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Electronics For You Express - March 2024

MARCH 2024 | VOL. 4 NO. 5
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26 TRENDS: The Next Wave Of Bluetooth Audio
46 POLICY: Roadmap To India’s
Semiconductor Productisation
INTERVIEW: “Efficiency In
Solar Energy Is More About
Investment Rationale Than
Resource Limitation” —
Tanya Singhal, Co-founder,
“Music Is An
Integral Part Of
My Life, And I
Cannot Imagine
My Life Without
It” — Prof. V. Kamakoti,
Director, IIT Madras
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IIoT Security Risks
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66 PROJECT: Smartwatch-Like HID With Keyboard And Touchpad
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Research & Innovation Updates
Truly Innovative Electronics
New Products
Electroons 2.0
Startups & Innovators
Dashboard: Key Industry Trends That
Can Shape The Future Of Your Business
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You’ll Need to Upgrade
to Electronics For You (e-zine or print)
to Access These Additional Stories…
20 EXPERTS: How Much Open Source Is Too Much Open Source?
22 TRENDS: Enhancing Electronics Safety: Exploring Advanced Materials For Device Protection
36 BUSINESS: ICE Or EV: Electronics Have Become The Central Thread
39 TECHNOLOGY: The Future Of Automotive Electronics: A2P
Messaging In Connected Vehicles
43 TECHNOLOGY: The Evolving Landscape Of Vehicle Control Units
76 CIRCUIT: Interesting Reference Designs Of Thermometers
CIRCUIT IDEA: Dual Stopwatch
PROJECT: RFID Based Authentication System Using Arduino
PROJECT: Meshtastic Network Of Inexpensive LoRa Radios
PROJECT: ‘Namaste’ Robot To Greets Visitors Automatically
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& Innovation updates
Sustainable organic cathode batteries
for electric cars innovated
A new MIT battery material could offer a more sustainable way to power electric cars
(Source: Courtesy of the researchers; Edited by MIT News)
MIT researchers have innovated a sustainable electric vehicle battery, sidestepping the cobalt reliance plaguing
many EV batteries. Their breakthrough
utilises an organic cathode, composed
of TAQ layers—a molecule boasting
three fused hexagonal rings, resembling a graphite-like structure. TAQ’s
quinones act as electron reservoirs,
while amines form robust hydrogen
bonds, ensuring high stability and insolubility. Tests reveal conductivity and
storage capacities equivalent to cobalt
batteries, with faster charging rates.
Incorporating cellulose and rubber fillers enhances stability and lifespan, and
estimated material costs are significantly lower. Future efforts may explore
replacing lithium with more abundant
sodium or magnesium in these environmentally friendly batteries.
RISC-V based ‘Big Chip’ to explore scalability of processor performance
Researchers from the China Academy of Sciences have introduced a report on the ‘Big Chip,’ a chipset-based architecture
aimed at exploring the scalability of processor performance.
Their creation, the Zheijiang Big Chip, incorporates a RISC-V
processor system with 16 chiplets containing a total of 256
cores, fabricated using a 22nm CMOS process. This system
is distinguished by its network-on-chip (NoC) that facilitates
symmetrical communication across 16 RISC-V processors
within each chiplet, with plans to expand the architecture
to support up to 100 chiplets, as detailed in the Elsevier
journal Fundamental Research. Utilising a die-to-die interface
that employs time-multiplexing for chiplet connections, the
design supports a unified memory system allowing seamless
memory access across any core. This time-multiplexing technique not only minimises the space required for I/O bumps
but also streamlines the wiring on the interposer.
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
The Big Chip is a RISC-V processor system with 256 cores
(Credit: www.electronicsforu.com)
research & innovation
Advances made in fuel cells and
hydrogen-producing electrolysers
MIT chemists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the
vital chemical process crucial for energy technologies like
fuel cells and hydrogen-producing electrolysers. They have
elucidated the proton-coupled electron transfers at an electrode surface, a critical step in generating electric currents.
The team designed electrode surfaces using graphene sheets
linked to organic compounds, exploring proton movement.
The pH of the solution was found to affect proton transfer
rates, with faster rates at extreme pH levels. Surprisingly,
equilibrium occurred at pH 10, challenging existing models.
The researchers are now delving into how various electrolyte
ions influence the speed of proton-coupled electron flow for
potential advancements in fuel cells and batteries.
A fuel cell that uses soil microbes
to power underground sensors
Researchers at Northwestern University have developed
a fuel cell that uses soil microbes for power, similar in
size to a paperback book, offering an energy solution for
underground sensors in
precision agriculture and
infrastructure. This technology provides a renewable alternative to conventional batteries and
can power soil moisture
sensors and track animal
movements without the
environmental issues of
traditional battery production.
It includes a small
The fuel cell in the lab (Credit:
antenna for wireless data
transmission, enhancing
its utility. The fuel cell performs well in various soil conditions, lasting longer than similar technologies by 120%.
After two years of development and testing in an outdoor
garden, the team’s design combines unique geometry with
a carbon-felt anode and a metal cathode for efficient operation in both dry and wet conditions. This work leads to
sustainable, conflict-free computing solutions, aiming for a
fully biodegradable version.
on an integrated system to
enable smooth connectivity between devices, users,
and the environment. Dr
Chaaban is using artificial
intelligence to tackle the
complexities of future
networks. His team uses AI
techniques, like transformer-masked autoencoders,
Next-generation mobile networks are
to improve data transmisexpected to outperform 5G on many
fronts (Source: https://news.ok.ubc.ca) sion by smartly handling
content delivery and recovery. Their work focuses on fulfilling the needs for extensive
connectivity, low latency, and high reliability, emphasising
energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Dr Chaaban’s
project uses AI to navigate the challenges of emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, aiming to create adaptable,
efficient, and secure wireless communication systems.
Modified electrode surfaces improve
efficiencies of fuel cells and batteries
MIT chemists have detailed the process of proton-coupled
electron transfers at electrode surfaces, which is crucial for
energy technologies like
fuel cells and electrolysis
producing hydrogen gas.
They developed a method
to modify electrode surfaces
with graphene sheets connected to organic comMIT chemists have mapped out how
pounds, enhancing proton
proton-coupled electron transfers
attraction and facilitating
happen at the surface of an electrode
(Source: MIT News, iStock)
electron flow into graphene.
This approach enables the
measurement of proton transfer rates at equilibrium, showing that the reaction’s speed changes with the solution’s pH,
being quicker in acidic or basic conditions. Their findings
contradict previous models by demonstrating that reaction
rates are equal at a pH of 10, not neutral pH. This could improve the efficiency of fuel cells, batteries, and other energy
technologies. The team is investigating how different ions
influence proton-coupled electron flow speeds.
New AI wireless tech might surpass
5G speed, reliability, and coverage
Automated deep learning system
to help improve product design and
brand management
Researchers at UBC Okanagan have developed a wireless
communication framework that aims to surpass 5G in
terms of speed, reliability, and coverage. They are working
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed
BIGNet, an automated deep learning system to improve
brand consistency across products, which could lead to
Electronics For You express | March 2024
research & innovation
higher profits through more efficient design processes. BIGNet uses deep learning to analyse SVG images of products,
accurately detect brand elements, and successfully identify
brand consistencies in product images. It distinguished between cellphone brands like Apple and Samsung by identifying specific features with 100% accuracy. BIGNet also
accurately differentiates between ten car brands, recognising luxury vehicles through branding. This method reduces
the need for domain experts and marks a significant shift
from manually identifying brand features. Researchers see
potential for BIGNet in 3D imaging and beyond, highlighting its impact on product design and brand management
by offering unparalleled efficiency and precision.
Vanadium flow batteries could
revolutionise large scale energy
Scientists at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, have developed a highpower vanadium flow
battery stack, potentially
revolutionising renewable energy storage for
large-scale applications.
Vanadium flow batteries,
notable for their longevity and safety, have faced
70kW-level vanadium flow battery stack
(Source: https://interestingengineering.com) limited adoption due to
high costs. The team’s
70kW stack doubles the power of previous 30kW stacks
using new materials, achieving a volume power density of
130kW/m3 and reducing costs by 40%. It maintains over
80% energy efficiency across different power settings and
shows minimal efficiency loss after 1200 cycles. This innovation could double the power of 6.1-metre (20-foot) energy storage units to 500kW without significant size or cost
increases, paving the way for commercialising vanadium
flow batteries and enhancing sustainable energy storage.
Helium 1 chip prototype showcases
quantum supremacy with fewer
Researchers at the research institute Inria have introduced
a quantum error correction architecture using low-density
parity-check (LDPC) codes on cat qubits, advancing
towards scalable, fault-tolerant quantum computing. This
architecture optimises gate implementation and short-range
connectivity on quantum chips, reducing the complexity
of quantum error correction. It offers a tenfold increase in
error correction efficiency, enabling the operation of 100
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
logical qubits with
just 1500 physical cat qubits. Cat
qubits, inspired by
Schrödinger’s Cat
Paradox, effectively
reduce bit-flip errors.
This setup allows for
executing advanced
algorithms, such as
Cat Qubit Quantum error correction
(Source: https://thequantuminsider.com)
Shor’s algorithm, with
fewer than 100,000
physical qubits—significantly less than the millions previously thought necessary. The Helium 1 chip prototype by
Alice & Bob showcases the potential to achieve quantum
supremacy with fewer resources, indicating a major leap
towards exceeding classical computing power.
New water filtration method removes
nearly all particles larger than 10nm
Researchers at the University of Texas have developed a
new water filtration system, significantly enhancing clean
drinking water access for over two billion people worldwide, especially in
remote and underdeveloped regions with
water. Published in
Nature Sustainability,
this portable system
filters out nearly 100%
of particles larger than
Injectable water filtration system
(Source: https://news.utexas.edu)
10 nanometres (nm),
outperforming existing
methods that capture 40% to 80% of such particles. It uses
a web of nano cellulose fibres, enabling easy water purification via syringe, delivering clean water instantly. Affordable, user-friendly, and sustainable, the system uses biodegradable hydrogel films for up to 30 uses. Effective against
various types of contaminated water, including those with
microplastics, the syringe-based prototype processes up to
1.5 litres of water. This marks a significant advancement
towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for global safe drinking water access.
Quantum computing poised to
improve fibre network operations
Cinfo and Kipu Quantum are collaborating to enhance the
resilience of Galicia’s optical fibre network, operated by R,
using quantum computing. This project identifies critical
research & innovation
vulnerabilities by focusing on network nodes whose failure
could severely disrupt service. By integrating the network
model with quantum computing for analysis, the initiative
seeks to boost network reliability and service quality. Kipu
Quantum’s quantum algorithm enables thorough inspection of R’s network using quantum annealers and neutralatom quantum computers for effective data analysis. The
approach utilised D-Wave’s quantum annealers for preliminary analysis and QuEra’s quantum computer for a detailed
study, with AWS Braket and D-Wave providing cloud platform support. This application of quantum computing in
network management promises significant improvements in
fibre network operations, with quantum technology poised
to address more complex infrastructures by 2025.
