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Genius Loci Research: Minahasa, Bali, Nepal

- Field survey results and analysis of genius loci
- Researcher used ethnographic and cultural anthropological approaches
- Genius loci traced by mountainside, riverside, and lakeside settings
- Tangible cultural components of minahasan in which genius loci pervades are places: 1.
Naming of places and vernacular architecture, 2. Sacred places including indigenous
past, 3. festivals 4. Ethnoecological knowledge
- Place identity component associated with genius loci including place signifiers
- Second component analysis of genius loci is living space as social unit/settlement
patterns [settlement pattern: along the river, church and plaza plan]
- First question: “How the essence of genius loci in the Minahasa region, Sulawesi Island
is defined described and is differentiated?”
- Conclusion of findings II: cultural vitality is through conserving cultural landscape
traditions and local knowledge
- Second question: “How does the landscape link and communicate with the Minahasa
ethnic community?
- Sub-questions:
How does the phenomena of genius loci and “sense of place” evolve in
time and affect one’s spirit, psyche, behaviour and social interaction?
Can genius loci shape local identity?
- Manifestations of their culture in landscape, settlement patterns, and local traditional
Ensuring Genius Loci based on Spatial Experiences of Three Resorts in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
- Descriptive analysis approach
- Multi-sensory
- Describing rooms, materials
- based on Schulz’s theory of place and Zumthor’s theory of spatial experience
The spirit of place of Bhaktapur, Nepal
“the notion of spirit of place may be defined in a manner that directly links it with the
concept of cultural significance of historic places, how it is understood by a community
and with heritage conservation goals and development needs of that place”
“The focus of cultural heritage conservation worldwide has been gradually shifting
from a monument-centric vision to a broader understanding of heritage.”
Description of bhaktapur streets and relation to culture
Core dimensions (sense of community, sense of historicity, etc.) and risk dimensions
gathered from interviews
Understanding and preserving spirit of place by an integrated methodology in urban contexts
- Spirit of place is “formed from both tangible and intangible features”
- “The conceptual approach to the meaning of spirit of place emphasizes that, it is created
through history in a particular place of a town or a city, and requires an individual method
of approach in conservation activities (Cullen 1961; Conzen 1966, 1975; Sharp 1969;
Worskett 1969).”
- “Christian Norberg-Schulz in the 1980s explored the character of places and their
meanings to the local residents. He stressed that place means more than merely
location, as there exists a “spirit” which cannot be described by analytical and/or
scientific methods. He proposed a phenomenological method in order to understand and
describe the “spirit” of the place through a depiction of its physical features and an
interpretation of the human experiences within that place.