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English for Life Elementary Course Book

for life
A holistic approach to English communication
Course book
A full set of exercises and activities
to improve your vocabulary, grammar and
language skills. All you need for better daily
conversations in English!
Elementary - Course book
for life
1.1 Get to know (p.7)
Wh questions
Words used for self-introduction
Start a sentence with Ving
Common jobs
Tag questions
1.2 Hanoi destinations (p.13)
Commas in English
Experience + N/Ving
1.3 Hanoi recommendation
Modal verbs, advise,
recommend and suggest
Some linking words
Words to describe a destination
Tourist attractions in Hanoi
Words relating to travel
1.4 Revision (p.25)
Total review
1.5 Experience day (p.29)
Go to a tourist attractions and talk to foreign tourists
1.6 Presentation (p.31)
Signposting in a presentation
Total review
Writing: a tour advertisement
EXPERIENCE 2: At the café
2.1 Coffee time (p.35)
Countable and uncountable
2.2 Last holiday (p.41)
Past simple tense
2.3 Best memories (p.47)
Past simple and past continuous Important life events
2.4 Future plans (p.53)
Future tenses
Structures to talk about plans
Words to describe a café
Holiday activities
Words to talk about a journey
2.5 Revision (p.59)
Total review
2.6 Experience day (p.63)
Conduct a conversation in a coffee shop with teacher
Mid-term test: Evaluate students’ abilities
Total review
A conversation between Mai [1.1] Introduction of Greta,
Pablo and Sumi
- a local and Jack - an
[1.2] Simon and Alice
New York and Paris
[1.3] Sightseeing around town
[1.4] Tour of London
Recommendations for tourists [1.5] Street food in Vietnam
to Hanoi
[1.6] Travelling around Asia
Model conversation for
experience 1 - My Hanoi
Overview about Taiwan
Alice in a Labyrinth
5 things you should do when
Maria’s life milestones
The future plan of a student
Model conversation for
experience 2 - At the café
Practice: a conversation
between a foreign tourist and
local students
Practice: a conversation
between tourists and tour
Practice giving suggestions on
what to enjoy in Vietnam
Prepare for the experience day
[DVD] 5 reasons why you should Group presentation about
visit Taiwan
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
[2.1] Order a coffee
Sell and buy a drink in a café
[2.2] I love coffee
Talk about your favourite café
[2.3] What did people do on
Talk about your last holiday
[2.4] Luke and Trench
[2.5] Important life milestones
[2.6] Lily’s life
[2.7] Vicky, Chris, Lachie and
Play a game to talk about past
Practice making a plan
Prepare for the experience day
EXPERIENCE 3: Shopping man
3.1 On the menu (p.67)
3.2 Spending money (p.73)
Cooking methods
Much, many, a few, a little, few,
Types of restaurants
little, a lot of
All/all of, most/most of
The verb “spend”
Money related words
3.3 Products & Services
Comparative adjectives
Products and services
3.4 Shopping around (p.85)
Comparative and superlative
3.5 Review (p.91)
Total review
3.6 Experience day (p.95)
Go to a shopping mall and practice buying and selling items
3.7 Presentation (p.97)
How to make an effective
Words to describe a product
Personal items and stores
Direction and position
Total review
EXPERIENCE 4: Job hunt
4.1 Dream job (p.101)
Word order: still, anymore, yet,
Job fields
4.2 Curriculum vitae (p.107)
Ving and to V
Curriculum vitae / résumé
4.3 Job interview (p.113)
Can, could, be able to
Recruitment and interview
4.4 Review (p.119)
Total review
Total review
4.5 Experience day (p.123)
Attend a job interview
4.6 Presentation (p.125)
Presentation tips
Final review & Final test
Skills and qualities
Ordering in a restaurant
Evelyn, Austin and Jasmine’s
spending habits
Samsung galaxy Note 5
Mrs. Smith and her son going
[3.1] A conversation between
Alex and the waiter
[3.2] Some items and their price
[3.3] Mathew and his dad
[3.4] Finding a product
Role-play; act as a waiter and a
Talk about your money habit
[3.5] Microwave oven
Introduce a product that you
[3.6] Shopping centers
How to communicate when
buying a product
Talk about shopping habit
Model conversation for
Prepare for the experience day
experience 3 - Shopping man
Shopping as a daily routine
[DVD] Grocery shopping
Business email
[4.1] Guess the job
One man, 52 jobs
[4.2] Discuss about career
Sample CV
[4.3] Job interview
[4.4] Maria’s career
A job interview
[4.5] Apply for a job
Model conversation for
experience 4 - Job hunt
Prepare for the experience day
Google’s work culture
[DVD] Grocery shopping
Group presentation about
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Talk about dream jobs
Strengths, weaknesses, skills and
Answering interview questions
(introduce yourself)
Answering interview questions
Group presentation about
Experience 4 - Job hunt
English for life - Elementary
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Where ____ you from?
I am from Chile
Hi bae, where ___ you?
Oh, really? What language
____ you speak in Chile?
We speak Spanish
How long ___ you stay
in France?
When ___ we meet?
Which ___ your favourite sport?
What type of music
___ you like?
What time ___ you
pick me up?
Wh questions
Start a conversation with foreigners
1A Finish the conversations in the photos
1 Discuss. How to start a conversation in situations below
B Match 1-2 to a)-f) to make correct statements
1. In Wh questions, you put ______ after question
words and before subjects.
2. Auxiliary verbs can be ______
ordinary verbs
auxiliary verbs
go, eat, drink, etc.
I, you, we, they, he, she, it.
do, does, did, is, am, are, will, etc.
2A Rearrange given words to make sentences
1. most / like / do / place / the / Which / you /?
2. do / you / about / Vietnam / What / like /?
3. When / you / arrive / did / Vietnam / in /?
1. You are a new student in class. You want to talk to your
desk mate.
2. You are at a bus stop. You want to talk to the girl
standing next to you.
3. You see a foreign tourist. You want to talk to him/her to
practice your English.
2 Practice. How to start a conversation with a foreigner
1. Excuse me, do you have a few minutes to talk to me?
2. I’m practicing my English. I would like to talk to you for a
while. May I?
3. I’m a student learning English. Would you care to talk to
me for a few minutes?
4. Would you mind talking to me for five minutes?
5. Can I sit here and talk to you?
6. Can I talk to you for a while?
4. plan / you / Where / go / to / do / next /?
5. your / worst / What / experience / is / Vietnam / in /?
B Work in pairs. Act as a local person and a tourist.
Ask and answer the questions in exercise 2A
When we form a Wh question with an auxiliary verb, we
follow this structure:
Wh + auxiliary verb + subject + (main verb) +…?
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.1
Get to know
1A Discuss. What words/phrases should you use
when you introduce yourself?
nuclear family
extended family
major in
good at
reside in
B Take turns to introduce yourself to the class. Use
the mind map below and the words in exercise 1A
2 Look at the photos. Match the words with the
a. engineer
b. sales manager
c. wedding planner
d. accountant
e. fashion designer
f. computer programmer
g. entrepreneur
h. bank employee
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
hang out
tropical country
to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
having extremely small drops of water in the air
to reach a place
a set of decisions about what to do in the future
a country that is warm and humid all year
something happens to you
Lesson 1.1
Get to know
1A Work in pairs. Discuss the questions
1. What do foreigners like about Vietnam?
2. What are Vietnamese people like?
3. Which places in Vietnam can you introduce to foreign tourists?
B Read the dialogue and answer the questions
How does Mai start the conversation?
What is Jack’s occupation?
What does Jack think about Vietnam?
How does Mai react to Jack’s answers?
Mai: Excuse me, can I sit here?
Gwen: Sure.
Mai: My name is Mai. I am a student and I’m
practicing my English. I would like to talk to you
for a while, may I?
Gwen: Of course, I’m Gwen. Nice to meet you.
Mai: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from, Gwen?
Gwen: I’m from the US.
Mai: Nice! Is this your first time in Hanoi?
Gwen: Yes. I arrived here on Monday. I went to Ho Chi Minh mausoleum and Bat Trang
ceramic village.
Mai: That sounds great. So, what do you think about Vietnam?
Gwen: Oh, Vietnam is a fantastic country. I have great experiences with many friendly people.
However, because this is a tropical country, I feel hot all the time. That’s what I dislike.
Mai: Vietnam has friendly people and a lot of beautiful tourist attractions. Do you have any
plan to visit other places in Vietnam?
Gwen: Yes. My plan is to go to Ha Long bay and Da Nang before I come back to the US and
continue my job there.
Mai: What do you do for a living?
Gwen: I am a fashion designer.
Mai: I know some great art galleries in Hanoi. If you want to, I can take you there.
Gwen: Awesome, that’s very kind of you. I’ll call my friends and we can hang out together.
1 Work in groups. You are preparing to meet some foreign tourists. Discuss what
questions you can ask them
2 Find and correct the mistakes
in sentences 1-16
1. What language you speak in
your country?
2. We speaks English in South
3. Who are you travel with?
4. I’m travelling with husband.
5. What are your passion?
6. I love travel and visit new
7. What sport you do play?
8. I plays football.
9. Which your favourite places
to hang out?
10. I love to go Starbucks
11. When did you arrived?
12. I arrive here last week.
13. How long you will stay?
14. I will here for 2 weeks.
15. Where are you plan to go
16. My plan is go to Texas.
Role - play
1 Work in groups. One student
acts as a tourist. Other students
act as Vietnamese people. Make
a conversation. Use the given
cards on next page and the
questions in previous exercises
Steps (suggestion)
1. Local people start the
2. Get to know by talking about
personal information
3. Talk about the tourist’s
4. Talk about the tourist’s
(refer to Extra knowledge)
1. About their personal information
2. About their countries
3. About their experiences
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.1
Get to know
She is a fashion designer by
profession in Japan. She is travelling
to Paris with her boyfriend. She loves
attending fashion shows and playing
tennis. She also has a great passion
for rock music. Her favourite place to
hang out is Tokyo rock city. She
arrived in Paris 10 days ago and she
will be there for 2 months. Her
favourite experience is to visit Eiffel
tower and her next plan is visiting
New York.
She is a sales manager by
profession in France. She is
travelling with her family. She
loves water sports and music,
especially classical music. She
arrived in Hanoi 2 days ago. She
thinks Hanoi is a beautiful city
and her best experience was
trying street food. She is
planning to visit Ha Long bay.
Hannah is a bank employee from the
UK. She is travelling in Hanoi with her
husband. She loves reading and
watching football (but she doesn’t
play it). She also likes to hang out in
some café around West Lake. She
arrived in Hanoi 3 days ago and she
will stay there for 1 week before
moving to Sapa valley. Her best
experience in Hanoi was visiting the
Water Puppet theater.
John is an American engineer. He
is travelling alone to Da Nang.
His passion is photography, he
takes many beautiful photos
when he travels. He also likes
listening to hip-hop music and
playing basketball. He will stay in
Vietnam for a year and learn
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Lesson 1.1
Get to know
1A  [1.1] Fill the gap with the correct name
1. ______ introduces Greta to Pablo.
2. ______ is German.
3. ______ is Argentinian.
B  [1.1] Listen again and complete the conversation
Sumi: Hi, Pablo. How are you?
Pablo: Hi, Sumi. ______, thanks.
B  [1.2] Listen again and complete the conversation
Sumi: Pablo, this is Greta.
Simon: So, where do you come from?
Pablo: Hi, Greta, ______ Pablo.
Greta: Hi. How are you?
Alice: Well, I was 1________ and brought up in
Bristol, but my 2________ is from Spain originally.
Pablo: I’m fine, thanks. ______ from, Greta?
Simon: Really? Whereabouts in Spain?
Greta: I’m from Germany. Where are you from?
Alice: In Madrid. Have you 3________ there?
Pablo: I’m from Argentina. ______ you.
Simon: No I haven't, but I did have a wonderful
4________ in Barcelona last summer. What do you
do for a living?
Greta: Nice to meet you too.
2A  [1.2] Listen to a conversation between Simon and
Alice. Decide which sentence is true or false
Alice: I 5________ as a tour guide for foreign visitors
to London. And you?
Simon: I'm an English language teacher.
Alice: An English teacher? Do you enjoy your work?
2. Simon had a holiday in Barcelona last winter. ____
Simon: Yes, I do. It allows me to 6________ a lot
and I really enjoy visiting new places. I spent last
year teaching in Korea.
1. Alice comes from Bristol.
3. Alice is an English teacher.
4. Simon is a tour guide.
5. Simon used to teach in Korea.
Alice: Korea? Wow, that sounds 7________.
Simon: Yes, it was. Right now, I'm back home, on
my 8________ break. Do you travel much?
Alice: Yes, when I can. I especially love hot
Don't use only practice tests to improve your
listening skills: it's not enough! It is much more
effective to do various listening materials (radio
reports, TV-shows, documental programs etc.)
Simon: Have you ever been to 9________?
Alice: Yes, I have actually, several times. I went
there last summer. The weather and the food were
just fantastic.
Simon: Yes, I enjoy good 10________ too. It's a pity
we don't get much here.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.1
Get to know
1 Below are some useful questions and answers when
you want to talk to a foreigner. Fill in the blanks with
given words in the box
taking photos
my family
selling handicrafts
Lea café
A About personal information
Q: How can I call you?
A: My name is _______, but you can call me
Q: Where are you from?
A: I’m from _______.
Q: What do you do for a living?
Grammar memo
A: I am a/an _______.
When you want to start a sentence with an action, you must
not use an infinitive verb as the subject. Instead, you use
Incorrect: Eat street food was my best experience.
Correct: Eating street food was my best experience.
Incorrect: Celebrate mid-autumn festival is our tradition.
Correct: Celebrating mid-autumn festival is our tradition.
Q: Who are you travelling with?
A: I am travelling with _______.
Q: What are your passions?
A: I like _______ and _______.
Q: Which is your favourite place to hang out?
A: I’d love to go to _______.
Gaudi Sites
matador costume
Guggenheim Museum
2 days
1 week
getting stuck in a traffic jam
trying egg coffee
Ha Long Bay
B About the tourist’s country
C About the tourist’s experience
Q: What language do you speak in your country?
A: We speak _______ in _______.
Q: What are the famous tourist attractions in your
A: We are famous for _______ and _______.
Q: Does your country have a traditional clothing?
A: We don’t have a traditional clothing.
Yes, _______ is our traditional clothing.
Q: When did you arrive to Vietnam?
A: I arrived here _______ago.
Q: How long will you stay here?
A: I will be here for _______.
Q: What was your best experience in Vietnam?
A: _______ was my best experience.
Q: What was your worst experience in Vietnam?
A: _______ was my worst experience.
Q: Where are you planning to go next?
A: My plan is to visit _______.
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
He is handsome, ___ he?
You won’t go to London, ___ you?
Yes, he is.
David made it, __ he?
He isn’t looking at me, ___ he?
Unbelievable! You
are kidding, __ you?
No, he didn’t
3 Chose the correct sentence to use in each situation
Tag questions
1A Finish the conversations in the photos with words
in the box to make tag questions
Yes, I will. You will
miss me, ___ you?
Situation 1: You think your friend is seeing someone.
You are seeing someone lately, aren’t you?
You aren’t seeing anyone lately, are you?
Situation 2: You don’t believe that Jack gave you a present.
B Match 1-2 to a)-f) to make correct statements
A tag question consists of a _____ and a tag.
The tag repeats the ______ from the statement.
If the statement is positive, the tag will be _____.
If the statement is negative, the tag will be _____.
auxiliary verb
e) be
f) negative
g) positive
Jack didn't give me a present, did he?
Jack gave me a present, didn’t he?
Situation 3: You ask your Chinese friends if Chinese food is
Chinese food is good, isn’t it?
Chinese food isn’t good, is it?
4 Choose the correct answer
1. Snow is white. isn’t it?
a) Yes, it is
b) Yes, it isn’t
2. Summer isn’t hot, is it?
a) Yes, it is
b) No, it isn’t
2 Chose a) or b) to make tag questions
You are a student,
3. The sun doesn’t set in the East, does it? a) Yes, it doesn’t
b) No, it doesn’t
a) aren’t you?
b) don’t you?
He likes reading,
a) do he?
b) doesn’t he?
Mary doesn’t walk to school,
a) does she?
b) doesn’t she?
We use tag questions to ask for confirmation. They mean
something like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?"
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.2
Hanoi destinations
1A Discuss. What words/phrases can you use to
describe your city?
B Discuss and make a brief presentation about the
capital of your country. Follow the mind map below
and use the words in exercise 1A
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
2 Look at the photos. Match the photos with the
name of the destinations
a. The Old Quarter
b. The temple of literature
c. St. Joseph’s cathedral
d. Hoa Lo prison
e. Turtle tower
f. Ho Chi Minh mausoleum
g. Water puppet theater
h. West lake
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
ethnic group
historical site
tourist attraction
a. showing the characteristics of a kind of person or thing
b. a group of people who share a similar culture, language,
religion and so on
c. a place someone is going to or something is being sent or
d. a place where many people come to visit
e. an area or a building that shows a part of the region’s
Lesson 1.2
Hanoi destinations
Famous cities
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below
1. What are some famous cities in the world?
2. What do you know about New York?
3. What are the adjectives you can use to describe New
4. Do you think New York is an ideal place to live for
young people? Why? Why not?
2A Read the passage then match the statements below to
the city. Write: N-New York, P-Paris, B-both
0. It is a city in the United States
1. It is a tourist attraction
2. It is the country's capital
3. It is famous for wine
4. It is a heaven for shopping
5. The lifestyle here is fast and busy
6. Pollution is a huge problem in this city
7. It is called “a romantic city”
8. It has an exciting nightlife
New York City, the first capital of the United States, is
located in the northeastern US. This is the most populous
city in the US and one of the most touristy cities in the
world. It is famous for the exciting and bustling lifestyle.
This city offers a wide range of well-known tourist
attractions such as Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and
Empire State building, etc. The cuisine in NYC consists of
many cuisines belonging to various ethnic groups that
have entered the US through the city. NYC at night is a
lively experience to enjoy. Dazzling lights, bars and plenty
of great restaurants combine with the charm of the city at
night to provide a thriving nightlife beyond compare in
New York. NYC shopping is a favourite for many of the
city’s visitors. With its department stores, outlets, small
shops, NYC offers tourists a great shopping experience for
artistic souvenirs, vintage products or luxury items.
B Read the passage again. Find the words which have the
same meanings with the words/phrases below
1. very populated
2. busy
3. famous
4. cooking and meals
5. classic
6. very old
7. large church
8. symbolic
9. many and different
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.2
Hanoi destinations
1 Fill in the blanks with the new words/phrases that you
learned in this lesson
1. Vietnam is a t__________ Asian country of 54
2. Hanoi, which is one of the most p__________ cities in
Vietnam, is the capital of this country.
3. Hanoi is w__________ for a multi-cultural community
with Chinese, French and Russian influences.
4. Some t__________ places to visit in Hanoi are the
Temple of Literature, the Old Quarter, St. Joseph's
C__________ and so on.
5. Some t__________ foods in Hanoi are pho, banh mi
and bun cha.
6. Tourists should experience the café culture in Hanoi
and walk around on b__________ streets in the Old
7. There are d__________ items for you to buy, such as
conical hats, Vietnamese traditional dresses, silk
products and many kinds of snacks.
Paris, known as the City of Light, Love and Romance, is
situated in northern France. The France capital makes up
20% of all French population, so it has a multi-cultural
style. This romantic city is one of the three cities
developing at the highest speed in France. It is famous for
ancient royal palaces, cathedrals and churches. This city
has a lot of interesting history and historical sights. The
most popular sight is the Eiffel Tower. The typical foods
are croissants, cheese, salads, snails and their typical
drinks are many kinds of alcohol such as red wine, white
wine, sparkling wine and fresh lemon juice,… Paris not
only attracts tourists by its romantic beauty, but also
satisfies customers with huge and extremely diverse
shopping centers. Besides, at the moment Paris are facing
serious pollution, especially water pollution because this
city is becoming more of an industrial city.
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Role - play
1 Choose a card. Go around and talk to each other to
introduce your city. Use the questions below and suggested
answers above
1. Where do you live in (Vietnam)?
2. What is that city famous for?
3. What are the tourist attractions in your city?
4. What are the popular food and drinks there?
5. What great experiences can we have there?
6. What are the popular items to buy from there?
(refer to Extra knowledge)
Lesson 1.2
Hanoi destinations
City: Tokyo - the capital and the
most populous city in Japan
Famous for: The safe, clean and well
-organized city life.
Attractions: Ghibli museum, Tokyo
Disneyland and Nezu temple
Cuisine: sushi, seafood, different
types of green tea
Experience: watching cherry
blossom and sumo wrestling
Shopping: souvenirs, kimonos,
high-tech products.
City: London - the capital and the
most populous city in the UK
Famous for: ancient buildings and
its history
Attractions: Big Ben, Buckingham
palace, London eye
Cuisine: fish and chips, and English
Experience: going to theaters and
museums, travelling on a red bus
Shopping: souvenirs, woolen
products and European food
City: New York - the most populous
city in the USA
Famous for: being the financial
capital of the world
Attractions: Times square, Statue of
Liberty and Central park
Cuisine: foods coming from many
other countries
Experience: attending concerts and
shows, enjoying the nightlife
Shopping: high-tech products,
luxury jewelries and postcards
City: Paris - the capital and the most
populous city in France
Famous for: fashion, cuisine and
being a romantic city
Attractions: Notre Dame Cathedral
and the Eiffel Tower
Cuisine: croissants, cheese and wine
Experience: going to flea markets
and cultural events
Shopping: French wine, chocolate
and luxury fashion items
1 Below are some useful questions and answers when
you want to talk about a well-known city. Complete the
conversation with your partner
Q: Where do you live in Vietnam?
A: I’m from Hanoi, which is _____
Q: What is that city famous for?
A: Hanoi is well-known for _____
Q: What are the tourist attractions in your city?
A: Some touristy places to visit are _____
Q: What are the popular food and drinks there?
A: Some popular food and drinks in Hanoi are _____
Q: What great experiences can we have there?
A: Tourists should experience _____
Grammar memo
1. After the verb “experience”, you use a noun or Ving.
Example: You should experience the cuisine and visiting
the flea market.
2. When you mention a list in English, you must put “and”
before the last element of the list. The comma “,” before
“and” is optional.
Incorrect: There is pen, pencil, ruler.
Correct: There is pen, pencil, and ruler.
Correct: There is pen, pencil and ruler.
Q: What are the popular items to buy from there?
