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Electrical Engineering Exam Questions: Power Systems

Question 12
(a) Three 6,6 kV, 12MVA, three phase alternators are connected to a common set of bus bars.
The positive, Negative and zero sequence impedances of each alternator are 15%, 12% and
4.5% respectively. If an earth fault occurs on one busbar determine the fault current
If all the alternator neutrals are solidly grounded
If only one of the alternator neutrals is solidly earthed
If only one of the alternator neutrals is earthed through a reactance of 0.5 ohm and
the others are isolated
(a)The line currents in a three phase supply to an unbalanced
load are Ia = 10 + j20, Ib = 12 – j10 and Ic = -3 –j5 amperes
The phase sequence is abc. Determine the sequence
components of the currents
Question 10
If a fault occurs in a system, δ begins to increase under the
influence of positive accelerating power, and the system will
became unstable If δ becomes very large. There is a critical
angle within which the fault must be cleared if the system is to
remain stable and the equal-area criterion is to be satisfied.
This angle is known as the critical clearing angle.
Equal-area criterion for stability.
This criterion says that stable performance requires that the
accelerating area be equal to the decelerating area
A1 = A2
Question 9
A delta connected resistive load is connected across an
unbalanced three-phase supply shown in Fig. 5.1
The symmetrical components of line currents. [8]
(ii) Also find the symmetrical components of delta
currents(NB convert delta circuit to star) [12]