Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance ISSN: 1573-2479 (Print) 1744-8980 (Online) Journal homepage: Risk-based inspection planning optimisation of offshore wind turbines José G. Rangel-Ramírez & John D. Sørensen To cite this article: José G. Rangel-Ramírez & John D. Sørensen (2012) Risk-based inspection planning optimisation of offshore wind turbines, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 8:5, 473-481, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2010.539064 To link to this article: Published online: 04 Jan 2011. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 554 View related articles Citing articles: 15 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Vol. 8, No. 5, May 2012, 473–481 Risk-based inspection planning optimisation of offshore wind turbines José G. Rangel-Ramı́reza* and John D. Sørensena,b a Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark; bRisø DTU, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark (Received 15 May 2009; final version received 16 November 2009; accepted 4 November 2010; published online 4 January 2011) Wind industry is substantially propelled and the future scenarios designate offshore locations as important sites for energy production. With this development, offshore wind farms represent a feasible option to accomplish the needed energy, bringing with it technical and economical challenges. Inspection and maintenance (I&M) costs for offshore sites are much larger than for onshore ones, making the choice of suitable I&M planning for minimising costs important. Risk-based inspection planning (RBI) for offshore installations represents a suitable methodology to identify the optimal maintenance and inspection strategies to ‘control’ the deterioration in facilities such as offshore wind turbines (OWT), where fatigue and corrosion are typically affecting these structures. This article considers an RBI approach applied to OWT based on the developed methodologies for oil and gas installations, but considering the lower reliability level for wind turbines. This framework is addressing fatigue prone details in welded steel joints typically located in the wind turbine substructure. The increase of turbulence in-wind farms (IWF) due to wake effects is taken into account using a code-based turbulence model. As part of the results, life cycle reliabilities and inspection times are calculated for IWF location and single/alone location of OWT. The results indicate earlier inspection times for IWF. Keywords: inspection; reliability; decision analysis; fatigue; wake turbulence 1. Introduction Planned scenarios for wind energy in Europe expect increasing need of installations for wind energy production. According to European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) the wind energy targets might supply up to 20% of the European Union electricity demand in 2020. The offshore production is expected to contribute with up to 40%. Economical and technical challenges are a consequence of the offshore locations, which have advantages such as assuring the transnational energy supply with an encourage of interconnection of energy markets reducing the fuel imports and generation of CO2 and deploying regional development of coastal areas where maritime jobs are in decline. To accomplish the energy production targets, clusters of offshore wind turbines (OWT) (wind farms) are built, implying additional technical challenges concerning the spatial interaction of OWT at downwind stream (wake effects) that affect the life-cycle performance when the increase of loading and turbulence decrease the OWT fatigue life. At offshore sites, sea depth will impact the decision whether a specific type of support structure will be the optimal or not. The monopile foundation is typically used for ‘shallow’ water depths while tripod and jacket *Corresponding author. Email: ISSN 1573-2479 print/ISSN 1744-8980 online Ó 2012 Taylor & Francis type foundation represent a suitable option at deeper places. At very deep water (470 m) floating wind turbines have to be used. Operation and maintenance costs for OWT are much larger than for onshore structures, making any optimisation of inspection, operation and maintenance planning very important to minimise the overall cost of energy (COE). Risk-based inspection (RBI) planning, understood as an application of Bayesian decision analysis, has