A: There are diverse items for you to buy, such as
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.2
Hanoi destinations
1  [1.3] Listen to the recording and answer the
1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
a) To an art museum
b) To a park
c) To a shopping center
2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for
a) Indonesian
b) Indian
c) Italian
3. The man wants to visit the zoo because _____.
a) there are unusual animals there
B  [1.4] Listen again and choose the correct answer
b) the zoo will be closed the rest of the week
1. The tour takes _____ hours.
c) it is free to visitors that day
4. The woman wants to go shopping to _____.
b) 3
a) pass the time
c) 4
b) return a gift
2. At Madame Tussaud’s you can see _____.
c) buy souvenirs
a) maps of London
5. They are going to the sea by _____.
b) models of famous people
a) bus
c) famous shops
b) taxi
3. Oxford Street is a famous street for _____.
c) subway
2A  [1.4] Put these places in the order that the tour
bus will visit them
Madame Tussaud’s Museum
London Eye
Houses of Parliament
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Oxford Street
Buckingham Place
Big Ben
Americans usually pronounce every “r” in a word, while
the British tend to only pronounce the “r” when it’s the
first letter of a word. Therefore, you need to pay
attention to this when listening.
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
a) 2
a) drinking tea
b) eating
c) shopping
4. The Queen lives at _____.
a) Buckingham Palace
b) the Tower of London
c) Tower Bridge
5. Big Ben is a _____.
a) tour guide
b) clock
c) bridge
6. You can see great views of London from _____.
a) Oxford Street
b) the Houses of Parliament
c) London Eye
Where can I find good food?
I ___ you to have enough sleep and
do yoga.
I ___ a nice restaurant called Blue
You __ visit District 1 to try street food.
I’m so stressful. What should I do?
I ___ that you should try our
signature dish - Panzenella
Giving suggestions
1 Complete the conversations in the photos with the
words in the box
2A Read the paragraph below
If this is the first time you visit Seoul, you should visit
Seoul tower to see the dramatic view of the city. I
also advise you to try Korean traditional food such as
tteoguk (soup made with rice cake) and chicken with
beer. I recommend a great restaurant which is School
Food in Myeongdong. For shopping, I suggest that
you should go to Hondae for the best shopping
In stead of “should”, you can use some other modal
verbs to make a recommendation, such as have to,
ought to, and must.
3A Discuss in pairs. Give your friend an advice in the
situations below
1. I am so tired, what should I do?
2. I have a toothache, can you help me?
3. I want to eat Italian food. What restaurant do you
4. Where do you think I should visit in your hometown?
5. What great experience do you suggest me to have
B After reading the paragraph in exercise 2A. Fill in the
blanks with a)-d)
Below are common ways to give advice/suggestions:
Modal verb: You + modal verb + _____
Advise: I advise you + _____
Recommend/Suggest: I recommend/suggest + _____
Recommend/Suggest: I recommend/suggest that + _____
when I travel to your country?
B Discuss in pairs. What are the possible questions for the
answers below?
1. You should go to the pharmacy and take some pills.
2. I advise you to be honest and tell your teacher the
a) verb infinitive
b) clause
c) noun/Ving
d) to verb
3. I recommend a clothing store on Green street.
4. I suggest that you should meet your boss and tell him
about the problem.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.3
Hanoi recommendations
1A Add prepositions after words/phrases below
compare ___
mix ___
wide variety ___
take part ___
consume ___
combination ___
B Discuss. Use the mind map below and give
suggestions to tourists visiting your city
2 Look at the photos. Match words with the photos
a. deliver
b. consume
c. signature dish
d. baguette
e. construct
f. ingredient
g. unique
h. souvenir
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
a. following or belonging to something that have lasted for
a long time
b. that is everywhere around something
c. something that has been made or built from parts
d. a school that teaches a particular subject
e. how food or drink tastes
Lesson 1.3
Hanoi recommendations
1A Put paragraph A-I to the correct column
A Bia hoi is a special type of homemade
beer. It is brewed and delivered to local
shops. Unlike canned or bottled beer, bia hoi
should be consumed within one day. It’s
brand-less and very cheap compared to
branded beers.
B Hanoi is famous for its wide variety of
coffee shops. ‘Ca phe sua da’ is the unique
Vietnamese coffee mixed with sweet
condensed milk. If you don’t want it hot,
add a lot of ice to it. If you like to drink
black coffee then you may order ‘ca phe da’.
C Bun cha is the signature dish of Hanoi. It
is a combination of grilled pork, salty-sweet broth, green papaya, rice noodles, and
fresh leaves.
D Banh mi is a stuffed baguette which has a wide range of flavours and ingredients.
Banh mi is often ranked as one of the best street food here.
E Hoan Kiem Lake is one of the major tourist places in the city. The lake and its
surroundings are always crowded with tourists. It is also a very popular hangout spot
for local people. The red bridge and the turtle tower, located at the center the lake, are
iconic structures of this great city.
F Temple of Literature - in here, you’ll have chance to visit the Imperial Academy and
the first national university of Vietnam constructed in 1076.
G One of the best souvenirs to carry home from Vietnam would be a Non La (the
conical hat) - one of the popular symbols of Vietnam.
H Some popular gifts that you can buy for friends and families are Vietnamese coffee,
green been cakes and the traditional dresses - aodai.
I We also recommend some experiences such as walking around and taking part in
traditional games in the Old Quarter, trying egg coffee and coconut coffee. You can
also talk to friendly local people.
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
paragraph ___
B Read again. Find the words
having similar meanings with
the words below
a lot of
participate in
1 Find and correct the mistakes
in sentences 1-16
1. What you think I should
2. I think you should to try egg
3. Can you advice some food
to have here?
4. I advise that you should
trying fried noodles and
grilled pork.
5. Do you suggest to visit Hoa
Lo prison?
6. Yes, definitely. It is ideal
place to study Vietnamese
7. What experience you
advise me to have here?
8. I recommend go around the
Old Quarter and see the
sun set at West Lake.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.3
Hanoi recommendations
1A How can tourists ask for recommendations? Write
(C) if it is correct and (I) if it is incorrect
What do you think I should drink?
What drink should I suggest you?
Can you recommend me some dishes
to try?
What food do you want to try?
Do you have advice on what places to
visit in Hanoi?
Where are the places that I can advise
other tourists to visit?
What should I buy in Hanoi?
Why should I buy souvenirs when I
What experience do you suggest that
I should have here?
What are the activities that I can do
to make me feel better?
Suggestions for what to drink: _______________________
Detail 1: _________________________________________
Detail 2: _________________________________________
Suggestions for what to eat: ________________________
Detail 1: _________________________________________
Detail 2: _________________________________________
Suggestions for where to visit: _______________________
Detail 1: _________________________________________
Detail 2: _________________________________________
Suggestions for what to buy: ________________________
B Discuss. Pretend to be a tour guide, make
recommendations for foreign tourists. Try to give more
details for each idea
Detail 1: _________________________________________
Detail 2: _________________________________________
Suggestions for experiences: ________________________
Detail 1: _________________________________________
Detail 2: _________________________________________
2A Work in groups. Do the role-play activity
- One student acts as a foreign tourist.
- Other students act as tour guides.
- You can follow the mind map beside.
(refer to Extra knowledge)
B Some groups perform in front of the class
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Lesson 1.3
Hanoi recommendations
1A  [1.5] Choose the correct answers
1. Where is street food sold in Vietnam?
a) big cities, shops, market and alleys
b) shops, street vendors and supermarkets
2. Is Vietnamese street food diverse?
a) No, it isn’t
b) Yes, it is
3. How are the imports from Western countries?
a) They are modified
b) They don’t suit the tastes of Vietnamese
B  [1.5] Listen again. Fill in the blanks
Street food is popular in Vietnam, especially in big cities,
and is sold in shops, from street 1_______, in the market,
to in alleys - anywhere that is 2________ with people.
Vietnamese street food is 3________ and abundant. In
addition to traditional dishes, there are also those of
groups living in Vietnam, such as the Chinese
and Khmer, and imports from Western countries,
although these are often modified to suit the 5________
2  [1.6] Choose the correct answers
1. She went to Vietnam by _____ .
a) boat
b) bus
c) plane
2. Her favourite city was _____ .
of Vietnamese people.
a) Hanoi
b) Ho Chi Minh City
c) Hoi An
3. It reminded her of _____ .
a) Lagos
b) Laos
c) Nigeria
4. In Myanmar she went to _____ .
In order to improve your listening and speaking skills,
you should listen to the listening files multiple times
and try to copy the speaker’s speech and intonations.
a) one city
b) many famous cities
c) just the border
5. The highlight was her trip to Myanmar was ______.
a) the beach
b) the food
c) Bagan
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.3
Hanoi recommendations
1 Below are some useful questions and answers in a
conversation with a tourist about suggestions. Fill in the blanks
with the new words in this lesson
Q: What do you think I should drink?
A: I advise you to try egg coffee. It has an u______ f______
and it is Hanoi’s s______ drink.
Q: Can you recommend me some dishes to try?
A: You definitely should try banh mi. It is a kind of
Vietnamese b______. You can have many i______ in a banh mi,
such as vegetable, sausages, eggs, even beef jerky (thit bo kho)
and so on.
Q: Do you have advice on what places to visit in Hanoi?
A: I highly recommend Tran Quoc pagoda. It was c______ four
centuries ago with the typical s______ of temples and pagodas
in northern Vietnam. Also, the s______ is incredible with the
great view of West lake.
Q: Where else should I visit?
A: The temple of literature would be a great idea. It was the
first university and a______ of Vietnam. You can also t______
part in some t______ games there
Q: What should I buy in Hanoi?
A: Some popular s______ are postcards and silk products.
However, I suggest that you should buy Vietnamese coffee and
green bean cakes for your friends and family.
Grammar memo
Q: What experience do you suggest having?
There are some linking words that you can use to
make your sentences smoother and more logical
- However/but: to show the contrast
- Also: to show the addition or similarity
- Thus/so: to show the result
- Because/for: to show the reasons
A: My recommendation is to try making ceramic items in Bat
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Trang village. After you design and form your product, it will
be fired and d______ to you within 2 days.
Grammar memo
1 Wh questions
Wh + auxiliary verb + subject + (main verb) +…?
In Wh questions, you put auxiliary verbs after question
words and before subjects.
Auxiliary verbs can be do, does, did, is, am, are, will,
1. How _____ I call you?
2. Where _____ you from?
3. What _____ you do for a living?
4. What language _____ you speak in your country?
5. What _____ the famous tourist attractions in your
6. When ______ you arrive in Hanoi?
7. How long ______ you stayed here?
8. What ______ the best experience that you had in
9. What ______ you planning to do next?
2 Tag questions
A tag question consists of a statement and a tag.
The tag repeats the auxiliary verb from the statement.
If the statement is positive, the tag will be negative.
If the statement is negative, the tag will be positive.
1. Vietnam is a beautiful country, __________?
2. Vietnamese people are friendly, __________?
3. You cannot eat durian, __________?
4. Westerners don’t like spicy food, __________?
5. People in your country speak Spanish, __________?
6. Your friend comes from the Philippines, __________?
7. People shouldn't talk too loud in the public,
8. Peter is not American, __________?
1. When you want to start a sentence with an action,
you must not use an infinitive verb as the subject.
Instead, you use Ving.
Example: Eating street food was my best
2. After the verb “experience”, you use a noun or
Example: You should experience the cuisine and
visiting the flea market
3. We you mention a list in English, you must put
“and” before the last element of the list. The
comma “,” before “and is optional.
Example: There is pen, pencil, and ruler or There
is pen, pencil and ruler.
4. There are some linking words that you can use to
make your sentences smoother and more logical
- However/but: to show the contrast
- Also: to show the addition or similarity
- Thus/so: to show the result
- Because/for: to show the reasons
3 Make suggestions
Below are common ways to give advice/suggestions:
Modal verb: You + modal verb + verb infinitive
Advise: I advise you + to verb
Recommend/Suggest: I recommend/suggest + noun/Ving
Recommend/Suggest: I recommend/suggest that + clause
1. Tourists should ______ (respect) the customs and
local tradition.
2. A local person may ______ (feel) uncomfortable if you
hug him.
3. We advise you ______ (bring) rain coat or umbrella
with you when you travel.
4. Jack recommended ______ (visit) Hanoi, the capital of
5. A local man suggested that I ______ (choose) a red
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.4
1.1 Get to know
accountant [n]
extended family [np]
profession [n]
arrive [v]
fashion designer [np]
religion [n]
bank employee [np]
good at [adj]
reside in [vp]
computer programmer [np]
hang out [vp]
salary [n]
cruel [adj]
humid [adj]
sales manager [np]
easygoing [adj]
major in [vp]
selfish [adj]
engineer [n]
nuclear family [np]
tropical country [np]
entrepreneur [n]
passion [n]
wedding planner [np]
experience [n/v]
plan [n]
1.2 Hanoi destinations
ancient [adj]
Ho Chi Minh mausoleum [np]
thriving [adj]
bustling [adj]
Hoa Lo prison [np]
tourist attraction [np]
destination [n]
lively [adj]
touristy [adj]
diverse [adj]
populous [adj]
Turtle tower [np]
ethnic group [np]
St. Joseph’s cathedral [np]
typical [adj]
historical [adj]
The Old Quarter [np]
Water puppet theater [np]
historical site [np]
The temple of literature [np]
well-known [adj]
West lake [np]
1.3 Hanoi recommendation
academy [n]
deliver [v]
structure [n]
baguette [n]
flavour [n]
surrounding [adj]
combination of [n]
ingredient [n]
take part in [vp]
compare to [vp]
mix with [vp]
traditional [adj]
construct [v]
signature dish [np]
unique [adj]
consume [v]
souvenir [n]
wide variety of [np]
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Lesson 1.4
1A Read the instructions and practice in groups.
1. Work in groups of four
2. Go to a tourist destination where you can
see many foreigners.
3. Be confident. Approach a foreign tourist
and greet him/her nicely.
4. Talk to him/her about his/her travel
experience and give him/her some advice
about what they should do in your
One student acts as a foreign tourist.
Other students act as local people.
Practice and conduct a conversation by following
given steps.
Remember to smile and be confident.
Be polite by saying please, excuse me, pardon,
sorry, thank you.
B Perform in front of the class.
Some groups perform in front of the class.
Teacher will evaluate and give comment on their
Evaluation criteria are confidence, fluency,
comprehension, grammar and pronunciation.
A fully-detailed instruction
Step 1: Greeting and introduction
Step 3: Talk about your city
You should approach the foreigners with a smile.
Then, you can start the conversation. There are three
main things that you must mention: your name, you
want to practice English for only a few minutes and
ask them to talk to you politely. Here are some
Be a kind and friendly person by introducing your city to
the tourists. You can tell them about some famous
destinations in your city (refer to lesson 1.2 - Hanoi
destinations). Don’t mention only the name of the places,
you should do some research beforehand then tell them
about the location and some interesting features of the
well-known attractions that you introduce.
“Hello, my name is Lucifer and these are my friends.
We are practicing English on our experience day. Can
we talk for just 5 minutes?”
“Excuses me, my name is Lucifer, this is Kate and
Berry. We are doing an activity of coming here and
talking to foreigners. Would you mind spending a few
minutes with us?”
If the tourists don’t agree to talk, then thank them and
say good bye politely, You may say “Okay, I can
understand. Thank you and wish you a nice day!”
Step 2: Asking about their information
You can ask the tourists some questions about their
country or their travel experience (refer to lesson 1.1
- Get to know). However, some questions about their
ages or their personal life are not considered to be
In this part, you should not ask them continuously;
instead, try to react to their answers.
Paris - France
Step 4: Giving suggestions
You will give suggestions based on the conversation. Tell
the tourists something that they have not known or
experienced. Make recommendations about food or
drinks they should try and where to find them, what they
should buy for themselves, their friends and families,
where else to visit and so on (refer to lesson 1.3 - Hanoi
recommendation). Be specific about your suggestions by
adding more details (description, reason why your
suggestions are worth following, etc.)
London - UK
Step 5: Saying good bye and asking for a photo
After the short conversation, say good bye politely and
ask them to take a photo with you. If possible, you can
exchange your contact, for example:
“Should we add Facebook?”
“Here is my contact. If you have any problems, feel free to
call, I’ll do my best to help you.”
English for life Agra
- Elementary
- India
Lesson 1.4
A conversation between a tourist and three Vietnamese students
Student 1: Hello, my name is Nam. These are my friends. We
are practicing English for our experience day. Can we talk for 5
Foreigner: Sure. Nice to meet you.
Student 2: I am Linh. What is your name?
Foreigner: I am Corey. How about you?
Student 3: My name is Khanh. Where are you from?
Foreigner: I am from the US. What are you doing here?
Student 2: We study at Green Hill School. Today, we are doing
an activity of coming here and talking to foreigners.
Foreigner: Oh I see. So are you all students?
Student 1: Yes. We study at National University. What do you
The food and drinks are diverse and people are very kind.
Student 3: Where did you visit in the last five days?
Foreigner: Not many places, we have been to Ho Chi Minh
mausoleum, the Old Quarter and St. Joseph’s cathedral in the
center of Hanoi. I still want to go sightseeing more.
Student 3: Yes, there are many touristy places in Hanoi. I can
recommend you some tourist attractions you should go to.
Foreigner: Oh thank you so much. That’s lucky for me.
Student 3: You are welcome. You should go to the temple of
literature. It is a historical site - the first university of Vietnam.
Now people still believe that before an exam, students should
go there to pray for good marks and luck.
Foreigner: I see. That sounds interesting.
Foreigner: I am a journalist.
Student 1: You also can visit Hoa Lo prison because it will show
you a part of Vietnamese history.
Student 2: Oh, so are you travelling for business? Who are you
travelling with?
Foreigner: Thank you. I will go there. How about Long Bien
Bridge? It seems really famous for young people.
Foreigner: No, I am with my family.
Student 1: Yes. It is a historical bridge made by the French
many years ago. Now people, especially the young, often go
there to enjoy the fresh air and chill out with their friends.
Student 2: Do you really like travelling?
Foreigner: Yes, of course. Travelling helps me broaden my
knowledge and make friends all over the world. It is also a part
of my job as a journalist.
Student 3: What other activities do you like?
Foreigner: Yes. I also like sports. I usually play different kinds of
sports like badminton, football and table tennis, but my
favourite is football because I can play in a team.
Student 2: Is this the first time you’ve been here?
Foreigner: No. This is the second time I’ve been in Vietnam. But
the first time was for business, I was so impressed by
Vietnamese people, they are very friendly and kind, so this time
I came here to travel.
Student 1: When did you arrive in Vietnam?
Foreigner: I arrived here 5 days ago.
Student 3: Where are you staying?
Foreigner: We are staying in a homestay near West lake so that
we can go jogging every morning.
Student 2: How do you feel about Hanoi?
Foreigner: Amazing. The weather in the autumn here is so cool.
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Foreigner: Wow. Can you suggest me some popular and tasty
Student 2: Hanoi is famous for a variety of street food. I
recommend banh mi, bun cha and banh cuon. It is very easy to
find them and they are tasty as well.
Student 3: However, the most famous food here is pho. Trying
it is a must! Ah, do you know egg coffee?
Foreigner: Oh yep, I heard about that. It is really well-known.
Many tourists recommend it.
Student 3: You can try it in Giang coffee on Nguyen Huu Huan
Foreigner: Wow a lot of useful knowledge for my trip. Thank
you so much!
Student 1: You are welcome. Can we take a photo with you?
Foreigner: Sure. It’s my pleasure.
Student 2: Thank you so much for spending time with us. Enjoy
your trip.
Student 3: Good bye.
Have you had any difficulties in speaking to foreigners? You
have never spoken to a foreigner and you have never
thought you could make him/her understand you? You are
too shy to start a conversation with a beautiful girl from
America? Today, we are going to break the language barrier!
And today, you are going to test what you’ve learnt in the
last 4 lessons. You’re going to go out to a tourist spot and
meet foreigners. Don’t be nervous. Consider it as an
opportunity. Also, be prepared with your speaking outline.
Your teacher will explain to you the procedure and the plan
of the experience day.
Remember a few important things:
Keep some paper with you - you may want to write down
some notes (food, places) to give the foreigners.
Be very careful when you recommend some places,
restaurants and shops. Do some research beforehand.
Ensure they are good suggestions. If not sure, stick to the
suggestions from your personal experience. Understand how
important your recommendations would be to them.
Don’t forget to take some photos with the foreigners!
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.5
Experience 1
Write down the answers for all questions below. You
can make short notes or write full sentences. These
notes should help you in the discussion in the next
lesson. Be prepared!
How was your day?
Did you like it?
How did you feel before the experience?
How did you go to the destination?
Where did you go?
Were you on time?
How many students were there?
Did anyone get there late?
What did you do after meeting your friends?
What did you notice about the place?
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
Have you been there before?
How many foreigners did you talk to?
Where were they from?
Who did you like the most? Why?
What did you talk to them?
What was the most interesting conversation?
Did you learn anything new that day?
Was there anything that you didn't like?
2 Read the passage below then use that information to make
your presentation
- Do the presentation in groups of four
- Topic: Talk about your 1st experience day - my
Signposting in a
- Length: 10-15 minutes
- The presentation should include at least 4 parts:
1 Discuss in groups. Make the outline for the body of
your presentation. You can follow your own idea or use
the suggestion below
Part 1: General details
- How was your day?
- What was the weather like that day?
- How did you go there? Did you get there on time?
Part 2: The process
- How did you prepare?
- How many groups were there in your class?
- How much time did you spend?
Part 3: Tell the class about the foreigners you met
- What do you know about them?
- What did you talk about?
Part 4: Your opinion
- Which tourist did you like the most?
- What did you learn after the My Hanoi
In the opening, you should include: greeting, introducing your
team, and the topic, for example:
Greeting: “Good afternoon, everyone!” or “First of all, let me
thank you all for coming here today.”
Self intro: “Let me just start by introducing my team. I’m …”
Topic intro: “What I’d like to present to you today is …” or
“Today I’m going to talk about …”
Firstly, tell the audience how many parts you will present. Before
each main part, remember to give your listeners a sign so they
can better follow your presentation. Here are some model
Main parts: “I’ve divided my presentation into … parts” or “In
my presentation I’ll focus on … issues”
Brief conclusion: “Well, I’ve told you about…” or “That’s all I
have to say about …”
Move to the next points: “First, I’ll be looking at …, second …,
and third …” or “To start with….Then….Next…. Finally….”
At the end of the presentation, you need to summarize the main
ideas or main points. Then, say thanks to the audience.
Summary: “I'd like to conclude by…” or “To conclude, … That
brings us to the end of my presentation”
Thank: “Thank you for listening” or “Thank you all for listening,
it was a pleasure being here today”
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 1.6
1 Read a brief introduction about Taiwan and answer
the questions
1. Where is Taiwan?
2. What are special about this island?
aiwan’s total land area is
only about 36,000 km2;
it is shaped like a tobacco leaf
that is narrow at both ends. It
lies off the southeastern coast
of mainland Asia, across the
Taiwan Strait from Mainland
China - a lonely island on the
western edge of the Pacific
Ocean. To the north lies Japan
and Okinawa, to the south is
the Philippines. Many airlines fly to Taiwan, helping
make it the perfect travel destination.
People tend to think of Taiwan as a little,
overcrowded island centered around manufacturing
industries. However, Taiwan is much more than
that. Taiwan has something for everyone: stunning
natural scenery, rich traditional and modern
culture, beautiful beaches, renowned hot springs
and delicious food.
