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A Proposal of Oral English

A Proposal
Muhammad Farhan
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ ii
A. Title .................................................................................................................. 1
B. Background ...................................................................................................... 1
C. The Formulations of the Problem .................................................................... 2
D. The Objectives of the Problem ........................................................................ 3
E. The Needs of Research .................................................................................... 3
English Foreign Learners at Universitas Riau's English Study Program ................ 3
Lecturers at Universitas Riau's English Study Program ......................................... 3
Other researchers and readers ................................................................................. 3
The Definition of Terms................................................................................... 3
1. 1
Oral English .................................................................................................... 3
1. 2
Factors ............................................................................................................. 4
G. The Review of Related Literature .................................................................... 4
1. 1
The Definition of Oral English ....................................................................... 4
1. 2
The Importance of Oral English...................................................................... 4
1. 3
Components of Oral English ........................................................................... 4
1. 4
The limitation of Oral English ........................................................................ 5
H. Research Methodology .................................................................................... 7
1. 1
Research Design.............................................................................................. 7
1. 2
Place and Time of Research ............................................................................ 7
1. 3
Data Source ..................................................................................................... 7
1. 4
The Data Collection Method ........................................................................... 7
1. 5
The Instruments of Research........................................................................... 8
1. 6
The Data Analysis Method .............................................................................. 8
1. 7
Trustworthiness ............................................................................................... 8
Bibliography .................................................................................................... 9
A. Title
Unraveling the Factors Contributing to Oral English Use in Daily Life
Among English Study Program Students Universitas Riau
B. Background
Acquiring English language skills is a valuable asset for individuals
aiming to engage in international communication, higher education, and
various professional fields in today's globalized world (Crystal, 2003).
Numerous English Foreign learners from elsewhere who are studying the
language in the field of education can be found in the English Study Program
Universitas Riau. To be qualified to teach English, students must study and
master all facets of the language. It is essential for someone who wants to be
knowledgeable in imparting knowledge and information to students to keep up
strong communication, listening, reading, and writing skills. English is an
international common tongue, a language of academia, and the language of a
wealth of written, online, or printed media (Aziza, 2020). Therefore, English
facilitates communication and connections between people from various
linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
As English Foreign Learners in the English Study Program Universitas
Riau, they are expected to be familiar with English and to implement it in their
daily lives. However, there is a limited amount of English used in the
Universitas Riau English Study Program. This phenomenon could occur
because students only spoke Indonesian in class, were afraid of making
mistakes, were reticent to speak up, or simply had no incentive to communicate
in English (Areta et al., 2020). Additionally, the lower student rating (Ningrum
et al., 2019) indicates that English Foreign Learners at Universitas Riau use
English less frequently in daily life.
Oral English skill is one of the important skills to have to express ideas,
communicate, and make statements in everyday life. In agreement with what
was stated in Nunan, referenced in Yarmi (2019), gaining proficiency in spoken
English is a crucial aspect of acquiring a second or foreign language. Moreover,
the capacity to carry on a conversation is a key indicator of language
proficiency. Nowadays, With the aid of advancing technology, English is
becoming more and more important in a variety of fields, the most significant
ones being education, engineering, and medicine (Aziza, 2020). It can be
concluded that a lack of English usage today can be a sign of a person's or even
a community's decline in development.
As a result, the use of English in daily life, particularly in the English Study
Program at Universitas Riau, which is home to the majority of English Foreign
Learners, is an intriguing phenomenon to investigate. Consequently, it is
interesting to look into the use of English in daily life, especially in the English
Study Program at Universitas Riau, where most English Foreign Learners
reside. Several studies, including those by (Areta et al., 2020) and (Ningrum et
al., 2019), have been conducted on this topic, but none have looked into the
issue from the perspective of day-to-day living.
In light of these observations and phenomena, the author is finally
interested in bringing research on oral English usage in daily life from English
language learners of the English Study Program Universitas Riau. Because it
may take into consideration improving the quality of English utilization within
the context of the English Study Program at Universitas Riau, this research will
develop the argument, findings, and conclusions concerning the topic entitled
"Unraveling the Factors Contributing to Limited Oral-English Use in Daily
Life Among English Study Program Students."
C. The Formulations of the Problem
The background information provided above leads to the following issues
being raised for this study:
1) How frequently do students enrolled in the English Study Program at
Universitas Riau use oral English in daily life?
2) What factors do affect students of the English Study Program at
Universitas Riau prefer to use or disuse oral English in their daily life?
D. The Objectives of the Problem
Using the problem formulation as a guide, the following are the research's
1) To determine how frequently students in Universitas Riau's English Study
Program use oral English in their daily lives.
