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Coping, Problem-Solving & Personal Growth in College Students

The abstract is a summarization or synopsis of the complete document, written in one paragraph with
100 to 150 words. The abstract should include these elements: Purpose, methods, results, conclusion,
and recommendations.
Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords written with 12 font sizes
in alphabetical order.
Personal development enables people to grow, learn, and realize their full potential. Personal
development necessitates traversing a challenging road, which may be overcome by developing
effective coping skills and improving interdependent problem-solving abilities. While engineering
students must have a variety of capabilities, including technical and quantitative problem-solving
abilities, they must also be able to cope with stress. And do their coping and interdependent problemsolving abilities determine their willingness to evolve as individuals? According to Noor et al. (2020),
83.1% of 19 to 24-year-old university students engage in personal growth initiatives, indicating a high
degree of PGI. According to Alkhawaldeh et al. (2023), 61.7% of student respondents at Sultan Qaboos
University used social support strategies in reaction to various stressors. Females employed more
emotion-focused coping techniques and sought social support, whereas males took a problem-solving
approach (Sinha and Latha, 2018). Algorani and Gupta (2023) defined coping as the ideas and activities
used to deal with internal and external stressful events. The phrase explicitly refers to the conscious and
intentional mobilization of actions, as opposed to "defense mechanisms," which are instinctive or
unconscious adaptive reactions designed to decrease or tolerate stress. During this time, students must
deal with a variety of stressors linked to their academic, personal, and, on sometimes, employment
duties. Students who lack stress management skills may struggle to balance these duties (Graves et al.,
2021). Students are supposed to build coping capacity, which is the emotional and cognitive ability to
manage the demands of adversity (Co et al., 2023). Furthermore, Savickas & Savickas (2017) define
problem-solving as an adaptive coping method that aids in the improvement of mental health when
confronted with issues. Everyday problem-solving problems can be handled alone or with the assistance
of others. This distinction between independent and interdependent problem-solving is based on Cross
et al.'s (2000) concept of independent and relational self-construal, which states that an individual's selfrepresentation can be centered on their own attributes, such as abilities and characteristics, or on
representations of significant others, such as partners, family, and friends. A inclination to solve
difficulties by consulting with others whenever possible indicates a proclivity for interdependent
problem-solving (Sanatkar & Rubin, 2023). Interdependent problem solving requires both creative and
analytical thinking. It refers to an individual initiating, maintaining, and completing an activity with
significant reliance on others along the process (Uzonwanne, 2019).
Furthermore, problem-solving abilities are beneficial not only for overcoming difficulties and identifying
solutions, but also for personal development. When these abilities are applied to learning, behavior, and
goals, a culture of continuous improvement is fostered in development (Ross et al., 2024). A person's
personal growth initiative (PGI) is their conscious and proactive desire to advance in areas that are
meaningful to them. PGI is made up of general skills for personal growth. These abilities can actually be
used to various stages of life and opportunities for progress (Dordi & Purandare, 2017). The endeavor to
better oneself consciously is known as personal improvement. Furthermore, a 2019 study by Toyama et
al. found that maintaining greater levels of personal growth in older persons requires positive
relationships; this study highlights the significance of psychosocial elements in personal development.
Furthermore, Laksono and Saraswati (2024) found a strong positive correlation between PGI and felt
social support. According to research, social influences play a big role in a person's drive to develop. The
purpose of this study is to determine whether or not students' interdependent problem-solving and
coping abilities might predict their PGI. In spite of the wealth of research on personal development,
further study is required to ascertain how interdependent problem-solving abilities and coping
strategies relate to personal development programs. There aren't many scholarly research that have
examined whether these factors are related. Consequently, it is imperative to investigate the PGI
phenomenon in many conditions and environments.
Inocencio (2024) asserts that while problem-solving abilities are crucial for prospective engineers to
excel in their industry, practical problem-solving abilities are equally essential for assisting them in
managing and adjusting to the stress, adjustments, and difficulties that come with engineering. The
investigation of whether problem-solving skills can lead to a greater initiative for personal growth is
motivated by the interconnection of the requirement for these skills in engineering students to develop
stronger coping mechanisms. This research will make students aware of the value of social support in
problem-solving, which will help them cope and lead to personal development. Furthermore, this study
will provide essential information for improving their coping techniques and encouraging people to seek
social and professional assistance in resolving their issues. Personal development is critical in maturity.