1 Watch the DVD. Number the main ideas in the correct
a) Incredibly warm-hearted people
b) Small but big
c) Unexpected surprises
d) Awesome customizable service
e) Never lost in translation
2 Watch the DVD again. What does Ben Hedges say?
Complete the phrases
1. And today I want to share with you my five _________
why Taiwan is the best Asian destination that you
could visit.
2. But what most important is all these places may not
be _________ you think.
3. Breaking through the language barrier is also
something to consider when travelling if you speak
English you will have no problem _________ Taiwan.
4. When you travel in Taiwan it is the people who make
the experience what it is Taiwanese people's
_________ and _________ in welcoming foreigners is
famous across the globe.
5. When you come to Taiwan you need to remember to
use your mobile phone or other video _________
1 Read the advertisement and answer: What is French
tour? What is special about it?
French tour
The tour package is for 10 days with the party departing for
Antibes and Nice in the South of France for the first seven
days then rounding the trip off in Paris. Students will attend
a French course during their day in Antibes which will focus
a lot on conversation, expression and role play exercises.
The teaching style especially aims at developing students’
speaking skills and at making them feel more confident in a
French environment. They will also have lessons with other
international students from countries around the world. The
tour will enhance the students’ overall French language
abilities and undoubtedly help them with their
understanding of the subject and their exam preparation. It
will also open them up to a different culture and they’ll
make new lasting friendship.
2 Write an advertisement (advert) for a tour to your
country. Use the advert above to help
Experience 1 - My Hanoi
English for life - Elementary
Experience 2 - At the café
Would you like ______ ?
Let me help you with your ______ .
Thank you. I have two more
______ in the car.
Can I have ______, please?
I can’t drink ______ .
May I see your ______, please, sir?
My name is Sandals,
I have ______ .
3 Fill the gap with a/an/some/any
Countable and uncountable nouns
1A Finish the conversations in the photos with words in
the box. Sometimes, the word needs to be plural (-s), and
sometimes you need to use a/an
orange juice
B Match 1-4 to a)-e) to make correct statements.
Some words can be used more than once.
1. A noun can be ______ or ______.
2. A countable noun can be ______ (apple) or
______ (apples).
3. We cannot use ______ with uncountable nouns.
4. We cannot use ______ noun alone. It must go
- article (a/an/the)
- this/that/these/those
- possessive (Henry’s, my, his, her, etc.)
a) singular
b) plural
c) numbers
d) countable
e) uncountable
2. Can you help me? I need ______ help.
3. We don’t have ______ money.
4. You’ll need ______ umbrella if you go out.
5. How about ______ cup of tea?
6. I’ve bought ______ new shoes but I didn't get ______
7. He’s reading ______ information about train times.
4 Which is correct?
1. a. I don’t like the taste of beer/beers.
b. I’d like two beer/beers, please.
2. a. I ordered two cups of coffee/coffees while I was waiting
for my friend to join me.
b. How many coffee/coffees do you drink every morning.
3. a. A soft drink/soft drink is a drink that usually contains
carbonated water, a sweetener, and a natural or artificial
b. While the term soft drink/a soft drink is commonly used
in product labeling and on restaurant menus.
2 Decide if the following nouns are countable or
1. I always have ______ egg for breakfast.
Many drink-related nouns are sometimes countable, and
sometimes uncountable. For example:
- I’d like a coffee, please. (= a cup of coffee)
- Coffee is my favourite drink. (= a kind of drink)
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.1
Coffee time
1 Below are some words used to describe a coffee
shop. Put the words into the correct column
locate in
once in a while
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
2 Match 1-6 to a)-f) to make correct sentences to
describe a café
1. I want to take you to my favourite café, ____
2. It is a small café and it is ____
3. I used to go there____
4. But now, I am too busy so I just visit this place ___
5. Its speciality is ____
6. The drinks have ____
7. What I love the most is ____
8. This café is decorated in a classy style ____
a) regularly.
b) with wooden furniture and many beautiful
3 Look at the photos. Match the photos with the name of
the food or drink
a. juice
c) whose name is Calla.
b. iced tea
d) once in a while, when I have a day off.
c. smoothie
d. cocktail
e. bubble tea
f. cookie
g) located in a small alley near Green street.
g. sandwich
h) its interior design.
h. cupcake
e) Rising Sun, which is a kind of mixed juice.
f) a reasonable price.
Experience 2 - At the café
Lesson 2.1
Coffee time
Ordering in a coffee shop
1A Choose the correct person to say each sentence. If it is
the waiter’s speech, write (W). If it is the customer’s
speech, write (C)
B Role-play. One student acts as a waiter/waitress, others
act as customers in a café. Use the menu below.
1. Taking and making order
2. Asking for preferences (sugar, ice, size, etc.)
A. Ordering
1) May I take your order?
2) What would you like?
3) I’d like a banana smoothie, please.
4) Can I have a cup of tea?
3. Checking order
4. Paying
(refer to Extra knowledge)
- Menu -
B. Preferences
1) What size would you like?
2) I’d like a large one.
Small • Regular • Large
3) Do you have any preferences?
Lemon juice
4) I’d like less sugar and more ice, please.
Apple juice
5) Is that for here, or to take away?
Tropical smoothie
6) For here/to take away.
Avocado smoothie
1) Will that be all?
Small • Regular • Large
2) Would you like anything else?
Lemon iced tea
3) Yes, that’s it.
Bubble tea
Green tea (hot/cold)
Small • Regular • Large
Cappuccino (hot/cold)
Latte (hot/cold)
C. Checking order
D. Paying
1) That will be 20 dollars.
2) Here you are, keep the change.
3) Here you go.
4) That comes to 20 dollars.
Waiter (male) - Waitress (female): [n] a person
whose job is to serve meals in a restaurant or a café.
Customer: [n] a person who buys goods or a service.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.1
Coffee time
1A Before reading. Discuss these questions
1. Do you know the story Alice in the Wonderland?
2. What do you know about that story?
1 Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite café.
You can use the mind map below. Try to use as
many new words as possible
(refer to Extra knowledge)
3. What is a themed café?
B Read the article below and answers the questions
1. What is Alice in a Labyrinth?
2. Where is it located?
3. What are special about this café?
4. How is the interior of Alice in a Labyrinth?
5. How is the price of drinks there?
6. What is Alice in a Labyrinth’s most famous drink?
here are many themed cafés located in Tokyo but Alice in a Labyrinth takes fantasy to a
whole new level even for Japanese people. In fact, there are some Alice in Wonderland themed café restaurants in Tokyo, but this one wins for its originality. “A café in the Wonderland,”
according to their introduction.
The interior will make many selfies will be taken. Decorations are chosen carefully according to
the film Alice in the Wonderland. Some of the tables have a face card design and the black and
white interior colour like the flooring further makes it look like a chessboard.
The drinks and desserts there are quite pricey, compared to some other
cafés in the area. However, they will be worth your money! The
signature drink is Queen of Heart's Secret Garden (a cocktail
containing cranberries, rose syrup, ginger and red wine). When
you go to A lice in a Labyrinth, trying this drink is a must!
The place is also big and while you’re sitting there, you will feel
like you’re lost in a maze.
Experience 2 - At the café
Lesson 2.1
Coffee time
1A  [2.1] Choose the correct answers
1. What size does the woman want?
a) small
b) regular
c) large
2. What does the man want to drink?
a) a cappuccino
b) an espresso
c) an iced Americano
3. How much are the drinks?
a) 645
b) 654
c) 614
B  [2.1] Listen again and decide whether these sentences
are true or false
1. The man wants to drink coffee in the café.
2. They order a cappuccino and an espresso.
3. The woman orders a brownie.
2A  [2.2] Listen and answer these questions
B  [2.2] Listen again and fill in the blanks
1. Who can’t make their minds up about coffee?
Scientists and doctors can’t make 1__________ about coffee.
2. What must the writer do in the morning?
says it’s good for us. I’ve 3__________ 10 cups a day
3. How many cups of coffee does the write drink every
4. Why does the writer never drink coffee after
5. How is coffee these days?
One study says it’s really 2__________ and the next report
our brain. I like a cup of coffee at certain times
of the day. I must have a coffee 5__________ the morning. I
can’t survive without my morning coffee. I have another
when I get to work. And that’s it. I never drink
coffee after lunchtime. If I do, I can’t sleep at night. The
drink coffee in the evening 8__________ to a
nice restaurant. Coffee seems a lot more complicated
When I was younger it was just coffee. Now it’s
latte, frappuccino and 10__________ other strange words.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.1
Coffee time
1 Below are some useful structures to talk about a café or
a random place. Fill in the blanks to complete a paragraph
about your favourite café
 There is a café that I like. Its name is __________.
 It is located in __________, which is near __________.
 I go there __________ (every week/once in a while/etc.).
 The speciality of this café is__________, which contains
__________, __________, and__________. I love this
drink because ____________________.
 In my opinion, the price of drinks here is __________.
 The interior has a __________ (classy/trendy/etc.) style.
It is decorated with __________ and __________. I
always feel __________ when I stay in this café.
Vocab memo
café: [n] a place where you can buy drinks and simple
speciality: [n] (US specialty) a type of food or product that
a restaurant or a place is famous for.
opinion: [n] your feelings or thoughts about somebody/
Experience 2 - At the café
2 Below are some useful sentences to use in a conversation
between customers and waiters/baristas in a coffee shop
When customers come into the shop and start ordering
Waiter (taking order)
- May I take your order?
- What would you like?
- How may I help you?
Customer (making order)
- I would like to have a Mocha.
- I’ll have a black coffee with extra sugar.
- Can I have two hot chocolates please?
Then, waiters may want to ask for more details
Waiter (taking order)
- Which size do you prefer?
- What size would you like?
- Is that for here or to take away?
- Do you have any preferences?
Customer (answering)
- I’ll have a large one please.
- I’d like a small mocha.
- For here/to take away.
- I’d like less sugar and more ice.
The waiter may want to recommend some good drinks
Waiter (recommending)
- I highly recommend the new item on the menu. This
drink is fantastic.
- The black coffee may be a good choice to start a new
day with.
Customer (deciding)
- I’d love to try that.
- No, thank you. That’s enough for me.
Finally, the waiter will check the order and tell customers
the total price
Waiters (checking)
- Will that be all?
- You total is $5.
- That comes to $5.
Customers (confirming - giving money)
- That’s all. Thank you.
- Oh I want another avocado smoothie.
- Here you are.
- Here you go.
How 1____ the movie?
Where 5___ you go yesterday?
It was really good.
___ you do anything this weekend?
Nice! 2____ it crowed?
No, it 3____ . There 4____ many
people there, surprisingly.
I 8___. I 9___ the train to the
city and 10___ my friend.
I 6___ to Majorca with Sharon and Tracy
4 Make past simple sentences with “be”
1. I / be / cinema / last night.
Past simple
2. The children / be / naughty?
1 Finish the conversations in the photos
3. David’s dental appointment / not / be / morning.
2A Read the paragraph below
4. Why / you / be / late?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and
composer. He was born in 1756. He started composing at
the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
He was only 35 years old when he died.
5 Use the verbs in past simple to complete the sentences
1. “How did you learn to drive?” - “My father ______ me.”
B After reading the paragraph in exercise 2A, fill in the
blanks with a)-e)
2. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ______ it.
1. In past simple, ___ often end in -ed. For example, ___.
4. Dave ______ down the stairs this morning and hurt his leg.
3. Kate ______ me a beautiful blue dress yesterday.
2. Whereas ___ do not end in -ed. For example, ___.
6 Put the verbs in brackets into past simple tense and
complete the conversation
3. The past from of ‘be’ is ___.
a) was/were
b) regular verbs
c) irregular verbs
d) wrote, born
e) started, died
3 Look at the word list below and answer the questions
1. Which of these verbs are irregular?
2. What are their past forms?
Adam: What ______ you ______ (do) yesterday?
Madeline: Nothing much. I just ______ (stay) at home and
______ (clean) the house.
Adam: How boring!
Madeline: Yeah, it ______ (be). And you? What did you do?
Adam: I ______ (drive) to the mountains and ______ (go)
Madeline: That sounds fun!
Adam: It ______ (be). I ______ (have) a great time.
In questions and negative sentences, we use:
did/didn’t + infinitive V (enjoy/see/go etc.)
I enjoyed the party a lot. Did you enjoy it?
I didn’t have enough money so I didn’t buy anything.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.2
Last holiday
1 Fill in the blanks with words related to ‘last holiday’.
Each blank can be filled with more than one word
one week
drinking coffee
going shopping
 Last summer, I and my 1____ visited Hanoi, which is the
capital of Vietnam.
 We stayed there for 2____.
 We went to Hanoi by 3____ and we travelled around in
Hanoi and other provinces in the North by 4____.
 We booked a 5____ at the center of Hanoi. It was
cheap but the service was incredible.
 In Vietnam, our favourite activities were 6____ and
2 Look at the photos. Match the photos with the name of
the activities
a. go hiking
b. go camping
c. go swimming
d. go sightseeing
e. visit a local market
f. eat seafood
g. stay at a hotel
h. travel by coach
Experience 2 - At the café
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
a. a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a
b. an act of travelling from one place to another, especially
when they are far apart
c. an act of travelling to a place and back again, usually for
a short time
d. a period of time when you are not at work or school
e. a journey, visiting several different places in an area
Lesson 2.2
Last holiday
1 Discuss the questions below
1. How do you often spend your holiday?
2. Do you like travelling? Why people like to travel?
3. Who do you usually travel with?
4. What do you do when travelling?
2A Read the article. Choose the heading for each paragraph.
Some headings may not be used
go camping
go swimming
go sightseeing
go hiking
We all spend too much time on computers and
indoors under artificial lights. Hiking
encourages you to step away from your desk
and step back out into nature. It’s a chance to
experience the world without a filter!
eat seafood
stay at a hotel
travel by coach
visit local markets
Some families go camping to strengthen their
relationships, away fr om all the distr actions
at home. Many youth organizations teach young
people how to build a fire, pitch a tent, or read a
compass. Camping means different things to
different people.
B Match the words and phrases in bold in the article with the
definitions 1-6
1. instructions to cook something
2. new, different from the past
3. created by people
4. make family members to be closer
5. learn new things
6. plants and animals
3 Read the article again and answer the questions
1. What does “experience the world without a filter” mean?
2. What can young people learn when they go camping?
3. What can you know when you visit a local market?
4. What should you do when you go sightseeing?
5. Why coach is considered to be a green vehicle?
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.2
Last holiday
1 Brainstorm. Think about your latest holiday and write down
10 things that you remember about that holiday
Visiting markets and supermarkets can be an
experience itself. It will allow you to talk to
locals and you can even learn some new
vocabularies in a different language. You can
learn about new ingredients and recipes, new
flavours, new ways of cooking and eating. That
can be very useful when you want to make a
typical dish at home for your own pleasure or to
surprise your guests.
When travelling to a new country, exploring as
many famous sights as possible is definitely a
must! It will help you gain more knowledge
about the culture and lifestyle of the local
people. Remember to book a tour guide to
introduce to you each place and take many
beautiful photos.
Modern coach tr avel is seven times safer
than travelling by car and is also much kinder
to the environment, for being more than six
times greener than driving by car or airplane
and twice as 'clean' as going by train.
2A Work in pairs. Discuss about your last holiday. You can use
the questions below. Remember to use past tense
1. When was your last vacation?
2. Where did you go?
3. How many days was your vacation?
4. Who did you go with?
5. What did you do there?
6. How much money did you spend on the vacation?
7. Did you meet any interesting people?
8. What was the best food you ate during your vacation?
(refer to Extra knowledge)
B Some students stand in front of the class and talk about
their holidays
Experience 2 - At the café
Lesson 2.2
Last holiday
1  [2.3] What did these people do on vacation? Match the
people and the pictures
Conversation 1
2  [2.4] Listen and fill in the blanks
1. Wei: picture ___ & ___
Luke: Hi Trench. You’re looking good. Did you 1_________
a vacation somewhere?
2. Julia: picture ___ & ___
Trench: Yes, I’ve just come back from 2_________.
Luke: Hawaii! Wow, that sounds exotic! I’ve heard that
Hawaii Volcanoes 3_________ Park and Na Pali Coast are
Trench: Yes, I agree. The 4_________ are so green and the
water’s so blue. The 5_________ go on forever and the food
is fantastic. I’ll always remember this vacation.
Luke: Did you swim 6_________ the shore?
Trench: Yes, I 7_________ every day. I had the time of my
Luke: How was the 8_________there?
Trench: It was nice, bright and sunny. You should go there
when you can. It feels like paradise here on 9_________ and
I’m sure you’d have a great time.
Conversation 2
Luke: Yes, I think I would.
1. Katie: picture ___ & ___
2. Ryan: picture ___ & ___
Pronunciation memo
Grammatical words are words that don’t have a full
meaning, they just help us build a sentence.
In common speaking, these words are pronounced
according to their “weak form”. When we pronounce
the words alone, or when we emphasize them, we use
“strong form”. Below are some examples
strong form: /bʌt/
weak form: /bət/
Tell him to go
strong form: /tɛl hɪm tuː gəʊ/ - unnatural
weak form: /tɛl əm tə gəʊ/ - more natural
I would like some fish and chips
strong form: /aɪ wʊd laɪk sʌm fɪʃ ænd tʃɪps/ - unnatural
weak form: /ɑ wəd laɪk səm fɪʃ ən tʃɪps/ - more natural
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.2
Last holiday
1A Below are some model questions and answers about
last holiday. Students can change the italic words and
phrases to make your own answer
1.When was your last vacation?
I had a (journey/trip/tour/cruise) last summer. We
travelled by airplane.
2.Where did you go?
We went to Maldives. We visited Hulhumale Island and
Banana Reef.
3.How many days was your vacation?
B The Miller family are planning for their summer holiday.
Base on the requirements below, write down some
activities that can be suitable for them. Use new words
introduced in this lesson
Q: We love travelling by boat and visiting some remote
A: You should go on a __________.
Q: When we are on an island, we want to be close to the
nature. What are the activities that we can participate in?
A: I advise you ____________________________________
We spent one week in Maldives and then we moved to my
aunt’s house in Sri Lanka and stayed there for 2 days.
Q: We want to talk to some local people and learn their
4.Who did you go with?
A: In this case, you can _____________________________
I went there with my family and my relatives. I had a
wonderful time with them.
5.What did you do there?
We had some activities there. First, we went swimming
and eat a lot of seafood. Then, we visited a local markets
and bought some souvenirs. I wanted to go camping but
we didn’t have the chance.
6.How much money did you spend on the vacation?
Quite a lot, I guess/Not much. I spent around 5500 dollars.
Most of my money was to pay for the hotel.
7.Did you meet any interesting people?
Q: Who can we invite to travel with us?
A: You can travel with your ________________________
Q: If we want to stay on the islands for a few days, where
can we find a room?
A: There are several options for you to choose _________
Yes, I met a local person. She was very friendly and helpful.
She introduced us to some good restaurants and helped us
book the taxi.
8.What was the best food you ate during your vacation?
There were many delicious dishes to try in Maldives. But
the best one for me was Boshi Mashuni, which is banana
flower and fresh coconut salad.
Experience 2 - At the café
Boshi Mashuni
What did the teacher say ?
What were you doing this time last year?
I ______ for a new job.
I don’t know. I ______ .
______ you ______ basketball
when I called you?
No, we ______ TV as usual.
3 Past continuous or past simple?
Past continuous and Past simple
1A Finish the conversations in the photos with words in
the box.
was looking were playing
B Match 1-2 to a)-b) to make correct statements
1. We use ______ when we want to talk about an
action or event happened before and after a certain
time in the past.
2. We use ______ to say that some thing happened
in the middle of something else (past continuous)
1. Jenny ______ (wait) for me when I ______ (arrive)
2. “What ______ (you/do) at this time yesterday?” - “I was
3. I ______ (walk) along the street when suddenly I ______
(hear) something behind me. Somebody ______ (follow) me.
I was scared and I ______ (start) to run.
4. Last night, I ______ (drop) a plate when I ______ (do) the
washing up. Fortunately, it ______ (not/break).
4 Put the verbs into the correct form, past continuous or past
a) past simple
b) past continuous
I ______ (see) Sue in town yesterday,
but she ______ (not I see) me. She ____ (look) the other way.
2 Match 1-4 to a)-d) to make correct statements
1. When I got to the café
2. We fell asleep
3. Amy decided to learn Italian
4. When I first met Jessica
I ______ (meet) Tom and Jane at the
airport a few weeks ago. They ______
(go) to Paris and I ______ (go) to
Rome. We ______(have) chat while we
______ (wait) for our flights.
a) when she was travelling in Rome.
b) while we were watching a film.
c) she was working in a clothes shop.
d) my friends were waiting for me.
I ______ (cycle) home yesterday when
a man ______ (step) out into the road
in front of me. I ______ (go) quite fast,
but luckily I ______ (manage) to stop
in time and ______ (not I hit) him.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.3
Best memories
1A Discuss. What did you do? When did you do it? What
haven’t you done?
The 20 milestones - and
ages you 'should' hit them
B Match the given words to the correct definitions
nursery school (kindergarten)
primary school
fall in love
get engaged
brand new
a. a school for children between the ages of 4 or 5 and 11
b. a school for children between the ages of about two and
c. having agreed to marry somebody
d. a room for living in, usually on one floor of a building
e. completely new
f. to leave your job and stop working
g. develop a deep romantic feeling to someone
0 year old - Be born
3 years old - Go to nursery school
6 years old - Go to primary school
15 years old - First kiss
18 years old - Enter the university
19 years old - Fall in love
20 years old - Pass driving test
21 years old - First holiday with friends
22 years old - First full-time job
23 years old - First holiday with partner
24 years old - Move out and rent a flat
25 years old - Get engaged
26 years old - Get married
27 years old - Become a manager
28 years old - Have first child
Year _____
29 years old - Buy first house
31 years old - Have the second child
32 years old - Buy a brand new car
33 years old - Starting a business
60 years old - Retire
Experience 2 - At the café
2 Discuss. What are the important milestones happened
in your life?
Year _____
Year _____
Year _____
Year _____
Lesson 2.3
Best memories
1 Below are some important events in Mary’s life. Answer the questions and compare to your life’s important events
Milestones: [n] a very important stage or event in the development of something
0 year old: I was born in 1995 in a family with a brother and a sister. I am the eldest. My mother is a teacher and
my father is a doctor. We lived in a small house in Hoa Binh.
6 years old: I started school when I was six. At school, my favourite subject was math. I had two close friends. We
were very naughty.
10 years old: When I was 10, my father bought me a bicycle. I liked it very much. But the first time I used it, I lost
control and rode it into my neighbor’s car. My friends laughed a lot.
12 years old: When I was 12, I used to go to school by my bicycle.