Algorithms developed for real-time
learning in autonomous devices
Researchers in the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have developed algorithms for continuous
learning. They point out the quest for real-time adaptation
necessitates advanced algorithms that, in turn, require hardware accelerators to be more powerful in terms of energy,
memory, and flexibility. These accelerators need to be compact, energy-efficient, and able to adjust their resource use
over time to learn new information without losing previously
acquired knowledge, a challenge known as “catastrophic forgetting.” The team outlines essential attributes for AI accelerators to facilitate lifelong learning: the ability for on-device
learning, flexible resource management, model recoverability
to ensure consistent performance amid ongoing learning,
and efficient integration of new and existing knowledge.
Meeting these demands is a significant hurdle, marking the
beginning of efforts towards creating autonomous devices
with the capacity for uninterrupted, real-time learning.
Management of rooftop solar
panels made easy by new software
Researchers at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have
developed Solar Data Tools to improve the management
of rooftop solar panels. The software, which analyses data
from 1000 solar installations, monitors power output in
five-minute intervals over years to reveal how weather,
shading, and damage impact power generation. It uses
signal decomposition to filter out noise and focus on
performance metrics, helping owners spot damage or inefficiencies. Initially designed for technically skilled users, it
creates graphs to swiftly track and address system issues.
Efforts are underway to broaden its accessibility through
a user-friendly mobile app and a simple interface, making
solar data analysis understandable for non-experts.
A polymer electrolyte membrane
extends fuel cell lifespan
Researchers from Incheon National University and Harvard
University have innovated a polymer electrolyte membrane
for fuel cells that
exceptionally resists
fatigue, addressing a critical need
for durability in
real-world conditions. By employing
an interpenetrating
network strategy, this membrane
Scientists have successfully engineered
evenly spreads
a fatigue-resistant electrolyte membrane
that exhibits resistance to cracking and
stress, combining
significantly extends the lifespan of fuel
Nafion—a leading
cells (Source: oakridgelabnews from
Openverse https://openverse.org)
perfluoropolyether (PFPE) to form a resilient blend. This
composition slightly lowers electrochemical efficiency but
significantly boosts wear resistance and longevity. Testing showed that a membrane with a 50% PFPE blend not
only maintains satisfactory electrochemical performance
but also enhances fatigue resistance by 175% and extends
fuel cell lifespan by 1.7 times, from 242 to 410 hours. This
breakthrough paves the way for more durable, efficient
fuel cell systems, potentially revolutionising technology in
transport and power backup solutions.
The new skin sensor can help in
rehabilitation of the sick and elderly
Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science &
Technology have developed a new electromyography
(EMG) sensor that is stretchable and sticks to the skin, reliably capturing muscle signals for wearable robots, even
when faced with sweat and skin debris. This technology
is crucial for devices that assist in rehabilitation for the
elderly and those recovering from strokes or injuries, as
it accurately interprets movement intentions. Unlike traditional sensors that deteriorate or fail under challenging
skin conditions, this microneedle sensor penetrates lightly
into the skin, ensuring consistent, high-quality signal
collection without skin prep. Its design allows it to flex
with skin movement, minimising motion-related noise. In
practical applications, it has successfully enabled a wearable robot to help users lift objects by precisely detecting
muscle activity and converting it into action. It is promising to improve robot-assisted rehabilitation’s effectiveness
and precision.
Electronics For You express | March 2024
Amongst numerous press releases of new products received by us, these are the ones
we found worthy of the title Truly Innovative Electronics
Industry’s first ultrasonic
lens cleaning chipset
Texas Instruments (TI) has launched
the industry’s first semiconductors
designed specifically with ultrasonic
lens cleaning (ULC) technology. The
ULC chipset permits camera systems
to autonomously detect and dispel
dust, ice, and water through the use
of minute vibrations. The chipset provides a streamlined and cost-effective
solution for integrating ULC technology into various camera systems
and sizes, offering broad application
potential. This chipset facilitates the
implementation of ULC technology in
a minimal space, with a printed circuit
board footprint under 25mm x 15mm.
Texas Instruments (TI)
World’s smallest
MEMS accelerometer
Bosch Sensortec has introduced the
BMA580, an MEMS accelerometer.
The accelerometer, with activity tracking and step
is suited for
to Bosch’s
previous model, it occupies 76%
less space and the profile has been
reduced from 0.95mm to 0.55mm.
The size of the accelerometer facilitates its placement on PCBs, and
its functionalities enable design
engineers to incorporate them into
portable devices. It uses bone conduction technology to sense the vibrations of the user’s voice, activating
the microphone from its sleep state
when needed, thus saving power. The
accelerometer is useful beyond wearables, for gesture recognition in toys,
detecting falls in laptops and other
electronics, and managing power in
smartphones by detecting inactivity to
initiate sleep mode.
Bosch Sensortec
Nuclear battery to
last 50 years without
Betavolt has developed a battery that
can power smartphones for 50 years
without recharging. This battery is considered the
world’s first
miniaturised atomic
system, with dimensions similar to a
coin, measuring 15x15x5 cubic millimetres. The battery can deliver 100
microwatts of power at 3V, generating
electricity from the decay of nickel63. The battery is resistant to fire and
impact, and can operate in temperatures from -60°C to 120°C. Its size
allows for the connection of multiple
units for more power. It can be used in
aerospace, medical care, UAVs, microrobots, microprocessors, advanced sensors, drones, and AI. It is designed to
be safe, preventing fire or explosions,
and emits no radiation, making it suitable for medical devices.
Industry’s first miniature
SIP reed relay
Pickering Electronics has expanded its
Series 104 reed relay line with a new
model that features a 5kV stand-off and
up to 1.5kV switching capability. The
new models
can occupy
the same
circuit board
(PCB) space
as one of the previously larger relays,
with adequate separation between each
component. The relays are suited for a
variety of applications, including mixed
signal semiconductor testing, cable
tests, photovoltaic efficiency monitoring, electric vehicle and charging station
testing, gas analysis in mining, medical
electronics, in-circuit testing, high voltage instrumentation, and more.
Pickering Electronics
multi-core BLE chip
Renesas Electronics Corporation has
launched the DA14592 Bluetooth Low
Energy (LE) system-on-chip (SoC). The
SoC is designed for low power con-
sumption and small size, featuring a
multi-core architecture for Bluetooth LE
applications. The SoC is aimed at uses
such as connected medical devices,
asset tracking, human interface
devices, metering, point of sale (PoS)
readers, and crowd-sourced location
tracking. The DA14592 is notable for its
cost-effectiveness, requiring few exterWWW.EFYMAG.COM
nal components, thus minimising the
engineering bill of materials (eBOM).
Its design operates on a system clock
with an on-chip RCX, eliminating the
need for a sleep mode crystal in most
applications. The SoC’s packaging
options reduce the solution footprint.
Renesas Electronics Corporation
World’s first Wi-Fi
Certified 7 tri-band
single-chip solution
MaxLinear has launched the world’s
first Wi-Fi Certified 7 tri-band singlechip solution. The Wi-Fi access
point enhances speed, capacity, and
efficiency, making it well-suited for
areas with high demand. It features
cutting-edge technologies such as 4K
QAM, multi-link operations, multi
resource unit, and puncturing, multiuser multiple input multiple output,
orthogonal frequency division multiple
access, advanced beamforming, and
improvements in power efficiency. The
product achieves a peak throughput of
11.5Gbps on the 6GHz (6E) band, offering speeds that are double those of the
previous Wi-Fi 6 generation.
Industry-first 28nm
radar one-chip family
NXP Semiconductors has announced
an addition to its automotive radar chip
family with the SAF86xx. Along with
nologies. The radar SoC streams radar
sensor data at up to 1Gbit/s, enabling
automakers to refine ADAS partitioning
for software-defined vehicles and transition to new architectures. It allows
original equipment manufacturers to
update and add radar functionalities
throughout the vehicle’s lifespan via
over-the-air updates. The product uses
28nm RFCMOS technology to enhance
radar sensor performance beyond older
40nm or 45nm technologies.
that mimics the brain’s mechanisms for
sensory data processing. The T1 systemon-chip aims to transform sensor
data processing at the edge, enabling
applications in wearables, smart homes,
NXP Semiconductors
and IoT devices. It offers event-driven
processing capabilities for sensing
scenarios. At its core, T1 integrates
neuromorphic computing technology, a
RISC-V processor, and support for CNN
models. The processor is supported by
a software development kit, Talamo.
Integrated with the PyTorch framework,
Talamo provides a platform for developing and deploying spiking neural
network applications, serving as a tool
for developers interested in neuromorphic processing.
Industry’s smallest
package switching
ABLIC has launched synchronous
step-down switching regulator
S-19954/19955 series, which the company claims to be the industry’s smallest package switching regulators. The
IC, developed through CMOS process
is a secondary step-down
regulator with
an integrated
Power Good
function. It allows the choice between
PWM control or PWM/PFM switching control. The S-19955 series, with
PWM/PFM switching control, uses
PWM control for heavy loads and
switches to PFM control for light loads,
providing operation based on the load
condition. With a switching frequency
of 2.25MHz, the IC supports the use of
smaller external components, making
the IC suitable for applications where
space is a concern.
World’s smallest highcurrent driver module
Neuromorphic SoC
that mimics brain’s data
NXP’s S32 processors, vehicle connectivity, and power management, this
system solution supports the development of software-defined radar techWWW.EFYMAG.COM
Innatera has launched a neuromorphic
microcontroller, the Spiking Neural
Processor T1. The processor uses
neuromorphic processing technology
Microbots have launched DriveCell, a
compact h-bridge module, measuring
0.8cm x 1.0cm, designed for controlling high
loads, such
as brushed
LED strips,
or other
devices, including CoilPad and FlatFlap.
It can be operated through an Arduino
using a library supplied by Microbots.
It is equipped with the DRV8837 chip,
designed for precise control of output
current direction through its two input
pins, which are typically activated in
opposite polarities. The chip comes
with several safety features, including
overcurrent protection, undervoltage
lockout, and thermal shutdown, necessitating caution to avoid reversing its
supply rails.
Power integrated modules
The EliteSiC power integrated modules
(PIMs) are notable for their scalability, supporting output powers ranging
from 25kW to 100kW. This scalability
makes them suitable
for various applications, including multiple DC fast charging
and energy storage system platforms. A vital feature of these
systems is bidirectional charging. The
company claims to offer designers the
versatility to select the most suitable
PIMs for the power conversion stages
in applications like DC fast charging
or energy storage systems.
