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74LS163 Counter IC Experiment: Configuration & Functionality

Experiment 4
Digital Experiment 4
1. Reading the datasheet of an IC
2. Understanding the pin configuration
3. Configuring the IC to achieve a certain functionality
1. Configure the counter 74LS163 to count up from 0000 to 1111
2. Configure the counter 74LS163 to count down from 1111 to 0000
3. Explain how this can be used to check the functionality of a four input
combinational logic circuit.
Pin Connections:
1. Give a clock to the CLK pin of the IC from the ADALM kit (100 Hz).
2. Connect 5V from the ADALM kit to the VCC pin of the IC
3. Connect GND from the ADALM kit to the GND pin of the IC
4. Observe the outputs on QA, QB, QC, and QD.
5. What should the other pins be connected to? A, B, C, D, CLR’, ENP, RCO, ENT,