been extensively applied in the oil and gas (O&G) industry, see e.g. Faber et al. (2000), Sørensen and Faber (2001) and Moan (2005). The aim is to the identify the optimal inspection and maintenance strategy using a suitable ‘control’ of deterioration at important areas in the structure, taking into account economical and technical aspects related with the overall performance. In the O&G industry this approach of I&M planning has been applied to fixed steel offshore structures and then adapted to other structures such as tankers, Floating, Production, Storage and Off-loading facilities (FPSO’s), semisub’s, see e.g. Goyet et al. (2002) and at the latest to onshore structures with deterioration mechanisms such as corrosion and fatigue (e.g. reinforced concrete and steel bridges). Unlike other structures with significant 474 J.G. Rangel-Ramı´rez and J.D. Sørensen consequences of failure, OWT allows the use of costbenefit analyses due to their low risks to human lives, society and environment. Site conditions such as deep water, waves and turbulence in-wind farms (IWF), affect detrimentally the life-cycle performance of OWT. At deeper water locations, jacket and tripod support structures stand for more appropriate engineering solutions due to their economical and technical improvements compared to monopile support structures, e.g. due to reduced costs concerning the amount of material, improved dynamical behaviour, structural redundancy, less impact area for extreme wave and scour conditions. However, for IWF locations of wind turbines, the turbulence coming from the surrounding OWTs will affect considerably the inner or down-wind turbines due to wake effects decreasing the fatigue life and thus the reliability level. In this article is considered how to apply RBI planning optimisation for fatigue prone welded details in jacket and tripod types of OWT steel support structures. The fatigue failure limit state is the primary limit state to be considered for welded steel connections in e.g. transition nodes and tower in tripod and jacket support structures. In many cases the design-driver for these structural parts is the fatigue performance. Details made of cast steel are not considered in this article, but the same techniques can be expected also to apply here. Probabilistic models and representative limit state equations for ultimate structural fatigue failure are formulated and illustrative examples are described, considering fatigue failure using both linear and bilinear SN-curves and for single and IWF locations. 2. Wind load and wind farm turbulence The land wind variation is higher than for offshore sites, which are typically characterised by higher wind speeds and lower turbulence. In near shore locations, the influence of the coastal line affects the wind flow boundary layer that grows through the proximal 20 km off the coastline. This change is principally related to the difference of surface roughness, where sea roughness is typically much smaller than the land one. This difference between stability conditions on- and off-shore is affecting the wind speed profile and additionally IWF’s turbulence and other wake effects will play an important role in terms of wind energy production and fatigue, see Figure 1. It is seen that the turbulence level increase up to 50% and the mean wind speed decrease up to 10% within a wind farm. For OWT in water depths up to approximately 25 m, wind load is typically dominating the wave load, partly due to the influence of the active control of the wind turbine for power output. For wind turbines in Figure 1. Ratio swf/s0 between standard deviation of turbulence in wake within wind farm and outside wind farm and ratio Uh/U between mean wind speed within wind farm and outside wind farm – both as function of mean wind speed U. The solid lines are model prediction. From Frandsen (2005). operation, the passive, active or mixed power control assure a rational and stable output of electricity and protect structural and electromechanical parts from overload. It is noted that fatigue contributions from events such as start and stop of the wind turbine and accidental shut-downs are not included in the models of this article. Depending on the wind direction a wind turbine within a wind farm will be exposed to free wind or wake conditions. In Frandsen (2005) is defined an equivalent standard deviation of the turbulence