15 years old: When I was 15 years old, I went to high school. It was a very big school with
big green trees around. I used to sit under the trees and read comics while my friends
were playing football. My teachers were very strict. They used to give us a lot of
16 years old: In 2013 when I was 16 years old I did my first international trip. I
was studying in university at that time. I travelled to Thailand with my parents.
17 years old: When I first met him he was playing football. He looked so
handsome. I used to go to the park everyday to see him. Finally I told him
that I really liked him. He was shocked. Now he is my boyfriend
and we will get engaged soon!
18 years old: In 2014 I passed my entrance exam to the
National University in Hanoi. I was playing with my
friends when my father called me to tell the result.
19 years old: I moved to Hanoi in August that year
and started my life as a university student.
When was the first time Maria met her boyfriend?
What did Maria enjoy to study in primary
How was Maria when she was 6 years old?
What did Maria usually do when she studied in
high school?
How many members are their in Maria’s family?
When did Maria start her university life?
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.3
Best memories
1 Work in groups. Role the dice and answer the questions.
Write down your friends’ answers
Write down your friends’ answers. Example:
Question 1: Alex was born in 2000
Question __:
Question __:
When were you
What’s the best
thing happened to
your life?
Who was your
best friend in
primary school?
What made you
What is the best
gift that you
What did you do
when the teacher
was teaching?
Who was the first
person that you
What did you do
before but you don’t
do it anymore?
Did you have a
driving license?
Experience 2 - At the café
Ask your teacher a
What was your
teacher doing when
you met him/her?
Ask your friend a
When did you have
your first boyfriend
Was high school a
happy time for
What was your
What was the best
memory in your
Lesson 2.3
Best memories
1A  [2.5] Listen. What are the important life milestones
mentioned in the recording?
2A  [2.6] Listen. Number the following sentences
according to the order in which you hear them
1. _________________________________________
At school, she liked Math.
2. _________________________________________
She got her first part-time job
Her grandmother bought her a dog
She had a happy wedding
She had her first kiss with her boyfriend
She first met her best friend
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
6. _________________________________________
7. _________________________________________
8. _________________________________________
9. _________________________________________
B  [2.5] Listen to some specific parts and answer the
B  [2.6] Listen again. Decide whether the following
sentences are true (T) or false (F)
[0:00-0:20] What do life milestones mean?
Lily is 30 years old
Her kindergarten school was far from her house
[0:41-0:57] When can a baby walk their first step?
She went to a private primary school
She met her best friends at secondary school
[1:07-1:22] What will a lot of mothers do on the first day to She worked at a restaurant
school of their children?
She had her first love at the age of 20
Se got married after dating her boyfriend for 2 years _____
[1:58-2:06] When may you get your first job?
[2:23-2:42] What don’t you want when you get married?
[3.04-3.28] What can you do when you want to stay active
after retiring?
[3:29-3:45] What do the speaker think about dying?
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.3
Best memories
1 Complete the story. Using past simple and past continuous
A ghost story
______ you ________ (believe) in ghosts? Ghosts
______ (live) everywhere and they ______ (be)
invisible. Well, let me tell you what __________
(happen) to me last year. I _________ (sleep)
soundly in my warm, cozy bed, when all of a sudden
I ________(hear) a strange sound. What ______ (be)
that? I _______ (be) scared. Maybe it was my dog,
Morty making that noise. But no, Morty __________
(lie) right outside my bedroom door on his favourite
rug. He ______ even _________ (snore) loudly.
Someone __________ (knock) on the front door!
But it _____ (not/be) the right time. I _________
(start) to shiver and I _______ (see) a flash of light
outside. It _________ (not/rain) at the moment, so
it couldn’t be a thunder storm. Now I ________
(shake) in terror. Ghosts ________ (never/show up)
at my house. This is crazy! It was 3 o’clock in the
morning. Who was at the front door, I wondered. OK
let’s think straight. Ghosts _______ (not/exist) in
real life. Ghosts _______ (live) only in stories. They
________ (haunt) castles, but they _________ (not/
appear)in real people’s houses. They (not/make)
___________noises now - I hope.
The night was very dark. Oh no! Someone or
something _________(moan) downstairs while
_________ (drag) a chain around the living room. It
must be a ghost! No, impossible. And what was
that? The dogs outside__________ (howl) and then I
________ (see) something move in front of me. A
voice _______ (say): Don’t be scared. I think
I_____________ (imagine) things at the moment.
The wind __________ (blow) very fiercely. So it was
the wind. I ______________ (go) back to bed right
now and I am going to hide under the covers. There
is nothing to be afraid of. This is not real.
Calm down! Now I __________ (remember) a scary
story the teacher ________ (read) to us in school
yesterday. It was all about ghosts and goblins. So I
am dreaming about that ghost story- this isn’t real.
However, the strange noises continued. OK, so
something __________ (go) on at the moment. Then
my mother suddenly _________ (come) into my
bedroom, both of us ________ (hear) the sound of
dragging chains and ghostly moans again and ______
(see) flashes of lightning in the sky. We both
_________ (scream) loudly. I almost ________
(jump) out of my skin. And then I _______ (wake) up
- it _____ (be) only a nightmare! Whew!
Experience 2 - At the café
Are you ______ your house?
Yes. I’m ______ move to
Dallas next month.
Things ______ get better. I swear!
Everything is just so overwhelming
right now. I’m really tired.
Future tenses: will - be going to
1A Finish the conversations in the photos with words in
the box
going to
will be
B Match 1-2 to a)-f) to make correct statements. Each
situation can be used more than once
1. We use “will” when _______.
2. We use “be going to” when _______.
a) A decision at the moment of speaking
b) A prediction based on something we can see (or
hear) now
c) A future fact
d) Promises / requests / refusals / offers
e) A decision before the moment of speaking
f) A prediction based on opinion
2 Fill in the blanks with “will” or “be going to”
1. A: We don’t have any bread.
B: I know. I ________ get some from the shop.
2. A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase?
B: I ________ visit my mother in Scotland next month.
3. A: I’m really cold.
B: I ________ turn the heating on.
4. A: Are you going to John’s party tonight?
B: Yes. Are you going too? I ________ give you a lift.
5. A: What are your plans after you graduate?
B: I ________ work in a hospital in Africa. I leave on
the 28th.
She just went out for some drink.
She ______ back soon.
3 Choose the correct sentence to use in each situation
Roseanne is here, isn’t she ?
Situation 1: You friends ask you to hang out with them
tonight. You answer:
Sorry. I will go to the library. I’ve been planning to
study all day.
Sorry. I am going to the library. I’ve been planning to
study all day.
Situation 2: Ted is complaining to you that it feels so hot in
this room. You tell Ted:
I will turn the air-conditioner on.
I am going to turn the air-conditioner on.
Situation 3: Maria wants to know about your intention after
graduation. You say:
After I graduate, I will attend medical school and
become a doctor.
After I graduate, I am going to attend medical school
and become a doctor.
Situation 4: A waiter asks a customer if he is ready to order.
The customer answers:
I will have the steak, please.
I am going to have the steak, please.
We use “gonna” /gənə/ instead of “going to” when we
speak in informal situations.
For example: She’s going to donate all of her money = She’s
gonna donate all of her money.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.4
Future plans
Talk about future plans
1A Tick () after structures to talk about future plans.
Then, complete those structures to describe your plan in
the future
1. I will .................................................................
2. I feel .................................................................
3. I’m going to ......................................................
4. I like .................................................................
5. I have an intention to .....................................
6. I finished ..........................................................
7. In the future, I want to ....................................
8. I experienced ...................................................
9. I’m thinking about ...........................................
B Use the structures above to talk about your future plans
1 Look at the photos. Match the photos with the words/
phrases below
a. buy an apartment
b. reside in a villa
c. have six-pack abs
d. gain weight
e. lose weight
f. go on a honeymoon cruise
g. retire
2 Match the given words to the correct definitions
in the far future
in the near future
the series of jobs that a person do in a period of time
within a short time
what you aim at or plan to do
within a long time
the condition of a person’s body or mind
some thing you have done successfully
h. start a business
Experience 2 - At the café
Lesson 2.4
Future plans
1A Read the paragraph then discuss and answer the
questions below
I am Jason, Now, I am 18 years old and I have some
plans for my future. Firstly, after studying computer
science, I want to work in app development
because, in my opinion, it is a very interesting and good
job – nowadays many bosses search for workers who
are well-educated in computer science and they pay
them well. In order to be successful in my career, I will
take some extra courses. I want to earn $3000 per
month so that I can be financially independent at the
age of 25 and retire at the age of 50.
Also, I have an intention to get married when my salary
is $3000 because I want to be able to take care of my
wife and children. I want to go on a honeymoon cruise
with my wife. I want to have a big family with 6
members. I will buy an apartment for us to reside in.
To improve my physical health, I am going to go to the
gym and stop eating meat as soon as possible so I can
lose weight and have six-pack abs.
Now, my passion is coding apps and I will keep studying
hard to pursue my passion.
B Base your answers in exercise 1A, write about your
future plan
 I am ______. Now, I am ______ years old and I have
some plans for my future.
 Firstly, after studying ____________, I want to work in
1.What are Jason’s future plans?
Family, marriage: ...........................................................
Career: ...........................................................................
Health: ..........................................................................
Financial stability: ..........................................................
Education: .....................................................................
Passion, hobbies: ...........................................................
2. What are your future plans?
Family, marriage: ...........................................................
Career: ...........................................................................
Health: ...........................................................................
Financial stability: ..........................................................
Education: .....................................................................
Passion, hobbies: ...........................................................
______________ because ____________ and
 In order to be successful in my career, I will
____________ .
 I want to earn _______ per month so that I can be
totally financially independent at the age of ______.
 Also, I have an intention to get married when
_____________ because _____________. I want to
have a ______family with ______ members.
 In order to improve my physical health, I am going to
_____________ and _____________ when
 Now, my passion is _____________ and I will
_____________ to pursuit my passion.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.4
Future plans
Rob a bank
Hold a wedding
1 Talk to your partner about your future plan. Use the
given mind map
2 Work in group. Choose a task and make a plan to achieve
that goal
Time: ..................................................................................
Place: .................................................................................
Each member’s responsibility:
Student 1: .....................................................................
Make someone famous
A PLAN TO .......................
Start a business
Student 2: .....................................................................
Student 3: .....................................................................
Steps to take:
- .....................................................................................
Below are some suggested questions
What job do you want to do in the future?
How will your career be in the next 5 years?
When will you get engaged/get married/have
- .....................................................................................
- .....................................................................................
- .....................................................................................
- .....................................................................................
- .....................................................................................
Can you describe your future house?
- .....................................................................................
What achievements do you want to get in the future?
- .....................................................................................
What are you going to do to achieve that goal?
- .....................................................................................
(refer to Extra knowledge)
Experience 2 - At the café
- .....................................................................................
Lesson 2.4
Future plans
1A  [2.7] Listen. Match the following sentences with the
right person: Vicky, Chris, Lachie or John
1. I will I will have a happy family with two
2. I will travel to a lot of interesting places in
the world.
3. I will be very rich.
4. I will be very healthy because of modern
healthcare services.
B  [2.7] Listen again. Fill in the blanks with given words in
the box
Section A:
Section C:
Hello, I am __________.
Hi, I am _________ .
When I am 35, I will have a __________ family with two
When I am 35, I will be very _________ . I won’t have to
children. My wife must be a very intelligent and
worry about _________ problems.
___________ woman.
When I’m down, my wife will be able to talk to me and
I will have a lot of money in my _________ account. Also, I
will spend my money doing _________ to help poor people.
___________ me. My kids will be very smart and
____________ .
Section B:
Good morning, I am __________.
Section D:
Good afternoon, I am _________ .
When I’m 35, I will be very _________ because of modern
When I am 35, I will ___________ to a lot of interesting
healthcare services.
places in the __________. For example, The Great Wall,
Eiffel Tower, The Statue of Liberty, Big Ben Clock.
Maybe, I will have a _________ doctor to care for my
health. He will always give me good _________ to keep fit.
I will go on holiday once a year with my ____________.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.4
Future plans
1 Below are some useful structures to talk about future
plans. Fill in the blanks to complete a paragraph about your
future plans
Grammar memo
When you talk about your plan, you should mention a
specific time with each plan/step. We use different
prepositions for talking about time:
IN: months (in January), seasons (in spring), years (in
1972), centuries (in the 20th century), times of day (in
the morning), and longer periods of time (in the past/in
the holidays)
ON: days of the week (on Monday), days + parts of days
(on Tuesday afternoon), dates (on November 12nd), and
special days (on my birthday/ on New Year’s Eve)
AT: clock times (at 7:30 a.m.), festivals (at Christmas),
and exceptions (at night/at noon/at the weekend)
 I am going to graduate in _________(2030/the next 3
 I want to _________(gain weight/lose weight). In order
 I want to be a/an _________(entrepreneur/wedding
planner/etc.) in the future.
 I will work for _________(Microsoft/an international
to do that, I will _________. Then, I will _________.
 In order to improve my health I am going to _________
(go to the gym/do exercise regularly/etc.) when
company/etc.) after my graduation.
 I think I will get married when I am _________ years old.
 I will _________.
 I’m thinking about getting married when I’m_________.
 I’m going to _________.
 I want to marry a/an _________(smart/caring/sincere/
 I have an intention to _________.
etc.) man/woman.
 I have an intention to have _________ son(s) and
_________ daughter(s).
 In the future, I want to _________.
 I’m thinking about _________.
 When I am _________ years old, I want to have a
_________(small/spacious/etc.) house in _________.
 I will live in a/an _________(villa/apartment/private
house) with my family.
 There will be _________(a garden/a big balcony/etc.) in
STEPS TO TAKE (use linking words)
 In order to _________, I will take some steps.
 Firstly, I will _________.
 After that, I think I will _________.
 I expect to achieve my goal when _________.
my house.
Experience 2 - At the café
1 Countable and uncountable nouns
A noun can be countable or uncountable.
A countable noun can be singular (apple) or plural
We cannot use numbers with uncountable nouns.
We cannot use singular countable noun alone
(without a/an/my/etc.).
Grammar memo
1. Many drink-related nouns are sometimes countable,
and sometimes uncountable. For example:
I’d like a coffee, please. (= a cup of coffee)
Coffee is my favourite drink. (= a kind of drink)
2. Prepositions with times
2 Past simple
In past simple, regular verbs often end in -ed. For
example, started and died.
Whereas irregular verbs do not end in -ed. For
example, wrote and born.
The past forms of ‘be’ are was/were.
In questions and negative sentences, we use:
did/didn’t + infinitive V (enjoy/see/go etc.)
3 Past continuous and Past simple
We use past continuous when we want to talk
about an action or event happened before and
after a certain time in the past.
We use past simple to say that some thing
happened in the middle of something else (past
4 Future tenses: will - be going to
We use simple future tense (will) to talk about a
decision at the moment of speaking, promises /
requests / refusals / offers, a future fact and a
prediction based on opinion.
We use near future tense (be going to) to talk
about a prediction based on something we can
see (or hear) now, and a decision before the
moment of speaking.
IN: months (in January), seasons (in spring), years (in
1972), centuries (in the 20th century), times of day (in
the morning), and longer periods of time (in the past/in
the holidays)
ON: days of the week (on Monday), days + parts of days
(on Tuesday afternoon), dates (on November 12nd), and
special days (on my birthday/ on New Year’s Eve)
AT: clock times (at 7:30 a.m.), festivals (at Christmas), and
exceptions (at night/at noon/at the weekend)
3. We use “gonna” /gənə/ instead of “going to” in informal
For example: She’s going to donate all of her money =
She’s gonna donate all of her money.
Pronunciation memo
In common speaking, grammatical words are pronounced
according to their “weak form”. When we emphasize
them, we use “strong form”. For example:
Tell him to go
strong form: /tɛl hɪm tuː gəʊ/ - unnatural
weak form: /tɛl əm tə gəʊ/ - more natural
I would like some fish and chips
strong form: /aɪ wʊd laɪk sʌm fɪʃ ænd tʃɪps/ - unnatural
weak form: /ɑ wəd laɪk səm fɪʃ ən tʃɪps/ - more natural
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.5
2.1 Coffee time
bubble tea [n]
café [n]
classy [adj]
cocktail [n]
confirm [v]
cookie [n]
cupcake [n]
decide [v]
decorate [v]
fantasy [adj]
frequency [n]
iced tea [np]
interior [n]
juice [n]
locate in [vp]
location [n]
make order [vp]
maze [n]
near [adj]
once in a while [adv]
price [n]
pricey [adj]
reasonable [adj]
regularly [adv]
sandwich [n]
smoothie [n]
speciality [n]
take order [vp]
themed café [np]
trendy [adj]
go shopping [vp]
go sightseeing [vp]
go swimming [vp]
holiday [n]
hostel [n]
hotel [n]
journey [n]
modern [adj]
motel [n]
nature [n]
recipe [n]
relative [n]
stay at a hotel [vp]
strengthen the relationship
taxi [n]
tour [n]
travel by coach [vp]
trip [n]
visit a local market [vp]
2.2 Last holiday
airplane [n]
artificial [adj]
coach [n]
cruise [n]
cycle [n/v]
eat seafood [vp]
family [n]
gain more knowledge [vp]
go camping [vp]
go hiking [vp]
2.3 Best memories
afraid of [adjp]
all of sudden [phr]
brand new [adjp]
castle [n]
comic [n]
cozy [adj]
drag [v]
fall in love [vp]
flat [n]
get engaged [vp]
goblin [n]
howl [v]
invisible [adj]
lose control [vp]
memory [n]
moan [v]
naughty [adj]
neighbor [n]
nightmare [n]
nursery school [np]
primary school [np]
receive [v]
regret [v]
rent [v]
result [n]
retire [v]
scream [v]
snore [v]
strict [adj]
thunder storm [np]
wonder [v]
2.4 Future plans
achievement [n]
app development [np]
buy an apartment [vp]
career [n]
charity [n]
computer science [np]
dutiful [adj]
education [n]
experience [v]
extra course [np]
Experience 2 - At the café
financial stability [np]
gain weight [vp]
go on a honeymoon cruise [vp]
have an intention to [vp]
have six-pack abs [vp]
health [n]
healthy [adj]
improve [v]
intention [n]
lose weight [vp]
marriage [n]
plan [n]
private [adj]
pursue [v]
reside in a villa [vp]
retire [v]
start a business [vp]
well-educated [adj]
Lesson 2.5
1A Read the instructions and practice in groups
1. Set up a coffee shop in your class
One student acts as a waiter/waitress.
Other students act as customers.
Practice and conduct a conversation by following
given steps.
Remember to be confident and speak naturally.
Remember to show reaction to what your friends say.
2. Work in groups. Act as waiters and customers
3. Try to make orders (customers) and drink
suggestions (waiters)
4. Talk about your last holiday, memories and
future plans
B Perform in front of the class
5. Teacher may join in at any point of the
Some groups perform in front of the class.
Teacher will evaluate and give comment on their
Evaluation criteria are Confidence, Fluency,
Comprehension, Grammar and Pronunciation.
6. Try to have a relaxing and natural conversation!
Enjoy your victory!!!
At the café
A fully-detailed instruction for experience 2
your recording devices.
Set up a coffee shop in your class and record
a video of the conversation among your
group members. Your foreign teacher will
also be a part of your conversation. Use all the
words and structures learnt in the last 4
lessons - Coffee time, Last holiday, Best
memories, and Future plans. Finally, submit
your videos.
 Join a group.
 Discuss with the whole class about
how to set up a coffee shop in a
corner of the class.
 Prepare the script. Practice on the
review day.
On the D-day
 Bring necessary props (glasses, trays,
buy 2 or 3 coffees). Remember to bring
 Invite your foreign teacher to be a part
of your conversation. (The foreign
teacher will come into your role-play
and be a part of it for about 5 to 7
minutes. During this time be prepared
to be flexible and answer some of his
spontaneous questions)
Before D-day
 Practice at
 Brief your inspirer about your group’s
Step 1: Talk with your friends about: How
often do you go to coffee shop? How do you
feel about this shop?
Step 2: Talk with waiter/waitress: People greet
each other. The waiter can introduce the
coffee shop and talk about some unique
features. Then customers order drinks.
Step 3: Talk about topics in Experience 2 while
you’re enjoying the drinks. Involve the foreign
teacher also by asking some questions.
Step 4: Talk with waiter/waitress: Pay the bill.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.5
A conversation between a waiter and some customers at a café
Customer 1: Hi, Lily, John. How are you?
Customer 2: I’m doing well.
Customer 3: It’s a long time no see. Is everything ok, Jenny?
Customer 1: Yes, everything’s fine. You know, at the beginning
of school year, I’m quite busy with assignments at school and my
part-time job, too. I have free time only on this Sunday.
Customer 2: What is your part-time job?
Customer 1: I work as an advertising model.
Customer 3: Oh, so do you have to travel a lot?
Customer 1: Lily, I heard that you have just finished your
summer vacation in Korea. How was that?
Customer 2: Yes. It was a heaven for street food and cosmetic.
Street food was delicious with both spicy and sweet taste.
Customer 3: Did you see any idol there?
Customer 2: No, of course not. The celebrities were told to go
out very secretly. It was not easy to see them out of the stage.
Customer 1: That was great. What was the most memorable
thing about Korea?
Customer 1: Not really, I just work for some coffee shops in the
center area.
Customer 2: When I tried to go to a BBQ restaurant but I got
lost. I didn’t know Korean and I asked a man the way to go
there, and he didn’t know English, but he still tried to help me.
Customer 2: Wow, so you usually go to coffee shops?
Customer 3: What happened after that?
Customer 1: Yes, and this café is my favourite. It has quiet and
peaceful atmosphere, so it is suitable for study. How do you
Customer 2: We got lost together, but we became friends and
we keep contact with each other until now.
Customer 3: Yes, I love it. I like the way how it is decorated
with the dominant green color, which looks so cool and fresh.
Customer 1: So how often do you go to the coffee shop?
Customer 2: Not much, I almost study at library, I like studying
alone. I just go to coffee shop for meeting friends.
Customer 3: I usually go to the café because I love coffee.
Waiter: Sorry, can I take your order, please?
Customer 1: What would you like to drink?
Customer 3: It was so funny.
Customer 2: Ah, John. You said that you have just taken an
English course.
Customer 3: Yeah, I want to study more. I think it will help me
in the future job.
Customer 1: So what do you want to do in the future?
Customer 3: I will become a programmer, however, with
English, the salary will be higher.
Customer 2: When will your English course finish?
Customer 2: What is specialty here?
Customer 3: It will end in the next 6 months. After that, I will
take internship at a company to gain experience.
Waiter: We have diverse kinds of coffee: cappuccino, latte,
espresso. Our signature drink is green bubble tea with unique
Customer 1: It sounds good. Oh it’s quite late, I have an
appointment with my boss. I’ve got to go.
Customer 1: My favourite drink here is latte. I take a latte,
Customer 3: Yes, it’s ok. We plan to go shopping now.
Customer 2: Can we take the bill please?
Customer 3: Ok, I would like to have a cappuccino.
