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Quality Control & Assurance Plan for Piling Projects

Scope of this document t is to specify the quality requirements for execution of the project,
the procedure to be followed to be followed for meeting these requirements and the manner in
which compliance of these requirements are verified.
To achieve the aim of the pile safe, Serviceable, durable and economic piling work. The
characteristics that a pile should possess to fulfil the requirements have to be specified. The
codes of practice and the contract document strive to achieve this by way of defining design
criteria, practical rules, technical specifications, testing and acceptance criteria and
workmanship. All these strategies implicitly depend upon human skills for their successful
and reliable application which eventually, determines the quality of highways. The basic desire
to produce quality work is essential in the mind of all those connected with pile projects.
The term quality has been defined as the totality of the features and characteristics of a product
or services that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. The in the contractual
environments, needs requirements are specified, whereas in the other environment implied
needs/requirement should be identified and defined.
The code of practice endeavours to meet the requirements by rather pronged strategy. Firstly,
it specifies the acceptable materials of construction outlining the various test of acceptance.
Secondly it defines various design criteria practical rules and sound engineering practices for
guiding the designers in arriving at appropriate structure solutions, and thirdly, it deals with
the workmanship and the other aspects of construction which ensure that the design intents
are realized in actual construction. The contract documents and technical specifications define
the inter relation of various parties to contract as well as the requirements of quality. All these
strategies implicitly depend upon human skills for their successful and reliable application.
The total system of policy, management responsibility, procedures and processes for
implementing quality management. The aspect of overall management function that
determines the quality policy and implements it by such means as quality planning. Quality
control and quality assurance within its quality system is called quality management.
The quality of the product is ensured and maintained by following a documented project
quality plan which sets out specific quality practices including quality control which are
operational techniques of controlling quality.
Quality assurances includes all those planned action necessary to provide adequate confidence
that the product will meet the requirements and is essentially a system of planning, organizing
and controlling the human skills to assure quality. Project quality plan sets out planned actions
required quality assurance.
Quality Assurance and project quality plan
QA is defined as all the planned and systematic activities implemented with the quality system
and demonstrated as needed, to provide the adequate confidence that an entity will fulfil the
requirements. A project quality plan provides a base document outlining policy, procedures,
responsibilities, compliance, acceptance criteria and documentation. It should be prepared and
accepted by all parties concerned before start of project.
1.3 Project quality objective
The objective is to meet needs and expectation and all the quality requirements established for
the project, including all applicable codes and regulations in line with policy statement on
For this purpose, a project quality plan is established the project, based on the quality and
procedure manuals.
The specific practices, resources and sequence of activities appropriate to the project are
documented in this project quality plan, to be known to and applied by all personal of the
project team performing activities affecting quality.
The responsibility of verifying the implementation of thus quality plan. Identifying quality
problems and promoting solutions is assigned to the quality system department.
Adequate levels to take necessary corrective action.
1.4 References
Please refer to the preambles of the BOQ, tender documents, methodology shared, quality
guidelines, contract conditions, amendments, instructions, etc., shared by Design Consultant,
PMC & Client along with the below and not limited to:
Quality system manual
Quality system procedures
OEM Recommendations
Project quality plan
Applicable IS & ASTM codes.
Methodology / Construction Sequence:
This is a generic statement and might vary at the site based on site conditions, soil
strata, specifications, etc., of the pile being casted at.
The pile is going to be founded on competent strata with cut-off level as mentioned in the
respective drawings.
• The location of the pile will be marked using total station with utmost care.
• The piling rig/tripod rig will be centred over the designated pile location.
• The pile hole will be bored continuously with regular draw out of drilled or cut oil
using piling rig. When using tripod rig, bore hole will be bored by using direct mud circulation.
• Upon reaching certain depth, the temporary casing will be inserted, centred over the hole and
driven to full depth of casing. This is done as a precautionary measure to provide adequate
stability to the freestanding sides of the bored walls.
• The boring or cutting operations will be continued till termination depth of the pile As
described in foundation design document.
• All along this process, the pile shaft will be kept filled and agitated with drilling fluid for
stabilizing the hole.
• Reinforcement cages will be lowered up to the full depth of pile as per designed depth.
Immediately after this process, Tremie pipes will be lowered leaving 300-500mm space at
borehole bottom to avoid mixing of concrete with bentonite while concreting.
• The bore will be “flushed” to the bottom before concreting by using drilling fluid if necessary.
• Temporary casing will be extracted after the concreting of the shaft. Necessary top up
concrete will be poured in the borehole.
Quality Assurance and Quality control Parameters
All the necessary concrete pour cards and checklists will be filled up during pre-pouring, during
pouring and after-pouring. The concrete cubes will be cast in frequencies based on the concrete
quantity, as per the relevant clauses of contract.
Legal requirements or other requirements (e.g. national or international standards) concerning
the calibration or verification of monitoring and measuring equipment.
QA/ QC professional shall be deployed at site for monitoring of the site activities.
Daily, weekly & monthly reports shall be generated and shared to PMC & Client.
Preparation of the field quality plan
The Field Quality Plan (FQP) is the prime project-level document which outlines the process
steps required to ensure quality specifications and quality standards to be met.
A typical FQP consists of
Main text outlining roles and responsibilities of each team member, process steps, etc.
Annexures consisting of forms, record sheets, checklists, etc. These are otherwise
known as Field Quality Documents (FQD)/ Checklists.
When the contract has been awarded the contractor to submit the Field quality plan
which shall be reviewed and approved by PMC & Client.
