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Dominant but Positive: Teamwork & Project Management

Dominant but Positive: A Slogan that Speaks Volumes
I was initially hesitant to participate in my Teamwork and Project Management course because I
had missed a few sessions. But my tardiness had brought me to a remarkable discovery. The
findings of a personality survey that our professor had administered were displayed as a disc
graph with distinct segments signifying distinct personality types. I was thrilled to learn that I fit
into the strong personality category, which matched my drive, aggressiveness, and goal
orientation well.
This alignment had a profound effect on the dynamics of the entire class, making it more than
just a personal discovery. In class we were talking about how different types of personalities
could work well together, and I just kind of made up the phrase "Dominant but Positive" to sum
up who I am. My group mates found great resonance in this statement, viewing it as the
cornerstone that would unite our team.
Our team used the motto "Dominant but Positive" as a compass, encouraging constructive
assertiveness and productive collaboration. It changed the dynamic inside our team by promoting
candid communication and a dedication to utilizing our individual characteristics to achieve
project success. It served as a reminder that variety, when embraced with a positive outlook, may
produce amazing results.