Scope and Delimitations of the Study This study aims to defne a signifcant measurement o the degree o essentiality in establishing trac rerouting and trac management within the local roads o Maasin City Proper. This ocuses only on the study o modes o trac relevant to the existing local roads and physical transportation acilities o the city that contri con tribut butes es tra trac c bui buildld-ups ups.. ith ith this this stu study dy we wil willl dev develop elop a design design trac trac management managem ent by estab establishin lishing g a one-way and two-way trac system systems s applicable applicable only to the city local roads which the !ocal "overnment has only its #urisdictions over the said. Moreover$ we will specifcally defne the scope o the study which ollows% • Conduc Con ductt Trac Count Count in or order der to determ determine ine the &ver verage age &nnual &nnual 'ai 'aily ly • T Trac rac (&&'T) 'efn 'e fne e the the exis existi ting ng tran transp spor orta tati tion on a aci cili liti ties es su such ch bus$ bus$ v-hir -hire$ e$ an and d motorcycle terminals and loading and unloading sections which causes • roadway constrictions$ 'efne the existing mode transportations in order to determine the most • common motor vehicle consisting o the trac *ow 'efne the existing trac directions that redirects the trac *ow toward • common intersections which develops trac congestions 'efne the local streets that can be used as auxiliary access roads to • alleviate trac build-up 'efne 'ef ne the ex exist isting ing roadwa roadway y obstruc obstructio tions ns such such ill illega egall par+in par+ing g on road road shoulders which narrows the road sections. Thus rom the above scope o studies$ we will be able to develop a signifcant relationship between existing trac condition in relation to the existing trac components$ compon ents$ such that we will be able to ormulate ormulate tough conclus conclusion ion whether it is necessarily essential to set up or redirect trac *ow *ow..