Surface-mount thermal jumper
The TMJ series features an electrically isolated jumper with thermal
conductivity, maintaining capacitance
and insulation resistance between its
terminals. This component uses an aluminium nitride substrate
for thermal conductance, reaching up to
216mW/°C, while
ensuring isolation for components that
cannot be electrically grounded. Aluminium nitride (AIN) has a thermal
conductivity of 170W/mK, aiding in
heat dissipation and contributing to its
capacitance for electrical interference.
The AIN substrate also exhibits insulation resistance, ensuring performance.
The chips are available in sizes ranging from 0603 to 2512, and they are
designed to operate within a temperature range of -55ºC to +155°C.
Stackpole Electronics
Infrared receiver module
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. has upgraded its TSOP18xx, TSOP58xx, and
TSSP5xx infrared (IR) receiver module
series, tailored for remote control,
proximity sensing, and light barriers.
Each module integrates a photodetector, preamplifier
circuit, and IR filter,
promoting extended
battery life in portable devices and reliability outdoors.
These advancements guarantee quicker
lead times for customers and eliminate
the need for PCB redesigns. The modules cater to diverse IR remote control
applications and are optimised for
various consumer electronics, with the
TSSP5xx series specialising in proximity and presence sensing, detecting
up to two metres, which is ideal for
interactive toys, security systems, and
home automation appliances.
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.
Quad-channel digital isolators
NOVOSENSE Microelectronics has
expanded its digital isolator portfolio
with the introduction of the NSI824xWx quad-channel devices, tailored
for industrial and automotive sectors.
These high-reliability isolators, meeting UL1577 standards, combine space
efficiency and advanced protection,
featuring seamless level shifting for
applications such as solar inverters,
energy storage, industrial automation, and electric vehicles. With a
wide 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage range,
these isolators accommodate various
configurations and offer low power
consumption of 1.5mA
per channel at 1Mbps.
Utilising a unique
capacitive isolation
technology with adaptive OOK modulation,
they ensure minimal EMI and superior
noise resistance. They operate across
-55°C to 125°C, adhering to major
safety standards and are versatile for a
wide range of industrial and automotive applications.
NOVOSENSE Microelectronics
Ethernet switches
Microchip Technology unveils its
LAN969x Ethernet switches, bolstering the industrial automation sector
by integrating machine learning and
robotic systems. These switches,
featuring time-sensitive networking,
offer bandwidths from 46Gbps to
102Gbps, driven by a 1GHz single-core
Arm Cortex-A53 CPU. Ideal for deterministic communication in industrial
automation, the switches support
high-availability seamless redundancy
(HSR) and parallel redundancy protocols, ensuring reliability. Moreover,
the switches boast enhanced security
features like secure boot, firmware
execution, and cryptographic libraries, ensuring robust protection against
threats. LAN969x switches can efficiently consolidate multiple ICs into
a single chip, reducing component
count and system costs.
Microchip Technology
Universal flash storage
Phison Electronics unveils its lineup of
universal flash storage (UFS) controllers, including the PS8325, PS8327,
PS8329, and
PS8361, catering to
the escalating demands for mobile
storage performance. UFS 2.2’s full-duplex mode offers read speeds compared to eMMC’s
half-duplex mode, supporting smartphone functions that process data,
such as recording and video playback,
while reducing power consumption
at the same performance level as
eMMC. This contributes to battery life
in smartphones and tablets, addressing the demand for performance and
power consumption in mobile devices.
Phison Electronics
IoT module for wireless
STMicroelectronics has launched
the STM32WL5MOC IoT system-inpackage (SiP) featuring a dual-core
wireless SoC. The
compact module, designed for
remote metering, monitoring, and
smart-sensing, offers LPWAN wireless connectivity in a 10mm x 10mm
LGA92 package. It integrates the SoC
with essential components like frequency-controlled oscillators, a balun
IC, filter, matching network, and a
receive/transmit switch, streamlining
RF design and saving space. The SiP
supports low-power data communication, ensuring over ten years of battery
life, and operates in the 864MHz to
928MHz band for global use.
Long-range IR sensors
Phlux Technology has introduced the
Aura family of 1550nm devices featuring noiseless InGaAs APD technology,
promising heightened
sensitivity over traditional counterparts.
These sensors extend
lidar, laser rangefinders, and optical fibre
test equipment ranges by up to 50%,
seamlessly replacing existing components. Operating at temperatures
up to +85°C without compromising
performance, these APDs utilise an
antimony alloy in manufacturing,
enabling gains up to 120. With rapid
overload recovery and impressive
specifications spanning responsivity,
spectral range, excess noise factor, and
operational parameters, The devices
are claimed to be a game-changer for
various applications.
Phlux Technology
Human-machine interface
Nuvoton has introduced the NuMicro
MA35H0 series, tailored for industrial
and commercial human-machine
interface (HMI) applications, including
automation, smart buildings, appliances, healthcare, and energy sectors. Designed to operate in extreme
temperatures from -40°C to 125°C,
it supports advanced
security through Arm
TrustZone, secure boot,
and cryptographic
acceleration, ensuring data protection. With hardware
floating-point units for DSP, it also
boasts enhanced media and UI performance via the Arm NEON SIMD
engine. The MA35H0 series enhances
user interfaces with its integrated LCD
controller for high-resolution displays
and video decoding, offering robust
connectivity options like Ethernet,
USB 2.0, and support for resistive
AI graphics chips
Nvidia Corp. has launched three
advanced desktop graphics chips for
gamers and designers. These chips
enable AI applications directly on
devices, eliminating the need for
internet-based services. The highlight, the GeForce RTX
4080 SUPER, boasts more processing
cores and faster memory, running
Stable Diffusion XL software 1.7 times
faster than its predecessor, enhancing
ray-traced gaming at 4K resolution.
Nvidia’s innovations promise significant performance boosts, particularly
against Intel-powered machines, by
supporting lifelike gaming experi-
ences and more efficient image-editing
Nvidia Corp
Embedded development board
AMD has launched AMD Embedded+, a cutting-edge integrated
computing solution that merges AMD
Ryzen Embedded processors with Versal adaptive SoCs on a single board.
This platform
aids ODM
customers in
reducing qualification and build times, enabling
faster product launches without
additional hardware and R&D investments. It supports the development of
low-power, small form factor designs
with extended life cycles, suitable for
medical, industrial, and automotive
applications. The Embedded+ architecture combines AMD x86 compute
with integrated graphics and programmable hardware for AI inferencing and
sensor fusion applications, offering
low latency processing and high
performance-per-watt inferencing.
High-resolution camera
e-con Systems presents the eCAM200_CUOAGX. This 20MP
5K MIPI multi-camera, employing
Onsemi’s AR2020 sensor from the
Hyperlux LP series,
is tailored for the
Nvidia Jetson Orin
platform, delivering
detailed imaging even
in low-light environments. Leveraging extensive ISP tuning experience,
e-con Systems enhances image quality
through Nvidia host ISP refinement.
These features make it ideal for applications like drones, sports broadcasting, skin analysis, and more. It has
great potential for embedded vision,
promising future enhancements such
as Smart RoI and extended dynamic
e-con Systems
SoM for edge AI and 5G
iWave introduces the iW-RainboWG58M system on module (SoM) featuring the Intel Agilex 5 FPGA series, tailored for midrange FPGA applications.
Suitable for wireless communications,
video/broadcast, and industrial test
and measurement devices, it boasts 24 transceivers up to 28Gbps, PCIe
Gen 4 interface, and a
2.5-gigabit Ethernet PHY
transceiver. With dual Arm CortexA76 and Cortex-A55 core asymmetric
applications processors, it enhances
performance and power efficiency.
Key features include up to 656k logic
cells, LPDDR4 memory, eMMC storage,
and industrial-grade support. It offers
high-efficiency AI, DSP functionality,
and accelerated time-to-market for
advanced applications.
Development solutions for GUIs
SEGGER’s emWin is an advanced
graphics solution that efficiently uses
both RAM and ROM while delivering
high-speed performance and adaptability. This package offers graphic
functions and is customisable for
any display size. This integration is
designed to be
to concentrate on creating engaging graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
emWin supports developers at all skill
levels. Beginners can leverage AppWizard in the Arduino sketch for easy
application development, bypassing
the need for C language proficiency as
AppWizard generates the necessary
code. Meanwhile, experienced develop-
ers can infuse custom code for more
tailored applications.
Offline X-ray inspection system
Scienscope’s Xspection 3000 is an advanced offline X-ray inspection system
known for setting high standards in
quality assurance and process stability.
It features 130kV closed-tube technology for superior quality control. The system
incorporates AI technology with a self-learning
algorithm that improves
image classification and a
TH barrel fill tool designed to address
voids in through-hole filling processes.
It also includes two 20-megapixel
colour cameras for enhanced mapping
precision and additional capabilities
like barcode reading and optical inspection. The Xspection 3000 is recognised
by industry experts for its versatility in
applications such as multilayer PCBs,
void detection, semiconductors, THT
barrel fill, and lithium batteries.
Kyoritsu Electric India
Wi-Fi 7 test solutions
Rohde & Schwarz has introduced its
Wi-Fi 7 test solutions. These solutions,
designed for growing test challenges,
equip the multi-technology multi-channel signaling tester with Wi-Fi 7 testing
capabilities. This allows R&D engineers to
test wireless devices
across cellular and
non-cellular standards using a single instrument setup,
streamlining development. Wi-Fi 7, or
IEEE 802.11be, represents an advancement in WLAN technology, supporting
data throughput for applications like
Tiny development board
for wearable projects
Over-temp detector
for EV batteries
Antenna for smart meter
Rohde & Schwarz
Littelfuse has introduced TTape, an
over-temperature detection platform
designed to enhance lithium-ion
battery system management. This
platform excels in
managing premature
cell aging and mitigating thermal runaway risks in electric
vehicles, hybrid models, commercial
transportation, and energy storage
systems. Key features include management of early cell aging, prolonged
battery lifespan through early temperature management, and comprehensive
monitoring across multiple cells for
quick alerts to the battery management
system. With an ultra-fast response
time of under one second and easy
integration without calibration needs,
TTape represents a significant advancement in battery safety and efficiency.
The Antenna Company has launched
the AC97002 multi-band cellular
antenna, tailored for indoor smart
meter gateways and IoT. Offering reliable coverage across 698-960MHz to
1700-2690MHz, it boasts up to 75%
efficiency in sub-GHz
bands with compact
dimensions of 45mm
x 170mm x 35mm.
Its flexible in-cabinet
installation suits diverse IoT environments. Featuring a detachable cable
with Fakra D connector, it ensures
quick setup with intelligent meter gateways. With omnidirectional radiation,
it mounts horizontally or vertically on
metal or non-conductive surfaces, compliant with ROHS and REACH standards. Addressing connectivity needs, it
aids grid operators in smart metering
infrastructure deployment.
