CENNET KARA RAHİME BERBER EMİNE ALPASLAN EMEL DURU AUDIO LINGUAL METHOD INTRODUCTION PRINCIPLES OF METHOD ROLES OF TEACHERS AND STUDENTS TECHNIQUES MATERIALS ACTIVITES ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Army Key Audio lingual METHOD the outbreak of World War II Charles Fries The University of Michigan (in The United States) B.F.Skinner (behavioural psychology) Some characteristics of this method: Drills are used to teach structural patterns Set phrases are memorised with a focus on intonation Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum Vocabulary is taught in context Audio-visual aids are used Focus is on pronunciation Correct responses are positively reinforced immediatelly OBJECTIVES Using the target language communicativelly and automatically Overcome old habits of native language Learn the language by habit formation and language habits Acquiring the structural patterns PRINCIPLES Introducing language in a context Using the target language teacher is a model of the target language Habit formation No errors(correction immediately) Using for comminication Single/multiple slot substitution drills Positive reinforcement Cues Pattern practices Answering automatically Guiding Structural pattern No grammar rule No native language Speech Culture TEACHER’S ROLE an orchestra leader(directing and controling) A good model for imitation central and active STUDENT’S ROLE Imitators Reactive role Performing controlled tasks Responding correctly TECHNIQUES Diolog memorization Backward build –up drill Repetition drill Chain drill Single-slot substitution drill Multiple-slot substitution drill Transformation drill question and answer drill Use of minimal pairs Complete the dialog Grammar game MATERIALS Text-based materials Task-based materials Realia Tape recorders Audiovisual equipment ACTIVITIES Repetition Inflection Replacement Restatement Completion Transposition Expansion Contraction Transformation Integration Rejoinder Restoration ADVANTAGES devoloping listening and speaking skills Using the visual aids in vocabulary teaching DISADVANTAGES Students were often found to be unable to transfer skills acquired through Audiolingualism to real communication outside the classroom, and many found the experience of studying through audiolingual procedures to be boring and unsatisfying. never create anything new or spontaneous. CONCLUSION An oral-based approach Aprocess of habit formation Avoid errors Structural patterns first; vocabulary afterwards THANK YOU