Students who understand the various aspects that can predict PGI will be more motivated to learn and
Objectives of the Study
The study's primary goal is to determine the importance of coping and interdependent problem-solving
skills in predicting personal growth initiative among civil engineering students at _________.
Furthermore, the study aims to provide practical insights that will assist others in developing a better
understanding of their coping and interdependent problem-solving skills in order to overcome various
challenges, which can lead to increased personal growth initiatives.
Statement of the Problem
To address the research objectives, the researchers will respond to the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of respondents based on:
1.1. Year level
1.2. Sex assigned at birth.
2. What are the averages and standard deviations for Coping, Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills,
and Personal Growth Initiative among college students?
3. Is there a link between coping and personal growth initiatives among college students?
4. Is there a link between interdependent problem-solving skills and personal growth initiatives among
college students?
5. Does Coping Predict Personal Growth Initiative Among College Students?
6. Do Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills Predict Personal Growth Initiative in College Students?
The following hypothesis will be tested at a 0.05 level of significance:
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between Coping and Personal Growth Initiative among college
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills and Personal
Growth Initiative among college students.
Ho3: Coping does not predict Personal Growth Initiative among college students.
Ho4: Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills do not predict Personal Growth Initiative among college
Theoretical Framework
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed in 1943 by Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist
who proposed that our motivation stems from our innate desire for self-improvement and personal
development, is the foundation of this study.
Maslow’s theory is considered a motivational theory in psychology that is organized with five hierarchy
levels of needs: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Selfactualization is the highest level in the pyramid; this involves realizing a person’s potential, selffulfillment, self-development, and peak experiences (Wahome, 2022).
Coping is associated with ‘safety needs,’ as this includes both emotional security and well-being.
Individuals who know how to manage stress and problems develop a sense of security and protect their
feelings or emotions against distress.
The interdependent problem-solving abilities are categorized as belonging, specifically under the
category of "love and belonging need," since they are mainly concerned with relationships, social
connections, and a sense of belonging. People who participate in cooperative problem-solving
frequently look for and offer social support, which can be instrumental or emotional. Simultaneously,
the initiative for personal growth represents the theory of "self-actualization," which concerns the
aspiration to become the individual one wishes to become (Wahome, 2022). It is the requirement to
develop personally and reach self-fulfillment in tandem with an individual's initiative to do so.
The hierarchy of needs is a useful guide for personal growth. Some factors need to be fulfilled before
achieving something. By fulfilling basic and psychological needs, a person can fully reach their potential
or the highest level, called self-actualization. In line with this theory, coping and interdependent
problem-solving skills could be prerequisites to achieving personal growth. In other words, individuals
should build a foundation of effective coping and interdependent problem-solving to have initiatives to
pursue personal growth.
Moreover, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), developmental
psychology focuses on the growth and changes of a person across the lifespan that involve different
factors such as physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth.
Maslow’s theory arranges different levels of needs that are based on the said factors, which reveals that
every human being has the ability and impulse to move towards the high level of the hierarchy of needs.
His theory provides an organized level of development in terms of the fulfilled needs of a person that
motivates them for personal development. The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs theory can be applied to the
existing research problem if it determines that an individual must possess high levels of coping and
interdependent problem-solving skills first in order to predict an increased PGI and if insufficiencies in
coping and problem-solving skills can disrupt or affect personal growth and initiative.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework for the present study integrates the predictor and criterion of the
Figure 1. Model examining the predictors and criterion of the study.
The concept model in Figure 1, shows the conceptual paradigm of this study, which highlights
the role of the three variables. Coping and interdependent problem-solving skills are the independent
variables. Furthermore, personal growth initiative is classified as the dependent variable. In a multiple
regression, the independent variables are the predictors, and the dependent variable is the criterion.
Significance of the Research
Positive Thoughts. Because Personal Growth Initiative is one of the study's variables and is a topic that
many in the field of positive psychology investigate, this research can benefit the field of positive
psychology. It may also contribute to the enhancement of therapy within the previously mentioned field.