Infrared industrial thermometer
The Antenna Company
Digital twin multiphysics
The IndusBoard Coin, launched by IndusBoard
(an EFY initiative), is a development board
designed and developed in India. This tiny
board enables miniature
and wearable project
designs. It integrates
features such as the
ESP32S2 chip, over 30
GPIO pins with PWM,
analogue, and multiple I2C
serial and SPI ports, 4MB flash, an additional
2MB PSRAM in the chip package, a 2ULP
RISC-V co-processor, chip temperature sensor,
and a processor speed of 240MHz. Setting
it apart from similar boards, the IndusBoard
Coin includes onboard sensors like a 3-axis
accelerometer, 3-axis magnetometer, and a
temperature sensor for separate environment
and chip temperature readings, making it ideal
for wearable design applications.
video streaming, virtual reality, and
augmented reality.
MECO Industrial has launched the
IRT600TC infrared thermometer offering precise surface temperature
readings from a distance. It meets the
diverse requirements of professionals in different fields. Its
simplicity, portability, and
ease of use makes it useful
for diagnosing temperaturerelated problems efficiently.
Capable of reading temperatures from -50°C to
600°C (-58°F to 1112°F) with a 12:1
distance spot ratio and adjustable
emissivity from 0.1 to 1.0, it caters to
various applications. The thermometer
allows easy switching between Celsius
and Fahrenheit, features a laser pointer
for accurate targeting, an auto poweroff function for battery conservation,
a low-battery indicator, and a colour
backlight display for clear readings
under any lighting conditions.
Gen 5 SSD storage solution
Team Group Inc. has introduced the
cutting-edge storage solution leveraging PCIe Gen 5 x4 and NVMe 2.0.
Designed for gamers and performancedriven users,
it boasts an
12nm IG5666
controller, energy-efficient multi-core
features, high-performance 2400MT/s
NAND flash supporting DRAM and
SLC caching, and impressive read
speeds up to 14,000MB/s. Smart
thermal regulation technology adjusts
performance based on temperature,
ensuring longevity and reliability,
complemented by 4K LDPC technology for data transfer accuracy.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. has
launched the Cadence Millennium
Enterprise Multiphysics Platform, an
advancement in multiphysics system design
and analysis. Featuring
a digital twin solution,
this platform changes
computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulations. Tailored for sectors like
automotive, aerospace, defence, energy,
and turbomachinery, it optimises mechanical system design for performance
and eco-friendliness. With features like
CFD solvers, it reduces simulation times
from weeks to hours while offering
energy efficiency. Leveraging Cadence
Fidelity CFD solvers and generative AI,
it ensures accuracy and enables rapid
creation of digital twin visualisations.
Team Group Inc.
Cadence Design Systems
electroons 2.0
Janardhana Swamy
Are you saying you are just a robot and that you fooled me to
marry you? Well, I am a robot too!
Thank you all for joining my dance class.
Let us get started with this first move!
Electronics prices are continuously falling. I sold one buffalo
yesterday and bought this robot to take care of the others!
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
Just because my name is ‘Sophia,’
it does not mean I am a robot!
I lost my job due to recession. Would you mind
if I join you in farming?
Of course, your metal detector will
beep. Unlike you, I am made of mostly
metal and electronics!
Electroons 2.0
Of course, I believe in reincarnation. I was iron ore in my
previous life!
Please move. I am not here to entertain you.
I am a robot appointed to control the traffic!
Ok, now show to everyone how the
machine learning works!
You said good things happen to us if
we do good. Look where we are after
doing all that good work!
Sorry sir! I was not a bad robot before.
I acquired these skills from people!
You have tried it all. Now, it is time for a robot President!
Electronics For You express | March 2024
The Next Wave Of
More than a mere tech term, Auracast is about to change how we experience sound,
with a simple search, scan, and tap—no complications
(Credit: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net)
ithin the landscape of audio innovation, Auracast broadcast audio
emerges as a cutting-edge Bluetooth capability, primed to reshape auditory
experiences. This innovative technology transcends traditional Bluetooth setups, promising
a change in basic assumptions in our interaction with audio. Imagine effortlessly sharing
your favourite tunes, immersing yourself in
the ambient sounds, and elevating your audio
encounters to a new level of personalisation
and innovation. The advent of LE Audio is
upon us, with Auracast leading the charge.
So, what is the buzz around Auracast? It
introduces a whole new dimension to audio
broadcasting. Your smartphone, tablet, or
even a public broadcasting station becomes
a transmitter, sending out audio signals to
an unlimited number of nearby receivers,
like your Bluetooth 5.2 earbuds or headphones. Security is top-notch, with options
for encryption, but the real excitement lies
in the openness it brings—especially in
shared spaces like airports or waiting rooms.
Imagine effortlessly tuning into gate-specific announcements at the airport or grooving to workout playlists broadcast throughout the gym with Auracast. It turns these
Tech: trends
When will Auracast be available?
If you are rocking Bluetooth devices with versions 5.2 or 5.3 and LE Audio, you are in luck.
As part of the Bluetooth family, Auracast doesn’t require extra tech wizardry to join the
party—it just needs your devices to be up to date. The ball is then in the court of individual
companies, and the buzz at CES and throughout 2023 suggests that many audio brands
are gearing up to roll out support for Auracast via over-the-air updates in 2024.
places into communal hubs, making
the audio experiences more engaging
and shared. No more isolation from
the world around us; instead, Auracast utilises Bluetooth Low Energy
(LE) to create environments where
audio sharing is seamless.
In crowded places with silent
TVs, like sports bars or exhibitions,
how do you tune into your preferred
audio without the hassle? Auracast
allows a single audio source to
broadcast to an unlimited number of
listening devices without the need
for individual connections. It is a
breakthrough that opens a world of
possibilities—private listening, staying informed with announcements,
or simply sharing music seamlessly
with friends. Auracast, supported
by Bluetooth LE audio, is shaping
the future of how we interact with
As a user, you might wonder,
“How can I join Auracast?” Well, it
is a breeze! First, you kick off with
a familiar searching process, much
like the routine of connecting to WiFi—it’s intuitive and comfortable. A
simple QR code scan is all it takes to
start the Auracast broadcasts, levelling up convenience and connectivity. Next, you dive into Tapping,
where a singular tap serves as your
golden ticket to quick and hassle-free
access, reflecting the streamlined
efficiency we have come to love in
modern tap-to-pay systems. With
these three steps—searching, scanning, and tapping—Auracast unfolds
as an exciting and user-friendly
journey, promising a seamless entry
into a world of groundbreaking
audio experiences that await at your
In the Auracast ecosystem, we
simplify roles using generic names.
When we talk about the role of receiving audio broadcasts, it goes by
the name ‘Auracast receiver,’ encompassing titles like broadcast sink,
public broadcast sink, acceptor,
hearing aid, and broadcast media
receiver. On the flip side, the term
“Auracast transmitter” takes the lead
when it comes to sending out audio
broadcasts, embracing roles such
as broadcast source, public broadcast source, initiator, and broadcast
media sender.
Simple Auracast transmitters
The physical form of an Auracast
transmitter does not dictate its function. It could be a plug-in dongle
for devices like phones, tablets, or
PCs, a small box connected to sound
systems or TVs, or even seamlessly
integrated as a system-on-chip (SoC)
or embedded module within consumer electronics. The versatility in
form ensures that Auracast functionality can be effortlessly incorporated
into various devices, promising a
standardised audio experience for
the users, regardless of the technical
complexities behind the scenes.
Ensuring compliance with Auracast trademarks, all transmitters
must transmit broadcast audio at
16kHz or 24kHz using the LC3 codec. This ensures compatibility with
a wide range of devices, including
resource-constrained ones like hearing aids, which may only support
a standard quality public broadcast
audio stream.
Auracast transmitters designed
for public spaces are required to
default to broadcasting a stand-
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
ard quality public broadcast audio
stream. This ensures compatibility
with various receiver devices, especially those with limited resources
like hearing aids, which may only
support standard quality streams.
By prioritising standard quality in
public locations, the smaller audio
stream packets offer improved range
and robustness against interference
compared to high quality packets.
On the other hand, personal
Auracast transmitters may default to
high quality audio streams but must
allow users to choose standard quality transmission. The manufacturer,
and potentially the user, decide
whether the standard quality stream
is transmitted alongside or instead
of the high quality stream, providing
flexibility in audio preferences.
Bluetooth LE Audio broadcasters utilise extended and periodic
advertisements to convey information about broadcast streams.
Auracast transmitters, following the
PBP specification, include the public
broadcast announcement within
extended advertisements. This announcement informs devices about
the audio broadcast, helping them
determine if it contains a standard
quality or high-quality audio stream.
This assists devices in selectively
scanning for relevant streams, enhancing efficiency.
To ensure a user-friendly experience, Auracast transmitters include
human-readable text strings in
extended and periodic advertising data. Metadata relevant to all
broadcast audio streams is included
in extended advertising data, while
specific or regularly changing metadata is placed in periodic advertising data. These configurations aim
to identify streams, providing users
with clear information unambiguously. The recommended settings
for a public Auracast transmitter
broadcasting a single broadcast is
Tech: trends
Shaping the future of
Bluetooth audio
In the context of Bluetooth audio,
the pioneering strides made by
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. are
truly captivating. Their consistent
trailblazing was prominently displayed in 2023 with the introduction
of Auracast broadcast audio. This
groundbreaking contribution not
only turned industry heads but also
ignited a fervour among end-users,
heralding a new era in audio experiences.
The Auracast Experience event,
held at Mobile World Congress and
other global industry gatherings, allowed users to immerse themselves
in the capabilities of Auracast. For
the first time, multiple Bluetooth
wireless audio broadcasts coexisted
in the same location, demonstrating
the versatility and potential of this
Auracast, fuelled by earbuds
harnessed with the Qualcomm S5
Sound Platform, has opened uncharted territories for audio-sharing
experiences. These earbuds serve as
a prime example of the innovative
implementation of Bluetooth SoCs
(systems on chips) tailored specifically to support Auracast broadcast
Beyond its prowess in audio
sharing, Auracast has successfully
tackled a significant challenge in
Bluetooth audio—latency. In the
gaming realm, where latency is
paramount, Qualcomm Technologies
has, in just two years, transformed
Bluetooth audio latency from 200ms
to a mere 20ms. This monumental achievement, facilitated by the
Snapdragon Sound Technology Suite
and Bluetooth LE Audio, has revolutionised gaming and spatial audio
According to Qualcomm’s State
of Sound consumer research, a noteworthy percentage of users struggle to hear in busy environments,
Simple upgrades, new experiences!
