At 17, I____________to university.
2. I got a___________at University College London to study Computer Science. I
was even awarded a______________.
3. But at the end of the first year I understood that it was not interesting for me and I
4. In a year I chose another___________.
5. I_____________ university in 4 years.
6. As a result, I have a _____________in
The major is your main
7. Then I did a ______________in business
specialization and the minor is the
secondary one.
administration (MBA) at the University of
It is not necessary to have a minor,
but it will make you competitive in
8. During the course, I carried out
the job market. For example, you
the___________ on small business
can take a Business major and a
minor in a Foreign Language and
9. I found the topic so interesting that I
build a career in an international
decided to do a doctorate on the same
subject. I had to write a 50,000 word
10. Now I have a PhD. All I need is a__________.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 2B for more practice.
Exercise 6. Look at the pictures and find the logo of Samara State Technical
University. Do you know what it symbolizes? What other university brands can
you see here? Check the answers in Vocabulary Bank 2B.
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
Exercise 7. Match the brands with their descriptions.
1. The coat of arms has three open books with the Latin word meaning "truth".
Crimson is an official color of the brand. But why crimson? A pair of rowers,
Charles W. Eliot and Benjamin W. Crowninshield gave crimson scarves to their
teammates so that spectators could see their team among other teams during a
regatta in 1858. In 11 years Eliot became the 21st president of the university and
served until 1909. The color of Eliot‘s scarves became the official color soon after
he left.
2. The motto of the university, which is in Latin, means ―The Lord is my light‖. The
relationship of things to God "who is light" must be understood. The coat of arms
appeared about 1400. The Book has seven seals. These are seven Liberal Sciences:
arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, rhetoric, grammar and logic. The Crowns
honour learning and wisdom. They represent three main professions or faculties at
that time: Theology, Medicine and Law.
3. The logo contains a symbol of the planetary system, which expresses the scale of
the university. The planets show its key directions. The united flagship university
is the center of science and innovation in the region. The lines look like a
fingerprint and symbolize the uniqueness of the university with its hundred-year
history and traditions. They represent individual achievements and ambitious
Exercise 8. You are going to read a text about Samara State Technical
University. Before you read, discuss questions 1-9 with a partner. Try to work
out what the words and phrases in bold mean. Check their meaning in the
dictionary www.multitran.ru.
1. What areas of study does Samara State Technical University offer?
2. When was it founded?
3. When did it get the status of the flagship university?
4. Does the university have any branches in other Russian cities?
5. What exams did you take to be admitted to the university?
6. Does the university have any industrial partners?
7. Is the programme ―Vzlet‖ aimed at students or schoolchildren?
8. Do you know any scientific projects of our university scientists and students?
9. Look at the pictures. What buildings are presented there? You will find the
answers in the text.
Exercise 9. Read the text. Which questions in Exercise 8 did you answer
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
Samara State Technical University
Samara State Technical University is a landmark university for Samara
region. Its main feature has always been a polytechnic formation of skills in
various areas, such as petrochemicals, oil and gas, energy, mechanical
engineering, information technologies, food
production, industrial ecology, architecture and
civil engineering.
Samara Polytechnic Institute was founded
in 1914 by the Russian Emperor Nicholas II. It
consisted of two faculties: commercial- Fig.5. – The main building of Samara State
Technical University
economic and agricultural.
Picture A in exercise 8 shows the main building of the institute until July 1st,
1941. Today it is Academic Building 3 (Molodogvardeyskaya str., 133). On the
right is the building of Kuibyshev Construction Institute in 1930
(Molodogvardeyskaya str., 194). Picture C illustrates Academic Building 1 in
1959 (Pervomayskaya str., 18).
In 1992 the institute got its present name – Samara State Technical
University. In 2015 it merged with Samara State University of Architecture and
Civil Engineering and in a year became one of the 11 flagship universities of the
Today about 20,000 students
study here. The university offers a
wide range of Bachelor‘s and
A semester means six months. While a
Master‘s Degree Programmes. It has
university semester is not six months long, it
three branches in other Russian cities:
should be very close to that duration and
there can only be two semesters in a year. US
universities have a semester system.
To be admitted to the university
A term is a more general word and it is
different in duration. UK universities have
three terms: an autumn (Michaelmas), spring
Examinations. The average passing
(Hilary) and summer (Trinity) terms. The
score differs depending on the
holidays between the terms are known as the
particular faculty. An academic year
Christmas vacation, the Easter vacation and
is divided into two semesters*.
the long summer vacation.
During this time students attend
lectures, seminars and tutorials.
Samara State Technical University provides practice-oriented engineering
training for students in the context of cooperation with industrial partners.
Project-based learning allows students to choose individual trajectories for
research. They can carry out technical projects based on their interests and needs.
The university also aims at increasing the number of schoolchildren engaged
in research activities. In 2015 the programme ―Vzlet‖ was developed to support
gifted children. Now pupils and their teachers have an opportunity to work under
the qualified supervision of university professors.
The latest scientific projects of university scientists and students include
edible packaging based on apple raw materials, methods for producing soil-like
materials from various industrial wastes, an anti-parking device with a
recognition system. University architects have developed the projects of Samara
Holiday Inn hotel, the building of Rosneft, Cyril and Methodius Cathedral, etc.
One of the students has designed The Memorial Sign in Honour of Fridtjof
Nansen*, which is situated at the entrance of the railway station.
Responding to the main challenges of our time, Samara State Technical
University acts as a testing ground for the best Russian industrial and economic
practices. The labour market requires highly-qualified workers and engineers who
graduate from our university.
* Fridtjof Nansen – the Norwegian polar
explorer, Nobel Prize winner, whose charity activities saved hundreds of
starving citizens in the 1920s in Samara.
Useful language
If the university name includes ―of‖, use the article ―the‖: e.g. The University of Oxford,
The College of St. Catherine. And when abbreviating one of these names, use the article
―the‖ only if ―of‖ is present in the abbreviation.
But if the university name does not include ―of‖, and especially if its name consists of a
proper noun, do not use the article ―the‖: e.g. Samara State Technical University, South
Dakota State University.
Exercise 10. Complete the summary using the words and phrases from the text.
Samara State Technical University is a landmark university for Samara region. It
(1)____ in 1914 by the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and consisted of two
(2)____: commercial-economic and agricultural. In 2015 it (3)____ with Samara
State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and in a year became one
of the 11 (4)____ of the country. Today about 20,000 students (5)____ here. The
university offers a wide range of (6)____ and Master‘s Degree Programmes. To
be (7)____ to the university applicants take Unified State Examinations. The
university cooperates with industrial partners and provides (8)____ engineering
training for students. University scientists and students (9)____ many important
projects for our city and region. The labour market requires highly-qualified
workers and engineers who (10)____ from this university.
Exercise 11. Speak about your university using the words and word
combinations below.
1. landmark university
2. was founded
3. two faculties
4. Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
5. flagship university
6. 20,000 students
7. Bachelor‘s and Master‘s Degree Programmes
8. Unified State Examinations
9. industrial partners
10. develop projects
11. labour market
12. graduate from
2.2 Exercise 12. Watch the video about Samara State Technical University1.
Tick (˅) the ideas mentioned by the speaker. There are 6 correct answers.
Fig.6. – Science and Innovation at Samara State Technical University
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbjcEjogPaQ&t=3s Timing: 01.42-04.20
1. Chemical, power and mechanical engineering faculties were opened in 1930.
2. Legendary scientists and engineers worked here during the evacuation.
3. Samara Polytech is known for a number of scientific schools.
4. A Latin word "poly" means "a lot".
5. Scientists from Europe and the USA give lectures and workshops here.
6. Intellectual capital of the university is competitive in the market.
7. The Petroleum Engineering Faculty is one of the largest faculties.
8. Rosneft, Transneft, Gazprom are strategic partners of the university.
9. Students take part in the work of interdisciplinary project teams.
10. A modern engineer must be a universal specialist.
2.3 Exercise 13. In this video choose the part about your area of study and
answer the question.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbjcEjogPaQ&t=3s
What are the main achievements?
Chemistry and Oil and Gas Technologies
Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering
Information Technologies
Thermal Power Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Food Technologies
Architecture and Civil Engineering
Exercise 14. Students of Purdue University (USA) explain why they have chosen
Engineering. Which speaker mentions the following?
1. Becoming broad-minded
2. Learning from other students
3. Using logics and soft skills
4. Desire to improve processes
5. Connection with business
6. Opportunities both in industry and research
7. Dealing with various kinds of difficulties
Why have you chosen Engineering?
A. I like solving different complex problems that
include the interaction of people within a
system. I have chosen Purdue University
because it has got a strong reputation in this
field and it gives me opportunities to make my
dreams come true.
Fig.7. – Purdue University, USA
B. On the one hand, I have learnt to think logically
and to work out strategies. On the other hand, I can use my communication skills
that were my strengths at school.
C. I really care how people perform processes and I really want to make things better
D. I have chosen Industrial Engineering because it is a mix of business and
engineering. I don‘t know exactly what I want to do after the university. But I
know that I will have a ton of interesting choices with this degree.
E. Engineering gives a broad view of many things. I really enjoy it because I want to
be well-rounded and also have a strong background in the technical side of things.
F. This university gives great opportunities in industry and research. And I feel that
resources here support me in my education in the best way.
G. The professors do so much research here. Also,
Useful language
you can learn a lot from the graduate and
*If people in a group are
undergraduate students. In our group we are so
close-knit, they all do things
close-knit*. We are just like a family.
together, help each other.
Exercise 15. In pairs, look at the highlighted words and phrases. Try to guess
what they mean and fill in the table.
positive opinion about something
study of resources to make new conclusions
a) someone who is studying for a Bachelor's degree
b) someone who is working on a Master‘s degree
to make a plan of action
having a personality that is fully developed in all aspects
to give a chance
area of studies
Exercise 16. Tell your partner why you have chosen this university and this
faculty. Use the ideas from the previous exercises and the video.
Example: I have chosen this university because it
has got a strong reputation in civil engineering. I‟m
interested in the technical side of things and I really
want to make our city better overall. I feel that my
education gives great opportunities in construction
Fig.8. – Students of Samara Polytech
Exercise 17. Imagine you have to create a leaflet about your faculty. Write the
advertisement that will attract attention of foreign students. The outline in the
box will help you. Use the university website for more information.
Creating interest
…. is a dynamically developing/prestigious faculty.
It has a strong reputation in the field of… .
The faculty was founded in…
To be admitted to the faculty applicants take…
The average passing score is…
Advantages and achievements
It gives a broad view of many things. On the one hand, … On the other hand, …
You can learn a lot here. For example,…
Students carry out… under the supervision of…
The latest scientific projects of university scientists and students include…
The degree in … gives you great opportunities because…
This qualification allows you to find a job in...
The labour market requires highly-qualified workers who… !
Vocabulary Bank 2B
Higher Education
Exercise 1. Complete the text using the words from the box.
tutor internship
The system of higher education is similar in many countries. Some universities were
founded many centuries ago. Others are rather new. But all of them offer a wide
range of (1)____ in different areas of study. Whatever you choose, it will be
necessary to (2)____ an application and satisfy their entry (3)____ before you get a
place. They may also ask you to attend an (4)____ . Once you are admitted, you may
live on (5)____ or find your own accommodation nearby. Every year you will carry
out various scientific (6)____ under the supervision of your (7)____ . You will learn
to solve complex problems. A summer (8)____ at a local firm or somewhere else
will help you get experience in your field. And in three or four years you will get a
(9)____ called a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) or a B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science). It is the
minimum (10)____ employers usually ask for. You may choose to continue at
postgraduate level and do a Master‘s degree at the same university.
Exercise 2. Study the synonyms below. Replace all the uses of do and get in the
do a degree = study for a degree
do an exam = take an exam
do research = carry out research
do a project = carry out/develop a project
do an essay = write an essay
do a lecture = give a lecture
get a place = be admitted
get a qualification = obtain a qualification
1. My son did a degree in Economics at Cambridge University.
2. I want to get a social work qualification.
3. Now he is doing some research on edible packaging.
4. Are you planning to do an essay?
5. Dr. Robertson is doing a lecture on industrial wastes today.
6. How long did it take you to do this project?
7. Submit your application if you want to get a place.
8. Mike is doing his final exams at the moment.
Exercise 3. Complete the table below. You can find the words you need in
Exercise 1, Exercise 2 from this vocabulary bank and Exercise 5 from Unit 2B.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 3. Use the
correct form.
1. My daughters are getting a much better higher_______than I ever had.
2. The Russian Emperor Nicholas II _______Samara Polytechnic Institute. And
the first students were admitted here in 1914.
3. University students should______lectures and take notes.
4. An________is a student studying for his first degree.
5. I was _______ for my exam the whole weekend.
6. Tell me about the most important________developments in your area of study.
7. The university welcomes ________ from overseas students.
8. Researchers have _______ new technologies for distant learning.
9. Can you help me to______this problem?
10. Oliver is a__________engineer. He is the best one here.
Exercise 5. Underline the best option to complete the sentences.
Every year about 50 students from Russia are admitted / study to this university.
After graduation / foundation she worked as a research chemist.
She is doing a qualification / degree at Exeter University.
Every student wanted to do / attend the lecture of a foreign professor.
They teamed up to develop / solve new software.
It‘s a good idea to write / carry out some research before you go to your tutor.
Have you taken / applied for a grant?
I am revising / supervising for my chemistry test.
Professor Taylor is one of the most respected attendants / educators of the
10. Mike has a Bachelor‘s degree. And he decided to continue with physics
at undergraduate / postgraduate level.
Read the answers to Exercise 6. Did you guess then correctly?
Picture A shows the coat of arms of the University of Oxford (Great Britain), the
oldest University in the English-speaking world and one of the most prestigious
universities in the world.
It grew quickly from 1167 when Henry II banned English students from attending the
University of Paris. And now it contains 39 self-governing colleges. Each of them has
its own internal structure and controls its own activities. St Catherine's College,
which was opened in 1962, is the youngest one.
Fig.9. – Colleges of the University of Oxford
After disputes between students and Oxford citizens in 1209, some academics went to
Cambridge where they founded the University of Cambridge. The two universities
are often called "Oxbridge".
Picture B presents the logo of Samara State Technical University.
Picture C illustrates the coat of arms of
Harvard University. Founded in 1636, Harvard
is the oldest university in the United States and
one of the most prestigious in the world. Its
graduates include 8 U.S. presidents, more than
30 foreign heads of state, 188 living billionaires,
and 160 Nobel laureates.
Fig.10. – The Harry Elkins Widener Memorial
Library, the centerpiece of the Harvard Library
Grammar Bank 2B
used to / get used to/ be used to
Exercise 1. Compare what Andrew did 5 years ago and what he does at present.
5 years ago he said…
Fig.11. – 5 years ago
At present he says…
Fig.12. – At present
I ride a bicycle
I travel a lot
I often go camping
I don‘t drink tea
I have a lot of friends
I never read books
I work as a deliveryman
I drive a car
I work very hard in the office
It‘s difficult for me to have much stress
Tea is great! I like it now.
I stay at home in the evening
I read a lot
It‘s difficult for me to have so much
5 years ago
1. He used to ride a bicycle.
4. He didn‟t use to drink tea.
At present
1. He is used to driving a car.
3. He isn‟t used to having much stress.
Exercise 2. Find two pictures. The first one should show your lifestyle several
years ago. In the second one you should look in a different way. Describe your
life in the past and today. Use Exercise 1 as an example.
Several years ago
1. I used to______________
2. I didn‘t use to__________
3. _____________________
1. I am used to__________________
2. I am not used to_______________
used to / get used to/ be used to
1. She ______walk long distances.
a. is used to
b. used to
2. My tutor used to _____ my first drafts.
a. criticize
b. criticizing
3. When I was young I ______live in Moscow.
a. am used to
b. used to
4. I'm not used to ______ in front of groups of people.
a. speak
b. speaking
5. Mary used to______ in the library.
a. work
b. working
6. I got used to_______at work until 8 p.m.
a. stay
b. staying
7. What books _________to read when you were a schoolboy?
a. used you
b. did you use
8. He _______go to the English club at weekends.
a. use to
b. used to
9. I _________in a bank, but now I‘m a designer.
a. used to work
b. am used to working
10. She________ listen to music when she was younger.
a. not used to
b. didn‘t use to
11. We are used to_______ lunch in the university canteen every day.
a. having
b. have
12. I _____getting up early.
a. used to
b. got used to
13. Are you _________sitting in the front row of a lecture hall?
a. use to
b. used to
14. My father _______ us with our homework when we studied at school.
a. didn‘t use to help
b. isn‘t used to helping
15. My sister got used to ________notes in class.
a. make
b. making
2C Campus and Traditions
Exercise 1. Look at the map and answer the questions.
How many academic buildings are presented on the map?
Can you find the scientific fields from the list on the map? Where are they?
What facilities do you see on the map?
Are the dormitories situated near the main building?
What are the symbols/key personalities of Samara Polytech?
*The word ulitsa is often used instead of the word street on
maps, street nameplates and envelopes (for the post).
Useful language
I am in the street means I am on
the pavement of the street.
Smth. is on the street means it is
situated there.
Exercise 2. Read the dialogue and follow the route on the map.
A: Excuse me, is it Academic Building 1?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Could you tell me where Ulyanovskaya str. is?
I‘m looking for the Academy of Architecture
and Civil Engineering.
B: Yes, of course. From here, turn right and go
along Molodogvardeyskaya str. Then cross
Polevaya str. and go straight ahead again.
A: Do I need to go past Kuibyshev Square?
B: No, you don‘t. Cross Studenchesky pereulok.
And Ulyanovskaya str. is the first street on the
A: Ok. The first street on the right.
B: You can‘t miss the entrance as there is a big sign.
A: Thank you!
B: You are welcome.
Useful language
Do not use ―the‖ with
noun+number (e.g. Room
133, Academic Building 1,
Platform 5).
Do not use ―the‖ with street
names (e.g. Ulyanovskaya
str., Polevaya str.).
Do not use ―the‖ with square
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
miss on
turn past tell
Useful language
1. Could you ______ me where the Geological
Museum is?
2. Molodogvardeyskaya str. is the first street
_____the left.
3. Go straight ahead and then _____ right.
4. Then go_____ the Cheese Factory.
5. You can‘t______the university entrance.
Use ―the‖ with museum
names (e.g. the Geological
Use ―the‖ with the names of
places and buildings if the
first word is NOT the name
of a person or place (e.g. the
Edinburgh Castle, St John‘s
Exercise 4. Look at the map. Put the directions in the correct order. You will go
from the Petroleum Engineering Faculty to Academic Building 2.
Go past the Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Go all the way to the T-junction. You will see Kuibyshev Square.
Then turn left at the traffic lights.
Cross Chapaevskaya str. and the building is on your left.
From here, go straight ahead and take the first right.
Turn right. Go past the square and take the first left.
Go along Molodogvardeyskaya str.
Exercise 5. Work in pairs. Practise giving directions. Use the map.
A: How can I get to the main building?
B: Cross Ulyanovskaya str. and go straight
ahead. Go past the civil registry office
and turn left. The main building is on
your right.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 2C for more
Useful language
Could you tell me where… is?
How can I get to…?
Go straight ahead
Turn right/left (at the traffic lights)
Take the second right/left
Go along this street.
Go past…
Cross the road
Go to the end of the street
Go over the roundabout
Go through the tunnel
Go all the way to the T-junction
It is on your right/left
It is opposite…
It is next to…
2.4 Exercise 6. Watch the video about Polytech life2. Say if the sentences are
True (T) or False (F).
1. Samara State Technical University is a good place for both science students and
arts students.
2. Samara jazz-band of Lev Bekasov once appeared here on stage.
3. There are more than 30 sports sections and creative studios in Samara Polytech
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu0nvsgdtmg
4. Soon the university will get its own Interactive Museum of Science.
5. The university is proud of its women's volleyball team.
Exercise 7. Read the text below to get more information about Samara Polytech
social life and facilities. What is the best heading for each paragraph?
§ 1…………………..
§ 2…………………..
§ 3…………………..
§ 4…………………..
§ 5…………………..
A. Festivals and performances.
B. Sports.
C. Extramural activities.
D. Campus.
E. Samara Polytech is a huge family.
Samara Polytech Life
University campus contains 26 academic
buildings, 36 scientific laboratories, 6 modern
dormitories, 3 recreation centres, a big library with 8
departments in different buildings and the Geological
Museum exhibiting about 3,000 mineralogical and
paleontological samples. There is also a swimming
pool, a ski centre and a big sports complex with a
boxing hall, an aerobics room, a shooting range, a Fig.13. – Dormitory on
Revolutsionnaya str. Opened in 2014.
martial arts hall and a game room.
Our university students are the prizewinners in
the Russian and International competitions in step aerobics, swimming, box, minifootball and chess. Our men‘s basketball team is the member of the VTB student
league. Women‘s team plays in the Super League of the Russian Basketball
Sport is not the only thing that makes up students‘
free time. Samara State Technical University is a
regular participant of the youth forum "iVolga".
Students specializing in design regularly take part in the
Festival of Fashion "Volga Seasons of Aleksandr
Vasiliev". Comedy club team ―Volzhane – SSTU"
reached the semifinal of the Premier League on the First
TV Channel. Those who are good at singing join the
university choir "Majolica". The repertoire includes
Fig.14. – Volga Seasons of
spiritual music, foreign classics, Russian folk songs,
Aleksandr Vasiliev
jazz, modern popular compositions.
Our university has a number of longUseful language
standing traditions. The Student Debut
Festival takes place in October. Freshmen of
each faculty prepare performances that
Use ―the‖ if the name of the
festival includes a word like
include singing, dancing and a comedy
festival or holiday. Otherwise don‘t
show. Similar activities make up The
use the article. For example, The
Students‘ Spring Festival in April. Tatiana‘s
Day (Students‘ Day) is celebrated on
Christmas, Easter, etc.
January 25th. On this day in 1775, Empress
Elizabeth signed a document for founding the first university in Russia,
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Samara Polytech dynamic life brings thousands of people together. It unites
them with scientific thoughts, interesting tasks, sports and creativity. It cements
them with a strong friendship.
Exercise 8. Choose the best answer.
1. University campus includes ... .
A. 15 academic buildings with 8 libraries.
B. 26 academic buildings with 36 scientific laboratories.
C. more than 20 academic buildings and 26 laboratories.
2. A big sports complex has … .
A. a boxing hall, a martial arts hall, an ice rink.
B. a shooting range, a spinning room, a boxing hall.
C. an aerobics room, a boxing hall, a shooting range.
3. Our university students are the prizewinners in… .
A. step aerobics, chess, rowing, mini-football.
B. swimming, box, mini-football, step aerobics.
C. box, hockey, step aerobics, swimming.
4. Students specializing in design regularly take part in... .
A. iVolga.
B. Comedy club.
C. Volga Seasons of Aleksandr Vasiliev.
5. Students‘ Day is celebrated... .
A. in October.
B. in April.
C. in January.
Exercise 9. Complete the sentences by changing the words and phrases in
CAPITALS to the correct form (noun, adjective, verb).