behind a wind turbine taking into account the possibility of wake turbulence: m 1=m se ¼ ð1 NW pW Þsm ð1Þ u þ NW pW sW where su is the turbulence standard deviation under free flow condition (equal to s0 in Figure 1). sW is the maximum standard deviation of turbulence under wake condition, pW( ¼ 0.06) is the probability of a wake condition, m is the Wöhler exponent in a relevant SN-curve and NW is the number of neighbouring wind turbines to which the considered wind turbine is exposed. In this model, it is assumed that the standard deviation of the response is proportional to the standard deviation of turbulence. In certain situations (e.g. using passive or active power control; in complex terrain and atypical terrain conditions) this simple relation with the response may be inadequate, see Figure 2. The above mentioned turbulence model seems to be consistent (with a slightly conservative inaccuracy of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 3–4%) when it is used with superimposed deterministic load components, see Sørensen et al. (2007). 3. Inspection and maintenance planning The overall goal for inspection and maintenance strategies are to minimise the overall service life costs while a minimum reliability level should be achieved. This decision process can be carried out into a framework of pre-posterior analysis from classical decision theory, see Raiffa and Schlaifer (1961), Benjamin and Cornell (1970) and Ang and Tang (1975). Due to the random nature of degradation processes at offshore sites, a probabilistic approach is a rational tool to deal with a highly uncertain deterioration process since probabilistic and statistical models can be formulated that includes the uncertainties Figure 2. Standard deviation of wind speed measured at hub height and standard deviation of flapwise blade bending moment as function of the wind direction. The bending moment and the wind speed are scaled to ambient conditions at wind directions 260–3608. Data are from Vindeby Wind Farm. Figure is from Frandsen (2005). Figure 3. RBI decision process 475 coming from external agents and conditions (e.g. wind, wave conditions, soil conditions etc), model uncertainties, human-actions (e.g. design, inspection, maintenance and repair, etc) and internal processes (e.g. degradation). During the last two decades, risk-based approaches for inspection and planning have been developed, see Skjong (1985), Madsen et al. (1987), Thoft-Christensen and Sørensen (1987) and Fujita et al. (1989), aiming at the identification of suitable I&M planning strategies, satisfying reliability requirements and minimising the life cycle overall costs. The decision process can be summarised as described in the following and illustrated in Figure 3. At the first stage the structure is conceived at the initial design phase where the dimensions and materials are defined according to optimal design parameters z ¼ (z1, z2, . . . ,zN), taking into account code and practical requirements. The installed structure will be affected by external agents, e.g. wind, wave and corrosion modelled by random states of nature X0. If the statistical basis for evaluation of the uncertainties is limited then also model and statistical uncertainties will become important. Monitoring activities ‘e’ at the times t ¼ (t1, t2, . . . , tn), include inspection and monitoring actions which result in inspection results ‘S ’ (degree of wear and corrosion, denting level, size of fatigue cracks . . .) that are obtained depending on inspection quality q ¼ (q1, q2, . . . ,qn), (inspection techniques, technical expertise of inspectors, etc.). Based on these monitoring results, mitigation alternatives will be considered regarding a fixed or adapting mitigation policy modelled by a decision rule d(S). Such policies are related to repair, replacement or doing nothing activities based on the degree of damage. When these 476 J.G. Rangel-Ramı´rez and J.D. Sørensen mitigation actions have been done a state of nature Xi will be the beginning of new random outcomes due to the external exposure and damage process in the time interval to the next inspection. These posterior states of nature depend on assumptions established to simplify the RBI decision process, e.g. assuming that repaired components behave like new component and repaired parts will have no indication at the inspection. In Figure 3, CT(z,e,S,d(S),X) are