SECTION 16 ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS 88 Cancer Principles and Therapeutics Lisa M. Holle LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 1. Describe the etiology of cancer. 2. Define the tumor, nodes, metastases (TNM) system of cancer staging. 3. Classify each drug used in the treatment of cancer and compare and contrast the mechanisms of action, uses, and adverse effects. 4. Outline actions for all healthcare professionals to prevent medication errors with cancer treatments. 5. Describe what cancer survivorship means and how this impacts future healthcare needs of an individual. INTRODUCTION T he word cancer covers a diverse array of tumor types that affect a significant number of Americans and individuals worldwide and are a major cause of mortality. The term cancer actually refers to more than 100 different diseases. What is common to all cancers is that the cancerous cell is uncontrollably growing and has the potential for invading local tissue and spreading to other parts of the body, a process called metastases. Cancer is the second leading cause of death behind heart disease.1 In 2021, it was projected that nearly 1.9 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer, and that an estimated 608,570 Americans will die from cancer.1 Figure 88–1 describes cancers by gender, new cases, and deaths. Once diagnosed, a cancer patient may encounter many different healthcare professionals. All healthcare professionals must collaborate to ensure safe and appropriate prescribing, preparation, administration, and monitoring of anticancer agents; management of toxicities; resolution of reimbursement issues; and participation in clinical trials. The pharmacist is a pivotal member of the care team because of their medication expertise.2,3 As a result of advances in research and technology, available cancer treatments have increased dramatically in the last couple of decades. The fields of radiation therapy, surgery, and drug development have made enormous progress over the years. Therefore, patients are often receiving treatments that are less toxic and with better treatment outcomes than in the past. Supportive care therapies have also improved, and patients now may be at less risk for toxicity and have a better quality of life than patients in the past. Twenty years ago, most patients received chemotherapy in the hospital because of side effects. Today, many more patients are able to receive chemotherapy in outpatient clinics and/or take oral anticancer agents at home. Cancer Prevention Because most cancers are not curable in advanced stages, cancer prevention is an important and active area of research. Both lifestyle modifications and chemoprevention agents may significantly reduce the risk of developing some cancers. An active area of investigation, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved vaccines that can help prevent cancer. Available vaccines include those that prevent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), responsible for many cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus and a vaccine that prevents hepatitis B viral infections, which can cause liver cancer. Additionally, orally administered medications, such as the selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulator (SERM) tamoxifen, reduces the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. Another SERM, raloxifene and the aromatase inhibitor (AI) exemestane both have shown a reduction in breast cancer in high-risk postmenopausal women. Because these agents will have adverse effects and possible long-term complications (eg, an increased risk of endometrial cancer with the use of tamoxifen), benefits versus risks needs to be weighed when initiating these breast cancer prevention strategies. Tobacco Tobacco smoking increases the risk of developing not only lung cancer but also many other types of cancer, including cancer of the bladder, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus as well as kidney cancer. Smoking cessation is associated with a gradual decrease in the risk of cancer, but more than 5 years is needed before a major decline in risk is detected. In addition, most studies have found that passive smoking (ie, secondhand smoke) also increases a person’s risk of developing lung cancer.4 Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet light (sunlight or tanning booths and lamps) exposure may increase the risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers, especially in individuals who have a positive family history, fair skin, light-colored eyes, high degrees of freckling, and a tendency to burn instead of tan. Practitioners can counsel patients on proper sun protection, including minimizing sun exposure, using sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater on exposed areas (along with proper reapplication), wearing protective clothing and sunglasses, avoiding tanning beds and sun lamps, and the importance of early detection. 1389 Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1389 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1390 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS Estimated New Cases Prostate Lung & bronchus Colon & rectum Urinary bladder Melanoma of the skin Kidney & renal pelvis Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Oral cavity & pharynx Leukemia Pancreas All sites Estimated Deaths Male Lung & bronchus Prostate Colon & rectum Pancreas Liver & intrahepatic bile duct Leukemia Esophagus Urinary bladder Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Brain & other nervous system All sites Female 191,930 116,300 78,300 62,100 60,190 45,520 42,380 38,380 35,470 30,400 893,660 21% 13% 9% 7% 7% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% Breast Lung & bronchus Colon & rectum Uterine corpus Thyroid Melanoma of the skin Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Kidney & renal pelvis Pancreas Leukemia All sites 72,500 33,330 28,630 24,640 20,020 13,420 13,100 13,050 11,460 10,190 321,160 23% 10% 9% 8% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% Lung & bronchus Breast Colon & rectum Pancreas Ovary Uterine corpus Liver & intrahepatic bile duct Leukemia Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Brain & other nervous system All sites 276,480 112,520 69,650 65,620 40,170 40,160 34,860 28,230 27,200 25,060 912,930 30% 12% 8% 7% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 63,220 42,170 24,570 22,410 13,940 12,590 10,140 9,680 8,480 7,830 285,360 22% 15% 9% 8% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% Female Male Estimates are rounded to the nearest 10, and cases exclude basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinoma except urinary bladder. Estimates do not include Puerto Rico or other US territories. Ranking is based on modeled projections and may differ from the most recent observed data. ©2020, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research FIGURE 88–1. Cancer incidences (top) and deaths (bottom) in the United States for males and females—2020 estimates. (Reproduced, with permission, from American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2020. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, Inc.) CARCINOGENESIS The exact cause of cancer remains unknown and is probably very diverse given the vast array of diseases called cancer. It is thought that cancer develops from a single cell in which the normal mechanisms for control of growth and proliferation are altered. Current evidence indicates that there are four stages in the cancer development process. The first step, initiation, occurs when a carcinogenic substance encounters a normal cell to produce genetic damage and results in a mutated cell. The environment is altered by carcinogens or other factors to favor the growth of the mutated cell over the normal cell during promotion, the second step. The main difference between initiation and promotion is that promotion is a reversible process. Third, transformation (or conversion) occurs when the mutated cell becomes malignant. Depending on the type of cancer, many years may elapse between the carcinogenic phases and the development of a clinically detectable tumor. Finally, progression occurs when cell proliferation takes over and the tumor spreads or develops metastases. There are substances known to have carcinogenic risks, including chemicals, environmental factors, and viruses. Chemicals in the environment, such as aniline and benzene, are associated with the development of bladder cancer and leukemia, respectively. Environmental factors, such as excessive sun exposure, can result in skin cancer, and smoking is widely known as a cause of lung cancer. Viruses, including HPV, Epstein-Barr virus, and hepatitis B virus, have been linked to cervical cancers, lymphomas, and liver cancers, respectively. Anticancer agents such as the Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1390 alkylating agents (eg, melphalan), anthracyclines (eg, doxorubicin), epipodophyllotoxins (eg, etoposide), and poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (eg, olaparib) can cause secondary malignancies (eg, leukemias) years after therapy has been completed. Additionally, factors such as the patient’s age, gender, family history, diet, and chronic irritation or inflammation may be considered to be promoters of carcinogenesis. Cancer Genetics Because the human genome has been sequenced and with the great improvements in genetic technology, growing knowledge regarding the genetic changes of cancer exist. Two major classes of genes are involved in carcinogenesis: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Proto-oncogenes are normal genes that, through some genetic alteration caused by carcinogens, change into oncogenes. Proto-oncogenes are present in all normal cells and regulate cell function and replication. Genetic damage of the proto-oncogene may occur through point mutation, chromosomal rearrangement, or an increase in gene function, resulting in the oncogene. The genetic damage may either be inherited from an individual’s parents (germline mutations) or by way of carcinogenic agents (eg, smoking). The oncogene produces abnormal or excessive gene product that disrupts normal cell growth and proliferation.5 As a result, this may cause the cell to have a distinct growth advantage, increasing its likelihood of becoming cancerous. Table 88–1 provides examples of oncogenes by their cellular function and associated cancer.6 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1391 Table 88–1 Examples of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes Gene Function Associated Human Cancer Oncogenes Genes for growth factors or their receptors EGFR? ERBB1 Codes for epidermal growth factor (EGFR) receptor HER2/ERBB2 Codes for a growth factor receptor RET Codes for a growth factor receptor Genes for cytoplasmic relays in stimulatory signaling pathways KRAS and NRAS Code for guanine nucleotide-proteins with GTPase activity Genes for transcription factors that activate growth-promoting genes cMYC Codes for transcription factor NMYC Codes for transcription factor Genes for cytoplasmic kinases BCR-ABL Codes for a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase ALK Receptor tyrosine kinase BRAF Serine-threonine protein kinase KIT (CD117) Receptor tyrosine kinase PIK2CA Lipid kinases RET Codes a receptor tyrosine kinase Genes for other molecules BCL2 Codes for a protein that blocks apoptosis BCL1/PRAD1 Codes for cyclin D1, a cell-cycle clock stimulator MDM2 Protein antagonist of p53 tumor suppressor protein Tumor-Suppressor Genes Genes for proteins in the cytoplasm APC Step in a signaling pathway NF1 Codes for a protein that inhibits the stimulatory Ras protein NF2 Codes for a protein that inhibits the stimulatory Ras protein Genes for proteins in the nucleus MTS1 Codes for p16 protein, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor RB1 Codes for the pRB protein, a master brake of the cell cycle TP53 Codes for the p53 protein, which can halt cell division and induce apoptosis PTEN Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten Genes for protein whose cellular location is unclear BRCA1 DNA repair, transcriptional regulation BRCA2 DNA repair VHL Regulator of protein stability MSH2, MLH1, PMS1, DNA mismatch repair enzymes PMS2, MSH6 Glioblastoma, breast, head and neck, and colon cancers Breast, salivary gland, prostate, bladder, and ovarian cancers Thyroid cancer Lung, ovarian, colon, pancreatic cancers Neuroblastoma, acute leukemia Leukemia and breast, colon, gastric, and lung cancers Neuroblastoma, small cell lung cancer, and glioblastoma Chronic myelogenous leukemia Lung cancer, lymphomas, neuroblastoma, and ovarian cancer Colon cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, ovarian, thyroid cancer Acute Leukemia, gastrointestinal, stromal tumor, and gastrointestinal stromal tumor Lung cancer, ovarian cancer Lung cancer, thyroid cancer Indolent B-cell lymphomas Breast, head, and neck cancers Sarcomas Colon and gastric cancer Neurofibroma, leukemia, and pheochromocytoma Meningioma, ependymoma, and schwannoma Involved in a wide range of cancers Retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, and bladder, small cell lung, prostate, and breast cancers Involved in a wide range of cancers Lung cancer, ovarian cancer Breast and ovarian cancers Breast cancer Kidney cancer Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer From Cordes LM, Shord SS. Cancer treatment and chemotherapy. In: DiPiro JT, Yee GC, Posey LM, et al. eds. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 11th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2020: Table 144–2. Tumor suppressor genes inhibit inappropriate cellular growth and proliferation. When gene loss or mutation occurs, this results in a loss of control over normal cell growth. The TP53 gene is one of the most common tumor suppressor genes, and mutations of TP53 may occur in up to 50% of all malignancies. This gene stops the cell cycle to enable “repair” of the cell. If TP53 is inactivated, then the cell allows the mutations to occur. Although mutations Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1391 of the TP53 gene are found in many tumors, such as breast, colon, and lung cancer, it is also associated with drug resistance of cancer cells. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair genes fix errors in DNA that occur because of environmental factors or errors in replication and can be classified as tumor suppressor genes. Mutations in DNA repair genes have been reported in hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer and in some breast cancer syndromes. 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1392 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS Death 1-kg tumor mass Disease symptoms become incapacitating Clinically undetectable tumor Chemotherapy treatment A 1010 Log/number of cancer cells Diagnosis possible (first symptoms) Plateau growth phase (lower growth fraction, longer tumor-doubling times) 1012 108 Bulk tumor reduction necessary: 1. Surgery 2. Irradiation 3. Multiple-course intensive chemotherapy regimens 3 1-cm mass 106 105 104 10 2 10 0 Log-linear growth phase (high-growth fraction, short-doubling time) Immunotherapy of greatest benefit Micrometastatic disease area Chemotherapy treatment B Time FIGURE 88–2. The Gompertzian growth curve demonstrating symptoms and treatments versus tumor volume. Numerous cellular changes occur in the genetic material of the cancer cell so that programmed cell death (PD), or apoptosis, does not occur. Proliferation of cancer cells goes unregulated. If mutations persist and cells are not repaired or suppressed, cancer may develop. Apoptosis, or PD, may prevent the mutated cell from becoming cancerous. Loss of TP53 and overexpression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) are two examples of changes within the cell that occur to result in enhanced cell survival. Identification of genes involved in cancer may be conducted for various reasons, including cancer screening to determine if an individual is at an increased risk of cancer, to develop new anticancer agents, to aid in diagnosis, and to predict response and/or the toxicity of the agents used in individual patients. Principles of Tumor Growth It takes about 109 cancer cells to be clinically detectable by palpation or radiography. Figure 88–2 demonstrates the classic Gompertzian kinetics tumor growth cycle. From the diagram, one can see that malignant cell growth occurs many times before a mass may be detected. The number of malignant cells may decrease drastically because of surgery or in decreasing steps by each administration of chemotherapy. One dosing round, or cycle, of chemotherapy does not eliminate all malignant cells; therefore, repeated cycles of chemotherapy are administered to eliminate tumor cell burden. The cell kill hypothesis states that a fixed percentage of tumor cells will be killed with each cycle of chemotherapy. According to this hypothesis, the number of tumor cells will never reach zero. This theory assumes that all cancers are equally responsive and that anticancer drug resistance and metastases do not occur, which is not the case.7 Metastases A metastasis is a growth of the same cancer cell found at some distance from the primary tumor site.8 The metastasis may be large, or it may be just a few cells that may be detected through polymerase chain reaction (PCR); however, the presence of metastasis at diagnosis usually is associated with a poorer prognosis than a Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1392 patient with no known metastatic disease. As the technology to detect malignant cells evolves, the dilemma exists on how to treat patients based on current guidelines that were not based on cellular detection technology. Cancers spread usually by two pathways: hematogenous (through the bloodstream) or through the lymphatics (drainage through adjacent lymph nodes). The malignant cells that split from the primary tumor find a suitable environment for growth. It is believed that malignant cells secrete mediators that stimulate the formation of blood vessels for growth and oxygen, the process of angiogenesis. Common metastatic sites for solid tumors include the brain, bone, lung, and liver. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Tumor Origin Tumors may arise from any of four basic tissue types: epithelial, connective (ie, muscle, bone, and cartilage), lymphoid, or nerve tissue. The suffix -oma is added to the name of the cell type if the tumor cells are benign. A lipoma is a benign growth that resembles fat tissue. Precancerous cells have cellular changes that are abnormal but not yet malignant and may be described as hyperplastic or dysplastic. Hyperplasia occurs when a stimulus is introduced and reverses when the stimulus is removed. Dysplasia is an abnormal change in the size, shape, or organization of cells or tissues. Malignant cells are divided into categories based on the cells of origin. Carcinomas arise from epithelial cells, whereas sarcomas arise from muscle or connective tissue. Adenocarcinomas arise from glandular tissue. Carcinoma in situ refers to cells limited to epithelial origin that have not yet invaded the basement membrane. Malignancies of the bone marrow or lymphoid tissue, such as leukemias or lymphomas, are named differently. Tumor Characteristics Tumors are either benign or malignant. Benign tumors often are encapsulated, localized, and indolent; they seldom metastasize; and they rarely recur once removed. Histologically, the cells 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1393 Patient Encounter 1, Part 1 The patient is a 71-year-old previously healthy man who has had symptoms of fatigue, bright red blood when urinating for 2 weeks and back pain. He has self-treated with over-thecounter (OTC) pain products without relief. Today, he presents to his primary care provider for evaluation. His complete blood count (CBC) reveals a hemoglobin level of 12.6 g/dL and his PSA level is 22.4 ng/dL. He is referred to an urologist for further evaluation. After a prostate gland biopsy and subsequent computed tomography (CT) and bone scans, a diagnosis of metastatic prostate cancer is made and treatment is planned to start as soon as possible. What signs and symptoms does this patient have that are consistent with a cancer presentation? What is your desired outcome when treating this patient? resemble the cells from which they developed. Malignant tumors are invasive and spread to other locations even if the primary tumor is removed. The cells no longer perform their usual functions, and their cellular architecture changes. This loss of structure and function is called anaplasia. Despite improvements in screening procedures, many patients have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. Usually, once distant metastases have occurred, the cancer is considered incurable.9 DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER Cancer can present as a number of different signs and symptoms. Unfortunately, many people fear a diagnosis of cancer and may not seek medical attention at the first warning signs when the disease is at its most treatable stage. After the initial visit with the clinician, a variety of tests will be performed, which are somewhat dependent on the initial differential diagnoses. Appropriate laboratory tests, radiologic scans, and tissue samples are necessary. The sample of tissue may be obtained by a biopsy, fine-needle aspiration, or exfoliative cytology. No treatment of cancer should be initiated without a pathologic diagnosis of cancer. During the pathologic workup, genetic analysis may be done. Depending on the type of cancer, the genetic analysis can provide the additional information on prognosis of the malignancy and whether certain therapies may be appropriate. Once the pathology of cancer is established, staging of the disease is done before treatment is initiated. The basis of cancer staging is tumor size, extent of lymph node involvement, and the presence or absence of metastases, also referred to as the tumor, nodes, metastases (TNM) system (Table 88–2),10 and is usually referred to as stages I, II, III, or IV. Not all cancers can be staged according to this system, but many of the solid tumors are. Staging cancer is an important for determing prognosis and guiding treatment decisions. Some cancers produce substances (eg, proteins) that are detected by a blood test and may be useful in following response to therapy or detecting a recurrence; these are referred to as tumor markers. An example of a clinically used tumor marker is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The PSA serum level is used to monitor response to treatment. Unfortunately, some tumor markers are nonspecific and may be elevated from nonmalignant causes. In the case of PSA, nonmalignant causes such as prostatitis, trauma, surgery, ejaculation, some medications, benign prostatic hypertrophy, or riding on an exercise bicycle can all cause increased PSA levels, which needs to be considered when using tumor markers to assess cancer presence of response.9 Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis: Cancer Chemotherapy and Treatment Signs and Symptoms The seven warning signs of cancer are: •• Change in bowel or bladder habits •• A sore that does not heal •• Unusual bleeding or discharge •• Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere •• Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing •• Obvious change in a wart or mole •• Nagging cough or hoarseness The eight warning signs of cancer in children are: •• Continued, unexplained weight loss •• Headaches with vomiting in the morning •• Increased swelling or persistent pain in bones or joints •• Lump or mass in abdomen, neck, or elsewhere •• Development of a whitish appearance in the pupil of the eye •• Recurrent fevers not caused by infections •• Excessive bruising or bleeding •• Noticeable paleness or prolonged tiredness Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1393 Diagnostic Procedures •• Laboratory tests: CBC, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), renal function, and liver function tests •• Radiologic scans: X-rays, CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) •• Biopsy of tissue or bone marrow with pathologic evaluation •• Cytogenetics •• Tumor markers Staging determination of the primary tumor size, extent of lymph node involvement, and the presence or absence of metastases, referred to as the TNM system (see Table 88–2). Most solid tumors are staged according to the TNM classification system. The size of the primary tumor, extent of nodal involvement, and the presence of metastases are used to determine the stage. Metastases are cancer cells that have spread to sites distant from the primary tumor site and have started to grow. The most frequently occurring sites of metastases of solid tumors are the brain, bone, liver, and lungs. 11/10/21 4:42 PM Table 88–2 Tumor (T), Node (N), Metastasis (M) Staging for Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Primary Tumor Description Tx Primary tumor cannot be assessed or tumor proven by presence of malignant cells in sputum or bronchial washings but not visualized by imaging or bronchoscopy No evidence of primary tumor Carcinoma in situ Tumor under 3 cm in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura, without invasion more proximal than lobar bronchus Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma Superficial spreading tumor in central airways (spreading tumor of any size but confined to the tracheal or bronchial wall) and tumor ≤ 1 cm in greatest dimension Tumor > 1 cm but ≤ 2 cm in greatest dimension Tumor > 2 cm but ≤ 3 cm in greatest dimension Tumor > 3 cm but ≤ 5 cm, or tumor with any of the following features: •• Involves main bronchus regardless of distance from the carina but without involvement of the carina •• Invades visceral pleura •• Associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung Tumor > 3 cm but ≤ 4 cm in greatest dimension Tumor > 4 cm but ≤ 5 cm in greatest dimension Tumor > 5 cm but ≤ 7 cm in greatest dimension of associated with separate tumor nodule(s) in the same lobe as the primary tumor or directly invades any of the following structures: •• chest wall (including the parietal pleura and superior sulcus) •• phrenic nerve •• parietal pericardium Tumor > 7 cm in greatest dimension or associated with separate tumor nodules(s) in a different ipsilateral lobe than that of the primary tumor or invades any of the following structures •• diaphragm •• mediastinum •• heart •• great vessels •• trachea •• recurrent laryngeal nerve •• esophagus •• vertebral body •• carina T0 Tis T1 T1a (mi) T1a T2 T3 T1b T1c T2a T2b T4 Regional lymph nodes (N) Nx N0 N1 Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed. No regional lymph node metastases Metastasis in ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes and intrapulmonary nodes, including involvement by direct extension Metastasis in ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph node(s) Metastasis in contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene, or supraclavicular lymph node(s) N2 N3 Distant metastasis (M) M0 M1 M1a No distant metastasis Distant metastasis Separate tumor nodule(s) in a contralateral lobe; tumor with pleural nodules or malignant pleural or pericardial effusion Single extrathoracic metastasis Multiple extrathoracic metastasis in one or more organs M1b M1c Stage Stage 0 Stage Ia Stage Ib Stage IIa Stage IIb Stage IIIa Stage IIIb Stage IIIc Stage IVa Stage IVb T Tis T1a T2a T2b T1, T2 T3 T1, T2 T3, T4 T4 T1, T2 T3, T4 T3, T4 Any T Any T N N0 N0 N0 N0 N1 N0 N2 N1 N0 N3 N2 N3 Any N Any N M M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M1a or M1b M1c 5-Year Survival (%) 92 68 60 53 36 26 13 10 0 From Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW, Tanoue LT. The eighth edition lung cancer stage classification. Chest. 2017;151(1):193–203. 1394 Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1394 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1395 TREATMENT Desired Outcome Surgery may be able to remove all macroscopic disease; however, microscopic cells may still be present near the surgical site or may have traveled to other parts of the body. When malignant cells have traveled to other parts of the body and become established there and are able to grow in this new environment, they are called metastatic cancer cells. Thus, for chemotherapysensitive diseases, systemic therapies may be administered after surgery to destroy these microscopic malignant cells; this is called adjuvant chemotherapy. The goals of adjuvant chemotherapy are to decrease cancer recurrence by eliminating microscopic malignant cells and to prolong survival. Chemotherapy may also be given before surgical resection of the tumor; this is referred to as neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Chemotherapy given before surgery should decrease the tumor burden to be removed (which may result in a shorter surgical procedure or less physical disfigurement to the patient) and make the surgery easier to perform because the tumor has shrunk away from vital organs or vessels. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy also gives the clinician an idea of the responsiveness of the tumor to that particular chemotherapy. Chemotherapy may be given to cure cancers, or it may be given to help control the symptoms of an incurable cancer (also known as palliation). Palliative care, however, is used throughout therapy to prevent or treat, as early as possible, the symptoms and side effects of the disease and treatment psychological, social, and spiritual problems. It consists of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments to improve quality of life and is most effective when initiated at the time of other treatments.11 Response The responses to chemotherapy for solid tumors are described as complete response (CR), partial response (PR), stable disease (SD), or disease progression. A cure in oncology implies that the cancer is completely gone, and the patient will have the same life expectancy as a patient without cancer. The response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST) was developed in 2000 and revised in 2009 and is considered to be the standard criteria to evaluate a response to therapy (Table 88–3).12 The term overall objective response rate refers to all patients with a PR or a CR. Cancer cells may be sensitive to certain chemotherapy agents, but with repeated exposure, the cells may become resistant to treatment. The resistant cells then may grow and multiply. In some cancers, a number of genetic mutations, including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), reticular activating system (RAS), and BRAF, may be used to predict which patients will be sensitive to certain chemotherapy that targets these mutations. These mutations will be discussed in depth in the following cancerspecific chapters. Nonpharmacologic Therapy The three primary treatment modalities of cancer are surgery, radiation, and pharmacologic therapy. Surgery is useful to gain tissue for diagnosis of cancer and for treatment, especially those cancers with limited disease. Radiation plays a key role not only in the treatment and possible cure of cancer but also in palliative therapy. Together, surgery and radiation therapy may provide local control of symptoms of the disease. However, when cancer is widespread, surgery may play little or no role, Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1395 Table 88–3 RECIST 1.1 Criteria: Target Lesion Evaluation Term Description Complete response (CR) Disappearance of all targeted lesions. All pathological lymph nodes must have decreased to < 10 mm in short axis At least a 30% decrease in the sum of the longest diameter (SLD) of target lesions from baseline SLD increased by at least 20% from the smallest value on study (including baseline, if that is the smallest) The SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm. (Two lesions increasing from 2 to 3 mm, for example, do not qualify) Neither sufficient shrinkage to qualify for PR nor sufficient increase to qualify for progressive disease Partial response (PR) Progressive disease Stable disease (SD) Adapted from Eisenhauer E, Therasse P, Bogaerts J, et al. New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1). Eur J Cancer. 2009;45:228–247. but radiation therapy localized to specific areas may palliate symptoms. Pharmacologic Therapy Chemotherapy of cancer started in the early 1940s when nitrogen mustard was first administered to patients with lymphoma. Since then, numerous agents have been developed for the treatment of different cancers. Dosing of Chemotherapy Chemotherapeutic agents typically have a very narrow therapeutic index. If too much is administered, the patient may suffer from severe or even fatal toxicities. If too little is given, the desired effect on cancer cells may not be achieved. Many chemotherapy agents have significant organ toxicities that preclude using steadily increasing doses to treat the cancer. The doses of chemotherapy must be given at a frequency that allows the patient to recover from the toxicity of the chemotherapy; each period of chemotherapy dosing is referred to as a cycle. Each cycle of chemotherapy may have the same dosages; the dosages may be modified based on toxicity; or a chemotherapy regimen may alternate from one set of drugs given during the first, third, and fifth cycles to another set of different drugs given during the second, fourth, and sixth cycles. Dose density of chemotherapy refers to shortening of the period between cycles of chemotherapy. This can accomplish two things: first, the tumor has less time between cycles of chemotherapy to grow, and second, patients receive the total number of required cycles in a shorter time period. Administration of dose-dense chemotherapy regimens often requires the use of colony-stimulating factors (eg, filgrastim or granulocyte–colony stimulating factor [G-CSF], pegfilgrastim) to be administered. These agents shorten the duration and severity of neutropenia. The chemotherapy regimens that are dose dense tend to be adjuvant regimens, and the goal of therapy is cure. When a chemotherapy regimen is used as palliation (to control symptoms), the dosages of chemotherapy may be decreased 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1396 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS Table 88–4 Performance Status Scales Karnofsky Scale (%) Zubrod Scale (ECOG) Description: ECOG Scale No complaints; no evidence of disease Able to carry on normal activity; minor signs or symptoms of disease Normal activity with effort; some signs or symptoms of disease 100 90 0 Fully active, able to carry on all predisease activity 80 1 Cares for self; unable to carry on normal activity or to do active work Requires occasional assistance but is able to care for most personal needs 70 Restricted in strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature 2 Requires considerable assistance and frequent medical care Disabled; requires special care and assistance 50 Out of bed > 50% of time; ambulatory and capable of self-care but unable to carry out any work activities 3 Severely disabled; hospitalization indicated, although death not imminent Very sick; hospitalization necessary; requires active supportive treatment Moribund; fatal processes progressing rapidly Dead 30 In bed > 50% of time; capable of only limited self-care 20 4 10 0 Bedridden; cannot carry out any self-care; completely disabled 5 Deceased Description: Karnofsky Scale 60 40 ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. based on toxicity or the interval between cycles may be lengthened to maintain quality of life. Patient and tumor biology also affect how cancer therapy is dosed. Patients with a uridine diphosphate–glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 enzyme (UGT1A1*28) deficiency can have lifethreatening diarrhea and complications from irinotecan related to a decreased ability to metabolize the parent drug. The patient may have a blood test before irinotecan therapy to determine if this genetic mutation is present. In the case of some monoclonal antibodies and targeted agents, flow cytometry results reveal whether the tumor has the receptor where the drug will bind and exert the pharmacologic effect.13 The therapeutic uses of oncology drugs with valid genomic biomarkers, called targeted therapies, will be discussed briefly in this chapter and in more detail in the following chapters. Another consideration of chemotherapy administration is the patient. Factors that affect chemotherapy selection and dosing are age, concurrent disease states, and performance status. Performance status can be assessed either with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Scale or the Karnofsky Scale (Table 88–4). Performance status is a very important prognostic factor for many types of cancer. If a patient has renal dysfunction and the chemotherapy is eliminated primarily by the kidney, dosing adjustments will need to be made. If a patient has had a myocardial infarction recently or preexisting heart disease, the clinician will weigh the risks of anthracycline therapy against the benefit of the treatment of the cancer. Another important consideration for treatment of cancers is insurance coverage for off-label use. Off-label use is when a medication is used to treat a cancer that is not an FDA-approved indication. Because of rapid advancements in oncology, it is estimated that up to 75% of chemotherapy agents are prescribed “off-label.” Drugs used according to FDA-approved indications are usually paid for by insurance. If sufficient supportive literature exists and Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1396 the use is supported by one of the Medicare-approved compendia (eg, AHFS-DI, Clinical Pharmacology, Micromedex DrugDex, and National Comprehensive Cancer Network [NCCN] Compendium), an insurer should cover the cost of the anticancer treatment that does not have an FDA indication. During the time of chemotherapy administration, patients will likely experience various toxicities. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has provided a standardized system for evaluating and grading the toxicity from chemotherapy to provide uniform grading of toxicity and evaluation of new agents and regimens (Table 88–5).14 Combination Chemotherapy The underlying principles of using combination therapy are to use (a) agents with different pharmacologic actions, (b) agents with different organ toxicities, (c) agents that are active against the tumor and ideally synergistic when used together, and (d) agents that do not result in significant drug interactions (although these can be studied carefully and the interactions addressed). When two or more agents are used together, the risk of development of resistance may be lessened, but toxicity may be increased. Traditional chemotherapy agents have some similar side effects, usually manifested on the most rapidly proliferating cells of the body. However, there are unique toxicities of various pharmacologic categories of antineoplastic agents. Anthracyclines (eg, doxorubicin) have the potential to cause cardiac toxicity, which is related to the cumulative dose. Microtubule-targeting agents (eg, vincristine) are associated with various forms of neurotoxicity. Alkylating agents (eg, melphalan) are associated with secondary malignancies. Currently, anticancer agents are categorized by their mechanism of action. As depicted in Figure 88–3, different agents work in different parts of the cell.15 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1397 Table 88–5 Selected National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria Toxicity Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 General Neutropenia Mild Lowest baseline: 1500/mm3 (1.5 × 109/L) Lowest baseline: 75,000/mm3 (75 × 109/L) Increase of less than four stools per day over baseline or mild increase in ostomy output compared to baseline Moderate < 1500–1000/mm3 (1.5–1 × 109/L) Severe < 1000–500/mm3 (1–0.5 × 109/L) Life-threatening < 500/mm3 (0.5 × 109/L) – < 75,000–50,000/mm3 (75–50 × 109/L) < 50,000–25,000/mm3 (50–25 × 109/L) < 25,000 mm3 (25 × 109/L) – Life-threatening consequences (eg, hemodynamic collapse); urgent intervention indicated Death Life-threatening consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated – Death Life-threatening consequences Death Thrombocytopenia Diarrhea Esophagitis Nausea Vomiting Increase of four to six Increase of greater than stools per day over or equal to seven stools baseline; moderate per day over baseline; increase in ostomy hospitalization; severe output compared with increase in ostomy baseline; limiting ADLs output compared with baseline; limiting self-care ADL Asymptomatic clinical Symptomatic altered Severely altered eating or diagnostic only; eating or swallowing; or swallowing; tube intervention not oral supplements feedings, or TPN or indicated indicated hospitalization indicated Loss of appetite Oral intake decreased Inadequate oral caloric without alteration in without significant or fluid intake; tube eating habits weight loss, feedings, TPN or dehydration, or hospitalization indicated malnutrition > 24 hours Intervention not Outpatient intravenous Tube feeding, TPN, or indicated hydration; medical hospitalization indicated intervention indicated – ADL, activity of daily living; IV, intravenous; TPN, total parenteral nutrition. National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis | CTEP. