FEATURE ARTICLE Sixty Years of Software Development Life Cycle Models Ralf Kneuper International University of Applied Sciences (IUBH) Sixty years ago, in 1956, the first explicit representation of a software development life cycle model was presented by Herbert Benington. Since then, software development life cycle models have come a long way, and the current article provides an overview of that development. Introduction This paper describes the development of software development life cycle models (SDLCM) since the first such model was published in 1956. Such models form a central part of software engineering since they provide a structure for the various software development activities to be performed within a project. Even if a project does not explicitly use any such model, it will structure its activities in some form and thus will implicitly use a SDLCM. Initial thoughts about the sequence of steps to be used in software development started more or less from the beginning, keeping in mind that “software development” initially consisted solely of coding. As programming became more complex, more structure was needed for the development effort, to form a basis for project management and to support planning and communication because now teams were needed 1058-6180/17/$33.00 ©2017 IEEE to develop software rather than individuals. Gradually, this led to the SDLCMs discussed here. Regarding terminology, the terms “software (development) process” and “software (development) life cycle” describe two closely related but not identical concepts. While software development processes describe the details of the individual development steps, their input and output and how to combine them, an SDLCM describes the combination and temporal relationship of the various processes. However, because both terms describe very similar and closely related concepts, a strict distinction between the two will not be made in this paper. Purpose of SDLCMs Initially, the main purpose of SDLCMs was to provide a structure for software development, providing a framework for software development tasks and methods. This helps Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 41 FEATURE ARTICLE to break down this increasingly complex task into smaller subtasks to help plan and monitor work, to support cooperation and communication between the different people and groups involved, and to ensure quality of the result. Starting in the 1980s, the models were additionally used to improve and automate (parts of) the development process1(p.76) which required more detailed descriptions or models of the software processes involved. This changing purpose, as well as the changing technical and organizational environment and the growth of experience, implied that the contents and structure of the models also needed to change over time. As a result, the history of SDLCMs can be split into different phases following Barry W. Boehm’s structuring of the history of software engineering.2 To describe these phases (each lasting roughly a decade), Boehm used the Hegelian concept of thesis (this is the way work is done) and antithesis (opposition to the thesis builds up), leading to synthesis, where a middle way is found. However, progress regarding SDLCMs was very limited until the 1970s, and the initial decades are therefore combined into one section in this paper. Influences Apart from their changing purpose over time, one of the main influences on SDLCMs was the hardware and software technology available at different times, such as the software engineering tools (compilers, development environments, and so forth). For example, publications in the 1950s talk about “computer system development” rather than “software development.” During that time, software was not usually developed separately from the hardware it was to run on but in a joint effort. Standard, off-the-shelf hardware became gradually available in the 1960s after IBM had standardized the computer interfaces with the computer family IBM 360.3 Closely related is the fact that computing time (and memory) initially was very expensive compared to manpower. This led to completely different tradeoffs between analyzing code and testing it compared to today, recompiling and retesting code after each minor change was simply too expensive. 42 www.computer.org/annals Other major factors that influenced SDLCMs to varying degrees at different times were: »» Application type and size, leading, for example, to differences in importance of time-to-market versus quality and reliability. »» Management philosophies in other branches of industry, for example, restrictive management versus self-organization; lean mana­gement; planning and management versus agility and self-organization »» Qualification of developers4: on the one hand, more highly qualified developers need fewer rules or guidance on how to develop. On the other hand, these same developers tend to put more emphasis on a structured development approach. Early Life Cycle Models Initially, the main question was how to develop software at all, and which steps would be necessary to do so. The first SDLCMs were, therefore, sequential models with different variations of the analysis-design-implementation-test sequence. The differences (apart from minor topics like splitting one phase into multiple phases, for example, in testing) mainly concerned the amount of feedback loops that were explicitly included in the models and the extent to which the models went beyond development to include the entire product life cycle (e.g., installation, maintenance, obsolescence). Starting to Code One of the first electronic computers was the “Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer” (ENIAC). As the name indicates, it was used mainly for mathematical calculations, particularly integration, to compute ballistic tables. The requirements for programs were usually straightforward, and the challenge was to translate the known algorithm into a program to be run on the computer. Because initially the ENIAC was not a stored-program computer, it had to be programmed by adapting cabling,5(p.44) which consisted of the following developmental steps: step 1, determine what the program was to do on paper; step 2, manipulate the switches and cables to enter the program; and step 3, verify and debug. In their series of reports on coding,6 Herman H. Goldstine and John von Neumann of the Institute of Advanced Study describe the initial step in more detail, covering mainly numerical programming tasks such as integration of various functions. These reports arose from their work on the then-new Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) computer, which, like the ENIAC from 1948 onward,7 stored its programs in memory and did not need the manipulation of switches and cables for programming,8 introduced a flow diagram language, and then, for a number of mathematical problems, presented flow diagram solutions and derived the appropriate code. Benington’s Program Production Life Cycle As the systems to be developed became more complex, just coding and testing and debugging were no longer sufficient. The requirements were no longer defined from the start but had to be clarified first, and moving from requirements to code was no longer possible in one step. One of the best-known examples for such a complex system in the 1950s was the SemiAutomatic Ground Environment (SAGE) project which was, according to Boehm the “most ambitious information processing project of the 1950’s”,9 creating a real-time air-defense system. The work performed in SAGE asked for a systematic structure of the tasks involved, leading to the first explicit representation of a software development life cycle, as presented by Herbert D. Benington in 1956 at a symposium on advanced programming methods (since republished).10 In his paper, Benington, at the time an engineer in the SAGE project, presented best practices for design and engineering, including the life cycle model shown in Figure 1. This model was derived from hardware engineering, with most of the developers coming from a hardware engineering background. The main difference between this model and previous work was that Benington explicitly modeled the software development life cycle, defining the life cycle phases and their sequence, whereas before, they were performed but not explicitly described. Of course, this was largely due to the fact that the life cycle had become too complex to be implemented without such an explicit model. A summary of the main phases of Benington’s model shows that he used a different terminology than that in use today, but the basic steps are already quite similar to later (sequential) models: »» Operational plan contains (in today’s terminology) usage scenarios and stakeholder requirements. »» Machine specifications specify the hardware to be developed. »» Operational specifications contain the detailed product requirements, describing the “transfer function” (input-output relationship) of the system. »» Program specifications contain the design of the software, specifying subprograms and tables. »» Coding specifications are roughly equivalent to today’s programs in high-level languages. »» Coding refers to the transfer of coding specification into machine code, today usually performed by a compiler. »» Parameter testing tests the individual sub-programs based on the coding specifications. »» Assembly testing involves gradually integrating or assembling the system and testing it based on the operational and program specifications. »» Shakedown is the test of the complete system in its operational environment, ensuring that it is ready for operation. »» System evaluation refers to the evaluation of the system once it is in production. Although this model describes a linear life cycle, Benington mentions in the preface written later11 that a prototype was used to get a better understanding of the system. A close look at the dashed “testing” arrows in Figure 1 shows that this model already included the basic idea of the later V-shaped model (described later in this paper) of testing the system against the specification documents in the order of increasing levels of abstraction, even though it did not use the V-shaped presentation yet. July–September 2017 43 FEATURE ARTICLE Operational plan Operational specification Machine specification cycle comparable to that of, for example, Benington’s program production life cycle. Hosier’s “development flow chart” also includes feedback loops, but surprisingly, only with reference to the hardware part of the system. Rosove’s Sequence of Development Stages Program specifications Coding specifications Coding Parameter testing (specifications) Assembly testing (specifications) Design Shakedown Testing System evaluation FIGURE 1. Program production life cycle as described by Benington.11 Hosier’s Program Development Approach W.A. Hosier, working at the Systems Engineering and Management Operation, Sylvania Electronic Systems Division, in 1961, described the development of real-time systems, mentioning, for example, the SAGE project that Benington had