1. University campus contains 26 … buildings, 36 scientific laboratories, 6
modern dormitories, 3 recreation centres and a big library. EDUCATION
2. The … museum exhibits about 3,000 mineralogical and paleontological
samples. GEOLOGY
3. Our university students are the … in the Russian and International
competitions. WIN PRIZES
4. Sport is not the only thing that makes up students‘ … time. FREEDOM
5. Samara State Technical University is a regular … of the youth forum
6. Those who are good at … join the university choir "Majolica". SING
7. Freshmen of each faculty prepare … that include singing, dancing and a
comedy show. PERFORM
8. Similar … make up The Students‘ Spring Festival in April. ACTIVE
9. In 1775 Empress Elizabeth … a document for founding the first university in
10. Samara Polytech unites thousands of people with … thoughts, interesting
tasks, sports and creativity. SCIENCE
Exercise 10. Work in pairs. Give the summary of the text “Samara Polytech
Life” using the mind map below. Your partner should monitor if you mention
everything presented in the mind map.
GRAMMAR. Articles
Exercise 11. Complete the text with a/an, the, or – (no article).
Dooley Day Tradition
(1)… Emory University is situated in (2)… Atlanta in (3)… USA. It has (4)…
surprising hero: (5)… skeleton from (6)… Department of Biology named (7)…
James W. Dooley. (8)… skeleton appeared for (9)… first time in 1899. On (10)…
unknown day, Dooley ―walks‖ into (11)… classrooms together with his guards. This
day is called (12)… Day of Fun.
Exercise 12. Study the tables below and use the rules to explain your answers in
Exercise 11. Do you want to change any articles you have written?
Table 1 – Articles: in General.
(singular countable nouns)
The first time you mention a
When you characterize a
thing/person with an
adjective (e.g. a nice student)
When you say what a person
does (e.g. a lecturer)
When you talk about smth.
you have already mentioned
no article
(plural or uncountable nouns)
When you are speaking in
general (e.g. Girls talk more than
When you characterize a
thing/person with a clause or
―of‖ (e.g. the professor who
arrived from Italy; the student
of this faculty)
Superlative adjectives (e.g.
the best, the smallest) and
such words as the first, the
second, the only, the last
Table 2 – Articles: Names and Places.
no article
Some nouns as school, college, university if
you are not visiting it for the purpose it serves
University names with ―of‖
Some nouns as school, college, university if
you are going there for the purpose it serves
University names without ―of‖
Words as the cinema, the theatre, the station,
the shop, the library, the beach
Names of rivers, seas, oceans, cinemas,
theatres, museums, hotels, cafes, pubs
But: no article if the first word is the name of a
person or place (e.g. Emma‘s café)
Musical instruments (e.g. the piano, the guitar),
festivals (if the name of the festival includes
the word Festival)
Words as home, work
Names of people, streets, squares, parks,
stations, bridges, cities, countries, lakes,
continents. But: the UK, the USA, the
Names of sports and games (e.g. box, minifootball)
Names of days (e.g. Tuesday),
months (e.g. December)
noun+number (e.g. Academic Building 1,
Room 323, page 50)
Exercise 13. Fill in a/an or the where necessary. Use Table 1 – Articles: in
1. Karen is working hard at___school. He has suddenly decided to
2. There are two bicycles outside___university:___red one and___yellow one.
___red bicycle belongs to Robert, but I don‘t know who___owner of___yellow
bicycle is.
3. He is___best student in our group.
4. I don‘t like___mathematics.
5. What‘s___name of that lecturer we met yesterday?
6. She works as___librarian at our university.
7. Have you finished with___book which I lent you?
8. Sport is not___only thing that makes up her free time.
9. ___education has changed a lot in ___ last 20 years.
10. The test wasn‘t very difficult. I answered___questions easily.
11. I love reading___historical novels.
12. He has bought___new suit for his graduation ceremony.
Go to Grammar Bank 2C (Exercise 1) for more practice.
Exercise 14. Fill in the where necessary. Use Table 2 – Articles: Names and
Dear Linda,
I have been here at (1)____ University College
London since (2)____ September. I‘m staying at
(3)____ Ian Baker House. I‘m not missing (4)____
home at all.
People in (5)____ Great Britain are very different Fig.15. – University College London, UK
from us. I noticed it just as I arrived at (6)____
London Heathrow Airport. I‘ve done a lot of sightseeing. I liked (7)____ Trafalgar
square, (8)____ Tower Bridge, (9)____ St Paul's Cathedral, (10)____ British
Museum and (11)____ Hyde Park. Also, it was interesting to visit (12)____ Fleet
street where the first printing press appeared.
We are going to (13)____ Cambridge next week. I‘m looking forward to seeing the
second oldest university in (14)____ UK. I would like to attend (15)____ Folk
Festival and to punt along (16)____ River Cam.
Well, I have to finish now as we are going to (17)____ cinema and then we are going
for dinner at (18)____ Old Bell – one of the oldest pubs in (19)____ London. It is the
only pub that was built by such a famous architect as (20)____ Sir Christopher Wren.
Go to Grammar Bank 2C (Exercise 2, Test) for more practice.
Exercise 15. Work in pairs. Student A: read about Oxford Finals. Student B:
read about Raisin Weekend. Tell your partner the most important details from
your paragraph using the questions below.
Oxford Finals. The University of Oxford (England)
Oxford final exams are taken in special clothes. The
outfit includes a short black gown and a white shirt or
blouse. Also, students must carry (and never put on) a
mortarboard into every exam. Placing it on your head
before you have passed your degree is not
good. Students also wear carnations, which are pinned
to the gown. For your first exam, you will wear a white carnation. For all other
exams, you will wear pink. Fig.16. – Oxford Finals
A bright red carnation is
for your final exam to show your freedom from your study. At the end of their exams,
Oxford students take part in a popular tradition known as ‗trashing‘. If you have just
finished your exams your friends will throw wine, cream, foam and many other
delights at you as a way of celebration.
What do they wear?
Do they wear or carry a mortarboard?
When do they wear white, pink and red carnations?
What is „trashing‟?
Raisin Weekend. The University of St Andrews (Scotland)
College families are a huge part of university life.
Your college parents are older students. One of
Useful facts
them will study the same subject as you
Prince William and Catherine
providing great academic help, while the other
Middleton, Duke and Duchess of
Cambridge, met at the University
one will offer useful answers to the questions you
of St Andrews where they studied
may not want to ask your tutors. Long ago
art history.
freshers known as ‗children‘ gave their college
parents about half a kilo of raisins as a thank you
for welcoming them to the university. These days, at Raisin Weekend, ‗children‘ are
more likely to offer their ‗parents‘ a bottle of wine. Very often older students give
their ‗children‘ gifts (from a cuddly toy to a canoe), which are coloured according to
how many years the student studied at St Andrews. ‗Parents‘ then look on their
‗children‘ taking part in a massive foam fight.
What is a college family?
What did freshers give their college parents long ago?
What do they give as a present today?
What do they receive from their college parents?
Exercise 16. Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1. What other university traditions do you know?
2. Are there any special traditions at your university?
3. Do you know any traditions related to exams?
4. Would you like to have the same traditions as in Oxford?
5. Do you want to have university parents?
6. Have you already participated in university festivals or other activities?
7. Are you planning to take part in them? What role would you like to have?
8. What is in the pictures below? If you don‘t know, guess. The answers are in
Vocabulary Bank 2C.
Picture A
Picture B
Exercise 17. Write about one of the traditions of your university. If you don’t
have your own ideas, search on the Internet “Unusual University Traditions”.
Write a summary of it using the phrases from the box.
You should mention the following:
 Where and when does it take place?
 Who participates in it?
 When did it appear? Did it change over
 What happens?
 Why have you chosen this tradition?
The tradition is known as…
It takes place…
…usually participate in it.
Main events
This tradition appeared in…when…
It changed/ didn‘t change over time.
Today participants usually…
I have chosen this tradition because…
Vocabulary Bank 2С
Campus and Traditions
Exercise 1. Practise giving directions. Use the map of Samara sights.
How can you get… ?
1. from the Monument of Glory to
Strukovsky Garden
2. from the Museum of A.N. Tolstoy to
Zhiguli Brewery
3. from Revolution Square to
the Opera and Ballet Theatre
4. from the First Traffic Light to
the Drama Theatre
5. from the Art Museum to
the railway station
6. Your route.
Useful language
Do not use ―the‖ with park names
(e.g. Strukovsky Garden).
Use ―the‖ with theatre names (e.g.
the Drama Theatre).
Exercise 2. Look at these floor plans. You are at Reception. Give directions.
How can you get to…?
Class 1
Useful language
Fig.17. – Giving Directions Inside
It’s on the first/second floor
Go along the corridor
Turn right/left
Go forward
Go up the stairs (to the second floor)
Go down the stairs
When you leave the stairs, turn left
Take the lift
It’s the first/second door on the right
It’s opposite…
It’s next to…
It’s to the right/left of…
Answers to Exercise 16.
Picture A. Oxford College Rowing.
Picture B. Raisin Weekend at the University of St Andrews (Scotland).
Grammar Bank 2C
Exercise 1. Fill in a/an or the where necessary. Use Table 1 from the unit.
1. This morning I‘ve bought___newspaper and___cake. I can see___cake in by bag,
but I can‘t find___newspaper.
2. I don‘t drink___coffee. I don‘t like it.
3. My grandparents live in___old house in Brighton. There is___beautiful garden.
I‘d like to have___garden like that.
4. Did you have___nice holiday? – Yes, it was___best holiday I‘ve ever had.
5. Dave repairs water pipes. He is___plumber.
6. Last summer we went to___village where my mother was born.
7. One of ___most serious social problems is___unemployment.
8. This small town has___university which is the biggest in the country.
9. Don‘t sit on___grass. It‘s wet after the rain.
10. She is___journalist. At the moment she is writing an article about___homeless.
11. The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University is___tallest
educational building in the world. It is 240 meters in height.
12. Our sports complex hasn‘t closed since___day it opened in 2005.
Exercise 2. Fill in the where necessary. Use Table 2 from the unit.
1. If you want to get a degree, you need to study at___university.
2. Mark didn‘t go to___school last Friday. He stayed at___home.
3. I‘ve always wanted to visit___Australia.
4. I‘m in a hurry. I don‘t want to be late for___work.
5. Cross ___Ulyanovskaya str. and ___Academic Building 3 is on your left.
6. He is a musician who plays___drums in a rock band.
7. In my country many young people go to___university.
8. Can you tell me where___Room 504 is, please?
9. Soon we will visit ___ Interactive Museum of Science.
10. He has been playing___polo since he was a teenager.
11. Are you going to learn English in ___United Kingdom this year?
12. ___International Student Film Festival takes place in___Cambridge in___March.
1. I saw a boy walking with a girl in the park. ___girl was crying.
a. A
b. The
c. no article
2. Can you give me a lift to___station?
a. a
b. the
c. no article
3. We go to___National Theatre in London about once a year.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
4. I adore___classical music.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
5. I left___home at 8 a.m.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
6. They have changed___date of their meeting.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
7. Do you like___box?
a. a
b. the
c. no article
8. It is___easiest exercise I‘ve ever seen.
a. an
b. the
c. no article
9. Turn left immediately after___library and go straight ahead.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
10. Samara is on___Volga river.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
11. What country is___Lake Baikal in?
a. a
b. the
c. no article
12. Where is my next class? It‘s in___Room 530.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
13. When I finish school, I plan to go to___university. But I haven‘t chosen it yet.
a. a
b. the
c. no article
14. Dear students, ___school will be closed for___Christmas.
a. a; no article
b. no article; the
c. the; no article
15. ___King‘s College is not far from___Trafalgar Square.
a. The; the
b. No article; the
c. no article; no article
Unit 2 Revision
Exercise 1. Write the words and phrases from the box in one of the columns
below. Compose 5 sentences with these words.
timetable do research
Bachelor‘s degree
feedback campus
pupil skip lectures
Master‘s degree noticeboard
fresher dormitory
keep up with
get a place
Exercise 2. Copy and cut up one set of cards. You need from 2 to 4 teams. Each
team takes a card and they have 1 minute to decide what the difference is
between the words or phrases. A spokesperson from the team explains the
difference to the others. If the explanation is correct, they get a point. If it isn’t
correct, the other team can try to get an extra point by explaining it correctly
before having their own turn.
revise – learn
undergraduate – postgraduate
primary school – secondary school
finish – graduate from
pupil – student
project – thesis
major – minor
take an exam – pass an exam
headmaster – principal
examination – continuous assessment
lecturer – teacher
attend a lecture – give a lecture
private school – state school
apply – be admitted
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the unit. The first letters
are given to you.
An a_______ year is the time when there are classes at schools and universities.
University students should attend l______ and take notes.
A c_______ is a series of lessons in a subject.
Some students have problems with studies and d_____ ___ of university.
It‘s traditional in many countries to wear a mortarboard and a gown for a
g______ ceremony.
6. Numbers which show how well you did in a test are called m______.
7. Letters that show how well you study are called g_____.
8. Students have an opportunity to carry out live p_______ for real clients.
9. A c______ sells food and drinks at schools and universities.
10. A period of time during which someone works for a company in order to get
experience is called i______.
Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps where necessary.
1. How can I get ___ Samara State Technical University?
2. Take the first left and go ___ Novo-Sadovaya str.
3. Drive under the bridge and____the tunnel.
4. Go___the roundabout and take the first right.
5. Go past___the hospital.
6. Turn___right and then go all the way___the T-junction.
7. Cross___the road and turn___left.
8. Go straight ___ and it is the first street ___ the right after the bakery.
9. Academic Building 7 is___your left.
10. It is opposite___the main building.
Exercise 5. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: the
past simple, past continuous or past perfect tense.
It was the morning of my Unified State Examination in maths. I 1.______(wake up)
with a horrible stomach ache. I knew that I 2._______(not/study) enough. I was
afraid to fail. When I left home, it 3._______(rain). I understood that I 4._______
(not/take) my umbrella. I 5._______(return) home. I thought, ―It‘s a very bad sign‖.
I 6._______(arrive) 10 minutes late and the exam
7._______(already/start). When I entered the
classroom, everyone 8.________(write). I sat
down and looked at the questions. I
9._______(never/see) some kinds of tasks before.
I 10._______(sit) near one of my friends
Catherine. She 11._______(be) good at maths. Fig.18. – Unified State Examination
When the teacher 12._______(stand) near the
window and wasn‘t looking at us, I 13.______(throw) a letter to Catherine. She
14._______(already/finish) the exam and could help me.
The results were depressing. Both of us 15.________(fail). ―Never return home on
the day of the exam!‖
Exercise 6. Sonia changed her lifestyle. She stopped doing some things and
started doing other things. Write sentences about her with used to/be used to.
She stopped
going to bed late
surfing the Internet
during classes
studying with the loud
music on
She started
making a study plan
taking short breaks
getting plenty of
sleep and exercise
1. She used to go to bed late.
2. She is used to making a study plan.
3. She used to……………………………. .
4. She used to……………………………. .
5. She is used to………………………….. .
6. She is used to………………………….. .
Exercise 7. Fill in a/an or the where necessary.
My friend goes to (1)____ university to study (2)____ architecture. (3)____
university is based in (4)____ traditional building. It is not far from (5)____
Kuibyshev Square in (6)____ Samara. (7)___ Academy of Architecture and Civil
Engineering is part of (8)___ Samara State Technical University. It is one of
(9)____ oldest universities in (10)___ city and has (11)____ strong reputation in
this field.
He always says that (12)____ modern architect must be (13)____ universal
specialist. That is why he never skips (14)____ lectures and has already carried out
several technical projects.
(15)____ professors of (16)____ Department of
Architecture do much research and he learns a lot from them. In (17)____ May he
won (18)____ travel scholarship of (19)____ American Institute of Architects.
My friend is close-knit with (20)____ students who study in his group. Soon they
are going to attend (21)____ Students‘ Spring Festival, which usually takes place
in (22)____ Opera and Ballet Theatre. Isn‘t it exciting?
Exercise 8. Read the extract from the book “College Success” by the University
of Minnesota. Compare students with different attitudes towards learning.
1. …enjoys classes most of all?
2. …skips classes when she is studying for a test in another subject?
3. …uses the notes of her friend to pass exams?
4. …fails the midterm exam?
5. …becomes a better student after choosing her major?
6. …often comes up to professors to ask a question?
7. …never talks to her tutor outside of class?
8. …is thinking to drop out?
9. …is going to apply for a highly paid internship?
10. …is looking for the professors who write the best job reference?
Why Attend Classes at All?
Carla knows she needs the degree to get a good job, but she has never thought of
herself as a good student. She has trouble paying attention in those big lecture
classes, which seem rather boring. She is sure she can pass all her courses as she
takes the time to study before tests. Sometimes she skips classes when she is
studying for a test in a different class. She finishes her freshman year with a
passing grade in every subject, even though she didn‘t attend them very often.
Then she fails the midterm exam in her second year of studies. Depressed, she
skips several classes, then feels guilty and goes to the next. But now she has no
idea what they are talking about. She is starting to think that maybe she will drop
out for now.
Karen wants to have a good time in college and at the same time to do well in
class to get a good job in business afterwards. Her friend keeps a file of class
notes for her big lecture classes, and reading these notes she gets a B or C on the
tests. She has a good memory and is able to get ‗ok‘ grades. She doesn‘t talk to
her tutor outside of class because she can always find out what she needs from
another student. In her second year, she has a quick talk with her academic
advisor and chooses her major. Those classes are smaller, and she goes to most of
them. In her final year, she starts writing her CV and asks other students in her
major which professors write the best job reference.
Alicia enjoys her classes. She sometimes gets so excited by something she learns
in class that she comes up to professors to ask a question. At the end of her
second year she is unsure what major to choose and talks to one of her favorite
lecturers. He describes her some careers in that field and helps her understand her
interests. She takes two more courses with this lecturer over the next year, and
she is comfortable going to him to ask for a job reference. She is surprised when
he tells her to apply for a highly paid internship with a company that is headed by
a friend of his.
Exercise 9. Answer the questions in pairs.
1. Do you know any students who behave as one of the girls?
2. Which attitude towards learning is better for your future career?
3. Why do you attend classes?
a) you are excited by everything you learn in class;
b) you communicate with instructors and students;
c) even if a friend gives you notes for the class, they don‘t contain everything said
or shown by the lecturer;
d) you are afraid to fail exams;
e) another reason.
4. How do you develop good relationships with your instructors? Do you often come
up to them to ask a question?
5. Is it important to be close-knit with the students in your group?
6. Give an example of something important you may miss in a class when you are
absent, even if you read your friend‘s notes.
Exercise 10. Imagine that these are your pictures from the photo album. Choose
one picture to present to your friend.
You should mention the following:
What/who is in the picture?
Where and when was the picture taken?
What was happening? Had anything happened before the photo was taken?
How did you feel?
Why have you decided to show this picture to your friend?
I have chosen picture number…
It shows…
This picture was taken…
Main events
This happened to me when I was…
I was… -ing when…
I had/hadn‘t… before the photo was taken.
So then I…
Suddenly/At that moment…
I felt…
I have decided to show this picture to you because…
3A Career Plans
3B Careers in Engineering
3C Career Skills
3A Career Plans
Exercise 1. Read the words of Steve Jobs below and discuss them with your
“The only way to do great work is to love what
you do”.
Do you agree with it? Are there any other ―ways‖
to success:
prestigious education;
talents and abilities;
motivation and a sense of purpose;
good looks and charm;
influential and rich parents;
good fortune;
a dream;
3.1. Exercise 2. Listen to the speakers talking about their plans for the future.
What profession does everyone dream of?
1. Pete Brooks, 18, Edinburgh:
an astronaut / an architect
2. Angela Smith, 17, Leeds:
a doctor / an engineer
3. Ann Foster, 17, Derby:
a babysitter / a designer
4. John Long, 16, London:
a manager / a basketball player
5. John Bach, 16, Luton:
a waiter / a teacher
Talking about jobs we always use
the verb to work + as before a
For example: My mother works as
a teacher.
3.1. Exercise 3. Listen again. Are the following statements true or false?
Correct the false statements.
1. Pete‘s childhood dream was to become an architect.
2. Angela is going to follow in her parents‘ footsteps.
3. Ann likes children and wants to connect her future career with them.
4. The parents of John Long hope that he will be a basketball player.
5. John Bach doesn‘t want to be a teacher. He finds it too boring.
GRAMMAR. Future Forms
Exercise 4. Read what other people say about their near future. Explain the
usage of the future simple tense, present continuous tense and to be going to. The
information in the box will help you.
1. – I think she won‘t be an engineer as her father.
2. – Dorothy and me are taking a seminar on Monday afternoon. We have already
registered. This is on how to start a career in engineering. – Hm… It must be
interesting. I will go with you!
3. – Have you got any career plans? – I am going to become an architect. But it‘s so
difficult! I‘m not sure if … – Believe in yourself, George! It‘s a nice idea! I will
always help you!
4. – Our son isn‘t going to graduate if he continues to get poor grades.
5. Shall I write a report?
Future Forms
be going to: am/is/are + going to + infinitive
 Future plans (we have already decided to do something, but it may happen or
not): My sister is going to look for a new job.
 Predictions (based on facts): The traffic is horrible. We aren‟t going to arrive
there on time.
Present Continuous: am/is/are + verb-ing
 Future arrangements (more likely to happen than plans; we have already done
something to make it possible: e.g. a place / time has been agreed): We are
meeting our new partners tomorrow afternoon.
Future Simple: will + infinitive
 Predictions (based on one‘s personal opinion and often with absolute certainty;
very often, but not always, used with such words as I think, I suppose, I believe,
I‘m sure, I hope, probably, etc.): You will like this job! I think he will never be a
good student.
 Instant decisions (taken at the moment of speaking): Too difficult? I‟ll help you!
 Promises: I won‟t tell anybody where you work.
 Offers. Use Shall (NOT will): Shall we discuss it with our clients again?
Exercise 5. Choose the correct verb.
1. These tasks are very difficult. It is taking / is going to take 2-3 hours to do
2. On Monday Alicia will meet / is meeting the partners from the USA to discuss our
new project. They have already bought the tickets and are arriving on Sunday.
3. We can ask him for help! – Yes, we can, but I‘m sure he will not / is not going to
do anything for free.
4. I don‘t want to lose this job. Give me another chance! Be sure, I will do / am
going to do my best!
5. I am going to see / am seeing a new manager of this company tomorrow. We
have already arranged the meeting.
6. On Tuesday I will go / am going to the job interview. I‘ve just been invited.
7. That‘s enough! I will look / am going to look for a new job.
8. My brother‘s hobby is connected with computers. He is becoming / is going to
become an IT specialist.
9. Shall I / Am I going to call the director tomorrow again?
10. Pete wants to get some professional experience. He will look / is going to look for
a job in his specialty. Still, he is not sure that he will have enough time for it.
Exercise 6. Answer the questions.
What job are you going to choose?
What industry are you going to work in?
Are you going to take a part-time job while at university?
Are you going to work in your speciality after graduating from university?
What lessons and seminars are you attending tomorrow?
Do you have any ideas where your best friend is going to work?
Do you think your best friend will be a good specialist?
Are you going to the conference on everyday problems of disabled people this
9. Do you agree that technological developments will make our life easier and more
10. Do you think that technological development will make our life more dangerous?
Go to Grammar Bank 3A for more practice.
Exercise 7. Look at the adjectives that you can use to characterize a job. Divide
them into two groups (positive and negative).
exciting, well-paid, boring, low-paid, hard, highly-demanded, challenging,
meaningful, stressful, highly-skilled, low-skilled, respectable, creative, socially
useful, steady, dangerous.
Exercise 8. Read about career plans and choose the correct adjectives to
characterize the jobs.
Useful Language
To describe a job you can use the following adverbs of degree:
very exciting / so boring / really hard / extremely dangerous / too challenging / quite
interesting / (not) well-paid enough
1. Ann is not going to become an architect. She thinks this job is highly-demanded /
too stressful.