the total service life costs where X ¼ (X0, X1,X2, . . .). The optimal design and decision parameters (z,e,d(S))) in the inspection and maintenance strategy are determined form the following optimisation problem where the expected value of CT(z,e,S,d(S),X) is minimised: min E½CT ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ ¼ CI ðzÞ þ E CInsp ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ þ E CRep ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ þ E½CF ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ s:t: zmin xi zmax i i DPF;t ðt; z; e; dÞ DFmax F i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; TL ð2Þ where TL is the service life, CI is the initial costs, E[CInsp] is the expected inspection costs, E[CRep] is the expected repair costs and E[CF] is the expected failure costs. Equation (2) is constrained by limits on design parameters and that the annual probability of failure DPF,t has to be less than DFmax F . The n inspections are performed at times ti, i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n where t0 t1 t2 tn TL. Total capitalised expected inspection costs are: E CInsp ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ n X CInsp;i ðqÞð1 PF ðti ÞÞ ¼ i¼1 1 ð1 þ rÞti ð3Þ where the index i characterises the capitalised inspection costs at the ith inspection when failure has not occurred earlier, CInsp,i(q) is the inspection cost of the ith inspection, PF(ti) is the probability of failure in the time interval [0,ti] and r is the real rate of interest, i.e. the inflation is not included. Total capitalised expected maintenance and repair costs are: n X E CRep ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ ¼ CRep;i ðqÞPRep;i ðti Þ i¼1 1 ð1 þ rÞti ð4Þ where index i characterise the capitalised repair costs at the ith inspection when failure has not occurred earlier, CRep,i(q) is the cost of maintenance and repair (including loss of production) at the ith inspection and PRep,i(ti) is the probability of performing a repair after the ith inspection when failure has not occurred earlier. Estimation of PRep,i(ti) is explained in Sørensen and Faber (2001). The total capitalised expected costs due to failure are: E½CF ðz; e; S; dðSÞ; XÞ ¼ TL X CF ðtÞDPF;t PCOLjFAT t¼1 1 ð1 þ rÞti ð5Þ where index t represents time, CF(t) is the cost of failure (incl. loss of production), DPF,t is the annual probability of failure and PCOLjFAT is the conditional probability of collapse of the structures given fatigue failure of the considered component. Since a posterior Bayesian statistical basis is used inspection and monitoring data can be used to update the RBI plans making the process a recursive activity, see Sørensen et al. (1991). This updating can be used for structural and mechanical parts (tower, blades, support structures, wind energy converter components) of the wind turbine. 4. Probabilistic modelling of fatigue failure The probabilistic models for assessing the fatigue failure life based on SN-curves and fracture mechanics (FM) model are briefly described in the following. For RBI planning, the FM model is usually calibrated such that the same reliability level is obtained as using a codebased SN model. The probabilistic model to evaluate the fatigue life is based on Sørensen et al. (2007) and the wake model described in detail by Frandsen (2005). For this model, the number of surrounding wind turbine is limited to eight wind turbines while the arrangement of the wind turbines is typically chosen to produce as little mutual wake effects as possible. For the free flow ambient turbulence conditions and for the assessment of the SN-fatigue life, a deterministic design equation is formulated which uses the equivalent fatigue stress range concept. Fatigue accumulation in the operational mode is considered for a specific design life TL and a typical number of fatigue load cycles per year. The design equation is written: n FDF TL GðzÞ ¼ 1 KC Z Uout ^ u ðU Þ s D m; aDs ðUÞ fU ðUÞdU ¼ 0 ð6Þ z Uin ^u ðUÞ is the characteristic value of the where s standard deviation of the turbulence su(U) at mean 477 Structure and Infrastructure Engineering wind speed U. su(U) is modelled as a Lognormal distributed stochastic variable with mean value equal to Iref (0.75 U þ b) and standard deviation equal to 1.4m/s Iref. Iref is the IEC 61400–1 (2005) reference turbulence intensity (equal to 0.14 for medium turbulence