Upon approval, the FQP, method statements, etc. will be implemented at the site.
Pile Testing
Pile load test on selected piles will be carried out in accordance with contract conditions and
as per IS 2911-2013 Part 4 and as per IS codes mentioned in the contract clauses, specifications
shared along with the tender.
All tests to be carried out only in NABL certified labs.
All materials shall be as per the approved makes agreed by Client.
All material shall be inspected and agreed by PMC & Client before use.
Testing frequency of materials are listed below.
Procedure for Control of Monitoring & Measurement Equipment
PURPOSE: Establish and maintain a procedure for calibration and maintenance of the
inspection and test equipment to ensure that the equipment is capable of performing to
required accuracy.
SCOPE: Quality Management System (Project Quality Plan)
RESPONSIBILITY: PRIMARY: QA/QC In-charge, Section In-charge
SECONDARY: Project Manager
o Prepare list of measuring equipment used at Project; ensure adequate care is taken
while selecting the monitoring and measuring instrument with suitable
specifications, including range to be measured, accuracy and robustness under
specific conditions.
Identify list of equipment’s requiring initial calibration prior to first use (both
Internal & External)
Prepare the process of measurement and ensure that monitoring & measurement
is carried out as per the requirement.
Prepare sequence of calibration and location
Calibrate testing equipment traceable to international or national measurement
standards and maintain its record.
Protect from damage and deterioration during handling, Maintenance and
maintain the record indicating the unique identification of instrument, frequency
of calibration, calibration status.
Assessing and documenting the validity of previous inspection & test results
when Non-conformity is found and take appropriate action on the equipment.
If any software is used for the purpose the ability of the same to satisfy intended
application shall be confirmed prior to use.
In case of any equipment found to be out of calibration or non-confirming to
requirements or out of order, label the equipment accordingly and isolate the
instrument from point of use to prevent inadvertent use.
Note: All Weights & Measures available in the project shall be validated with local Weights &
Measures Department as applicable to statutory requirements. Validity shall be monitored through
Master List of Instruments for Calibration.
Roles & Responsibility
Quality Assurance & Control Manager:
To review and ensure required quality in day-to-day activities.
Set up and monitor QA/QC activities at site.
Prepare Quality Manuals & seek approval from Client/ Customer
Ensuring the implementation of Procedures/ Work method statement at site for
various processes and works
Prepare & implement Corrective Actions for Non-Conformity raised by
Customer to prevent recurrence.
Organise training to workmen and staff as & when required.
Plan and coordinate for conduct of Product Quality Ratings as per the frequency
Inspection and approval for incoming materials
Identify material sources, and conduct material tests and ensure conformity with
specifications & standards.
Conduct Routine Tests on materials & workmanship as per ITP for conformance
and maintain records.
Identify, Calibrate and maintain Master List of Testing and Measuring Equipment
Cement Each Type
Each Brand
Batching Plant
Site Mix concrete or
Ready-Mix concrete
Suspended matter/organic and inorganic impurities
From each source before start of work & thereafter every 6
months from outside lab for construction Purposes. If any
source is used for drinking water the same must be tested
IS 3025:1884 Part 17
IS 3025:1884 Part 24,25
Outside Laboratory
pH Value
Once in a week
IS 456:2000
Site Laboratory
Chloride & sulphate Content, Alkanity & Acidity
Once initially & every 3 months
IS 456:2000
Outside Laboratory
Initial & Final Setting time
Once initially & later at least once in month
IS 4031:1988 Part VI
Site Laboratory
Compressive Strength
Once initially & later at least once a month
IS 4031:1988 Part V
Site Laboratory
Chemical Analysis
Once initially & thereafter once every 6 months
IS 4032:1985
Outside Laboratory
Fineness & Soundness
Once initially & thereafter once every 6 months
IS 4031:1988 Part I & III
Outside Laboratory
90µ Retention
Once in a week
Standard Consistency
Once initially and later once in a month
IS 4031:1988 Part IV
Site Laboratory
All tests pH Value, Dry Material Content, ash content
Chloride ion content & other Parameter as per IS 9103
and relative density including chemical analysis
Once for each type at the beginning & thereafter once in 6
IS 9103:2004
Outside Laboratory
Monthly, Manufacturer rep to be present at least thrice in
first 6months
IS 4925:2004
IS 2722:1964
At Site
Slump Test
During Concreting
IS 456:2000
IS 1199:1959
Site Laboratory/at Site
Chloride & Sulphate content
Once in the beginning & with change of source & every
month. Calculation based on ingredients contents
IS 456:2000
Site Laboratory every month
Compressive Strength (Each test sample comprising of
6 cubes of 15 cm. cube)
As per specifications/ IS Codes
IS 456:2000
IS 516-1959
Site Laboratory/at Site
Permeability Test Note: Maximum 25mm on a
specimen of 150mm Dia & 160mm height and RCPT
maximum 2000 Coulombs
Once in the beginning & thereafter once in three months
DIN Specs and RCPT as per
ASTM C 1202
Outside Laboratory
Site Laboratory
Steel Reinforcement
(Each Dia.)
All Physical tests including bend, Re-bend, rolling
margin, Tensile Strength, Elongation etc.
Once in the beginning for each supplier & thereafter as per
frequency specified below:
Once for every 50MT or as directed by CQM
IS 1786:1985
Outside Laboratory
Chemical Tests
Once in the beginning for every supplier. Thereafter once in
three months
IS 1786:1985
Outside Laboratory
Bend, Rebend & rolling Margin
For Every Truck
IS 1786:1985
Site Laboratory