Waiter: Here you are. Do you want to pay by card or cash?
Customer 2: I’m not really into coffee. a bubble tea, thanks.
Customer 1: Cash, please. Here you are.
Waiter: Which sizes do you prefer?
Waiter: Thank you.
Customer 1: Regular, ok? We’d like all regular ones.
Customer 2: We will give you back later, Jenny. Send us your
bank account please.
Waiter: Do you have any preferences?
Customer 2: Oh, I’d like less sugar and more ice in bubble tea.
Waiter: Ok, wait a few minutes.
Experience 2 - At the café
Customer 1: Ok. I have to go now. Goodbye. Have a good day.
Customer 2&3: Goodbye. See you soon.
Break the language
barrier today!
Today you’ll create a coffee shop
environment in your class and do a role-play
using the language learnt in the last few
lessons. There are some certain things that
you will do in this lesson:
Be on time.
Review the script that you prepared and
Prepare camera for recording and other
devices you may need during the
Be creative and confident.
Below are some common mistakes that you
must avoid:
Try to pronounce the drinks correctly.
For example, don’t pronounce latte as lat
-te, the correct pronunciation is la-teh
Remember to use past simple and past
continuous when talking about your last
holiday and memories.
Remember to use will/going to when you
talk about your future.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 2.6
Experience 2
Write down the answers for all questions below. You can make short notes or write full sentences.
These notes should help you in the discussion in the next lesson. Be prepared!
How was your day?
How did you feel this morning or afternoon before going
for the experience?
Did you like it?
Did you miss to bring something that you wanted to
What did you talk over the coffee?
Did you arrive on time?
How many students were there?
Did anyone get late?
What did you do after arriving the center?
How did you decorate and arrange the coffee shop in
What was the most interesting conversation?
Did you learn anything new today?
Was there anything that you didn't like?
your class?
What drinks did you order? How much was your bill?
Who was your foreign teacher?
Did anything funny happen?
What did you like the most today? Why?
Experience22- -At
English for life - Elementary
Experience 3 - Shopping man
How ______ money do you have now?
Why did Rosie buy
______ cups yesterday?
Why are you asking?
There are so ______ cute
dogs here. I want to get one.
We’re preparing for Lisa’s
birthday party next week.
Quantifiers: much, many, a few, a little, a lot of
1A Finish the conversations in the photos
a lot of
a few
a little
B Fill in the blanks with the words a)-f) to make
correct statements
1. ____ is used with uncountable nouns while ____
is used with countable nouns.
2. A little/little and a few/few are quantifiers
meaning “____ ”.
3. We use little/a little with ____ nouns. We
use few/a few with ____ nouns.
4. A lot of can be used with all nouns, except for
____ nouns.
a) countable
d) singular countable
b) much
e) some
c) uncountable
f) many
2 Choose the correct answer for each sentence
1. There aren't much/many car parks in the center of
2. Liverpool has a lot of/much great nightclubs. I’ll show
3. Hurry up! We only have a few/a little time before the
coach leaves.
4. We visited a little/a lot of beautiful beaches when we
went to Austria.
There are ______ recipes that you
can try to bake your cake right now.
Great! But I need ______ time to
understand all of that.
3 Choose the correct words to complete these sentences
1. 'How much water do you drink?' '____.'
a. much
b. a lot of
c. a lot
2____ goals did they score?
a. How many
b. How much c. How little
3. Nowadays we don't use ____ cash, because we use
our credit cards.
a. many
b. much
c. a few
4. They got married ____ months after they met for the
first time.
a. much
b. a little
c. a few
4 Complete the sentences using these words
a little
a lot of
a few
1. He has ______ paintings. It's a really big collection.
2. How ______ salt do you put in your food?
3. They only scored one goal. They didn't have ______
opportunities to score; maybe two or three.
4. Please, I just need 5 minutes of your time. I only
have ______ questions.
5. I didn't see ______ people in the room. It was
completely empty.
6. I normally use ______ makeup, but not much, only
some lipstick.
We use ‘few’ and ‘little’ without the article a to point out
a more negative meaning. For example:
I have few friends. (= I do not have many friends and I
don’t like that)
I have little money. (= I don’t have enough money)
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.1
On the menu
1 What method of cooking are you good at? Discuss
with a parter about a dish that you can cook the best
2 Name at least three dishes that can be in each
category of a menu in this mind map
4 Match each word with its meaning
3 Look at the photos. Match the correct word to each
a. fork
b. knife
c. spoon
d. chopsticks
e. plate
f. bowl
g. napkin
h. glass
Fast food restaurant
Casual dining restaurant
Fine dining restaurant
Buffet restaurant
a. a full-service restaurant with specific dedicated meal
courses and high-quality decoration materials.
b. a restaurant that emphasizes the speed of service. Food
is ordered not from the table, but from a front counter.
c. a restaurants that serves moderately priced food in a
casual atmosphere. They also provide table service.
d. to ask for a seat, table, room, etc. to be available for you
or somebody else at a future time.
e. food is served on trays around bars, from which
customers with plates serve themselves.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Lesson 3.1
On the menu
How to make reservation
1 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions
1. Do you often reserve a table before
going to a restaurant?
2. Are you the one who always reserves a
table for your group of friends when you
eat out?
3. What are the advantages of reserving
a table before going to a restaurant?
2A Read the model conversation and
answer the questions
Waiter: Good afternoon, welcome to our restaurant.
Jennie: I'd like a table for one, please.
1. Has Jennie reserved a table before she
goes to the restaurant?
Waiter: Right this way.
2. How does Jennie tell the waiter that
she is not going with anybody else?
Waiter: Here you are.
3. What does the waiter recommend for
Jennie’s starter?
Waiter: Here you are. My name's Alan and I'm your waiter
today. Would you like to hear today's specials?
4. What drink does Jennie order?
Jennie: Certainly.
5. Does Jennie order anything for her
Waiter: Well, we have mushroom soup to start off with.
Today's main course is fish and chips.
[walks to a table]
Jennie: Thank you. Can I have the menu?
Jennie: Fish and chips? Is the fish fresh?
B Read the conversation again, find the
sentences that people use to
1. Welcome the customers
Waiter: Certainly, madam. We have very fresh stock.
Jennie: Alright, I'd like the fish and chips.
Waiter: Would you like to have a starter?
2. Give suggestions
Jennie: Hmmm, I'm not sure.
3. Take the order
Waiter: Our salads are excellent, madam.
4. Confirm the order
Jennie: Ok. I'll have a green salad.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
C What did Jennie have for her ____?
1. Starter/Appertizer
Jennie: Oh, I'd like some mineral water, please.
2. Main course
Waiter: OK. So that's a green salad, fish and chips and
mineral water.
3. Drink
Jennie: Yes, that's right.
4. Dessert
Waiter: Thank you and enjoy your lunch.
Jennie: Thank you.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.1
On the menu
1 Can you name these famous brands?
B Role-play. Use this given menu. Read the instructions
 Customers should try to ask for suggestions. One
customer may order a main course and the other one
order some snacks. Both will have some drinks and
 While enjoying the meal, the customers should talk
about the restaurant and the dishes. Find out a
problem in the bill or in the food. Be polite to make a
complaint to the waiter/waitress.
 Waiter should try to sell a particular dish by explaining
about it.
2A Pair up. Talk to your partner about your favourite
restaurant. Ask each other the following questions and
answer them
 Refer to Extra Knowledge for more sentence samples.
a) Which is your favourite restaurant?
b) Why do you like that restaurant?
c) How often do you go there?
d) Where is it located?
e) What is unique (special) about that restaurant?
f) What is your favourite dish there?
g) Who do you often go with?
Fast food restaurant
Casual dining restaurant
Both customers and the waiters/waitresses should always
be polite in a restaurant.
Remember to say “Please!” and “Thank you!” all the time.
Fine dining restaurant
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Food truck/Local vendor
Lesson 3.1
On the menu
1 [3.1] Listen and choose suitable sentences from a)-m)
to fill in the blanks of the conversation
Waiter: Here you are. 6 ______________________
Alex: Thank you!
a) Could I see the menu?
Minh: Hey Alex, do you like Vietnamese food?
b) Which do you prefer, Vietnamese food or Western food?
Alex: I really like it.
c) What is your favourite dish?
Minh: 7 ______________________________
d) I would like a hamburger and a coffee, please.
Alex: I like noodles.
e) Our restaurant is very famous for noodle soup.
Minh: Why do you like it?
f) When did you first eat noodles?
Alex: 8 ______________________________
g) Do you have a reservation?
Minh: Where do you often have noodles?
h) Because it’s very tasty.
Alex: I often have noodles at a restaurant on Bat Dan
i) Enjoy your meal!
j) How’s everything?
k) You can keep the change.
l) Excuse me! May I have the bill please!
m) Do you know how to make noodle soup?
Minh: Yeah, I know that restaurant. It is very famous for
noodles. 9 ___________________________
Alex: I ate noodles for the first time when I went to a
Vietnamese friend’s house. And I fell in love with them.
Minh: 10 ______________________________
Waiter: Good evening!
Alex: I don’t know but my girlfriend is Vietnamese and she
cooks it the best.
Alex: Hi, we want a table for two, please!
Waiter: 11 ______________________________
Waiter: 1 _____________________________________
Minh: Delicious! Thanks.
Alex: Oh no, we don’t.
Alex: Very good. Thank you!
Waiter: Oh it’s ok. Let me see. Please follow me.
Alex: Ah great! Thanks!
Waiter: I’m glad you like it. Just let me know if there’s
anything I can get you.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Alex: 12 _______________________________
Alex: 2 _______________________________
Waiter: The total for your meal is 315,000 VND.
Waiter: How would you like your coffee?
Alex: Two sugars and some milk.
Alex: Here you are. 13 ____________________________.
It’s a tip for you. Thank you.
Waiter: 3 _______________________________
Waiter: Oh thank you so much. Have a nice day!
Alex: I prefer Vietnamese food.
Waiter: Would you like anything else?
Alex: 4 _______________________________
Waiter: Here you are.
Alex: What is your best dish? What do you recommend?
Waiter: 5 _______________________
We have Vietnamese noodle soup with beef and fried
noodles. You should try it.
Minh: Fried noodles, please. How long does it take?
Waiter: It takes about 15 minutes.
Minh: OK!
Waiter: Wait a moment, please. I'll be right back.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.1
On the menu
When a customer comes into a restaurant
When the waiter/waitress wants to ask for more details
Waiter/waitress (asking)
Waiter/waitress (asking)
- Can/May I help you?
- Is everything alright?
- How many people are there?
- Would you like to have something else?
- Have you booked/reserved a table?
- Would you like some desserts?
Customer (answering)
Customer (answering)
- I’d like a table for ... people, please.
- Can I substitute the rice with mashed potatoes?
- I have a reservation under the name of ...
- I’ll have a pineapple pie.
When the customer wants to make order
When the customer wants to make a complaint
Waiter/waitress (taking orders)
Customer (making complaints)
- Can I take your drink order?
- Would you like some appetizers?
- Are you ready to order sir/ma’am?
- What would you like to order?
- What would you like to drink?
- Anything to drink sir/ma’am?
Customer (making orders)
- Can I have the menu please?
- What’s on the menu?
- There’s something wrong with the food. It tastes bad/
- It’s burnt/too salty/not cooked well. I would like a new
Waiter/waitress (dealing with complaints)
- We’re sorry ma’am.
- Would you like a new serving?
- Sorry for the problem. As a gesture of our apology,
we’re not charging you anything.
- We’ll ensure that this won’t happen again.
- What are the specials for today?
- What do you recommend?
- We are ready to order.
- I would like to have a salmon steak.
- A glass of wine, please.
When the customer wants to pay the bill
Customer (asking)
- Could you bring me the check/bill please?
- Can I pay by card?
- Keep the change.
Waiter/waitress (answering)
- Did you enjoy your meal?
- Here’s your bill. It is 50 dollars.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
______ people like to make
money without having to work.
Where did ______ your money go?
______ dogs are
friendly and loyal.
That’s not true.
I love working.
But ______ us are
lazy sometimes.
But ______ my dogs are unfriendly.
They even bark at me.
I seriously have no idea.
3 Fill in the blank with “most” or “most of” to make
correct sentences
Quantifiers: all, all of, most, most of
1A Finish the conversations in the photos
most of
1. ____ cheese is made from milk.
all of
2. ____ England is under water.
3. ____ people love watching movies.
B Read the note below then do the followed exercises
1. We use “all” to refer to a whole group of people or
2. We use “all of” before personal pronouns (us, them),
demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)
and relative pronouns (whom, which).
4. ____ people in Switzerland can speak French.
5. She has eaten ____ that cake.
6. ____ my friends are non-smokers.
4 Fill in the blank with “all” or “all of” to make correct
1. ____ children need to be protected.
3. Most + N: the majority of something in general
2. ____ us have been invited to the party.
4. Most of + N: the majority of a specific group of
3. I heard that you saw the dancing crew today. Did you
see ____ them?
4. We should stop now. ____ them have gone home.
2 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences
5. Have you read ____ these books?
1. The building was damaged in the explosion. All ______
were broken.
6. Do you really think ____ those reasons matter now?
2. We had a very lazy holiday. We spent most of ______
on the beach.
8. She can make up ____ kinds of story just to make them
like her.
3. I went to the cinema by myself. All of ______ were
4. A: The test was difficult today. Do you think so?
B: All ______ are always difficult to me.
7. I love ____ shades of black.
“None” is used as a pronoun. We use “none of” before
“the”, demonstratives (this, that), possessives (my, your)
or pronouns. For example:
5. All of ______ you took at the wedding were very good.
- My mother had two brothers. My father had none.
6. A: Have you spent all ______ I gave you?
- None of his old friends knew what had happened to
B: No, there's still some left.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.2
Spending money
1A Put these phrases in the correct group of the
mind map below
piggy bank
run out of money salary
B Discuss with a partner about your money habits
3 Match the given words to the correct definition
2 Look at the photos. Match the given kinds of expense
and income to each photo
1. a spending person
5. spend
2. a saving person
6. pay
a. tuition fee
3. lend
7. invest
b. rental fee
4. borrow
8. donate
c. grocery
d. shopping
a. to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a
profit or get an advantage
e. fitness
b. to get or receive something from someone with the
intention of giving it back after a period of time
f. part-time job
c. a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way
g. scholarship
h. allowance
d. to give money to someone for something you want to buy
or for services provided
e. to give something to someone for a short period of time,
expecting it to be given back
f. to give money or goods to help a person or an organization
g. to give money as a payment for something
Experience 3 - Shopping man
h. a person who spends money in a careful way
Lesson 3.2
Spending money
1 Choose the right person for each fact in the note below
Hi, I’m Evelyn. I’m a second-year university student and I’m living in Brooklyn far
away from my family. I don’t have any part-time job so my parents give me
money every month to pay for my living expenses. I receive $1500 each month
but it’s not enough for me because I have a lot of expenses. I spend $700 per
month on renting my apartment. I use $500 from my monthly budget to pay for
my meals and bills. And the rest of it, $300 is the budget for one of my favourite
activities - going shopping. I always choose the cheapest but I make sure it has
good quality. Luckily, I don’t have to pay for the tuition because I got a two-year
scholarship from my school. This helps my parents save a lot of money.
Hi, I’m Austin. I graduated from University 2 months ago. Now, I have a
part time job as an amateur photographer for a teen magazine. I don’t
earn a lot of money from my job, so I still rely on the financial support
from my family. My salary is just $1500 per month, and I receive $1000
per month from my parents. I spend $1200 per month paying bills and
other living expenses. The rest of the money, I always spend on my
cameras and other related accessories. They are very expensive and
sometimes I have to borrow money from my friends to pay for them. In
the future, I need to find a full time job so that I can live on my own
income and avoid taking money from my parents.
I’m Jasmine. I’ve been working with the bank of JP Morgan Chase for 3 years. I
live with my younger sister in America, and I have to financially support her. My
monthly salary has been increasing every year and presently it is $3500 per
month. So, I have enough income to pay for our living expenses in this
expensive city, and I can also afford to send some money to my parents who
live in my hometown. I don’t usually go shopping or spend money eating out
or travelling. I have opened a bank account to save some money every month. I
think it’s a safe way to make sure I can afford to cover any unexpected expenses
in the future.
a) works for a bank
Match the facts from a)-l) with each person
b) works for a teen magazine
c) receives a scholarship from school
d) does not spend money on eating out
e) goes shopping a lot
f) a part of monthly money comes from family
g) monthly salary increases every year
h) pays $700 as rental fee
i) supports a family member
j) saves money in a bank
k) will find a full time job in the future
l) saves money for unexpected expenses in life
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.2
Spending money
1A Discuss with a partner using this table to find out how
many money habits you two have in common
 Source of income
 From parents
 Part-time job
 Scholarship / Bank loan
 Rent, electricity, internet
 College / Tuition fee
 Shopping
 Fitness / health
 Entertainment
B Answer the questions
a) What are the sources of your monthly income?
b) What are your monthly expenses?
c) How much money do you spend every month?
d) Do you usually save your money each month?
e) Are you good at handling money?
2 Discuss. Complete the conversation
Q: What are the sources of your monthly income?
A: My monthly income comes from ______.
Q: Do you have any other income?
A: I also have/do/receive ______.
 How much
 For what
 Bank account
 Piggy bank
Handling money
 Good at
 Not good at
Q: What are your monthly expenses?
A: My main expenses are ______. There are also other
expenses like ______.
Money handling
Q: Are you good at handling money?
Financial difficulties
 Unexpected expenses
 Borrow from friends
A: Yes, I am/No, I am not/Not really. (Because) I ______.
Financial difficulties
Q: Do you have any financial difficulties?
A: Sometimes I face financial difficulties when ______.
Grammar memo
Q: How often do you borrow money from friends?
Sentence structure for the verb “spend”:
A: I don’t often/usually borrow money from my friends.
spend + time + doing something
spend + time/money + on something
Q: How much money do you save every month?
A: I try to save about ______ every month.
- Jane may spend hours playing games.
Q: How do you save money?
- She just spent $100.000 on that LV bag.
A: I usually use ______ to store money.
- I will spend 5 hours maximum on this report.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Lesson 3.2
Spending money
2 [3.3] Listen and fill in the blanks
1 [3.2] Listen and write down the price of each item
Mathew: Hi Daddy. How are you?
Dad: I’m fine. How about you? Why are you calling so
Mathew: Well I’m not fine, Dad. I really need some money.
It’s an 1 ____________. I need your help, Dad!
Dad: Oh no, what happened? How much do you need? Tell
me what the situation is.
Mathew: Well, yesterday I 2 _________ my friend’s laptop
and brought it home. Then I accidentally broke its screen. So
I need money to pay the 3 ____________ to fix it before I
can return it.
Dad: Oh! You’re so careless, Mathew. So how much will it
__________? I gave you 5 _____________ last week. You
can use that money to pay for it.
Mathew: I’m sorry Dad but I spent all of that on my
girlfriend’s birthday gift. I’ve run out of money. Now I need
another 6 ____________
Dad: I can’t believe you spent it all. If you did, you should
__________ this by yourself. I won’t give you any more
money. I cannot solve your 8 ___________problems all the
A. _________________
B. _________________
Mathew: Oh no Dad, please! If you don’t want to give it to
me, could you 9 __________ it to me? I will get a part time
job and pay you back next month. I promise.
C. _________________
D. _________________
Dad: Well, if you promise, then I will trust you this time.
But remember not to 10 ___________ your budget again.
E. _________________
F. _________________
Mathew: Great! Thank you so much, Dad. I love you!
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.2
Spending money
1 Do this crossword puzzle to improve your vocabulary of
today’s topic: Money habits
1. obtain money that you must
pay back (v)
5. you open this to store money in a bank (n)
7. use money to make a profit
or get interest (v)
9. receive money in exchange
for work (v)
10. be in debt (v)
11. coins or notes (n)
13. money earned monthly
from job (n)
16. a piece of metal used as
money (n)
17. total money received (n)
2. spend carelessly (v)
Fun facts about money
you may not know
3. money used in a country (n)
4. a place to keep valuables (n)
6. small amount given for services (n)
1. Only 8% of the world’s currency is
7. receive from a person who dies (v)
actual physical money.
8. money that you must return (n)
2. More Monopoly money is printed in a
12. keep money for future use (v)
year than money in the entire world.
14. give money which will be
returned (v)
3. The U.S. once made a $100,000 bill.
15. obtain money by chance (v)
4. Apple makes on average over $163
million a day.
5. A penny costs more to manufacture
than it is worth.
6. There are over 1.6 million ATMs in
the world.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
It’s so hot today. I can’t
stand this weather.
I just heard from the forecast that
it will be ______ tomorrow.
Yes, but Taylor is ______ beautiful.
Comparative adjectives
1. Which river is _____ (long)?
1A Finish the conversations in the photos
I used to love New York’s cuisine. But
now the food in London is ______ to me.
3 Geography Quiz: Complete the sentences and answer
the quiz. Check your answers in Extra Knowledge
Which city do you think has ______.
food, New York city or London city?
Do you think that girl is beautiful?
a) The Nile
more appealing
B Match 1 – 4 to a)-f) to make correct statements
1. Comparative adjectives compare ____ people or
2. To form the comparative, we use the “er” suffix with
adjectives of ____ syllable.
3. Two-syllable adjectives ending in “____ ”: change
that letter to “____ ” and take the “er”.
4. Adjectives of ____ or more syllables form the
comparative with “____ / ____ ”.
b) The Amazon
2. Which desert is _____ (large)
than the Kalahari Desert?
a) The Sahara
b) The Syrian
3. Which mountain is _____ (high)?
a) Kilimanjaro
b) Mount Everest
4. Which ocean is _____ (small)
than the Atlantic?
a) The Arctic Ocean
a) i
b) y
c) less
e) three
f) two
g) one
d) more
2 Write the correct comparative form for these adjectives
b) The Pacific Ocean
5. Which country is _____ (cold)?
a) The Russian Federation
b) Norway
1. nice
2. crazy
3. interesting
4. easy
5. fresh
We can strengthen or emphasize a comparative adjective
by using words such as “much, a lot, far” or using “than
ever”. For example:
7. lucky
- This food is much better than the food we had yesterday.
8. amazing
- The town is a lot more crowded these days.
9. quick
- Alex is far less intelligent than the other kids in the class.
10. horrible
- We’ve been busier than ever at work this last month.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.3
Products & Services
1A Discuss with a partner. What do you consider the
most about a product before purchasing it?
a) Brand
e) Warranty
b) Model
f) Accessories
c) Appearance
g) Discount
d) Price
h) Popularity
B Tell your friend an experience that you had related
each of these services
3 Put these words into the correct column
2 Look at the photos. Match the correct word about
expenses and income to each photo
a. clothing
b. cosmetics
c. home appliances
d. stationery
e. grocery
f. electronics
g. jewelry
h. sporting goods
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Lesson 3.3
Products & Services
1 Read the introduction and answer the questions below
et me introduce the ‘Samsung Galaxy Note 5’ - the smoothest,
sleekest stylus equipped big screen smartphone that the
company has ever made. It is the latest model of Note phone
from the global leader in smart phones - Samsung.
