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Abolitionist Movements in Europe: Course Outline

Abolitionist Movements in Europe: Ideologies and strategies.
The various Courses of the British/French and Spanish Anti-Slavery Movements. Do timelines on each.
Early protest
Organised campaign
Caribbean reactions
Outstanding personalities
These movements would eventually lead to the legislative dismantlement of Enslavement.
1807- end of the slave trade
1815 – the registration bill
1823- Amelioration
1832- the reform act
1833- Emancipation act passed
1834- full emancipation
1831- End of slave trade
1845- Macaw Laws
1848- Abolition
Spanish:- 1845- End of the slave trade
1870- Moret Law
1873- Abolition in Puerto Rico
1886- Abolition in Cuba
*pg 214-216 Liberties Lost French Movement
*pg 219-221 Liberties Lost Spanish Movement
Cateau and Campbell sections.