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE). Available from: (accessed October 14, 2020). Table 88–6 lists the currently FDA-approved anticancer drugs by drug class and name. The next section will describe the most commonly used anticancer agents or those with unique mechanisms of action. Antimetabolites: Pyrimidine Analogues ▶▶ 5-Fluorouracil and Capecitabine 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a fluorinated analogue of the pyrimidine uracil. Once administered, this prodrug is metabolized by Patient Encounter 1, Part 2 The decision to treat the patient with a systemic hormonal and chemotherapy regimen is made. He will be receiving the standard regimen of leuprolide 22.5 mg intramuscularly every 12 weeks indefinitely and docetaxel 75 mg/m2/day (intravenous) IV infusion over 60 minutes on day 1 every 21 days × six cycles. Before initiating this chemotherapy regimen in the patient, what patient-specific issues need to be addressed? What adverse effects will the patient likely experience with these two drugs? Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1397 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD). 5-Fluorouracil ultimately is metabolized to fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate (FdUMP), which interferes with the function of thymidylate synthase (TS), a requirement of thymidine synthesis. The triphosphate metabolite of 5-fluorouracil is incorporated into ribonucleic acid (RNA) to produce the second cytotoxic effect. Inhibition of TS occurs with the continuous infusion regimens, whereas the triphosphate form is associated with bolus administration. Capecitabine is an orally active prodrug of 5-fluorouracil and is enzymatically converted to 5-fluorouracil, sharing the same mechanism of action. Patients with a low activity of DPD appear to be at risk for life-threatening toxicities. Folates, such as leucovorin, increase the stability of FdUMP–TS inhibition and enhance the drug activity in certain cancers. These agents have clinical activity in several solid tumors and are frequently used to treat both breast and colon cancer. The most common toxicities include myelosuppression when administered by intravenous (IV) bolus and palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia, and diarrhea, when administered as continuous IV infusion or orally. Palmar– plantar erythrodysesthesia, also called hand–foot syndrome (HFS), refers to redness, itching, and blistering of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Patients should be counseled to notify the prescriber when this adverse effect occurs. Significant increases in international normalization ratio (INR) and prothrombin time may occur within several days when capecitabine is initiated in patients concomitantly receiving warfarin. The INR 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1398 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS 6-MERCAPTOPURINE 6-THIOGUANINE Purine synthesis Pyrimidine synthesis HYDROXYUREA Inhibits ribonucleotide reductase Inhibit purine ring biosynthesis 5-FLUOROURACIL Ribonucleotides Inhibit DNA synthesis Inhibits thymidylate synthesis PEMETREXED METHOTREXATE GEMCITABINE CYTARABINE FLUDARABINE 2-CHLORODEOXYADENOSINE CLOFARABINE Deoxyribonucleotides Inhibit dihydrofolate reduction, block thymidylate and purine synthesis Inhibits DNA synthesis CAMPTOTHECINS ETOPOSIDE TENIPOSIDE DAUNORUBICIN DOXORUBICIN PLATINUM ANALOGUES ALKYLATING AGENTS MITOMYCIN TEMOZOLOMIDE DNA Block topoisomerase function Form adducts with DNA L-ASPARAGINASE PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS ANTIBODIES RNA (transfer, messenger, ribosomal) Inhibits protein synthesis Block activities of signaling pathways IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS Block immune evasion HORMONE ANTAGONISTS Inhibit receptor function & expression Deaminates asparagine Proteins Enzymes Receptors Microtubules Response Differentiation to antigens Hormone receptors EPOTHILONES TAXANES VINCA ALKALOIDS ESTRAMUSTINE Inhibit function of microtubules ATRA ARSENIC TRIOXIDE HISTONE DEACETYLASE INHIBITORS Induce differentiation FIGURE 88–3. The mechanisms of action of commonly used antineoplastic agents. (Reproduced with permission from Wellstein A. General Principles of Chemotherapy. In: Brunton LL, Hilal-Dandan R, Knollman BC, eds. Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeutics, 13th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2017.) should be monitored closely or the patient may be switched to a low-molecular-weight heparin. Other drug interactions can also occur. Patients should be instructed to take capecitabine within 30 minutes after a meal to increase absorption of the drug. ▶▶ Cytarabine Cytarabine is a structural analogue of cytosine and is phosphorylated intracellularly to the active triphosphate form, which inhibits DNA polymerase. The triphosphate form also may be incorporated into DNA to result in chain termination to prevent DNA elongation. The drug may be administered as a low-dose continuous infusion, high-dose intermittent infusion, and into the subdural space via intrathecal or intraventricular administration. A liposomal formulation is also available for less frequent administration into the central nervous system (CNS). Cytarabine is eliminated by the kidneys with a renal clearance of 90 mL/min (1.5 mL/s). Cytarabine has shown efficacy in the treatment of acute leukemias and some lymphomas. The toxicities of cytarabine in high doses include myelosuppression; cerebellar syndrome (ie, nystagmus, dysarthria, and ataxia); and chemical conjunctivitis, an eye irritation that requires prophylaxis with steroid eye drops. The risk of neurotoxicity is increased with high doses (more than 1 g/m2), advanced age, and renal dysfunction. If cerebellar toxicity does occur, the drug needs to be discontinued Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1398 immediately, and decisions regarding further therapy need to be carefully considered.16 ▶▶ Gemcitabine Gemcitabine is a deoxycytidine analogue that is structurally related to cytarabine. Gemcitabine inhibits DNA polymerase activity and ribonucleotide reductase to result in DNA chain elongation. Gemcitabine has activity in several solid tumors and some lymphomas. The toxicities include myelosuppression; flulike syndrome with fevers during the first 24 hours after administration; rash that appears 48 to 72 hours after administration; and hemolytic uremic syndrome, a rare but life-threatening adverse effect. Patients should be counseled to use acetaminophen to treat the fevers during the first 24 hours; however, fevers occurring 7 to 10 days after gemcitabine are likely to be febrile neutropenia and need prompt treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics. ▶▶ Azacitidine and Decitabine Azacitidine and decitabine are nucleoside analogues approved for the treatment of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a hematopoietic disorder that can transform into acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Both of these agents cause cytotoxicity by directly incorporating in the DNA and inhibiting DNA methyltransferase, which causes hypomethylation of DNA. 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1399 Table 88–6 Anticancer Drugs Drug Class Alkylating agents Alkyl sulfonate Nitrogen mustards Nitrosoureas Nonclassical Platinum complexes Triazenes and hydrazine Anthracene derivatives Antitumor antibiotics Antimetabolites Cytidine deaminase inhibitor Folate Antagonists Purine analogs Pyrimidine analogs Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors Hormonal therapies Antiandrogens Androgen receptor antagonist Antiestrogens Aromatase inhibitors Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1399 Drug Name Busulfan Bendamustine Chlorambucil Cyclophosphamide Ifosfamide Melphalan Mechlorethamine Carmustine Lomustine Lurbinectedin Mitomycin C Thiotepa Trabectedin Carboplatin Cisplatin Oxaliplatin Dacarbazine Procarbazine Temozolomide Daunorubicin Doxorubicin Epirubicin Idarubicin Mitoxantrone Bleomycin Drug Class CYP17 inhibitor Luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone agonist Luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone antagonist Immunomodulatory agents Immunotherapy Cell-based immunotherapy CAR T cell Checkpoint inhibitors Miscellaneous immune therapies Microtubule-targeting agents Taxanes Vinca alkaloids Cedazuridine Methotrexate Pemetrexed Pralatrexate Cladribine Clofarabine Fludarabine 6-Mercaptopurine Pentostatin Thioguanine Azacitidine Capecitabine Cytarabine Decitabine 5-Fluorouracil Gemcitabine Nelarabine Trifluridine/(tipiracil)a Belinostat Panobinostat Romidepsin Tazemetostat Vorinostat Bicalutamide Flutamide Nilutamide Apalutamide Darolutamide Enzalutamide Raloxifene Tamoxifen Anastrozole Exemestane Letrozole Other Miscellaneous agents Monoclonal antibodies Drug Name Abiraterone acetate Goserelin Leuprolide Degarelix Lenalidomide Pomalidomide Thalidomide Sipuleucel-T Tisagenlecleucel Axicabtagene ciloleucel Brexucabtagene autoleucel Atezolizumab Avelumab Cemiplimab Durvalumab Ipilimumab Nivolumab Pembrolizumab Interferons Aldesleukin Cabazitaxel Docetaxel Paclitaxel Vinblastine Vincristine Vinorelbine Eribulin Estramustine Ixabepilone Asparaginase Arsenic trioxide Bexarotene Calaspargase pegol Hydroxyurea Liposome encapsulated doxorubicin-cytarabine Omacetaxine mepesuccinate Pegaspargase Tagraxofusp Tretinoin Ziv-aflibercept Alemtuzumab Bevacizumab Blinatumomab Cetuximab Daratumumab Dinutuximab Elotuzumab Emapalumab Isatuximab Mogamulizumab Obinutuzumab Ofatumumab Olaratumab Necitumumab Panitumumab Pertuzumab Ramucirumab Rituximab Tafasitamab Trastuzumab (Continued) 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1400 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS Table 88–6 Anticancer Drugs (Continued) Drug Class Antibody–drug conjugate Drug Name Drug Class Trastuzumab and hyaluronidase Ado-trastuzumab emtansine Brentuximab vedotin Belantamab mafodotin Fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan Inotuzumab ozogamicin Gemtuzumab ozogamicin Moxetumomab pasudotox Polatuzumab vedotin Sacituzumab govitecan Ibritumomab tiuxetan Hedgehog pathway inhibitors Antibody– radioimmunotherapy conjugate Topoisomerase inhibitors Camptothecin derivatives Irinotecan Topotecan Epipodophyllotoxins Etoposide Tyrosine kinase inhibitors Anaplastic lymphoma kinase Alectinib (ALK) Brigatinib Ceritinib Crizotinib Lorlatinib B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) Venetoclax BCR-ABL Bosutinib Dasatinib Imatinib Nilotinib Ponatinib BRAF Cobimetinib Dabrafenib Encorafenib Vemurafenib Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) Acalabrutinib Ibrutinib Zanubrutinib Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) Abemaciclib Palbociclib Ribociclib Epidermal growth factor Afatinib receptor (EGFR) Dacomitinib Erlotinib Gefitinib Osimertinib Vandetanib EGFR/HER2 Lapatinib Neratinib Tucatinib Drug Name Glasdegib Sonidegib Vismodegib Fibroblast growth factor Erdafitinib receptor (FGFR) Pemigatinib Isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 Enasidenib (IDH2) Ivosidenib Janus-associated kinase (JAK) Fedratinib Ruxolitinib Binimetinib Capmatinib Mitogen-activated extracellular Cobimetinib kinase (MEK) Selumetinib Trametinib Multikinase Axitinib Brigatinib Cabozantinib Gilteritinib Lenvatinib Midostaurin Pazopanib Pexidartinib Regorafenib Ripretinib Sorafenib Sunitinib Vandetanib Mammalian target of rapamycin Everolimus (mTOR) Temsirolimus Neurotrophic tyrosine receptor Entrectinib kinase (NTRK) Larotrectinib Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) Alpelisib Copanlisib Duvelisib Idelalisib Platelet-derived growth factor Avapritinib receptor (PDGFR) Pralsetinib Poly ADP ribose polymerase Niraparib (PARP) Olaparib Rucaparib Bortezomib Proteasome inhibitors Carfilzomib Ixazomib Selpercatinib RET tyrosine kinase (RET) Selinexor Selective inhibitor of nuclear export antagonist Tipiracil is a thymidine phosphorylase inhibitor used to increase bioavailability of trifluridine. a Hypomethylation of DNA appears to normalize the function of the genes that control cell differentiation and proliferation to promote normal cell maturation. Major side effects reported are myelosuppression and infections. Most recently an oral formulation of azacitidine was approved by the FDA.17,18 Additionally, a combination product of an oral formulation of decitabine, along with the cytidine deaminase inhibitor cedazuridine, was approved for use in MDS. Cedazuridine prevents the breakdown of decitabine, thereby increasing its bioavailability and efficacy. Adverse events of these oral hypomethylating agents are similar to their IV counterparts. Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1400 Antimetabolites: Purine Analogues ▶▶ Mercaptopurine 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) is an oral purine analogue that is converted to ribonucleotides that inhibit purine synthesis. Mercaptopurine is converted into thiopurine nucleotides, which are catabolized by thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT). TPMT is subject to genetic polymorphisms and may cause severe myelosuppression; therefore, TPMT status may be assessed before therapy to reduce drug-induced morbidity and the costs of hospitalizations for neutropenic events. 6-MP is used in the treatment 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1401 of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Significant side effects include myelosuppression, mild nausea, skin rash, cholestasis, and rarely, veno-occlusive disease. Mercaptopurine is metabolized by xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that is inhibited by allopurinol. This represents a major drug–drug interaction. To avoid toxicities of mercaptopurine when these drugs are used concomitantly, the dose of mercaptopurine must be reduced by 66% to 75%. ▶▶ Fludarabine Fludarabine is an analogue of the purine adenine. It interferes with DNA polymerase to cause chain termination and inhibits transcription by its incorporation into RNA. Fludarabine is dephosphorylated rapidly and converted to 2-fluoro-Ara-AMP (2-FLAA), which enters the cells and is phosphorylated to 2-fluoro-Ara-ATP, which is cytotoxic. Fludarabine is used in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), some lymphomas, and refractory AML. Significant and prolonged myelosuppression may occur, along with immunosuppression, so patients are susceptible to opportunistic infections. Prophylactic antibiotics and antivirals are recommended until cluster of differentiation (CD) 4 counts return to normal. Mild nausea and vomiting and diarrhea have been observed. Rarely, interstitial pneumonitis has occurred. Antimetabolites: Folate Antagonists Folates carry one-carbon groups in transfer reactions required for purine and thymidylic acid synthesis. Dihydrofolate reductase is the enzyme responsible for supplying reduced folates intracellularly for thymidylate and purine synthesis. ▶▶ Methotrexate Methotrexate inhibits dihydrofolate reductase of both malignant and nonmalignant cells. When high doses of methotrexate are given, the “rescue drug” leucovorin, a reduced folate, is administered to bypass the methotrexate inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase of normal cells and is usually initiated 24 hours after methotrexate administration. This is done to prevent potentially fatal myelosuppression and mucositis. For safety purposes, the term folinic acid, another term used for leucovorin, should not be used because of the potential for a medication error in which folic acid might be given instead. Methotrexate concentrations should be monitored to determine when to stop leucovorin administration. Generally, leucovorin administration may be stopped when methotrexate concentrations decrease to 5 × 10−8 M, although this may vary by the chemotherapy regimen. Higher doses of methotrexate may place an individual at risk for methotrexate to crystallize in the acidic environment of the urine, often resulting in acute renal failure and decreased methotrexate clearance. Administration of IV hydration with sodium bicarbonate to maintain urinary pH greater than or equal to 7 is necessary to prevent methotrexate-induced renal dysfunction. Methotrexate is eliminated by tubular secretion; therefore, concomitant drugs (eg, probenecid, salicylates, penicillin G, and ketoprofen) that may inhibit or compete for tubular secretion should be avoided. Methotrexate doses must be adjusted for renal dysfunction and close monitoring of methotrexate concentrations is advised. In patients with toxic levels of methotrexate (> 1 μmol/L) because of impaired renal function, the antidote glucarpidase can be administered. However, efficacy can be compromised so it is not used in patients with normal or slightly elevated levels. Side effects of methotrexate Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1401 include myelosuppression, nausea and vomiting, and mucositis. Methotrexate may also be administered via the intrathecal route or via an Ommaya reservoir in very low doses as small as 12 mg, so it is crucial for the clinician to know the correct dose by the correct route in order to avoid substantial toxicity. The methotrexate used for intrathecal and intraventricular injection must be preservative-free to prevent CNS toxicity. ▶▶ Pemetrexed Pemetrexed inhibits four pathways in thymidine and purine synthesis. Pemetrexed has shown activity in the treatment of mesothelioma and non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Side effects include myelosuppression, rash, diarrhea, and nausea and vomiting. Patients should receive folic acid and cyanocobalamin to reduce bone marrow toxicity and diarrhea. Doses of folic acid of at least 400 mcg/day starting 7 days before treatment and continuing throughout therapy, as well as for 21 days after the last pemetrexed dose, have been used.18 Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg is given intramuscularly the week before pemetrexed and then every three cycles thereafter. Dexamethasone 4 mg twice daily the day before, the day of, and the day after pemetrexed administration helps to decrease the incidence and severity of rash. Microtubule-Targeting Agents ▶▶ Vinca Alkaloids (Vincristine, Vinblastine, and Vinorelbine) The vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine, and vinorelbine) are derived from the periwinkle (vinca) plant and cause cytotoxicity by binding to tubulin, disrupting the normal balance between polymerization and depolymerization of microtubules, and inhibiting the assembly of microtubules, which interferes with the formation of the mitotic spindle. As a result, cells are arrested during the metaphase of mitosis. The vinca alkaloids are used in several malignancies, primarily hematologic. Even though these agents have similar structures, the incidence and severity of toxicities vary. The dose-limiting toxicity of vincristine is neurotoxicity, which can consist of depressed tendon reflexes, paresthesias of the fingers and toes, toxicity to the cranial nerves, or autonomic neuropathy (constipation or ileus, abdominal pain, and/or orthostatic hypotension). In contrast, the dose-limiting toxicity associated with vinorelbine and vinblastine is myelosuppression. All of the vinca alkaloids are vesicants and can cause tissue