The new S Pen is one of the most important features. The new
S Pen stylus feels lighter, and helps easier writing, compared to
the previous versions. There is a new feature called instant
memo associated with the note. You can take a note even
when the screen is turned off!
The Galaxy Note 5 is available in gold, silver, white and
sapphire black. It has a 5.7-inch display with 2,560 x
1,440 pixels and weighs just 171 grams. It is made of
metal and glass.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has an eye-catching
design, high-end hardware and takes great outdoor
photos. The battery life is excellent.
It has a 16-megapixel camera and the new
option of double pressing the home button to
launch the camera is great. You can launch a
live YouTube streaming using your Note 5.
Good news for selfie-lovers: the Note 5 has
a 5-megapixel front camera.
Note 5 uses a Samsung Exynos 7
octa-core processor. It comes in both
32GB and 64GB storage options with
a 4GB RAM and 3,000mAh nonremovable battery. This time there is
no microSD expansion slot.
As of January 2016, the 64GB
version costs roughly 19,800,000 VND
and the 32GB model costs about
17,990,000 VND. You get a 2-year warranty.
Every unit comes with a charger and USB
connecter. You can also buy a wireless charging
dock and there are several coloured cases to select from.
More interesting thing is that you can fix a QWERTY
keyboard onto the Keyboard Cover on the front of the screen.
1. What product does he talk about?
The Note 5 is a great device with an efficient stylus and a flashy
design. What are you waiting for? Buy one today!
8. How much does it cost?
2. How does it look?
3. What is the model?
4. What is one of the most important features?
5. What colour does it has?
6. Does it have any special features?
7. What storage does it come in?
9. Does it have a warranty?
10. Does it come with any accessories?
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.3
Products & Services
B Below are some model structures to introduce a
1 Work in pairs. Talk about a product that you like. Use
the questions below
- Let me introduce the new iPhone 12
1. Where did you buy it?
2. How much did you pay for it?
- Today I will introduce to you the latest iPhone model:
iPhone 12
3. How long have you been using it?
4. Which brand is it?
- It is available in gold, rose gold and black
5. Where is it made? What is it made of?
- It is made of glass
6. Is there anything special about it?
- You can use it for … (V-ing)
7. What do you like about it?
- You can use it to … (V)
8. What is its main function?
- The most special feature is that it can …
9. What are the features?
10.Does it have a warranty?
- It costs …
11.For how much would you sell it to me?
- There is a two-year warranty
12.Would you buy a similar product again?
- It is now available in all Apple Stores
2A Discuss about the details of a product using this mind
 Introducing
 Brand
 Trendy / lovely / nice / beautiful
 Colour: red / white / black
 Model
 Unique features
 Size: big / small / thin
 Made in / from / of
 Price: only / reasonable /
affordable / worth buying
 Can do
 The most useful thing
 Offer: sale / promotion
 Most important function
 Discount
 Accessories/comes with
 Warranty
Grammar memo
The difference between “made of” and “made from”
- Made of: basic material or qualities remain unchanged.
Example: My Channel bag is made of leather.
- Made from: the material is different from what it was originally.
Example: The paper is made from wood.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Lesson 3.3
Products & Services
1 [3.4] Listen and fill in the blanks
2 [3.5] Listen and complete the note
Model: 1 __________________
Target market: people with
2 ______________ kitchen
Colours: Black, 3 ____________, blue, 4 ____________
Features: 5 __________ designs, easy to 6 ___________
A: The _______________ for this must be very
strong. We don’t want it to break while people are
Price: 7 __________________
Delivery: 8 ____________ days
carrying it around.
B: That’s right. We shouldn’t use _______________
because it’s too heavy.
1 Fill in the blanks with the correct word
C: Yes, I agree. If we use a strong _______________
we can make it in lots of different _______________.
And it’s also possible to make a rectangular
A: Why rectangular? It doesn’t have to look like all
the competitors’ _______________, does it? I think
Salesman: Sir, how may I help you?
we should try to come up with something new. We
Customer: I’m looking for a pair of 1 _____________
could make circular players for example.
B: True. But we mustn’t _______________ something
which people can’t easily carry. The classic rectangular
shape works because it’s easy to put in your
Salesman: What size do you wear?
Customer: Seven.
Salesman: Seven for which 2 _____________ ?
Customer: Does the same size mean different thing for
different brands? It should be standard across all brands,
C: Well, we can design a few _______________ and
test them on consumers.
Salesman: For few brands, the same 3 _____________
A: No. We can’t because we don’t have enough time
can be slightly different.
before the launch next _______________.
Customer: Really? Anyway, I wear size seven of Hush
B: I know. But we shouldn’t launch it until we’re
Puppies, and because I want to buy the same brand it
ready. Otherwise it won’t sell.
shouldn’t be a problem.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.3
Product & Services
2 Work in pairs. Change the sentences in italic font with your
own ideas and practice the full dialogue with your partner
Customer: How much are these bananas?
Shopkeeper: 2 dollars a dozen.
Customer: That’s expensive. What about tomatoes and papaya?
Shopkeeper: 3 dollar a kilogram for tomatoes and 3.5 dollars
a kilogram for papaya.
Salesman: Yes. This 4 _____________ has new arrivals and
this has shoes on sale.
Customer: The variety is far less here. I’ll prefer
Salesman: Most of the shoes on 6 _____________ were
picked up by customers within a day of opening of the
sale. Why don’t you 7 _____________ these ones?
Customer: Not these ones. I’m looking for more
look. I like that model. Let me try it.
Customer: These fit well. I’ll take this one in
Customer: Your prices are so high. Last week, I bought these
items for a better price.
Shopkeeper: Madam, it’s the current market. Prices have
gone up this week because of less supply coming to the whole
Customer: But then how come the other shopkeeper is offering better price.
Shopkeeper: That’s because he often mixes yesterday’s stock
with the new. We sell only fresh vegetables and fruits.
Customer: I know how much fresh you sell. All say the same
thing. But you should offer me some discount as I’ll buy stuff
worth at least 100 dollars.
Salesman: Would you like to see 10 _____________ and
Shopkeeper: I’ll try my best. What else do you want me to
shoe polish as well?
(After the customer has chosen all the needed products)
Customer: Not polish, but yes socks. Do you sell socks
Customer: So the total is 112 dollars. I think you should
charge me 100.
only in combo of three?
Salesman: We sell by 11 _____________ as well. Here they
Shopkeeper: No, that’s too low. Give me 110.
Customer: Not much. Give me at least 10 percent.
Customer: OK. I’ll take these two pairs.
Shopkeeper: Sorry madam, if I offer such discount I’ll hardly
make anything for myself. 110 is my last offer.
Salesman: Anything else, sir?
Customer: OK then.
Customer: No, thanks.
Shopkeeper: Thank you so much.
Salesman: I’ll get the 12 _____________.
Customer: Sure.
Exercise 3
1–A;2–A;3–B;4–A ;5–A
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Do you think we should
pick this black car?
Yes. This is (colourful) ______
shirt that I’ve ever had.
Look! Someone just got a
new shirt!
Your son is (smart) ______
student in my class.
Not really. I think the pink
one is (pretty) ______ .
Really? So glad to hear that.
3 Write Comparatives or Superlatives then answer the
questions. Check your answers in Extra Knowledge
Comparative and Superlative
1A Finish the conversations in the photos using the
comparative or superlative form of the adjective
1. Which is ________ (hot) planet in the solar system?
B Match 1 – 4 to a)-f) to make correct statements
2. Is the Sahara Desert ________ (small) than the Kalahari
1. A _____ compares two people or two things. A
_____ compares a person or thing with the whole
2. To form the superlative, we use the “_____” suffix
with adjectives of one syllable and use _____ before
that adjective.
A. Venus
B. Jupiter
A. Yes
B. No
3. Can an eagle see _______ (good) than a human?
A. Yes
B. No
4. Which is ________ (long) wall in the world?
A. The Wall of Dubrovnik
B. The Great Wall of China
3. _____ -syllable adjectives ending in “y”: change “y”
to “i” and take the “est” ending.
5. Is Mount Everest ________ (high) than Mount
4. Adjectives of three or more syllables form the
superlative with “the _____” / “the _____”.
A. Yes
6. Which is ________ (tall) building in the world?
A. Taipei 101 Tower
a) the
b) least
c) superlative
d) most
e) est
f) two
g) comparative
2 Complete the table with the correct comparative and
superlative form for these adjectives
B. No
B. Burj Dubai Tower
7. Does the blue whale make a ________ (loud) than the
A. Yes
B. No
8. Which animal runs ________ (fast) than the leopard?
A. The cheetah
B. The lion
- Adjectives ending in “e”: only add “r” and “st” for the
comparatives and superlatives.
- Adjectives with one stressed vowel standing between
two consonants: double the last consonant
Example: big - bigger - the biggest
Example: nice - nicer - the nicest
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.4
Shopping around
1A Tell your friends about a favourite item that
you’ve recently purchased
B Use this mind map to talk to your partner about
your habits when going to the shopping mall. Where do
you often spend most of your time?
You can use this vocabulary to give directions to someone
who is looking for certain place.
2 Look at the photos. Match the correct word to each
a. Shopping mall
b. Escalator
c. Store directory
d. Parking lot
e. Elevator
f. Entrance
g. Hall
h. Rest room
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Go straight
Go past
Turn back/go back
Around the corner
Turn left
Turn right
Go along
In front of
Next to/beside
Opposite to
Lesson 3.4
Shopping around
1 Read the paragraph and answer the questions
Mrs. Smith is going shopping with her son. They
are looking for a present for Mr. Smith's birthday.
Mrs. Smith wants to buy him a new camera and
Tom wants to buy him a jumper.
They drive to the department store on the high
street. Mrs. Smith uses the escalator to go to the
Electrical Department on the third floor and Tom
takes the stairs up to the Men's Clothing
Department on the first floor.
When Mrs. Smith gets to the Electrical
Department she finds that cameras are sold in
the Photography Department on the ground floor.
She takes the elevator down and asks the sales
assistant there for some help. She doesn't know
much about cameras and needs some advice.
The sales assistant recommends an automatic
camera by Olympus, but it is too expensive. She
asks him if he has anything a little cheaper and
he tells her about a special offer on the Pentax
range. It still seems expensive so she thanks the
assistant and decides to shop around first.
Meanwhile, Tom is looking at the jumpers. He
only has £10 to spend so he can't afford most of
them. He sees his mother and they decide to go
to the smaller shops round the corner.
1. Where are the cameras sold?
A. The Men's Clothing Department
B. The Photography Department
C. The Electrical Department
2. How does Mrs. Smith get around the store?
A. She takes the escalator up and the elevator down
B. She takes the elevator up and the escalator down
C. She walks up the stairs and takes the elevator down
D. She walks up and down the stairs
3. Mrs. Smith goes to the Electrical Department with
A. True
B. False
4. Do they walk to the shops?
A. Yes
B. No
5. Where do Mrs. Smith and Tom go after the
department store?
A. To the shops round the corner
B. To the supermarket round the corner
C. To the bakery round the corner
6. Are they looking for a Christmas present?
A. Yes
B. No
7. What department does Mrs. Smith go to first?
A. The Photography Department
B. The Men's Clothing Department
C. The Electrical Department
8. What department does Tom go to?
A. The Men's Clothing Department
B. The Women's Clothing Department
C. The Photography Department
9. Can Mrs. Smith afford the Olympus camera?
A. Yes
B. No
10. How much does Tom have to spend?
A. £10
B. £20
C. £15
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.4
Shopping around
1 Pair up. Discuss with your partner about shopping
habits using these questions
1. Do you like going shopping? Why? Why not?
B Role-play. Choose one situation, make and practice a
(Refer to Extra Knowledge)
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. How much time do you spend shopping?
Situation 1
4. What do you often buy?
5. How much money do you often spend on
shopping every month?
- Return a dress that was bought 2
days ago
2A Conversations in the shop. Below are the
different stages of a conversation that happens during
a shopping experience
- Buy a new hat and a necklace
- Pay by debit card
- Things that are in stock: dresses,
jeans, belts, hats, necklaces
- Offer: 10% off on Saturdays
- No return after 3 days
Situation 2
- Buy a new laptop, 2 boxes of A4
- Ask for prices, warranty and
Conversation memo
Finding a shop/ section
- Could you please show me the way to a floral shop?
- Excuse me, do you know where the bakery is?
- Sure. Go straight. It’s at the other end of this floor. It’s next
to the Lotte Mart entrance.
- It’s in front of the dairy section, keep looking on your left.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
- Recommendation: The New Macbook
($1700, two-year warranty, 4% discount for people paying with Visa
- Types of paper: low quality ($2/box),
medium quality ($4/box), high quality
Lesson 3.4
Shopping around
1 [3.6] Fill in the blanks and choose the correct shop
related to the sentences
1. I think you can buy some __________
A. hardware store
B. bakery
C. pharmacy
2. He is going to drop by and buy __________
A. flower shop
B. auto shop
C. candy store
3. She's __________ for the week.
A. car wash
B. coffee shop
C. laundry
4. Hey. Tell me where __________
A. shoe shop
B. computer store
C. hairdresser
5. We should pick up some __________ for the new
school year.
A. office supply store
B. library
C. bike shop
6. __________ Where did you buy it?
A. clothing store
B. eyeglasses store
C. carpet store
7. I’d like to __________. I’m trying to eat a good diet.
A. electronics store
B. fruit stand
C. restaurant
1 Model questions and answers to use when going
Welcoming customers
Welcome to our store. How can I help you?
May I help you?
Asking for something
I’m looking for (a jacket)
Do you have (jackets)?
Where can I find (a jacket)?
Please come this way.
Sure, we have them. Please come with me.
It’s over there next to (the cashier counter)
Asking for more details/ options
Do you have the bigger/ smaller size?
Are there any other designs?
Do you have this one in (red/other colours)?
What is it made of?
Yes, we have different sizes here.
Sorry, we have only one design of this type.
This product is available in two colours, red and blue.
It is 100% cotton.
Would you like to try them?
8. Why don’t you grab some __________while I look
for a pizza in __________ I’ll meet you at the cashier.
A. pizza parlor
B. bread store
C. supermarket
9. I think we should buy __________. The old one is
falling apart and won’t last much longer.
A. sporting goods store
B. furniture store
C. health food store
10. I bought a __________ Do you think she’ll like it.
A. jewelry store
B. movie theater
C. cookie store
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.4
Shopping around
Asking for price/warranty/service
How much is it?
Do you have any offer?
Can I return these goods if my sister doesn’t like it?
Is there a warranty for this stove?
2 Model conversation when returning goods or asking
for an exchange
It is ($200).
We have a special promotion today. If your bill is
above $200, we’ll give you a small gift.
Sure, you must return within 3 days. You can
exchange it with another item.
Yes, there’s a 6-month warranty.
Salesman: When did you buy it? Can I see the bill,
It’s very expensive. I think you should give me a good
If I buy 3 pieces can you give a better price?
Salesman: Sorry sir. Our policy doesn't allow a refund,
only an exchange. Hope you’ll understand.
Customer: I would like to return this sweater.
Salesman: Is there a problem with the sweater, Sir?
Customer: Yes, it’s a bit loose for me.
Customer: Sure, here it is. I bought it 3 days back.
Salesman: Ok, you can return the sweater and buy
another sweater for the same price.
Customer: Can I get a refund instead?
Customer: Ok then, I’ll take the smaller size of the same
We will give you a special discount of 5%.
Sorry Madam, the price remains the same for 3
pieces. If you buy more than 5 pieces I can offer you a
5% discount.
Can I pay by card?
Do you take debit card?
Sure, but we will charge you 2% extra for card
I’m sorry, cash only m’am.
Returning goods or asking for an exchange
I’d like to return this (jacket). I bought it 2 days ago.
Can I get a refund?
Is there any problem Sir? Do you have the bill?
Sorry sir, we cannot give you a refund in this case. You
can exchange it with another item of the same price.
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Exercise 3
1 – A ; 2 – B ; 3 – A ; 4 – B ; 5 – A; 6 — B; 7 — A; 8 — A
1 Quantifiers: much, many, a few, a little, a lot of
1. Much is used with uncountable nouns while many is
used with countable.
2. A little/little and a few/few are quantifiers meaning
We use a little with singular nouns. We use a few with
plural nouns.
4. A lot of can be used with both countable and
uncountable nouns
3 Comparative Adjectives
1. Comparative adjectives compare two people or things
2. To form the comparative, we use the “er” suffix with
adjectives of one syllable
3. Two-syllable adjectives ending in “y”: change that
letter to “i” and take the “er”
4. Adjectives of three or more syllables form the
comparative with “more/less”
1. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't many/much
cheap restaurants.
1. It is ___ in the city than it is in the country.
2. There is so many/much grilled meat left. We should put it
in the fridge.
2. I personally think that Rachel is ___ than Ross.
3. There are a few/a little shops near the university.
3. The Math test was ___ than I thought it would be.
4. It's very quiet. There aren't much/many people here
a. easier
5. We have many/a little milk left in case you’re thirsty.
a. beautiful
2 Quantifiers: all, all of, most, most of
a. more noisy
a. hard-working
b. noisier
c. more noisier
b. hard-worker
c. more hard-working
b. easily
c. more easy
4. She now sings ____ than how she used to do last year.
b. more beautiful c. more beautifully
4 Comparative and Superlative
1. We use “all” to refer to a whole group of people or
1. A comparative compares two people or two things. A
superlative compares a person or thing with the whole
2. We use “all of” before personal pronouns (us, them),
demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) and
relative pronouns (whom, which).
2. To form the superlative, we use the “est” suffix with
adjectives of one syllable and use “the” before that
3. Most + N: the majority of something in general
3. Two-syllable adjectives ending in “y”: change “y”
to “i” and take the “est” ending.
4. Most of + N: the majority of a specific group of
4. Adjectives of three or more syllables form the superlative
with most/least.
1. Do you know which country produces the ____ rice?
1. Of the four cars I bought, I like the red one (better/ best).
2. ____ them are really well-educated except for that guy
in the black T-shirt.
2. Bonnie’s car is (faster/ fastest) than Clyde’s.
3. After ____ this time, I still love her even though we don’t
talk anymore.
4. ____ these paintings belong to Leonardo, just some
belong to me.
3. Chandler is (less/ least) athletic of all the men in my
4. Do you feel (weller/ better) today?
5. My dog is the (prettier/ prettiest) in my neighborhood.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.5
3.1 On the menu
appetizers/starters [n]
casual-dining restaurant [np]
fry [v]
plate [n]
bake [v]
chopsticks [n]
glass [n]
roast [v]
beverages/drinks [n]
desserts [n]
grill [v]
side dishes [np]
boil [v]
fast food restaurant [np]
knife [n]
spoon [n]
bowl [n]
fine-dining restaurant [np]
main course [np]
steam [v]
buffet restaurant [np]
fork [n]
napkin [n]
a saving person [np]
expenses [n]
Investment [n]
run out of money [vp]
a spending person [np]
financial difficulties [np]
lend [v]
salary [n]
allowance [n]
fitness [n]
loan [n]
savings [n]
bonus [n]
food [n]
part-time job [np]
scholarship [n]
borrow [v]
funds [n]
pay [v]
shopping [n]
charity [n]
Income [n]
piggy bank [n]
spend [v]
donate [v]
invest [v]
renting fee [np]
tuition fee [np]
accessories [n]
discount [n]
home appliances [np]
sporting goods [np]
appearance [n]
education [n]
jewelry [n]
stationery [n]
banking [n]
electronics [n]
model [n]
telecommunication [n]
brand [n]
entertainment [n]
popularity [n]
travel & tourism [np]
clothing [n]
grocery [n]
price [n]
warranty [n]
cosmetics [n]
healthcare [n]
3.2 Spending money
donation [n]
3.3 Products and Services
3.4 Shopping around
apparel store [np]
entrance [n]
necklace [n]
shopping mall [np]
belt [n]
escalator [n]
optical store [np]
store directory [np]
books store [np]
food court [np]
parking lot [np]
supermarket [n]
bracelet [n]
hall [n]
rest room [np]
sweater [n]
earrings [n]
jacket [n]
ring [n]
sweatshirt [n]
elevator [n]
jewelry store [np]
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Lesson 3.5
1A Practice in groups of three
This is an outdoor experience. The class will choose
a supermarket or a shopping mall to do the
1. Choose 5 students in the class to be COACHES.
They are expected to evaluate the ability of all
team members and make sure that each member
is involved.
- Practice and conduct a conversation
- The students must discuss and ask questions about the
product before purchasing it
- Use the vocabularies and structures from the previous
lessons in Experience 3
- Try to deliver a creative and natural conversation
The rest of the class will be divided into 4 groups.
- Refer to the model conversations on the next page.
2. Discuss and make a decision on where and
when to do the Experience.
- Both customers and shopkeepers should remember to
be polite by saying: excuse me, pardon me, thank you,
3. There are 5 missions for each group to
complete. The missions relate to the content of
each lesson in the experience.
4. Each group will receive a mission card from the
teacher. When the group completes it, they will
receive a PASS card which contains another
mission. Do the same until the group finishes all 5
5. The first group that finishes all missions will be
the winner and receive a prize.
- Two students act as customers and the other student
acts as a shopkeeper
B Perform in front of the class
- Some groups perform in front of the class
- Teacher will evaluate and give comments on their
- Evaluation criteria are Confidence, Fluency,
Comprehension, Grammar, Pronunciation and
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.5
At the apparel store
Shopkeeper: Yes, we accept all major credit cards.
Shopkeeper: Hi! Welcome to our store! Can I help you
find something?
Student 1: Excellent, thank you!
Student 1: Yes, I’m looking for a jacket.
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Thank you very much. Have a
nice day.
Shopkeeper: Here they are. What style are you looking
Student 1: Wow, I really like the coat that I’ve bought, it
seems very nice and warm.
Student 1: I am looking for a sporty one. Do you have
anything like that?
Student 2: Yeah, and the price is reasonable.
Shopkeeper: No, I’m sorry. We don’t have such type now.
Is there anything else you may like?
At the electronics store
Student 1: Yes. Do you have that coat in a medium size?
Student 1: Excuse me, do you have any led bulbs?
Shopkeeper: Yes, what colour would you like?
Shop assistant : Yes, what kind of led bulbs are you
looking for?
Student 1: Do you have a black one?
Shop assistant: Hi! Welcome to ElectroShop!
Shopkeeper: Not at the moment. Don’t you like this
white one?
Student 1: Do you have any decorative led bulbs?
Student 1: What do you think?
Student 2: Oh, there are a lot! Hey look, these led bulbs
are so colourful and bright. What will you use them for?
Student 2: Hmmm. No, white gets dirty quickly. Do you
have it in another colour?
Shopkeeper: Let me check. Yes, we also have it in red and
dark grey.