2. His daughter wants to be a designer. She finds this job very creative / too
3. I‘m not going to work as a roofer. It is too dangerous / never boring!
4. We don‘t want to work as plumbers. This job is so well-paid / not respectable
5. They are going to become IT-specialists. They believe this job is highlydemanded / not demanded enough.
6. He would like to become a fire protection engineer. He likes this job and finds it
too hard / really challenging.
7. Her sisters want to be environmental engineers. They think this job is socially
useful / not interesting enough.
8. I don‘t want to work as a concrete finisher. This job is quite interesting / not
meaningful enough.
9. He doesn‘t want to work as a labourer. He is a degreed engineer, and this job is
too low-skilled / too highly-skilled for him.
10. I‘m not going to become a teacher. I find this job interesting and well-paid
enough / interesting, but not well-paid enough.
Exercise 9. What do you think about the jobs in the box? Which of them do you
find quite interesting / too stressful / not well-paid enough / extremely stressful /…?
What about your profession? Characterize it using the words from Exercise 7
and the adverbs of degree from the Useful language box.
fire protection engineer environmental engineer
Go to Vocabulary Bank 3A for more practice.
Exercise 10. Study the definitions of the words and phrases below and give their
Russian equivalents.
self-reflection – thinking about your own feelings and their reasons;
salary – a fixed amount of money you get for your work every month;
benefits – a compensation;
ahead of time – early, in good time;
job posting – an announcement about a vacancy;
employer – a person or organization you (can) work for;
additional – extra;
credentials – documents that state your abilities (relevant for a job);
to update – to make something better and more suitable for use now;
Exercise 11. The text below is the guide to choosing a career. Before you read,
look through the steps that you should take if you want to find your dream job.
Try to guess the correct order of the steps (A-F).
Take time for self-reflection!
Research jobs and employers!
Continue growing and learning!
Make a list of jobs to explore!
Identify your must-haves!
Get training (if you need it) and update
your CV!
Exercise 12. Read the text and check your answers in Exercise 11.
Guide: How to Choose a Career
Career choice doesn‘t come easily to everyone. The
experts give some advice. Follow their tips. And you will
make a right choice.
Your steps are the next ones:
1. First of all, think about your own feelings and
wishes. It must be your first step. You‘ll analyze what kind
of work environment you want to be in, what type of work
you enjoy, who you want to work with, and more.
2. Next, take some time to identify your must-haves in
a job. These can range from anything like a salary or travel
to benefits and its location: Should it be certainly a wellpaid job? Or just an interesting one? So you will know what you need from a job
ahead of time.
3. Now you understand a little bit more about yourself and your needs. Look for
the jobs that sound interesting or desirable to you. If there is a job you don‘t know
much about, just write it down: you will read about it later.
4. Well done! Now you‘ve got a list of jobs that seem interesting. Start searching
for information about each one to create a short-list of serious career opportunities.
The goal is to arrive at one or two especially exciting career paths. If you want to find
a ―meaningful work‖, look for companies that share your values.
5. For details on a specific job, carefully review the job posting. So you‘ll see
what employers in your industry are looking for in candidates. Pay attention to
sections labeled ―Requirements‖ and ―Education and Experience‖. Probably, you‘ll
need additional training or credentials to get the required skills and to update your
6. Hurrah! You have a job! Of course, it can take weeks and months to adapt to
your new career. During this challenging time, pay attention to the parts of your job
that you are enjoying. You‘ll continue growing, learning and changing as you
understand more about yourself, your industry and what works best for you.
Exercise 13. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements.
Career choice is often a difficult task.
The experts can help you to make the right choice.
First of all, you should identify your must-haves in a job.
You should also look for the jobs which don‘t seem interesting at first glance.
You should pay attention only to the jobs you know much about.
You should examine job posts in detail and maybe more than once.
If you are not highly-skilled for the job you want to get, you should think about
extra training.
8. If you can‘t adapt to your new career quickly, you should start looking for
another job.
Exercise 14. Fill in the gaps using the prepositions from the box.
to (3)
for (3)
Languages come easily ___ him. He will probably be a polyglot.
I‘m looking ___ a job in the education sector.
Pay attention ___ his advice if you want to find a good job.
You clearly need time to adapt ___ the new environment.
Take this time ___ yourself. There will be no regrets.
I can‘t decide what works best ___ me.
You should think ___ this practically.
The salaries here range ___ $ 1000 to $ 2000.
Exercise 15. Which tips given in the text do you find really helpful? Which of
them do you want to follow? Why?
Example: I find the first tip really helpful. We will never be happy if we don‟t
understand ourselves. This is why self-reflection must always be the first step. This
relates to all sorts of things – not only your career.
Exercise 16. While looking for a job, people often read a lot of job postings. It
takes you less time when you have the ability to find the key information as fast
as possible. Let’s train a little. Read the job posting below and find the following
job title
education experience skills
company name
Systems Engineer
Perfect World Entertainment
Oklahoma City, OK
About $ 100, 000 – 150, 000 a year
Health Insurance, Parental Leave
We are looking for a Systems Engineer with relevant qualification (Bachelor‘s degree in
engineering or related discipline) and at least five years‘ experience with Linux Server and
associated technology support. As a Systems Engineer you will join a team of other system
and network engineers to support the live operations of our ―always-on‖ game services. This
position requires a high level of technical knowledge and experience in the area of system
administration, system virtualization and hardware and software configuration. You must be
self-motivated, flexible, able to work independently and as part of a team (to solve complex
problems) and have excellent verbal and written English-language communication skills.
Exercise 17. Work in pairs. Ask each other about your must-haves in a job. Use
the tips below:
 a certain salary;
 certain benefits (like specific healthcare coverage or certain amount of
time off);
 travel (business trips);
 a certain location;
 flexibility;
 a specific job title or level;
 the tasks you (do not) want to perform;
 the work environment you can (not) operate well in;
Example: – Do you want to earn a certain salary? – Yes, I do. I will not feel confident
about the future if I don‟t have enough money.
After interviewing your friend, tell him (her) what jobs you find suitable for him
(her) now or in the future.
Example: If you want to work flexibly and if the best work environment for you is
your home, you could give private lessons. You are good at mathematics and physics.
So you can find schoolchildren and help them with these subjects. You will earn
money working at home at any convenient time (using Skype, Zoom, etc.).
Exercise 18. Write a short paragraph about your career plans. The questions
here will help you:
What industries do you find interesting?
What things do you enjoy doing?
What are your values and goals?
What are your strengths and talents?
What are your must-haves in a job?
Career choice is a very difficult task, but I know exactly what I will do. Now I would like to
explain my choice.
Main body
There are (not) so many industries that I find interesting. These are…
I think a job must give pleasure. That is why I want to connect my future profession with the
things I like to do. These are …
I dream of a … job. I will be happy to do something for …
I want to succeed in my career. So my future job must be the one I can do well. My strengths
and talents are…
Finally, my future job must be … and … . These are my must-haves.
To sum up, I‘m going to work as… . This profession seems to be interesting, challenging,
meaningful, highly-demanded and well-paid. It is the best one for me.
Vocabulary Bank 3A
Career Plans
Exercise 1. Describe the jobs using the adjectives from the box.
socially useful
highly demanded
Example: Here you will get a lot of money. → This is a well-paid job.
1. This profession is in demand.
2. You will have a lot of stress working for this company.
3. You will benefit society doing this work.
4. You need to have special skills for doing this job.
5. Working as an architect you can construct projects you want.
6. I always feel bored working here.
7. This job means much to everyone in our country and in the world.
8. This work requires very much labour.
9. The salary is very low here.
10. If you want to work here, you should be up for challenges.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using too or not … enough.
1. I find my job interesting, but too well-paid / not well-paid enough. I don‘t earn a
lot of money here.
2. He works more than 10 hours a day. I think his job is too hard / not hard enough.
3. I cannot work well under pressure. This job is too stressful / not stressful enough
for me.
4. I don‘t like my job. It‘s too creative / not creative enough. I have to follow the
instructions of my boss and that‘s all.
5. She cannot find a job with her qualification. Her profession is unfortunately too
highly-demanded / not demanded enough.
6. I don‘t like this job. Every day doesn‘t differ from another. It‘s too boring / not
boring enough for me.
Exercise 3. Read what people say about their values and goals and find the
correct adjective for the jobs they dream of.
socially useful
1. I dream of a ______ job. For example, I will be happy to do something for old and
disabled people: everyday they are facing problems which make their life
uncomfortable and unsafe. I think we must help them.
2. I dream of a ______ job. I want to see something from my imagination become
real, to develop new ideas and to find unusual solutions. My life will be boring
without it.
3. I dream of a ______ job. My goal is to earn a lot of money and to live the way I
4. I dream of a ______ job, I want to solve really important problems. One of them is
environmental protection and I will be glad to work in this sphere.
5. I dream of a ______ job. Many people don‘t like difficult tasks, but I‘m sure the
difficulties make us stronger, they are the engines of our personal progress. I‘m not
afraid of them.
Exercise 4. Read what people say about their traits which help them to do their
work well. Identify their strengths using the words from the box:
disciplined decisive
1. I‘m ______: I always take practical action dealing with a problem or situation.
2. I‘m ______: I‘m well-organized, I always control my behavior and follow the
rules and standards.
3. I‘m ______: I‘m able to work hard
– using practical
because I really want to achieve
methods which include doing things
to deal with problems, not just
4. I‘m ______: I‘m able to make changes
talking about ideas, plans, or theories.
and deal with a situation that is
Action-oriented people prefer to
5. I‘m ______: I believe in my own
leave information-seeking to others.
abilities, have trust in people and never
feel nervous.
6. I‘m ______: When I‘m trying to solve a problem, I always pay attention to a
particular thing and never waste time on the other ones.
7. I‘m______: I‘m able to make choices and decide what to do quickly and
8. I‘m ______: I‘m always pleasant and helpful towards other people.
9. I‘m ______: I‘m good at learning and understanding things quickly and easily.
10. I‘m ______: I like talking to people.
Grammar Bank 3A
Future Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to
Exercise 1. Read the sentences and explain the usage of the future forms (the
future simple tense, to be going to, the present continuous tense).
He will probably earn a lot of money.
I‘m going to work in the agricultural industry.
I promise that I will find foreign clients for your business.
He isn‘t going to study architecture at university. He is too weak in drawing.
Try to work in the construction industry! I‘m sure you will make great progress
6. Your profession is not highly-demanded enough. It‘s going to take you a lot of
time to find a new job.
7. We are carrying out the experiment tomorrow afternoon. We have already
arranged everything.
8. – Have you seen a new job post?
– Let me see. Ok, I will apply for this job.
9. On Monday they are flying to their French partners.
10. From now on, I will always follow your advice.
Exercise 2. Put the verbs in the correct future form. Match every sentence on
the right with the correct form on the left. Explain your choice.
1. Future Simple
2. to be going to
3. Present Continuous
My son (work) for this international company.
I suppose his new job (be) more interesting.
Tomorrow we (visit) our new partners. We have just
discussed it again. Nothing has changed.
Future Simple, to be going to, Present Continuous
1. I ______ in the construction industry when I get my Master‘s degree.
a. am going to work
b. am working
2. Don‘t worry! I ______ you with this task!
a. will help
b. am helping
3. _________ any workshops next week?
a. Will you attend
b. Are you going to attend
4. My brother doesn‘t like his job anymore. He ______ for a new one.
a. will look
b. is going to look
5. My sister wants to study engineering in London, but her English is very weak. So
it _______ very difficult for her to study there.
a. is going to be
b. is being
6. He doesn‘t like maths. But his parents hope he ______ an engineer.
a. is going to be
b. will be
7. Oh, I‘ve just understood that you are right! Tomorrow I ______ to the lecture on
modern architecture with you.
a. will go
b. am going
8. Pete wants to become a designer. He has already arranged his training. Next week
he ______ the course on drawing.
a. will take
b. is taking
9. Our partners are arriving at 5 p.m. ______ I meet them at the station?
a. Shall
b. Will
10. – Have you decided what to do after graduation?
– Yes, I have. Everything is planned. I ______ a designer.
a. will be
b. am going to be
3B Careers in Engineering
Exercise 1. An engineer is one of the oldest and most popular professions. It is
not surprising that there are many jokes about engineers. Read one of them:
Optimist: The glass is half full.
Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Engineer: The glass is twice the size it needs to be.
1. Can you guess what kind of people Americans call
―glass-half-full‖ and ―glass-half-empty‖?
2. What about you? How do you see this glass?
3. Are you an optimist? Are you a pessimist? Are you an engineer?
Exercise 2. What do engineers do? What are their typical job functions? Find
the correct verb for every function choosing one of the two given synonyms. Use
any English-English dictionary to help you with their meanings. For example:
Example: to draw / to draft: A) Engineers make pictures of something with a pencil
or pen. → They draw. B) Planning new buildings, structures, machines, etc.
engineers make pictures of them. → They draft.
to maintain / to protect:
A) Engineers keep something safe from damage or loss.
B) Engineers keep roads, buildings and machines in good condition.
to improve / to develop:
A) Engineers make something more useful adding new details.
B) Engineers make something better.
to produce / to manufacture:
A) Engineers make something for sale.
B) Engineers make goods in large numbers (usually in a factory using machines).
to create / to design:
A) Engineers make something new.
B) Engineers decide how something will be made, how it will work and what it will
look like.
to test / to supervise:
A) Engineers watch other people and check that they are working correctly.
B) Engineers examine or try using a product to find out if it works correctly.
to assemble / to construct:
A) Engineers make engines by putting their parts together.
B) Engineers make buildings, bridges and other large structures.
to put into use / to implement:
A) Engineers start using new equipment or make a device function.
B) Engineers use a new plan in practice or carry out a project.
Exercise 3. Engineering contains a large number of job opportunities. Engineers
provide technological solutions to the problems and give ideas that affect every
area of our lives. Match the engineering branches with the things they mostly
deal with.
Biomedical engineering
Chemical engineering
Civil engineering
Computer engineering
Design engineering
Electrical engineering
Environmental engineering
Aerospace engineering
Marine engineering
Materials engineering
Mechanical engineering
Nuclear engineering
Petroleum engineering
Nuclear energy and radiation.
Quality of water, soil, air.
Roads, bridges, buildings.
Electrical power.
Plastics, ceramics, metals.
All stages of the design process.
Force, motion, energy.
Gas and oil.
Software, hardware.
Helicopters, space shuttles, airplanes.
Submarines, tankers, sailboats.
Equipment for healthcare industries.
Pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals,
food processing.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 3B for more practice.
3.2. Exercise 4. You are going to listen to 5 engineers talking about their jobs.
Can you say what branches of engineering they work in?
3.2. Exercise 5. Listen again. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Engineers of this branch work a lot to protect our environment.
2. Engineers of this branch do their job at the first stage of the design process.
3. Engineers of this branch are responsible for electrical equipment manufacturing.
4. Engineers of this branch work in civil construction industry.
5. Mechanical devices developed by engineers of this branch don‘t need any testing
before using.
3.2. Exercise 6. Listen again and fill in the gaps.
1. I (1)… and improve the environment. The quality of air, water and soil is the focus
of the branch I work in. My personal duties are radiation protection and the (2)…
effects of new technologies.
2. I find my career really exciting because I‘m operating at all stages of the (3)…
process, from conception to presentation of the finished plans. Engineers of my
branch prepare drawings, diagrams and models of various products to guide
product makers in the manufacture or building processes. Personally, I deal with
(4)… projects, but there is a wide range of products my colleagues create the
designs for: automobiles, (5)…, computers, heating and air conditioning systems
and so on…
3. I specialize in power supply and generation. My branch designs, develops, (6)…
and supervises electrical equipment (7)… . As for me, I develop construction plans
for electrical lighting systems for skyscrapers.
4. My profession is all about planning and managing civil construction projects:
roads, bridges, (8)… , stadiums and so on. We ensure that every structure is
environmentally friendly and safe to use. Personally, I work in the area of large
public infrastructure projects. I (9)… construction teams and communicate with
other engineers.
5. My branch works with force, (10)… and motion. We (11)… and test mechanical
devices. We design effective tools, (12)… mechanical technologies, (13)…
blueprints, and test designs to ensure that they function safely. We deal with
challenges and innovations in many fields: health care, energy, transportation,
(14)… exploration, (15)… change, and more.
GRAMMAR. Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Exercise 7. What does a working day of an engineer look like? Read what
Victoria is telling about her next day:
At 9 a.m. tomorrow I will be
discussing some questions about the
proposed foundation design with clients on
site¹. By 10 a.m. I will have returned back
to the office. Here, I always do my tasks for
the day: updating the fieldwork schedule for
¹site – a place where something is
under construction.
²It is underway – somebody is
performing it now, it is in progress.
new projects, setting up meetings with clients, reviewing data, reports and drawings.
Tomorrow I will be sitting at my desk for more than 4 hours. At 3 p.m. I will be
performing a site inspection again. Yes, again!
Are you still going to become an engineer? Are you ready to visit the site
several times a day? At 4 p.m. I will be meeting our geotechnical engineers to ensure
that the reports are underway². By 6 p.m. I will have finished the work. But this is not
all! From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. we‘ll be listening to a special problem-solving lecture.
Exercise 8. Find all the sentences with the future continuous and future perfect
forms in the text above and explain their uses. The information below will help
Future Continuous
WILL + BE + VERB-ing
 For actions in progress at a specific time in the future (Example: At 9 a.m.
tomorrow I will be discussing some questions with clients on site.);
 For actions in progress over a period of time in the future (Example: Tomorrow
I will be sitting at my desk for more than 4 hours.).
Future Perfect
WILL + HAVE + VERB-ed (3d form)
 For actions finished before a stated point in the future (Example: By 10 a.m. I
will have returned back to the office.).
You should take into account the word order in different types of sentences:
+ : I will be working on my project tomorrow at 3.
I will have finished my project by tomorrow afternoon.
? : What will you be doing tomorrow at 3?
Will you have finished your project by tomorrow afternoon?
– : I will not be doing anything tomorrow at 3.
I will not have finished my project by tomorrow afternoon.
Exercise 9. Match the sentences (1-9) with their uses (A-C).
A. To talk about actions in progress at a specific time in the future.
B. To talk about actions in progress over a period of time in the future.
C. To talk about actions finished before a stated point in the future.
1. At seven? I will be checking the report from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
2. By the time we get there, the workshop will have started.
3. Sorry, I can‘t go with you. I will be working the whole weekend.
I will be driving to the new customer at 3 o‘clock.
By Friday, they will have finished testing their new device.
I think they will be discussing their new project all afternoon.
This time next year we‘ll be working in Germany.
You won‘t see her when you come. She will have left.
Exercise 10. Look at Stan’s timetable. Mark the sentences as True or False.
Study the example. Sometimes several sentences are False. If it is false, correct
it. Use the future continuous or future perfect tenses.
10 a.m. – 1 check
do a new
meet other
labourers on
test a new
prepare a
report on
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
meet clients
perform a site
5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
phone the
hold a site
briefing with
draft a plan of
a new
update the
schedule for
new projects.
1. Monday, 3 p.m.
He will be meeting his clients. True
He will have checked the drawings. True
He will be phoning the general contractor. False
Your answer: He will be phoning the general contractor from 5 to 6.
2. Tuesday, 5.30 p.m.
He will have done a new project.
He will have tested a new device.
He will have held a site briefing.
3. Wednesday, 4 p.m.
He will be preparing a report on ground investigations.
He will be checking his e-mails.
He will have examined project requirements.
4. Thursday, 11 a.m.
He will be meeting other engineers.
He will have performed a site inspection.
He won‘t be drafting a plan of a new house.
5. Friday, 6.30 p.m.
He will have supervised labourers on site.
He will have ordered materials.
He won‘t have updated the schedule for new projects.
Go to Grammar Bank 3B for more practice.
Exercise 11. Study the definitions of the words and phrases below and give their
Russian equivalents.
reward – something given for excellent work, good behavior, etc.;
impact – effect, influence;
to tackle a problem – try to solve a problem;
collaboration – the process of working together to perform the same tasks;
like-minded – sharing the same opinions, ideas, or interests;
to make a difference – to make something better;
competitive – as good as or better than others;
average – typical and usual;
boundless – without a limit or end;
prospects – chances of success.
Exercise 12. Here you have the headings for the seven parts of the text below.
Read the text and choose an appropriate heading for every part:
Exploring the world
A good salary
Great prospects
Making a difference
Job opportunities
Job satisfaction
A Career in Engineering
Engineering is all around us, all of the time. It's on the Internet, in your smart
phone, your car and the roads it drives on – it's everywhere. It creates better ways of
doing things and continually helps to improve our lives. Engineering will shape our
future. By 2030 new technologies will have made lots of things easier, faster, safer,
smaller and lighter.
So how good is a career in engineering? Very. There aren't that many careers
that offer such a huge range of rewards that let you use both sides of your brain and
have a real impact on the world around you.
1. ________________________
Engineering is the best career to make the most of your interest in maths. Every
day you will tackle real problems. And finding the best solutions for them will surely
make you feel proud of your job. You will enjoy every working day!
2. ________________________
Creating the best solutions to complex problems also requires close
collaboration and clear communication. So teamwork is a key ingredient of a
successful career in engineering and you'll be working with the smartest and most
interesting of like-minded professionals.
3. ________________________
Engineers are known as creative thinkers, problem solvers, communicators,
team players. Thus, it‘s not surprising that they are always in demand. An engineer is
a great person to have in any team, in any industry.
4. ________________________
You will travel the world with a career in engineering. Engineering industries
are global. Engineering projects can be all over the world and meeting clients and
investigative fieldwork are important parts of many different engineering jobs.
5. ________________________
Is there another career where you can make such a direct impact on the world?
You will build high efficiency aero engines, energy-efficient homes, life-saving
medical equipment, self-driving cars... The possibilities to make a positive difference
to the world are endless.
6. ________________________
A career in engineering requires a pretty unique set of skills. So it's only right
that it comes with a competitive salary. It's a fact that university graduates with an
engineering degree earn at least 20% more than the average graduate salary.
7. ________________________
Just think: renewable energy, cyber security, space travel, manufacturing,
human genetics, preventing disease, tackling poverty and global warming… the
prospects for career in engineering are boundless. The world needs engineers.
Exercise 12. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
There aren‘t many careers in engineering.
As a professional engineer you will not often deal with real problems.
Engineering is the job where you work as part of a team.
With a degree in engineering you have a good chance to get the job you‘re
dreaming of.
5. Engineering is the job that is always connected with frequent business trips.
6. Engineering is the job where your ideas and solutions may really affect human
7. Engineering is a low-paid job.
8. Engineering is the job which has great prospects.
Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box:
The _______ salary of women is relatively lower compared to that of men.
A new employer offered a contract at a very ______ salary.
Engineering has a real and direct ______ on the world around us.
Nobody knows how to ______ the crisis.
We all live in the world of ______ opportunities.
Engineers are people that make a real ______ to our life.
It is a joy for me to work with ______ people.
Exercise 14. Work in pairs. Ask each other about your future careers in
engineering. Take turns to ask and answer your questions which may be about:
 the branch of engineering you are going to work in;
 what you know about the branch of engineering you are going to work in
(including the manufactured products and your daily routines there);
 what opportunities and what challenges you see in the branch of engineering
you are going to work in;
 why you think this career is right for you, why you believe in your success,
which of the necessary strengths and talents you have;
 what you find attractive and unattractive about a career in the branch of
engineering you are going to work in (it may be interesting and creative, but too
stressful and not well-paid enough).
