Day 1 (12th February 2024) Syllabus Books: Netzwerk Neu A1 Audio: Klett Augmented app Introduction Hallo // Hello Wie heißen Sie? // What is your name? Iche Heiße (name). // My name is (name). Wo wohnen Sie? // Where do you live? Ich wohnen in Karachi. // I live in Karachi. Woher kommen Sie? // Where do you come from? Ich komme aus Pakistan. // I come from Pakistan. Time of day Guten Morgen // Good morning. Guten Tag // Good day. Guten Abend // Good evening. Gute Nacht // Good night. Informal, only used for friends and family. Germany uses 24 hour clock, not AM/PM. Die Tagezeiten Die Uhrzeit Die Begrußung Der Morgen (morning) 04-10 Guten Morgen Der Vormittag (late morning) 10-12 Der Mittag (midday) 12 Der Nachmittag (afternoon) 12-16 Der Abend (evening) 16-22 Guten Abend Die Nacht 22-04 Gute Nacht Guten Tag Alphabets and pronounciation Combined alphabets pronounciation Sp…/ St… / Sh… - If a German word starts with these then S makes the Shh sound for e.g: Stadt (City) - Shhtadt, …ig - If a German word ends with “ig” then it makes the Ish sound for e.g: Name pronunciation When asked to spell your name, spell your last name first, followed by your first name. When spelling you are expected to properly pronounce your name using German letters. For e.g when spelling out “Fateh” it would be F(f), A(aa), T(tay), E(ay), H(haa) DO NOT write the sounds of each letter you hear when writing down a name that is spelt out to you by a peer, write the letter corresponding to the sound directly. Die Vokale // Vowels A - aa E - ay I - ee O-o U - ooh Umlaut alphabets and pronunciation Ä - Ae Ö - eO Ü - eUU ß - SS Day 2 (13th February 2024) Vocabulary Ganz: pretty e.g. Ganz gut means pretty good Sehr: very e.g. Sehr gut means very good Entschuldigung - Excuse me / Sorry Bis bald: See you soon Frau - Used in formal conversation with females “Wo wohnen Sie Frau Merkel?” / In reference to one’s wife “Meine Frau.” / In reference to a woman if used objectively “Die Frau kommt aus Deutschland.” Er - he Sie - She, check verb conjugation in a sentence to differentiate between formal Sie and she. Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?: Which languages do you speak? New questions/statements and responses (Formell und Informell) Wie geht es Ihnen? - Formal mode of asking someone “How are you?” Gut, Danke. Und Ihnen? Wie geht’s? - Informal mode of asking someone “How are you?” Es geht danke, und dir? Wer sind Sie? - “Who are you?” (Formal) Ich bin … Wer bist du? - “Who are you?” (Informal) Ich bin … Topic Covered from Kursbuck: Page 10 - 2a Page 11 - 3a Page 12 Exercises covered from Übungsbuch Page 6 - 2b Page 7 - 2c, 3a Page 8 - 3e Page 9 - 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d Page10 - 4e, 5a, 5d Verb conjugation Verbal exercise Practice introducing another person, keeping in mind: their gender, formal/informal speech, second/third person. E.g: Ich heiße … ich komme aus … und ich wohne in … E.g: er/sie heißt … er/sie kommt aus … er/sie Day 3 (14th February 2024) New Vocab Sprachen - Languages Topics covered from Kursbuch: Page 13 (dreizehn) Page 15 (fünfzehn) - Exercises covered from Übungsbuch Page 11 (elf) - 5e Page 12 (zwölf) - 6d, 6e Complete pronouns list with some verb conjugations for Chapter 1 New Verbs Machen - To do / To make Joggen - To jog Schreibe - To write Trinke - To drink Gehe - To go Reise - To travel Lerne - To Study Sprechen - To Speak Counting - Zahlen Null - 0 Eins - 1 Zwei - 2 Drei - 3 Vier - 4 Fünf - 5 Sechs - 6 Sieben - 7 Acht - 8 Neun - 9 Zehn - 10 Elf - 11 Zwölf - 12 W Fragen - Questions starting with W words Note: The verb is always placed in the second position of these questions. e.g : Wie, Wer, Wo, Was, Woher … Wie heißen Sie? / Woher kommen Sie? / Was machst du? / Wie ist Ihre Handynummer? Aussagesatz - Statements Note: Verb is also placed in second position here. E.g: Ich komme aus Pakistan / Ich spreche Urdu / Ich lerne Deutsch Day 4 (15th February 2024) NOTE: All nouns in German are always capitalized. NOTE: In any statement or question, the time of a particular event always comes first E.g: Können Sie am Samstag kommen? / Ich mache morgen eine Party. Important Vocab (often repeats) Machen (Verb) - To make / To do Ergänzen (Verb) - To fill out / To complete / To add Ordnen (Verb) - To re-arrange Passen (Verb) - To fit / To match Schreiben (Verb) - To write Lesen (Verb) - To read Hören (Verb) - To hear Seite Nummer (Noun) - Page number Die Aufgabe (Noun) - The task / The assignment Die Übung (Noun) - The exercise / The practice Fertig (Adjective) - Completed / Done Noch einmal (Phrase) - Once more Alles klar (Phrase) - All clear Verstanden (Verb) - To understand Das Thema (Noun) - The topic / subject Bitte - Please Ja / nein - Yes / No Kapitel Zwei (Chapter Two), Kursbuch, page 18 a (adverb) - Means gladly and indicates that you like to do something E.g: Ich schwimme gern / Ich koche gern / Ich lese gern Nicht (adverb) - Indicates negation, that you don’t do something, or if used as nicht gern means you don't like to do something E.g: Ich koche nicht (I don’t cook) , Ich koche nicht gern (I don’t like to cook) Übungsbuch Exercises 1a, 1b, 2a, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5b, 5c, 5d Ja / Nein Frage (Yes / No questions) Structure : Question always starts with a conjugated verb. Answer always starts with Ja / Nein E.g: Schreibst du gern? / Schwimmt er gern? / Wandert sie gern? Answers: Nein ich schreibe nicht gern / Ja er schwimmt gern / Ja sie wandert gern Seasons, Months and Days Day 5 (16th February 2024) Nouns and their genders NOTE: Each German noun has its own gender. When remembering a noun, remember its article too so you know its gender. Nouns are either masculine, feminine, neutral or plural. Plural ALWAYS has the “Die” article. Noun examples with their articles New Vocabulary Arbeiten - To work. Der Beruf - Profession Die Arbeit - Work Die Tätigkeit - Occupation Questions related to work, profession, free time etc. Zahlen ab zwölf (Counting from twelve onwards) Dreizehn - 13 Vierzehn - 14 Fünfzehn - 15 Sechzehn - 16 Siebzehn - 17 Achtzehn - 18 Neunzehn - 19 Zwanzig - 20 Zahlen ab zwanzig (Counting from twenty onwards) Day 6 (19th February 2024) Kapitel Zwei und Drei Professions with masculine and female conjugations / Die Berufe mit maskulin und feminin Exercises covered Übungsbuch: Kapitel Zwei - 8a, 9a, 9d, 12a, 12b, 12c Kapitel Drei Kursbuch: Kapitel Zwei - 13a, 14a, 14b, 14c, Kapitel Drei - 1a, 1b, 2a, Day 7 (20th February 2024) Kapitel Drei Definite/Indefinite Articles - Bestimmter/Unbestimmter Artikel NOTE: The definite (bestimmter) article for each noun MUST be memorized along with the noun. The definite article governs the conjugation of the indefinite (unbestimmter) article E.g: Die Katze (The cat), Das ist eine Katze (That/This is a cat) Die Straße (The street), Das ist meine Straße (That/This is my street) Der Zug (The Train), Das ist mein Zug (That/This is my train) Der Fluss (The river), Das ist ein Fluss (That/This is a river) NOTE: Plurals only ever use definite(bestimmter) article and this is always “die”. Negation (v. important) NOTE: On Day 4 we covered negation using “nicht” today we learned “kein”. Kein is used when negating a noun, saying that something isn't so. “Kein” is also an article so it does change from “kein” to “keine” based on the gender of the noun as shown