4/18/2021 SHERMAN CHAN ASPEN C op yr i g h t © 2 02 1 Ad va n ced syst em s for P ower E n g in eer ing, I n c. Sherman Chan, PhD, IEEE Fellow 1 4/18/2021 MODELING WIND/SOLAR PLANTS A HISTORY The current-limited generator model was implemented in 2010, based on an IEEE PSRC report entitled “Fault Contribution from Wind Farms”. • We learned that the current is limited to 1.5 times fullload current. • There is no zero-sequence fault current. • That was about it. CURRENT LIMITED GENERATOR MODEL CIRCA 2010 This model was built “on top” of the synchronous machine model. • A limit on the max phase current is set by the user. • For 3-phase faults OneLiner limits the current by manipulating the voltage source in the positive sequence. • For an unbalanced faults, OneLiner, in addition, inserts a voltage source in the negative sequence to limit current. 2 4/18/2021 MODELS FOR VOLTAGE-SOURCE CONVERTER (VSC) DC-LINE TERMINALS -- CIRCA 2016 Two utilities asked us to model the terminals of a VSC dc line in OneLiner. • They connected us with an engineer at ABB office in Austria who teach us how to do it. • The engineer suggested that we model each terminal of the dc line as a perfect current source. • He gave us a table of current magnitudes and power-factor angles at different terminal voltages. • From that we developed the voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) model in OneLiner. IEEE PSRC WORKING GROUP C24 STARTED IN 2017 IEEE PSRC convened a working group (C24) to explore methods for simulating solar, type-4 wind plants and battery systems in commercial short circuit programs. Commercial short-circuit program vendors were well represented in this working group. EPRI was represented by Dr. Evangelos Farantotas. By 2017, EPRI had already done extensive research in the modeling of these devices. 3 4/18/2021 VCCS MODEL FOR CONVERTER-INTERFACED DEVICES From Working Group C24, I learned that all converterinterfaced devices are built using VSC technology! ASPEN took EPRI’s control logic and populate the VCCS table and see if that can be used in OneLiner to simulate type-4 wind plants and solar plants, and it did. We were able to benchmark the output of VCCS against the EPRI’s results for a sample network. CONFIRMATION OF EPRI’S CONTROL STRATEGIES Members of C24 working group concluded that EPRI’ control strategies were in line with details provide to the working group by Siemens and SMA, two of the world’s largest converter manufacturers. Also, with EPRI’s control strategies, we at ASPEN were able to reproduced the current magnitudes and power-factor angles similar to those provided to us by ABB earlier for the VSC dc terminals. 4 4/18/2021 FAST FORWARD TO THE SPRING OF 2021 Since 2018, we have been recommending OneLiner users to: 1) Use the current limited generator model to model type3 wind generators. 2) Use the voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) to model type-4 wind plants, solar plants and battery systems. NEW MODELS IN ONELINER V15, TO BE RELEASED IN MAY 2021 • A new model for type-3 wind plants. • A new model for converter-interface resources. 5 4/18/2021 DIALOG BOXES OF TYPE-3 WIND PLANT MODEL NEW TYPE-3 WIND PLANT MODEL The model is based on research at EPRI and at EPRI-funded research at Polytechnique Montreal. This model has: 1) induction machine’s electrical parameters, 2) the logic and limiters of the back-to-back converters that feed power back from the machine terminal to the rotor of the induction machine, and 3) the torque characteristics of the wind-turbine blade as a function of the slip. Note: EPRI has benchmarked this phasor-based model against results of time-domain simulations. 6 4/18/2021 TYPE-3 WIND PLANT MODEL CROWBARRED STATE Crowbarred is a transient state that cannot be initiated in a short circuit program. But for substation design, it has to be simulated. To crowbar a wind generator, simply mark the “crowbarred” checkbox in the Type-3 wind generator’s info dialog box. Thereafter the generator is modeled as a conventional induction machine. DIALOG BOXES OF CONVERTER-INTERFACED RESOURCE MODEL 7 4/18/2021 NEW CONVERTER-INTERFACED RESOURCE MODEL FOR TYPE-4 WIND PLANTS, SOLAR PLANTS AND BATTERY SYSTEMS This model uses the same EPRI equations with which we tested the VCCS model a few years ago in C24. In addition, we added the logic to inject negative-sequence reactive current to conform to the latest German grid code. You no longer have to enter the current and the powerfactor