– What opportunities are there in this branch?
– The branch manufactures highly-demanded products for sale, so the jobs are wellpaid there.
– Are there any challenges?
– The main challenge is to find a balance between productive efficiency and
environmental safety.
Exercise 15. Do some research (if necessary) and write
a short paragraph about the branch of engineering
you are going to work in. Describing the branch
mention the following:
Its main tasks;
Its products;
Its impact on our life;
Industries you can work for;
Knowledge of science you need to use;
The typical daily routines there;
Global (international) projects;
Its prospects;
The average salary there (in our country).
I‘d like to speak about the branch of engineering I‘m going to work in. This is … .
Main body
Engineers of this branch face a wide range of very important tasks such as … .
They produce …, ..., which find use in many industries: … .
All these technologies have a direct impact on our life making it more … .
For making progress, engineers of this branch mainly use knowledge of physics, … .
Every day they calculate, draw, … .
Success in the branch often requires collaboration. So there are many international projects…
The branch has great prospects because the problems it solves will always be important. For
example, … .
Probably, this is why engineers of this branch have a competitive salary… .
To sum up, I find this branch very interesting and important. I hope my career will be…
Vocabulary Bank 3B
Careers in Engineering
Exercise 1. Match the words to get phrases.
to improve
to protect from
to test
to construct
to implement
buildings, bridges and roads
the quality of water, soil and air
efficiency of production processes
new solutions and innovations
Exercise 2. Read about some branches of engineering and complete the
sentences using the words from the box.
diagnostic tools
structures farm machinery
physical principles
1. Aerospace engineering includes the design and analysis of aircraft, ______, and
2. Agricultural engineering deals with ______ and structures, natural resources and
3. Automotive engineers work on the design, manufacture, and performance of
______ and trucks.
4. Biomedical engineering commonly deals with medical therapies, monitoring
devices, and ______.
5. Chemical engineering applies chemistry to develop new ______ and convert them
into useful products.
6. Civil engineering deals with the design, construction, analysis, and maintenance
of ______ including roads, bridges, dams, and buildings.
7. Computer engineering integrates computer science with electrical engineering to
develop and analyze circuits, ______, and computers.
8. Environmental engineering works to prevent ______ and to maintain or improve
the natural environment.
9. Mechanical engineering applies ______ and materials science to the design,
manufacture, and analysis of mechanical systems.
10. Industrial engineering is connected with the design and study of ______ and
industrial resources.
Exercise 3. People often describe engineers as people who…
observe and wonder;
share their curiosity;
explore the world around them;
discover and create new things;
do research and innovate;
love machines and everything to do with them;
have strong mathematical skills, creative thinking, and logic;
are able to rise to intellectual and practical challenges;
use tools to solve problems.
And how can you describe an engineer? How can you describe yourself as a
future engineer? Write 5-10 sentences using the words above and from the box:
to draw
to draft
to design
to develop
to test
to implement
to improve
to build
to construct
to supervise
to maintain
to manufacture
to create
Example: First of all, engineers are creators and inventors. Using their strong
mathematical skills, creative thinking, and logic they make our life easier and more
comfortable. They observe, research, discover and innovate. As an engineer I will
construct a lot of beautiful buildings. I know I will draw, draft and design a lot. I
want to develop new ideas and implement new solutions in the construction industry.
I hope I will be able to rise to any intellectual and practical challenges.
Grammar Bank 3B
Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Exercise 1. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use the future continuous or
future perfect tenses.
1. At 9 o‘clock tomorrow I _______ (hold) the meeting.
2. By the end of the year our company ______ (earn) 10 000 $.
3. ______ (use) you the Internet in half an hour?
4. Rosie ______ (work) on this project until Monday.
5. By Tuesday Molly ______ (finish) the report.
6. When you come to the office, we ______ (discuss) his drawings.
7. He _____ (present) the results of the fieldwork before you return to the office.
8. This time next week we _______ (fly) to Paris.
9. We ______ (not complete) the design work by Friday.
10. Don‘t phone me between 6 and 7. I ______ (drive) my colleague to the airport.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions about your activities tomorrow.
1. Will you have left home by 8 a.m.?
2. When will you be listening to the lecture?
3. When will you be reading your textbook?
4. Do you think you‘ll still be doing it in an hour?
5. When will you be having your lunch?
6. Will you be doing your homework in the morning or in the afternoon?
7. Will you have returned home by 6 p.m.?
8. When will you be phoning your friends?
9. Will you be learning English at 8 p.m. tomorrow?
10. What will you be doing from 9 to 10 in the evening?
Exercise 3. Are you going to experience something new this year? Answer the
questions and get the list of your ambitious goals. Put it in the envelope. Seal it.
In a year open it and check if you could achieve all your goals.
1. What will you be doing this time next
year? Write at least 2 sentences.
2. What will you have done by the end of
this year? Write at least 3 sentences.
1. I will be learning Chinese this time
next year.
2. I will have finished an online
engineering course by the end of this
Useful facts
There is the tradition of writing goals
for the coming year in Great Britain
and in the USA. It is known as making
New Year’s Resolutions. They can be
about material things or some selfimprovement goals. But there is actual
statistics that 80% of resolutions fail by
the second week of February.
Future continuous, Future Perfect
1. Don‘t hurry. He will still be ______ in two hours.
a. draw
b. drawing
c. drawn
2. By the end of this year I will ______ finished a three-month English course.
a. be
b. being
c. have
3. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. we will ______ driving to our clients.
a. be
b. being
c. have
4. On Monday I will be ______ on it all evening.
a. work
b. working
c. worked
5. I guess they will be ______ their new project for more than 2 hours.
a. discuss
b. discussing
c. discussed
6. She ______ back to the office by 4 p.m.
a. will be returning
b. will have returning
c. will have returned
7. Tomorrow at 3 p.m. I ______ the new drawings.
a. will be reviewing
b. will have reviewing
c. will have reviewed
8. We ______ this new equipment the whole week.
a. will be testing
b. will have testing
c. will have tested
9. We ______ this project in China from February till April.
a. will be implementing
b. will have implementing
c. will have implemented
10. We ______ the design by April.
a. will be completing
b. will have completing
c. will have completed
3C Career Skills
Exercise 1. Have you ever heard about career skills? These are the abilities that
will help you do your work well. Which of the skills from the list will you need in
your career? Number them from the most important to the least important one.
ability to think clearly and rationally understanding the logical connection
between ideas
ability to meet deadlines
ability to find new and unusual ways to improve processes
ability to build positive working relationships with colleagues, clients,
business partners, etc.
ability to work efficiently as a group member
ability to understand and share the thoughts and feelings of another person
Exercise 2. Study the career skills below. Which ones have you already discussed
in Exercise 1? Use any English-English dictionary to help you with their
meanings. For example: https://www.macmillanthesaurus.com
Teamwork and collaboration
Project management
Communication skills
Time management
Knowledge of manufacturing processes
Knowledge of laws (building codes)
Problem-solving skills
Computer skills
Critical thinking
Analytical and research skills
Exercise 3. What are hard skills and soft skills? Match the terms with their
definitions. Then sort the skills from Exercise 2 into the categories below.
show you are great for a specific job. Nobody is born with them.
prove you would be a great fit anywhere. They‟re part of your personality, but
you can develop them.
Hard skills
Soft skills
Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
(1)____ skills are taught skills. These are (2)_______ abilities which are often learnt
at school and university. You may get (3) _______, a college degree, or develop them
through your work experience. These skills are (4)______ for each job and are often
the basis of job requirements. You write about them in your CV to show how well
you can perform your job duties.
(5)_____ skills are typically (6)___________ skills or desirable personality (7)_____
which are part of your character: teamwork, communication, critical thinking, etc.
These skills are (8)_________ between jobs or industries.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 3С (exercises 1, 2) for more practice.
3.3. Exercise 5. Listen to the HR experts talking about three most wanted
career skills in today’s workplace. What are they? Write them below under
Pictures 1, 2, 3. Can you give any details about each of them?
1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3.____________________
3.3. Exercise 6. Listen again. Are these statements true or false?
1. At the interview, your potential employers will ask you to speak with your future
colleagues to show your communication skills.
2. Teamwork skills include also the ability to encourage people you work with in a
3. You are good at managing your time when you are able to decide which tasks to
focus on and which ones to keep for later.
3.3. Exercise 7. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps. Listen again and
check your answers.
1. The first set of skills that potential employers will notice is how well you can
co… .
The way you express your id… should be perfect as this is the way they expect
you to co… with colleagues and cl… in their organisation.
2. One of the fundamental skills employers look for is the ab… to operate efficiently
within a gr… . It is called te… .
You should have a so-called emotional intelligence to better un… team members‘
behavior and actions.
3. By time ma… employers usually mean your organizational, planning and
prioritization skills.
To be successful, you will need to or… your workload, manage your ti… well
and know how much you can really do in a day – and then do it!
GRAMMAR. Future Time and Conditional Clauses
Exercise 8. Read what six students say about developing their career skills at
university. Find the clauses with if, when, before, after, until, as soon as. What
tenses are used there?
1. To develop my communication skills I‘m going to join speech and debate clubs,
comedy clubs or acting groups. If I have good communication skills, I will be
successful at any job interview.
2. On Friday I‘m taking the seminar on how to balance studies and a part-time job. I
will be able to do much more as soon as I learn to manage my time well.
3. I‘m going to write for a student newspaper. It will help develop my
communication skills and creativity. I‘m going to do it until I graduate from
4. At interviews employers often ask about teamwork skills. This semester I‘m
going to carry out a project in a group with four other students. When I have
enough experience in teamwork, I will get a good job.
5. I hope I will develop my analytical skills before I apply for a job. That is why I‘m
doing a lot of research with my tutor.
6. I go to all the seminars run by our university career services. At the moment I‘m
taking a practical course on critical thinking. I‘m going to attend the workshops
on problem-solving after I finish this one.
Future Time and Conditional Clauses
When you are talking about the future, use a present tense after these words: if, when, as
soon as, until, after, before. This can be any present form, e.g. present simple, present
continuous, present perfect. You can use any future form in the other clause, e.g. will, be
going to, future perfect, future continuous.
If the sentence starts with the words if, when, as soon as, etc., put a comma after the clause:
e.g. If I have good communication skills, I will be successful at any job interview.
Don‘t put a comma if they are in the middle of the sentence: e.g. I will be able to do much
more as soon as I learn to manage my time well.
Exercise 9. Put the verbs into the correct forms.
1. Sarah and John know: if they (join) the university drama club, they (gain)
experience in teamwork.
2. Donald knows: if he (find) a part-time job, he (get) more opportunities for
working together with other people.
3. Pete is sure: he (know) more about time management after he (take) the seminar
on how to balance studies and a part-time job.
4. Michael believes: if he (coach) the sports team at his university, he (develop) his
interpersonal skills.
5. Jude knows: she (learn) more about time management in the work place after she
(attend) the lecture on different techniques for planning and prioritising the work
tomorrow afternoon.
6. Ann is sure: if she (join) speech and debate clubs, she (develop) her
communication skills.
7. Ruth knows: she (find) out more about the most wanted career skills in today‘s
workplace after she (go) to the seminar run by her university career services.
8. Tom believes: if he (work) for a student newspaper or student radio, he (develop)
his written communication skills and critical thinking.
9. Eric and Jenny are sure: if they (get) an internship, they (gain) the skills in
organising, planning and prioritizing the work.
10. Pete and Donald know: they (get) more information about how to handle pressure
and work well under a tight deadline after they (participate) in the special
workshop on Friday.
11. Mary knows: she (build) up her analytical and research skills after she (start) to
work with a coach next week.
12. Ann and John believe: they (develop) their communication skills after they
(attend) the workshop on body language tonight.
Exercise 10. The text below contains some idioms. Before you read, match them
(1-4) with their meanings (a-d).
To stay ahead of the pack.
To be a piece of cake.
To wear multiple hats.
To climb the career ladder.
To fulfil many duties.
To be very easy.
To succeed in career.
To be more successful than other people who are trying
to do the same things.
Exercise 11. You are going to read about top five career skills. Read the
introduction and try to guess which of the skills below are in demand nowadays.
If you know more about the most wanted skills in today‟s workplace, you‟ll surely
stay a step ahead of the pack. HR experts believe that we are moving away from an
opinion that potential employees should have the technical know-how and specific
academic qualifications. In today‟s world, employers have realized that it is much
easier to train smart individuals to perform any role. That is why they are looking for
candidates with a special set of so called soft skills.
Computer and electronic skills
Communication skills
Ability to perform different functions
Strong work ethics
Commercial awareness (sales and
Public speaking
Attention to details
Analytical and research skills
Interpersonal abilities
Time management skills
Exercise 12. Read the article and check your answers in Exercise 11.
Top 5 Skills for Your Career
If you are going to get the job of your dream, have a look at the skills below, and
find the way to develop at least some of them.
Communication skills (listening, speaking and writing). Try to be clear and
focused. Find the right way to deal with your audience and listen to the views of
others. Are you going to develop your communication skills while at university? Use
any opportunity to collaborate with others. When you communicate with different
kinds of audience, you will learn changing your style as needed.
Analytical and research skills. When you think a question is a piece of cake,
don‘t hurry with your answer. Take the time to analyse the situation, think of all
possible scenarios, go and do some research to find out more. Thus, you will be
100% sure before you give an answer to your employer.
Interpersonal abilities. ―No man is an island.‖ We all have to work with others –
in a team or with clients. It is very important to be able to build relationships with
those around you in any environment and inspire them to do their best. You will
make a positive impression at any interview if you show your teamwork and
management skills to your potential employers.
Ability to plan, organise and prioritise work. Simple as it may sound, an
individual that can show that he/she is able to plan and organise work is very
valuable. Pay special attention to the way you plan your tasks, and ensure you keep
up with all the deadlines.
Ability to wear multiple hats. When someone gets a job, there is a job
description included in the contract. Are you going to perform only the duties that are
in this job description? Employers expect that you will also work in some other areas
of their business, understand all the steps, and help where necessary.
Indeed, these career skills will help you get the job you want, earn a good salary
and climb the career ladder.
Exercise 13. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Employers are looking for individuals who can perform the specifics of any role.
2. If you want to develop your communication skills, you should not change your
style while communicating with different kinds of audience.
3. If you want to show your analytical skills, you should answer very quickly.
4. You need interpersonal skills to build positive working relationships with
colleagues and clients.
5. The ability to inspire people you work with is not in demand anymore.
6. When you plan and organise your work, you will never meet the deadlines.
7. The ability to wear multiple hats means that you can perform tasks from different
areas of business.
Exercise 14. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
1. Any jobseeker should know more about the most wanted skills in today‘s ______.
2. If you want to be competitive in the job market, it is not enough to have a specific
academic ______.
3. ______ commonly look for candidates with developed soft skills.
4. You should use any opportunity to ______ your soft skills while at university.
5. Communication skills are very important for dealing with ______ and colleagues.
6. The ability to plan, organise and prioritise work will help you keep up with all the
7. Interpersonal abilities will help you work in the ______ effectively.
8. You should be ready to ______ a wide range of duties from different areas of
Exercise 15. Answer the questions (you can use the information from the text
and your own ideas).
1. Why isn‘t it enough for a jobseeker to have only hard skills?
2. Is it possible to develop communication skills while being a student?
3. Why is it important to analyse the situation before giving an answer to the
4. ―No man is an island.‖ What does this saying mean in a working environment?
5. Why is it important to understand the processes in different areas of business?
6. Do you agree with the experts? Which skills do you consider the most important
ones in today‘s workplace?
Go to Vocabulary Bank (exercise 3) for more practice.
Exercise 16. Work in pairs. Choose a role card and play a dialogue with your
partner. Use the structures for giving advice and the phrases from Glossary.
You are speaking with a career
coach. Ask for advice. You want to
 What are career skills and why are
they important in today‘s
 What are the most wanted career
skills in the industry you are going
to work in?
 How can you develop these skills
while studying at university?
employer VS employee
develop skills
perform the duties
deal with...(clients/tasks)
organise and prioritise work
meet the deadline
work in a team
build relationships
in the workplace
job post for a jobseeker
job requirements
qualifications and work experience
apply for a job
job interview
get a job
climb the career ladder
You are a career coach. Give the
information to your client on:
 What are career skills and why are
they important in today‘s
 What are the most wanted career
skills in the industry he/she is
going to work in?
 How can he/she develop these
skills while studying at
Useful language
To recommend – I recommend (that) you
develop your communication skills / I
recommend (you) developing your
communication skills
To advise – I advise (that) you gain more
professional experience / I advise (you)
gaining more professional experience
To suggest – I suggest (that) you start
working in your speciality / I suggest
(you) working harder on it.
Exercise 17. What skills will you need in your future career? Do research and
write a short paragraph about them. The questions below will help you.
I. Introduction. Which career skills are the most useful in the industry you are
going to work in: communication skills, analytical skills, teamwork, time
management or any other? Why?
II. Main Body.
1. What abilities does this group of skills include?
2. Are you going to develop these skills while at university? How?
3. Are there any seminars or workshops that can help develop these skills?
III. Conclusion. How will these skills make you competitive in the job market?
I‘m going to work in … industry.
If I have … skills, I will… (do smth.).
…are the basis of the job requirements.
…help perform the job duties well.
…help understand … (something) better.
Main Body
These skills include such abilities as…
I‘m going to develop these skills at university and… (do smth.).
I‘m going to attend…
I‘m going to participate in…
It is important to learn how to… (do smth.)
I will use these skills to… (do smth.)
I will be competitive in the job market because…
I will get the job I want and earn a good salary because…
Vocabulary Bank 3C
Career Skills
Exercise 1. Match the career skills with their definitions.
Work ethic
Time management
Decision making
Conflict resolution
Critical thinking
It shows how well you can choose between two or
more alternatives.
The ability to be calm and control your own
emotions, to understand the position of the
conflicting parties.
These are the qualities and abilities that allow you to
work well with others while doing projects together.
The ability to find solutions to difficult and complex
It includes arriving on time to all meetings, being
prepared for presentations, being respectful to
colleagues and clients, being able to follow
instructions and always do your best to get
excellent results.
The ability to think clearly and rationally
understanding the logical connection between ideas.
The process of organizing and planning your time.
Understanding the feelings and emotions of other
Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
online environment
social skills
to achieve
time zone
work experience to adapt
Soft Skills in the Workplace: Why Do They Matter?
When choosing between two seemingly equal (1)_____, organizations are now
prioritizing ―soft skills‖ as the key factor. Really, your diplomas and your (2)_____
are important, but recruiters are very interested in soft skills. Are you a team player?
Will you build a good (3)_______ with your colleagues and your customers? Are you
able to (4)_______ to changes?
Soft skills are a combination of personal skills and (5)_______. These traits help
employees work well with other people, perform well and (6)_____ their goals.
To understand how soft skills function in the (7)_____, it‘s important to know what
they are. For example, we often think that communication is just the ability to talk to
other people. But if you look at any organization today, you will see that we talk to
each other face-to-face, via standard (8)_______ like email, and often on other
platforms as well. So we need to have skills to communicate face-to-face, but also be
effective in the (9)_____. It is important to know how formal and informal
communication works, and how to deal with people in a different (10)_____ or
Exercise 3. Match two parts of a phrase to make it logical. Make up sentences
using these phrases.
Inspire: if someone inspires you, it means that you admire what this person does, you respect
him/her. The person hasn't done anything directly to you, but you may be inspired by his/her
Encourage: if someone encourages you, it means that he/she has spoken to you and now you
want to do something.
to inspire
to prioritise
to encourage
to analyse
to meet
to collaborate
to build
to look
to gain
to deal
to earn
to climb
to get
to be
other team members by your own example
positive working relationships with others
professional experience and communication skills
with foreign partners
the situation
the colleagues to use new technologies
in the job market
with colleagues and clients
the career ladder
a job
a good salary
for potential employees with developed teamwork
Grammar Bank 3C
Future Time and Conditional Clauses
Exercise 1. Put the verbs into the correct form.
1. I‘ll go home when John (return) back to the office.
2. I‘ll be ready with my drawings as soon as you (be) here.
3. We‘ll stay here until they (discuss) the project.
4. Please, call me when you (arrive).
5. I‘m going to tell her before she (leave) the office.
6. I‘ll tell you when the workshop (start).
7. I‘m going to take the exam after I (study) all these books.
8. Don‘t hurry! We will be waiting for you until you (be) back.
9. As soon as I (be) in Paris, I‘ll let you know.
10. If I (not find) a job soon, I‘ll go travelling for a while.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words (if, when, as soon as,
after, until, before). Sometimes several options are possible.
1. ___ they offer me a good salary, I will continue working here.
2. Sorry, I don‘t think your keys are here. ___ I find them, I‘ll let you know.
3. I will read the contract carefully ___ I sign it.
4. We will stop for lunch ___ we get to the next petrol station.
5. I‘m not going out ___ I finish my homework.
6. ___ I arrive at the office, I will phone you.
7. I‘ll do it ___ I finish my first project.
8. We will buy it ___ we have enough money.
9. ___ we get there, we‘ll send you a message.
10. I will feel more relaxed ___ I finish my project.
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
1. Are you going to work with your best friend together if you both become
2. Are you going to find a part-time job while at university if you have enough
3. Are you going to develop your soft skills before you apply for a job?
4. Will you take a job if it‘s interesting, but not well-paid enough?
5. Will you take a job if it‘s well-paid, but not interesting enough?
6. Are you going to gain some professional experience before you graduate from
7. Are you going to get married as soon as you finish your studies?
8. Are you going to do your homework when you get home?
9. Are you going to do anything before you start doing your homework?
10. What are you going to do after you finish your homework?
Future Time and Conditional Clauses
1. After the meeting ______, I ______ back to the office.
a. ends … return
b. will end … am going to return
c. ends … am going to return
2. When I ______ this work, I ______ you with your drawings.
a. will finish … will help
b. finish … will help
c. will finish … help
3. Before I ______ home, I ______ the new client.
a. go …will phone
b. will go … phone
c. will go … will phone
4. Until I ______ this report, I ______ home.
a. finish …will go
b. finish … won‘t go
c. won‘t finish … go
5. I ______ you as soon as I______ arrive.
a. mail …will arrive
b. will mail … arrive
c. will mail … will arrive
6. He ______ to the office after it ______ raining.
a. will go … will stop
b. will go … stops
c. goes … will stop
7. I ______ home until I ______ the report.
a. will go … finish
b. will not go …finish
c. go … will finish
8. When I ______ a day off, I ______ my friends.
a. have … am going to meet
b. will have … am going to meet
c. will have … meet
9. I ______ you with your project when I ______ time.
a. will help … have
b. help … will have
c. will help … will have
10. If you ______ me, I ______ you her address.
a. will call … give
b. call … will give
c. will call … will give
Unit 3 Revision
Exercise 1. Work in small groups. Make up:
 a list of adjectives for describing a job: interesting, boring, …;
 a list of abilities and skills you need to develop your career: ability to analyse
the situation and think of all possible scenarios, …;
 a list of branches of engineering: electrical engineering, …;
 a list of products of engineering: equipment for construction industry,
renewable energy technologies, …;
 a list of typical job functions of engineers: to design, to draw, … .
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the correct words.
By the next month John will have saved
enough money for a new car. – It‘s no wonder,
because he has a we… job.
This job is too bo… for him. He is
searching for something interesting and exciting.
Pete seems to know all about software. –
It‘s not surprising. He has a Master‘s degree in
Co… Engineering.
4. The ability to make decisions and to so… problems is highly-demanded.
5. Ci… engineers specialize in road, bridge, buildings and water supply system
design and construction.