2) To identify the contributing factors of the use and disuse of oral English
among Universitas Riau students enrolled in the English Study Program.
E. The Needs of Research
The following parties are anticipated to benefit from the research's findings:
1) English Foreign Learners at Universitas Riau's English Study Program
The results of the research are expected to provide knowledges of
Oral-English Use in Daily Life Among English Study Program Students at
Universitas Riau.
2) Lecturers at Universitas Riau's English Study Program
The results of the research are useful for giving information to English
lecturers about the Factors that cause limited oral-English use in daily life
Among their students which can be used as a reference in developing
policies and learning methods to increase the utilization of English in
English Study Program Universitas Riau.
3) Other researchers and readers
The findings of this research can be used as a reference by other
researchers to conduct additional research, especially regarding the
utilization of Oral English. It can also be useful for providing awareness
among English Foreign Learners to increase their motivation.
F. The Definition of Terms
1. 1 Oral English
Oral English refers to the spoken form of the English language, which
includes skills such as pronunciation, fluency, and conversational proficiency.
It entails the ability to effectively articulate thoughts, ideas, and information in
verbal communication across a variety of contexts, including social, academic,
and professional interactions. (Celce-Murcia et al., 2010)
1. 2 Factors
A factor is a variable or component used in research and analysis that has
a significant impact on or contributes to a specific outcome, phenomenon, or
situation. These components are crucial for comprehending and illuminating a
variety of phenomena within a specific context. (Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, 2019)
G. The Review of Related Literature
1. 1 The Definition of Oral English
Oral English is typically communicated by mouth and lip shape and tone.
It can be used interchangeably between speakers and in a variety of contexts
(Xi, 2023). Yacob (2020) said that transmitted messages and accurately
interpreted information by people are utilized to improve speech clarity for
efficient communication in oral English. Moreover, speech enhancers are
employed to correct speech interpretation by enhancing speech clarity and
1. 2 The Importance of Oral English
Oral English skills are essential in everyday life. Additionally, it's thought
that using oral English could help students become more motivated to study,
develop better logical reasoning skills, and become more adept at handling
social situations (Haiqing & Longhuo, 2019). The study also mentioned how
establishing the connection between oral English instruction and real-world
communication will broaden the scope of language education, improve the
variety of language practice and homework, and ease language teaching.
1. 3 Components of Oral English
Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension are thus
the dependent components of English Oral Skills according to Candilas cited
in City & Nam (2022).
Pronunciation is the act of correctly saying or producing words. Making
the correct sounds that comprise a word, as well as saying the entire word
correctly. It is the act of saying a word concisely and clearly enough for the
correct sounds and the entire word to be understood. Pronunciation refers to
how a word should sound when spoken aloud. It focuses on the word's syllables
and how the speaker should put them together correctly. Pronunciation
encompasses the articulation of vowels and consonants, as well as intonation,
word stress, and rhythm. (Xue & Berseth, 2023)
Vocabulary is a useful and necessary tool for communication and
knowledge acquisition, and it develops naturally with age. The vocabulary of
a language is made up of all the words that a specific person or group of people
understands. For one to speak English with confidence and fluency, grammar
is necessary. By being aware of grammar, learners can prevent errors that make
their English sound weird to native speakers.
Fluency is the ability to speak a language naturally and freely without
having to look up terms or idioms. Speaking at normal tempos with few pauses
or stumbles, fluent speakers have a natural voice. For the majority of people,
learning basic grammar and vocabulary is the first step toward speaking. By
combining these essential abilities, someone can communicate effectively even
when they are not using their native tongue. It is the ability to speak English
without stuttering or hesitation that is referred to as fluency.
The ability to process information after reading it and decipher written
words is known as comprehension. The meaning of written words is revealed
through reading comprehension. The pleasure, education, and fun elements of
reading are also improved by comprehension.
1. 4 The limitation of Oral English
Oral English can be difficult in certain situations, particularly for nonnative speakers of the language or those from non-English speaking nations.
Speaking in English has certain restrictions as a result. Several prior studies are
pertinent to the research topic that will be investigated in this study to support
the researcher's current work. The analysis of findings indicated that
psychological issues, one of the challenges of English language proficiency,
were the main c`ause of these issues, which were then followed by linguistic
issues and environmental issues (Shen & Chiu, 2019).
Oral English proficiency is related to human psychology while speaking is
a function of the functioning of the human brain. The psychological component
is found to be the primary barrier to oral English performance. Ningrum et al.
