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Moliya Fish Farming Business Plan

Moliya fish farming company
Prepared by
Damat College 3rd year Marketing
Management Students
Addis Ababa,
1. Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Business description........................................................................................................................ 2
 Vision of the business .................................................................................................................. 2
 Mission ......................................................................................................................................... 2
 Objective ...................................................................................................................................... 3
 Our Goals ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Product or service ........................................................................................................................... 3
4. Market research and analysis ......................................................................................................... 4
 Target market .............................................................................................................................. 4
 Buying Behavior ........................................................................................................................... 4
 SWOT analysis .............................................................................................................................. 4
 Strength ................................................................................................................................... 5
 Weakness ................................................................................................................................. 5
 Opportunity ............................................................................................................................. 6
 Threat....................................................................................................................................... 6
 Benefits to Clients ........................................................................................................................ 7
 Our keys to success factors are.................................................................................................... 7
5. Organizational structure ................................................................................................................. 8
6. Market plan ..................................................................................................................................... 9
 Payment option ........................................................................................................................... 9
 Product......................................................................................................................................... 9
 Price ........................................................................................................................................... 10
 Promotions ................................................................................................................................ 10
 Distribution ................................................................................................................................ 10
7. Manufacturing and operations ..................................................................................................... 10
 Location ..................................................................................................................................... 10
 Material and new technology .................................................................................................... 10
 Safety and Insurance ................................................................................................................. 11
 Profile of the founder ................................................................................................................ 11
 Risk ............................................................................................................................................. 11
8. Financial documentation .............................................................................................................. 12
 Finance statement for income and statement .......................................................................... 12
9. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Executive summary
Moliya fish business is a new company. The main aim of this business is to contribute national
development, food security and to meet the fish demand in the community. It will be located in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The main economic significant of the business is to contribute towards
narrowing down the fish demand-supply gap deficit in Ethiopia as well as the supply of proteins
and micro nutrients for feeding the teeming population of Ethiopia. The business would be
managed by the Proprietor.
The Fish Industry is a lucrative business as the demand for fish in the country is growing, the
opportunity to expand is necessary because of the growing demand for fish and due to some health
benefits. It will be the only and pioneering fish farm in this locality, we would flood the whole
market with our fish.
The General Manager of Moliya Fishes Company will be Miss Tsedal Tadesse holding a strong
educational background in Marketing Management Degree, Entrepreneurship, development and
Management. key personnel of this business is Mr. Alador Tamru, will be assistant of General
Manager and has strong educational background in Marketing Management Degree same like
General Manager.
Business description
As it has been stated in the title, this is the business idea of rearing fishes for selling. This is
proposed to be done by a company named Moliya Fishes Company. This Moliya Fishes Company
is going to operate its activities of rearing fishes for selling in central Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
Moliya Fishes Company will encourage people to consume fishes as a part of balanced food which
contains the proteins and rich Vitamin D. Moliya Fishes Company will promote the welfare of
local people in Addis Ababa and its around and districts by providing accessible high quality fishes
rich in Vitamin D. this will enable the people of Addis Ababa and its neighboring to get the welfare
by buying the quality fish at affordable price.
From the fish delivery, the people of Addis Ababa and its around will benefit from better
accessibility to the balanced food which will bring to them higher growth of children. The business
includes Tsedal as its primary promoter; in addition there will be other partners such as advisors
and technicians.
The company will a new company which was recently registered with fish farm. The idea for this
business plan emanated from the desire to further expand the operation of the intended business of
fish farming.
Vision of the business
The vision of Moliya Fishes Company is to be the leading company that provides fishes in
To provide healthy fish of high nutritional value and affordable prices that improves people’s lives
and high-quality while improving the lives and livelihood of Ethiopian populace. it is to promote
the welfare of people by reducing the problems of malnutrition faced by people of Addis Ababa
in general.