6. Biomedical engineers analyse and design solutions that will improve patient care.
Their job is certainly very me… .
7. The ability to adapt to different kinds of audience is powerful for effective co… .
8. If you often work in a te…, or deal with clients, you need to have interpersonal
skills. That is why employers always look for them in candidates.
9. I‘ve heard that Ann is going to become an en… engineer. It is so challenging to
tackle the problems of the quality of water, soil, air.
10. Engineers de…, manufacture and maintain almost everything people and
industries use.
Exercise 3. Many skills and abilities are necessary for building a fruitful career.
Look at the list of the most important ones. Match the words with their
1. to inspire
to give a lot of attention to one particular
person, subject, or thing.
2. to be competitive
3. to focus on
4. to meet deadlines
5. to manage time
6. to prioritise
7. to perform
to decide which things are more important so
that you can do them first.
to use time in the best way to work really
to give someone the enthusiasm to do or
create something.
to do an action or piece of work
to be as good as or better than others.
to do something on time.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the words from Exercise 3.
meet the deadline
be competitive
manage time
1. He tried to ______ his colleagues to do their best, but his words didn‘t have any
2. Coaches work with clients to help them better ______, organise, set goals and
complete projects.
3. My colleagues ______ me because they are so hardworking.
4. If you want to ______ in the job market, you should develop your soft skills.
5. If you want to work really productively, you should learn to ______ your tasks and
deal with the most important ones first.
6. In his work he will ______ on the problems that might take ten years and more to
7. We‘ve very little time, but I hope we can still ______ .
8. As an engineer she has very many duties to ______.
Exercise 5. Find the speech situations for every tense.
to be going
Future Simple
1. Actions in progress at a specific time in the future;
2. Future arrangements;
3. Actions finished before a stated point in the future;
4. Instant decisions (taken at the moment of speaking);
5. Predictions based on someone‘s personal opinion;
6. Actions happening over a period of time in the future;
7. Plans (we have already decided to do something, but it may happen or not);
8. Promises;
9. Predictions based on facts.
Exercise 6. Read the sentences and explain the usage of future tenses and forms.
1. Too difficult? Come on, I‘ll help you with this drawing!
2. I don‘t think he will become a good engineer.
3. He is going to find a challenging job with great prospects.
4. Sue is starting a French course next winter.
5. By 10.00 I‘ll have prepared my report on implementation of our new technology.
6. We will be testing this new equipment the whole week.
7. At five? I‘ll be writing my CV.
8. He is going to be promoted. The boss has already decided to do it.
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the correct verbs.
1. Tomorrow at 3 p.m. I will be performing / will perform a site inspection.
2. I am going to develop / will develop my communication skills while studying at
3. Never give up! I will always help / am always going to help you.
4. I won‟t start / won‟t have started working on a new project until I finish this one.
5. By 5 p.m. I am going to return / will have returned back to the office.
6. I want to improve my English. Next month I am taking / will take an online
English course for engineering students. I have already registered.
7. By the end of April we will have tested / are going to test our new equipment.
8. My brother wants to earn a good salary. He will have found / is going to find a
well-paid job.
9. My parents believe I will be / will have been a good engineer.
10. We will discuss / will be discussing the results of our experiment the whole day.
Exercise 8. Read a short interview with Grace Goude, a structural project
engineer at Rolton Group (Birmingham, UK). Does she like her job?
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I love everything about my job. I love doing my own design work and drafting
work and I like working with our technicians as a team.
What is the most challenging aspect of your role?
As for me, the most challenging aspect is not to
take everything so personally. I care so much about my
job that if I miss a deadline or have to let down a
contractor, it gets me down. I have learnt that the
relationships you build with a contractor or an architect
are very important. And they understand that things
don‘t always go smoothly.
What does your typical day consist of? What about
your tomorrow?
I usually start my working day with looking at the
fee proposal* for the project. I also analyse the
architect‘s drawings to see what his proposed* design
has been.
This time tomorrow I will be meeting my design
team, contractors and architects. But by lunch time I will
have returned to my desk to carry on with the design.
Tomorrow I‘m going to implement the
project. If I finish it, I will go over my
proposals* with our manager.
*to propose – to suggest a plan, idea,
By the end of the day the technician will
or action;
have presented his final drafts to me. I usually
*proposal – a plan or suggestion,
go over the drawings to check if both of us
especially a formal one that a group
have been on the same wavelength.
has to consider;
What advice would you give anyone
*fee proposal – a proposal prepared
looking to become an engineer?
by a consultant for a client
If you are going to become an engineer,
describing the services that the
my biggest bit of advice to you: ―Don‘t be
consultant proposes to undertake and
afraid to ask what you may think is a stupid
the fee (money) that the client will
question!‖ Everyone has to start somewhere
pay for them.
and gain knowledge, experience, and skills.
Exercise 9. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Grace doesn‘t like doing things alone, she prefers working in a team.
2. The main challenge for Grace is to meet all the deadlines.
3. Grace tries to build positive working relationships with others.
4. Grace cannot work smoothly with contractors and architects.
5. Tomorrow Grace isn‘t going to see the contractors and architects she works with.
6. Tomorrow Grace is going to discuss her proposals with the manager.
7. Tomorrow Grace will start a new project after she finishes this one.
8. She doesn‘t recommend you asking stupid questions.
Exercise 10. What questions would you like to ask Grace or another engineer?
Are there any things about an engineering job you would like to hear from the
horse’s mouth*?
______________________ ?
______________________ ?
______________________ ?
* to hear something from the horse‘s mouth =
to hear something from someone who has a
direct personal knowledge of it.
Exercise 11. Look at the aspects of a typical engineering job. Which of them are
positive and which are negative for you personally? Why? Do you see any other
advantages / disadvantages of working as an engineer? Discuss them with your
a lot of teamwork;
a lot of hands-on activities;
too much work for a day;
frequent business trips;
too much communication;
too much responsibility;
strict deadlines;
a lot of time in the office;
a lot of time out of the office;
many duties to perform;
Useful Language
―in the office‖ vs. ―in office‖ vs. ―at office‖:
I‟m in the office now: ―Office‖ is a room and I‘m in that room now.
I was in office from 2010 to 2015: ―Office‖ is an official position and I worked in that
position 2010 – 2015.
I‟m at the office now: I‘m at work now (somewhere near my office or in it).
Example: – It‘s a real problem for me that engineers have to meet deadlines all the
time. Engineering design is a creative process, and I cannot create under pressure.
Deadlines make me feel nervous.
– It is not a problem for me to meet deadlines. I‘m not afraid of that. I can manage
my time well and organise any kind of work.
4A Important Inventions
4B Social Networking
4C Online Learning, Online Conferencing
4A Important Inventions
Exercise 1. Discuss these questions with your partner.
1. What devices do you use to do your household chores?
2. What do you use for watching movies?
3. What do you use for making calls?
4. What do you use for big cleanups?
5. What gadgets do you use for making a video?
6. What do you use for listening to your favorite tunes?
Exercise 2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Look at the photos below. What are the names of these old inventions?
2. Think about modern alternatives to these old inventions?
3. Why are these modern inventions important for life nowadays?
VOCABULARY Mobile Phones
Exercise 3. Make collocations by matching the words.
social media
to click
to be equipped
to save
with additional services
Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Exercise 3.
1. A mobile phone is an electronic, wireless and …… …….. .
2. Internet helps us to access various …… ……. …… .
3. With the ……. - ……. mobile phone you can book a taxi.
4. You can …… …….. and use your phone like a camera.
5. Mobile phones help us to …… our …….
4.1. Exercise 5. You are going to listen about the importance of mobile
phones. Answer the questions.
1. What is a mobile phone?
2. Why have mobile phones made communication easier?
3. What other functions do mobile phones have?
4.1. Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps this part of the audio by memory.
Importance of Mobile Phones
Whether it is office, hospital, shopping
mall or just a home, one thing that
always (1)___________ us – that‘s our
mobile phone. mobile phones are
everywhere with everyone.
A mobile phone is an electronic,
(2)______, portable scientific device
which is used to receive and send (3)
_____ and sms messages. It is the most
essential (4)_______ for communication.
Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
word processing laptop
appliance computer buff
surf the Internet social media
What kind of computer-user are you?
I use a computer daily, mostly for my job. I‘m a newspaper editor so my work
involves a lot of (1)__________. In my free time I enjoy talking with my friends and
family (2)__________.
I‘ve never taken a full course like at a college but once paid someone to teach me
how to use some special (3) ______ I needed for my job. Mostly, I‘ve learnt through
experience and watching Tik-Tok videos. I‘m not a (4) ______, but I can do
everything I have to do.
I‘d rather use my laptop to (5) _______ as
you can see so much more on the large
screen than on a smaller device. If my
(6)_____ is switched off I have a tendency
to (7)_____ websites on my iPad.
I find it pleasant using the Internet because I enjoy learning new things. Nowadays
you can find out almost any (8) _____, so computers have become a real (9)______
for people like me who are in search for new information.
The things I buy most often online are clothes, but I also browse the Internet when I
need a new (10) ______ to help me develop my Instagram account, such as the
microphone I bought the other day.
Exercise 8. Tell what kind of a computer user you are using the words from the
box in Exercise 7.
E.g.: I am an experienced computer user as I surf the Internet every day.
I am a computer dummy as I cannot even use word processing.
VOCABULARY People and Inventions
Exercise 9. Complete the following chart.
Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 9. Make any
necessary changes.
A professional petroleum______ is now developing oil reservoirs.
They asked a(an)________ to redevelop the project of a kitchen.
Doctors have been carrying out ________ to find a cure from COVID-2019.
The firm which________ cosmetics had to pay a lot of money to the women who
suffered from hair loss.
Paul and Daniel were the first _________ of a new land.
The wheel is one of the most famous ___________ of ancient times.
Steve Jobs, the_________ of Apple Corporation, died in 2011.
You will need to go to Microsoft if you want to become a(an)________.
The theory is based on a detailed ________ of many clients.
Exercise 11. Use the verbs to complete the phrases. Rank the objects in the
order of importance to you and explain your choice. There are two options
possible for each word combination.
listen (2)
1. _______ relatives
2. ________ to voice messages
3. ________the most popular games
4. __________to your favourite songs
5. __________ e-mails
6. _______movies, news, reality shows
8.______ TV programmes
Exercise 12. Work in pairs. Use the language from Exercise 11 to say true things
about yourself.
E.g.: I listen to my favourite tunes on my MP3 player daily.
I am fond of watching reality shows.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 4A for more practice.
Exercise 13. Match the words from the text on the left to their definitions on the
1. to patent;
2. explosive;
3. to revolutionize;
4. to mine;
5. fortune;
6. annual;
7. to improve;
8. strength;
9. starch;
10. dye;
A. happening once every year.
B. to dig coal out of the ground.
C. to make something better.
D. the degree to which something is
strong or powerful.
E. a substance or piece of equipment
that can cause explosions.
F. a large amount of money, goods,
G. a substance in foods such as rice,
bread and potatoes.
H. to make a very big change to the way
something works or looks.
I. a substance used to change the colour
of something.
J. to give the official legal right to make
or sell an invention for a particular
number of years.
Legendary Inventions
140 years ago Alfred Nobel patented a new explosive.
He called it ―dynamite‖. This invention revolutionized
the mining industry. Thanks to the use of the dynamite, it
was possible to increase the volume of mining. Today
the work of miners is significantly protected. Nobel died
at the age of 63 at his home in Sanremo, Italy. A year
before his death he wrote his last will in which he
transferred most of his fortune to the establishment of the
annual prize. Nowadays the development of science is stimulated by this award.
The technology of making paper-like material such as papyrus was known to
mankind long before the first description of the production of ―classical paper‖.
―Classical paper‖ is known to be created by Tsai Lun in 105 AD. After the invention
of Tsai Lun, the paper production process began to improve rapidly. At the beginning
of the seventh century, the method of making paper became known in Korea and
Japan. Since the beginning of the modern era starch, glue, natural dyes have been
added to increase its strength.
In the VI–VIII centuries, paper production was started in Central Asia, Korea, Japan
and other Asian countries. In the XI–XII centuries, paper appeared in Europe. Since
the XV–XVI centuries, due to the introduction of printing, paper production has
grown a lot.
Exercise 14. Answer the following questions:
1. How many years ago did Alfred Nobel patent his invention?
2. Why did this invention revolutionize the mining industry?
3. When did Alfred Noble die?
4. What was there in his will?
5. Do you know what the Nobel prizes are given for?
6. What was the first paper-like material?
7. Who created ―classical paper‖?
8. What materials were added to increase paper‘s strength?
GRAMMAR Passive Voice: Present forms
The present passive is made with a form of the auxiliary be in the present tense
(am,are,is) and the past participle of the main verb (3d form).
Present Simple
asked (told)
Present Continuous
am/is/are being
asked (told)
Present Perfect
has/have been
asked (told)
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Active Voice
Passive Voice
They sell stamps online on
Jacob is repairing a laptop at
the moment
They have fired the managing
Stamps are sold online on
A laptop is being repaired by
Jacob at the moment
The managing director has
been fired
Exercise 15. Read the text once again and choose the sentences in the present
passive form. Rewrite them in all other present passive forms.
E.g.: Nowadays the development of science is stimulated by this award.
Nowadays the development of science is being stimulated by this award.
The development of science has been stimulated by this award.
Exercise 16. Choose Active or Passive.
1. The Internet helps/is helped me a lot in my studies.
2. A speakerphone uses/is used to talk to a person on the phone without holding it to
the ear.
3. I use/am used my laptop for work.
4. Some people carry/ are carried more than one mobile phone for different
5. Mobile phones with a computing function know/are known as smartphones.
6. The iPad screen operates/is operated by fingers.
7. Tablets divide/are divided into several categories.
8. A hybrid mobile phone holds/ is held 4 SIM cards.
9. My laptop is repairing/ is being repaired at the moment.
10. My phone battery has worked/has been worked for 3 years. And I still don‘t have
any problems with it.
Exercise 17. Complete the sentences about innovative products and inventions
using the present simple passive. After completing the sentences guess the
invention choosing the words from the box.
Lift/ Elevator
Air conditioner
Your skin … (keep) beautiful by this.
Steam ….. (release) by this.
It …... (sell) in all the shops.
Light bulb
It ….. most often (use) to make the air moisturized.
People …..(carry) in it.
It …. (power) by electricity.
Some …. (make) by Toshiba.
It ….. (managed) by buttons on the wall.
Things …. (transport) up and down in it.
Bluray videos ….. best (watch) on this.
It ….. (make) from very many LEDs.
It …. (sell) in electronics shops.
A lot of space …. (require) to have it in your house.
It …. (make) of glass.
It ….. (power) by electricity.
It …. (replace) when it breaks.
It …. (sell) in supermarkets. It ….. (use) at night.
It ……. (put) on the wall.
It …... (power) by electricity.
It ……(use) to make the room hotter or colder.
It ….. (clean) three or four times a year.
It … (connect) to outside the house.
It …..(buy) in an electrical shop.
It …. (fix) by a technician.
It ….. (replace) every ten or twenty years.
Exercise 18. Think about an invention or a device and write 5 sentences in the
present passive so that your classmates can guess what it is. The examples from
Exercise 17 will help you.
Go to Grammar Bank 4A for more practice.
Exercise 19. Look at the Useful Language box and do the following task.
Describe an item of technology you have that is
very important.
Useful language
You should say:
This technology is… .
what the technology is
when you bought it
how often you use it
how your daily life would change
without it.
I got it… months/years ago.
I use it every day/ once a
week, etc.
The best/worst thing about
it is that…
One of the problems with it
is/was that…
I haven‘t really given that
much thought before but…
To sum up, I tend to think
that this technology…
Exercise 20. Choose one or more adjectives to complete the sentences about
various important inventions.
I think smart phones are…….
I think computers are…………
I think that robotic vacuum-cleaners are…..
I think that a smart watch is……
I think that Google Glass is….
I think that DVR is……
Example: I think that Google Glass is unsafe as it can destroy brain work.
Exercise 21. Choose a student you don’t know very well. Take turns to discuss
the sentences in Exercise 20. You may use the information from the Internet to
support your ideas. Write down your partner’s answers.
Student A: Why do you think that a smart watch is convenient?
Student B: It is convenient as it serves as a mobile phone, a compass and a pressure
Exercise 22. Write a short paragraph about two inter-related important
inventions in your life. Look at the model letter and use the phrases in bold to
connect your ideas. The questions here will help you:
What two inventions do you find important?
When did you start using them?
Why did these inventions help you?
What problems in your life did these inventions solve?
Are you still using these inventions?
In my opinion, computers and wireless internet are the most important inventions.
I haven’t given much thought about the moment when I started using them, but I
suppose it was ten years ago when my parents bought my first mobile phone and
my dad installed wireless internet at home.
As far as I remember these inventions helped in my studies at school when the
teacher of history gave a task to make a presentation. In addition to that, these
inventions entertained me and helped me to fight boredom.
To cut a long story short, these inventions still exist in my life and being a
university student I widely use them and cannot imagine my life without them.
Vocabulary Bank 4A
Important Inventions
Exercise 1. Match the left side with the right side to make a word combination
that makes a name of the invention. Then find its inventor in the third column.
block and tackle
pulley systems
The Wright brothers
Nikola Tesla
Thomas Edison
Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words from the list. You
can use some words more than once.
1. Who …………..the North Pole?
2. People honour the laws which they
…… themselves.
3. We ……… a new theory of evolution.
4. This man …….. dresses for the Queen.
5. I remember when she left to …….
Architecture in London.
6. Do you want to ………this research
and to be the first who will object to the
Useful language
to develop = to make something
more detailed and complex, e.g.
to develop a theory, a story
to discover= to find information, a
place, or an object, especially for
the first time
to pioneer= to be one of the first
people to do something
to invent= to create something
that has never been made before,
e.g. to invent a law
to design= to make or draw plans
for something, for example
clothes or buildings
to study= to learn about a
subject, especially in an
educational course or by reading
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with science and technology idioms. The
explanation in the right column will help you.
push her buttons
on the same wavelength
well-oiled machine
not rocket science
recharge my batteries
It is …………………………...
It is not difficult to understand.
I need to…………………….
I need to relax and recover my energy.
My team is a …………………..
My team works very smoothly
I am glad we are ……………...
I am glad we have the same opinions
and ideas.
Gloria‘s son knows how to ………….
Gloria‘s son knows how to make her
Grammar Bank 4A
Passive Voice: Present Forms
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using passive. The indicators in the brackets
will show you what form of the present tense you need to use.
1. The firm (manage) ___________ by Mr. White. (Present Simple)
2. A car______ (park) outside the entrance (Present Perfect)
3. The experiment ________(carry out) by a famous chemist (Present Continuous)
4. The old woman_______(help) by the doctor (Present Perfect)
5. A new machine _____ (take) into the lift (Present Continuous)
6. The young girl______(offer) a cup of tea (Present Perfect)
7. The liquid chemicals_____(spill) on the floor (Present Perfect)
8. My smart watch ______(repair) now. (Present Continuous)
9. The floor________(wash) (Present Perfect)
10. Paper ______ (make) from wood (Present Simple)
Exercise 2. Change the sentences from Active to Passive.
1. They check every passer-by.
Every passer-by…………... .
She cleans the device every day.
The device …………………….. every day.
Somebody has collected this waste.
This waste………………………………. .
The students have discussed the project.
The project ……………………... by the students.
The sales manager is writing a report at the moment.
A report ………………………. at the moment.
Do they redecorate this house every year?
……………………………….. every year?
They are repairing my smart watch now.
My smart watch…………………………... now.
How do they carry out their experiments?
How………………………….. ?
Nobody has spoken Spanish here for a long time.
Spanish …………………………... here for a long time.
10. Patrick has opened the office recently.
The office ……………………….. recently.
Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences using passive forms.
Mike has developed a new computer program. ___________________.
They organize scientific events every year._____________.
Her boss has promoted her._____________.
The plant is recycling more waste this year.______________.
They have demonstrated the design of a new building.______________.
Present Passive
1. This conference ... to unite scientists from different universities.
a. is organized
b. organizes
c. are organized
2. Invitation cards ... every year.
a. are sent
b. sent
c. is sent
3. Clients ... to show their passport.
a. are asked
b. is asked
c. asks
4. The competition ... on April 12.
a. is annually held
b. is annually being held
c. annually holds
5. The meeting …….. .
a. has been cancelled.
b. has cancelled
c. cancel
6. I can‘t help you right now. My laptop …… by my sister.
a. is used
b. is being used
c. is using
7. The device ………… .
a. has already been sold
b. already sold
c. is already sold
8. Look! The house ……… on the opposite street.
a. builds
b. has built
c. is being built
9. The office ……. every day.
a. is cleaned
b. cleans
c. has cleaned
10. The workshop……at the moment.
a. is being recorded
b. has recorded.
c. are recorded.
11. Good news! I …….. at work.
a. have been promoted
b. am being promoted
c. am promoting
12. The lecture ……….at the moment.
a. is being given
b. is giving
c. is given
13. My flat…..by the architect.
a. has been redesigned
b. redesigned
c. redesigns
14. All the questions ………..by the student.
a. have answered
b. have been answered
c. answered
15. The lists………… right now.
a. are typed
b. are being typed
c. is typed
4B Social Networking
Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Are you in any social net?
2. Do you find social networking sites useful?
3. What‘s the best social net for you and for your friends?
4. Should universities forbid their students to use social networking sites during
5. Have you ever tried to find friends on a social networking site?
Exercise 2. Look at this picture of social networks and applications.
Can you recognize their symbols? Discuss with your partner which network or
application you prefer to use and which ones are less preferable for you.
E.g.: I prefer to use Instagram, as this social net is very informative and easy in use.
I think that Skype is useless as it does not work properly nowadays.
Exercise 3. Complete the text using the words below. Change the form of the
word if necessary.
keep in touch
networking sites network
send messages
put information
Constantly In Contact
Nowadays people often (1) __________
with friends, family and colleagues using
the worldwide web. People use social
(2)_________. These are special websites
for chats, sending messages and sharing
photos. Almost every individual of
society has his or her own (3) ________.
Let‘s look at James, for example. He always keeps contact with his (4)_____ of
friends. He doesn‘t send e-mails, he (5)_______ on his web-page daily. James often
records videos of his family and (6)______ them there. His friends browse James‘
page and (7)______ the information and photos. Then they (8)_______ him
Exercise 4. Social media has brought new words and terms that are amazing.
Match the words with their definitions.
1. a troll
A. when something is becoming popular and is
spreading quickly.
2. mash-up
В. an individual who talks and behaves negatively
in response to other people's success and goal
3. clickbait
C. in social media this is a person who starts
arguments in the comments sections of sites in order
to upset people for amusement or a specific gain.
4. hater
D. this person has turned to blogging through video
instead of writing
5. AMA
E. the articles that people sometimes share on social
media with titles like ‗I started writing an article
about English, you won‘t believe what happened
next…!‘ are called…
6. to go viral
F. when the best parts of one source are combined
with the best parts of another so that you get
something exclusive.
7. a vlogger
G. an ‗ask me anything‘ session is when a person
agrees to answer all questions that people ask them.
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps, choose one word that best fits the sentence.