talked about 5 years earlier.13 That paper focuses on individual activities and what would today be called best practices. Although it presents the sequence of main activities in a flow chart, those activities described are on a fairly detailed level and do not provide a structure of the development life 44 www.computer.org/annals Experience from many projects showed that a strict linear life cycle was not sufficient and that some form of feedback cycle was needed, as discussed, for example, at the 1968 NATO conference.14(pp.20–21) In his “sequence of development stages” published 1 year earlier, Perry E. Rosove therefore explicitly included feedback loops to previous phases in order to indicate that “knowledge acquired and decisions made in later phases are fed back to earlier phases.”15(p.18) This life cycle model already looks very similar to what later became the “waterfall model,” describing the sequence of the five development stages shown in Figure 2. Rosove’s book was based on his work at the Education Systems group of the System Development Corporation, one of the first software companies in the world that had also been responsible for the SAGE project. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, System Development Corporation had trained more programmers than any other company in the world, resulting in a major influence on the approaches used to develop software in the industry.17(p.142) Furthermore, Rosove’s life cycle model included the operations phase and the feedback from actual experience with the system, which then may lead to new requirements and eventually a new cycle of development. Zurcher and Randell’s Iterative Multilevel Modeling Although the models discussed so far did include feedback loops to some extent, they did not allow for genuine iterative, incremental development with planned iterations to gradually build up the system. There was some use of iterative software development at the time,18 but F.W. Zurcher and Brian Randell, then of the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, in 1968, were the first to explicitly describe iterative development.19 Their approach involved starting with an abstract model of the system and gradually adding detail (stepwise refinement), until it eventually is expressed in terms of code. Royce’s Waterfall Model Despite the similar models published earlier, Winston W. Royce’s description of a software development life cycle, published in 1970,20 is often referred to as the main reference on waterfall models. This is unfortunate because, apart from the fact that Benington and Rosove had described similar life cycles, Royce did not actually recommend a waterfall approach but explicitly addressed feedback loops in his paper, stating that a linear waterfall in general was not sufficient. According to his son, Royce “was always a proponent of iterative, incremental, evolutionary development.”21 Also the term “waterfall model” was not actually introduced by Royce, rather it came into use some years later by Bell and Thayer when referring to Royce’s paper.22 It became well known following publication of Boehm’s book.23 At the time, Royce worked for TRW, Inc. and was “mostly concerned with the development of software packages for spacecraft mission planning, commanding, and post-flight analysis.”24 Although Royce is best known for the waterfall model, he actually presented and analyzed a number of different SDLCMs, starting with a very simple life cycle consisting only of the two phases “analysis” and “coding,” moving on to the now famous waterfall model, which he described in three variations: without feedback loops; with feedback loops only going back one step; and finally allowing bigger loops, as “the design iterations are never confined to the successive steps.”25 After that, he further extended the model in various ways, for example, by recommending to “do the job twice” (Figure 3), integrating the creation of a prototype into the life cycle. This is different from prototyping as described by Benington, where it just “happened”; Royce deliberately included prototyping in this model. Iterative and Incremental Development Simple forms of iterative and incremental development and other work involving the use of a prototype and/or feedback loops were used more or less from the start.27 Time Requirements Design Production Installation Operations Feedback FIGURE 2. Rosove’s sequence of development stages.15 However, the terms “iterative” and “incremental” development are not clearly defined, allowing a number of very different interpretations. Early interpretations included: »» creating a prototype or preliminary version (Benington, Royce); »» stepwise refinement of an initial abstract model of the system (Zurcher and Randell); »» stepping back one or more phases in order to correct any earlier results as necessary (Rosove, Royce), and »» short time-boxed iterations as used in agile development. According to Gerald M. Weinberg, he was working at IBM Federal Systems Division on project Mercury in 1957, using an approach very similar to XP,28 with half-day time-boxed iterations as well as test-first development and so forth. With the exception of project Mercury and related work at Federal Systems Division, none of these interpretations involved frequent, short iterations as used in current agile July–September 2017 45 FEATURE ARTICLE Preliminary program design Analysis Preliminary design Analysis Program design Program design Coding Testing Coding Usage Testing Operations FIGURE 3. “Do job twice”: Royce’s waterfall