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Impulse Control Disorder Treatment & Measurement Methods

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using biochemicals to treat gambling
disorder . You should include a conclusion in your answer
One of the strengths of using biochemical in treating gambling disorder is drugs are
cheap and convenient . This is due to drugs is affordable and easier to get in the
pharmacy or even free from hospital ( depending on the country ). Hence , using
biochemical method is advisable due to its cost - efficiency and conveniency
Another strength is , using drugs takes a shorter treatment. As using biochemical
method only involve swallowing drugs without much effort . where as ,other
treatment may take a longer time such as using the covert sensitisation where u
need to come for few sessions every week which ( takes more effort ). Hence ,
patient may prefer consuming drugs.
However , one of the weakness of using biochemical to treat gambling is due to
drugs( opiates ) is involve in the treatment . This is because consuming drugs can be
highly addictive when used for a long term treatment . Drugs can also be resistance
to some patient and this will reduce the ability to treat gambling disorder. Thus , this
shows that patient may consider taking other alternative treatment such as using
cognitive - behavioral therapy
Moreover , another weakness is Using drugs(opiates) has a high risk of having side
effect. There are numerous of side effect such as nausea , drowsiness and
constipation . Thus , consuming drugs may less likely to be preferable.
In conclusion , As consuming drugs can cause addictive issue I think people would
less likely to take drugs. However , some patient may prefer consuming drugs as it
takes a shorter treatment . Despite this , Healthcare professionals ( therapist ) and
patients must balance the risk and benefits of each treatment.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using self - report data from people with
addiction . You should include a conclusion in your answer
One of the strength of using self report such as open ended interview is that it can
produce qualitative data . This is because the patient can explain in detail of their
source of addiction and it will also give rich in depth information and understanding
about the patient’s addiction . Hence , using open ended interview can help measure
patients addiction so the method could be use to improve diagnosis correctly
Another strength when using closed ended questionnaires it is easy to replicate.
Data can be obtained objectively and direct comparison can be made . Hence, this
questionnaire can be easily analysed and short time is needed to describe their bhvr/
addiction .Thus , result obtain is reliable .
However , one of the weakness of open ended questionnaire is that some participant
may provide socially desirable responses where patients just simply answer without
giving truthful answers and could respond demand characteristics . Thus , data
obtained will not be accurate enough
Moreover , another weakness is when using closed ended questionnaire there is
fixed choice of answer that may force people into choosing answers that do not
reflect their true opinion and no indepth explanation or reason/ sorce of why the
patient answers that way . Hence , this technique may lack information which may
useful to measure the addiction
In conclusion, using self report may be an effective way to measure ppl with
addiction as the data produced can be easily analysed but some practitionner may
not prefer using questionnaires due to some ppl can respond to demand
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using case studies to investigate impulse
control therapy . You should include a conclusion in your answer .
One of the strengths of using case studies is that it can produced qualitative data .
this means that A case study can gives in depth detail showing how therapy can work
in a specific case , when more data is produce , it can help practionnaire to
understand the experiences of the person undergoing the treatment.
Another strength is …. ( not sure )
However , one of the weakness of using case studies is that it has low
generalisability . such as the study by Glover shows how covert sensitisation can be
used effectively to reduce symptoms of kleptomania , but becuse this study only
done to an individual with kleptomania , we cannot be sure that this type of
treatment can be as good for other ICD.Hence this technique cannot be generalised
to a wider populations or other disorder such as gambling.
Another weakness is is that due to case studies is to be conducted in a long period of
time a longer- term review is needed to check for relapse and due to therapist who is
assesing the ps , meaning they may be biased in reporting improvement of results .
Hence this shows that the result obtained may not be accurate.
In conclusion , case studies is useful as it produce more in depth data that can be
used to measure/ treat ICD . nevertheless , case study may not be able to
generalised to a wider populations as study is conducted to an individual only.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using self-report questionnaires to
measure kleptomania . You should include a conclusion in your answer
One of the strength of using k SAS to measure klepomania is it can produce
quantitative data. This is due to data can be obtained objectively and direct . For
example,the use self rated scale which measure impulses , thoughts, feelings and
behaviour . Item rated from 0-5 0= none 5= extreme .Thus , with the use of this self
report result can be easily analysed and short time needed to measure ICD. Hence ,
it is reliable .
Open ended interview can be done to measure kleptomania One of the strength of
using self report such as open ended interview is that it can produce qualitative data .
This is because the patient can explain in detail of the orginal source of kelp disorder
and it will also give rich in depth information and understanding about the patient’s
disorder . Hence , using open ended interview can help measure kleptomania so the
method could be use to improve diagnosis correctly
However ,one of the weakness of using KSAS to measure kleptomania is low validity ,
due to as this KSAS is a self report , where individual need to rate 0-5 eg during the
past few week , how many hours were you preoccupied with your urges to steal.
With the use of this self report individual may feel ashamed of their behaviour and
may under- report symptoms .Hence, will lead the patient to answer in social
desirability way where patients just simply answer without giving a truthful response
Moreover , closed ended questionnaire can be used to measure klep .another
weakness is when using closed ended questionnaire there is fixed choice of answer
that may force people into choosing answers that do not reflect their true opinion .
Hence, data cannot be obtained accurately
In conclusion, using self report may be an effective way to measure kleptomania as
Objective data produced which may lead practitioner to analysed data easily but
using KSAS can lead ps to not give truthful answer as an individual may feel ashamed
hence this may lower the validity .
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of psychological techniques to treat
impulse control disorders . You should include a conclusion in your answer
Will continue later if I have time hehe