1. My iPhone is full of ___________ for all sorts of different functions.
a. blogs
b. apps
c. trends
d. memes
2. Something that is very popular right now on the Internet or on social media is
said to be _________
a. trolling
b. streaming
c. livecasting
d. trending
3. ____________ post their negative thoughts and opinions in the comments
a. Fan base
b. Influencers
c. Haters
d. Vloggers
4. ____________ used to attract people and get them to click on a link to a
a. Clickbait is
b. Memes are
c. A flash mob is
d. Something viral is
5. Famous social media personalities are called _____________.
a. memes
b. followers
c. trolls
d. influencers
6. Creators often share their work for free under the legal title of ______________.
a. mass scale
b. crowdfunding
c. creative commons
d. web log
7.____________ lets a person share a video live.
a. Сampaigning
b. Streaming
c. Sourcing
d. Trending
Go to Vocabulary Bank 4B for more practice.
4.2 Exercise 6. You are going to listen about the way social networks connect
Internet users. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. The speaker mentions Instagram first in the audio.
2. Social networks give every user their own space.
3. Friends cannot access information on your page.
4. You can stay connected with many groups and
networks all in one place.
5. There is no privacy in social networks.
space – an empty area that is
available to be used.
privacy – someone's right to
keep their personal matters
and relationships secret.
opt – to make a choice,
especially of one thing or
possibility instead of others.
Exercise 7. Match the words with their definitions. Then read the text and
translate the sentences with them.
1. team;
2. log on;
3. free of charge;
4. fulfillment;
5. reserved;
6. co-owner.
A. a kind of a person who doesn‘t usually
show feelings or emotions.
B. something you do not need to pay for.
C. to connect to a computer system by putting in
a particular set of letters or numbers.
D. a group of people whose work is connected
with one idea.
E. a company or organization that has the right to
possess another company or organization.
F. a feeling of pleasure because you are getting
what you want from life.
Facebook Reality
Facebook is one of the most visited
websites in the world. Nearly 2 billion
people log on to the site daily to find out
what old friends and colleagues are
Facebook was created by Mark
Zukerberg and a team of his university
roommates. They first met when they
were students at Harvard University, and
Facebook was invented as the network
only for the students of this university. It
was a fulfillment of Mark‘s ambitions.
The web-site was opened for everyone in the world in
February 2004. Facebook has billions of registered
members now.
In the beginning, advertising was free of charge as the
web-site was much talked about in the society. Word
of mouth* was their best advertisement.
―People are generally quite reserved, but everyone
wants to know what their classmates and friends are
busy with‖, says Mark.
*word of mouth – the
process of telling the people
you know about a particular
product or service because
you think it is good and
want to encourage them to
try it.
Facebook is the co-owner of other popular services such as Instagram and WhatsApp.
The site has many success stories. One man was reunited with his mother after 50
years. Another was reunited with his pet after 5 years (it was looked after by his old
friend). Many childhood sweethearts were reunited and are now back together, some
of them plan to get married.
Exercise 8. Read the text again and mark the sentences as True or False.
About 2 billion people log on to Facebook daily.
The people who had the original idea for the website were classmates.
Originally, the site united all students in the USA.
Facebook became available for everyone in the world in 2004.
5. In the beginning, the web-site was advertised in newspapers.
6. The web-site is popular as it helps people to buy things.
7. Facebook has no partners and it does not own other sites and applications.
GRAMMAR Passive Voice: Past Forms
The past passive is made with a form of the auxiliary be in the past tense
(was/were) and the past participle of the main verb (3d form).
Past Simple
asked (told)
Past Continuous
was/were being
asked (told)
Past Perfect
had been
asked (told)
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Active Voice
Passive Voice
They admitted fifty students to
the faculty.
They were building the house
from January to October last
They had answered all the
questions by Friday
Fifty students were admitted to
the faculty.
The house was being built
from January to October last
All the questions had been
answered by Friday.
Exercise 9. The text contains examples of passive voice forms in the past. Find
examples. Then make your own sentences with these passive forms.
E.g.: The web-site was opened for everyone in the world in February 2004.
A new office was opened in 2019.
Exercise 10. Choose Active or Passive.
1. I joined/ was joined a new social networking site yesterday.
2. Last year the employees didn‟t allow/ weren‟t allowed to use social networking
3. In 2017 Skype used/was used more often than Zoom.
4. An e-mail was writing/ was being written to the boss when I came.
5. He often took/was taken pictures of his family during their trip to France.
6. Amanda had started/had been started blogging before she became an actress.
7. The advertisement shared/was shared on social media.
8. His web-page attracted/was attracted lots of people.
9. All negative opinions posted/were posted in the comments section.
10. You private information had used/ had been used by a hacker before you changed
the password.
Exercise 11. Choose the correct answer in the past passive tense.
1. The information____________by my friend two days ago.
a. was uploaded
b. had been uploaded
2. In 2020, VK _______the 14th most visited website in the world.
a. was ranked
b. had been ranked
3. The website _________by one user before a big corporation bought it.
a. was managed
b. had been managed
4. The computer______to the Internet yesterday.
a. was connected
b. had been connected
5. The conference web-site________from September to December.
a. had been created
b. was being created
6. Last year the website_____by 5 million people.
a. had been used
b. was used
7. The domain _______before a better name came to his mind.
a. was registered
b. had been registered
Exercise 12. Read the text about social media platforms and fill in the gaps with
the past passive forms. There is 1 past continuous form, 2 past perfect forms and
7 past simple forms.
Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world right now. The
image-sharing app (1)…….. (launch) in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieg, and
(2)…… (buy) by Facebook in 2012. It has over one billion monthly active users and
500 million users who use Instagram Stories every day. In 2017 Instagram (3)…….
(beat) by Snapchat and TikTok in the social networking space. But it is gaining
popularity again.
Telegram is a WhatsApp alternative. Telegram (4)…. (set up) in 2013 by the
brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Before that the social network VK (5)…. (create)
by them. While Telegram (6)….. (develop), Telegram apps for iPhone and iPad
appeared in App Store. They made Telegram very popular. As of April 2020, it (7)…
(use) by 400 million people.
Several years ago TikTok (8)….. (think) to be the fastest growing social media app.
Launched in 2017, it has almost 500 million active users. TikTok is continuing its
growth around the world.
It (9)….. (found) in 2010 in order to share information
*pin – an image that you
can save and share with
in the form of images, GIFs, and videos. By 2020,
other people.
over 200 billion Pinterest pins* (10)……. (save) by
its users.
Exercise 13. Read the text in Exercise 12 again and choose the verbs that relate
to the topic of this unit. Make sentences with these verbs in the other forms of
the past passive. Note that some verbs won’t be used in the past continuous
E.g.: That application was launched 10 years ago.
That application had been launched before web-cameras appeared.
Go to Grammar Bank 4B for more practice.
Exercise 14. Work in pairs or small groups (3-4 students). Look at these problem
page letters and discuss the questions on the right. Pay attention to the Useful
language box.
Problem Page
Useful language
In my opinion,…..
I feel that…..
I believe…..
From my point of view…..
Some people say/think….
Many people argue that…..
Letter 1
Dear Susan,
I have recently got acquainted with
someone from Tinder. I am going to
introduce him to my family and friends.
Do you think I need to tell them the
secret that we met online?
Letter 2
Dear Susan,
I am going to graduate from university.
One of my classmates has copied a lot of
information for his research from websites. I am angry that he will successfully
present it and no one knows that he has
cheated. Do you think I need to tell
college administration about that?
Letter 3
Dear Susan,
My daughter spends a lot of time in Tik
Tok and she has her own account. She
1. Do you have a friend who dates people
from social networks?
2. What are the risks of meeting people in
such a way?
3. What can you recommend to Ann?
1. Does your university have strict
regulations about plagiarism?
2.What would you recommend to Mitch?
1. Do you find Tik Tok interesting?
2. Do you think Internet addiction is a big
problem for teenagers?
3. What would you recommend to Tracy?
records and posts videos there. I am
worried that she is so much addicted to
that network. What can I do to shorten
her time there?
Exercise 15.Which of the following is the most serious problem with social nets?
1. Teenagers can not imagine their lives
without them.
2. When you buy something online, it is
not of a good quality.
3. Kids watching unsuitable and vulgar
4. People using work time to send
personal messages via social nets.
Study the model answer. What is the topic of this essay? Use the phrases in bold
in your own opinion essay3 on one of the topics above. Give the reasons for your
answer and include any examples from your knowledge or experience.
Opinion essays are written when we want to express our personal opinion on a particular topic.
Nowadays there is an opinion that in the past couple of years teens are becoming
addicted to their screens. Though these platforms allow teens to socialize with their
friends and have the ability to be creative, I am convinced that the negative
impacts are obvious.
Main Body
Firstly, constant social media use can lead to internet addiction and sleep
deprivation. This can often cause grades to drop because you are spending more
time on social media rather than on homework and class assignments.
Secondly, posts on social media also cause teens to become jealous of others‘ lives
and compare themselves to others. They are always shown the events that they
were not invited to, which can lead to jealousy and anger. However, teens often
forget that people only show the best side of their lives within their posts.
Moreover, presence on social media can also be stressful to teens now. They are
pressured to make their content too frequently.
Some people argue that social networks influence teens in a bad way. They say that
teenagers become more sociable. Personally I cannot agree with this opinion,
social nets make teenagers angrier and unwilling to talk.
All things considered, social nets have a negative impact on teenagers, especially
on their health and relations with people.
Vocabulary Bank 4B
Social Networking
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. Use
the correct form.
go online
store information apps
The store sells TV sets and other electronic ________
I _______ these ________ to clean the memory of my phone.
The search system has been changed a lot. It is more ________ now.
I will not use this computer as it is ____________
You can _____ easily and free with Wi-Fi.
Some programs are not ______more than once.
All you need is an ________ web browser. Don‘t use an older version.
Memory sticks have been designed to _____________.
Exercise 2. Choose the sentences that have the same meaning as the first one.
Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. This keyboard uses wireless technology.
a. It has to be connected to my computer.
b. I don‘t have to sit at my computer desk.
2. He helped to develop the latest mobile phones.
a. He was part of the team that created them.
b. He sold many of them in the computer shop.
3. My mom launched Viber yesterday.
a. My mom started using Viber as a messenger.
b. My mom found a new application on the computer.
4. His blog post went viral.
a. It made peoples‘ computers crash.
b. It became popular very quickly.
5. I solved the problem using the Internet.
a. I found the solution online.
b. The Internet doesn‘t work now.
6. Please save this e-mail.
a. I never want to see it again.
b. It is very important.
Exercise 3. Match each quote in A to the activity in B.
1. ―I will see if John sent me a message while I was in the bathroom‖.
2. ―I want to share pictures with my friends‖.
3. ―Today is my anniversary‖.
4. ―I think I am right. People started buying a lot online‖.
5. ―We send voice-messages to each other a few times a week‖.
posting a comment
keep in touch
checking messages
posting an update
uploading pictures
Grammar Bank 4B
Passive Voice: Past Forms
Exercise 1. Fill in the verb in the past active or passive.
1. The speaker amused / was amused the public.
2. We arrived/ were arrived to the office late.
3. Many experiments had carried out/ had been carried out in the labs of our
4. Many people invited / were invited to the international forum.
5. They were discussing / were being discussed important research issues.
6. I learnt / was learnt many unknown things in this book.
7. What architect designed / was designed this mansion?
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences into the past passive.
1. Somebody accessed my web-page. ________________________________
2. We stopped the conference. ______________________________________
3. She was checking the messages. __________________________________
4. A hacker had stolen my information. _______________________________
5. They bought that domain. ________________________________________
6. They had not updated their user accounts by Friday. ___________________
7. I had not told her about my visit. __________________________________
8. Did he send the e-mail? _________________________________________
Exercise 3. Rewrite the passive sentences into the past active.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell.
The book was written by an Englishman.
The president had been elected for 6 years.
The bag was being packed by his assistant.
The website was used by university students.
The exercises were done by the students.
The computer was being used by the IT specialist.
Past Passive
1. The engine ... last week.
a. was repaired
b. repaired
c. is repaired
2. Many materials ... for building houses in XIX century.
a. was used
b. are used
c. were used
3. It ... to carry out experiments in this area last year.
a. was forbidden
b. is forbidden
c. forbiddened
4. The programme … a year ago.
a. was launched
b. was launching
c. is launched
5. The reason of the accident... .
a. not known
b. didn‘t know
c. wasn‘t known
6. The work … by me before he returned from England.
a. had been done
b. done
c. was being done
7. When John was ill, he … at home.
a. was being taught
b. had been taught
c. taught
8. The problem … before he came.
a. solved.
b. had been solved.
c. was solved.
9. I decided to leave my previous work because I … a pay rise.
a. hadn‘t been given
b. gave
c. was giving
10. The parcel … yesterday.
a. was delivered
b. delivered
c. were delivered
11. The interview … when the boss entered the office.
a. wasn‘t been held
b. was being not held
c. wasn‘t being held
12. I … to come before I got an invitation from him.
a. was asked
b. was asking
c. had been asked
13. The website … when I arrived.
a. was being updated
b. updated
c. was updated
14. Everything… for the trip yesterday.
a. had prepared
b. was prepared
c. prepared
15. By the start of the next year all the documents … .
a. had been checked
b. were checking
c. were checked
4 C Online Learning, Online Conferencing
Exercise 1. Look at the picture below. How is it related to online education?
Express your ideas.
Exercise 2. Look at these images of online education. You have to choose one of
the best pictures that can be used as a logo for a distance learning center.
Discuss all the pictures presented.
Useful language
Asking for personal views:
- What do you think of?
- How do you feel about?
Expressing likes
I find this logo really interesting/ fascinating/ exciting
Expressing dislikes
I find this logo rather boring/dull because…
Expressing indifference
It doesn‘t concern me.
I don‘t have an opinion on it.
4.3 Exercise 3. Listen to the audio about the advantages of on-line learning
and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. Daniel completed a Bachelor‘s degree. __
2. He chose Webster University.__
3. He doesn‘t find distance learning
4. Distance learning is good for working
4.3 Exercise 4. Listen to the audio again and fill in the gaps. Do you agree with
Daniel’s opinion that on-line learning gives advantages to working people?
My name is Daniel Smith, I recently
(1)_______ the Master of Arts in
at one‘s own pace – when you can do
Communications Management at Webster
something when you can and the way
University. I chose Webster University
you want.
because I wanted a (2)_______ program, I
didn‘t want a program that would (3)_____ my _____ in the future. The advantage of
online learning is (4)____. You can login at your own (5)____, you can answer
questions at your own pace, you can do (6)_____ in your own time, you can do
homework in your own time. You truly can go at your own pace, which is a huge
(7)____ for people like me who travel for work, who didn‘t have a lot of time to go to
a traditional course room style. Without my (8)______ form Webster University, I
would not be managing the clients that I manage today.
VOCABULARY Video Conferencing and Calls
Exercise 5. Match the terms of video conferencing with their definitions.
1. Bring Your
A. person who is the user of a product. In video
Own Device
conferencing it would be the person making or
receiving a video call.
2. multiple video B. a virtual meeting space with many attendees on a
single call.
3.share my PC
C. the term to explain the situation when people use
their own technologies (laptops, smartphones and
tablets) for work purposes, instead of a companyowned device.
4. end user
D. showing your computer screen in a video
meeting space.
Exercise 6. Complete the text with the words and word combinations in the box.
privacy protection
managing communication
group chat
Multiuser Audio and Video Conferencing
Multiuser conferencing is an important software (1)_____ for uniting offices in
different places and (2)________with those co-workers who always travel on
business trips. Audio and video conferences are effective for (3)______with partners
from around the globe, talking to customers and presenting online products.
VIPole will help you with arranging:
1. Webinars and distance learning. (4)______ ________is easy in VIPole: every
conference has a (5)__________ who chooses speakers. Conference participants can
immediately (6)______ presentations and documents in the (7)________.
2. Presentations for clients. It is possible to answer customer calls and hold video
conferences. All kinds of communication within VIPole give a high level of user
Exercise 7. Underline the correct word.
Some Tips for Online Conferencing and Communication
1. You can‘t raise your hand to show you want to speak – instead, you need to find
verbal/visual ways of jumping into the conversation.
2. During an online meeting in English,
you have to be very clear/obvious
*facilitator - someone
about what you‘re talking about.
who helps a person or organization to do
something more easily by discussing things
3. As technology never seems to be
and suggesting ways of doing things.
perfectly reliable, apologize for
*mediator - a person whose job is to decide
technical/physical difficulties.
a disagreement.
5. A good video conference requires a
good facilitator*/mediator*.
6. It‘s best to ask someone else to try to solve the problem so you can continue
running/making the meeting.
7. If you‘re leading a problem-solving meeting, you‘ll need to highlight/underline the
best solution that comes forward.
Go to Vocabulary Bank 4C for more practice.
Exercise 8. Which of the following is the most important to you when you choose
between traditional education and online learning. Rank them and compare
your list to your partner’s.
 learning at your own pace and in your own time
 easier submission of assignments
 communication with an instructor and other students
 group work
 saving time as you don‘t need to make your way to university
 learning to be responsible for your education
 becoming more proficient with technology
Exercise 9. Read the text about online learning and say why students prefer
online learning.
Online education deals with any
kind of learning that takes place via the
Internet. It is thought that online
education will become very popular in
the next few years. Teachers will be
given a chance to communicate with
students who do not study in a traditional
classroom and support students who need
to have their own schedule and go at their
own pace.
Online learning possibilities are endless in most disciplines. The number of
schools and institutions that offer online education will be enlarged.
Students will be offered many benefits:
- flexibility in taking classes and learning at their own pace and in their own time;
- learning to hold responsibility for their own education path;
- easy submission of assignments;
- learning from other students during group discussions;
- no commuting*;
Possible negative effects of learning online are the following:
- some students will be deprived* of face-toGlossary
face communication with the instructor and
*commuting – travelling between
other students;
work, university or school and home.
- they will not have been given enough
*to deprive – to take
something necessary or pleasant
explanation by the end of the course;
away from someone.
- they can find the online technology
difficult to use and technical support will be
In general, we may say that many students prefer online learning as it offers
flexibility in their busy schedules. Students must become lifelong learners in today's
world, and online education plays an important role in helping individuals. Students
are becoming more proficient with technology. They can get education that meets
their needs. Online degree programs will be implemented more and more widely.
Exercise 10. Read the text and say if these statements are true or false.
1. Online education refers to any kind of learning.
2. Online education helps to deal with unmanageable students.
3. The number of schools and universities offering online education is decreasing.
4. Students spend less time on commuting.
5. Students take no responsibility while doing the course.
6. Students can discuss the tasks with other students while taking online courses.
7. Technological competence won‘t be developed in the process of online learning.
8. Online education has no future at all.
GRAMMAR Passive Voice: Future Forms
The future passive is made with a form of the auxiliary will and the past
participle of the main verb (3d form).
Future Simple
will be
asked (told)
Future Perfect
will have been
asked (told)
Future Simple
Future Perfect
Active Voice
Passive Voice
They will admit fifty students
to the faculty
They will have answered all
the questions by Friday
Fifty students will be admitted
to the faculty
All the questions will have
been answered by Friday
Exercise 11. Find the examples of the future passive in the text about online
E.g.: The number of schools and institutions that offer online education will be
enlarged (the future simple passive).
Exercise 12. Rewrite the sentences using the future passive forms.
1. Susan will buy a new laptop instead of her old computer._____________________
2. Her husband will install the
3. Millions of people will use this platform. _________________________________
4. Our sales manager will discuss the contract online.__________________________
5. They will have done all the exercises by Tuesday. __________________________
6. He will not show his presentation in Zoom. ____________________________
7. They will have submitted this assignment by Thursday.
8. Will the company employ a new worker? _________________________________
Exercise 13. Read the text about the future of higher education after COVID-19
and fill in the gaps with the future passive forms.
Online Classes Will Change Education Forever
The present Covid-19 has hit the education
institutions hard. Overnight, they were forced to go
online. Things are not going to be the same again. The
question is, how (1) …. education ……… (change) by
the government in the future after the pandemic?
A lot of lecture-based sessions (2) ……… (move)
online. And the cost of education (3) …….. (reduce).
Even now one can find a large number of courses available online. They are of
high quality and many of them are free of charge (e.g. Coursera, Udemy, edx, etc.).
By the end of 2021 more programmes for online learning (4)………(make).
Many traditional teaching methods (5) ………. (replace) by such approaches as
blended learning*, a flipped classroom*, breakout rooms*. Conferences (6)…..
(hold) online, and students from remote areas (7)…. (give) more opportunities to
present and discuss their research.
Still, some students (8)……… (depress) by challenges of balancing home
responsibilities and education.
As Voltaire said, ―All the armies of the world cannot stop an idea whose time
has come.‖ And it appears that the time for online education has come.
* blended learning – a combination of online educational materials (and interaction online)
and traditional place-based classroom methods.
* flipped classroom – a teaching method in which students first learn about a new subject at
home, and then practice it in class. This is the reverse of the traditional practice of introducing
a new topic in class, then doing assignments independently at home.
* breakout rooms – one of the features of online conferencing that allows separating people
into smaller groups, where they can have their own private conversations, and then come back
to the larger meeting later.
Go to Grammar Bank 4C for more practice.
Exercise 14. Two pictures show two types of conferences: face-to-face
(traditional) conference and on-line conference. Discuss these types of
conferences with your partner. Use the Useful language box.
You should:
1. Compare these two ways of conference organization.
2. Say what type of conference organization you prefer and why.
Useful language
Asking for Opinions
How do you feel about that?
What is your point of view?
Responding to Opinions
I see what you mean.
I agree with you.
I disagree with you.
Expressing Opinions
I believe…
I‘m convinced that…
I‘m sure that…
I have no doubt that…
I think…
I‘d like to point out that…
In my opinion…
From my point of view…
I feel that…
My impression is that…
Exercise 15. Write an opinion letter4 on the following topic.
Your university has been given a large development grant from the government to
start an online course either on history or English. Write a letter to the dean of your
university giving an opinion which online course to develop.
The Model Letter
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing with regard to the grant our
university has been awarded. To my mind,
the money should be spent on the English
language online course.
Firstly, it will motivate students to study
English and as a result to get promoted in
their career.
Secondly, the English online course will be more interesting for us as we will spend
more time on learning than on commuting.
Moreover, the course will have more interesting activities and games that will
develop our soft skills.
To sum up, I believe that the English online course is the best use of the grant finance
as it can be beneficial for young people in many ways.
Yours faithfully,
Elena Evstropova
Useful language
To begin with,…
Firstly,… Secondly,… Moreover,… Furthermore,…
In addition,…Also,…
For example,…
…such as…
Thus,… Therefore,… As a result,…
In this way…
This would mean that…
However,… But…
To sum up,…
Opinion letters are written when we want to express our personal opinion on a particular topic.
Vocabulary Bank 4C
Online Learning, Online Conferencing
Exercise 1. Match the words to make word combinations related to e-learning.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences by changing the words and phrases in
CAPITALS to the correct form (noun, adjective, verb) if necessary.
1. The best thing about distance …… is that you can get education in a relaxed
manner at your own pace and in your own time. LEARN
2. Traditional education means traveling away from home, living in a completely
unknown city, and existing in an extremely ……….. education environment.
3. An online program will show potential ………….. that you are motivated for
success. EMPLOY
4. Self-paced learning means that students can ………..the goals at any time, and can
change a learning schedule that suits their time. ACHIEVE
5. Free courses are sometimes useful for anyone who wants to learn from……………
educators. PRESTIGE
Exercise 3. Underline the correct word.
1. Online learning represents a great way to study so many fields and to
boost/decrease the level of self-motivation.
2. Online learning is effective/obvious because students can finish their homework
quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.
3. Another disadvantage is the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands
of students that try to join/cooperate discussions.
