Current Housing Needs, Demand and Supply PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE ON HOUSING PHILIPPINE HOUSING HOUSING BACKLOG = 3.9 M HIGHEST HOUSING DEMAND = ECONOMIC HOUSING 3, 164 PLAYERS (2011) SUBDIVISION AND HOUSING DEVELOPERS’ ASSOCIATION (SHDA) HOUSING NEED - Housing units required in the housing market area to accommodate household growth, homeless people and households that are substandard HOUSING DEMAND - Total number of households in a defined housing market area that would potentially move into the proposed new or renovated housing units HOUSING SUPPLY - Quantity of housing units available to households or consumers at a given period and a given price level HOUSING DEFICIT HOUSING SURPLUS - Occurs when housing demand is greater than housing supply - Occurs when housing supply is greater than housing demand HOUSING BACKLOG - Occurs following an accumulation of housing deficits HOUSING CATEGORIES UNDER HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATING COUNCIL (HUDCC) SOCIALIZED HOUSING ECONOMIC HOUSING for projects costing P450,000 and below covers the price range starting from P450,000 but not exceeding P1.7 million LOW-COST HOUSING units sold for more than P1.7 million but less than P3 million Data Source: Subdivision & Housing Developers Association, Inc. GOVERNMENT’S HELP TO SOLVE HOUSING PROBLEMS HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COORDINATING COUNCIL - Created thru Executive Order No. 90, is the highest policy making and coordinating office on shelter - An umbrella organization which consists of heads of four housing agencies HUDCC 1) NHA (National Housing Authority) - Sole government agency to engage in shelter production, focusing its efforts to provide to homeless, low-income Filipino families 2) Pag-IBIG Fund - To provide its members with adequate housing through an effective savings scheme, Pag-IBIG Fund harnesses these four sectors of Philippine society: financial institutions, the industrial sector, the government, and the Filipino people HUDCC 3) HLURB (Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board) - National government agency tasked as the planning, regulatory and quasi-judicial body for land use development and real estate and housing regulation 4) HGC (Home Guaranty Corporation) - Focuses on promoting home ownership to middle and low-income families