Numerous innovative applications and products are on the horizon, promising
transformative experiences. Key use cases span from receiving essential flight information
at airports to enjoying public TV audio and facilitating seamless music sharing among
friends. Additionally, Auracast holds great potential for assisted listening, particularly for
individuals with hearing devices. Unlocking the Auracast experience:
• Both transmitter and receiver sides need to be LE Audio compliant.
• Modern smartphones can be easily upgraded for transmission through a software
• Older devices can enhance compatibility with an Auracast bridge dongle.
• Initial consumer products supporting Auracast broadcast audio on the receiving end are
expected by year-end.
To harness the rapid growth in the market, developing and deploying a turnkey platform
are crucial to meet the aggressive demands of time-to-market.
presenting an opportune space for
Auracast to address individual hearing needs.
Looking ahead, 2024 promises
substantial growth in health and
wellness monitoring using Bluetooth
technology. The combination of
Bluetooth LE Audio’s lower power
and flexibility, coupled with the advanced AI features in Qualcomm’s
latest S7 Sound Platforms, foretells seamless and responsive user
experiences with potential positive
impacts on daily lives.
Auracast’s solution for TWS
The limitations of the traditional
Bluetooth ‘Classic’ standard become
evident, especially with the surging
popularity of True Wireless Stereo
(TWS) earbuds. Classic Bluetooth’s
lack of native TWS support led to
the adoption of proprietary technologies, introducing latency and
power consumption issues. Auracast
steps in to overcome these challenges, offering a seamless and
advanced audio solution.
Auracast draws its strength from
the LE Audio specification, built
upon Bluetooth LE. This cuttingedge technology introduces dualstream audio, allowing both earbuds
direct connectivity to the audio
source. The result is a reduction in
power consumption and latency,
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
unlocking the full potential of TWS
As Bluetooth LE is projected to
dominate the market by 2026, accounting for 43% of total shipments,
Auracast takes centre stage in headsets, hearing aids, and hearables. The
coexistence of Bluetooth dual mode
ensures backward compatibility,
highlighting Auracast as the forefront
of Bluetooth audio evolution.
The LE Audio specification
introduces key advancements that
Auracast maximises—from lower
power consumption to synchronised
multichannel audio and support for
one-to-many audio broadcasting.
Thanks to the visionary contribution
of CEVA, Auracast has seamlessly integrated these innovations, bringing a
new dimension to audio experiences.
To enable the broadcast capability
of Auracast, a sophisticated additional layer, the generic audio framework,
sits atop the Bluetooth LE protocol
stack. This framework, a collection of
services and profiles, is the magic behind the immersive broadcast audio
experience Auracast offers.
What sets Auracast apart is its
user-centric design. The transmitter
device operates without the needto-know which receiver devices are
connected. Accessing Auracast is
made simple for consumers, with a
user-friendly menu, possibly right on
your phone’s home screen.
Tech: trends
The future-proof nature of Auracast is evident in its compatibility upgrades. High-end smartphones can be
easily upgraded to support Auracast,
ensuring a seamless transition to this
revolutionary technology. Additionally, Auracast bridges facilitate audio
sharing with older Bluetooth Classic
devices, bridging the gap between
technology generations.
Breaking sound barriers
in public places
Auracast aims to break down information barriers in public service
areas where privacy is not a primary concern. As a result, audio
data transmitted via Auracast is not
encrypted, allowing receiving devices
to access and join the broadcasted
content freely. This unencrypted
approach ensures that all users in
public spaces can easily access audio
information, fostering inclusivity.
By extending Bluetooth wireless audio applications beyond the
consumer domain to public service
areas, Auracast reimagines audio
broadcasting. Public spaces now
have the potential to provide assistive listening, guided tours, and
multilingual support, expanding the
traditional boundaries of sound and
improving access to audio experiences. Auracast also plays a pivotal role
in creating quiet spaces in locations
like cinemas, conference centres, and
schools for personalised listening.
Recognising the importance of
confidentiality in private applications,
Auracast offers an optional encryption feature for broadcasted content.
Receiving devices in these scenarios
can only access the corresponding
content by entering a password, mirroring the familiar Wi-Fi user experience. This encryption capability adds
an extra layer of security, ensuring
that sensitive audio content remains
protected and accessible only to authorised users.
Research indicates that approxi32
mately 60 million potential public
places worldwide could adopt
Auracast technology for service
upgrades. This projection anticipates
widespread adoption of Auracastsupported receiving devices, including headphones, True Wireless
Stereo (TWS) earbuds, and hearing
aids in the consumer market. The
growing demand for enhanced audio
experiences in public spaces, combined with the potential benefits offered by Auracast, creates a conducive environment for market growth
and sets the stage for transforming
our interaction with the world.
Developing Auracast-enabled
devices that resonate with consumers
requires careful consideration of the
system on chip (SoC). Telink’s TLSR9
series audio SoCs stand out as bestin-class chips designed with progress
in mind. These chips facilitate seamless integration of existing Bluetooth
technologies, ensuring compliance
with industry standards. By choosing
Telink’s SoCs, developers can accelerate development, ensure compatibility, and unlock the full potential
of Auracast broadcast audio in their
devices, delivering an exceptional
audio quality experience to users.
Changing Bluetooth sound
with innovative solutions
NXP introduces the NXH3675, a
Bluetooth 5.3 LE audio certified
chip that not only facilitates Auracast but also supports multi-stream
audio with features like broadcast,
scan, and delegate for seamless
audio sharing. This is designed
for efficient functionality with low
power consumption, represents a
significant leap forward in achieving
ultra-low latency applications.
Complementing the NXH3675,
NXP’s Bluetooth 5.3 LE Audio
certified NXH2004 evaluation kit
takes Auracast to new heights.
With ultra-low power and ultra-low
latency capabilities, this evaluation
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
kit becomes a crucial component in
the development process, promising
enhanced Bluetooth audio experiences.
Nordic Semiconductor enters the
scene with the nRF5340 audio development kit (DK), a versatile platform
for Bluetooth LE Audio products. This
comprehensive kit includes all necessary components to kickstart development, supporting the complete range
of Auracast features. Its configurability allows it to seamlessly operate as
a USB dongle for audio data exchange
with a PC or function as a business
headset or TWS earbud. In various use-cases, the recommendation
involves utilising two or more DKs,
showcasing its adaptability and versatility in diverse audio applications.
Meanwhile, Cambridge software
startup AudioTelligence is making
waves in assistive audio technology.
Their reference design for the assistive hearing device, Orsana, serves
as a foundation for hearing aid and
consumer electronics companies to
develop their own personalised listening solutions. Designed to seamlessly integrate with Auracast, Orsana facilitates multiple connections
to one device, promising a personalised audio stream for each user. This
innovation marks a significant step
towards transforming the landscape
of personalised audio experiences in
assistive technologies.
Auracast is emerging like the superhero of Bluetooth audio, swooping in to completely change how
we vibe with sound. And the best
part? No complicated setups. Just
a smooth journey with searching,
scanning, and tapping. As we ride
this wave of innovation, Auracast is
right there, leading the charge into a
future where sound connects us all
in the most extraordinary ways.
The author, Nidhi Agarwal, works
as Technology Journalist at EFY
& Innovators
EarthtronEV On Way To Becoming
A Leader In Ev Charging Stations
Parova’s Made-To-Order Drones
And Unique Designs
Ellotor’s Versatile ‘E-Trike’ Ev
Offering Many Options
Haryana-based startup EarthtronEV aims to make highways friendly for EV users by making their
charging experience hassle-free
ounded in 2021 by Ashish
Deswal, Haryana-based startup
EarthtronEV wants to become
the leader in EV charging across
Delhi-NCR and major highways.
The company targets individuals
(HNIs) and institutions interested in
investing in setting up charging stations. In addition, they are trying to
develop a “value add” for customers
of their charging stations.
They recently set up a dedicated
public charging station capable of
servicing seven cars simultaneously
in Mayur Vihar, New Delhi. The
availability of car-servicing creates
the “value add” for customers of the
charging stations. “Nobody wants to
spend 45 to 50 minutes or even an
The company generates revenue
hour charging the vehicle and sitting idle. It based on charging services, with fleet
partners being charged on a monthly
becomes much easier
basis. Last year, their revenue grew
if you integrate your
by nearly 50%.
station with servicEarthtronEV offers a diverse
ing stations or dhabas
range of charging products tailored
(roadside eateries),”
to various needs. Among their
says Ashish.
lineup are the 3.3 Smart Socket and
The company has
the Bharat AC 001, which integrates
a dedicated team to
three sockets for a 3.3-kilowatt
find suitable locations,
solution—suitable for basic and efoffering a revenuesharing model wherein ficient charging. For quicker charging requirements, they provide GBT
they provide a portion
chargers in 15- and 30-kilowatt
of the profits (approx.
capacities, while their CCS chargers,
15% to 25%). Electriranging from 25 to 120 kilowatts, are
cal meters are also
designed to accommodate vehicles
available for accurate consumption
like the Tata Nexon. Type-2 chargdata.
ers, including their 7.2-kilowatt AC
Ashish shares that if the infrachargers, are widely favoured for
structure is readily available then,
fleet applications, whereas DC fast
within three months, a charging
chargers excel in delivering rapid
station can be easily established. The
charging solutions for on-the-go uscost of setting up a charging station
ers in public spaces.
ranges from a million
While highlighting
to 4 million rupees.
government schemes,
“There have even
Ashish suggests that EV
been instances where
charging should be exwe managed to set up
empt from GST, which
the station within just
is currently at 18%. He
30 days. The timeline
advocates a reduction
for installation largely
to 5%, or even zero, to
hinges on the condiaccelerate adoption, as
tion and readiness of
5% GST on charging
electrical infrastructure,” he says.
Ashish Deswal, Founder, EarthtronEV services appears reason-
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
able and practical. He believes the
government has already taken some
proactive steps on the policy front,
but the primary support needed
from the government at this stage
is addressing challenges related to
connections, which are the biggest
hurdles for any EV company.
The company currently operates
approximately 500 charging stations,
covering cities and highways. EarthtronEV has recently launched operations in Kolkata, with one charging
station in Howrah and another in
progress. In Delhi, they strategically
position charging stations throughout the city, ensuring a robust
network. Now, they are looking at a
slightly longer-term goal, aiming to
have 10,000 chargers by 2027.
—Nitisha Dubey
Building on the power of R&D, Parova Technologies offers customised design and development
services for drones
ith a unique logo of a flying fish, Andhra Pradeshbased startup Parova
Technologies offers drone customisation and development services for
startups, college clubs, and university students.