4. Online learning should be seen as a complement/facilitator of classical forms of
5. Even the best online course can‘t fully replace/compete the personal contact with
a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group.
Grammar Bank 4C
Passive Voice: Future Forms
Exercise 1. Choose the correct sentences in the future passive.
1. A. The podcast will be show at 10:00 a.m.
B. The podcast will be shown at 10:00 a.m.
C. The podcast will been shown at 10:00 a.m.
2. A. The contract will be signed tomorrow.
В. The contract will be sign tomorrow.
С. The contract will signed tomorrow.
3. A. The exhibition will be visiting in March.
B. The exhibition will have be visited in March.
C. The exhibition will be visited in March.
4. A. Will be the equipment bought?
В.Will the equipment be bought?
С. Will the equipment bought?
5. A. Will be instructions given?
B. Will instructions be given?
C. Will instructions be give?
6. A. When will be read the message?
В. When will be the message read?
С. When will the message be read?
7. А. Who will be tested?
В. Who will being tested?
С. Who will been tested?
8. A. My photo will not being taken.
В. My photo will be not taken.
С. My photo will not be taken.
9. A. Visual aids will not be created.
В. Visual aids will not being created.
С. Visual aids not will be created.
10. A. The device will have been made by your birthday.
B. The device will have made by your birthday.
C. The device will be made by your birthday.
11. A. A new English dictionary won't be use.
В. A new English dictionary won't be used.
С. A new English dictionary wouldn't be use.
12. A. This difficult rule will have been learning by Tuesday.
B. This difficult rule will have been learnt by Tuesday.
C. This difficult rule will have learnt by Tuesday.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form.
One word from the box won’t be used.
1. This interactive museum ………… next year. (Future Simple Passive)
2. A lot of money ………….. on redecorating the university by the end of
September. (Future Perfect Passive)
3. All the winners …………… medals. (Future Simple Passive)
4. Parents ………..invitations to the ceremony tomorrow. (Future Simple Passive)
5. The tickets ………. for all of us. (Future Simple Passive)
Exercise 3. Rewrite the text in the future passive.
The president of our university promises that he will start a new scheme. Students
will collect paper and tin cans in separate containers. When the container is full, a
cleaner will take it away. He will deliver it to the factory. The factory will recycle it
into a new product. By 2030, the government will have set up 100 new recycling
plants for these purposes.
Future Passive
1. The students________tomorrow.
a. will examine
b. examine
c. will be examined
2.Technical support __________ by IT specialists.
a. will be provided
b. provided
c. have provided
3. This leсture ________tomorrow.
a. will give
b. will be given
c. is being given
4. This text _______by 4 o‘clock.
a. translated.
b. will be translating.
c. will have been translated
5. This information _______ in the group chat.
a. will be shared
b. is sharing
c. will shared
6. Tom_______ at the lessons tomorrow.
a. will be asked
b. will be asking
c. will ask
7. Our country house _______ by next year.
a. will finish
b. will have been finished
c. finishes
8. My brother _________ for cheating.
a. will punished
b. will have punished
c. will be punished
9. The report ________ by 4 o‘clock tomorrow.
a. will have been discussed
b. will discuss
c. will have discussed
10. A new employee _______ to her new boss tomorrow.
a. will introduced
b. will be introducing
c. will be introduced
11. A new dormitory ________ next year.
a. is building
b. will be built
c. will build
12. A decision__________ until the next meeting.
a. will not be make
b. will not be made
c. will not made
13. The announcement ................. tomorrow by 4 p.m.
a. will have been made
b. will make
c. is made
14. Some of the teachers from our school __________ to the conference.
a. will be invited
b. will be inviting
c. will invited
15. Her daughter __________ on the radio tomorrow.
a. will congratulated
b. is congratulated
c. will be congratulated
Unit 4 Revision
Exercise 1. Complete this crossword.
1. Someone who makes vlogs (short
films that record your thoughts, ideas,
or opinions on a subject) and posts
them on the Internet.
2. To read websites on the Internet.
3. Something that can be done or seen
using a computer and without going
anywhere or talking to anyone.
3. Caused by a virus.
4. A large system consisting of many similar
parts that are connected together to allow
communication between the parts, or
between the parts and a control centre.
5. A technology that helps you
6. Articles, photographs, etc. on the
do specific things on a computer is called a
Internet that attract attention and
software… .
encourage people to click on links that
9. A computer that is small enough to be
lead to specific websites.
carried around easily and is flat when closed.
7. Something that controls what a
computer does; computer programs in 10. ………… learning – a way of learning
that combines traditional classroom lessons
8. Computer programs and products
that combine different forms of
content: text, audio, images,
animations, or video.
12. ……..classroom – a teaching
method in which students first learn
about a new subject at home,
especially online, and then have
practice in class.
13. A computer program that is
designed for a specific purpose; it is
often used for tablets or mobile
with lessons that use computer technologies
and may be given over the Internet.
11. To give information to the others in social
14. An object or machine that has been
invented for a particular purpose.
15. A person who says or writes unpleasant
things about people in order to upset them,
especially on the Internet.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct passive form.
1. 1300 of people ..... by this enterprise this year.
a. employed
b. were employed
c. have been employed
2. Four people ..... to the conference yesterday.
a. were invited
b. invited
c. are invited
3. Many accidents ..... by dangerous chemicals.
a. caused
b. are caused
c. will have been caused
4. Our strategy ..... by the members of the union now.
a. was discussed
b. is being discussed
c. is discussed
5. The building site ..... mostly ..... with water.
a. is ... covered
b. will ... be covered
c. had ... been covered
6. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and
it ..... in Ann Arbor.
a. situated
b. are situated
c. is situated
7. This software ........ by our IT specialist last month.
a. was developed
b. had been developed
c. is developed
8. The letters ................. at the moment.
a. will be typed
b. are being typed
c. are typing
9. The first 3D printer ................. by Chuck Hull in 1983.
a. was invented
b. has been invented
c. invented
10. New multimedia equipment ................. yet.
a. has not been delivered
b. has not deliver
c. was not delivered
11. Alpha Romeo cars ................. in Italy.
a. produced
b. had been produced
c. are produced
12. The computer problem ................. by the virus two days ago.
a. has caused
b. was caused
c. had been caused
13. The website ..... by a pop star last week.
a. bought
b. was bought
c. has been bought
14. The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.
a. will have been renovated
b. is being renovated
c. will be renovated
… a job soon?
a. Will you be given
b. Will be you given
c. Will you given
Exercise 3. You are going to read an article about netiquette. Six sentences have
been removed from the article. Choose from sentences A-F the one which fits
each gap (1-6)
Netiquette Basics
Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without social networks and forums.
We share information, read the latest news, download popular music and many other
things that have become available due to the Internet. Some users of the world wide
web behave quite freely and allow themselves much more than in real life. Feeling
completely anonymous, they forget that there are other people who also have their
own point of view, interests and beliefs. Thus, it is necessary to know certain
standards of netiquette.
1. Before joining a new community, get to know its traditions and the style of
behavior of users. [1_____].
2. Follow the rules of spelling and punctuation. Of course, you are not at an exam, but
a message written without mistakes is the main indicator of respect to other users.
3. Do not debate with other users if you do not understand the topic under discussion.
[3_____]. In addition, remember that abusive behavior is often the evidence of a
person's lack of good arguments.
4. Respect other participants in any discussion. [4____]. If you react aggressively,
people in the community will not communicate with you anymore.
5. Don‘t post long messages. Many blogs, forums and other various resources hide
long messages. It is also recommended that you hide large files like images.
[5______]. Read the message you have written and analyse if it can be
6. The most important thing is not to take various insults personally. Do not waste
your time on polemics and discussion. [6______] Do not give a chance to other users
to annoy you with a variety of messages that contain clear hints.
A. Very often a person who makes a grammar mistake is criticized a lot.
B. It is also worth remembering that users do not like long posts, so you should
make them as concise as possible.
C. If someone's opinion differs from yours, it does not mean that it is wrong.
D. Moreover, if you get nervous, you won‘t be able to give any effective
E. The best option is to post a small number of neutral comments at first.
F. Trying to prove something without having the right amount of knowledge, you
risk becoming a victim of numerous insults from users and can make yourself look
Part I
Exercise 4. Discuss the questions with a partner:
How often do you post pictures on Instagram?
Do you post stories on Instagram?
Do you follow celebrities on Instagram?
Have you ever created a Facebook or VK page?
What are some examples of Facebook or VK pages that you follow?
How much time do you spend on Facebook or VK?
Are you worried about the amount of time people spend on Facebook or VK?
Do you accept friend requests from strangers on Facebook or VK?
9. How many friends have you got on Facebook or VK?
10. What do you think about Twitter?
11. Who do you follow on Twitter?
12. How often do you use Twitter?
13. What social network is your favourite one?
Part II
Exercise 5. Look at these icons with applications of social nets and media.
Describe three that are the most popular and effective. The example in the box
below will help you.
All modern applications are very effective for learning as they are informative and give
opportunities to have a lesson at home or at your working place. In my opinion, the best
three of them are Skype, Instagram and Facebook.
Firstly, Instagram has a lot of informative accounts that help to study English and other
languages, the posts contain valuable grammar and vocabulary information.
Secondly, Skype is still the best tool for online conferencing. Educators at schools and
universities use it as a tool for a distance-learning format.
Thirdly, Facebook helps students to find appropriate web-sights on history, maths, biology
and other subjects. Here you can also contact your instructor and carry out projects with
your classmates.
To sum it up, Skype, Instagram and Facebook have excellent potential to serve as a
learning tool for instructors and students.
Exercise 6. Choose one topic from the list below. Decide if you agree or disagree.
Social nets have changed the way we communicate.
The more modern inventions we have – the lazier we become.
What is better: traditional education or online learning?
a) Draw a mind map of the topic you have chosen. Use the website:
b) Write an outline using the mind map you have created.
Outline Example:
1. Introduce your topic: I agree that social networks have changed our
communication in a negative way….
2. Give your first reason: As we talk online we use less verbal signs…
3. Give your second reason: The lack of verbal signs leads to short conversations….
4. Give your third reason: Short conversations make us dull and boring, and as a
result, we make less social contacts…
5. Make a conclusion: The less we communicate, the lonelier we feel.
Conclusion. Public Speaking
Exercise 1. You are going to discuss the statements below. First, decide
individually if you agree (A), half-agree (HA), or disagree (D) with the
statements. Think of the examples to support your opinion. Then discuss them
with your partner.
Example: I absolutely agree that a good leader should listen to advice from his/her
team members. I think my father is a wonderful leader because he never forces his
team to do something, but always listens to different points of view and chooses the
best decision.
- Being a great leader is all about timing and knowledge. A good leader should
know when to criticize, when to praise, when to encourage, and when to demand
more from their team.
- Being a leader does not mean working in
isolation. Nobody knows the solution to every
*This ability is known as Talent
problem. It is important to understand your
Management – strategic process
of getting the right talent
weaknesses in order to learn and develop.
onboard and helping them grow
- Real leaders are able to persuade you that they
to their optimal capabilities.
are worthy of your followership.
management is a
- A great leader can choose the best players for
necessity in today‘s changing
the team and coordinate them to work together
environment. Many foreign
and focus on their strengths so the team is one
included this field in their
powerful unit*.
educational programmes.
- Leaders think that people need to be controlled,
they always force them to do something.
- Great leaders should have excellent communication skills and they can choose
various leadership methods to suit each situation.
- A good leader should listen to advice from the team members.
Exercise 2. Which of the statements do you like? Why?
Example: I like the idea that real leaders are able to persuade people that they are
worthy of their followership. If a person wants to be a leader, but other people do not
follow him/her, this person is not a leader at all. Real leaders are able to encourage
and motivate. People trust and respect them.
Exercise 3. Provide one more statement about leadership. Find it on the Internet
if you don’t have your own ideas. You can search for “100 Best Quotes on
Leadership”5 on www.forbes.com.
Example: As Warren Buffett once said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you are
doing”. I believe that risk management skills are extremely important for leaders.
GRAMMAR Modal Verbs
Exercise 4. Look at three pictures. Do you know these people? What do they do?
Why are they so famous?
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Exercise 5. Look at the quotes below. With a partner, guess which person6 said
the following and why.
―However difficult life may seem there is always something you can do and succeed
at. It matters that you don‘t just give up‖.
―You should never start a company with the goal of getting rich. Your goal should be
making something you believe in and making a company that will last‖.
―Some women have a weakness for shoes... I can go barefoot if necessary. I have a
weakness for books‖.
URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2012/10/16/quotes-on-leadership/?sh=72887b892feb
You can find the names of these people in Vocabulary bank Conclusion.
Exercise 6. Look at the verbs in italics in Exercise 5.
What are these verbs?
Why are they used there?
Are they used in any other situations? Can you give examples?
What else do you know about them?
Exercise 7. Choose the correct usage of modal verbs.
1. They are used / aren‟t used with 's' for the third person singular.
2. They have / don‟t have tense forms.
3. Auxiliary verbs are used/aren‟t used with them to make questions.
4. When you form a question, you place a modal verb before/after the subject of the
5. They are followed by the infinitive of another verb without 'to' / with „to‟.
6. They can/cannot be used without a main verb.
7. Modal verbs refer to an action / a speaker‟s attitude towards the action.
5.1 Exercise 8. Read the tips for those who want to be a millionaire. Three of
them are false. Find them and discuss your ideas with your partner. Then listen
and check.
1. You don‘t have to be born rich to be a millionaire.
2. You must study a lot at university.
3. You must have a clear idea of what you want to do.
4. You needn‘t start your business early.
5. You should enjoy your work.
6. You shouldn‘t take too many holidays.
7. You have to work hard if you want to stay competitive in the market.
8. Do anything you can to get what you want.
9. You can break all sorts of rules. But you mustn‘t break the law.
10. You ought to be a careful spender.
11. You shouldn‘t worry what other people think of you.
12. All millionaires can speak several foreign languages.
Exercise 9. Use the table to explain the usage of modal verbs in Exercise 8.
General ability
Our boss can speak 5 foreign
Steve Jobs could work 18
hours a day.
He is not able to understand
this technical problem.
Manage to do
something (there
are some
Informal request
to be able to
Polite request
Formal request
statements about
what is possible
Something specific
is possible
Opinion, advice
Advice not to do
Personal obligation:
the speaker personally
thinks that something
is necessary
External obligation:
the situation makes
something necessary,
these are mostly rules
and laws
Prohibition, it is
against the law or
Lack of necessity
Have to
Can you help me with the
Could you help me with this
May I ask you for help?
One of the greatest traits you
can have as a leader is
He may be successful with his
You should master your nontechnical skills if you want to
be promoted.
You shouldn‘t be so arrogant
when you are speaking with
the boss.
As an engineering manager,
you must become proficient in
workflow management to meet
project goals (it is my opinion).
I have to wear a white shirt and
a tie at work (it is a company
Must not
You mustn‘t break the rules of
office etiquette.
Don‘t have to
= needn‘t
= don‘t need to
Some engineers think they
don't have to develop their soft
Exercise 10. Choose the correct answer about the meaning of the modals.
1. You mustn't allow them to interfere with your business.
a. Prohibition
b. Possibility
c. Lack of necessity
2. What do you think I should do?
a. Asking for advice
b. Polite request
c. Necessity
3. Can you check my drawing?
a. Asking for advice
b. Personal obligation
c. Informal request
4. Our boss can speak Arabic.
a. Possibility
b. External obligation
c. Ability
5. I think you should find an investor for your startup.
a. Possibility
b. Giving advice
c. Formal request
6. You must follow these guidelines on how to create a CV.
a. Prohibition
b. Personal obligation
c. Ability
7. Dan can‘t go home now. He has to work.
a. Possibility
b. External obligation
c. Necessity comes from outside the speaker
8. You don‘t have to work on Sundays.
a. Prohibition
b. External obligation
c. Lack of necessity
Exercise 11. Study the Remember box. Then complete the sentences
with can/can’t or be able to in the correct form.
General ability
I can speak French
Use for the present
and future
Manage to do something
(includes some
Even though she has lost
her left hand in the
accident, she is able to
work alone.
Use to be able to for other
tenses and forms: e.g. He
hasn‟t been able to call
her yet. I would like to be
able to do it again. I used
to be able to tell you when
you lied.
1. Gary has travelled a lot. He _____ speak five languages.
2. I used to _____ type very fast, but I _____ do it now.
3. Nicole _____ drive, but she hasn't got a car.
4. I _____ understand Bob now. But I have never _____ understand him before.
5. I _____ talk to you now. I‘m too busy.
6. If we don‘t hurry up, we won‘t_____ meet the deadline.
7. My colleague _____ see much better now with her new glasses.
8. I‘m sorry I _____ come. I have to work.
9. I am not very tall, so I _____ play basketball for my office team.
10. I would like to_____ travel more often.
Exercise 12. Study the Remember box. Then use Must or Have to in the sentences
The speaker thinks it
is necessary
Necessity comes
from outside the
The teacher thinks it is necessary.
TEACHER: You must complete the essay by Friday.
You ______ wear a tie if you go to the office.
You _____work hard. Try to spend more time studying.
I _____ prepare my presentation as I‘m participating in the conference tomorrow.
Do you _____ work next weekend?
I _____ to post that letter before five o‘clock. Outgoing post will be collected by
postal workers at that time.
6. You _____ find a new secretary.
7. You really _____ stop being late for work or you'll get fired.
8. I think you _____ earn more money for your family.
Exercise 13. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs in positive or negative
Example: Don't be late for your interview! (Prohibition)
– You mustn‟t be late for your interview!
1. Please, type it for me! (Polite request)
– _____ you type it for me?
2. I‘m not good at sales. (Ability)
– I _____ sell.
3. Write your report today. The deadline is coming. (External obligation: the
situation makes it necessary)
– You _____ write your report today.
4. We won‘t take a break. This task can be completed quickly. (Lack of necessity)
– We ____ take a break.
5. Don't smoke in the workplace. It is forbidden here. (Prohibition)
– You ____ smoke in the workplace.
6. I advise you to attend the meeting. (Advice)
– You ____ attend the meeting.
7. I don't know what you are saying.
– I ____ understand you. (Ability)
8. Promise that you will never do it again!
– You ____ do it again. (Prohibition)
Go to Grammar Bank Conclusion for more practice.
5.2 Exercise 14. You are going to watch the Oprah Winfrey’s speech at
Stanford’s Commencement ceremony 2008 where she talks to graduates
about feelings, failure and finding happiness7. Watch the video segment 8:13 –
23:03 and answer the questions below.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpd3raj8xww
1. What job did Oprah Winfrey get in Baltimore at 22?
2. Did she feel right in this job? Why?
3. What two things did the director try to change in Oprah?
4. Why did she lose that job?
5. Why did she feel right in her new job on a talk show?
6. What lesson did she get about feelings?
7. What question does Oprah ask herself with every failure in her life?
8. What happened in the Oprah‘s school in South Africa?
9. What lesson did she get from that experience?
10. What is Oprah‘s recipe of finding happiness?
5.2 Exercise 15. Watch the video segment 13:30 – 15:40 and complete what
Oprah is saying about the feelings.
And after eight months, I (1)_____ that job. They said I was too (2)_____. I was
too much. But since they didn‘t want to (3)_____ the contract, they put me on a talk
show in Baltimore. And the moment I sat down on that show, the moment I did, I felt
like I‘d (4)_____. I realized that TV could be more than just a playground, but a
platform for (5)_____, for helping other people lift their lives. And the moment I sat
down, doing that talk show, it felt like breathing. It felt (6)_____. And that‘s where
everything that followed for me began.
And I got that lesson. When you‘re doing the
work you‘re meant to do, it feels right and every
day is a (7)_____, regardless of what you‘re
getting paid.
It‘s true. And how do you know when you‘re
doing something right? How do you know that? It
feels so. What I know now is that feelings are
*gut – used about the way
of deciding what should be
done or what is right that
is based on feelings rather than
thinking about reasons.
You will find a full transcript of the speech in Vocabulary Bank Conclusion.
really your (8)_____ for life. When you‘re supposed to do something or not supposed
to do something, your (9)_____ lets you know. The trick is to learn to check your ego
at the door and start checking your gut* instead. Every (10)______ I‘ve made – has
come from my gut. And every wrong decision I‘ve ever made was a result of me not
listening to the (11)_____ of myself.
If it doesn‘t feel right, (12)_____. That‘s the lesson. And that lesson alone will
save you, my friends, a lot of grief. Even doubt means don‘t. This is what I‘ve
learned. There are many times when you don‘t know what to do. When you don‘t
know what to do, get still, get very still, until you do know what to do.
5.2 Exercise 16. Watch the video segment 8:13 – 23:03 again and notice the
presentation skills of Oprah Winfrey.
1. Does she feel nervous and anxious during her public speaking?
2. Does she interact with the audience well?
3. Does she make good eye contact with the audience?
4. What can you say about her voice and tone?
5. How often does she use her note cards?
6. Do you like her humor? Is it appropriate?
7. How do you evaluate Oprah Winfrey‘s public speaking skills?
Exercise 17. Read the beginning of the text. Discuss the presentation preparation
steps with your classmates. Do you have your own strategies that help you create
a successful presentation?
Text 1. Guidelines for Presentations.
Public speaking means giving an oral presentation before a group of people. While
studying at university you will likely be asked to give a presentation in one of your
classes, and your future career may also involve public speaking. It‘s important to
develop skills for this form of communication.
Preparing and delivering a presentation in class breaks down into six basic steps:
1. Analyze your audience and goals.
2. Plan, research, and organize your content.
Draft and revise the presentation.
Prepare speaking notes.
Practice the presentation.
Deliver the presentation.
Exercise 18. These are the tips for preparing a successful presentation. Make up
the sentences from the given words and word combinations. Which step (in
Exercise 17) do these sentences describe?
1. presentation / It‘s / not a good idea / your / from a written page / to read.
2. to use / with your audience / to make eye contact / a normal speaking voice / and /
It‘s important.
3. keep your eyes / if / You / do this / on a written script / can‘t / you.
4. a brief outline / are / your presentation / Speaking notes / for.
5. or / write them / You / sheets of paper / may / on small cards.
6. write too much / as well as / Include / for your main ideas / but / important facts
and data / don‘t / keywords.
7. a last-minute mix-up / to number / Be sure / to prevent / your cards or pages.
Exercise 19. Read the paragraphs below and decide which steps (in Exercise 17)
they describe. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
1. It may be the most important step and the best way to get over stage fright and gain
(1)_____. Practice first in an (2)_____ room where you (3)_____ people sitting, so
that you can move your eyes around the room to this (4)_____. The first time
through, focus on putting your outlined notes into full sentences in your (5)_____
speaking voice. Don‘t (6)_____ your notes aloud. Practice two or three times just
to find the right words to explain your points and feel more comfortable working
with your notes. Time yourself. If your presentation is much too long, (7)_____ it
now in your notes. Once you feel good speaking from your notes, (8)_____ to add
some more polish to your delivery.
write out
2. Never wait until the last minute to (1)_____ your presentation. (2)_____ your time
to prepare the first draft and then come back to it a day or two later. You don‘t
need to (3)_____ the presentation in full sentences and paragraphs. How much you
write depends on your own learning and speaking (4)_____. Some students speak
well from (5)_____ phrases written in an outline, while other students find it easier
to write sentences out (6)_____. There‘s nothing wrong with writing the (7)_____
out fully like a script if that helps you be sure you will say what you (8)_____to.
