1 Designing a Comprehensive Database System for Martial Arts R Us Student Name Department, University Course Instructor Due Date 2 Designing a Comprehensive Database System for Martial Arts R Us Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Overview The ERD pictured here illustrates the database of MARU which is a martial arts school, with the need to handle students, teachers, classes, attendance, and rank progress. The ERD is well-delineated by documenting the much-needed entities, attributes, and entity relationships between them via necessary relationships. Entities and Attributes 1. Students: 3 Attributes: Student_ID (PK), Name, Date_Of_Birth, Date_Joined. 2. Instructors: Attributes: Instructor_ID (PK, FK to Students), StartDate, Instructor_Status. 3. Classes: Attributes: Class_ID (PK), Level, Time, Day_Of_Week, Location, Instructor_ID (FK). 4. Class_Meetings: Attributes: Meeting_ID (PK), Date. FK: Class_ID. 5. Attendance: Attributes: Attendance_ID (PK), Student_ID (FK), Meeting_ID (FK). 6. Ranks: Attributes: Rank_ID (PK), Rank_Name, BeltColor. 7. Rank_Requirements: Attributes: Requirement_ID (PK), Requirement_Description. FK: Rank_ID. 8. StudentRanks: Attributes: StudentRank_ID (PK), RankAwardDate. 4 FK: Student_ID, RankID. Relationships: 1. Students-Instructors Relationship: A one-to-one or One-to-Many relationship indicates a student can also be an instructor. 2. Instructors-Class Relationship: One-to-many relationship showing an instructor can teach many classes. 3. Class-Class Meetings Relationship: A one-to-many relationship indicates a class can have multiple meetings. 4. Instructors-Class Meetings Relationship: One-to-many relationship denoting multiple instructors per class meeting. 5. Students-Attendance Relationship: Many-to-many relationships show multiple students can attend multiple class meetings. 6. Students-Ranks Relationship: One-to-many relationship tracking student progression through ranks. 7. Students-Class Relationship: Many-to-Many: Indicates that students may enroll in multiple classes, and each class may have multiple students attending. 8. Classes-Attendance Relationship: One-to-Many: Indicates that each class may have multiple instances of attendance records, but each attendance record belongs to only one class. 9. Rank-Rank Requirements Relationship: One-to-Many indicates that each rank may have multiple rank requirements, but each rank requirement belongs to only one rank. 5 10. Student Ranks-Ranks Relationship: Many-to-One indicates that many students can hold the same rank, but each rank held by a student belongs to only one rank. When designing the database schema for Martial Arts R Us (MARU), a specific focus was directed toward the satisfaction of the mandates of having a student-instructor-classes-attendanceand-ranking database structure. The ERD provided in the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) formulates a clean and complete structure of the database in a concise and visually representative manner. The ERD represents the main classes of entities, including the Students, Instructors, Classes, Class Meetings, and Attendance entities, the Ranks and the Rank Requirements classes, and the Student Ranks class, which includes the attributes and relationships that are relevant to the system. Every individual is created that is specific that they will store the specific data that the school operations need. Through connectivity, relationships are built among entities, which in turn guarantee the integrity of data and smooth management of the school's internal operations. This many-to-many relationship between Students and Classes gives you the option to enroll new students easily, while the one-to-many relationship of Classes and Attendance IS the best tool to keep track of student attendance in each class session. In addition, the ERD fulfills the specifications for the database, including student views through different class ranks, a list of classes and their instructors, the roles of each instructor within each class, as well as rank requirements. Beyond any doubt, the ERD brings to the club the needed architecture of the database and can help handle data smoothly as well as being able to support the daily operations of the schools. 6 This database reinforces the ability of MARU to promptly follow student progress, manage class schedules, record attendance, and maintain information related to promotion, so the involvement can be boosted for students and teachers as well. 7 References Redirect notice. (n.d.-b). https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvertabelo.com%2Fblog%2Fv ertabelo-tips-good-er-diagram-layout%2F&psig=AOvVaw2WBhet5poUljboCInv7kL&ust=1711006060807000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRx qFwoTCIiK-bqogoUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD What is Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)? (n.d.). https://www.visualparadigm.com/guide/data-modeling/what-is-entity-relationship-diagram/