characteristics). The characteristic ^u ðUÞ is defined as the 90% ambient turbulence s quantile value. The standard deviation of stress ranges sDs as function of the mean wind speed U is assumed to be modelled by, see Equation (6) sDs ðUÞ ¼ aDs ðUÞ su ðUÞ z accumulation, t is the life time in years, XW is the model uncertainty related to wind load effects (exposure, assessment of lift and drag coefficients, dynamic response calculation), XSCF is the model uncertainty related to local stress analysis. For an IWF location the design equation is given by: n FDF TL KC 2 s ^ u ð UÞ Z Uout ð1 NW pW Þ D m; aDs ðUÞ z 6 6 Nw P 4 ^ ðUÞ s Uin þpW D m; aDs ðUÞ u;jz GðzÞ ¼ 1 ð7Þ 3 7 7 5 j¼1 Here aDs(U) is an influence coefficient function and z is a design parameter (e.g. proportional a cross sectional area). For a linear SN-curve the damage function D in (6) is modelled by: Z 1 DL ðm; sDs ðUÞÞ ¼ sm fDs ðsjsDs ðUÞÞds ð8Þ fU ðUÞdU ð11Þ ^u;j ðUÞ is the standard deviation of turbulence from s neighbouring wind turbine no. j: vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u 0:9 U2 ^2u ^u;j ðUÞ ¼ t ð12Þ s pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 þ s 1:5 þ 0:3 dj U=c 0 and for a bi-linear SN-curve: Z DsD DBL ðm1 ; m2 ; DsD ; sDs ðUÞÞ ¼ Z0 sm1 fDs ðsjsDs ðUÞÞds where dj is the distance to neighbouring wind turbine no j normalised by the rotor diameter and c is a constant equal to 1 m/s. The limit state equation corresponding to the above design equation is: 1 þ sm2 fDs ðsjsDs ðUÞÞds: gðtÞ ¼ D DsD ð9Þ In Equation (6) n is the total number of fatigue load cycles per year, FDF is the fatigue design factor (FDF ¼ TF/TL)), TF is the fatigue design life, KC is the characteristic value (defined by mean log K minus two standard deviation of log K) of K (material parameter), Uin and Uout are the cut-in and -out wind speed, respectively, fU(U) is the density function of mean wind speed U fDs(SjsDs(U)) is the density function for stress ranges given standard deviation sDs at mean wind speed U. This density function and n can be obtained by counting methods, e.g. Rainflow counting. The time-dependent limit state equation corresponding to Equation (6) is: Z Z n t Uout 1 gð t Þ ¼ D ðXW XSCF Þm K Uin 0 su ðUÞ D m; aDs ðUÞ fsu ðsu jUÞ fU ðUÞdsu dU z ð10Þ where D is a stochastic variable modelling the uncertainty related to the Miner rule for damage nt K Z Uout Uin Z 1 ðXW XSCF Þm 0 ð1 NW pW Þ D m; aDs ðUÞ su ðzUÞ 6 6 Nw P 4 s ð UÞ þpW D m; aDs ðUÞ u;jz 2 3 7 7 5 j¼1 fsu ðsu jUÞ fU ðUÞdsu dU ð13Þ where vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u u Xwake U2 su;j ðUÞ ¼ t pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 þ s2u 1:5 þ 0:3 dj U=c ð14Þ Xwake is the model uncertainty related with total/ equivalent wake turbulence model and XW is the uncertainty related to the model in Equation (12) for increased turbulence in a wake. The design parameter z is calculated with Equation (6) or (11) and then used in limit state Equation (10) or (13) to estimate the reliability index or the probability of failure at time t. For the assessment of the FM-fatigue life a onedimensional crack model is used, see Figure 4. The crack length c is assumed to be related to the crack 478 J.G. Rangel-Ramı´rez and J.D. Sørensen depth a through a factor fcr. It is assumed that the fatigue life may be represented by a fatigue initiation life and a fatigue propagation life: N ¼ NI þ NP ð15Þ where N is the number of stress cycles to fatigue failure, NI is the number of stress cycles to crack propagation and NP is the number of stress cycles from initiation to crack through. The correlation between NI and NP is taken into account by a correlation coefficient r, see Lassen (1997). The crack growth can be described by the following equations: da ¼ CA ðDKA Þm ; dN aðNI Þ ¼ ao c ¼ fcr a ð18Þ CA and m are the material parameters, ao describes the initial crack depth after NI cycles. DKA is the stress intensity range. The stress range Dsis obtained from: ð19Þ where Y is the model uncertainty variable related to geometry function and Dse is the equivalent stress range. For a single OWT Dse is obtained from: Uin 1 Dðm;sDs ðUÞÞ 0 1=m fsu ðsu jUÞfU ðUÞdsu ðUÞdU 77 77 57 7 5 : ð21Þ The limit state criteria used in the FM analysis is defined as the event that the crack exceeds a critical crack size: ð22Þ ð16Þ ð17Þ Ds ¼ Y Dse 3 31=m fsu ðsu jUÞ fU ðUÞdsu dU gðtÞ ¼ ac aðtÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffi DKA ¼ Ds ap Dse ¼XW XSCF Z Uout Z Dse ¼ XW XSCF 2 2 su ð U Þ Z Uout Z 1 ð1 NW pW Þ D m; aDs ðUÞ z 6 6 6 6 Nw P 4 6 U s ðUÞ 0 þpW D m; aDs ðUÞ u;jz 6 in 4 j¼1 ð20Þ where ac is the critical crack size and a(t) is crack depth. The incorporation of inspection’s uncertainty (inspection methods, technology, environmental conditions, inspectors’ expertise, etc) will be through a distribution of the detectable crack size or probability of detection curve (POD) such as the following: PODðxÞ ¼ P0 ð1 exp ðx=lÞÞ ð23Þ where l is a parameter describing the expected length of defects detected and P0 is a parameter modelling the probability of detecting very large defects. 5. Examples A steel jacket support structure of an OWT is considered. The OWT is assumed to have an expected lifetime equal to 20 years ( ¼ TL) and design fatigue life times equal to 40, 50 and 60 years ( ¼ TF). An influence coefficient function aDs(U) representing the mudline bending moment is shown in Figure 5. It is representative for a fatigue critical detail in the support structure and/or the transition node at the mudline and for an IWF location: Figure 4. loads. Surface crack idealisation in plate under fatigue Figure 5. aDs(U)/su(U) for mudline bending moment – pitch controlled wind turbine. 479 Structure and Infrastructure Engineering for a pitch controlled wind turbine. The aDs(U) function is highly non-linear due to the control system. Linear (L) and Bilinear (BL) SN-curves are considered for an IWF location (IWF) and a single/stand alone wind turbine (S). For the stochastic model two cases will be considered with two levels of uncertainties. Tables 1 and 2 show the two stochastic models (case A and B) and the distribution parameters. The design value z for each case is shown in Table 3 determined from Equations (6) and (11). In Figures 6 and 7 are shown the reliability index bt as function of time t for the stochastic model case A with TF ¼ 50 years and using the SN approach (limit state equations in Equations (10) and (13)). The results in Table 1 show that the design values for cases IWF are larger than the ones for free flow Table 1. Variable D Xw XSCF Xwake ln CA NI Y DsD log K1 log K2 TF NW n Uin7Uout PiW di aC ao fcr Thickness m turbulence. This is due to the additional accumulation of fatigue from wake turbulence. Further, it is seen that the design values using a bilinear SN-curve are smaller than using a linear SN-curve. The results in Figures 6 and 7 show that the reliability level is slightly lower for wind turbines within a wind farm compared to ‘stand-alone’ wind turbines – although they are designed using design equations (Equation (11)) that takes into account the wake effects. For all cases, a FM model is calibrated using the reliability indices in the interval from 10 to 20 years, see Figure 7. In Figure 7 is shown the reliability as function of time obtained with SN- and FM-approaches where the FM model is calibrated to the same reliability level as the code-based SN model. The annual probability of SN- and FM-stochastic models. Distribution Expected value N LN LN LN N W LN D N N D D D D D D D D D D D 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 mln CA (fitted) mNI ¼ Tinit n 1.0 71 MPa Determined from DsD Determined from DsD 40, 50 and 60 years 5/– 56107 5–25 m/s 0.06/– 4.0 50 mm 0.4 mm 4.0 50 mm 3.0 Standard deviation 0.10 (A)/0.15 0.10 (A)/0.05 0.10 (A)/0.05 0.15 (A)/0.10 0.77 0:35 mNI 0.10 – 0.20 0.25 – – – – – – – – – – – (B) (B) (B) (B) Comment Damage accumulation Wind Stress concentration factor Wake Crack growth rate Tinit (fitted), Initiation time Shape factor Constant amplitude fatigue limit Material parameter Material parameter Fatigue life In-wind farm/single OWT Fatigue cycles per year Cut-in – cut-out wind velocities In-wind farm/single OWT Normalised distance of OWT Critical crack size Initial crack size Crack length/depth ratio thickness Material parameter Note: log K1 and log K2 are assumed fully correlated and ln CA and NI are correlated with correlation coefficient¼70.5. (A) first case and (B) second case. D, Deterministic; N, Normal; LN, LogNormal; W, Weibull. Table 2. Distribution parameters and equations. Variable Distribution Parameters Comment DPF fU(U) fDsD() fsu() POD(x) N1(s) N2(s) D W(a,bU) W(aDsD,bDsD) LN(m,s) Equation (24) K1s7m1 K2s7m2 161073/161074 a ¼ 2.3, bU ¼ 10.0 m/s aDsD ¼ 0.8 m ¼ Iref(0.75Uþ3.8), s ¼ 1.4 m/sIref. PO ¼ 1.0, l ¼ 2.67 mm s DsD s 5 DsD Annual maximum probability of failure Mean wind speed Stress ranges Mean turbulence Probability of detection SN curve linear SN curve bi-linear D, Deterministic; N, Normal; LN, LogNormal; W, Weibull. 