3. Remember, your (1)_____ is on your side! If you‘re still (2)_____ before your
turn, take a few deep breaths. Revise your opening lines in your mind. (3)_____ as
you move to the front of the room, looking at your audience. You‘ll see some
friendly faces smiling back (4)_____. As you start the presentation, move your
eyes among those giving you a warm reception – and if you see someone looking
(5)_____ or doing something else, just (6)_____ them. But don‘t focus on any one
person in the audience for too long, which could make them nervous or cause them
to look away. At the closing, ask if there are any (7)_____. When you have
finished, (8)_____, say ―Thank you,‖ and walk back to your seat.
pick out
4. Start with your goals and (1)_____ your topic. Take notes on specific topics that
seem (2)_____. As you research the topic at this stage, don‘t worry at first about
how much (3)_____ you are gathering. It‘s better to know too much and then to
(4)_____ the most important things to say than to rush ahead to drafting the
presentation and then realize you don‘t have enough material. Organizing a
presentation uses the following (5)_____: introduce your topic and state your main
(6)_____ (thesis), go into more detail about (7)_____ ideas, and (8)_____ your
5. Who will see and hear your presentation? Obviously, other students and the
(1)_____. But you still need to think about what they already (2)_____, and don‘t
know, about your topic. If your topic (3)_____ to subject matter in class lectures
and readings, consider what (4)_____ information they already have and be careful
not to give a boring (5)_____ of things they already know. It may be important,
however, to show how your specific topic fits in with (6)_____ that have been
discussed already in (7)_____, especially in the beginning of your presentation, but
be sure to (8)_____ on your new topic.
Go to Vocabulary Bank Conclusion (exercises 1-4) for more practice.
Exercise 20. Title the visuals using the words from the box below.
charts or graphs*
photos or other images
video clips
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
*graph – a type of a chart. A chart,
on the contrary, can take the form of
a graph, a diagram, a table or a
Fig. 4
Exercise 21. Work in small groups. Look at the pictures in Exercise 20 and
discuss the questions.
1. What kinds of visual aids for presentations do you know?
2. What is a pie chart8? Is it presented in Exercise 19?
3. What visual aids do you use in your presentations?
4. Is it always necessary to include charts in your presentation?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using video clips in your
Go to Vocabulary Bank Conclusion (exercises 5-6) for more practice.
Exercise 22. Read the text about visual aids in presentations. Five sentences
have been removed from it. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits
each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A. Use images only when they support your presentation; don‘t use illustrations just
as decoration.
B. They are distracting.
C. Avoid simply writing what you are saying.
D. Keep your eyes on your audience only briefly glancing at visuals.
E. Here are some basic rules.
F. It is better to finish your presentation with a reference list (bibliography).
G. Don‘t put a table of numbers in a visual aid.
Text 2. Visual Aids in Presentations.
Most presentations gain from visuals – and visual aids are often expected. If
encouraged or allowed to include visuals in your presentation, plan to do so. Consider
all possible types: charts, maps, photos or other images, video clips.
Use the available technology, whether it‘s an overhead projector, PowerPoint slides,
a flip chart, or posters. Talk to your instructor about resources and software for
designing your visuals.
Design your visuals carefully. (1) _____.
- Use a simple, neutral background. A light-colored background with text in a dark
color works best for words; a dark background works best for photos.
You will see a pie chart in Vocabulary Bank Conclusion (Exercise 5).
- Minimize the amount of text in visuals – using more than 30 words per slide is
usually too much. (2) _____. Make sure the text is large enough for the audience to
read. A perfect font size is 28-30 pt.
- Don‘t use more than two pictures on a slide, and use two only to make a direct
comparison. Montages are hard to focus on and distract the viewer from what you
are saying. (3) _____.
- (4) _____. If you need to illustrate numerical data, use a graph.
- Don‘t use sound effects. Use a very brief recording only if directly related to your
main points.
- Don‘t use visual special effects such as dissolves, spins, box-outs, or other
transitions. (5) _____. Use animation minimally and only if it helps make a point.
- Don‘t use so many visuals or move through them so quickly that the audience
gives all its attention to them rather than to you: 15 slides can be enough.
- Never write ―Thank you for your attention‖ on your last slide. (6)_______.
- Practice your presentation using your visual aids because they affect your timing.
Explain visuals when needed but not when they are obvious.
Exercise 23. Look at the numbers. What do they represent? Fill in the blanks
with the numbers below.
1. You should use no more than (number) words on each slide. Nobody will read a
big piece of text.
2. You should use a font size of no less than (number) pt. This is very important as it
stops you trying to put too much information on any slide.
3. The whole presentation should contain no more than (number) slides.
Exercise 24. Speak about the presentation design rules using the following words
and word combinations. Mention some of the rules from the text and add your
own ideas.
visual special effects
Exercise 25. Prepare the presentation on the topic “Business Leaders of the 21st
century”. Describe one person who is a successful entrepreneur known all over
the world. Follow the guidelines for presentations and create appropriate visual
aids. In your speech use the linking words, which you have learnt in the previous
units (See Useful language boxes in Speaking and Writing).
In your presentation you should mention:
1. Introduction: Why you have chosen this person.
2. His (her) background (family, education, etc.).
3. Career, stages of growth.
4. How he (she) feels in that job.
5. Conclusion: what you like most of all about him/her.
Vocabulary Bank
Conclusion. Public Speaking
Exercise 1. Write words for the definitions.
1. It‘s a noun. A talk giving information about something. p_______ s_______
2. It‘s a noun. The group of people together in one place to watch or listen to
someone speaking. a_______
3. It‘s a noun. 1. Something that is done before, your experience of education,
knowledge, living conditions, etc. 2. Things that can be seen behind
the main things or people in a picture (or behind the text in a presentation).
4. It‘s a verb. To plan, prepare for, or organize something. a_____
5. It‘s a verb. To do something regularly or repeatedly to improve your skill at doing
it. p______
6. It‘s a verb. To change something to make it more correct, effective, or suitable.
7. It‘s a verb. To have as a plan or purpose. i______
8. It‘s a noun. A piece of text, often containing the main ideas and intentions but not
the developed form. d______
9. It‘s a verb. To end a speech, meeting, or piece of writing. c________
10. It‘s a noun. To suggest a lot of ideas for a future activity very quickly before
considering some of them more carefully. b________
Exercise 2. Explain the meaning of the following feelings. Use any EnglishEnglish dictionary. For example: https://www.macmillanthesaurus.com. Then
answer the questions.
be anxious
be nervous
have stage fright
have a panic attack
1. What feelings do you have when you are delivering your conference presentation?
2. What feelings do you have when you wake up in the morning of an exam?
3. What feelings do you have when you are taking part in the Students‘ Spring
4. What feelings do you have when your instructor seems to see that you are
5. What feelings do you have when it is an important exam and you don‘t know the
answer to the question?
6. Can you give an example of the situation when you had one of these feelings?
Exercise 3. Match the words to make phrases. Use the phrases to give some tips
on how to cope with speech anxiety and become better at public speaking in
stage fright
become familiar
comfortable, relaxed
with the conference room
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.
face away
Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used for presentations because it's easy to (1)_____
attractive and professional presentations and it is simple to modify and (2)_____ content
compared to other visual aids. You can (3)_____ a range of visual items into the slides
which will (4)_____ the audience's attention. Also, the audience can generally see
slideshows better than other visual aids and you don't have to (5)_____ from them.
Exercise 5. Label different types of visual organizers.
Organizational Chart
Bar Chart
Venn Diagram*
Line Graphs
Pie Charts
Mind Map
Tree Diagram
*Venn diagram – uses overlapping circles or other
shapes to illustrate the logical relationships
between two or more items.
Exercise 6. Match each definition in the table with the visual organizer it
 Venn diagram
 Cycle
 T-chart
 Mind map
 Tree diagram
 Timeline
It is used when there is a chronology of
events whether the events have dates or not.
Visually it is usually a straight line.
It can show all kinds of different
relationships. It has lines and circles for
organizing information. Visually it can be
very large. You have already used it while
planning your essay.
It presents a continuing process. Visually it is
usually circular with arrows to show
It is used to show concepts that overlap. It
involves circles overlapping with each other.
It is used when there are two concepts: e.g.
advantages and disadvantages. Visually it is
shaped like a T.
It shows a broad concept at the top. It is then
divided into more specific concepts. Visually
it is like an upside-down tree.
Answers to the Exercise 5.
1. Oprah Winfrey. She is an American talk show host, television producer and
actress. She is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show – the
highest-rated television program of its kind in history. She was the richest African
American of the 20th century.
2. Stephen Hawking. He was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist
and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical
Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.
3. Steve Jobs. He was an American business magnate, investor and the chairman
of Apple Inc.
Grammar Bank Conclusion
Modal Verbs
Exercise 1. Match the sentences from A (1-8) with the sentences from B (A-H) to
make them sound logical. Then write your own endings using can/can’t for the
situations in 9 and 10.
1. The taxes are so big.
2. We need to go on a business trip
to a neighboring city.
3. Do you know John's e-mail
4. Is John here at the meeting now?
5. My bag is so heavy.
6. I speak German.
A. I can't carry all that.
B. Yes, he is over there. I can see him.
C. I can't pay it without this work.
D. I can't remember it.
E. We can go by car.
F. She can take pictures during the
G. I can translate it for you.
7. I know that the presentation isn't
very good.
8. The secretary has a camera.
H. I can't use the visuals well.
Your examples
9. I have read a lot about it.
I. …
10. Can you speak louder?
J. …
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with can/can't/could/couldn't + the words
from the box.
I'm sorry I ___ ___ to your lecture yesterday.
When Tim was 16, he ___ only ___ 8 dollars an hour.
Sorry, our boss is late. Are you in a hurry? – No, I've got lots of time. I ___ ___.
I was feeling sick yesterday. I ___ ___ anything.
Can you speak a little louder? I ___ ___ you very well.
You look tired. – Yes, I ___ ___ last night because of my work.
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the modal verbs from the box.
have to
don‘t have to
You _____ pay for food and drinks separately.
You _____ fasten your seatbelt.
You _____ eat this after May 6th.
You _____ leave a tip in this restaurant.
You _____ drink this wine at between 13 and 15°C.
You _____ have any experience to work here.
If you‘re in transit, you _____ go to the Aeroflot desk.
Hotel staff _____ go into this room.
Exercise 4. Circle the correct form.
1. We mustn’t / don’t have to eat in the workplace. It‘s forbidden.
2. Many pupils in Great Britain have to / must wear uniform when they go to
3. Employees must / have to take their electronic pass with them when they go to
the office.
4. – I‘m so nervous at work that I have headaches.
– You have to / must see the doctor.
5. You shouldn’t / don’t need to drink that water. I‘ve heard that it‘s not safe.
6. I think people who live in flats shouldn’t / mustn’t have dogs.
7. She is allergic to dairy products so she mustn’t / doesn’t have to eat anything
made from milk.
8. We mustn’t / don’t have to hurry. We have plenty of time.
9. You shouldn’t / mustn’t eat that cake – it‘s for the party!
10. You should / must go to the party. I‘m sure your sister will be glad to see you.
Exercise 5. Use the correct modal to complete the sentences. Positive and
negative forms are possible.
1. You _____ go for a trip on the London Eye. The view of London from the top is
magnificent. (Advice)
2. You _____ smoke in any public building. It is prohibited by law. (Prohibition)
3. I _____ buy a new shirt. This one is too old to wear to the job interview. (Personal
4. I _____ dance well, though my parents are good dancers. (Ability in the present)
5. You _____ get a visa if you want to go to Russia. (External obligation)
6. I didn‘t enjoy the film because I _____ understand what was going on. (Ability in
the past)
7. You _____ be late. Once the conference has started, you can‘t go in. (Prohibition)
8. You _____ take warm clothes with you to Novosibirsk. (Advice)
Modal Verbs
1. Choose the correct option about modal verbs.
a. Modal verbs refer to the action.
b. Modal verbs refer to a speaker‘s attitude towards the action.
2. Choose the correct option about modal verbs.
a. Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb without 'to'.
b. Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb with ‗to‘.
3. She _____ swim very well. She has been training since 5.
a. may
b. can
c. is able to
4. I didn‘t feel very well yesterday. I _____ eat anything.
a. cannot
b. couldn‘t
c. mustn‘t
5. You _____ look at me when I am talking to you.
a. could
b. have to
c. should
6. You can come to the meeting tomorrow if you want but you _____.
a. have to
b. don‘t have to
c. mustn‘t
7. You _____ always carry an umbrella. British weather is very changeable and
rain is always possible.
a. can
b. should
c. could
8. You _____ drive on the left in this country.
a. must
b. should
c. have to
9. You ____ pay to visit most museums and art galleries. Entrance is usually free.
a. mustn‘t
b. don‘t have to
c. shouldn‘t
10. You _____ take a break. You look tired.
a. are able to
b. should
c. don‘t have to
11. She _____ ski better than me. I need to have more practice.
a. must
b. can
c. may
12. You _____ fill in the form now. You can do it later.
a. shouldn‘t
b. don‘t have to
c. mustn‘t
13. You _____ wear a seatbelt in a car.
a. have to
b. can
c. should
14. My father often _____ work longer hours to meet deadlines.
a. must
b. has to
c. can
15. You _____ stop doing it when the boss enters the room.
a. can
b. may
c. must
16. You _____ leave now. It‘s not allowed. The meeting is still going on.
a. don‘t have to
b. mustn‘t
c. shouldn‘t
17. _____ I use your phone please?
a. May
b. Should
c. Must
18. Do you still have questions? You _____ go and ask your colleague‘s advice.
a. should
b. could
c. are able to
19. You _____ take any brochures here. They are for the conference tomorrow.
a. don‘t have to
b. mustn‘t
c. shouldn‘t
20. This application _____ help perform this task well.
a. can
b. must
c. should
Методика работы с данным учебником обусловлена конкретными
задачами – обучить чтению, аудированию, говорению и письму на иностранном
языке. Доминирующая роль отводится изучению и отработке лексического и
грамматического материала.
Несомненным достоинством учебного издания является последовательная
структура уроков и поэтапное представление материала с повышением уровня
языка. Для организации самостоятельной работы в конце каждого раздела
предлагаются упражнения на закрепление лексического и грамматического
материала и тесты для контроля знаний.
В данном учебнике представлены лексические упражнения, развивающие
языковую догадку, а также задания, требующие создания собственных
монологических и диалогических высказываний в устной и письменной
формах. Задания на говорение формируют навыки, которые необходимы для
достижения коммуникативных целей в ситуациях реального общения.
Авторы включили различные виды упражнений на развитие навыков
чтения: множественный выбор, сочетаемость, конкретизация информации,
тематические обобщения. К каждому тексту предусматриваются также
упражнения, имеющие целью развитие умения дать мотивированный ответ.
Аудио- и видеоматериалы, представленные в учебнике, дают возможность
обучаемым не только научиться понимать содержание высказывания в целом,
но и выделять ключевые моменты в потоке речи.
По окончании данного курса студент будет обладать навыками общения,
владеть лексикой по различным темам, связанным с инженерным
образованием, карьерой и технологиями. Учебник готовит специалистов,
способных выступать на международных конференциях на английском языке и
заводить контакты с иностранными партнерами, помогает преодолевать
языковой барьер.
Библиографический список
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Introduction. Nice to Meet You
have something in common
personal details
social networking
одноклассник, одногруппник
иметь что-то общее
бег трусцой
личная информация
сосед по комнате
разделять, делиться
катание на лыжах
взаимодействие через социальные сети
Unit 1. Getting to Know You
attendance list
be equipped with
be responsible for
colour coding
dormitory (am.)/ hall of residence (br.)
get along
keep going
key points
lead to
список присутствующих
отношение к чему-либо
быть оснащенным
быть ответственным
обозначение цветом
срок сдачи работы
терпеть неудачу
быть в хороших отношениях
продолжать делать что-либо
ключевые моменты
кинестетический, тактильный
привести к (каким-либо результатам)
learning style
paper handout
participate in
pass somebody
push forward
study aids
study habit
study plan
take in
take notes
talk out loud
term paper
стиль обучения
запоминать наизусть
раздаточный материал
ставить (зачет)
продолжать делать что-либо,
преодолевая трудности
инициативный человек
проводить, тратить
учебные вспомогательные средства
учебная привычка
учебный план
воспринимать (информацию)
проговаривать вслух
курсовая работа
Unit 2. Education
academic year
Bachelor‘s degree
be admitted
be founded
black gown
учебный год
рекламное объявление
подать документы/абитуриент
степень бакалавра
быть принятым
быть основанным
черная мантия
отрасль, филиал
территория университета
catch on
coat of arms
continuous assessment
cross out
deal with
drop out
edible packaging
final draft
first draft
free of charge
give up
graduate from
headmaster (br.)/ principal (am.)
industrial waste
keep up with
landmark university
lose touch
martial arts hall
Master‘s degree
participate in
postgraduate student
primary school
private school
списывать, жульничать
дружный, сплоченный
текущий контроль
малиновый цвет
иметь дело с
выбыть, бросить учебу
съедобная упаковка
отзыв, комментарии, замечания
окончательная версия
черновой набросок
бросить, сдаться
оценка, класс в школе
закончить университет
директор школы
промышленные отходы
не отставать
важнейший университет
утратить связь
профилирующая дисциплина
зал боевых искусств
степень магистра
вторая (неосновная) специальность
академическая шапочка
информационная доска
участвовать в
студент магистратуры
начальная школа
частная школа
raw materials
recognition system
recreation centre
secondary school
shooting range
soil-like materials
state school
supremely confident
theory of relativity
tutor / tutorial
undergraduate student
система распознавания
база отдыха
печать, пломбировка
средняя школа
материалы, напоминающие грунт
государственная школа
представлять на рассмотрение
научное руководство
чрезвычайно уверенный в себе
теория относительности
выпускная работа, диссертация
научный руководитель/консультация
студент бакалавр
с широким кругозором
Unit 3. My Future Career
apply for a job
career coach
carry out
carry on with
coach (v) / coach (n)
collaborate / collaboration
ориентированный на поиск
практических решений
подавать заявление на работу
договариваться, организовывать
консультант по развитию карьеры
конкретный, определенный
тренировать / тренер, инструктор
сотрудничать / сотрудничество
fee proposal
find out
flexible / flexibly / flexibility
focus on
gain (experience, skills)
hands-on activities
healthcare coverage
job description / job interview / job
post(ing) / jobseeker
labour / labourer
part-time job
protect / fire protection
rise to a challenge
skill / skilled
потребность, спрос
с ограниченными возможностями
здоровья, нетрудоспособный
нанимать на работу
вдохновлять, поддерживать, поощрять
обеспечивать, гарантировать
коммерческое предложение
полевая съемка (геодезиста)
узнавать, выяснять
гибкий, легко адаптирующийся / по
гибкому графику / гибкость,
мобильность, уступчивость
сосредоточиться на
получать, развивать (опыт, навыки)
работа руками
медицинская страховка
должностные обязанности /
собеседование / объявление о вакансии
/ соискатель (вакансии)
труд, работа / рабочий
содержать в исправности
управлять, организовывать
работа на неполный рабочий день
исполнять, делать
водопроводчик, сантехник
внести предложение
защищать / пожарная безопасность
ответственность, обязанность
принять вызов, выдержать испытание
(строительная) площадка
навык / квалифицированный
постоянный, стабильный
value / valuable
техник, технический специалист
ценность / ценный
Unit 4. Technological Future
abusive behavior
AMA (Ask Me Anything)
artificial intelligence
digital television
сable television
computer buff
conference call function
contactless payment card
creative commons
непристойное поведение
пристрастившийся, зависимый
прямой эфир с блогером, когда ему/ей
можно задать любой вопрос
развлечение, забава
искусственный интеллект
существенно повысить
открывать страницу в Интернете
ежедневные поездки на работу, учебу и
цифровое телевидение
отвлекать/отвлекающий фактор
кабельное телевидение
уничижительный термин
(пренебрежительный), описывающий
веб-контент, целью которого является
получение дохода от онлайн-рекламы
компьютерный фанат
функция конференц-звонков
краткий, точный
карта для бесконтактной оплаты
некоммерческая организация, которая
создала бесплатные для использования
контенты в Интернете
коллективное сотрудничество людей,
которые добровольно объединяют свои
деньги или ресурсы через Интернет
dictaphone/(Digital) voice recorder
distance learning
electric kettle
erasable pen
hands-free phone
memory stick
microwave (oven)
object (verb)
online chat
дистанционное обучение
красящее вещество
электронная коммерция
электрический чайник
стираемая ручка
телефон с громкой связью
хейтер (люди, которые ненавидят чтолибо, либо все и всех).
влиятельный блогер
оскорблять, оскорбление
онлайн трансляция жизни
смесь, мэшап – это веб-приложение,
объединяющее данные из нескольких
источников в один интегрированный
мем, остроумная или ироническая
информация, приобретающая
популярность при распространении
в социальных сетях, форумах, блогах,
мессенджерах и пр.
носитель информации на основе
технологии флеш-памяти
микроволновая печь
он-лайн чат
выбирать, предпочитать
вышедший из моды
пин – любое изображение или видео в
remote control
sewing machine
social networks
surf the Internet
web log
word processing
Пинтересте (Pinterest). Обязательно
предоставлена ссылка на источник
(URL-адрес) в сети Интернет.
частная жизнь
умелый, компетентный
пульт дистанционного управления
швейная машина
социальные сети
потоковая передача данных
пользоваться интернетом
тролль – человек, пытающийся
нарушить онлайн коммуникацию,
привести сообщество в состояние
фрустрации и раздражения.
удобный для пользователя
вирусный, популярный
сетевой дневник, блог
текстовый редактор
Conclusion. Public Speaking
be worthy
тревога/ встревоженный
уместный, подходящий
аудитория, слушатели
фон, жизненный опыт
быть достойным чего-либо
эффект видеоанимации в программе
deliver the presentation
eye contact
face away
flip chart
font size
living conditions
numerical data
диаграмма, схема, график
представлять презентацию
спрос, потребность
эффект анимации в Power Point, при
котором надпись постепенно
«растворяется» и исчезает
вдохновлять, стимулировать,
важный, существенный
визуальный контакт
отворачиваться, отвлекать внимание
креплением для листа или блока
бумаги, переворачиваемой по принципу
блокнота. Используется для проведения
лекций, семинаров и прочих подобных
размер шрифта
график, диаграмма, кривая
огорчение, горе, печаль
наглядно демонстрировать
ключевые слова
условия жизни
значить, иметь значение
числовые данные
overhead projector
public speaking skills
resume / CV
sound effects
speaking notes
visual aids
совпадать, перекрывать, нахлѐстывать
практиковать, тренироваться
навыки публичного выступления
повторение, краткий пересказ
программное обеспечение
звуковые эффекты
заметки для устного выступления
эффект анимации в Power Point, при
котором объект вращается
сильные стороны
добиться успеха
подходить, годиться
наглядный материал
слабость, недостаток
Учебное издание
ГРАДАЛЕВА Екатерина Александровна
ГРИДНЕВА Наталья Александровна
ЛОПУХОВА Юлия Викторовна
ПОЛУХИНА Марина Олеговна
ШВАЙКИНА Нина Сергеевна
ЮРИНА Мария Валерьевна
English for Technical University Students: soft skills for career development
Технический редактор
Подписано в печать _____2020 г. Формат 60х84/16
Бумага офсетная. Печать оперативная.
Уч.–изд. л. ____ Усл. печ. л. ___
Тираж 300 экз. Рег. №
ФГБОУ ВО «Самарский государственный технический университет»
443001 Самара, ул. Молодогвардейская, 244