Psychology of Development. This study can make a contribution because it stresses holistic development,
offers useful insights, and expands knowledge based on its findings. Additionally, it broadens the
discipline's dynamic landscape and offers additional opportunities to advance therapy.
Psychologists. The findings of this study can equip psychologists with a deeper understanding of the
relationship between coping mechanisms, interdependent problem-solving skills, and personal growth
initiative. This knowledge can be instrumental in designing more effective interventions tailored to the
specific needs of college students, thereby enhancing their mental health support services.
School & Guidance Counselors. This research can serve as a valuable resource for school and guidance
counselors. The insights gained can help them develop comprehensive support programs that not only
assist students in managing academic stress but also promote the development of interdependent
problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the data can be used to encourage students to seek help when
needed, fostering a supportive and empathetic educational environment.
Students in college. Students can improve their interdependency and personal growth initiatives by
developing a better understanding of their own coping and problem-solving skills. Improving their
interdependency may lead to more balanced college experiences, healthier routines, and improved
stress management.
Prospective Scholars. This study can act as a basis for more psychology and education-related research
in the future. The information and results can serve as a point of reference for future research on
related topics, adding to the corpus of knowledge about the development and well-being of students.
Definition of Terms
Conceptual Definition.
Coping. According to the National Institutes of Health (2024), it is defined as the thoughts and
behaviors mobilized to manage internal and external factors that cause stress.
Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills. According to Sanatkar & Rubin (2023), independent problemsolvers prefer to work on their own when solving problems. In contrast, interdependent problem-solvers
prefer to consult with other people.
Personal Growth Initiative. According to the American Psychological Association (2018), it is a person's
active and intentional involvement in changing and growing as a person.
Civil Engineering Students. Civil Engineering Students are students who study the design and building of
highways, bridges and tunnels, schools, hospitals, airports and other buildings, sewage systems and
water treatment facilities (MyKlassRoom, 2024).
Operational Definition
Coping. The application of cognitive and behavioral strategies to control demands of a situation when
they are deemed to be beyond one’s capacity, or to reduce the unpleasant feelings and tensions caused
by stress is called coping (APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2018). In this study, coping refers to how
effectively students manage themselves and their responses to life's challenges.
Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills. According to Bkallick (2021), people who have interdependent
problem-solving skills usually collaborate toward a common objective, look for collegiality, and utilize
and seek other people's resources. In this study, students who possess high interdependent problemsolving skills are characterized by their tendency to seek assistance from others regarding their
Personal Growth Initiative. According to Weigold et al. (2020), this refers to an individual’s proactive
desire to improve or advance in personally important areas. In this study, personal growth initiative is
the measurement of a person's willingness and intent to actively grow, improve, and develop as a
Civil Engineering Students. Students who study technical abilities for handling challenging civil
engineering problems and the ability to absorb new information required for the planning, building, and
upkeep of infrastructure, including flood control, and roads, bridges, and buildings, while taking into
account the impact in different situations are called civil engineering students (University of Santo
Tomas, 2023). In this study, students who are enrolled under the Civil Engineering Program will be the
target respondents.
Research Design
This study will utilize multiple regression analysis to determine the relationship between the
predictors, which are the Coping and Interdependent Problem-Solving Skills to the criterion, Personal
Growth Initiative of the students; the objective of this study is to also know whether the value of the
independent variables can predict the value of the dependent variable.
The participants of this study will be the students of Civil Engineering, under the department of
Civil Engineering and Architecture of --------------. With the target amount of 110 individuals as
participants of this study.
The researchers will interpret the pertinent data from the three sets of questionnaires that they
will employ, which are the Coping Scale, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS), and The Satisfaction
with Life Scale (SWLS).
Respondents and Sampling
The respondents that the researchers will use for this study are the... Through the G*Power
software, the researchers determined the need for 107 or more sample sizes which aimed to have a
statistical power of 95% to detect an effect of 0.15 with a significance level of 0.05. In this case, there is
a 95% chance that the real value is within ±5 % of the measured value.
The Coping Scale was used to measure
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS)…
The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) was used to measure…
Data Gathering Procedures
The researchers initiated the study by …