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ass 4.docx

John Dominique S. Moguel
BS Entrepreneurship 2-9
Assignment #4
IDENTIFICATION: Read the questions carefully. Write your answer before the number.
Malicious software 1. Malware is a short term used for _________.
Malware 2. It displays an image that prevents you from accessing your computer.
Pharming 3. _______ is a common type of online fraud.
Etiquette 4. Netiquette is a short term used for _______.
Spam 5. The mass distribution of unsolicited messages, advertising or
pornography to addresses which can be easily found on the internet.
Spyware and Adware 6. ______ and ______ are often used by third parties to infiltrate your
Trojan Horses 7. It is an executable file that will install itself and run automatically once
it’s downloaded.
Viruses 8. Malicious computer programs that are often sent as an email
attachment or a download with the intent of infecting your computer.
Spam 9. It is one of the more common methods of both sending information out
and collecting it from unsuspecting people.
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics 10. It is a set of rules for behaving properly online.
Ransomware 11. A type of malware that restricts access to your computer or your files
and displays a message that demands payment for the restriction to be removed.
Pharming 12. A means to point you to a malicious and illegitimate website by
redirecting the legitimate URL.
Worms 13. _______ are common threat to computer and the internet as a whole.
Hacking 14. Action taken by someone to gain unauthorized access to a computer.
Ransomware 15. It encrypts files on your system’s hard drive and sometimes on shared
network, drives, USB drives, and external hard drives and even some cloud storage drives
preventing you from opening them.
Spyware and Adware 16. They often come in the form of a free download and are installed
automatically with or without your consent.
Trojan Horses 17. A malicious program that is disguised as or embedded within
legitimate software.
Wi-Fi Eavesdropping 18. Virtual listening in on your information that’s shared over an unsecured
or not encrypted network.
Spam 19. It is the proper way to communicate in an online environment.
Spyware and Adware 20. Software that collects personal information about you without you
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