Founder Rohith Dacharla began
his journey in the fourth year of his
software engineering course from a
small lab in 2017. Unable to pursue pilot training due to financial
constraints, Dacharla, harnessed his
passion for aerial vehicles to establish Parova Technologies in 2019 for
end-to-end research and development services. Co-founder Venkata
Kamesh started contributing his
expertise in avionics and subsystems
in 2023 to complement Dacharla’s
strengths in industrial design and
The startup covers everything
from conceptualisation to fabrication
and assembly of drones based on
client specifications and budget constraints, for agricultural use, political
rallies, or defence applications. “We
design drones based on their ideas,
considering initial requirements,
and provide the option of choosing
between affordable imported components or entirely made-in-India
products,” says Dacharla.
The startup also offers consultancy services for drone design and
Model of Parova’s Bajrang
development, guiding the entire
process—design, testing, training,
and licensing assistance, depending
on various categories or stages of
development of a product. In case
of a complete product, they provide
procurement assistance, gather technical details, offer consultation on
potential upgrades and extra charges
on the imports and assembly for
the same. For a company with a
semi-formed idea, the company
helps to understand requirements,
components, and pricing, discussing
the option of importing versus local
Highlighting the R&D capabilities
as their strength, Dacharla recognises the importance of originality
in design instead of merely replicating designs from other countries.
Prompted by the idea to come up
with a unique design for propellers of one of their clients, Dacharla
came up with a design that exhibited higher efficiency than conventional propellers by introducing
ridges on the propellers, guiding
airflow in a specific direction.
“While the concept is straightforward and can be found in many
research articles, its implementation
on a propeller resulted in a propulsion efficiency boost of over 100%,
and could potentially revolutionise
commercial aviation. Currently,
discussions are underway with the
HAL team in Bengaluru to explore
testing possibilities, as our in-house
capabilities may not be sufficient for
comprehensive testing,” he explains.
With customisation and design
services being the primary business
model, Dacharla sees this as a way
to fund and strengthen his R&D
capabilities to establish a network
of commercial logistic aircraft for
drones, for sustainable and ondemand logistics in India. This is
where he explains the meaning of
the flying fish logo,
“The flying fish, despite being a
fish, can fly above the water surface
to avoid predators and maintain
stability. We aim to replicate this
concept by building a network of
strategy: Innovators
drones connecting cities, facilitating
efficient and interconnected logistics to maintain a balance between
ground-level operations and highaltitude flights,” he discloses.
The company is currently focused on designing the first version
of its commercial logistics vehicle,
a 100kg payload unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) with vertical takeoff
and a fully electric engine.
According to Dacharla, “Building
drones, and especially a network of
drones, involves significant expenses and requires extensive R&D
and technical support. By working as a design services provider,
we are strengthening our abilities,
(L to R) Rohith Dacharla, Founder, and Venkata
Kamesh, Co-founder, Parova Drone Technologies
while funding our activities to work
towards our end goal.”
Navigating through challenges
related to budget constraints,
Dacharla reiterates his end-goal as
developing Bajrang, but adds that
the immediate focus is to explore
potential collaborations with companies specialising in telecommunications and long-range transmission
to engage in transfer of technology
agreements, to streamline its R&D
efforts, through MoUs or patent
licensing arrangements.
“This will allow us to implement
or manufacture their technologies
on their behalf. We’ve received
proposals from global companies
seeking manufacturing facilities in
India, and we are open to facilitating and operating such facilities for
them. We are actively considering
such proposals,” says Dacharla.
—Yashasvini Razdan
Meerut-based startup Ellotor has developed an e-Trike, an electric
tricycle, which can be operated by anyone over ten years old
ounded in 2023, during the G20
Meerut Investors Summit by
Varun Kaushik and Dr Madhuri
Gupta, the EV startup Ellotor offers a
unique e-trike with a detachable seat.
It can be operated by anyone beyond
ten years of age. Individuals with
special disabilities in their legs and
hands can also use this e-trike.
The Uttar Pradesh government’s
startup promotion department
provided an initial funding of 1.1
million rupees for the project. Ellotor initially introduced an e-trike for
senior citizens and, within half a
year, the company delivered nearly
20 units across 11 different states.
For commercial use, Ellotor
has developed e-trikes with multiple applications and attachments.
These can serve as a stand-up bike,
a comfortable seated bike, a trolley
attachment, a delivery vehicle, a
portable refrigerator, an advertisement vehicle, vehicle for food items’
deliveries, and as a street food
vending option.
Kaushik emphasises that the
major benefits and USP of the
innovation lie in its self-balancing capability. It is 35% more
cost-efficient compared to other
fossil-fuel and electric vehicles in Dr Madhuri Gupta and Varun Kaushik, Founders, Ellotor
the market. The running cost for
uct sales, personal transportation,
100km comes to 11 rupees; maintefranchise-based operations, rental bike
nance costs are 95% less. Additionmodels, and corporate in-house moveally, the product is exempt from RTO
ment. The product can also be scaled
registration and other taxes.
up for use in university campuses,
The EV is powered by a lithiumsuch as IITs, NITs, central and state
ion battery and operates on a 250universities, IT parks, tourist destinawatt DC motor with a payload cations, hospitals, residential societies,
pacity of up to 150kg. With a speed
and farmhouses,” she adds.
of 25 km/hour, you can cover up to
Ellotor is actively seeking distribu100km with it on a single charge.
tors and dealers, targeting fleet owners
“With our successful product
and rental bike models. “We have exdeliveries in 11 states across India,
our current focus is on meeting indi- plored potential partnerships in Dubai
and Malaysia, and are looking at global
vidual demands,” says Madhuri.
expansion,” says Madhuri.
“It is in high demand among
fleet owners for local market prod—Nitisha Dubey
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
India’s Smartwatch Market Grows 50%,
Affordable Pricing Boosts Shipments
India Saw 7.9% Less RE Generation in January 2024
January 2024 saw 12,623MU renewable energy generated in India, 7.9%
less than December 2023. Wind energy generation decreased by 21% on
a month-on-month basis. The RE sector raised $384 million in January.
Two major investments include SBI’s $250 million investment in green
projects and Tata Capital’s $75.2 million rupee term loan to Cleantech
Solar for open-access solar and wind parks across India.
India’s smartwatch shipments experienced 50% YoY growth in 2023. Over
125 active smartwatch brands were observed, indicating a move towards
market consolidation. The top five brands collectively achieved 81%
market share. The market shifted towards affordable devices, with 54%
shipments in 2023 priced under `2000, up from 26% in 2022. Fastrack
achieved the highest shipment growth among major OEMs.
Fire Boltt
Million Unit (MU)
Fire Boltt
(Source: Counterpoint Research)
(Source: JMK Research)
India Shifts Towards Expensive Smartphones, Market Stabilised with 2% YoY Decline in 2023
India’s smartphone shipment experienced a 2% YoY decline, totaling 148.6 million units, in 2023. With a shift towards expensive smartphones, the overall
market stabilised due to effective vendor inventory management, affordable 5G models, and improved consumer environment in the latter part of the year.
The government’s recent reduction in electronic components’ import duties is expected to have minimal impact on overall materials’ costs in this segment.
India’s 5G smartphone shipments
by price bands, 2022 vs 2023
5G shipments
India’s 5G smartphone shipments
reached 71.5 million units in 2023
% Growth (YoY)
US$200 to
US$300 to
India’s 5G
vendor share
in 2023
(Source: https://canalys.com)
At-a-glance view of key industry trends that
can shape the future of your business…
India and China Major Tablet Markets
Amid Global Decline of 11%
Global Q4 2023 PC Shipment Down by 0.2% YoY,
14% YoY Decline in Full Year
India and China emerged as major markets contributing to tablet
adoption, mitigating the downturn experienced in other regions. Global
tablet shipments saw a decline of 11% YoY in Q4 2023, with a total of
37.8 million units shipped. This resulted in an annual total of 135.3 million
tablets for 2023, a 10% decrease compared to the previous year.
The global PC market experienced a 0.2% YoY shipment decline (eighth
consecutive) in Q4 2023. Overall, 2023 saw 14% YoY shipment decline,
attributed to slowdowns in both commercial and consumer sectors.
Improvement is anticipated in H1 2024. AI-powered PCs will take centre
stage in 2024, with an expectation of 50% market share in 2025.
Q4 2023
(Source: https://canalys.com)
Q4 2022
(Source: Counterpoint Research)
Semiconductor Revenue Declines by 8.8%,
Intel Back on Top
Embedded Connected Car Sales Jump 28% YoY
in Q3 2023
Year 2023 was a period of strategic adjustment for semiconductor
companies preparing for the anticipated surge in AI demand. NVIDIA
stood out with an 86% revenue growth in 2023—first time in the top
five. The global semiconductor industry revenue declined by 8.8% in
2023, primarily due to reduced spending in enterprise and consumer
sectors. Intel regained the top position from Samsung.
Global connected cars sales increased by 28% YoY in Q3 2023.
Two-thirds of the cars sold had embedded connectivity features.
The surge in electric and autonomous vehicle adoption is driving
this increase, with 4G technology dominating the market. 5G
adoption is progressing slowly due to insufficient 5G infrastructure,
the absence of unique 5G applications for vehicles, and
supply chain constraints. By 2030, nearly all new passenger cars
will feature embedded connectivity.
Revenue ($ bn) YoY (%)
Market Share
2023 2022
Samsung Electronics 43.4
SK Hynix
Global revenue
100.0% 100.0%
Top 10 as % of global 54.3%
(Source: Counterpoint Research)
(Source: Counterpoint Research)
industry News
industry Updates
Electronics manufacturing gets `155 billion
in Interim Budget
The government of India’s Interim Budget
for the fiscal year 2024-25 has allocated
`155 billion to boost India’s electronics manufacturing capabilities. Out of
this, `69.03 billion has been allotted for
the semiconductor mission. The fund
allocation for the mobile production PLI
scheme was increased to `61.25 billion in
financial year 2025, from `44.89 billion in
financial year 2024.
Representational image
Tata Group, TI, and Tower Semiconductors offer to modernise
SCL, Mohali
The Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MeitY)
in the government of India aims to
upgrade the Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Mohali, to industrystandard nodes of 65nm and 40nm
initially, with plans to advance to
more cutting-edge nodes later. Since
September 2023, MeitY has received
nine bids from major companies,
including the Tata Group, Tower
Semiconductors, and Texas Instru-
ments. Around $1 billion will be
invested in the 48-year-old facility,
which is the only chip manufacturing unit in India at present that produces semiconductors for strategic
and defence purposes.