Shop assistant: Yes, we do. They’re all here.
Student 1: Yeah! I like them all. I want to decorate my
balcony. I like this one. Can this one be used outdoor?
Shop assistant: Not this one, but this one can be.
Student 1: Which one do you recommend, this one or the
jacket over there?
Student 1: Does this work with the older electric source?
Student 2: This grey coat is very trendy, but a little
expensive. I like it.
Student 1: That’s great. What brand is it?
Shopkeeper: This coat is a little more expensive but
warmer and can be cleaned very easily. Both are good, it
depends on your style and how you will wear it.
Student 1: Excellent, I’ll take this one! Where can I make
the payment?
Student 1: Okay, I think I gonna take this dark grey coat.
Can I try this on?
Shopkeeper: Yes, of course. The fitting rooms are there.
Student 1: Hey, how’s it?
Student 2: It’s too small. Excuse me, can you help me to
find the bigger size?
Shopkeeper: Sure. How about this one? Please try it on.
Student 1: Wonderful! It fits well. How much is it?
Shopkeeper: It costs 600,000 VND
Student 2: What is it made of?
Shopkeeper: It’s made of feather. It can keep you warm
very well.
Shop assistant: Yes, it does.
Shop assistant: It’s Green Life Products.
Shop assistant: You’re welcome. You can pay in the front.
Student 1: Can we return this if there are any problems?
Shop assistant: Yes, you can return it within 3 days. And
please keep the receipt.
Student 1: Okay, thank you very much.
Shop assistant: No problem.
Student 1: That’s great! We’ve got all what we wanted to
Student 2: What else do you want to buy?
Student 1: No, nothing more.
Student 2: So, shall we go home?
Student 1: Yes. Let’s go.
Student 1: OK. Can I pay with a MasterCard?
Experience 3
1 - Shopping
My Hanoi man
The ultimate
Buying and selling are daily activities. You can see people
buying and selling things around you every day. Similar
to the previous experiences, you are given a chance to
practice what you have learned, in a real-life situation,
when you will have to use English to communicate with
sellers to buy things. Today, you will compete with other
groups in your class and see the result immediately by
playing the game “SHOPPING MAN”.
- There are five missions for each group to
complete. The missions are related to what you’ve
learnt in the last 5 lessons.
- At first, each group will receive a mission card.
Your group has to do the task mentioned in the
mission card.
- When you complete it, you will receive a PASS
card to go to the next place. Behind each pass card
there’ll be your next mission.
- Repeat the same until you finish all five missions.
- The group that finishes all five missions first will
be the winner and receives a prize.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.6
Experience 3
Write down the answers for all questions below. You
can make short notes or write full sentences. These
notes should help you in the discussion in the next
lesson. Be prepared!
What did you do?
How was your day?
Did you do any real shopping there?
Did you like it?
How did you feel before the experience?
Where did you go?
What did you like the most today? Why?
What was the most interesting part?
Have you gone there before?
Did you reach the destination on time?
Did anything funny happen?
How many students were there?
Did anyone get there late?
Did you like the place?
Did your team complete the shopping challenge
Was there anything that you didn't like?
What is the first thing that you noticed there?
What did you do after the experience?
Experience 3 - Shopping man
Part 4: Personal experience
- Do the presentation in the same groups of the
Experience Day
- Topic: Talk about your 3rd Experience Day –
Shopping Man
- Length: 10-15 minutes
- The presentation should include at least 5 parts:
How did you feel after the experience?
Any positive or negative feedback?
Did anything funny happen during the experience?
What did you learned after the experience?
2 Practice your presentation skills
1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience.
Remember to smile and make eye contact regularly.
2. Keep it Simple
1 Discuss in groups. Make the outline of the body of
your presentation. You can follow your own idea or use
the suggestion below
Try to make it easy for your audience to understand and
How was your day?
What was the designated place?
What was your expectation before going there?
Concentrate on the Key Messages of your presentation.
3. Start Strongly
The beginning of your presentation is very important. You
need to grab your audience’s attention and hold it.
4. Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows
Contain no more than 10 slides; Last no more than 20
minutes; Use a font size of no less than 30 point.
How did you get there? Did you reach the
destination on time?
5. Tell Stories
Human beings are programmed to respond to stories.
Part 1: General details
Part 2: The place
Have you gone there before?
What was your favourite thing(s) about the place?
Was the supermarket different from where you
usually buy things?
Part 3: The activity
What did you do there?
Did you do some real shopping there?
97 -
Who won the first place? Did you enjoy it?
6. Use your Voice Effectively
Vary the tone, pitch, and pace of your delivery to make the
presentation more interesting.
7. Pay attention to Body Language
Make your gestures open and confident, move naturally
around the stage, and among the audience too, if possible.
8. Relax, Breathe and Enjoy
If you can bring yourself to relax, you will almost certainly
present better.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 3.7
1 Read the paragraph and answer the questions
hopping is a daily routine for some people. The weekend is
usually a good time to go shopping because people have free
time from work. Some people go shopping more regularly
than other people to browse products in shops even when
they do not have much money. This is known as window shopping and
allows people to plan ahead and save for the things they want to buy
in the future or wait for the items to drop in price.
Some people believe that the more expensive the item, the better the
quality, but this is not always true. Sometimes shopping can be
stressful when choosing a gift for a special occasion. It is common to
buy a gift voucher so that a friend or loved one can go shopping
themselves at their own
convenience. Shopping online is
often popular with people who
have a busy lifestyle. People are
able to order their necessary and
luxury items from the comfort of
their own home, or even on the
move. Delivery is usually free and
items are often cheaper than in
shops on the high street. The
only real problem is that the item
description and quality may be
different than what they hoped
for. This could mean the
customer may become
disappointed with the item they
receive and will need to return it
at their own cost.
1 Watch the video. Choose the correct
answer for each question
1. What does the first girl want to buy?
a. bread, eggs, milk, flour, oil
b. bread, bananas, milk, flour, oil
c. bread, apples, milk, flour, oil
2. What kind of olive does the second
girl want to buy?
a. green olives
b. black olives
c. both
3. What section do the mother and the
daughter go to first?
a. snacks and drinks section
b. fresh meat section
c. produce section
4. How many boxes of cereal do they
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
5. Where is the brown sugar?
1. What kind of shopping do people
just have a look at the products and
not buying anything?
3. When can shopping become
a. When shops are about to close
a. Bargain hunting
b. When it is very busy
b. Window shopping
c. When buying a gift for someone
c. They do not have much money
d. On the weekend
d. Looking for the best quality
2. What do some people usually
think about items of better quality?
4. Is there sometimes a problem with
online shopping?
a. They are cheaper
a. No, the shops are open 24 hours a
b. They are harder to find
b. Yes, with the quality and
c. They are more expensive
d. They are on sale
Experience 3 - Shopping man
a. near the dairy section
b. near the bakery section
c. near the frozen foods section
2 Watch the second part of the video
again when a man goes to Customer
Service counter to return a product.
Write a similar dialogue
description of the item
a. Yes, there are too many queue
b. No, there are no problems
English for life - Elementary
Experience 4 - Job hunt
Of course. But I ______
finished the first season.
I think he’s stuck in the traffic
jam. It’s rush hour now.
Word order: still, anymore, yet, already
1A Finish the conversations in the photos above
Teddy three years ago:
Where did you get this cake? It’s so good.
3 Compare what Teddy said three years ago with what he
says now. Write sentences with “still” and “anymore”
I bought it from a small bakery near my
house. But they don’t sell this kind ______ .
Are you ______ watching Friends ?
Why is Andrew not here ______ ?
The show is about to start.
B Match 1 – 4 to a)-e) to make correct statements
1. We use ______ to say that a situation or action is
continuing. It hasn’t changed or stopped.
I go swimming a lot.
I work in a museum.
I have a girlfriend.
I want to be a famous
I don’t like chicken.
Teddy now:
I go swimming a lot.
I work in a gallery.
I’m single.
I want to be a famous
I don’t like chicken.
2. We use “not ______ / ______ ” to say that a
situation has changed.
3. ______ (= until now) shows that the speaker
expects something to happen.
4. We use ______ to say that something happened
sooner than expected.
a) yet
b) already
c) anymore
d) still
e) any longer
1. (go)
Teddy still goes swimming a lot.
2. (work) __________________________________
3. (have)
4. (want) __________________________________
5. (like)
2 Fill in the blanks with “already” and “yet”
1. A: Should we tell him what happened yesterday?
B: He ______ knows.
2. I’m hungry. Is dinner ready ______?
3. Can we postpone this ceremony? I don’t feel OK
4. You don’t have to introduce me to Jack. We ______
5. Would you like something for lunch? Or have you
______ eaten?
6. A: Do you want to join our club?
- “Still” also means “In spite of this”. For example: She has
everything she needs, but she’s still unhappy. = She has
everything she needs. In spite of this, she's unhappy.
- You can write “any more” (2 words) or “anymore” (1
- “Yet” is mainly used in negative sentences and questions.
For example: I’m not hungry yet.
Are you done with your homework yet?
B: Thanks. I’m ______ a member here.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.1
Dream job
1A Discuss with a partner. What are your strengths/
 adaptable
 impatient
 enthusiastic
 unpunctual
 ambitious
 short-tempered
 loyal
 lack of experience
B List all the jobs that you know in each field below
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
2 Look at the photos. Match the correct word to each
a. architect
b. translator/interpreter
c. lawyer
d. photographer
e. scientist
f. janitor
g. security guard
h. bus driver
Experience 4 - Job hunt
1. soft skills
4. hard skills
2. technology skills
5. teamwork skills
3. self-management skills
6. problem-solving skills
a. abilities learned through formal education and training
programs (examples: computer programming, writing,
law, etc.)
b. abilities to maximize your productivity, improve
workplace performance and achieve personal goal
c. abilities to work effectively in an organized group
d. abilities to use computers and other technological
e. abilities to handle and deal with difficult or unexpected
f. a set of non-technical abilities to communicate with
each other and work well together
Lesson 4.1
Dream job
B Answer the following questions
1 Read the email message below. Underline the words that mean “work”
1. What did Sean Aiken want to do
after graduating from college?
a. He wanted to be a teacher.
b. He didn’t know what to do.
c. He wanted to travel to Europe.
2. What did Aiken’s father encourage
him to do?
a. Get a job he enjoyed doing
Evangeline Chawwah
b. Work one job his whole life
Job searching
c. Work for his father for one year
Hello Eva,
I was so happy to receive your email. I am thinking about changing my profession. What
the career that I am following does not make me happy at all. I am tired of this
competitive workplace.
I have good communication skills, I get on well with all of my team mates. Problem-solving
skills are my other strength. I am able to handle unexpected situations to meet customers’
demand. I do not want jobs which require to travel long distance so an office position may
suit me.
3. Which of these jobs is NOT
mentioned in the passage?
a. Astronomer
b. Dairy farmer
c. Pilot
4. What did Aiken learn by working
so many different jobs?
Can you suggest me some positions that might interest me?
Write back soon,
a. Working is very difficult and not
b. It is okay to take your time
finding a job
c. People should get a job right
after college
2A Read the paragraph
One Man, 52 Jobs
After graduating from college, Sean Aiken knew he would need to find a job
soon. The problem was that he wasn't sure what kind of work he wanted to do.
One night at the dinner table, his father encouraged him to do what he liked
the most. His father said he had worked his whole life doing a job he didn’t
really enjoy. Aiken wanted a different future. That night, he promised himself
that he would find something that he was passionate about.
Aiken set a goal to do a new job each week for a year. That’s 52 occupations in
one year. And he did it! One week, as a dairy farmer, he milked cows every
morning. Then, in another week, he was an astronomer studying the night sky.
Aiken’s favourite job, though, was teaching. He learned he was happiest when
he was helping others.
Aiken also learned that it’s OK to not know what you want to do right away.
He wrote a book about his experience, and today he tells his story to college
and university students. His message? You’ll find your perfect job one day.
After all, Aiken found his.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.1
Dream job
1 Discuss about your dream job. Use the questions
3 Read these notes and practice the questions below
1. What is your dream job?
2. What inspired you to dream about this job?
3. What would you do to achieve your dream job?
4. When do you expect to achieve this career goal?
2A How to get your dream job? Employers look for 4
important things
Knowledge can be proved to the interviewer by your
academic results, your achievements and your
understanding of job requirements or the company’s
When attending a job interview, you can mention any of
your valuable practical experiences, from joining a club,
organizing a program, being a monitor in class to your
previous working positions.
Personal qualities are characteristics and personality
traits of a person. Some valuable qualities include being
honest, being dependable and having a sense of
Answer the questions. Using notes in exercise 2B
What skills do you have?
What are your strong qualities?
What are your weaknesses?
Can you tell me about your educational background?
Do you have any experience?
B Now, analyze your employability. Write down your
strengths and weaknesses in each section below
(refer to Extra Knowledge)
Experience 4 - Job hunt
Skills are things that you are good at. But when it
comes to job hunt, you should be very selective about
which skills to talk about.
There are two basic types of skills that a job seeker
should have - hard skills and soft skills.
Hard skills are the skills or abilities that are easily
quantifiable; that can be learned through classroom
work or other forms of learning. These include things
like operating tools, computer programming, speaking
foreign languages, typing, etc.
Soft skills are harder to quantify, and are often called
as “people skills”. Some examples of soft skills include
communication, relationship building, self-awareness
and patience.
Lesson 4.1
Dream job
1A [4.1] Listen and name the two jobs in the audio
B [4.2] Listen again and fill in the blanks
1. Does speaker A enjoy his job?
1. _________________________________
a. Yes
2. _________________________________
b. Sometimes
c. No
B [4.1] Listen again and fill in the blanks
2. When does speaker A work?
a. Weekdays
b. Weekends and holidays
1. Do you usually work __________________?
c. Summer holidays.
2. Do you buy or ________________ anything?
3. When does speaker B work?
3. Do you _________________a lot of money?
a. When he is at university
4. Do you wear _____________ for your work?
b. Weekends
5. Is your job ____________________?
c. Summer holidays
6. Do you visit ___________________?
4. What does speaker B say tourists love doing?
7. When there’s a_________________?
a. Visiting universities
b. Taking a boat trip
c. Swimming in the river
1. Do you _________________ a lot for work?
5. Does speaker C like his job?
2. Do you work with your ____________?
a. Yes
3. Do you work in a/an _____________?
b. Sometimes
c. No
2A [4.2] Listen and match the speaker with the correct
tour guide
shop assistant
1. Speaker A works as a ____________________
2. Speaker B works as a ____________________
6. What does speaker D say is difficult about being a pilot?
a. Travelling to many countries
b. Learning many languages
c. Flying planes in bad weather
7. What does speaker D say is the best thing about his
a. Visiting different places
3. Speaker C works as a ____________________
b. Meeting different people
4. Speaker D works as a ____________________
c. The different weather
5. Speaker E works as a ____________________
8. What does speaker E not like about her job?
a. The doctors
b. The sick people
c. The uniform
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.1
Dream job
1 Words and sentences to use when talking about your
2 Make a conversation about choosing career. Use the
conversation below as an example
Ross: Hey guys, what’s up? You look disappointed, Joe.
Hard skills
MS Office skills, programming skills, language
Chandler: He is unhappy about his current job, he does
not really want to work as a technician.
Model sentences:
- I am good at English. I can read Japanese.
- My MS Office skills are very good.
- My English writing skills are not very good.
Joe: I want to be a programmer. It will be awesome if I
can work for a game company like Rockstar Games.
Soft Skills
Communication skills, Teamwork skills, Problemsolving skills, Self management skills, Interpersonal
skills, Technology skills, Leadership skills
Model sentences:
- I am good at communication / self-management.
- My problem-solving skills are very good.
- I have good teamwork skills.
- My interpersonal skills are not very good.
Ross: How about quitting this job and following your
passion? What is your dream job?
Chandler: That sounds cool! What inspired you to dream
about this job?
Joe: I’m addicted to their recent game, Grand Theft Auto.
The graphic and sound effects in the game are
outstanding. If I can take part in developing a project like
that, I will be so happy.
Chandler: For sure. It seems to be an achievable dream.
You know coding, don’t you?
Joe: I can code with C++ and Python. But that is still not
enough to be programmer at Rockstar.
Ross: So what would you do to achieve your dream job?
Joe: I think I will learn more about programming and gain
some experience by working for smaller companies before
I apply for Rockstar.
Ross: When do you expect to achieve that goal?
Joe: Probably after 1 or 2 years I expect to be working at
positive attitude, dependable, honest, confident,
adaptable, motivated
Chandler: Good luck! You sound very confident. I’m sure
you’ll make it.
Model sentences:
- I have a positive attitude.
- I’m dependable and honest.
- I’m a very hard-working person.
- I’m not very adaptable. But I’m working on that.
Experience 4 - Job hunt
I’m really hot. Would you mind ______
(turn on) the air conditioner?
What do you like to do the most?
Sure. Do you want me ______
(turn on) the fan too?
I really enjoy ______ (read). I can read
all day without getting bored.
We’re planning ______ (take) a
road trip this weekend. But none
of us knows how _____ (drive).
I think you should hire a driver.
3 to V or V-ing?
V-ing / to infinitive (to V)
1. She stopped to smoke/smoking three years ago.
1A Finish the conversations in the photos
2. They stopped at the petrol station to fill/filling the car
B Match 1 – 4 to a)-c) to make correct statements
3. Have you got hiccups? Have you tried to drink/
drinking a glass of water? That often helps!
1. We use _____ after some verbs like enjoy, mind,
suggest, finish, etc.
2. We use _____ after some verbs like invite, want,
would like, etc.
3. After dare you can use the infinitive with or
without _____.
4. Like, love, start are some words that can be
followed by _____ and there is no change in meaning.
a) either V-ing or to V
c) to V
5. I didn’t remember to lock/locking the door so my
mum got really angry!
6. There's no milk. I forgot to buy/buying more when I
went to the supermarket earlier.
b) V–ing
d) to
2 Put the verbs in their correct forms to complete the
sentences. Some words can be used in more than one form
1. When I’m tired, I enjoy _______ (listen) to music in my
free time.
2. It starts _______ (rain).
3. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind _______ (wait).
4. We were hungry, so I suggested _______ (have) dinner
5. She is invited _______ (attend) a dance ball.
6. I love _______ (read) long novels.
7. Have you finished _______ (read) the newspaper yet?
8. I would like _______ (order) an orange juice, please.
9. I dare you _______ (say) that again.
4. I know it's difficult but try not to think/not thinking
about it too much.
Some verbs have different meanings depending on
whether they are followed by V-ing or to + V. Below are
several common examples:
- Stop
Stop + V-ing = to completely end an action.
Stop + to V = to stop an activity to do something else.
- Try
Try + V-ing = to test something
Try + to V = to make effort to do something
- Remember/forget
Remember/forget + V-ing = to have (not have) a
memory of something from the past
Remember/forget + to V = to recall (not recall) that
there is something needs to be done.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.2
Curriculum vitae
1A Work in pairs. Talk about yourself
 major
 academic result
 background
 strong points
 experience
 weak points
 abilities
 expected salary
B Write down notes about your personal information
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
2 Look at the photos. Match the correct word to each
1. part-time job
6. application
2. full-time job
6. interviewer
3. internship
7. interviewee
a. contact
b. education
c. qualifications
d. marital status
e. degree
f. major
g. language
c. the person who answers the questions during an
h. achievement
d. the person who asks the questions during an interview
a. a period of time during which someone works for a
company or organization in order to get experience of a
particular type of work
b. a form of employment that carries fewer than 30 hours
per week
e. a form of employment that generally carries 40 hours
per week
f. an official request for a job
Experience 4 - Job hunt
Lesson 4.2
Curriculum vitae
1 Read the example CV, choose the words from the box and write them in the correct places
(5) .................
1996 – 2000: State University of New York, New Paltz, New York
- Bachelor of Arts Degree (International Relations)
2005 – Present: PanTransCo. Inc, New York, N.Y
Bilingual Corporate Secretary
- Transcription of confidential correspondence.
2002 – 2005: ExpoSymbol, Washington, D.C.
Professional skills
- Graduated Cum Laude May 2000
(6) .................
- Scheduling conference appointments for Vice President.
- Frequent travel to Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Bilingual Secretary to Export Sales Manager
Personal Information
- Exhibition grant administration.
(1) ................. Amanda
- Editorial Assistant for company newsletter.
2000 – 2002: Symnet, Tokyo, Japan
(2) ................. Apartment 17,
5678 City Road, New York,
Office Assistant
- Typing royalty contracts, manuscripts, correspondence.
- Answering phone, ordering supplies.
(3) ................. 914-925-260
(7) .......................
(4) ................. ap@palace.nt
- French, fluent
- Japanese, fluent
(8) .......................
- Oriental culture
- Internet, tennis
(9) .......................
- Word, Excel, Access,
Word .Perfect, Pegasus Mail
- Proficiency in Delphi computer software
- Communication, interpersonal & organizational
- Typing 65 wpm, Internet
(10) .................
- Mrs Jane Bonner (987 654 321)
C.E.O., Expo Symbol, PO Box 234, Washington, D.C.
- Mr Andrew Held (098 765 432)
Vice President, Interplat, 27 Patton Place, Atlantic City.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.2
Curriculum vitae
1 Make your CV
(School name):..............................................
(date): from ................... - to ..........................
(School name): ............................................
(date): from................... - to ..........................
(detail): .......................................................................................................................
(NAME) ....................................................
(Company): ..................................... (Job title) ..........................................................
(Job title) .................................................
(date): from ................... - to ..........................
(Company): ..................................... (Job title) ..........................................................
(date): from ................... - to ..........................
(Company): ..................................... (Job title) ..........................................................
(date): from ................... - to ..........................
(Name): ........................................... (contact) ..........................................................
(position) .....................................................................................................................
Experience 4 - Job hunt
Lesson 4.2
Curriculum vitae
2A [4.4] Listen and choose the correct answers
1 [4.3] Watch the video and fill in the blanks with the
words from the box
reputation accounting
motivation challenges education
Name: Joey 1______________
Age: 2______________ years old
Marital status: 3______________
Hard-working , eager to
enjoy working with
people, love 5______________
Texas Christian University: Bachelor in
Business technology
Reasons for
previous jobs
Being 7______________ off
Reasons to
choose this
Good 8______________
2. Maria has been in her current job _____.
a. for four years
b. for three years
c. for one year
3. Maria's current role is focused _____.
a. only on learning and development
b. on a number of HR topics
c. only on payroll and she wants to do L&D
4. Maria _____.
a. did a diploma in L&D two years ago
b. is doing a diploma in psychology at the moment
c. Both options are true
5. Maria will need to _____.
a. identify and devise an L&D strategy
b. devise and implement an L&D strategy
c. implement an L&D strategy that has already been
B Listen again and complete the sentences
Right 9______________, and
Reason for
hiring you
1. Four years ago, Maria worked for a small HR services
provider _____.
a. in the B2B sector
b. in the B2C sector
c. in both B2B and B2C sectors
experience and
good fit
1. Maria feels her skills and experience are
a __________ for the company.
