EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual Lab No. 03 PE – Lab # 03 To Execute a 1 – φ Half-wave Controlled Rectifier using RL Load (α = 0 ~ 180°) Power Electronics Lab OBJECTIVES: The aim in this lab exercise is to determine:1. 2. 3. 4. Control characteristic Udα with resistive load. Effect of the type of load on the d.c. voltage formation Effect of the type of load on the direct current formation. Valve stress with α > 0°. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: COMPONENTS LAYOUT: APPARATUS / NECESSARY EQUIPMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Load resistor 100Ω, 2.5A 1 Load inductance 50-200mH, 5A 1 Oscilloscope 1 multimeter National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 16 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual Lab No. 03 5. Probe & Connecting wires National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 16 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual Lab No. 03 DESCRIPTION OF CIRCUIT: In previous labs, only diodes are used in power converter circuits that have no possibility of influencing the output voltage with the converter. In this lab, the uncontrolled valves are replaced by thyristors so that a d.c. output voltage dependent on the respective triggering can be set. This can also be called as “Controllable converters”. The Triggering delay of thyristor is described by triggering delay angle α. The Arithmetical mean value of d.c. output voltage is represented by “Udα” and the voltage at α = 0° is referred to as “Udo”. If the thyristors are triggered later (α > 0°), the d.c. output voltage Udα of the converter concerned can be reduced. Since a thyristor only drops back into a non-conducting state at values below the holding current, the type of load of the controlled converter also has an influence on the value of d.c. output voltage Udα. In this circuit, thyristor triggering is only possible in the positive half-wave of the d.c. voltage, so a positive voltage must also occur across the load. In the ideal case, voltage/angle area can be adjusted from zero at α = 180° to a full positive half-wave at α = 0°. For the consideration of voltage, with the half-wave power converter, the d.c voltage Udα is a function of control angle “α”, so the d.c. voltage can be varied between zero and the maximum value Udo = 0.45 U. Under the condition of a purely resistive load, the mathematical relationship is: 1 + cos α Udα = Udo × (for control angle, range is 0° ≤ α ≤ 180°) 2 For the range of possibly delays, the cases of α = 45°& α = 135° have been presented below. Figure 3.1: a) Sinusoidal input AC voltage U. b) DC output voltage Udα for α = 45°& α = 135°. c) Characteristic of associated voltage uAK for voltage at thyristor V1. If a triggering angle α = 180°, the power converter cannot be triggered because the instantaneous value of a.c. voltage is zero. If α > 180°, it cannot be triggered, since the anode of the thyristor is more negative than the cathode during the negative half-wave so that blocking operation therefore exists for the thyristor. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 17 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual Lab No. 03 For the consideration of current, considering the basis of a purely resistive load, once the thyristor has triggered, the voltage and current at the load are always in phase. Since the greatest current flows when α = 0°, the valve can be designed on the basis of formula: Udα The Graphical representation of the voltage ratio Udo as a function of control angle α is referred as “Control characteristics” which are shown in the following figure: Figure 3.2: Control characteristic of half-wave power controller with resistive load. On one side, inductive loads store electrical energy (Wmagn=1/2 Li2), while on other side, they give this energy up again. This means that the thyristor continues to conduct, even after polarity reversed and the driving voltage becoming negative. The stored energy produces such a high self-induced voltage in the coil that the current continues to be driven in the previous direction of flow at the expense of the magnetic energy. Since an ideal coil is discharged for just as long as it was charged previously, then, with α = 0°, there is a flow of direct current during the entire period T. The valve remains in a conductive state and, there is, across the load, an a.c. voltage Udα whose mean value is always zero in this case. Figure 3.3: Basic circuit of half-wave power converter with inductive load. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 18 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual Lab No. 03 Figure 3.4: Voltage and current characteristics for half-wave power converter with inductive load for α = 0°& α = 90°. a) AC input voltage c) Load currents b) DC output voltages d) Valve voltages Energy received from the applied a.c. voltage during the positive half-wave must therefore be returned to the system during the negative half-wave. This mode of operation is referred to as “the transition from rectifier mode (energy import) to inverter mode (energy export)”. Since Udα = 0 V for this particular mode, the d.c. power Pd is also 0 W. Now, the resistive-inductive (mixed) load occurs very frequently with power converters. i.e. 0 < L/R < ∞ In respect of its behaviour as a function of τ = L/R, it lies between the two types of load. In contrast to the current in the case of a purely resistive load ( τ = L/R = 0) an abrupt characteristic of the load current id is not possible because of the inductive component. Similarly, larger or smaller positive and negative voltage/angle areas occur as a function of the triggering delay angle α. Two characteristic cases are presented in the following figure for α = 45° and α = 90°. Figure 3.5: Voltages and Currents for half-wave power converter with resistive-inductive load. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 19 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual 1. Lab No. 03 Control characteristic Udα = f(α): Rload =____________Ω . 1.1 Connect the output of converter to a purely resistive load. 1.2 Adjust the control angle in steps of ∆α = 36° from α = 0° to α = 180°. Observe / Check the trigger delay of Udα for each control angle with the oscilloscope. Measure the corresponding values of Udα with the multimeter and enter in table. α deg Udα V Udα Udo 1 + cos α 2 0 36 72 108 144 180 1.0 1.0 1.3 Calculate the normalized values of Udα/Udo with calculator and check with the given relationship (1 + cos α)/2. 1.4 Transfer the values of row Udα/Udo of the table point by point to the diagram and join them up to form control characteristic. Udα Udo 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 α 0 36 72 108 144 180 National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus deg 20 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual 2. Lab No. 03 Effect of the type of load on the DC voltage formation: Rload =____________Ω Lload =___________mH 2.1 Measure voltage Udα for α = 108° for resistive load with the oscilloscope. Transfer the voltage curve to the grid. 2.2 Disconnect bridge at position “b” & “c”. Repeat the voltage measurement as in 2.1 without changing the control angle. Draw the characteristic in phase with 2.1 on the grid. Ud = _______________V ; uRRM = _____________V ; uRRM = _______________. Ud 2.3 Set a control angle α = 108°. Measure voltage ud(108) with inductive load (bridge position “a” & “b”) using the oscilloscope. Transfer the curve in phase with 2.1 and 2.2 to the grid. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 21 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual 3. Lab No. 03 Effect of the type of load on the direct-current formation: Rload =____________Ω Lload =___________mH 3.1 Measure the load current id for α = 108° for resistive load (bridge at positon “b” & “c”) indirectly across Rmeas. Transfer the voltage characteristic across Rmeas to the grid. 3.2 Disconnect bridge at position “b” & “c” and Repeat the measurement as in 3.1 with a constant control angle. Transfer the curve of the measuring voltage in phase with 3.1 to the grid. Transfer the curve in phase with 2.1 and 2.2 to the grid. Ud = _______________V ; uRRM = _____________V ; uRRM = _______________. Ud 3.3 Bridge the measuring points “a” and “b” and repeat the measurement as in 3.1 without changing the control angle. Transfer the characteristic of the measuring voltage with correct phasing to 3.1 & 3.2 using oscilloscope. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 22 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual 4. Lab No. 03 Valve stress with α > 0°: Rload =____________Ω Lload =___________mH 4.1 Set a control angle α = 108° with resistive-inductive load. Check the voltage Ud108 using the oscilloscope. 4.2 Determine the characteristic of the valve current by measuring voltage Ucd proportional to the valve current using the oscilloscope. Draw the signal curve on the grid. Ө = ______________°. 4.3 Determine the current-flow angle of V1 from 4.2. 4.4 Measure the anode-cathode voltage of thyristor V1 (uAK) in phase with 4.2 and transfer the voltage curve to the grid. 4.5 Determine the reverse voltags uRRM across V1 for α = 108° from the diagram of 4.4. (using oscilloscope). uRRM = ______________V. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 23 EL - 324 Power Electronics – Lab Manual Lab No. 03 PSPICE SIMULATION: (Simulate the circuit provided for this lab & find the output voltages for α = 45° α = 90° & α = 135°). Marks Awarded: _________________ Lab Supervisor Signature/Date: ________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST – NU, Peshawar Campus 24