MoU between India and EU on developing semiconductor
ecosystems gets government nod
The Cabinet of the government of
India has approved India and the
European Commission’s agreement
on collaboration for semiconductor ecosystems, its supply chain,
and innovation under the EU-India
Trade and Technology Council (TTC)
framework. Signed on November 21,
the MoU will remain effective until
its objectives are met, or participa-
tion is discontinued. The agreement
supports both G2G and B2B cooperation to improve semiconductor
supply chain resilience.
people (on the move)
Nokia India appoints Tarun Chhabra as Head
Nokia has appointed Tarun Chhabra as
the new head of Nokia India. Chhabra was
previously in charge of mobile networks and
a Senior Vice President at Nokia. He will start
his new position in April 2024, taking over from
Sanjay Malik. Chhabra will be responsible for
the Indian market and managing the mobile
networks group’s business in India, under the supervision of
Tommi Uitto, the President of Mobile Networks at Nokia.
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
Meta on-boards Broadcom CEO Hock Tan
Meta Platforms has added Hock E. Tan,
CEO of Broadcom, to its board of directors.
Broadcom, known for its networking chips,
is a key partner for Meta in its data centre
initiatives and efforts to design its own chips.
Hock Tan has used Broadcom as a platform
to build a conglomerate of technology
companies, resembling a private equity portfolio focused on
cash flow rather than a traditional operating company.
industry news
US to announce billions in chip subsidies for construction
of new factories
The US plans to announce multi-billion dollar subsidies for chip
companies, including Intel, TSMC, and Samsung Electronics, to
support the construction of new semiconductor factories in the US
and boost the manufacturing of advanced semiconductors used in
smartphones, artificial intelligence, and weapons systems. Initial
funding awards have already started, with over $35 million granted
to a BAE Systems facility for chip production for fighter planes.
China turns to open source RISC-V amid rising
US restrictions
To counter US sanctions and reshape the global semiconductor
industry, China is increasing its reliance on geopolitically neutral
open source instruction set architecture RISC-V for high-performance chips, according to the observable trends. In China, at
least $50 million have been invested in projects involving RISC-V
between 2018 and 2023. The People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA)
Academy of Military Sciences has been at the forefront.
Synopsys to acquire simulation software company Ansys
Synopsys is set to acquire Ansys in a $35 billion cash-and-stock
deal, marking the largest technology sector acquisition since
Broadcom’s takeover of VMware. This combines Synopsys’ electronic design automation (EDA) tools with Ansys’ simulation and
analysis portfolio. If the deal falls through, Synopsys will owe Ansys
a $1.5 billion termination fee, while Ansys would pay $950 million if
it accepts a superior proposal.
Renesas to acquire electronics design firm Altium
Japan’s Renesas Electronics plans to acquire electronics design
firm Altium for $5.9 billion in cash. Renesas, supplier of chips to
major automakers like Toyota and Nissan, aims to provide device
design through Altium’s digital tools for engineers and designers
working on circuit boards. The transaction has received approval
from both companies’ boards but still requires approval from Altium
shareholders, an Australian court, and regulators.
Infineon and GlobalFoundries join to drive automotive
Infineon Technologies and GlobalFoundries have entered into a
strategic multi-year agreement to increase the supply of Infineon’s
40 nanometre AURIX TC3x automotive microcontrollers, power
management, and connectivity solutions from 2024 through 2030.
A key element of this collaboration is the integration of a highly reliable embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) technology solution,
tailored for mission-critical applications in the automotive industry.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to foray into chip manufacturing
OpenAI Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sam Altman aims to set up
a network of semiconductor manufacturing plants. Altman is in
discussions with middle eastern investors and chip fabricators,
including TSMC, about launching the venture. This could potentially require up to $7 trillion in funding. Current chip manufacturing
capacity is unable to keep up with swift AI deployment.
Nvidia and Equinix provide AI supercomputers to businesses
Equinix, a data centre operator, and chipmaker Nvidia announced
their partnership to provide Nvidia’s supercomputing systems to
business clients. As part of the agreement, Nvidia has equipped
Equinix staff with the necessary skills to construct and manage
its systems. Businesses will buy Nvidia’s systems but will rely on
Equinix for efficient operation and maintenance, while maintaining ownership of the systems.
SK hynix, NTT, Intel join hands to develop optical chips
NTT will partner with Intel for CPUs and with SK Hynix for
memory chips to incorporate light-receiving devices within chips
by 2027 and advance memory technology capable of storing terabit-level data. Intel will reduce power consumption by 30-40%.
NTT will improve power efficiency through ion technology, with
the goal of increasing it by tenfold by 2025 and up to 100 times
by 2032. The Japanese government is providing $304 million to
advance next-generation 6G communication research.
Nokia and Dell collaborate to deploy 5G networks
Nokia and Dell Technologies will partner to deploy private 5G
networks and adapt networks to the cloud. Customers of Nokia
AirFrame, the telecom equipment maker’s cloud-focused data centre
business, will eventually transition to Dell’s PowerEdge servers, which
are specifically designed for modern telecom network workloads.
The companies plan to build on their existing partnership and work
towards integrating NDAC with Dell’s NativeEdge software platform.
UAE fund to support growth of advanced technology
in developing nations
The UAE launched a $200 million fund to support the growth of
advanced technology in developing countries. The fund, backed
by the Abu Dhabi government and managed by the UAE’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC), aims to catalyse
the development and promotion of sophisticated technologies
to assist governments and organisations in less affluent nations.
Technologies developed within the Gulf state will be shared with
developing nations with required support for research projects
tailored to their specific needs.
Nokia and Vivo enter 5G patent licence agreement
Nokia has entered a multi-year 5G patent licence agreement
with Chinese smartphone manufacturer Vivo. Nokia’s intellectual
property licensing division, Nokia Technologies, is expected to
generate a minimum operating profit of $1.51 billion in 2024.
This deal marks Nokia’s sixth major smartphone licensing agreement in the past thirteen months, nearly completing its cycle of
smartphone licence renewals.
Global symposium for quantum technology implications
set for March
A Global Quantum Symposium will take place from March 1820, 2024. It will bring together over 40 leaders from academia,
industry, and governance to discuss hardware and software
aspects of quantum technology, as well as its ethical, political,
and career implications. The event will be held at the campus of
uptown Basel in Switzerland, near QuantumBasel, a centre dedicated to fostering collaboration in quantum and AI technologies.
Toppan Photomask and IBM agree for joint R&D
on semiconductor EUV photomasks
IBM and Toppan Photomask have signed an agreement to
collaborate for five years, starting from the first quarter of 2024,
on developing two nanometre (2nm) logic semiconductor
node technology using extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. It
includes the development of High-NA EUV photomask capabilities. The partnership will focus on improving photomask
capabilities at both the Albany NanoTech Complex in Albany, NY,
USA, and Toppan Photomask’s Asaka Plant in Niiza, Japan.
Electronics For You express | March 2024
industry news
Calendar of Forthcoming Electronics
Event, Date and Venue
Contact for details
EFY Expo Pune
May 16-18, 2024
Auto Cluster Exhibition
Centre, Pune
Electronics expo with conferences on automotive electronics, EVs,
and Industry 4.0 (IIoT). Covers a wide range of electronics-related
technologies, products, and topics, including electric drives, battery
management systems, and IIoT solutions.
Website: https://www.
Integrated Electronics
Manufacturing And
Interconnections 2024
July 29-30, 2024
Themes: Advanced semiconductor packaging and aerospace
and defence electronics. A networking platform for procurement
and quality heads of OEMs, EMS, and semiconductor suppliers.
Features top officials from government-owned defence, aerospace,
and multinational corporations.
Website: https://www.ipc.
EFY Expo Delhi-NCR
August 2024
New Delhi
Major tech conference focusing on electronics, IoT, and AI.
Simplifies new product development and manufacturing challenges
in India. Offers assistance from leading suppliers, even for small
batch productions.
Website: https://www.
19th Everything About
Water Expo 2024
September 10-12, 2024
IICC, New Delhi
South Asia’s largest water and wastewater event showcasing the
latest technologies and solutions in water and waste management,
endorsed by the Ministry of Jalshakti in India.
Website: https://www.
Open Source India 2024
October 23-24, 2024
Open Source For You magazine, in partnership with India’s open
source community and industry, brings various stakeholders under
one roof to accelerate development and deployment of open
source in India, and beyond.
Website: https://www.
Since this information is subject to change, all those interested are advised to ascertain the details
from the organisers before making any commitment.
Government updates policies
to align with its strategy for
new age technologies
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) of the
government of India is set to update
policies to align with its 10-year
strategy focusing on cryptography,
quantum technologies, cyber forensics R&D, and mobile and IoT device
security. Key initiatives include
establishing a regulatory sandbox
for IoT device security, developing
indigenous tools for mobile application security, and promoting proactive detection strategies using AI and
machine learning.
Applied Materials to invest
in development of chip
manufacturing equipment
Applied Materials has decided to collaborate with semiconductor supplier
organisations in India to accelerate
the commercialisation process. The
company has announced a $400
million investment over four years
to establish an engineering centre in
Bengaluru, focusing on developing
technologies essential for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This is
expected to create 500 new advanced
engineering jobs and 2500 jobs within
the manufacturing ecosystem over five
years. Applied Materials is engaging
with IISc in photonics and quantum
materials to bridge the gap between
students and tech professionals.
India reduces import duties
on mobile components
The Indian government reduced
import duties on components used
in mobile phone manufacturing to
10% from 15%, ahead of the Interim
Budget. This covers a range of
components, including battery enclosures, primary lenses, rear covers,
various mechanical parts made from
plastic and metal combinations, and
SIM sockets. The move is expected to
boost both manufacturing and export
activities within the sector.
Foxconn buys land in
Bengaluru to build another
Foxconn is rapidly expanding its
operations in India amid geopolitical issues affecting its operations in
China. The company’s Indian subsidiary plans to invest `12 billion in
constructing a factory on its owned
land. Foxconn bought 300 acres of
land in Devanahalli, Bengaluru in
May 2023. This investment aims to
cater to its operational needs, particularly as an Apple supplier.
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
Qualcomm to expand
operations in Chennai with
a new design centre
Qualcomm plans to expand operations in Chennai with an investment
of `1.77 billion in a new design
centre. It is expected to generate
employment opportunities for up
to 1600 skilled professionals. The
new centre will focus on wireless
connectivity solutions, particularly
innovations in Wi-Fi technologies. It
will contribute to Qualcomm’s global
research and development activities
in 5G cellular technology.
Uttar Pradesh government
plans to cash in on
semiconductor PLI scheme
The UP government plans to leverage
the Centre’s $10 billion semiconductor
PLI scheme. The state has introduced
Semiconductor Policy 2024 to attract
investments in chip manufacturing.
The new policy offers incentives such
as a 100% stamp duty waiver on land
registration, 75% land subsidy on 200
acres, and a 30% subsidy on additional land. Companies investing around
two million rupees will be eligible for a
5% annual interest subsidy and up to
100 million rupees for R&D.