480 Table 3. J.G. Rangel-Ramı´rez and J.D. Sørensen Design parameters z. TF IWF–L S–L IWF–BL S–BL 40 50 60 0.4939 0.5321 0.5654 0.4309 0.4642 0.4934 0.3841 0.4049 0.4253 0.3306 0.3482 0.3657 Table 4. Inspection times are shown obtained solving the risk based optimisation problem with the fatigue reliability probabilistic model, using a maximum acceptable annual probability of failure DFFmax ¼ 1:0 104 . Inspection times (year) TF Case (A) (B) 40 IWF – L S–L IWF – BL S – BL IWF – L S–L IWF – BL S – BL IWF – L S–L IWF – BL S – BL 9 17 6 8 12 – 9 11 18 – 11 15 16 – 14 18 – – – – – – – – 50 60 Figure 6. Reliability index for SN-approach corresponding to the cumulative probability of failure of case A with TF ¼ 50 years. first inspection time, slightly earlier inspections are obtained for IWF location due to the increase of fatigue coming from the increased wake turbulence. For case B, the first inspections will come (significantly) later due to lower uncertainty level for this case. Further, higher fatigue lifetimes, TF imply that the first inspection comes later. It is noted that for all the cases the design parameter z is determined by a deterministic design such that the code-based design criteria is exactly satisfied. 6. Figure 7. Reliability indices for SN- and calibrated FMapproach corresponding to the cumulative probability of failure of case A with TF ¼ 40 years. failure DPF,t is obtained as DPF,t ¼ PF(t)7PF(t71) where PF(t) ¼ F(7bt). In Table 4, inspection times are shown obtained solving the risk based optimisation problem with the fatique reliability probabilistic model, using a maximum acceptable annual probability of failure DF equal to 1.0 1074. It is noted that the results are obtained for a case where the reliability constraint in Equation (2) is active and the costs are not relevant. Comparing the Conclusion A model for optimal inspection and maintenance planning is presented based on the same principles as used for offshore oil and gas installations. It is applied for fatigue failure limit states for welded steel details in jacket support structures for OWT. Both wind turbines within a wind farm and wind turbines not influenced of other wind turbines are considered using a probabilistic model for fatigue failure. Wake effects are taken into account for wind farms. This RBI-approach used for inspection planning for OWTs represents a rational and practical tool to optimise I&M activities, assuring that a minimum reliability level is satisfied. This article considers components in wind turbine support structures (structural components) that in case of failure will trigger major consequences for the whole wind turbine. The same method could also be used for other components in wind turbines such as blades, main frame and cast components. For wind farms with many wind turbines, a rational planning of inspection and maintenance activities should consider the whole wind farm as a Structure and Infrastructure Engineering system and include correlation between failure modes and inspection results in different wind turbines. This can be done using the same principles as described in this article. Furthermore, it could also be applied as a decision tool for estimating the consequences of possible service life extensions. For very large offshore wind farms where construction and installation will take many months or years, the wind turbines during this process will be exposed to different conditions, first they will be exposed as a single wind turbine and later to wake turbulence conditions within the wind farm. Modifications to the methodology can be done to take into account these different stages during the life-cycle of an OWT. Acknowledgements The financial support from the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the project ‘Probabilistic design of wind turbines’ supported by the Danish Research Agency, grant no. 2104–05–0075 is greatly appreciated. References Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H., 1975. Probability concepts in engineering planning and design. Vol I and II. 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