damage; therefore, extravasation needs to be prevented. Biliary excretion accounts for a significant portion of elimination of vincristine and its metabolites, so doses need to be adjusted for obstructive liver disease. Vincristine, vinblastine, and vinorelbine have similar sounding names, which is a potential cause of medication errors. As with all chemotherapy prescribing, dispensing, and administration, the clinician must be very careful with sound-alike, lookalike medications. Unfortunately, vincristine has been involved in numerous cases of fatal chemotherapy errors, including inadvertent intrathecal administration. When administered intrathecally, widespread tissue damage and potentially deaths can occur. An example of a strategy that health systems can use to decrease the likelihood of an error such as this is for the pharmacy to only dispense vincristine in a mini-bag for IV administration. Many clinicians cap IV vincristine doses at 2 mg to prevent severe neuropathic side effects; however, if the intent of chemotherapy is curative, the vincristine dose may be dosed above the 2-mg cap.19 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1406 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS vector containing anti-CD19 CAR transgene. The transduced T cells are then expanded and formulated into a suspension that is cryopreserved. Once passing a sterility test, it is shipped back in a patient-specific infusion bag to the institution for administration. Axicabtagene ciloleucel is approved for large B-cell lymphoma; brexucabtagene autoleucel is approved for mantle cell lymphoma; and tisagenlecleucel is approved for us in ALL and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The most common side effect is a cytokinerelease syndrome (CRS), which can be fatal. CRS occurs when the cytokines are released by activated T cells, producing a systemic inflammatory response. Patients may initially present with a lowgrade fever, fatigue, and anorexia which can quickly progress to high fever, hypoxia, and organ failure. Immediate identification and treatment is necessary to prevent death. Another potentially serious side effect is neurotoxicity which often manifests within 4 to 10 days and can be mild such as headache and dizziness but can progress to delirium, aphasia, seizures, and encephalopathy. NCCN has guidelines on monitoring and treating CRS, neurologic symptoms, and other CAR T-cell therapy toxicities.25 Other side effects include decreased appetite, headache, nausea/vomiting, infections, and diarrhea. Many monoclonal antibodies now have biosimilar products approved in the United States for cancer treatment. A biosimilar is a type of biological product that is highly similar to the originator product and is expected to have no meaningful clinical difference. They are thought to be interchangeable from the innovator product. New biologics approved by the FDA now have a four-letter suffix to differentiate innovator and biosimilar products. Monoclonal Antibodies Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which prevents it from binding to its receptors, ultimately resulting in inhibition of angiogenesis. Bevacizumab has shown clinical activity in the treatment of breast, colorectal, glioblastoma, gynecologic, head and neck, kidney, and lung cancer. Patients treated with bevacizumab products may develop hypertension requiring chronic medication during therapy. Impaired wound healing, thromboembolic events, proteinuria, bleeding, and bowel perforation are serious side effects that occur with this drug. The cell surface contains molecules, which are referred to as CD. The antibodies are produced against a specific antigen. When administered, usually by an IV injection, the antibody binds to the antigen, which may trigger the immune system to result in cell death through complement-mediated cellular toxicity, or the antigen–antibody cell complex may be internalized to the cancer cell, which results in cell death. Monoclonal antibodies may also carry radioactivity, sometimes referred to as hot antibodies, and are referred to as radioimmunotherapy, so the radioactivity is delivered to the cancer cell. Antibodies that contain no radioactivity are referred to as cold antibodies. All monoclonal antibodies end in the suffix -mab. The syllable before -mab indicates the source of the monoclonal antibody (Table 88–7).26 When administering an antibody for the first time, one should consider the source. The less humanized an antibody, the greater the chance for the patient to have an allergic-type reaction to the antibody. The more humanized the antibody, the lower the risk of a reaction. The severity of the reactions may range from fever and chills to life-threatening allergic reactions. Premedication with acetaminophen and diphenhydramine is common before the first dose of any antibody. If a severe reaction occurs, the infusion should be stopped and the patient treated with antihistamines, corticosteroids, or other supportive measures. Table 88–7 Syllable Source Indicators for Monoclonal Antibodiesa U O Xi Axo Xizu Human Mouse Chimeric: A cross between humanized and animal source Rat/mouse hybrid Combination of humanized and chimeric chains These letters appear before mab, which stands for monoclonal antibody. Data from American Medical Association. Monoclonal Antibodies. Available from: wp-content/uploads/2017/07/INN-2017-Reference-20.pdf (accessed October 10, 2020). a Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1406 ▶▶ Alemtuzumab Alemtuzumab is an antibody to the CD52 receptor present on B and T lymphocytes. Alemtuzumab has shown clinical activity in the treatment of CLL. Severe and prolonged (6 months) immunosuppression may result, which necessitates Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP) prophylaxis and antifungal and antiviral prophylaxis to prevent opportunistic infections. Infusion-related reactions typically occur with the first dose and can be severe. Premedication with antihistamines and acetaminophen is recommended. SC administration will also alleviate the severity of infusion reactions. ▶▶ ▶▶ Bevacizumab Blinatumomab Blinatumomab is a bispecific CD19-directed CD3 T-cell therapy. It activates T cells by connecting the CD3 antigen in the receptor complex with the CD19 surface antigen on both benign and malignant B cells, activating inflammatory cytokine release and T-cell proliferation resulting in apoptosis of CD19+ cells. It is effective in patients with Philadelphia negative B-cell precursor ALL. Common side effects include pyrexia, neutropenia, infections, and infusion-related reactions. Patients should receive dexamethasone before infusion and when restarting an infusion if interrupted for more than 4 hours. Rare but serious side effects include CRS and neurologic toxicity, such as paresthesia, confusion, dizziness, and tremor. Thus, patients are typically hospitalized for the first cycle and first 2 days of the second cycle. Medication errors can occur when preparing and administering blinatumomab because preparation instructions are more complicated than most other IV drugs. Doses are based on weight, dose, and duration of infusion. Additionally, specific instructions for use of an IV solution stabilizer are provided rather than mixing with the drug for reconstitution and the volume for infusion. ▶▶ Cetuximab, Necitumumab, and Panitumumab Cetuximab is a chimeric antibody that binds to the EGFR to block its stimulation. Panitumumab binds to the EGFR to prevent receptor autophosphorylation and activation of receptorassociated kinases, which results in inhibition of cell growth and induction of apoptosis. Necitumumab is an anti-EGFR recombinant human monoclonal antibody. Cetuximab has shown clinical activity in the treatment of colorectal and head and neck cancers, necitumumab in non–small cell lung cancer, and panitumumab 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1402 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS ▶▶ Taxanes (Cabazitaxel, Docetaxel, Nanoparticle Albumin-Bound Paclitaxel, and Paclitaxel) Taxane plant alkaloids are similar to the vinca alkaloids, exhibiting cytotoxicity during the M phase of the cell cycle by binding to tubulin. Unlike the vinca alkaloids, however, the taxanes do not interfere with tubulin assembly. Rather, the taxanes promote microtubule assembly and inhibit microtubule disassembly. Once the microtubules are polymerized, the taxanes stabilize against depolymerization. Hepatic metabolism and biliary excretion account for the majority of paclitaxel’s elimination. Paclitaxel has demonstrated activity in several solid tumors. The diluent for paclitaxel, Cremophor EL, is composed of ethanol and castor oil. Infusions must be prepared and administered in non– polyvinyl chloride–containing bags and tubing, and solutions must be filtered. Patients receive dexamethasone, diphenhydramine, and an histamine (H)2 blocker to prevent hypersensitivity reactions caused by Cremophor EL. Patients also may have asymptomatic bradycardia during the infusion. Approximately 3 to 5 days after administration, patients may complain of myalgias and arthralgias that may last several days. Myelosuppression, flushing, neuropathy, ileus, and total-body alopecia are other common side effects. Because paclitaxel is a substrate for cytochrome P450 (CYP)-3A4, patients receiving phenytoin (a strong CYP3A4 inducer) had lower steady-state concentration of paclitaxel than patients not receiving phenytoin and this combination should be avoided. In addition, paclitaxel clearance is decreased by 33% when it was administered after cisplatin, so for regimens containing both agents, paclitaxel is administered before cisplatin. A nanoparticle albumin-bound nab-paclitaxel product is also available for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer resistant to conventional chemotherapy. The nab-paclitaxel formulation uses nanotechnology to combine human albumin with paclitaxel allowing for the delivery of an insoluble drug in the form of nanoparticles. This unique formulation allows for an increased bioavailability and higher intracellular concentrations of the drug. It does not have the serious hypersensitivity reactions encountered with paclitaxel solubilized in Cremophor EL, so premedication with H1 and H2 blockers and steroids is not necessary. Also, a significantly lower incidence of severe neutropenia occurs with nab-paclitaxel. The dose is infused over 30 minutes and does not require a special IV bag, tubing, or filter. The dosing of this product is also different from that of the original paclitaxel and the formulation needs to be clearly indicated when prescribed. The pharmacokinetics of the albumin-bound paclitaxel displays a higher clearance and larger volume of distribution than paclitaxel. The drug is eliminated primarily via fecal excretion. Bone marrow suppression, neuropathy, ileus, arthralgias, and myalgias still occur. Docetaxel has activity in the treatment of several solid tumors. Dexamethasone, 8 mg twice daily for 3 days starting the day before treatment, is used to prevent the fluid-retention syndrome associated with docetaxel and possible hypersensitivity reactions. The fluid-retention syndrome is characterized by edema and weight gain that is unresponsive to diuretic therapy and is associated with cumulative doses greater than 800 mg/m2. Myelosuppression, alopecia, and neuropathy are other side effects associated with docetaxel treatment. Cabazitaxel is a newer taxane used in combination with prednisone for the treatment of metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Cabazitaxel has shown to have similar adverse effects as paclitaxel and docetaxel. Premedication with an antihistamine, Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1402 corticosteroid, and H2 antagonist to prevent hypersensitivity reactions is required. ▶▶ Eribulin Eribulin mesylate is a nontaxane microtubule dynamics inhibitor. It is a synthetic analogue of halichondrin B, which is a product isolated from the sea sponge Halichondria okadai. While taxanes inhibit cell division by stabilizing microtubules, eribulin arrests the cell cycle through inhibition of the growth phase of microtubules without interfering with microtubule shortening. The cytotoxicity results from its effects via a tubulin-based antimitotic mechanism, resulting in G2/M cell cycle arrest and mitotic blockage. Apoptotic cell death results from prolonged mitotic blockage. Eribulin mesylate is an IV medication that is specifically indicated for the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer and liposarcoma. The most common adverse effects reported are neutropenic fever, anemia, asthenia or fatigue, alopecia, peripheral neuropathy, nausea, and constipation. Eribulin has been reported to cause significant neutropenia and QTc interval prolongation. It has vesicant properties. Dosages should be adjusted in renal and hepatic impairment. ▶▶ Ixabepilone Ixabepilone, an epothilone analogue, binds to β-tubulin subunits on microtubules, which results in suppression of microtubule dynamics. Ixabepilone is primarily eliminated by the liver by oxidation through the CYP3A4 system. Ixabepilone, in combination with capecitabine or alone if resistant to capecitabine, is indicated for the treatment of metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer. Studies have shown a possible synergy when used in combination with capecitabine. Side effects include hypersensitivity reactions, myelosuppression, and peripheral neuropathy. To minimize the occurrence of hypersensitivity reactions, patients must receive both H1 and H2 antagonists before therapy. If a reaction still occurs, corticosteroids should be added to the premedications. Topoisomerase Inhibitors Topoisomerase is responsible for relieving the pressure on the DNA structure during unwinding by producing strand breaks. Topoisomerase I produces single-strand breaks, whereas topoisomerase II produces double-strand breaks. ▶▶ Epipodophyllotoxins (Etoposide) Etoposide is a semisynthetic podophyllotoxin derivative that inhibits topoisomerase II, causing multiple DNA double-strand breaks. Etoposide has shown activity in the treatment of several types of lymphoma, testicular and lung cancer, retinoblastoma, and carcinoma of unknown primary. Oral bioavailability is approximately 50%, so oral dosages are approximately two times those of IV doses. It should be slowly administered to prevent hypotension. Side effects include mucositis, myelosuppression, alopecia, phlebitis, hypersensitivity reactions, and secondary leukemias. Hypersensitivity reactions are caused by the solubilizing agents, polysorbate 80 and may be life-threatening. ▶▶ Camptothecin Derivatives (Irinotecan and Topotecan) Irinotecan and topotecan, both camptothecins, inhibit the topoisomerase I enzyme to interfere with DNA synthesis through the active metabolite SN-38. Topoisomerase I enzymes stabilize DNA single-strand breaks and inhibit strand resealing. Irinotecan has 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1403 shown activity in the treatment of cancers of the colon, rectum, cervix, and lung. Irinotecan-induced diarrhea is a serious complication and may be life-threatening. One form of diarrhea (early) can occur during or immediately after the infusion. This is a result of a cholinergic process in which the patient may experience facial flushing, diaphoresis, and abdominal cramping. IV atropine should be administered to treat diarrhea that occurs any time during the first 24 hours of administration. Another form of diarrhea (late) can occur several days after administration and can result in severe dehydration. This adverse effect should be treated immediately with loperamide at a dosage of 2 mg every 2 hours or 4 mg every 4 hours until diarrhea has stopped for 12 hours. Other side effects include myelosuppression, fatigue, and alopecia. Individuals homozygous for UGT1A1*28 have an increased risk of febrile neutropenia and diarrhea and should be considered for an empiric dose reduction of one level; heterozygotes should receive closer monitoring, including more frequent CBCs to detect myelosuppression. Topotecan has shown clinical activity in the treatment of ovarian and lung cancer, MDS, and AML. The IV infusion may be scheduled daily for 5 days or once weekly. Side effects include myelosuppression, mucositis, and diarrhea. Diarrhea is less common than with irinotecan. Anthracene Derivatives ▶▶ Daunorubicin, Doxorubicin, Idarubicin, and Epirubicin Anthracyclines (daunorubicin, doxorubicin, idarubicin, and epirubicin) are also referred to as antitumor antibiotics or topoisomerase inhibitors when considering their mechanism of action. All of the anthracyclines contain a four-membered anthracene ring, a chromophore, with an attached sugar portion. This chromophore results in red-orange urine after administration, which is an important counseling point for patients. Free radicals formed from the anthracyclines combine with oxygen to form superoxide, which can make hydrogen peroxide. These agents are able to insert between base pairs of DNA to cause structural changes in DNA. However, the primary mechanism of cytotoxicity appears to be the inhibition of topoisomerase II. These drugs are widely used in a variety of cancers. Oxygen-free-radical formation is a cause of cardiac damage and extravasation injury, which is common with these drugs. The anthracyclines can cause cardiac toxicity as manifested by a congestive heart failure or cardiomyopathy symptomatology, alopecia, nausea or vomiting, mucositis, myelosuppression, and urinary discoloration. These drugs are vesicants. To reduce the risk of cardiotoxicity associated with doxorubicin, the maximum lifetime cumulative dose is 550 mg/m2; similarly, the other anthracyclines have maximum lifetime cumulative doses. Ventricular ejection fractions should be measured before therapy and periodically if therapy is continued. Therapy should be halted if there is a 10% to 20% decrease from baseline in ejection fraction. Patients at increased risk of cardiotoxicity include patients reaching the upper limit of cumulative lifetime dose; those taking concomitant or previous cardiotoxic drugs, concurrent paclitaxel, or bolus administration; patients with preexisting cardiac disease or mediastinal radiation; and the very young and elderly. Cardioprotectants (eg, dexrazoxane) have been used to decrease risk in some cases. Clinical guidelines for cardioprotective agents’ use are available.20 Liposomal doxorubicin is an irritant, not a vesicant, and is dosed differently from doxorubicin and formulation must be clearly specified when prescribing. Liposomal doxorubicin may Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1403 also be less cardiotoxic than doxorubicin. Liposomal doxorubicin has significant activity in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer along with multiple myeloma (MM) and Kaposi sarcoma. Side effects include mucositis, myelosuppression, alopecia, and palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia. Liposomal daunorubicin is also available but only in a combination product with liposomal cytarabine used in the treatment of AML. This product uses a synergistic ratio of daunorubicin to cytarabine (1:5) in a liposomal formulation to enhance exposure within the bone marrow. The dosing of this drug is different than traditional daunorubicin and cytarabine. ▶▶ Mitoxantrone Mitoxantrone is a royal blue–colored anthracenedione that inhibits DNA topoisomerase II. Mitoxantrone has clinical activity in the treatment of acute leukemias, breast and prostate cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphomas with myelosuppression, mucositis, nausea and vomiting, and cardiac toxicity its major adverse effect. The total cumulative dose limit is 160 mg/m2 for patients who have not received prior anthracycline or mediastinal radiation. Patients with prior doxorubicin or daunorubicin therapy should not receive a cumulative dose greater than 120 mg/m2 of mitoxantrone. Patients should be counseled that their urine will turn a blue-green color. Alkylating Agents Although still widely used for many malignancies, the alkylating agents are the oldest class of anticancer drugs. The agents cause cytotoxicity via transfer of their alkyl groups to nucleophilic groups of proteins and nucleic acids. The major site of alkylation within DNA is the N7 position of guanine, although alkylation does occur to a lesser degree at other bases. These interactions can either occur on a single strand of DNA (monofunctional agents) or on both strands of DNA through a cross-link (bifunctional agents), which leads to strand breaks. The major toxicities of the alkylating agents are myelosuppression, alopecia, nausea or vomiting, sterility or infertility, and secondary malignancies. ▶▶ Nitrogen Mustards (Cyclophosphamide and Ifosfamide) Cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide are bifunctional alkylating agents with similar adverse effects and activity and are used in a variety of solid and hematologic cancers. Both are prodrugs, requiring activation by mixed hepatic oxidase enzymes to phosphoramide and ifosfamide mustard. During the activation process, additional byproducts (acrolein and chloroacetaldehyde) are formed. Acrolein has no cytotoxic activity but is responsible for the hemorrhagic cystitis associated with ifosfamide and high-dose cyclophosphamide. Acrolein produces cystitis by directly binding to the bladder wall. Prophylaxis is necessary with aggressive hydration, administration of 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate sodium (mesna, which binds to and inactivates acrolein in the bladder), frequent voiding, and monitoring in patients receiving ifosfamide and high-dose cyclophosphamide. Patients should be counseled to drink plenty of fluids; void frequently; and report any hematuria, irritation, or flank pain. Dosing regimens of mesna range from an equal milligram dose to the ifosfamide mixed in the same IV bag to 20% of the dose administered before ifosfamide and 20% of the dose repeated at 4 and 8 hours after the ifosfamide dose. 