Within the first five years of activities; Moliya Fishes Company objectives are set as follow:
 To increase the standards of living of its employees by paying them salaries.
 To provide high quality fish to the people of Addis Ababa.
 To increase the owner’s capital by retaining at least 50% of net profit
 To reduce the problems of malnutrition faced by people in the Addis Ababa.
Our values are critical to our success. They are the strong foundation of takeout the services define
who we are, and set us apart from our competitors. They underlie our vision of the future. These
values include:
 Performance excellence: We act like responsible owners, always seeking to meet or exceed
 Teamwork: We act as a team, committed to each other, and bound by trust and loyalty.
 Integrity: We treat one another and all our stakeholders with dignity and respect Honesty,
ethical behavior, and integrity are fundamental characteristics of our business conduct.
Our Goals
 To remain pioneers in the fish farm business and to further strengthen our leading position.
 To increase the production of our product (Catfish).
 To increase productivity and efficiency to the benefit.
 To establish long-term planning for the benefit of the consumers and make more profit.
 To successfully meet the challenges and demands of the domestic market.
 To seek transparency in the structure, operation and production of the company.
Product or service
Moliya Fishes Company’s products will be fishes. Production of fish is one business that demands
care and expertise, the fish takes a life cycle of about six months to get to maturity when feed
Market research and analysis
Fish Farming in Ethiopia started gaining wide spread recognition in the year 2000 E.C and has
now become a business that all farmers are venturing into. Ethiopia who is a major consumer of
fish has been known for her large importation and dependence on fishing in rivers, lakes and the
sea, yet the demand for fish is still high. This large market of fish has remained untapped by the
residence of Addis Ababa, and that is what moliya company will be offering residence of Addis
Ababa and its environs.
On daily bases a large number of fish is been imported into Addis Ababa from other region in
order to attempt to meet the demand yet the demand never seems to fulfill. This is an indication
that there is a need for increased fish farming in the country.
Target market
With the location of our business in Addis Ababa and around, there is huge patronage of the large
population here. Below is a list of the people and business that we will market our catfish to;
 Hotels
 Restaurants
 Fast food eateries
 Households
 Individuals
Buying Behavior
As a new business that is just starting, also considering the location of our business, wewill be
selling basically on cash but might consider giving credits to individual who purchase in large
quantity either for consumption or resale.
SWOT analysis
Moliya Company do not intend to launch out with trial and error hence the need to conduct a proper
SWOT analysis. We will succeed in creating the foundation that will help us build a standard fish
farming company that will favorably compete with leading players in the Fish and Seafood
industry in the Addis Ababa.
Our strength is the fact that we have healthy relationships with loads of major players (agriculture
merchants) in the industry; both suppliers of fish, feeds and medications and buyers of fish within
and outside Addis Ababa. We will acquire some of the latest fish farming tools and equipment that
will help us raise and produce fish in commercial quantities with less stress. A side from our
relationship (network) and equipment, we can confidently boast that we will have some the most
experienced hands in our payroll.
 Location
 Excellent quality which is not available in the local area.
 Management experience in successfully running of similar business
 Efficient product preparation equipment and technology
 Clear vision of the market needs: we know the customers' needs, we are familiar with the
latesttechnology, and we can offer fish services that would bring the two together
 Availability of land
 Committed, qualified and well trained owner
Our weakness could be that we are a new fish farmer, and perhaps it might take us sometime to
attract big time customers in the industry. We are aware of this and from our projection will
overcome this weakness with time and turn it to a major advantage for the business.
 Cost factor associated with keeping up to date equipment and technology
 We are new
 Start-up challenges
 Limited operating capacity during sales periods
 Expensiveness of fishes food
 Lack of skills in veterinary option
 Insufficient capital
We know that there are lots of households, and businesses such as hotels and fast food restaurants
that can’t do without daily supply of fish. We are well positioned to take advantage of this
 Fast growing population in local area
 No other specialized in delivery of fishing products from our chosen location.
