HTT460: MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM ASSIGNMENT GROUP PROJECT (MARCH 2024 – AUGUST 2024) HTT460 – Medical and Health Tourism ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TITLE : Medical and Health Tourism CLO : Identify the market trends, consumer preferences, and industry dynamics relevant to the development related to medical and health tourism TYPE : Group METHOD : E-magazine & Presentation MARKS : Report (20%) & Presentation (10%) SUBMISSION DATE : Refer to Scheme of Work (Week 13 and 14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions Report (20%) 1. Forming Groups: Students are required to form a group consisting of 4 to 5 members. 2. Product Development Identification: Based on Chapters 4 and 5, each group should identify opportunities for new product development related to medical or health tourism. This may include innovative services, packages, or experiences catering to the needs of medical or health tourists. Consider yourselves as an agency for a medical and health consultant company, tasked with proposing new offerings to enhance the company's portfolio. 3. Theme Proposal: Utilizing the identified information, each group should propose a theme for an electronic magazine (e-magazine) that resonates with the context of medical or health tourism. The theme should be engaging, relevant, and aligned with the interests of the target audience. As a consultant agency, think about how the e-magazine theme can complement the company's expertise and offerings. 4. Individual Reflective Writing: Each group member is required to write an individual reflective essay that aligns with the theme of the proposed e-magazine. The reflective writing should explore personal insights, experiences, and perspectives related to medical and health tourism, contributing to the overall narrative of the e-magazine. Reflect on how HTT460: MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM your experiences and knowledge as a medical and health consultant inform your understanding of the topic. 5. Electronic Magazine Creation: The proposed e-magazine serves as the group's report. Utilize multimedia elements, digital design tools, and engaging content to create the e-magazine, showcasing the theme and reflecting the collective efforts of the group. Ensure that the e-magazine reflects the professionalism and expertise expected from a medical and health consultant company. 6. Supportive Analysis: Findings and analysis presented in the e-magazine should be supported and explained using relevant information from textbooks, academic journals, articles, and other credible sources. Ensure that all assertions are well-researched and substantiated. Consider how the insights provided in the e-magazine can benefit clients of the medical and health consultant company. 7. Inclusion of Relevant Information: The e-magazine report should encompass all relevant information gathered during the research process. Highlight interesting findings, insights, and knowledge acquired through the exploration of medical and health tourism topics. Consider how this information can be leveraged to enhance the services offered by the medical and health consultant company. Your findings and analysis MUST cover the following: 1. Introduction to Medical and Health Tourism: Provide an overview of medical and health tourism, highlighting its significance, trends, and key players in the industry. Include information on the reasons why individuals seek medical treatments or wellness services abroad. 2. Product Development Opportunities: Discuss the identified opportunities for new product development within the medical and health tourism sector. This section should delve into innovative services, packages, or experiences that cater to the needs and preferences of medical tourists. 3. Theme Proposal for E-Magazine: Present the proposed theme for the e-magazine, which should resonate with the context of medical and health tourism. Explain how the chosen theme aligns with the interests of the target audience and complements the expertise of the medical and health consultant company. 4. Individual Reflective Writing: Each group member should present their individual reflective writing, sharing personal insights, experiences, and perspectives related to medical and health tourism. Emphasize how these reflections contribute to the overall narrative and themes explored in the e-magazine. 5. Content Overview: Provide an overview of the content included in the e-magazine, outlining the articles, features, and multimedia elements that will be showcased. Ensure that the content is engaging, informative, and aligned with the theme of the e-magazine. 6. Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarize the key findings, insights, and recommendations derived from the e-magazine content and presentations. Offer suggestions for future research, industry developments, or areas for further exploration within the medical and health tourism field. **A PDF copy of your assignment report is to be submitted in week 14 (Refer to Scheme of Work). HTT460: MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM Presentation (10%) Presentation Component: Each group member is required to present their contributions to the group project during a live presentation. Each presentation should include: Explanation of the chosen theme for the e-magazine. Presentation of the individual's ideas and contributions to the e-magazine concept. Overview of the reflective writing, highlighting personal insights and perspectives related to medical and health tourism. The presentation should not be more than 20 minutes (max). Remarks * ** Refer to the rubrics for mark allocation. This is a Group Project. Every member must contribute fairly to the project. Should any complaint be received concerning those who fail to do their part, individual marks will be deducted accordingly. HTT460 – MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM REPORT GUIDELINE Font Spacing Alignment Length : Arial (Font Size 12) : 1.5 : Justify : Maximum of 20 pages, excluding