model with prototyping.25 development, which were fairly difficult to implement given the technological environment of the time. Summary Until the 1970s, software development usually followed (or at least tried to follow) a plan-driven, requirements-driven, sequential approach, as was well known from engineering. Because experience showed that stepping back was sometimes necessary, there was a search for the best way to include feedback loops in an SDLCM. However, such feedback loops were mostly considered a concession to the insufficient capability of software development methods, not as an approach to be deliberately planned. To some extent, this linear approach was also pushed by customers who expected to know in advance what they would get as a result from a project and how much it was going to cost. If this was not successful, one tried to 46 www.computer.org/annals improve the requirements analysis methods rather than accepting that changes during a running project were to be expected. This thinking was, for example, reflected in standards such as the Department of Defense standard DoD-Std-2167 (cf. Larman and Basili29). The number of different software development methods was growing strongly at this time, but that had little influence on the SDLCMs used. One can distinguish different approaches to programming, on the one hand the “pragmatic, can-do approach,” represented by Grace Hopper, and on the other hand, the theory-based, scientific approach represented by Edsger W. Dijkstra.30 Nevertheless, the life cycle models used by the two approaches did not essentially differ, the difference was in the importance of the different phases of the model and the tasks to be performed within these phases. To achieve high quality, the former focused on the testing and debugging phases, whereas the latter focused on the earlier phases, trying to prove programs correct with respect to a formal specification, ideally making testing, and particularly debugging, superfluous. The 1980s and Early 1990s: The Rise of Software Processes Starting in the late 1970s, the basic building blocks of software development such as the structured development methods (e.g., structured analysis and structured design31) had become available, and the main challenges now were the improvement of productivity and scalability.32 To achieve those, the next step was to define a life cycle in which to integrate these methods, and the phrase “system life cycle” almost became a fad or buzzword. Generally these were still sequential models, with or without feedback loops to previous phases but with no genuine iterations. In industry generally, the management of processes became an important topic, shown for example by the release of the first version of the ISO 9000 series in 1987. This trend was also reflected in software development. Until then, one usually tried to ensure the quality of products mainly by testing the final result, but gradually the focus moved to ensuring product quality by using suitable development processes. In IT, this led to models such as CMM,33,34 IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL),35 and the German software process V-Model.36 The growing interest in the topic also resulted in the first International Software Process Workshop in 1984,37 the series of European Workshops on Software Process Technology, which started in 1991,38 and the journal Software Process: Improvement and Practice, which was started in 1995. The first book about software processes that the author knows about was published (in German) by Gerhard Chroust,39 then assistant professor at the University of Linz, Austria, and working at IBM research lab in Vienna. The increased emphasis on software processes in particular showed itself in the many software process models that were created and published by various companies and other organizations for internal use. Compared to earlier models, there were two major new developments: following the general trend toward detailed process definitions and as a step toward tool support, software process models went beyond the life cycle structure and additionally defined details of the processes such as activities, work products, and roles. The second new development was that models now tended to cover all project activities, including topics such as project and configuration management as well as core development tasks. Although published some years later, an example of this second extension is presented (Figure 4). IBM produced two of the earliest such models, VIDOC in 1985 and COMMAND in 1986.41 Later, these formed the basis for IBM’s ADPS process model,42 a comprehensive model covering development, quality management, and project management. Soon after that, many similar models appeared by other companies.43 The research and development of software processes during this time focused mainly on process modeling, tailoring, and tool support. The growing complexity of the SDLCMs and the underlying processes as well as the desire to enforce compliance to these models led to the demand for suitable tools and environments. This triggered research and development of various Software Engineering Environments,44,45 Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments,46 and Integrated Project Support Environments.47 Published work on software process models mostly concentrated on large, complex systems, often consisting of hard- and software and/or in a defense environment. Therefore, large, “heavy-weight” processes were taken for granted, describing the development steps in detail