 A large segment of low and middle and high class population, and more businesses in the
 No competitors offer in the surrounding area
 Consumer behavior changes due to the economic downturn, respectively an increased
preference to buy affordable fishes instead of expensive meat
 Positive government incentives in agriculture sector
 Qualified advisors and workers
 Availability of the market
 Availability of good races of fishes to rear
Some of the threats and challenges that we are likely going to face when we start our own fish
farming are global economic downturn that can impact negatively on household spending, bad
weather come natural disasters (draught, epidemics), unfavorable government policies and the
arrival of a competitor within same location. There is hardly anything you can do as regards this
threats and challenges other than to be optimistic that things will continue to work for your good.
 Slow recovery process of the economy from the current crisis
 Changes in the business environment that might reduce our sales
 Higher taxes in the future
 Fixed credit times, higher interest rate, and higher inflation rate than predicted
 Climate changes
 Diseases of fishes
 Presence of substitute goods
Benefits to Clients
Economically, the continuous importation of fish to the country reduces our GDP, and thus reduces
the national income. Also, the ever increasing rate of unemployment in the country is truly
becoming worrisome to the Government and well-meaning Ethiopians, Most children that grow
with low protein intake end up malnourished and low intelligent quotient. Like most entrepreneurs,
the goal of the fish farm business is for profit, but the underlying benefits cannot be
overemphasized, from putting more fish into the system, thereby increasing the chance of more
source of protein in the society at affordable rate to reduction of unemployment rate and increase
in national income, taxes are paid and wealth are distributed.
Our keys to success factors are
 Excellent product and service that will build and maintain customer loyalty.
 A business location that will assure high company visibility and a high flow of customer.
 Proven management ability to successfully.
 Our commitment to continuous improvement and total quality services.
Organizational structure
Market plan
Some of the factors that will help you sell your farm produce at the right price that will guarantee
that you make profits is dependent on your strategy while some of the factors are beyond your
control. For example, if the climatic condition is unfavorable and if there is natural disaster in the
location where you have your fish farm, then it will directly affect the prices of your fish.
Over and above, if we want to get the right pricing for your fish, then we should ensure that you
choose a good location for the fish farm, choose a good breed that will guarantee bountiful harvest,
cut the cost of running our fish farm to the barest minimum and of course try as much as possible
to attract buyers to our fish farm as against taking our fish to the market to source for buyers; with
this, we would have successfully eliminate the cost of transporting the goods to the market and
other logistics.
Payment option
The payment policy adopted by Moliya Company is all inclusive because we are quite aware that
different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will
ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of Ethiopia. Here are the payment options
that Moliya will make available to her clients;
 Payment via bank transfer
 Payment with cash
 Payment via online bank transfer
 Payment via cheque
 Payment via mobile money
 Payment via bank draft
In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment
for farm produces purchase without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be
made available to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer.
Our products are in high demand in the market. There is great need and demand for supply of fish.
We intend to grow our product to be very qualitative and beat down all imported and other fish
company in the market.
Our products price would be fair to those in our target markets, we have greater advantage as
buying from us would mean the buyer would not incur transportation (carrying) cost as our farm
house is close to all our target market. Our Products are price is almost on same benchmark with
the prevailing market price.
At the initial or first harvest, we intend to draw customer’s attention to our farm and product by
offering discount to customers on total price payable. This discount would be given as below:
Above 30 pcs of fish 5% Discount
Above 90 pcs of fish 10% Discount
Above 150 pcs of fish 15% Discount
Above 500 pcs of fish 25% Discount
Our product would be available at the farm sales room immediately after harvest where buyers can
come to buy, wholesalers, retailer and also individual buyers. We would make arrangements for
customers to contact the sales representative to place order which would be delivered using the
business car.
Manufacturing and operations
Moliya organization located in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, N/S/L Sub city district 11, the special
location is Hana Mariam area to be built on 3000 square meters.
