MARÍA REGINA BILINGUAL SCHOOL PLANIFICACIÓN DIDÁCTICA CENTRO EDUCATIVO: María Regina Bilingual School UBICACIÓN: Boulevard 15 de Septiembre, La Ceiba JORNADA: Matutina CAMPO DEL CONOCIMIENTO: Matemáticas Periodo de Ejecución: 1 al 5 de abril 2024 Grado: Séptimo Sección: A y B DOCENTE: Paola Zelaya ENFOQUE: Resolución de Ejercicios Contenidos: Conceptual: Estándar Normal (Bloque) Actitudinal: Cursiva Represent Graphical rational representatio numbers (whole n, on the numbers, number line, fractions and of rational decimals) on the numbers number line. (integers, fractions and Define absolute decimals), value, explain its significance Number line Integers Absolute Value Actividades Sugeridas (DCNB y otras fuentes) Work through several examples of representing integers on the board, guiding students through the process of placing integers on a number line. Discuss reallife situations where absolute value is useful, such as determining distances, temperature changes, or finding differences between two quantities. Observaciones ____________________________ Firma del Docente Procesos y actividades de grado Método: Explicativo Ilustrativo Trabajo Individual Students work independently and show their work on the board representing integers on a number line. Show how to represent absolute value visually on a number line. Ask students to find the absolute values of a few numbers individually and check their answers Solve suggested activity 15, 16, 17, 18 pg. 32, 34, 35, 37 Estrategias de evaluación Diagnóstica: Introduce the concept of a number line and its purpose in visualizing integers. Introduce the concept of absolute value as the distance a number is from zero on a number line. Write the formal definition on the board: |x| represents the distance between x and 0 on the number line. Formativa: Demonstrate how to represent positive and negative integers on a number line, emphasizing the direction and distance from zero. Demonstrate how to find the absolute value of a number by using positive and negative examples. Example: |3| = 3, |-5| = 5, |0| = 0. Sumativa: Fundamentals Quiz #5, 2% Homework # 2, 10% Tiempo: Horas Clase 45 min 6 horas Recursos Humano: Teacher Students Material: Board Markers Eraser Pencil Notebook Textbook Ruler Actividades de Reforzamiento Reforzamiento: Number line relay: Set up a large number line Prepare a set of cards with different integers, both positive and negative. Each team lines up at one end of the number line. When you say a number, one member from each team must run to the number line, place the corresponding card at the correct position on the number line, and return to tag the next teammate. ____________________________ Vo.Bo. Coordinación Académica