2. Maria changed jobs because she was looking for more
__________ .
3. She was __________ for learning and development.
4. She feels __________ with the company's brand and
5. She's used to taking a __________ approach to L&D.
6. Her ideas can be __________ on a larger scale.
7. She would __________ to the HR manager.
8. Performance will be __________ in different ways.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.2
Curriculum vitae
1 Read these explanations and prepare to make your own CV
This should include the names of
your schools and university, dates
of study, your major, or any
professional training courses that
you have completed.
Professional Experience
The most recent work experience
and education is placed at first. It
also includes the dates that you
started and finished, a brief
description of your duties, the
position title, details of the
company, and what you achieved.
Personal Information
Includes your contact
phone numbers, email,
and address. Your date of
birth, marital status and
nationality are optional.
Don’t worry about this part if
you are a fresh graduate and
don’t have any work
experience. You can include
any sort of part-time job
experience or club activities
experience that you have.
Career objective
An objective is a brief
statement of your goals
for employment and the
reasons why you are
qualified for the job. It is
usually listed at the top of
your resume.
Include career-related skills such as
computer skills, language skills,
interpersonal skills, etc. Your ability
to sing is not important here unless
it is required in the job description.
It is not necessary to include your
references but it can help add
reliability to your application. You
should include contact information
of your previous managers or
employers: address, phone, fax,
email, etc.
2 Start making your CV now!
Experience 4 - Job hunt
I am not _____ see really well
these days. My eyes are so dry.
Oh no! I forgot my pen at home.
You _____ use mine.
You should make an appointment
to see a doctor.
Thank you!
Modal verbs: can, could, (be) able to
1A Finish the conversations in the photos
able to
B Match 1 – 4 to a)-e) to make correct statements
1. We use _____ to say that something is possible or
allowed, or that somebody has the ability to do
2. But can has only two forms: can (present) and could
(past). So sometimes it is necessary to use _____. For
example: I haven’t been able to sleep recently.
3. We use could especially with: _____
4. To say that somebody succeeded in doing
something, we normally use was/were able to or
managed to, not _____.
a) could
b) can
c) (be) able to
d) see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand
2 Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to
1. Garry has travelled a lot. He ______ speak 5 languages.
2. I haven’t ______ sleep very well recently.
3. Nicky _____ drive, but he doesn’t have a car.
4. I can’t understand Rose. I’ve never ______ understand
5. Ask Katherine about your problem. She might ______
help you.
Really? He’s so great.
3 Complete the sentences with can/can’t/could/couldn’t
and a verb below
My grandfather _____ speak 4 languages.
1. Jen told me that she ________ to your party next
2. When my brother was 16, he ________ 50 metres in 6
3. ‘Are you in a hurry?’ ‘No, I’m not. I ________.’
4. I don’t feel good this morning. I ________ last night.
5. Can you speak a little louder? I ________ you very well.
6. I was amazed when I heard the news. I ________ it.
4 Choose the correct option for each gap below
1. Not all countries ______ to manufacture high-quality
a. are able
b. can
c. could
2. When you called yesterday I ______ pick it up because I
was in the shower
a. wasn’t are able
b. can’t
c. couldn’t
3. My brother ______ draw much better than me.
a. cans
b. could
c. able to
The negative couldn’t (could not) is possible for both
Present Tense and Past Tense. For example:
- I looked for Andy everywhere yesterday, but I couldn’t
find him.
- Joe plays chess really well, but he couldn’t beat Jack.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.3
Job interview
1A Discuss with a partner. Who will talk about this
information: employer or applicant?
 work experience
 strengths and weaknesses
 company requirements
 educational background
 promotion
 insurance
 training session
 language abilities
B What do you consider the most when applying to a
2 Look at the photos. Match the correct word to each
a. seminar
b. job vacancy
c. recruitment
d. advertisement
e. apply for a job
f. interviewer
g. applicant
h. colleague
Experience 4 - Job hunt
3 Match the given words to the correct definitions
1. insurance policy
2. salary expectation
3. recruit
4. contribute to
5. work on something
6. be qualified for
a. to persuade someone to work for a company or
become a new member of an organization
b. to provide support to help another person, company,
or organization to achieve its goal
c. a document detailing the terms and conditions of a
contract of insurance
d. to spend time repairing or improving something
e. the rate at which employees expect to be paid
f. having the standard of skill, knowledge, or ability that
is necessary for doing or being something
Lesson 4.3
Job interview
1A Read the conversation
B Decide if the following statements are True (T), False (F),
or Not given (NG)
1. John is applying for the part-time shop assistant
2. He used to study at Melbourne University.
3. He doesn’t have any work experience.
4. He is an introvert.
5. He has read some information about this company.
6. He is trying to work on his weakness.
7. He doesn’t have a salary expectation at the moment.
8. He is accepted right after the interview.
Interviewer: So, you've applied for our full-time shop
assistant position, right?
John: Yes, I have.
Interviewer: Can you please tell me about your educational
John: I graduated from Melbourne University three months
ago. I also attended a training program at my university to
improve my public speaking skills while I was a student.
Interviewer: What interests you about this job?
John: I really like talking and getting to know about people. I
think working as a shop assistant will give me many
chances to communicate with customers and also build up
1 Practice asking and answering these common
questions in an interview.
my network.
(Refer to Extra Knowledge)
for the job?
1. Talk about your educational background.
2. What interests you about this job?
3. Why do you think you are the right/suitable person
for the job?
4. Talk about your experience in your last job.
5. What do you know about this company?
6. What are your greatest strengths / biggest
7. What is your salary expectation?
Interviewer: Why do you think you are the suitable person
John: Well, I’m a fast learner and I have most of the
qualities that meet the requirements for this job. I believe I
can be a good employee that will never disappoint you and
the company.
Interviewer: Can you talk about your experience in your last
John: Yes. I worked part-time at a take-away coffee shop in
the summer holidays. And besides, two years ago, I used to
be a part-time salesman at an apparel store for ten months.
Interviewer: What do you know about this company?
John: I’ve done my research and know that this is a three-
year-old company. Your company is one of the leading
companies in the industry.
Interviewer: What are your greatest weakness?
John: To be honest, I’m quite short-tempered. I sometimes
Set up 4 interview corners and allocate 4
get angry if my colleagues miss the deadline and affect our
students as recruiters. Each recruiter recruits for
task. But I’m working on that.
a particular job (refer to the advertisements on
Interviewer: What is your salary expectation?
the next page). Other students appear for several
interviews and try to find a job by the end
of the game.
month and I strongly believe that it is a reasonable number
for what I’m going to contribute to the company.
Interviewer: Thank you for your answers. I’ll give you a call
John: Right now, I’m expecting to earn about $2000 per
when we have made our final decision.
John: Thank you very much!
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.3
Job interview
- Be independent, punctual and enthusiastic
- Good self-management skills and be able to work in an
organized way
- Have a good understanding of business and finance
- Have numerical ability for handling cash and keeping
- Male or Female (Max age 25)
- Send your CV with photo to:
Green Hotel, the leading 5* Luxury Hotel in Hanoi, is
looking for suitable candidates which has:
- Good written and spoken English
- At least 1 year experience in the same position
- Strong teamwork and problem-solving skills
- Courteous with excellent customer service ability
- Max 25 years old and attractive appearance
Interested candidates should send their application
Cover letter and CV in English including a recent
photograph to: HR Manager Green Hotel
- Strong Mathematics and Science skills
- Have good teaching methods
- Be responsible, patient and love children
- Salary: will be discussed in the interview
Interested candidates are requested to send their CV to
- Finish the tour guide training program of Intrepid
Travel company
- Have experience working with foreigners
- Have background knowledge of different
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Easy-going, friendly, energetic, responsible.
Those who want to apply for this position, send CV to
Always remember that your interviewer will be paying
attention to your body language.
- Sit straight and lean forward slightly to show your
enthusiasm. Do not cross your arms
- Respond whenever your interviewer is making an
important point.
- Give a warm, and genuine smile.
- If the interviewer offers a handshake, ensure that you
give a short, warm and firm handshake.
- Maintain eye contact while talking.
Experience 4 - Job hunt
Lesson 4.3
Job interview
1 [4.5] Listen to the audio. Number the questions in the
order that you hear
a. What are your strengths?
b. What are your interests?
c. Why do you want this job?
d. Do you have any questions to ask us?
e. What mistakes have you made?
2 [4.5] Listen again then fill in the blanks to complete
the sentences
Reason for applying
I like 1 __________________ and 2__________________ my
languages. I also like 3__________________ people, and I
want a new 4__________________.
1 Here are some Model answers to the common questions
in an interview
Talk about your educational background.
I’m fluent in 5_____________ and Spanish. I’m good at
6_____________ sales staff and I get along well with people.
I think I’m very good at organizing seminars for
I graduated from Savana University. My major was Business
Administration. So that, I’ve studied about economics,
investment, human resource management and marketing. I
also took the Ielts exam and my result is 8.0 overall.
What interests you about this job?
I’m not 8_____________when people don’t meet deadlines.
People you work well with
I like people who work 9__________________ and who are
I like aerobics and 11__________________.
If I 12_____________the job, when would you like me to
I’m passionate about meeting new people and adding value
to their lives by providing high-quality products and services.
Also, I love working in a dynamic working environment with
young and energetic co-workers. I believe this position is
ideal for my career expectation.
Why do you think you are the right/suitable person for the
First, I have 3-year experience working as a salesman in a
software company. I was always among those who made the
highest sales for the company. I also have good
communication and teamwork skills. I can communicate well
with customers and work effectively with my teammates.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.3
Job interview
Talk about your experience in your last job.
As I’ve mentioned, I worked as a salesman in three years and
I learned a lot from that job. I learned to be less shorttempered and more careful. Before that, I had worked as a
marketer, my main duties were writing content and making
advertising videos.
I have just graduated from university so it can be said that I
don’t have any working experience. However, I took part in
many activities at my university. I was the President of
Marketing club. Also, I attended several training sessions in a
software company.
What do you know about our company?
Prima is a leading company in providing telecommunications
and Internet services in New Zealand. Your company has over
60 branches and is considered the foundation for the Internet
development of this country. It will be a pleasure if I have the
chance to work for you.
What are your greatest strengths / weaknesses?
I’m good at … I can ...
I also have good ... and ... skills.
People often say that I’m ...
I’m not very good at ... but I’m working on that.
What is your salary expectation?
I expect to earn $2000 per month. I believe that it’s a
reasonable expectation considering the industry standards,
and the contribution that I would make.
I think $700 is a reasonable number. However, I have just
graduated and what I value the most is the chance to work in
a dynamic working environment, gain experience and
develop myself.
Experience 4 - Job hunt
1 Word order: still, any more, yet, already
1. We use still to say that a situation or action is
continuing. It hasn’t changed or stopped.
2. We use “not ... any more/ any longer” to say that a
situation has changed.
3. Yet (= until now) shows that the speaker expects
something to happen.
4. We use already to say that something happened sooner
than expected.
1. Chandler lost his job a year ago and he is __________
2. Jonas and I used to be best friends. But now we don’t
talk __________
3. Kathy came back to town a few days ago. Did you
meet her __________?
4. You don’t have to call our boss to talk about that. I
__________ talked to her about it this morning.
5. Mark said he’d be here at 8.30. It’s 9 o’clock now and
he __________ isn’t here.
2 Verb-ing / V + to
1. We use V-ing after some verbs like enjoy, mind, suggest,
finish, etc.
2. We use to V after some verbs like invite, want, would
like, etc.
3. After dare you can use the infinitive with or without to.
4. Like, love, start are some words that can be followed by
either V-ing or to V and there is no change in meaning.
1. I didn’t _____ to tell my Dad that I lost my phone.
2. This is a careless action. I must ask you _____ (not do)
that ever again!
3. My Mom _____ going to Paris for summer holiday this
year but I don’t really want to go.
4. Would you _____ lending me some money? I need to
pay for my new laptop.
3 Model verbs: can, could, (be) able to
Some verbs have a different meaning depending on
whether they are followed by V-ing or to + V. Below are
several common examples:
- Stop
Stop + V-ing = to completely end an action.
Stop + to V = to stop an activity to do something else.
- Try
Try + V-ing = to test something
Try + to V = to make effort to do something
- Remember/forget
Remember/forget + V-ing = to have (not have) a
memory of something from the past
Remember/forget + to V = to recall (not recall) that
there is something needs to be done.
1. We use can to say that something is possible or allowed,
or that somebody has the ability to do something.
2. But can has only two forms: can (present) and could
(past). So sometimes it is necessary to use (be) able to.
For example: I haven’t been able to sleep recently.
3. We use could especially with: see, hear, smell, taste, feel,
remember, understand
4. To say that somebody succeeded in doing something, we
normally use was/were able to or managed to, not could.
1. A: Did you stand close to the singers at that concert?
B: Not really. I _____ see them, but not very clearly.
2. Mike has lived in Italy a long time, so he should _____
speak Italian.
3. The fire spread quickly, but everybody _____ escape.
4. Are you done using that marker? _____ you please give
it to me?
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.4
4.1 Dream job
adaptable [adj]
business [n]
environmentalist [n]
photographer [n]
advertising [n]
confident [adj]
focused [adj]
problem-solving skills [np]
ambitious [adj]
creative [adj]
honest [adj]
programmer [n]
architect [n]
education [n]
lawyer [n]
punctual [adj]
architecture [n]
entertainment [n]
loyal [adj]
self-management skills [np]
art [n]
enthusiastic [adj]
organized [adj]
teamwork skills [np]
banker [n]
entrepreneur [n]
patient [adj]
translator [n]
application [n]
full-time job [np]
marital status [np]
qualification [n]
best performance/
achievement [np]
hobby [n]
part-time job [np]
reference [n]
internship [n]
personal introduction [np]
relevant experience [np]
contact [n]
interviewee [n]
personality type [np]
skill [n]
education [n]
interviewer [n]
previous company [np]
skills and qualities [np]
educational background [np]
language [n]
previous job [np]
strong points [np]
expected salary [np]
major [n]
previous manager [np]
weak points [np]
advertisement [n]
expectation [n]
language abilities [np]
recruitment [n]
apply [v]
formal [adj]
location [n]
reputation [n]
break [n]
grooming [n]
motivation [n]
salary [n]
challenge [n]
industry [n]
office [n]
seminar [n]
colleagues [n]
informal [adj]
personality [n]
training session [np]
contribution [n]
insurance [n]
philosophy [n]
work experience [np]
culture [n]
job vacancy [n]
promotion [n]
working atmosphere [np]
4.2 Curriculum Vitae
experience [n]
4.3 Job Interview
Experience 4 - Job hunt
Lesson 4.4
Experience Instructions
This is an indoor experience. Each student will be
interviewed individually by Teacher. Prepare your
CV, plan your interview clothing and practice your
answers carefully. Remember to bring along a hard
copy of your CV for the interview.
1A Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner what and
how you are going to do to take these tips effectively
tips to improve
an interview performance
Study about the company you’re going to apply.
Don’t talk too much.
Carefully answer with selective information.
Remain attentive.
Know you objectives.
Think of questions to ask your interviewer.
Be honest and confident.
Dress formally.
Use appropriate language.
Practice good nonverbal communication.
B Role-play. Act as interviewers and interviewees. Use
the model questions and answers below as an example
Q: Can you introduce yourself?
A: My name is Julie. I graduated from Hanoi National
University. Now, I live in Hanoi.
Q: What interests you about the job?
A: It matches with my major as an English graduate and
I love to teach children. Also, I know your company is a
leading company in this industry.
Q: Please, talk about your experience in your last job
A: I was a tutor for high school students. I taught English
communication. This job helps me to enhance teaching
skills a lot.
Q: What do you know about our company?
A: According to my research, your company is a big
company which provides English courses to children and
has a history of five years.
Q: Why should we hire you?
A: I think I’m really hard-working and reliable. I’m
enjoying dealing with people. I’m also good at working in
a team or working on my own.
Q: What are your greatest strengths?
A: I’m a good communicator. I can speak both English
and Vietnamese very well.
I’m a hard-working person who is willing to work
Q: What are your biggest weaknesses?
A: I’m talkative sometimes. However, I’m working on
Q: How much do you expect to earn?
A: I believe $600 is a reasonable number for my
upcoming contribution.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.4
Below is a collection of commonly used interview
questions. Take a look and prepare your answer clearly for
the next Experience day.
If you had to choose one, would you consider yourself
a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person?
What do you think of your previous boss?
What are the biggest dreams in your life?
What three character traits would your friends use to
describe you?
What attracted you to this company?
Why should we hire you?
What did you dislike about your last job?
When were you most satisfied in your job?
What is your greatest fear?
What were the responsibilities of your last position?
What is your biggest regret and why?
Why did you leave your last job?
What will you miss about your last job?
What do you know about this industry?
Do you think a leader should be feared or liked?
What do you know about our company?
What's the last book you read?
Are you willing to relocate?
What's the best movie you've seen in the last year?
Do you have any questions for me?
Who are your heroes?
Give me an example of a time that you felt that you
did an extraordinary job at your work.
What do you like to do for fun?
How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
Can you describe a time when your work was
What is your biggest failure, and what did you learn
from it?
What was the most difficult period in your life, and
how did you deal with it?
Give me an example of a time when you did
something wrong at work. How did you handle it?
What's the most difficult decision you've made in the
last two years?
What salary rate are you expecting?
There are many other candidates who is willing to
take this job at a lower salary. How can you justify
your salary expectation?
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
How would you do to make a good relation with the
new team?
How long will it take for you to make a significant
What would be your ideal working environment?
Experience 4 - Job hunt
In this experience, you have gained professional
knowledge about the topic of jobs including
different kinds of jobs, the necessary skills for the
jobs, steps and tips to write a CV to apply for a job.
This knowledge will be essential in the future when
you are looking for a job.
Today, you will take part in a real job interview in
which the interviewer is a foreigner. He/she is a
professional with a lot of experience in interviewing
and evaluating candidates. Remember to be
well-dressed and to carry your CV. By taking part in
a real interview, you will see how useful and helpful
the knowledge is because you will use almost all
the information you learned from the lessons to
answer the employer’s questions and express
yourself to them.
During an interview, what you say and how you say it
is imperative to helping the interviewer determine
whether you are a strong candidate and a good fit for
their company and culture. One of the things you can
do to help you prepare for an interview is to think
carefully about the things you don't want to say and
the things you want to make sure are covered.
Here are 10 things you should avoid saying during an
1. Negativity about a previous employer or job
2. "I don't know."
3. Discussions about benefits, vacation and pay
4. "It's on my resume."
5. Unprofessional language
6. "I don't have any questions."
7. Asking what the company does
8. Overly prepared answers
9. Discussions about your lack of experience
10.Personal information not relevant to the job or
your qualifications
- Students form groups of four and prepare at home a
PowerPoint presentation about their Experience day.
- Submit the PowerPoint work to the Teacher before the
next lesson starts.
- Each group will have up to 10 minutes to present.
- Make sure that all the members in your group are
involved in the presentation.
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.5
Experience 4
To what question did you have your best answer?
Write down the answers for all questions below. You
can make short notes or write full sentences. These
notes should help you in the discussion in the next
lesson. Be prepared!
How was your day?
Did you like it?
How did you feel before going for the interview?
To what question did you wish to have a chance to
answer again?
Did you dress well for the interview?
Did you remember to bring your CV to the interview?
What was the most interesting part?
Have you ever been interviewed before?
Did you do your best in the interview?
Was there anything that you didn't like?
How many students were there for the interview?
Did anyone come late?
Did anything funny happen that day?
Did you feel satisfied with your own answers in the
interview? Why?
What did you do after the experience?
Experience 4 - Job hunt
- Do the presentation in the groups of as
discussed in the previous lesson
- Topic: Talk about your 4th Experience Day – The
- Length: 10-15 minutes
- The presentation should include at least 5
1 Presentation tips
A presentation introduction is the first period of a
presentation when you inform your audience of who
you are and what you’ll talk about. An introduction
should present you as a capable professional and earn
your audience’s attention so they want to learn more
about your topic.
2 Detailed outline for the presentation
- Choose a dream job
- Make the CV
- Prepare for the common questions
- Research about the company
Interview process
- How did it go?
- Important questions
- Questions that you answered very well
- Difficult questions
- Did you get the job?
Interview day
- Print out the CV
- Dress up and make-up
- Deal with the nervousness
- Build the confidence while waiting for your turn
Interview tips
- Give some interview tips to the class
- Research for some tips on the Internet
- Give your personal advices
- Tell how you would do better next time
Consider using the tips below to engage your
audience before your next presentation
Tell your audience who you are
Share what you’re presenting
Let them know why it’s relevant
Tell a story
Make an interesting statement
6. Ask for audience participation
English for life - Elementary
Lesson 4.6
1 Read the paragraph and answer the questions
1. How many meals a day does Google provide its employees?
2. Does Google have any food station in the company?
3. Does Google allow its employees to bring their pets to work?
1 Watch the video. Then write down 10
things you expect about your dream
4. What vehicle are Googlers provided to ride to work from home?
5. What insurances does Google provide its employees and their families?
’s Work Culture
Google showers its employees with
unique benefits.
Google provides a complete gourmet
meal, 3 times a day, to its employees.
Some people claim the food is better
than a five-star restaurant. Google
believes that its employees should not
have to go more than 150 feet for food.
Therefore, it has food stations placed
everywhere within the 150 feet for the
Google is a dog friendly company that
allows its employees to bring their wellbehaved canines to office with them.
Google encourages its engineers to spend 20% of their time on ideas of their
own. Google has many products that came out of this 20% idea.
Googlers can ride company provided bicycles around the Googleplex. Google
makes sure its employees do not have to walk through their huge campuses, and
that they use greener technologies. Google provides on-site physicians and
nurses, who make sure the employees do not have to leave the campus for
medical checkups. Google believes that happy and healthy employees are the
best employees.
Google provides its employees with comprehensive health coverage that also
covers their families’ health care requirements. Google understands the
importance of family and does everything to make sure they are taken care of.
Google employees and their families are covered by travel insurance, even on
their personal vacations. Hence, no matter where you go, if you are a Googler,
you are insured. Googlers can request to work anywhere for a change of mood.
They do not have to go and sit in their cubicles every day. It is a pleasure being
a Googler.
Experience 4 - Job hunt
10. ___________________________________
2 Job hunting tips: For a better future
Job hunting involves more than searching
for open positions and sending your
resume to employers. You also need to
make sure you’re a good fit for the job,
can catch the hiring manager’s attention
and are well-prepared to answer
interview questions. Here are 14 tips that
you can use to improve your chances of
finding the employment you desire:
Know your career goals.
Plan ahead.
Get resume and cover letter help.
Use all job search resources.
Customize your resume.
Research companies.
Apply with confidence.
Schedule informational
Succeed in your current job.
Network regularly.
Identify examples of your skills.
Prepare for interviews.
Follow up.
Expand your skills.