below. Exercises covered Kursbuch: 2a, 2b, 2c, 4a, 4b, 4c, 6a, 6b, 6c Übungsbuch: 4a, 4b, 4c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 6g Day 8 (21st February 2024) Kapitel Drei Directions Links - To the left Rechts - To the right Geradeaus - Straight ahead The general rule is: Gehen Sie … / und dann … Gehen Sie translates to “Go” it is used as an imperative, essentially a way of directing someone to go a particular direction. Und dann - and then Using the above structure, an example of directing someone could be: Gehen Sie rechts und dann links Exercises covered Kursbuch Kapitel Drei: 7a, 7b, 8 Übungsbuch Kapitel Drei: 8a, 8b, 8c, Imperative (Imperativ) Imperative in grammar is a statement which acts as an instruction or order to someone. They always start with verbs. Examples… Exam related exercise for “Hören” Übungsbuch page 43 Exam related exercise for “Sprechen” In the speaking exams first part you will be expected to introduce yourself based on the questions below on the right so be familiar with what your answers are going to be. Furthermore, the examiner can ask you to spell your name, street, postcode etc. Day 9 (22nd February 2024) Content covered Übungsbuch: 2a, 2b, 3a, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b Kursbuch: Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Beispiele. Akusativ case (v. important) The akusativ case applies to objects in a sentence. Objects are identified by answering two questions: who/what is receiving an action(verb) in a sentence It results in a different conjugation for the definite and indefinite article related to masculine nouns only. Akusativ verbs are verbs that always require an object. w Personal Pronouns Singular personal pronouns Nominativ Akusativ Ich - I Mich - me Du - you Dich - you Er - he Ihn - him Sie - she Sie - her Es - it Es - it Plural personal pronouns Nominativ Akusativ Wir - we Uns - us Ihr - you Euch - you Sie - they Sie - them Nominativ verbs are verbs that always require a subject. Day 10 (23rd February 2024) Content covered, Kapitel Vier Kursbuch: 6a, 7a, 8a, 8b, 9a Übungsbuch: 6b, 6c, 6d, 8a, 9a, 9b Irregular verbs Sentence structure Note: Sentences must always start with either the time or the subject, verbs will always be in second position. Day 11 (24th February 2024) Time Day 12 (25th February 2024) Day 13 (26th February 2024) Day 14 (27th February 2024) Modalverben A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that “modifies” or gives more information about the function of the main verb that follows. In a sentence the modal verb takes second position and is conjugated with respect to the subject whereas the main verb stays in infinitive form and is ALWAYS at the end of that sentence Examples: Können wir zusammen Essen und Getränke kaufen? / “Können” is the modal verb, conjugated with respect to “wir” and “kaufen” is the main verb written in its infinitive form. Temporal Prepositions Akusativ Possessive Pronouns recall Nominativ ich Mein (Masculine noun) - der Meine (Feminine noun) - die Mein (Neutral Noun) - das Meine (Plural noun) - die du dein deine dein deine er sein seine sein seine sie ihr ihre ihr ihre es sein seine sein seine Akusativ ich Meinen (masculine noun) - den du deinen er seinen sie ihren es seinen Day 15 (28th February) Exercises covered Kursbuch Kapitel 5: 11 c, 12 Übungsbuch Kapitel 6: 1 a, 2 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 4 b, Dates and birth dates (Datum und Geburtsdatum) Note: In German dates are written as, slashes are not used. In some cases people may say dates differently. For e.g the date 04.01 may be said as “Am vierten Ersten” or “Am vierten Januar” Day 16 (29th February)