and sometimes trying to enforce the defined process using suitable tools and environments. Leon J. Osterweil’s famous paper “Software Processes Are Software Too,”48 describes this approach quite well as “programming the process.” In that paper, Osterweil, then professor of computer science at the University of Colorado at Boulder, discussed and made explicit the duality between the development of software and the development of software processes. The V-shaped Model The V-shaped model was an enhancement of the linear life cycle, using a V-shaped graphical July–September 2017 47 FEATURE ARTICLE Phases Work flows Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Business modeling Formal Methods and Cleanroom Software Engineering Requirements Analysis and design Implementation Test Deployment Conf. and change mgmt. Project management Environment Initial Elab #1 Elab #2 Const Const Const Trans Trans #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 Iterations FIGURE 4. The two-dimensional structure of Rational Unified Process (RUP).39 representation to add emphasis to the systematic verification and validation of results. It was first described by Boehm to show “the context of verification and validation activities throughout the software life-cycle.”49 In the V-shaped model, the life cycle is split into two branches: the left-hand branch, called “decomposition and definition,”50 contains the requirements, analysis, and design tasks, leading to coding at the bottom of the V. In the right-hand branch, the system is integrated, tested, and verified. These phases each refer to one of the requirements, analysis and design phases, and their task is to verify that the developed products correctly implement the result of the relevant left-hand phase. The validation activities are performed mainly in the upper part of the V, that is, the very early and very late development phases, whereas the lower part of the V contains the verification activities.51 This direct relationship between constructive and analytic phases was already implicitly contained in Benington’s program production life cycle (see Figure 1, dotted lines). Later, this was explicitly represented as a “V,”52 and the 48 concept was extended, for example, in the Vee chart,53 and in the Life Cycle Model,54 an early version of the German V-Model standard. www.computer.org/annals Continuing Dijkstra’s theory-based approach mentioned above, formal development methods were widely discussed in research in the 1980s and 1990s.55 The idea was to specify requirements in a formal language with clearly defined semantics and then prove, in the mathematical sense, that the implementation satisfied the specification. Of course, this relies on a sequential life cycle, with requirements identified early on. Because additionally there is considerable effort involved in such a proof, formal methods were occasionally used in the development of systems with very high requirements on reliability but rarely elsewhere.56 Closely related is Cleanroom software engineering, which combines formal development methods with an emphasis on iterative development and with statistics-based testing, with the goals to reduce the number of bugs built into a system and increase the percentage of bugs found in testing.57,58 Again, this approach became quite well known but was rarely used outside the development of systems with very high reliability requirements. Summary Until the late 1980s, iteration was mostly considered a necessary evil, needed to correct bugs, but not as a deliberate part of the life cycle. As a result, “life cycle” was considered synonymous with “linear life cycle,”59 which led to publications such as “Life-Cycle Concept Considered Harmful.”60 As this publication shows, the “antithesis” (following Boehm’s terminology) was starting even though not widely accepted yet. There was plenty of discussion of and research into SDLCMs and software processes, mostly concentrating on going into more detail of the processes, integrating the development methods and defining product templates and roles, and building on that to support the processes using tools. As a result, the overall life cycle models did not change much but gained a much stronger foundation. 1990s and Early 2000s: Growing Importance of Light Weight and Agile Processes Some of the main developments in software engineering during the 1990s were the growing importance of time-to-market of software, partly due to the emergence of the World Wide Web, and the resulting need to better adapt to unclear and changing requirements.61 In order to deal with these changes in the environment, the use of iterative life cycles grew further, initially still focusing on coding and testing, while requirements analysis was usually done up-front, before starting the cycle. For example, daily (or nightly) builds, where an iteration includes some design, mainly implementation, integration, and testing, were becoming fairly popular, as described, for example, for Microsoft.62(chap.5) Gradually, new models appeared that did explicitly support frequent iterations beyond coding and testing. The first model to explicitly include requirements analysis in the iterations was Boehm’s spiral model published in 1988.63 A few years later, rapid application development was published by Martin.64 Furthermore, object-oriented development (beyond object-oriented programming) started to gain momentum in industry, leading to a need for new development methods, software processes, and life cycle models. Rational Unified Process (RUP) Development of the Rational Unified Process (RUP)65,66 was triggered mainly by the growing importance of object-oriented development, which initially led to a number of different notations and diagrams for analysis and design. RUP was a commercial product describing an approach to software development, published by the Rational Company in 1998, and became widely used in the following years. One of the main sources of RUP was the Objectory Process developed by Ivar Jacobson, based on his experience at Ericsson. His company, Objectory, was acquired by Rational in 1995, at the time the driving force behind UML, where Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh were working on a unified method to support object-oriented development, in particular the use of the new UML (for more information about the history of RUP, see The Unified Software Development Process67). The authors of RUP tried to combine the concept of iterative development, delivering visible results in short cycles, with the fact that there is a natural progression across the entire development life cycle from requirements to test. To achieve this combination, RUP has a two-dimensional structure consisting of workflows which describe the content of the work to be done, and of phases and iterations showing when to perform this work (Figure 4). This presentation visualizes the fact that a workflow such as “Requirements” is performed in all phases of the project, with varying intensity. With this two-dimensional structure and its strong focus on iterative development, RUP incorporates a number of agile ideas. On the other hand, it certainly is not a light-weight, agile process but contains strong guidance on the processes and methods to be used. The authors of RUP therefore state that the belief that software development “should be organized around the skills of highly trained individuals” with little “guidance in policy and procedure,” is “badly mistaken.” 68 Early Agile Thinking The “antithesis” of the very structured, sequential thinking in software development and its limitations led to the agile ideas that started to grow from about the mid-1980s onward and went beyond the use of iterative and incremental development. In his famous paper published in 1987, Brooks69 described incremental development and prototyping as measures to reduce complexity. DeMarco and Lister,70 in their well-known book Peopleware, published in the same year, went further and warned against “method madness,” pointing out that software developers, as a form of knowledge workers, need management methods different from that for workers in industrial production. Again, this was a trend not specific to software development but for knowledge workers in other industries as well, asking for a new company culture based on a common vision or goal and allowing the (knowledge) workers a lot of freedom about how to perform their work. This resulted, for example, in the bestseller Thriving on Chaos by Peters71 and the rise of the then-new July–September 2017 49 FEATURE ARTICLE topic of knowledge management, for example with the publication72 in which Takeuchi and Nonaka first introduced Scrum as a method for (general) development. This latter concept was later taken up by Schwaber and Sutherland and adapted to software development.73 Similarly in industrial production, the concept of “lean production” had become quite important, and many ideas introduced by lean production were later taken up by agile software development methods. Light Weight and Agile Processes The movement for iterative development and fewer restrictions on development processes grew stronger during the 1990s, leading to “light-weight” processes. Many new development methodologies were introduced, such as Scrum,74 Extreme Programming,75 Dynamic Systems Development Method, the Crystal family of methods, and Feature Driven Development. In various forms and with different emphasis these methods extended the concept of iterative and incremental development and added principles such as intensive communication within the project, fast feedback, self-organizing teams with few external rules etc. Initially, these methods were called “lightweight” as opposed to the fairly detailed “heavy-weight” processes. With the Agile Manifesto in 2001, the new term “agile” was introduced and immediately widely accepted.76,77 Summary The common values and principles of agile methods, as summarized in the Agile Manifesto, helped them to gain considerable importance and acceptance, leading to many fundamental and sometimes very emotional discussions about the adequacy of classical, plan-driven versus agile development. Boehm and Turner,78 on the other hand, argued that both approaches do not necessarily contradict each other but in many cases a combination of both is the best solution. To some extent, this can be seen as a conflict between management, which tries to keep control of the projects and processes, and developers, who derive job satisfaction from self-development and dislike those very controls but try to manage the complexity through 50 www.computer.org/annals self-organization within a wide framework.79 Process models mostly take the management view, describing expectations of how the work is to be performed (which is not necessarily the way the process is performed in reality). Software Processes Today Today, we have a great variety of software processes and life cycles, both in theory and in practice. Many projects try to identify their individual combination of plan-driven and agile methods; for