angles into a table. OneLiner computes those values internally. FOR BOTH MODELS, THE PREFAULT VOLTAGE MUST BE EITHER ‘START FROM NETWORK SOLUTION’ OR ‘FROM POWER FLOW SOLUTION’ You cannot use the ‘Assumed Flat’ prefault voltage option any more if you want to simulate these new devices. For a short time we let users of OneLiner v14 to use the “Assumed Flat” option for simulating VCCS. That did not work out well. 8 4/18/2021 MIGRATION PATHS FOR WIND PLANTS If you are using the current-limited generator model to simulate wind plants, we suggest you switch to the new Type-3 Wind Plant model. MIGRATION PATH FOR TYPE-4 WIND PLANTS, SOLAR PLANTS AND BATTERY SYSTEMS Regardless how you model these plants now, we suggest you change them to the new converter-interfaced resource model in v15. 9 4/18/2021 AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE Whenever possible, aggregate units in a “farm” or units that are within close proximity to each other. The new models ask you to enter the ‘Number of units’, ‘Unit MVA rating’, and the ‘Unit MW output’, and so on. Aggregation will result in speedier convergence, faster simulation speed, and more realistic results. IS THE VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE MODEL GOOD FOR ANYTHING ANY MORE? The VCCS model is still in v15. In the new Appendix J in the v15 user’s manual we show how VCCS can be used to model: 1) STATCOMs and 2) Old solar plants that inject the same current regardless of the terminal voltage. 10 4/18/2021 IS THE CURRENT-LIMITED GENERATOR MODEL GOOD FOR ANYTHING ANY MORE? NO. Please do not use it any more. We are keeping this model around for backward compatibility only. COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 11 4/18/2021 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: After adding a VCCS to model a new solar plant, I notice that the fault currents in the vicinity of the new plant went down, instead of up. Am I doing something wrong? A: No. This is a common occurance. (The same thing would happen if you model your new plant with the new converter-interfaced resource model.) There are several reasons why: REASONS 1) VCCS and Converter-Interfaced Resources (CIR) are both ideal current sources with infinite internal impedance. As a result the new device you introduced has no effect on the Thevenin impedance. 2) The current injected by VCCS and CIR is on the order of one time the full-load current. 3) The current injected is all reactive (VARS) when the terminal voltage is 0.5 pu or lower. In other words, your device is acting like a STATCOM. 12 4/18/2021 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: How do I know in v15 whether the new wind/solar and type-3 wind plants converge or not? A: You can find this out by looking at the TTY window after OneLiner solves a short circuit. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: What are the common causes of convergence problems for Converter-Interfaced Devices? A: Here are the most common causes: • The transformer that connects the CIR to the utility has an MVA rating that is too low. Note: Convergence problems with type-3 wind plants are rare. 13 4/18/2021 OTHER CAUSES OF NON-CONVERGENCE • Multiple CIRs are connected to each other through switches and/or very-low-impedance lines. You can avoid this problem by aggregating them. • A CIR is connected directly to the network without a wye-delta or wye-wye-delta transformer. Please make sure a wye winding is on the side of the CIR. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: There are no loads in the network model. If all of the solar and wind generators are generating full load currents in prefault, where are those currents going to? A: The currents are going to ground through any positivesequence loads and shunts. If there are no loads or shunts, they will go through the synchronous machines’ internal impedances. To avoid this issue, we suggest you set the Unit MW Generation to zero for both solar and wind models. 14 4/18/2021 SET MW GENERATION TO ZERO Setting the MW generation to zero is consistent with the way conventional synchronous machines are modeled in a short circuit program. If you must model the prefault current of wind and solar generators, we suggest you add the loads and use the ‘start from power-flow solution’ prefault-voltage option. Note: To do this you will need to have a license for the ASPEN Power Flow Program, plus you will have deal with the issue of power-flow convergence. THE END 15