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University English Writing Skills Assignment 1

Assignment File
Assignment 1
Due date:
6 October 2023
Course value: 15% of the total course grade
This assignment will be marked out of 100. Answer all questions.
Points to note
There are altogether three assignments in this course and you are
required to complete all of them and submit them to your tutor through
the OLE punctually. The weightings for them are as follows:
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment questions will be released to you on the OLE about three-tofour weeks before the due date. Please note that the university has a strict
policy on the submission of assignments. All assignments should be
submitted to your tutor BEFORE the due date. Late submission of
assignments is strictly prohibited. However, if there is a legitimate reason
(e.g. illness) which causes you to be unable to submit your work on time,
you may submit an assignment later than the deadline provided that
permission has been obtained in advance. Please refer to ‘Late
submissions’ section for details. Please note that the Course Coordinator
(CC) or the tutor has the right to the final decision. NO EXTENSION is
allowed for the final assignment (Assignment 3).
Question 1 (50 marks) — Summary and writing a
Read the following excerpt from an article. Write a summary and also a
paragraph in response to the specific tasks below.
Benefits of lifelong learning
There are a number of benefits that are associated with the
concept of lifelong learning (LLL). The term ‘lifelong’, as
applied to education or learning, has been in circulation for more
than a quarter of a century. LLL, it is asserted, requires that
learning outcomes from different settings and contexts can be
linked together.
No doubt there is a dearth of information as applied to the
meanings and values of LLL. LLL literally means that learning
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills
should take place at all stages of the life cycle (from the cradle to
the grave) and, in more recent versions, that it should be lifewide; that is embedded in all life contexts from the school to the
workplace, the home and the community. The learning society,
therefore, is the vision of a society where there are recognized
opportunities for learning for every person wherever they are and
however old they should be. LLL is the continuous building of
skills and knowledge during one’s lifetime. LLL is a continuously
supportive process which stimulates and empowers individuals to
acquire all the knowledge, values, skills and understanding they
will require throughout their lifetimes and to apply them with
confidence, creativity and enjoyment in all roles, circumstances
and environment.
(202 words)
Source (adapted): Laal, M. (2012). Benefits of lifelong learning, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46: 4268–4272.
Task 1a: Summary (20 marks)
Summarise the above text with an in-text reference in 90–110 words.
Write down the number of words below the summary (1 mark will be
deducted for no word count). You do not have to follow exactly the order
or organisation of the original text, as long as your summary is coherent
and includes all the main ideas.
Task 1b: Writing a paragraph (30 marks)
What are the possible challenges to lifelong learning?
Write a paragraph in response to the above question. You need to provide
a topic sentence for your paragraph. Your paragraph should be in about
160 words.
Points to note for Question 1
You should plan how to write your ideas into an organised paragraph.
You should use suitable transitional words to connect your sentences
for both tasks.
You should use your own words to avoid plagiarism.
Question 2 (50 marks) — Course essay outline
Read the following topic and prepare an essay outline by using the
template provided. Please note that you must use complete sentences
when you prepare the essay outline.
Topic: Discuss the challenges faced by retirees when they return to
full-time study.
Assignment File
Template — Essay outline
Topic: Discuss the challenges faced by retirees when they return to fulltime study.
Thesis statement: (ONE sentence only)
Body paragraph 1 — Topic sentence:
Specific supporting details — Three specific supporting details (complete
Body paragraph 2 — Topic sentence:
Specific supporting details — Three specific supporting details (complete
Body paragraph 3 — Topic sentence:
Specific supporting details — Three specific supporting details (complete
~ End of Assignment 1 ~