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Hack N Win Rule Book: Event Guidelines & Technical Rules

Reporting Time will be 8:00 AM on 2nd March 2024.
venue for the inauguration- Auditorium Block 2
Every student must wear their college ID-Card.
Concessional Food Coupons will be given to External participants and day scholars of
CEC-J on a payment basis near the block.
5. Following are the food timings:
Breakfast Timings: 8:00 AM TO 9:30 AM
Lunch Timings: 1:00 PM TO 2:30 PM
Dinner Timings: 8:00 PM TO 9:30 PM
6. Food facility will be closed if not reached on time and the concessional food coupon will
be automatically canceled.
7. Restrooms will be available between 8:00 pm 2nd March 2024 to 8:00 am 3rd March
2024. The following are the venue:
FOR BOYS: SEMINAR HALL(Ground floor) Block 1
8. CGC Transportation/ accommodation facilities will not be provided to any external team
9. Students are required to bring standy to represent their institute/ Department/ idea.
10. Students are required to wear T-shirts with these logos -- their College logo, Hackathon
logo, CEC Logo, IIC Logo.
1. All are required to bring their own laptop and installed software as they need.
2. Registration: All participants must register and check-in by the specified time on the day
of the event. Late registrations will not be accepted.
3. Devfolio Registration: All participating teams must register on the Devfolio platform
before the hackathon. Team leaders are responsible for creating their team's profile and
ensuring all team members are added.
4. Team Formation Rules:
● Each team would comprise of 3 to 4 members (including a team leader)
with 1 team mentor (optional).
Team members could be of different institutions as well. Make sure you
have the proper ID card for reference.
● Teams should be made up exclusively of students who are not organizers,
volunteers, judges, sponsors, or in any other privileged position at the
5. Skill Composition: For software-focused hackathons, the majority of team members
should possess programming skills. For hardware editions, teams should be
multidisciplinary, including mechanical engineers, electronic engineers, product
designers, and programmers.
6. Presentation: Each team will have a set time to present their project to the judges. This
includes a demonstration and a Q&A session.
7. Judging Criteria: Projects will be evaluated based on novelty, complexity, clarity,
feasibility, sustainability, and potential impact. The judges' decisions are final.
8. Submission Guidelines: Complete project submission by the announced deadline.
 Include all necessary documentation and ensure the project aligns with the
hackathon's objectives.
 Projects must be submitted with source code, a README file detailing the project
setup, and a short video demonstration
9. Start from Scratch: Projects must be initiated at the hackathon. Pre-existing code,
except for open-source libraries, is not permitted.
10. Code Repository: Participants must use a specified version control system to track their
progress, facilitating project submission and review.
11. Prizes and Recognition: Prizes will be awarded based on the judges' evaluation. All
participating teams receive certificates of participation.
12. Technical Support: Organizers will provide basic technical support, but participants are
responsible for their own equipment and software setup.
13. Security Standards: Projects must adhere to basic security standards, ensuring data
protection and user privacy. Security vulnerabilities identified by the organizers may lead
to disqualification.
14. First Aid facilities are available in the CGC campus, but participants must take any
medicine with his/her own consent as per medical prescription.
15. Common Facilities such as a tuck shop/ATM (SBI) are available in the CGC campus.
Dr. Rini Saxena