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Online Community & Digital Divide

Online community of inquiry
It is a theoretical framework that focuses on the elements of an educational experience that facilities
creation of communities of learning actively and collaboratively engaged in exploring, creating meaning,
and confirming understanding, it is a framework that recognizes the importance of an environment that
shapes educational experiences. Online community of enquiry is best created virtual learning
environment in order to support discourse among teacher and learners, their critical enquiry as well as
their critical thinking. It is about creating an environment that enables learners the feeling if being
connected to their teacher as well as their peers. This theoretical framework characterizes practices of
collaborative-constructivist learning experiences in developing three dimensions that depend on each in
order other for learner s to have deep and meaningful learning, which are called: Social teaching and
cognitive presence. Social presence is where one is able to identify with the community that person
have trust in the environment because he/she is allowed to communicate purposefully. This presence
has three categories which are affective expression, Open communication and group cohesion. The
second one is cognitive presence that is described as a degree in which learners are able to give ideas
and validate mean through discourse and sustained reflection this presence has four faces which are to
trigger events, integration, exploration and resolution and lastly teaching presence which is about
direction, designing and facilitating of social and cognitive processes in order for one to realize the
importance of learning.
It is a game between those who have digital technology and those without it. It is influenced by three
stages, which are the gender divide where there is gender is a gender gap in terms of accessing mobile
connectivity due to a lack of income. This stage is mostly seen in developing countries where man with
low income are most likely to own mobile devices that women . The second stage is social divide, this
digital gap is influenced by the social circles and relationships amongst people who share an interest.
Societies that are not connected to the internet get sidelined since they don’t share internet benefits of
the connected groups, this is called social stratification. Lastly is the universal access divide stage, this
stage creates a gap between people which have haves and have-nots, whereby people with disabilities
are not accommodated when it comes to accessing the internet due to their inability to exploit available
softwares and hardwares. Digital divide has it’s main causes which are the lack of education, income
level whereby high income earners are mostly likely to own digital devices, have access to the internet
or high speed internet connectivity than those from low income backgrounds. Geographical restriction is
another cause of digital divide whereby countries that are more economically developed have access to
variety of technologies and high speed internet. Motivation and general interest is another cause if
digital divide which in most cases it is caused by income whereby those without devices, internet
connection don’t see the necessity of learning digital skills. Lastly digital literary is also part of digital
divide which is caused by the lack of physical access to technology, teachers and learners who are from
environments with divided are likely to learn the necessary digital skills and it becomes a disadvantage
to learners who are not exposed to such technologies.