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1404 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS Chloroacetaldehyde, a metabolite of ifosfamide, can result in encephalopathy, especially in patients with renal dysfunction or advanced age. This adverse effect can occur within 48 to 72 hours of administration and is usually reversible. ▶▶ Busulfan Busulfan is an alkylating agent that forms DNA–DNA and DNA– protein cross-links to inhibit DNA replication. Oral busulfan is well absorbed, has a terminal half-life of 2 to 2.5 hours, and is eliminated primarily by hepatic metabolism. It is also available in an IV formulation, which is commonly used for high doses, to reduce pill burden. Busulfan has significant clinical activity in the treatment of AML and CML and has been used as a conditioning regimen before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Side effects include bone marrow suppression; hyperpigmentation of skin creases; and rarely, pulmonary fibrosis. High doses used for HSCT preparatory regimens can cause severe nausea and vomiting, tonic–clonic seizures, and sinusoidal obstruction syndrome and require anticonvulsant prophylaxis. A discussion of busulfan adaptive dosing can be found in Chapter 98. ▶▶ Nitrosoureas (Carmustine and Lomustine) Carmustine (BCNU) and lomustine (CCNU) are lipophilic nitrosureas that can cross the blood–brain barrier. Carmustine may be administered IV or as a biodegradable wafer formulation that is implanted during surgical resection of brain tumors. Lomustine is available in an oral formulation. Carmustine has shown clinical activity in the treatment of lymphoma, MM, and brain tumors. Lomustine has shown clinical activity in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and brain tumors. Side effects include myelosuppression, severe nausea and vomiting, and pulmonary fibrosis with long-term therapy. ▶▶ Nonclassic Alkylating Agents (Dacarbazine and Temozolomide) Although the exact mechanism of action remains unclear, dacarbazine and temozolomide appear to inhibit DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. Dacarbazine is used to treat melanoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and soft tissue sarcomas. Side effects include myelosuppression, severe nausea and vomiting, and a flu-like syndrome that starts about 7 days after treatment and lasts 1 to 3 weeks. Temozolomide is a well-absorbed orally active agent that also crosses the blood–brain barrier. Temozolomide is converted via pH-dependent hydrolysis to the active metabolite 5-(3-methyltriazeno)-imidazole-4-carboxamide. Temozolomide may be used in the treatment of melanoma, refractory anaplastic astrocytoma, and glioblastoma multiforme. Nausea may be minimized by administering the drug at bedtime. Because patients receiving temozolomide may have confusion secondary to their brain tumors and dosing can consist of multiple capsule sizes, care must be taken by all providers to simplify regimens to prevent chemotherapy overdose.21 ▶▶ Procarbazine Although the exact mechanism of action of procarbazine is unknown, it does inhibit DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. Procarbazine is used most often in the treatment of lymphoma. Myelosuppression is the major side effect. Nausea, vomiting, and a flu-like syndrome occur initially with therapy. Patients must be counseled to avoid tyramine-rich foods because procarbazine is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Patients should be Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1404 provided a list of foods and beverages to avoid a hypertensive crisis. A disulfiram-like reaction can occur with the ingestion of alcohol. Heavy Metal Compounds Platinum drugs form reactive platinum complexes that bind to cells, so the pharmacokinetics of the individual drug may be of the platinum, both free and bound, rather than of the parent drug. ▶▶ Cisplatin Cisplatin forms inter- and intrastrand DNA cross-links to inhibit DNA synthesis. Cisplatin has clinical activity in the treatment of numerous tumor types and remains front-line therapy for lung and ovarian cancers. Cisplatin is highly emetogenic, even when low doses are given daily for 5 days, and causes delayed nausea and vomiting as well; patients require aggressive antiemetic regimens for both delayed and acute emesis. Significant nephrotoxicity and electrolyte abnormalities can occur if inadequate hydration occurs. Ototoxicity, which manifests as a highfrequency hearing loss, and a glove-and-stocking neuropathy may limit therapy. ▶▶ Carboplatin Carboplatin has the same mechanism of action as cisplatin; however, its side effects are similar but less intense than those of cisplatin. Many chemotherapy regimens dose carboplatin based on an area under the curve (AUC), also called the Calvert equation. According to the Calvert equation for adults, the dose in milligrams of carboplatin = (creatinine clearance [CrCl] + 25) × AUC desired, where CrCl is expressed in mL/min.22 Carboplatin has shown clinical activity in the treatment of several solid tumors and lymphoma. Thrombocytopenia, nausea and vomiting, and hypersensitivity reactions are common adverse effects. ▶▶ Oxaliplatin Oxaliplatin is commonly used to treat colorectal cancer. Its adverse effect profile is similar to cisplatin with hypersensitivity reactions and moderate nausea and vomiting commonly observed.23 In addition, oxaliplatin can cause cold-induced neuropathy. Patients should be counseled to avoid cold beverages, to use gloves to remove items from the freezer, and to wear protective clothing in cold climates for the first week after treatment. A glove-and-stocking neuropathy also occurs with long-term administration. Miscellaneous Agents ▶▶ Bleomycin Bleomycin is a mixture of peptides with drug activity expressed in units, where 1 U equals to 1 mg. Bleomycin causes DNA strand breakage. Bleomycin has activity in testicular cancer and malignant effusions, squamous cell carcinomas of the skin, and Kaposi sarcoma. Hypersensitivity reactions and fever may occur, so premedication with acetaminophen may be required. The most serious side effect of bleomycin is pulmonary toxicity that presents as a pneumonitis with a dry cough, dyspnea, rales, and infiltrates. Pulmonary function studies show decreased carbon monoxide diffusing capacity and restrictive ventilatory changes. “Bleomycin lung” is associated with cumulative dosing greater than 400 U and occurs rarely with a total dose of 150 U and is potentiated by thoracic radiation and by hyperoxia. Additional side effects include fever with or without chills, mild-to-moderate alopecia, and nausea and vomiting. 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1405 Bleomycin is also used to manage malignant plural effusions at doses of 15 to 60 U through installation into the affected area. The drainage tube of the effusion is clamped off for some period of time after administration of bleomycin and then the amount of drainage is monitored to determine efficacy of the treatment.23 ▶▶ Hydroxyurea Hydroxyurea is an oral drug that inhibits ribonucleotide reductase, which converts ribonucleotides into the deoxyribonucleotides used in DNA synthesis and repair. Hydroxyurea has activity in CML, polycythemia vera, sickle cell disease, and thrombocytosis. The major side effects are myelosuppression, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. Rash, mucositis, and renal tubular dysfunction occur rarely. ▶▶ l-Asparaginase l-Asparaginase is an enzyme that may be produced by Escherichia coli. Asparaginase hydrolyzes the reaction of asparagine to aspartic acid and ammonia to deplete lymphoid cells of asparagine, which inhibits protein synthesis. l-Asparaginase has activity in ALL and childhood AML. Severe allergic reactions may occur when the interval between doses is 7 days or greater, so while a skin test result may be negative, patients should be observed closely after asparaginase administration. If the patient suffers an allergic reaction to l-asparaginase, alternatively formulated agents, such as pegaspargase or calaspargase pegol, may be given. These drugs include l-asparaginase modified through a linkage with polyethylene glycol or monomethoxypolyethylene glycol, respectively, which extends the half-life and allows for lower doses and less-frequent administration. Cost and limited availability limit their use in the front line setting. ▶▶ Tretinoin Tretinoin, also referred to as all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), is used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). ATRA is a retinoic acid that is not cytotoxic but promotes the maturation of early promyelocytic cells that have the charatersitic t(15;17) translocation. A severe side effect of ATRA is retinoic acid syndrome, which may occur anytime during treatment and consists of fever, respiratory distress, and hypotension. Chest radiographs are consistent with a pneumonia-like process and it is important to differentiate pneumonia from APL syndrome, as the treatment for retinoic acid syndrome is dexamethasone 10 mg IV every 12 hours, which may be detrimental to administer to a neutropenic patient with pneumonia. ▶▶ Immunomodulatory Agents (Thalidomide, Lenalidomide, and Pomalidomide) Thalidomide was initially approved in Europe on October 1, 1957, as a sedative–hypnotic. Some children born to women who had taken thalidomide were born with severe limb deformities (phocomelia) which led to its removal from the market. Thalidomide was subsequently identified an angiogenesis inhibitor, with clinical activity in the treatment of MM. Patients receiving thalidomide are enrolled in the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) program and counseled on the risks of phocomelia should they become pregnant. Common adverse effects include somnolence, constipation, peripheral neuropathy, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Recommendations for DVT prophylaxis for all thalidomides is based upon a risk-assessment model whereby prophylaxis with low-molecularweight heparin or dose-adjusted warfarin is recommended for high-risk patients and aspirin for low-risk patients.24 Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1405 Lenalidomide is approved for the treatment of MDS when the 5q deletion is present and MM. Because lenalidomide is an analogue of thalidomide, all of the same precautions must be taken to prevent phocomelia. However, lenalidomide has fewer adverse effects than thalidomide. Dosing adjustments are necessary for renal dysfunction. Other side effects are neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, DVT, and pulmonary embolus. Pomalidomide is also used in treatment of refractory or progressive MM and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Similar precautions to prevent phocomelia are also required. Adverse effects include myelosuppression and infections. The use of the immunomodulatory agents in the treatment of MM is discussed thoroughly in Chapter 96. ▶▶ Omacetaxine Mepesuccinate Omacetaxine mepesuccinate is an alkaloid from Cephalotaxus harringtonia. The agent reversibly inhibits protein synthesis, causing cell death in both malignant and nonmalignant cells. It is a subcutaneous (SC) injection and is indicated for the treatment of CML patients (including those patients with the T315I mutation) showing resistance and/or intolerance to two or more tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). The most common nonhematological adverse effects are gastrointestinal (GI) disruption, fatigue, and hyperglycemia. Rare but serious adverse reactions include febrile neutropenia, infections, and cerebral hemorrhage. ▶▶ Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitors (Belinostat, Panobinostat, Romidepsin, Tazemetostat, and Vorinostat) Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors agents catalyze the removal of acetyl groups from acetylated lysine residues in histones, resulting in the modulation of gene expression. Belinostat, romidepsin, and vorinostat are used for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; panobinostat for MM; and tazemetostat for epithelioid sarcoma and follicular lymphoma. Panobinostat, tazemetostat, and vorinostat are orally available agents, and belinostat and romidepsin are only available in an IV formulation. These drugs are metabolized by CYP3A4 and have potential drug interactions strong CYP3A inducers and inhibitors. Side effects include fatigue, myelosuppression, and GI toxicities. Tazemetostat and vorinostat are associated with hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperglycemia. Despite anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia, patients receiving vorinostat have developed pulmonary embolism and DVT while on therapy. Panobinostat carries a boxed warning for severe diarrhea (occurring in 25% of patients) and cardiac events, severe arrhythmia and electrocardiogram changes that can be exacerbated by electrolyte abnormalities. Tazemetostat has a risk of a developing a second primary hematologic malignancy. Immunotherapy ▶▶ Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapies (Axicabtagene ciloleucel, Brexucabtagene autoleucel, Tisagenlecleucel) One of the newer immunotherapy classes is the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies that are autologous T-cell immunotherapies comprising T cells that are genetically modified using a vector to encode an anti-CD19 CAR. Axicabtagene ciloleucel, brexucabtagene autoleucel and tisagenlecleucel are prepared from the patient’s own peripheral mononuclear cells, which are obtained through a leukapheresis procedure.18 The cells are sent to a laboratory whereby they are enriched with the lentiviral 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1407 in colorectal cancers. Tumors that have RAS mutations do not respond to treatment with cetuximab or panitumumab; therefore, tumors should be tested for RAS mutations before initiating therapy. An acne-like rash may appear on the face and upper torso 1 to 3 weeks after the start of therapy. Preventive therapies with topical corticosteroids with moisturizer, sunscreen, and oral doxycycline are recommended. Other side effects include hypersensitivity reactions, fever, nausea and vomiting, and interstitial lung disease. Electrolyte disturbances, such as hypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia, can occur; these are more common with necitumumab and panitumumab. ▶▶ Daratumumab and Isatuximab Daratumumab and isatuximab are monoclonal antibodies to the CD38 receptor, highly expressed on myeloma cells and weakly on other hematopoietic stem cells. They are used in patients with MM. Infusion-related reactions are common so patients must be pretreated with acetaminophen, an antihistamine, and IV methylprednisolone. Additionally, with daratumumab, an oral corticosteroid is administered for each of the 2 days following infusion to prevent delayed reactions. Also, these drugs also interact with cross matching and red blood cell antibody screening, by causing a positive indirect Coombs test that can persist for 6 months after discontinuation of therapy. Thus, patients should be typed and screened before therapy, and blood banks should be informed when a patient has received either of these drugs. ▶▶ Elotuzumab Elotuzumab is a humanized recombinant monoclonal antibody that specifically targets signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 7 protein. It works by directly activating natural killer cells to mediate the killing of myeloma cells through antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Premedications to prevent infusion-related reactions should include dexamethasone, H1 blocker, H2 blocker, and acetaminophen. The most common side effects are fatigue, diarrhea, pyrexia, constipation, and cough. ▶▶ Obinutuzumab, Ofatumumab, and Rituximab Obinutuzumab, ofatumumab, and rituximab are monoclonal antibodies to the CD20 receptor expressed on the surface of B lymphocytes; the presence of the antibody is determined during flow cytometry of the tumor cells. Cell death results from ADCC. All of these drugs have shown clinical activity in the treatment of B-cell lymphomas that are CD20 positive. Side effects include infusion-related reactions, hypotension, fevers, chills, rash, headache, and mild nausea and vomiting. Premedication with acetaminophen and an antihistamine is recommended for rituximab to minimize the first-dose infusion reaction. Acetaminophen, an antihistamine, and a glucocorticoid are administered prior to obinutuzumab and ofatumumab. In patients with extensive disease, prevention of tumor lysis syndrome is also recommended. Serious adverse events, including fatal infections, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and reactivation of hepatitis B, have been reported. Thus, all patients should be tested for hepatitis B and treated before therapy commences. ▶▶ Pertuzumab, Trastuzumab, and Trastuzumab/Hyaluronidase Pertuzumab and trastuzumab-based products are humanized monoclonal antibodies directed against human epidermal receptor 2 (HER-2). When compared to trastuzumab products, pertuzumab Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1407 recognizes different extracellular epitopes, binds uniquely, which causes structural changes and, therefore, interrupts receptor dimerization. These differences were thought to be able to provide greater inhibition of HER-2 when compared to trastuzumab, but this has not been proven to be the case. Cancer tissue must be tested for the presence of HER-2 because patients who do not express HER-2 do not respond to trastuzumab. Trastuzumab hyaluronidase is trastuzumab combined with an enzyme hyaluronidase-oysk that allows the drug to be delivered subcutaneously, reducing potential for infusion-related reactions and shorter administration. Trastuzumab-products and pertuzumab are used for certain patients with HER-2 positive breast cancers; trastuzumab (but not all products) can also be used in other solid tumors that are HER-2 positive (eg, gastric cancer). Trastuzumab products are not interchangeable and may have different dose, schedules, and indications. Severe congestive heart failure may occur with concurrent HER-2 monoclonal antibody and anthracycline administration. Cardiac toxicity may be seen when the drug is administered months after anthracycline administration, so patients must be counseled on the signs and symptoms of heart failure. A common side effect associated with trastuzumab is a first-dose infusionrelated reaction which includes chills. The patient may be given acetaminophen and diphenhydramine and/or the infusion may be slowed. Other side effects that are rare include hypersensitivity reactions, abnormal liver function tests, and pulmonary reactions.32 Pertuzumab has similar adverse effects as trastuzumab. When used in combination with trastuzumab, it does not appear to increase the incidence of cardiac toxicity. A more detailed discussion of the use of trastuzumab products and pertuzumab in breast cancer can be found in Chapter 89. Antibody Conjugates Antibody conjugates contain both an antibody and either a drug or radioisotope. In many cases, the antibody is used as a drug vehicle to deliver an anticancer agent either an antineoplastic agent or the radioisotope. In some cases, a linking agent is also used to link the antibody and anticancer drug. Antibody–drug conjugates are often referred to as ADCs. ▶▶ Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine (Trastuzumab Emtansine) and Fam-Trastuzumab Deruxtecan Ado-trastuzumab emtansine combines trastuzumab and the anticancer agent emtansine (a maytansine derivative). Fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan is composed of fam-trastuzumab (which has same basic structure of trastuzumab), a topoisomerase I inhibitor exatecan derivative (DXd), and a compound that links the drugs, deruxtecan. The most common serious adverse effect with adotrastuzumab emtansine was thrombocytopenia. The platelet nadir usually occurs about 7 days after treatment and recovers within a week. Other side effects are similar to trastuzumab products. See more detail in Chapter 89. ▶▶ Belantamab Mafodotin Belantamab mafodotin is composed of the monoclonal antibody belantamab directed against B-cell maturation antigen (BMCA) and the conjugate mafodotin, an auristatin analogue and microtubule inhibitor monomethyl auristatin phenylalanine (MMAF) that has antineoplastic activity. It is used in MM. It has boxed warning regarding corneal epithelium changes including severe vision loss and corneal ulcer. Ophthalmologic exams are, therefore, required at baseline and throughout therapy. Additionally infusion-related reactions and fatigue may occur. 