(2019) wrote in their journal about psychological factors such as insecurity,
shyness, anxiety, and motivation. Seraj et al. (2021) also mentioned learners'
passivity in their research which contributes one more factor. In addition,
Simbolon (2020) conducted research focused on student opinions about the
factors that cause students to struggle speaking which led to the conclusion that
anxiety is the most pervasive difficulty in performing oral English. Besides
anxiety factors, Mahmoud & Raba (2023) identified fear of making mistakes
and inhibition as factors in performing oral English. This statement is
supported by Areta et al. (2020), who used the term topical knowledge.
The language structure of English as a lingua franca is complex. Several
assessment studies have revealed the linguistic limitations of oral English.
Researchers discovered language factors such as pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary in performing oral English (Ningrum et al., 2019). Another study
by Mahmoud & Raba (2023) adds to the evidence that a lack of vocabulary is
one of the factors contributing to oral English limitations. In addition, the
research by Areta et al. (2020) revealed that listening ability was also identified
as a barrier to performing oral English. To sum up, Wahyuningsih & Afandi
(2020), demonstrate that inadequate vocabulary, bad grammar, mispronounced
words, a lack of exposure to English outside of the classroom, a lack of selfassurance, and a lack of curriculum development in English-speaking.
One of the elements influencing oral English performance is the
surrounding environment. Mahmoud and Raba (2023) have found multiple
research findings that bolster the idea that the surrounding environment could
have an impact on an individual's oral English performance. Additional
research by Seraj et al. (2021) produced some findings regarding the elements
that affect oral English performance, including the use of the mother tongue,
the absence of an environment conducive to oral practice, and the lack of
auxiliary resources. Areta et al. (2020) do an extensive study on environmental
factors, which include time for preparation, audience support, feedback during
speaking, allotted time for a speaking task, and pressure to perform well. In
addition, Fang (2019) mentioned a number of other drawbacks to using oral
English in the classroom, such as the lack of a real-world English context, the
pause that takes place during each lesson, the abbreviated course length, the
teaching style, and the assessment form.
H. Research Methodology
1. 1 Research Design
This research will use mixed method where the data collection
combines between quantitative and qualitative method. The purpose of this
method is to leverage the synergy and strength between quantitative and
qualitative research methods by combining the strengths of both types of
methods (Gay et al., 2012). In this research, the quantitative method will be
used to collect the data of the oral English frequent use in the English Study
Program at Universitas Riau. While the qualitative method will be used to
collect factors of the use and disuse of oral English among students.
1. 2 Place and Time of Research
This research will be conducted in the period of March 2024 at
Kampus Bina Widya KM. 12,5, Simpang Baru, Kec. Tampan, Kota
Pekanbaru, Riau.
1. 3 Data Source
The data will be obtained directly from the participants this research
from each 2021-2023 students in English Study Program Universitas Riau.
1. 4 The Data Collection Method
The data will be collected with purposive sampling method as
primary data. Primary data is the type of data which is collected first by the
researcher (Ajayi, 2017). The data will be collected through reliable
questionnaire which will be share to the participants and direct interview
with the researcher.
1. 5 The Instruments of Research
The instruments of this research will be questionnaire and interview.
To know the frequent of the oral English use in English Study Program at
Universitas Riau, the researcher will use questionnaire. While the interview
will be held to collect the factor of the use and disuse of oral English in
English Study Program at Universitas Riau.
1. 6 The Data Analysis Method
After all of the data are collected, the researcher will use Interpretive
Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to analyze them. This method aims to
comprehend people's lived experiences and how they interpret them within
the framework of their social and personal environments (Nizza et al.,
2021). This method includes reading and exploratory notes, formulating
experimental, finding connections and clustering experimental statements,
and compiling the Table of person experimental Themes.
1. 7 Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is a crucial aspect qualitative research which is
used to establish the protocols, procedures, and interpretation for studies to
be considered by readers (John, 2023). Authenticity, Confirmability,
Transferability, Credibility, and Dependability are a few traits of
trustworthiness. Credibility is when the research adheres to the prescribed
protocol for the specified qualitative approach or offers sufficient
explanation for any deviations, it is deemed credible. Dependability is the
data's stability and consistency over time and in various study scenarios.
Transferability is the degree to which the findings can be applied to various
contexts. Confirmability is the degree to which study results can be verified
or replicated by other parties. authenticity pertains to accurately portraying
diverse realities and summarizing the lives of participants.
In this research, in order to gain trustworthiness in the process of
collecting the data, the researcher will provide the processed data to the
participants. The participant may give feedbacks, comments, or critiques
whether the result is suitable for them.
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