Material and new technology
In order to maintain the good operations within Moliya company, different things will be needed,
among them are: House office; house for butcher’s shop and a small house for guardians. Moliya
Company will need various equipment’s including hoes; tables; chairs; fishing rods; refrigerators;
water tank; pump; artificial incubator; cleaning equipment; fertilized egg; basket to transport fishes
and other fish farming material. Packages will also be needed to maintain customer care and
telephones will be used during the communication of Moliya Company and its customers.
Safety and Insurance
In Moliya Fishes Company’s activities, the social corporation will be taken into considerations.
All Moliya Fishes Company’s employees will be monthly paid and have insurances and they will
be also mobilized to pay the health insurance fees as is one of the government policies. Being
monthly paid, it is very clear that the employees’ families’ welfare will be improved. On the other
side, the environment will be protected by providing the big pit reserved for died fished. There
will be pits reserved for remaining food to be processed into organic manures. Around the Moliya
Fishes Company, the enterprise will plant the agro forestry plants.
Profile of the founder
The General Manager of Moliya Fishes Company will be Miss Tsedal Tadesse holding a strong
educational background in Marketing Management Degree, Entrepreneurship, development and
Management. Before starting this business, firstly conducted a market research about various
things to check the feasibility of this business. It is in this case that various researches have been
carried out before starting Moliya Fishes Company at the first place in order to predict the
successfulness of the business. Other key personnel of this business is Mr. Alador Tamru, will be
assistant of General Manager and has strong educational background in Marketing Management
Degree same like General Manager.
Risks are inevitable in any human activities. In as far as our company is concerned, in expected
risks includes: Competition, market change, quality control, productivity, investment, information
technology, interest rates, exchange rate and natural disasters. The way we receive people, the
quality of our products are the determinant factors of our success or failure. For that, our company
has strong measures to have products with high quality and skilled people to maintain customers
and extend public relations. The market is not always stable. In a market, a situation of high/lower
demand is a rule. Our company will encourage market research to know real and current or
predictable future market situation to be able to produce much to meet the need of customers or to
produce less if the demand is lower.
A human resource constraint is a big handicap to the booming of any company. Our company will
use well skilled employees in any of its departments and will keep updating their knowledge
through different trainings and visits. Any company benefits will be used in sustainable
investment. By sustainable investment, money earned will be used to buy sustainable materials
like, buildings, forests, lands which are not likely to perish to make sure that they support the
company in a sustainable way.
As said above, market is not always stable. In a market, interest rates and exchange rates may
change either by augmenting or diminishing, our company will try to conform to those changes
and function accordingly. Natural disasters do not exempt anyone. Precocious measures may be
taken in advance to make sure that the company will be able to overcome them in case they occur.
Among those measures one may state, providing money to use in that horrible situation or insuring
the business in insurances companies to intervene in case for example of fire, earthquakes, flood
Financial documentation
Finance statement for income and statement
Startup cost
Number Quantities
Rental Land
Rental cars (3)
Labor salary
Other cost
Reserve money
Total cost
In the 5 years planned by our company, there will be no fish for sale in the first year. But in the
coming years, we will grow up to 180,000 fish and join the market. This means that we breed two
or more fish a year and when we enter the market, we sell a piece of fish for 40 to 50 Birr depending
on the market conditions and the weight of the fish.
Forecast sales
Payment in birr
6,000 cartoon
6,000 cartoon
9,000 cartoon
9,000 cartoon
12,000 cartoon
12,000 cartoon
21,000 cartoon
21,000 cartoon
Like several other agribusinesses that have great potentials for both scale and profitability starting
a fish farming in Ethiopia or across Africa is a great agribusiness to start up if executed at the right
We also know that fish farming in Ethiopia is one of the most profitable agribusiness to venture
into, and as such, investing in the agribusiness is a smart decision to make, especially with its
local demand and very high export potentials.