the cover page, table of contents, references, and appendices. Organization: Headings and sub-headings must be numbered (e.g., 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.). Each section should be clearly labeled and organized logically. Referencing: Use APA Style 7th edition for all citations and references. Cite and paraphrase where applicable to avoid plagiarism. Illustration: Tables and figures should be titled for clarity. Ensure all illustrations are relevant and support the content presented. HTT460: MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM E-MAGAZINE RUBRIC (20%) Criteria Excellent (10) Content Quality Exceptional content that demonstrates in-depth understanding, thorough analysis, and original insights. Theme Relevance Clarity of Writing Use of Multimedia Elements Overall Presentation Good (8) Fair (6) Poor (4) Unsatisfactory (2) Strong content with clear Adequate content with Limited content with Inadequate or irrelevant explanations, analysis, and some explanation and minimal explanation or content, lacking relevant insights. analysis, but lacks analysis, lacking depth explanation, analysis, depth or originality. and original insights. and insights. The chosen theme is highly The chosen theme is relevant and effectively relevant and aligns with the aligns with the topic of topic of medical and health medical and health tourism. tourism. The chosen theme is The chosen theme has The chosen theme is somewhat relevant to limited relevance to the irrelevant to the topic of the topic of medical topic of medical and medical and health and health tourism. health tourism. tourism. Ideas are communicated clearly and effectively using appropriate language, tone, and style for the target audience. Ideas are presented with some clarity, but language or style may be unclear or inconsistent. Ideas are mostly clear and understandable, but may lack consistency in language or style. Ideas are difficult to understand due to unclear language, style, or expression. Ideas are poorly communicated, making it challenging to comprehend the content. Multimedia elements (e.g., Multimedia elements are Some multimedia Few multimedia No multimedia elements images, graphics, videos) are used adequately to support elements are included, elements are included, are included or they used effectively to enhance the content and add visual but their relevance or but they do not detract from the overall the presentation and engage appeal. effectiveness is limited. significantly enhance presentation. the audience. the presentation. The e-magazine is visually The e-magazine is visually The e-magazine has The e-magazine lacks appealing, well-designed, appealing and adequately some visual appeal, but visual appeal and may and professionally presented designed, but may have design flaws detract have significant design with attention to detail. minor flaws in presentation. from the overall flaws or errors. presentation. The e-magazine is poorly presented, with little attention to visual appeal or design. HTT460: MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM ORAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC (10%) Criteria Content: Relevance of information to the theme Presentation Skills: Clarity and organization of presentation Excellent (10) Fair (6) The content is highly relevant The content is The majority of the to the theme of the esomewhat relevant to content is relevant to the magazine, providing deep the theme, but lacks theme, with some minor insights and engaging depth or coherence in tangents or deviations. analysis. certain areas. Poor (4) Unsatisfactory (2) The content is The content is not minimally relevant to relevant to the theme the theme, with and lacks coherence significant gaps or or organization. inconsistencies. The presentation lacks The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is clear clarity and exceptionally clear, wellsomewhat clear and disorganized and and well-organized, with organization, making it organized, and easy to follow. organized, but may be confusing, with little some minor issues in difficult for the Transitions between sections difficult to follow at coherence in transitions or structure. audience to are seamless. times. structure or delivery. understand. The presenter engages the Engagement audience effectively, and Interaction: maintaining their interest Engagement with throughout the presentation. the audience Interaction with the audience is frequent and meaningful. Questions and Answer: Demonstrates deep knowledge of the topic Good (8) The presenter fails to The presenter engages The presenter attempts The presenter engage the the audience to engage the struggles to engage audience, making adequately, with some audience, but the audience, with the presentation feel instances of interaction interactions may be minimal interaction or passive or oneand participation. limited or superficial. participation. sided. The presenter's The presenter demonstrates The presenter lacks The presenter shows a The presenter has a knowledge of the topic exceptional knowledge and knowledge of the good understanding of basic understanding of is limited, with expertise on the topic, topic, resulting in the topic, with some the topic, but may lack frequent reliance on providing insightful analysis inaccurate or areas of expertise and depth or expertise in notes or lack of and answering questions incomplete confidence in responses. certain areas. confidence in confidently. information. responses. Visual aids are highly Visual aids are mostly Visual Aids and effective, enhancing effective, contributing to Visual aids are Presentation understanding and understanding and somewhat effective, but Tools: engagement. They are well- engagement. There may may be distracting or Effectiveness of designed, clear, and relevant be minor issues with lacking in clarity. visual aids to the content. design or relevance. Visual aids are minimally effective, detracting from understanding or engagement. Visual aids are ineffective or absent, hindering understanding and engagement.