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1408 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS ▶▶ Brentuximab Vedotin Brentuximab vedotin is a CD30-directed antibody, a microtubule disrupting agent called monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), and a protease-cleavable linker that covalently attaches MMAE to the antibody. It is reported that the cytotoxic activity is a result of the binding of the ADC to CD30-expressing cells followed by internalization of the ADC–CD30 complex, and then proteolytic cleavage and release of MMAE into the cell. Binding of MMAE to tubulin disrupts the microtubule network, resulting in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. This IV agent is indicated for some Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients. In vitro data suggests that MMAE is a substrate and an inhibitor of CYP3A4/5; therefore, patients need to be monitored for drug–drug interactions. The most common adverse effects are neutropenia, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and upper respiratory infection. ▶▶ Ibritumomab Tiuxetan Ibritumomab tiuxetan, a “hot antibody,” is linked to yttrium and binds to the CD20 receptor of B lymphocytes. Hematologic toxicity may occur several weeks after administration and may take weeks to resolve. ▶▶ Polatuzumab Vedotin Polatuzumab vedotin is an ADC directed against CD79B via a proteas-cleavable peptide linker to MMAE, an auristatin derivative and potent microtubule inhibitor. This drug is used for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and is associated with myelosuppression, peripheral neuropathy, serious infections, and infusionrelated reactions. Thus, an antihistamine and antipyretic are used for premedications and patients should receive prophylaxis for herpes virus and PJP. ▶▶ Sacituzumab Govitecan Sacituzumab govitecan is an antibody against tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 linked to an irinotecan metabolite, SN-38. This drug is indicated for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. It is has boxed warnings for neutropenia and severe diarrhea. It is associated with nausea, anorexia, fatigue, and infusionrelated reactions. Prior to each dose, premedicate with antipyretics and H1/H2 antagonists; corticosteroids may be administered if an infusion-related reaction occurred with a prior dose that required premedications. Patients with UGT1A1*28 deficiency are at an increased risk of neutropenia and other adverse events. Checkpoint Inhibitors The immune system is in a continual state of balance between tolerating “normal” tissue and attacking foreign substances. Immunological tolerance is regulated by immune cells, suppressive cytokines, and immune checkpoint pathways.27 Immune checkpoints become involved following immune activation, creating an inhibitory feedback loop to reduce involvement of normal tissues. Inhibitors of the immune checkpoints act by inhibiting key regulatory steps, promoting activation and proliferation of T cells to induce tumor infiltration and regression. Tumor responses to checkpoint inhibitors differ from those observed with other anticancer therapies. Responses can be seen long after the start of treatment, and pseudoprogression can be seen immediately after starting therapy which, instead of representing a tumor progression, can represent inflammation only within the tumor area. Checkpoint inhibitors are now approved for use not only in many solid tumors but also in some hematologic tumors and can Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1408 be administered alone or in combination with each other, chemotherapy and targeted therapies. Adverse effects of checkpoint inhibitors are related to their effect on the immune system, whereby they attack normal cells as well. This can result in severe and fatal immune-mediated adverse reactions, including enterocolitis, hepatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, neuropathy, pneumonitis, and endocrine abnormalities. Thus a physical examination and review of systems is important to quickly identify and treat toxicity. Complete blood counts (CBCs) with differentials, comprehensive metabolic panel, and liver function tests should be performed at baseline and cortisol and thyroid function tests periodically. Patients should be monitored for symptoms of inflammatory responses (eg, diarrhea as early sign of colitis, shortness of breath as early sign of pneumonitis). These symptoms can occur during treatment or weeks to months after discontinuation of the drug. If any of these reactions occur, treatment should be initiated with systemic corticosteroids, which are tapered once symptoms improve, and the drug should be held until symptoms resolve. Severe toxicities require permanent discontinuation. Unlike other anticancer agents, dose reductions are not used as a toxicity management strategy with checkpoint inhibitors. Typically, these side effects can be more severe with the cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) inhibitor than PD-1 or PD-ligand (PD-L)-1 inhibitors. NCCN publishes guidelines for management of immunotherapy toxicities and more details can be found in the Supportive Care (Chapter 99).25 ▶▶ Ipilimumab Ipilimumab is a recombinant, human monoclonal antibody that binds to the CTLA-4, which is a molecule on T cells that causes a suppression of the immune response. CTLA-4 is a negative regulator of T-cell activation. Ipilimumab binds to CTLA-4 and blocks the interaction of CTLA-4 with its ligands. This blockage has been reported to enhance T-cell activation and proliferation. The antitumor effects appear to be T-cell–mediated immune responses and are the highest with this drug of all the available checkpoint inhibitors. ▶▶ Cemiplimab, Nivolumab, and Pembrolizumab Cemiplimab, nivolumab, and pembrolizumab are human monoclonal antibodies that block the interaction of the binding to PD-1 and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2. Cemiplimab is approved for patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Both nivolumab and pembrolizumab are active in many solid and some hematologic tumors. Pembrolizumab is also the first monoclonal antibody to be approved as a tumor agnostic therapy. That is, it is approved for patients with any cancer that have high microsatellite instability or high mutational tumor burden. Side effects are much less common with PD-1 inhibitors compared with the CTLA-4 inhibitor ipilimumab. ▶▶ Atezolizumab, Avelumab, and Durvalumab Atezolizumab, avelumab, and durvalumab are recombinant, human monoclonal antibodies that bind PD-L1 and block interaction with the PD-1 receptors. These drugs are active in many solid tumors. Side effects are much less common with PD-L1 inhibitors compared with the CTLA-4 inhibitor ipilimumab. Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) More than 100 different types of tyrosine kinases are present in the body. TKIs have been developed to block either several 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1409 or a specific tyrosine kinase (see Table 88–6). They are used to treat solid tumors, leukemias, and lymphomas and can be used as alone or in combination with IV chemotherapy, surgery, and/ or radiation. Some are continuously administered until disease progression occurs or intolerance develops whereas others are given cyclically (eg, 2 weeks on, 1 week off; then repeat). Side effects often limit use if uncontrolled and typically are different than those observed from traditional chemotherapy or immunotherapy. Drug interactions are common as many of these drugs are metabolized through the CYP450 and P-glycoprotein systems and can have decreased concentrations in the presence of antacids, H2 blockers, and/or proton pump inhibitors. ▶▶ Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) Inhibitors (Alectinib, Brigatinib, Ceritinib, Crizotinib, and Lorlatinib) These small molecules primarily inhibit anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) and often will inhibit others such as mesenchymal epithelial transition growth factor c-MET, (crizotinib), Ret proto-oncogene (RET), (alectinib); or insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor, insulin receptor, and ROS proto-oncogene 1 (ROS1), (brigatinib and lorlatinib). These orally available agents are approved for the treatment of NSCLC, that is ALK positive (about 2%–7% of NSCLC patients) as detected by an FDA-approved test. Adverse effects include mild GI symptoms and elevated liver function tests. Visual changes, pulmonary disease, and QTc prolongation can also occur as well as creatine kinase elevations specifically with alectinib. Lorlatinib is associated with CNS effects such as changes in cognitive function, mood, sleep, and seizures. ▶▶ B-cell Lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) Inhibitor (Venetoclax) Venetoclax selectively inhibits the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, which is over-expressed in CLL and AML, thus restoring the apoptotic process. This drug can work quickly and put patients at risk for tumor lysis syndrome. Thus, the dose is escalated slowly with tumor lysis monitoring and prophylaxis required. A reduced renal function increases the risk of tumor lysis syndrome. Myelosuppression, nausea, and diarrhea can occur. ▶▶ BCR-ABL TKIs (Bosutinib, Dasatinib, Imatinib, Nilotinib, and Ponatinib) Imatinib was the first FDA-approved TKI. Imatinib inhibits phosphorylation during cell proliferation. The drug was designed to block the breakpoint cluster region tyrosine kinase (BCR-ABL) produced by the Philadelphia chromosome associated with CML and ALL. Imatinib also has shown activity against GI stromal tumors (GIST) that are positive for c-kit (CD117). Imatinib is usually well tolerated, but common adverse effects include myelosuppression, rash, GI upset, edema, fatigue, arthralgias, myalgias, and headaches. A cumulative cardiotoxicity is a serious but rare adverse effect; therefore, it is recommended to closely monitor patients with preexisting cardiac conditions. Advanced generation BCR-ABL TKIs are more potent than imatinib and can overcome most BCR-ABL mutations that lead to imatinib resistance. Bosutinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib are second-generation BCR-ABL TKIs and are used frontline in the treatment of CML and in CML with resistance or intolerance to imatinib. Side effects of dasatinib and nilotinib are similar to imatinib and include myelosuppression, nausea and vomiting, headache, fluid retention, and hypocalcemia. Pleural effusions have been reported with dasatinib and imatinib but not with nilotinib. QTc prolongation can occur with dasatinib and Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1409 nilotinib. Abnormalities in indirect bilirubin have been reported with nilotinib and is more common in patients with (TA)7/(TA)7 genotype (UGT1A1*28).28 Bosutinib appears to have a milder side effect profile than other TKIs, with GI disturbances and rash being most common. Ponatinib is a third-generation multikinase inhibitor and the only advanced generation TKI that overcomes the T315I mutation. The serious adverse effects thrombosis, hepatotoxicity (rare), and death (rare) are included as boxed warnings. Less serious adverse effects include abdominal pain, dry skin, and rash. ▶▶ BRAF Inhibitors (Dabrafenib, Encorafenib, and Vemurafenib) Dabrafenib, encorafenib, and vemurafenib are inhibitors of BRAF kinases. They most often are used to treat melanoma and also some colon cancers that have BRAF V600E mutations. Common adverse effects of BRAF inhibitors include arthralgias, alopecia, GI symptoms, and fatigue. Other adverse effects of vemurafenib include rash, keratoacanthoma or squamous cell cancer, and photosensitivity. Adverse effects associated with dabrafenib include headache, palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome, elevated liver enzymes, pyrexia, and papilloma. Encorafenib is associated with electrolyte disturbances, including hyperglycemia and increased serum creatinine. ▶▶ Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) Inhibitors (Acalabrutinib, Ibrutinib, and Zanubrutinib) Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) is an integral component of the B-cell receptor. Constitutive activation of B-cell receptor signaling allows the survival of malignant B cells. BTK inhibitors decrease malignant B-cell proliferation and survival and are used in CLL and some types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. A noninfectious, transient lymphocytosis should be expected and can last for weeks but does not signify disease progression. Myelosuppression and mild GI toxicities are the most common adverse effects. Infection risk is high; hepatitis B reactivation can occur, thus testing at baseline for hepatitis B is recommended. Secondary cancers, primarily skin malignancies, have also been reported. BTK inhibitors can increase the risk of bleeding, particularly in patients receiving antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications. Additionally, cardiac toxicity, including new-onset atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias can, occur but are more frequent with ibrutinib. Acalabrutinib is associated with headaches that are typically resolved after 1 to 2 months of therapy and can be managed with acetaminophen and caffeine. Zanubrutinib is associated with rashes. ▶▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) Inhibitors (Abemaciclib, Palbociclib, and Ribociclib) Abemaciclib, palbociclib, and ribociclib all inhibit cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) 4 and 6, which prevent phosphorylation and subsequent inactivation of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, ultimately causing cell cycle arrest and inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. Each of the available CDK4/6 inhibitors is used in the treatment of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive but HER-2 negative breast cancer. Palbociclib and ribociclib are administered daily for 21 days, followed by 7 days off, whereas abemaciclib is administered daily. Common side effects include neutropenia, GI toxicities, and hair loss. Rarely, abemaciclib is associated with venous thromboembolism, ribociclib with QTc prolongation, and both with hepatotoxicity. 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1410 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS ▶▶ EGFR Pathway Inhibitors (Afatinib, Dacomitinib, Erlotinib, Gefitinib, Lapatinib, Neratinib, Osimertinib, and Tucatinib) Patients with NSCLC in which the tumors have mutations in exon 19 and/or 21 in the EGFR pathway will likely respond to EGFR TKIs such as afatinib, dacomitinib, and erlotinib. Those with EGFR T790M mutations will likely respond to osimertinib. These agents are believed to inhibit the intracellular phosphorylation of the EGFR. Food increases bioavailability to almost 100% but is variable; experts recommend administering erlotinib on an empty stomach. Smoking increases the clearance of erlotinib by 24%, which may result in treatment failure and different doses are used for smokers versus nonsmokers.29 Side effects of EGFR inhibitors include acneiform rash, diarrhea, dry skin, fatigue, anorexia, pruritus, conjunctivitis, and rarely interstitial lung disease. Diarrhea and rash are highest among afatinib and dacomitinib. Lapatinib, neratinib, and tucatinib inhibit the intracellular kinase domains of both EGFR and HER-2 and have been shown to retain activity against breast cancer cells that have become resistant to trastuzumab. These are indicated for the treatment of patients with breast cancer whose tumors overexpress HER-2. Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, and HFS. ▶▶ Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) (Erdafitinib and Pemigatinib) Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitors bind to and inhibit FGFR, which may be overexpressed on certain tumor cells. Erdafitinib is indicated for urothelial carcinoma patients with FGFR-2 or -3 genetic alterations; whereas pemigatinib is indicated for those with cholangiocarcinoma and an FGFR-2 fusion or other gene rearrangement. FGFR inhibitors can cause hyperphosphatemia, stomatitis, fatigue, dry mouth/skin, alopecia, onycholysis, liver function enzyme elevations and rarely ocular disorders such as serous retinopathy/retinal pigment epithelial detachment. ▶▶ Hedgehog Inhibitors (Glasdegib, Sonidegib, and Vismodegib) The Hedgehog pathway is a signaling pathway that regulates selfrenewal and differentiation of cells. It is abnormally activated in basal cell carcinoma, medulloblastoma, and leukemia. These inhibitors bind to smoothened (SMO), a transmembrane protein, and prevents downstream signaling and activation of the Hedgehog pathway thus preventing tumor growth. Glasdegib is indicated for AML treatment and sonidegib and vismodegib are indicated for basal cell carcinoma. Because the Hedgehog pathway is essential for embryogenesis, these drugs have boxed warnings for severe birth defects and embryo–fetal death and have strict recommendations for contraception for both males and females and pregnancy tests within 7 days of starting therapy. Patients are also advised to not donate blood during and for 30 days to 24 months following the last dose, depending on the drug. The most common adverse effects of sonidegib and vismodegib include muscle spasms, alopecia, dysgeusia, weight loss, fatigue, and GI toxicities. Glasdegib is also associated with myelosuppression, GI toxicities, edema, and dyspnea and may cause QTc prolongation. Sonidegib can increase serum creatine kinase levels, leading to severe musculoskeletal events. ▶▶ Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) Inhibitors (Enasidenib and Ivosidenib) Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) enzymes are part of the citric acid cycle, which is responsible for cellular respiration. In cancer, IDH1 and IDH2 are recurrently mutated and produce 2-hydroxglutarate that alters DNA methylate and leads to the inhibition of cellular Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1410 differentiation. Enasidenib is a potent selective inhibitor of mutant IDH2 and ivosidenib is a selective reversible inhibitor of mutant IDH1 and are used for IDH-mutated AML. The most common adverse events include hyperbilirubinemia without concurrent transaminase elevation. Enasidenib is associated with nausea and vomiting and requires a prophylactic antiemetic and can cause leukocytosis and tumor lysis syndrome. Ivosidenib is associated with fatigue, noninfectious leukocytosis, arthralgia, diarrhea, and QTc prolongation. ▶▶ Mitogen-Activated Extracellular Kinases (MEK) Inhibitors (Binimetinib, Cobimetinib, Selumetinib, and Trametinib) Binimetinib, cobimetinib, and trametinib are reversible inhibitor of mitogen-activated extracellular kinases (MEK)-1 and MEK-2 and are active against BRAF V600-mutated forms of BRAF kinases in melanoma cells. They most often are used in combination with BRAF inhibitors for malignant melanoma. Rash, diarrhea, fatigue, acneiform dermatitis, and peripheral and lymph edema are commonly reported. Cardiomyopathy (defined as heart failure) and bleeding have also been reported. Selumetinib is approved for a pediatric with neurofibromatosis type 1. Most common adverse effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, dry skin, and fatigue. ▶▶ Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Inhibitors: Temsirolimus and Everolimus The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a downstream mediator in the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway that controls translation of proteins that regulate not only cell growth and proliferation but also angiogenesis and cell survival. The mTOR is an intracellular component that stimulates protein synthesis by phosphorylating translation regulators and contributes to protein degradation and angiogenesis. Temsirolimus is approved for the treatment of advanced kidney cancer. Temsirolimus and its metabolite sirolimus are substrates of the CYP3A4/5 isoenzyme system. The primary side effects of temsirolimus include mucositis, diarrhea, maculopapular rash, nausea, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, and hyperglycemia. Noninfectious pneumonitis can occur and must be identified immediately for best outcomes. Everolimus is an oral inhibitor of mTOR that is approved for the treatment of patients with advanced kidney cancer, breast cancer, and neuroendocrine tumors. Drug interactions and adverse reactions are similar to those of temsirolimus. ▶▶ Multikinase Inhibitors (Axitinib, Cabozantinib, Sorafenib, Sunitinib, and Pazopanib) Multikinase inhibitors inhibit multiple tyrosine kinases and are used for many different cancers. A full list of available multikinase inhibitors is found in Table 88–6. Some of the more common ones are described here. Sorafenib is a multikinase inhibitor that inhibits both intracellular and extracellular kinases and is used in the treatment of hepatic, kidney, and thyroid cancers. The primary side effects of sorafenib include rash, diarrhea, pruritus, and elevations in serum lipase. Hand–foot skin reaction (HFSR) can also occur with those drugs that affect the VEGF receptor. HFSR differs than HFS in that it initially develops as erythema and soreness, progressing to blisters, and eventually hyperkeratosis. Cabozantinib and pazopanib both primarily inhibit VEGF receptor-1 (VEGFR)-1, VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, and several other tyrosine kinases. Cabozantinib is available in two dosage forms: tablets and capsules. The tablet formulation is used for patients with advanced kidney cancer, whereas the capsules are a larger 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1411 dose for patients with medullary thyroid cancer. Pazopanib is used to treat advanced kidney cancer and sarcomas. Common side effects of these drugs are diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, HFSR syndrome, hypertension, and fatigue. Pazopanib also is associated with hair color changes. Serious toxicities that have been observed are fatal hepatotoxicity, prolonged QTc intervals and torsade’s de pointes, hemorrhagic events, arterial thrombotic events, GI perforation, and proteinuria. Regorafenib is another small molecule inhibitor of multiple membrane-bound and intracellular kinases used in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and GI stromal tumor. The proposed mechanism of action is through inhibition of VEGFR involved in angiogenesis. GI effects, hypertension, mucositis, infection, rash, and fever are commonly occurring adverse effects. Hepatotoxicity is listed as a black-box warning; therefore, hepatic function should be monitored closely. It is an orally administered agent given for the first 21 days per 28-day cycle and should be taken with a low-fat breakfast (30 g or less). ▶▶ Neurotrophic Tyrosine Receptor Kinase (NTRK) (Entrectinib and Larotrectinib) Neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase (NTRK) inhibitors are the first oral anticancer agents approved pan-tumor, meaning they are used to treat a specific genetic mutation rather than a tumor type. Both entrectinib and larotrectinib are used adults and pediatric patients with solid tumors that have a NTRK gene fusion without a known acquired resistance. Entrectinib is also approved for ROS1positive NSCLC. The most common adverse reactions include fatigue, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and dizziness. Elevations in transaminases may occur. Rarely, entrectinib is associated with reductions in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), QTc prolongation, vision disorders, hyperuricemia, and skeletal fractures. ▶▶ Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3-K) Inhibitors (Alpelisib, Copanlisib, Duvelisib, and Idelalisib) Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K), an essential lipid kinase, is the target of inhibition for alpelisib, copanlisib, duvelisib, and idelalisib. Alpelisib is indicated for breast cancer patients with a PI3KCA mutation and the other drugs are used in the treatment of follicular lymphoma and CLL. Adverse effects associated with copanlisib are hyperglycemia, hematologic abnormalities, fatigue, diarrhea, and hypertension. Duvelisib is associated with hepatotoxicity, diarrhea, cutaneous reactions, and myelosuppression. Idelalisib causes GI disturbances, rash, hematological side effects, fatigue, and musculoskeletal pain. Idelalisib caries boxed warnings for hepatotoxicity, colitis, pneumonitis, infections, and intestinal perforation. Because the PI3-K pathway regulates the immune system, PI3K inhibitors result in immunosuppression, placing patients receiving these medications at risk for immunocompromising infections such as PJP and cytomegalovirus; thus close monitoring and consideration of prophylactic antibacterials and antivirals is warranted. ▶▶ Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors (Niraparib, Olaparib, and Rucaparib) PARP enzymes are involved in normal cellular function, including DNA transcription and repair. PARP inhibitors prevent DNA repair, allow apoptosis to occur and inhibit tumor growth. Niraparib is used to treat ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer; olaparib is used to treat some breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancers, and rucaparib is used to treat some ovarian and prostate cancers. Common side effects include myelosuppressive side effects, GI toxicities, fatigue, upper respiratory Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1411 tract infections, and arthralgias and myalgias. Rarely, patients can develop MDS or AML and pneumonitis. Niraparib also causes hypertension and patients must undergo heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) monitoring monthly for the first year. ▶▶ Proteasome Inhibitors (Bortezomib, Carfilzomib, and Ixazomib) The proteasome is an enzyme complex that exists in all cells and plays an important role in degrading proteins that control the cell cycle. When the proteasome is inhibited, the numerous pathways that are necessary for the growth and survival of cancer cells are disrupted. Bortezomib specifically inhibits the 26S proteasome, which is a large protein complex that degrades ubiquitinated proteins. This pathway plays an essential role in regulating the intracellular concentration of specific proteins, causing the cells to maintain homeostasis. Inhibition of the 26S proteasome prevents this from occuring, ultimately causing a disruption in the homeostasis and cell death. Both carfilzomib and ixazomib inhibit 20S proteasome, which is the proteolytic core with the 26S proteasome. Bortezomib is approved for the treatment of MM and mantle cell lymphoma. It is administered either as an IV or SC injection. The most commonly reported adverse effects are asthenia, GI disturbances (nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite, constipation, vomiting), thrombocytopenia, peripheral neuropathy, anemia, headache, insomnia, and edema. Peripheral neuropathy is much lower with the SC injection. Prophylactic anticoagulation is not routinely required. Reactivation of varicella zoster infection is also common with bortezomib, and antiviral prophylaxis with acyclovir should be considered. Carfilzomib and ixazomib are second-generation proteasome inhibitors. Carfilzomib is administered by IV, whereas ixazomib is a capsule that should be taken on an empty stomach. Both of these drugs used in the treatment of refractory cases of MM and have similar but fewer side effects compared with bortezomib. ▶▶ RET Inhibitors (Pralsetinib and Selpercatinib) RET inhibitors inhibit wild-type RET and oncogenic RET fusions and mutations that are found in 1%–2% of NSCLCs and some thyroid cancers. These drugs are commonly associated with elevations in transaminases, myelosuppression, fatigue, and hypertension. Impairment of wound healing and hemorrhage can occur. Optimization of hypertension is recommended before initiation. Less commonly selpercatinib can cause QTc prolongation and hypersensitivity. Pralsetinib can cause interstitial lung disease. ▶▶ Selective Inhibitor of Nuclear Export Antagonist (Selinexor) Selinexor is an orally available, small molecular inhibitor of chromosome region maintenance 1 protein, also known as exportin 1 (XOP1). Essentially, selinexor inhibits tumor suppressor proteins, growth regulators, and mRNA of oncogenic proteins, resulting in accumulation of these cell cycle arrest and cancer apoptosis. It is used in non-Hodgkin lymphoma and MM. Common adverse events include myelosuppression, GI toxicity including nausea and vomiting that requires prophylactic antiemetics, hyponatremia, dizziness, and mental status changes. Hormonal Therapies Hormonal or endocrine therapies have activity in the treatment of cancers whose growth is affected by gonadal hormonal control. Hormonal treatments either block or decrease the production of endogenous hormones. These agents are covered extensively in Chapters 89 and 92, in the breast and prostate cancer chapters. 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1412 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS ▶▶ Antiandrogens (Bicalutamide, Flutamide, and Nilutamide) The antiandrogens block androgen receptors (ARs) and inhibit the action of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in prostate cancer cells. Side effects common to these agents are hot flashes, gynecomastia, and decreased libido. Flutamide tends to be associated with more diarrhea and requires three times daily administration, whereas bicalutamide is dosed once daily. Nilutamide may cause interstitial pneumonia and is associated with the visual disturbance of delayed adaptation to darkness. ▶▶ Pure AR Antagonists (Apalutamide, Darolutamide, and Enzalutamide) Pure antagonists competitively inhibit androgen binding to ARs and AR nuclear translocation and coactivator recruitment of the ligand-receptor complex. All three are indicated for nonmetastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer; both apalutamide and enzalutamide are indicated for the treatment of metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer; and enzalutamide is also approved for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. The most common side effect of these therapies is fatigue and hypertension, but overall are they well tolerated. Apalutamide is also associated with rash and hypothyroidism. ▶▶ Luteinizing Hormone–Releasing Hormone Agonists (Goserelin and Leuprolide) Initially, luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists increase levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, but testosterone and estrogen levels are decreased because of continuous negative-feedback inhibition. Major side effects are testicular atrophy, decreased libido, gynecomastia, and hot flashes. Goserelin is injected as a pellet under the skin; therefore, SC injection of lidocaine around the injection site before administration helps to decrease the pain associated with administration. Numerous dosage forms are available for leuprolide with varying strengths and dosing intervals. Antiandrogens may be administered during initial therapy to decrease symptoms of tumor flare (eg, bone pain and urinary tract obstruction). ▶▶ Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Antagonist (Degarelix) Degarelix is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist that reversibly binds to the pituitary GnRH receptors, thereby reducing the release of gonadotropins and consequently testosterone. Degarelix is indicated for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Adverse effects include hot flashes, injection site reactions, and an increase in liver enzymes. An advantage of degarelix over LHRH agonists is the lack of the tumor flare.30 ▶▶ Abiraterone Abiraterone is an orally available androgen biosynthesis inhibitor that inhibits 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase (CYP17), which is expressed in testicular, adrenal, and prostatic tumor tissues. Abiraterone is indicated in combination with prednisone for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. Two formulations are available: abiraterone acetate and micronized abiraterone. Both the dose and the administration are different between formulations. The conventional formulation of abiraterone is taken on an empty stomach; however, the micronized formulation can be taken without respect to food. Adverse effects include hypokalemia, edema, muscle discomfort, fatigue, hot flashes, nocturia, urinary frequency, and hypertension. Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1412 ▶▶ Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) (Anastrozole, Exemestane, Letrozole) Three AIs are currently available: anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane. All three agents work by inhibiting aromatase, which prevents the conversion of androstenedione to estrone and testosterone to estradiol in adipose tissue, which is the primary source of estrogens in post menopausal women. All three agents are used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women and are considered interchangeable in terms of activity. When compared to tamoxifen, there are less endometrial and uterine cancers, vaginal bleeding, and thrombosis with AI therapy. Common adverse effects associated with the AI therapy include hot flashes and arthralgias. Serious adverse effects include osteoporosis, skeletalrelated events, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. More information on the pharmacology and clinical use of AI therapy can be found in Chapter 89. ▶▶ Antiestrogens (Fulvestrant, Raloxifene, and Tamoxifen) Antiestrogens bind to ERs and block the effect of estrogen on tissue. Two classes of antiestrogens exist: SERMs (tamoxifen, raloxifene) and selective estrogen-receptor downregulators (SERDs, fulvestrant). SERDs were developed in an effort to eliminate the unwanted estrogenic side effects from the SERMs. Tamoxifen is used for the treatment of ER positive premenopausal or postmenopausal metastatic hormone receptor–positive breast cancer, as adjuvant and primary treatment of breast cancer, and in the prevention of breast cancer in high-risk women. The agent has a beneficial effect on bone density and the lipid profile. Unwanted side effects include hot flashes, fluid retention, and mood swings. Thrombosis, endometrial and uterine cancer, corneal changes, and cataracts are harmful adverse effects that occur more frequently with this agent. Although uncommon, there is a disease/ tumor flare that can occur during the initiation of therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients with bone metastases. Because tamoxifen is a substrate of CYP3A4, decreased tamoxifen levels have occurred with use of St. John’s wort and rifampin. Tamoxifen is also a substrate for CYP450 2D6 and evidence suggests that those who are CYP2D6*4/*4 may have a poorer response and more toxicity with tamoxifen.31 Routine pharmacogenomics screening of these patients is not currently recommended. Significant drug interactions exist and drug–drug interactions affecting this enzyme should be avoided if possible. Raloxifene is another SERM and is used for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and is the Patient Encounter 1, Part 3 The patient has progressed following therapy with initial treatment with docetaxel and subsequently was found to have a BRCA1 mutation. He now will be receiving a new prescription for olaparib 300 mg orally, twice daily. What education and training should be provided to the patient to ensure his understanding of safe handling procedures as well as thorough knowledge of proper administration? How should the patient be instructed to take this medication, in regards to meals or the time of day? 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1413 chemopreventive agent of choice for the prevention of breast cancer in high-risk women. When compared head to head with tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention, it was demonstrated to have equal efficacy with less toxicity. Raloxifene was not studied in premenopausal women; therefore, tamoxifen is still the preventative agent of choice in these women. Hot flashes, arthralgias, and peripheral edema occur frequently with raloxifene, but thrombosis and endometrial cancer is less common than with tamoxifen. Fulvestrant is used as second-line treatment in hormone receptor–positive metastatic breast cancer, postmenopausal women with disease progression following antiestrogen therapy. Fulvestrant is given as a monthly intramuscular injection, which might be a deterrent to some patients. ADMINISTRATION ISSUES Extravasation Extravasation, or the leakage of an anticancer outside the blood vessel into the surrounding tissue is a concern for a number of anticancer agents. Antineoplastic agents that cause severe tissue damage when they escape from the vasculature are called vesicants. The tissue damage may be severe, with tissue sloughing and loss of mobility, depending on the area of extravasation. Patients need to be educated to alert clinic staff immediately if there is any pain on administration. If extravasation of a vesicant occurs, the injection should be stopped and any fluid aspirated out of the injection site. The prevention, risk factors, signs and symptoms, causative agents, and treatment will be discussed thoroughly in Chapter 99. Hypersensitivity Reactions Hypersensitivity reactions to cancer treatments are problematic because of cross-reactivity between agents and the desire to continue active therapies against the cancer.32 For documented immediate hypersensitivity reactions to a particular agent, further administration of the agent may be achieved through extensive premedication with H1 and H2 antihistamines and corticosteroids and through the use of desensitization protocols which include escalating doses of the offending agent given at doses of onehundredth, one-tenth, and the balance of the dose (so the total dose administered is equivalent to the normally prescribed dose) administered over a much longer period of time. These treatments must be given in an environment where resuscitation is readily available in case of medical emergency. Secondary Malignancies Chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments may cause cancers later in life; these are referred to as secondary malignancies. The most common types of secondary malignancies are MDS and AML. The antineoplastic agents most commonly associated with secondary malignancies are alkylating agents, etoposide, topoisomerase inhibitors, and anthracyclines. Although the risk for secondary cancers is extremely low, it must outweigh the risk of survival produced by treatment of the primary malignancy. Because secondary malignancies may not occur for several years after treatment, patients with relatively short-term survival expectancy related to their current cancer should consider the more immediate benefits of chemotherapy. Radiation therapy may also cause secondary malignacies decades after treatment. The most common example of radiation therapy–induced secondary malignancy is breast cancer, which rarely occurs after mantle field radiation therapy for Hodgkin disease. Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1413 CHEMOTHERAPY SAFETY One of the first Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports, the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, starts out with a patient who died from an overdose of chemotherapy; the patient did not have an immediately life-threatening cancer, so her death was hastened by a medication error. Chemotherapy agents may cause harm to patients, healthcare professionals, and the environment if not handled correctly. Because of the risk of severe toxicities associated with many of the chemotherapy agents, safety precautions must be in place to prevent chemotherapy errors or accidental chemotherapy exposures of healthcare professionals or patients. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Hematology/ Oncology Pharmacy Association, Oncology Nursing Society, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists have information to assist in the safe handling of chemotherapy agents.19,33,34 National, state, and local regulations regarding the safe disposal of chemotherapy agents and the equipment used to administer them need to be followed to protect the environment. Each organization should have chemotherapy safety checks built into the prescribing, preparation, and administration of chemotherapy.19,33 Dosing based on patient-specific information should be included on every order for chemotherapy, whether it is oral or parenteral. Many chemotherapy regimens are referred to by acronyms (eg, AC, which is doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide); these should not be allowed as the only reference to drugs in the prescribing of chemotherapy. Also, abbreviations for the names of chemotherapy agents should be avoided because one abbreviation may stand for two different drug entities. For drugs such as doxorubicin and liposomal doxorubicin, the names should be written out fully, and in this case, the addition of the brand name may help to prevent a mistake. The measured height and weight, along with the body surface area (BSA), if applicable, should be readily available, along with the dosage in milligrams per meter squared or kilogram, so that the dosage may be checked. If a chemotherapy regimen is a continuous infusion of 800 mg/m2/day for 4 days, an added safety feature would be to include the total dosage of 3200 mg in order to prevent any ambiguity. In cases where the clinician wants to decrease the dosage based on a laboratory value or side effect, it is recommended that the clinician include that information with the order so the clinical team caring for the patients understands the correct dosage for that patient. Chemotherapy dosages should be checked for route and dose to determine that the dosages prescribed are correct and do not exceed dosing guidelines. Appropriate laboratory values should be checked Patient Encounter 2 A 68-year-old woman is receiving nivolumab 1 mg/kg and ipilimumab 3 mg/kg as treatment for intermediate-risk metastatic renal cell carcinoma. While receiving treatment, her aspartate aminotransferase (AST) has risen from 16 to 156 IU/L and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) has risen from 42 to 175 IU/L. What is the likely diagnosis? What is the most appropriate treatment? What measures should be taken by patients while receiving checkpoint inhibitors? 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1414 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS prior to administration so the dose can be adjusted for organ dysfunction or toxicity if needed. See examples in Table 88–8. Additionally, drug interactions should be scrutinized closely and whether the patient has the appropriate indication (eg, presence of EGFR mutation for use of erlotinib).18 Healthcare professionals administering chemotherapy should check the dosage calculation for the patient’s weight or BSA along with the five Rs of administering medication (ie, right patient, right medication, right dose, and right route, at the right time). If there is any question about the safe dosage or safe administration of a chemotherapy agent, the chemotherapy should not be administered until the question is resolved. In addition, a controversy related to chemotherapy dosing is whether actual or ideal body weight should be used for calculating Table 88–8 Examples of Dose Modifications in Patients With Hepatic and/or Renal Dysfunction Agent Organ Dysfunction Bleomycin Baseline and during therapy CrCl > 50 mL/min CrCl = 40–50 mL/min CrCl = 30–40 mL/min CrCl = 20–30 mL/min CrCl = 10–20 mL/min CrCl = 5–10 mL/min Hepatic dysfunction Baseline CrCl > 51 mL/min CrCl = 30–50 mL/min CrCl < 30 mL/min Mild-moderate hepatic impairment Severe hepatic impairment During therapy SCr > ULN to 1.5 ULN SCr > 1.5–3 × baseline to > 1.5–3 × ULN SCr > 3 × baseline to > 3–6 × ULN SCr > 6 × ULN Total bilirubin > 3–10 × ULN if baseline was normal or > 3–10 × baseline if baseline as abnormal Baseline and during therapy CrCl = 30–89 mL/min CrCl < 30 mL/min Baseline Mild hepatic impairment Moderate hepatic impairment (total bilirubin > 1.5–≤ 3 × ULN and any AST elevation) Severe hepatic impairment (total bilirubin > 3 × ULN and any AST elevation) During therapy ALT or AST > 5 × ULN with total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 × ULN Capecitabine Crizotinib Idarubicin Pembrolizumab ALT or AST > 3 × ULN with total bilirubin ≥ 1.5 × ULN Baseline and during therapy CrCl > 50 mL/min CrCl = 10–50 mL/min CrCl < 10 mL/min Bilirubin 2.6–5 mg/dL Bilirubin > 5 mg/dL Baseline Renal dysfunction Mild hepatic impairment Moderate-severe hepatic impairment During therapy SCr 1.5–2 × above baseline or increase of ≥ 0.3 mg/dL SCr 2–3 × above baseline SCr > 3 × above baseline or > 4 mg/dL ALT or AST > 3–5 × ULN with total bilirubin ≥ 1.5–3 × ULNa ALT or AST > 5 × ULN with total bilirubin ≥ 3 × ULNa Dose Modification No dosage adjustment 70% of normal dose 60% of normal dose 55% of normal dose 45% of normal dose 40% of normal dose No dosage adjustments required Initial: no dosage adjustment Initial: 75% of normal dose Contraindicated No initial dosage adjustment Not studied No dosage adjustment No dosage adjustment at first instance 75% dosage adjustment at first instance Discontinue therapy Interrupt therapy until total bilirubin ≤ 3 × ULN; dosage adjustment is based on dosing guidelines for toxicity No dosage adjustment Decrease dose to 250 mg once daily No dosage adjustment Decrease dose to 200 mg twice daily Decrease dose to 250 mg once daily Withhold therapy until recovery until baseline or ≤ 3 × ULN, then resume at reduced dose Discontinue therapy No dosage adjustment 75% of normal dose 50% of normal dose 50% of normal dose Do not use No dosage adjustment No dosage adjustment Has not been studied Consider holding therapy Withhold therapy and start prednisone 0.5–1 mg/kg/day Permanently discontinue and start prednisone 1–2 mg/kg/day Withhold therapy and start prednisone 0.5–1 mg/kg/day; resume after taper complete and toxicity resolved Permanently discontinue and start prednisone 1–2 mg/kg/day In patients without hepatocellular or renal cell carcinoma; recommendations are different for these cancers. AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CrCl, creatinine clearance; SCr, serum creatinine; ULN, upper limit of normal. a Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1414 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1415 chemotherapy doses for obese individuals. ASCO guidelines currently recommend the use of actual body weight.35 errors and the potential for drug and/or food interactions well as accidental exposure to other individuals. Healthcare professionals have an important role in ensuring safe handling of oral anticancer agents, and should be properly trained and perform competently within guidelines for the storage, handling, and disposal of oral agents. The healthcare professionals are also expected to provide proper training and education on safe handling and proper administration (see Table 88–9) to the patient and caregivers.33,34,36 ORAL ANTICANCER AGENTS Over the past decade, self-administration of oral anticancer agents has increased. Although oral anticancer agents have many potential advantages, including convenience and quality of life for patients, oral administration increases the risk of medication Table 88–9 Oral Anticancer Therapy Administration With Respect to Food With Food 6-Mercaptopurine Abemaciclib Abiraterone Acalabrutinib Afatinib Alectinib Alpelisib Anastrozole Apalutamide Avapritinib Axitinib Azacitidine Bexarotene Bicalutamide Binimetinib Brigatinib Bosutinib Busulfan Cabozantinib Capecitabine Capmatinib Ceritinib Chlorambucil Crizotinib Cyclophosphamide Cobimetinib Dabrafenib Dacomitinib Darolutamide Dasatinib Decitabine/Cedazuridine Duvelisib Enasidenib Encorafenib Entrectinib Enzalutamide Erdafitinib Erlotinib Estramustine Etoposide Everolimus Exemestane Fedratinib Flutamide Gefitinib Glasdegib Gilteritinib Hydroxyurea Ibrutinib Idelalisib Imatinib Ivosidenib Empty Stomach X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Xa X X X X X X X X X X X With or Without Food X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (avoid high-fat meal) (Continued) Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1415 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1416 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS Table 88–9 Oral Anticancer Therapy Administration With Respect to Food (Continued) With Food Ixazomib Lapatinib Larotrectinib Lenalidomide Lenvatinib Letrozole Lomustine Lorlatinib Melphalan Methotrexate Midostaurin Neratinib Nilotinib Nilutamide Niraparib Olaparib Osimertinib Palbociclib Panobinostat Pazopanib Pemigatinib Pexidartinib Pomalidomide Ponatinib Pralsetinib Procarbazine Regorafenib Ribociclib Ripretinib Rucaparib Ruxolitinib Selinexor Selpercatinib Selumetinib Sonidegib Sorafenib Sunitinib Talazoparib Tamoxifen Tazemetostat Temozolomide Thalidomide Thioguanine Toremifene Trametinib Tretinoin Trifluridine/Tipiracil Tucatinib Vandetanib Vemurafenib Venetoclax Vismodegib Vorinostat Zanubrutinib Empty Stomach X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (avoid tyramine-containing foods) X (low fat meal) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (must be consistent) X X X X X X X X X X X With or Without Food X X X X X X X X X X Preferably on an empty stomach; but most importantly consistently with or without food. a CANCER SURVIVORSHIP As early detection of cancers and effective therapies have improved over the last several years, the number of cancer survivors has increased. A cancer survivor by definition, according to the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, starts at the point of diagnosis. It is estimated that two out of every three people with cancer live at least 5 years after diagnosis. Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1416 In 2005, the IOM released a report, “From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost in Transition,” which emphasized a lack of definitive guidance and proposed increased efforts were needed to raise awareness regarding the care of cancer survivors.37 In addition to facing a risk of a cancer recurrence, secondary malignancy, and an increased risk of developing other health conditions, cancer survivors often face physical, emotional, financial, 11/10/21 4:42 PM CHAPTER 88 | CANCER PRINCIPLES AND THERAPEUTICS 1417 Patient Care Process Collect Information: •• Patient characteristics (eg, age, race, sex, patient preferences) •• Patient history (lifestyle factors—alcohol use, tobacco use, diet, physical activity) •• Patient medical and family history (eg, ECOG performance status, concurrent disease states) •• Clinical presentation signs and symptoms (eg, changes in bowel habits, unusual bleeding, weight loss, recurrent fevers) •• Current medications (prescription, over the counter, and complimentary alternative, medical marijuana) •• Objective data •• BP, heart rate, height, weight, and BSA •• Labs (eg, serum electrolytes, renal function, liver chemistries, complete blood count, coagulation studies, tumor markers) •• Other diagnostic test (eg, left ventricular ejection fraction) •• Physical examination data (eg, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy) •• Cancer staging •• Tumor genomics (eg, BRAF, HER-2, PIK3CA, RAS) Assess the Information: •• Risk factors for treatment-related toxicities (eg, UGT1A1*28 genotype, poor nutritional intake, uncontrolled BP or hypertension, baseline peripheral neuropathy) •• Type of and response to prior treatments •• Potential for disease responsiveness to specific agents and risk factors for disease recurrence •• Patient characteristics (eg, social history/situation, insurance coverage, pregnancy) and treatment preferences •• Potential problems with medication adherence to oral treatment regimens •• Goals of treatment and social challenges as a result of the cancer diagnosis and treatment. The American Cancer Society (ACS), Centers for Disease Control, ASCO, and the NCCN all have guidelines that describe strategies to meet the needs of these individuals who experience the long-term effects of cancer and its treatment.38-40 OUTCOME EVALUATION Once a pathologic diagnosis of cancer is made, the patient may be evaluated by a radiation oncologist, a surgical oncologist, and a medical oncologist. Options for treatment are presented that may include surgery, radiation, pharmacologic therapy, or some combination of these modalities. The goals of treatment vary by the cancer and the stage of disease. For example, the patient who has metastatic kidney cancer could be presented with several options. They may have a possible cure with highdose aldesleukin or receive palliative therapy with pazopanib or sunitinib, or the patient may decline any therapy because of fears of significant toxicity that would decrease quality of life. In this case, if the patient’s performance status is poor, such as Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1417 •• Need for drug dose reductions or supportive care Develop a Care Plan*: •• Drug therapy regimen including specific anticancer agent(s), dose (calculated correctly for patient characteristics and disease), route, frequency, and duration •• Supportive care plan (eg, antiemetics, prophylactic antidiarrheals, infusion reaction prophylaxis) •• Monitoring parameters including efficacy (eg, cancer imaging studies-chest, abdominal, and/or pelvic CT scans and radiographs, tumor markers if previously elevated, symptoms of recurrence), safety (medication-specific adverse effects, including major dose-limiting toxicities), and timeframe •• Patient education (eg, goals of treatment; expected and potential serious toxicities; drug therapy; monitoring and management plan; safe administration, storage, and disposal) Implement the Care Plan*: •• Provide patient education regarding all elements of treatment plan •• Survivorship care plan (eg, primary prevention of other diseases, such as infections, and other cancers, support systems for maintaining healthy lifestyle choices and BMI) Follow-up: Monitor and Evaluate: •• Determine disease response to treatment and occurrence of disease progression or recurrence (cancer imaging studies, tumor markers previously elevated) •• Presence of adverse effects •• Patient adherence to treatment plan using multiple sources of information (eg, patient self-report, medication administration records or refill data) •• Patient’s satisfaction with treatment, including understanding of adherence Collaborate with patient, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals * an ECOG performance status 3, then the patient would not be a candidate for aldesleukin therapy because of significant toxicity or even death from treatment. The patient with the poor performance status will receive palliative therapy to control symptoms of the disease to improve the quality of life at the end of life. For the patient with a poor performance status and extensive metastatic disease, no treatment of the cancer may be appropriate, and the patient may be enrolled in a hospice program or provided comfort care. Abbreviations Introduced in This Chapter 2-FLAA 5-FU 6-MP ACS ADC ADCC 2-Fluoro-Ara-AMP 5-Fluorouracil 6-Mercaptopurine American Cancer Society Antibody–drug conjugate Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 11/10/21 4:42 PM 1418 SECTION 16 | ONCOLOGIC DISORDERS AI ALK ALL ALT AML APL AR ASCO ATRA AST AUC BSA Bcl-2 BCNU BP BTK c-MET CAR CBC CCNU CD CDK CLL CML CNS CrCl CRS CT CTLA-4 CYP CYP17 DNA DPD DVT ECOG EGFR ER FDA FdUMP FGFR G-CSF GI GIST GnRH H HDAC HER-2 HFS HFSR HPV HR HSCT IDH IOM INR IV LDH LHRH MDS MEK MM MMAE MMAF MRI mTOR NCI NCCN NSCLC NTRK Aromatase inhibitor Anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene Acute lymphocytic leukemia Alanine aminotransferase Acute myeloid leukemia Acute promyelocytic leukemia Androgen receptor American Society of Clinical Oncology All-trans-retinoic acid Aspartate aminotransferase Area under the curve Body surface area B-cell lymphoma 2 Carmustine Blood pressure Bruton’s tyrosine kinase Mesenchymal epithelial transition growth factor Chimeric antigen receptor Complete blood count Lomustine Cluster of differentiation Cyclin-dependent kinase Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic myeloid leukemia Central nervous system Creatinine clearance Cytokine-release syndrome Computed tomography Cytotoxic T-lymphocytic-associated antigen 4 Cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase Deoxyribonucleic acid Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase Deep vein thrombosis Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Epidermal growth factor receptor Estrogen receptor Food and Drug Administration Fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate Fibroblast growth factor receptor Granulocyte–colony stimulating factor Gastrointestinal Gastrointestinal stromal tumor Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Histamine Histone deacetylase Human epidermal receptor-2 Hand–foot syndrome Hand–foot–skin reaction Human papillomavirus Heart rate Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Isocitrate dehydrogenase Institute of Medicine International normalization ratio Intravenous Lactate dehydrogenase Luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone Myelodysplastic syndrome Mitogen-activated extracellular kinases Multiple myeloma Monomethyl auristatin E Monomethyl auristatin phenylalanine Magnetic resonance imaging Mammalian target of rapamycin National Cancer Institute National Comprehensive Cancer Network Non–small cell lung cancer Neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase Chisholm_Ch088_p1389-1420.indd 1418 OTC PARP PCR PD PD-L PET PI3-K PSA RAS RECIST REMS RNA SC SERDs SERMs SMO SPF TKI TNM TPMT TS UGT1A1*28 VEGF VEGFR XOP1 Over-the-counter Poly ADP ribose polymerase Polymerase chain reaction Programmed cell death Programmed cell death ligand Positron emission tomography Phosphoinositide 3-kinase Prostate-specific antigen Reticular activing system Response evaluation criteria in solid tumors Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies Ribonucleic acid Subcutaneous Selective estrogen-receptor downregulators Selective estrogen receptor modulator Smoothened Sun protection factor Tyrosine kinase inhibitor Tumor, nodes, metastases Thiopurine S-methyltransferase Thymidylate synthase Uridine diphosphate–glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 enzyme Vascular endothelial growth factor Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor Exportin 1 REFERENCES 1. 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