example, agile projects “scale” their work when they grow in size and complexity by introducing an overhead, using methods at least very similar to plan-driven methods (even though this wording would usually be disputed strongly) to coordinate small agile teams. On the other hand, projects that would have little chance of success with a purely agile approach such as the development of large technical systems including hardware and software introduce individual agile practices into their work and move from project durations measured in years to, for example, annual releases. New types of life cycle models include Kanban and DevOps. Kanban80 was originally introduced in industrial production but now has been adapted to software development and aims to reduce processing times by restricting the number of tasks worked on in parallel. DevOps81 focuses on the notoriously difficult interaction between development and operations. It aims to bring newly developed software functionality into productive use more or less immediately, without sacrificing the production quality achieved by the classical lengthy test and roll-out phases once development considers the software “finished.” Another new challenge that software processes face today are the distributed project teams that come with globalization and with open-source development, making cooperation and the coordination of project work increasingly difficult. Look Back on the Main Trends If we look at the overall history of SDLCMs, we can see the following major trends: »» Early years: try to understand what needs to be done. »» 1970s: improved understanding of the basic development steps, leading to a focus on development methods, structured development etc.; this usually resulted in sequential SDLCMs and strongly controlled development activities. »» 1980s: growing focus on processes, strong control, tool support, inclusion of supporting processes, etc. as a framework for the development methods used; this however led to a counter-movement arguing for self-organization, iterative life cycles, and so forth. »» 1990s and early 2000s: the counter-movement grows in importance, leading to a rise of agile methodologies and the parallel plan-driven and agile cultures; tool support is no longer process-based but gives the developer the freedom to select which task to perform when. »» Today: focus on “scaling agile”; growing understanding that both cultures have their pros and cons, and resulting efforts to bring the best of both cultures together; also more emphasis on the interface from development to operations. Several of these major trends did not start in software development but started outside and were then taken up in the software industry, in particular the strong process orientation in the 1980s with the following antithesis of self-organization, lean thinking, and knowledge management concepts. L ooking at the development of largescale systems, the life cycle used to develop large-scale software systems develops slowly and has changed little since the 1960s.82 The changes here are found on a lower level, in the development methods used, the level of detail of process descriptions, and to some extent in the more frequent releases, going through the full cycle in a shorter timeframe. Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Gerhard Chroust for his support, in particular, relating the work done at IBM in the 1980s. References and Notes 1. B. Curtis, M.I. Kellner, and J. Over, “Process Modeling,” Commun. the ACM, 1992, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 75–90. 2. B.W. Boehm, “A View of 20th and 21st Century Software Engineering,” Int’l Conf. on Software Eng., 2006, pp. 12–29. 3. G.M. Amdahl, G.A. Blaauw, and F.P. Brooks, “Architecture of the IBM System/360,” IBM J. of Research and Development, vol. 8, pp. 87–101, 1964. 4. N. Ensmenger, “Software as History Embodied,” Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 88–91, 2009. 5. G. O’Regan, A Brief History of Computing, Springer, 2012. 6. H.H. Goldstine and J. von Neumann, “Planning and Coding of Problems for an Electronic Computing Instrument,” tech. report Part II, vol. 1–3, Institute of Advanced Study, 1947. Available at https: //archive.org/download/planningcodingof0103inst/planningcodingof0103inst .pdf. 7. T. Haigh, M. Priestley, and C. Rope, “Engineering ‘the Miracle of the ENIAC’: Implementing the Modern Code Paradigm,” Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 41–59, 2014. 8. 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He has worked with various companies on software quality assurance, EXECUTIVE STAFF PURPOSE: The IEEE Computer Society is the world’s largest association of computing professionals and is the leading provider of technical information in the field. MEMBERSHIP: Members receive the monthly magazine Computer, discounts, and opportunities to serve (all activities are led by volunteer members). Membership is open to all IEEE members, affiliate society members, and others interested in the computer field. OMBUDSMAN: Email ombudsman@computer.org. COMPUTER SOCIETY WEBSITE: www.computer.org Next Board Meeting: 12–13 November 2017, Phoenix, AZ, USA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Jean-Luc Gaudiot; President-Elect: Hironori Kasahara; Past President: Roger U. Fujii; Secretary: Forrest Shull; First VP, Treasurer: David Lomet; Second VP, Publications: Gregory T. Byrd; VP, Member & Geographic Activities: Cecilia Metra; VP, Professional & Educational Activities: Andy T. 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