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Basketball Training Report: Junior & Senior Girls

Regular training for junior and senior girls has been going on every Saturday since the last ASHA Cup, which was held in September 2022. After the
senior team’s loss last year, Chi Chi was a little bit disheartened, but she was motivated to get her team back on the track. Although, Chi Chi won
the Defensive player of the match, she realized that she needed to hone her offensive skills if she wants to win in the future. ASHA Fish, who has
been doing a remarkable job as the coach of “Bumblebees”, initially had a hard time, when she first started coaching the juniors, because the
majority of them were fairly new to basketball and could not even dribble the ball. Furthermore, there were 10 beginners, which was too much for
fish to handle, that’s why chi chi assisted her to conduct the junior training.
Chi Chi, being the chairlady of her school, has great leadership skills, she knows how to lead by example and the girls appreciate that. She has also
taken ASHA Pratiksha under her wing, Pratiksha loves basketball and aims to win her school a championship someday. Along with Pratiksha, the
rest of the girls are also improving, while at a much slower pace. We believe that Pratiskha will inspire them to be better and work harder. Most of
the girls have really good attendance because they look forward to Saturday trainings, they shared that it keeps their minds fresh and bodies
healthy. We hope that we can continue to provide the girls with proper training in the future.