Domestic drone makers want
increase in the Budget for
drones PLI scheme
The drone industry, represented by
the Steering Committee for Advancing Local value-add and Exports
(SCALE), is advocating for an expansion and increase in the Budget for
the production-linked incentive (PLI)
scheme for drones. The industry’s
primary request is to broaden the
scheme to allow more participants
and to increase the financial outlay,
as the sector predominantly benefits
startups and MSMEs.
Atal Incubation Centre
signs pact with ITI for drone
technology collaboration
Atal Incubation Centre (AIC) and the
Industrial Training Institute (ITI) for
Men in Mettupalayam have signed
an agreement to collaborate on drone
technology. The AIC will provide technology support for training students in
the drone technician trade programme
at ITI.
Qualcomm joins forces
with C-DAC for Digital India
futureLABS Initiative
Qualcomm and MeitY’s C-DAC collaborate to strengthen India’s semiconductor design ecosystem. Qualcomm will
provide expertise, technology, intellectual property, tools, and skill development to promote Design in India and
Make in India initiatives. This will
stimulate the indigenous development
of SoCs for high-volume products.
C-DAC aims to establish Digital India
futureLABS to enhance the national
R&D landscape in sectors like automotive, computers, communications,
strategic and industrial electronic/IoT.
Microsoft to provide AI training
to two million Indians
Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella has
announced that the company aims to
provide AI training opportunities to
two million people in India by 2025.
This initiative focuses on reaching
individuals in tier-2 and tier-3 cities,
as well as rural areas. He highlighted
the efforts of Karya, an AI startup,
which engages rural Indians in creating datasets to train large language
models in 12 Indian languages.
DST invites institutions to
establish T-hubs for NQM
The Department of Science and
Technology of the government of
India has invited pre-proposals
(white papers) from academic and
R&D institutions to establish four
thematic hubs (T-hubs) for the
National Quantum Mission (NQM)
in consortia format. These T-hubs
will focus on quantum computing,
quantum communication, quantum sensing & meteorology, and
quantum materials & devices. The
NQM aims to develop the quantum
technology ecosystem in India with
a budget of 60.04 billion rupees over
eight years.
Tata Elxsi unveils new global
design and engineering
centre in Pune
Tata Elxsi has inaugurated a new
global design and engineering
centre in Sukhwani Business Hub,
Chinchwad, Pune. The centre is
designed to meet the technological
and digital transformation needs of
major automotive OEMs and tier-1
suppliers. It will accommodate over
1000 engineers, designers, and technology experts, with laboratories for
joint efforts in engineering research
and development in areas of software defined vehicles, connected
services, autonomous technologies,
electrification, mechatronics, and
Antolin inaugurates plant
for automotive electronic
solutions in Pune
Antolin inaugurated its new facility in Pune on January 18, 2023,
marking its first plant in India. The
facility, located in the automotive
hub of Chakan, Pune, spans 3200
square metres and will focus on
manufacturing integrated lighting,
HMI systems, and electronic solutions for top vehicle makers in India.
The plant is expected to create jobs
for 200 skilled workers within two
Government plans to install
rooftop solar panels on ten
million houses
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
announced the launch of the
Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana,
aiming to install rooftop solar panels
on ten million houses nationwide.
This initiative is expected to reduce
electricity bills and contribute to
India’s self-reliance in the energy
sector. India’s National Rooftop
Scheme under MNRE provides
financial support
covering 40% of the capital cost for
solar rooftop projects, targeting lowand middle-income individuals.
India expects 30% revenue
rise from telecom sector
According to the Interim Budget,
the government expects to generate
`1.2 trillion in revenue from the telecom sector for the fiscal year 2025,
a 30% increase from the revised
revenue target of `935.41 billion for
FY24. This growth is expected to be
driven by an upcoming spectrum
auction and higher adjusted gross
revenue payments from telecom
companies in FY25.
15 and 20 watt 12:1 ultra-wide input
voltage range DC/DC converters
Compact 1”x1” housing
Ultra-wide 12:1 input voltage range: 9–75, 14–160 VDC
–40°C up to +70°C natural convection cooling without derating
EN 50155, EN 45545-2 and EN 61373 certified
EN 50155
EN 45545-2
EN 61373
UL 62368-1
IEC 62368-1
Roadmap To India’s
As India strides towards semiconductor prowess, it invites us to ponder: Can this journey
redefine global innovation and economic landscapes?
PATIL, Senior
Product Engineer
at NXP USA Inc.
ndia, traditionally known for its
prowess in software services, is
now ambitiously moving towards
becoming a significant player in the
global semiconductor industry. This
industry, which is expected to reach
a market size of over $600 billion
globally by 2026, represents a golden
opportunity for India to diversify and
elevate its role in the high-tech sector
Semiconductor ambition of
India’s foray into the semiconductor industry is timely and strategically imperative. In an era where
semiconductors are the backbone of
virtually all modern technologies—
from smartphones, wireless communication, and electric vehicles to
AI—the demand for these components is surging globally, making
nations more dependent on them.
As the world increasingly contends
with supply chain disruptions and
geopolitical tensions impacting semiconductor production and distribution, India’s entry into this sector
could bolster its technological sovereignty and position it as a crucial
player in the global supply chain.
Moreover, India’s established
strengths in the software sector provide
a robust foundation for growth in the
semiconductor domain, including the
vast pool of engineering talent that
accelerates its journey from being a
consumer to a creator of semiconductor technology. This transition from
software to hardware and services to
manufacturing could mark a significant
turning point in India’s technological
and economic trajectory.
However, a critical aspect India
should address before becoming a semiconductor product nation is semiconductor productisation. India has been
home to top semiconductor design cen-
tres, including startups catering well to
semiconductor product development’s
design aspect. However, building a semiconductor product involves multiple
steps. Ultimately, it entails transforming
any silicon idea into a manufacturable product, which includes several
critical stages of development to ensure
the design is defect-free when massproduced. In the long run, a nation that
can complete all these steps for 100%
of the productisation process in-country
will lead to semiconductor technological advancement.
What is semiconductor
Semiconductor productisation is critical in the silicon technology value
chain because it transforms theoretical and technical capabilities into
tangible semiconductor products. This
process requires synergy between engineering, manufacturing, marketing,
strategy: policy
supply chain management, and more.
The ultimate goal of productisation is
to create semiconductor products that
are not only technically proficient
but also commercially viable and
responsive to market demands. This
process encompasses several stages,
1. Silicon design. Crafting the
chip’s architecture, balancing performance, power, and area for targeted
2. Samples. Creating initial chip
prototypes for testing design theories
and functionalities using the defined
fabrication, assembly, and testing
flow plan
3. Equipment and hardware. Procuring all the equipment and hardware needed to validate the product,
including fabricated (SMT) hardware
from scratch
4. Silicon bring-up. Initial testing
of silicon prototypes to debug and
optimise designs
5. Characterisation. Detailed
analysis of chip performance under
varied process, temperature, voltage,
and current profiles
6. Validation. Rigorous specification-based testing to ensure the chip
meets all specified functional requirements
7. Qualification/reliability.
Testing for reliability under different
stress conditions and lifespans
8. Compliance. Ensuring the chip
adheres to industry standards and
regulatory requirements
9. Production release. Finalising
design and specifications for manufacturing readiness, and ensuring
proper fabrication, assembly, and
testing flow is in place
10. Mass production. Scaling up
manufacturing for large-volume, costeffective chip production
11. Distribution. Efficiently distributing chips via seamless logistics flow
12. Support. Ensuring mass-produced chips receive proper support if
customers face any issues
For several reasons, establishing a
complete semiconductor productisation chain within India is pivotal for
economic development. It will foster
self-reliance by reducing semiconductor imports (including post-tape
out services), which encompasses
not only fabrication, assembly, and
testing but also providing all the
technical support needed to complete
the above-mentioned steps.
In summary, the development of a
semiconductor productisation chain in
India is a multi-faceted catalyst for the
country’s economic growth, enhancing
technological self-reliance, stimulating
job creation (as many students still
focus on traditional chip designing
courses, while numerous career options exist), securing national interests,
and positioning India as a leader in a
globally crucial industry by completing the entire process in-country, from
idea to design to validation to debugging to support to delivery.
How long before India becomes
a semiconductor product
The timeline for when India will become a semiconductor product nation
depends on a multitude of factors, including government policies, industry
investments, global market dynamics,
technological advancements, university curriculum, awareness among
students/professionals, and the development of the necessary end-to-end
productisation ecosystem.
However, here is an overview of
how India’s semiconductor ecosystem will develop over the following
decades, thus leading to 100% semiconductor productisation:
1. Short-term (next 1-3 years).
• India will focus on laying the
groundwork for its semiconductor industry, including policy development
and investment attraction (already
• Establishing R&D facilities and
initiating educational and training
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
programmes, both of which are being
actively pursued.
• Initiating partnerships with
global semiconductor leaders for
technology transfer and setting up
assembly and testing units, an area
already seeing significant action.
2. Medium-term (3-10 years).
• India could establish more
advanced semiconductor manufacturing facilities, including fabs, though
initially focusing on less advanced
chip technologies due to high costs
and complexity.
• Focus on scaling production,
improving supply chain logistics, and
increasing domestic and international
market penetration.
• Heavy emphasis on educating
students about the ‘productisation of
semiconductor ideas’ and its numerous
career options, alongside establishing
the support ecosystem (semiconductor
equipment, raw material, etc).
3. Long-term (10+ years).
• India will become a fully-fledged
semiconductor product nation, competitive globally with advanced technology offerings and, likely, a longterm goal spanning over a decade.
• This phase would involve India’s
robust manufacturing base, leading
semiconductor R&D, design, testing,
reliability labs, compliance processes,
equipment vendors, and excellent infrastructure, all of which will directly feed
into the semiconductor innovation cycle.
In conclusion, while the groundwork for semiconductor productisation
can be laid within the next few years,
achieving the status of a semiconductor product nation is likely a long-term
goal that could take a decade or more.
This journey will require sustained efforts, significant investments, strategic
domestic workforce development, and
numerous international collaborations.
It is also crucial to raise awareness
in both industry and academia that
semiconductors entail more than just
chip design; they involve a detailed
productisation process.
strategy: interview
“Efficiency In
Solar Energy Is More
About Investment
Rationale Than
Resource Limitation”
Indian utility-scale solar company SolarArise claims to offer investors
long-term, cash-generating assets and anticipates advancements in energy
storage technologies to enable 24-hour clean power at competitive
prices. In a freewheeling chat with EFY’s Yashasvini Razdan, SolarArise’s
Co-founder Tanya Singhal divulged interesting details about the
company’s business model, challenges, technological innovations, and
future plans of contributing to the country’s renewable energy goals
Tanya Singhal
Co-founder, SolarArise
What does SolarArise do?
SolarArise is focused on building large solar plants to generate and
supply solar power directly to the
national grid. It secures land with
ample sunshine, procures solar modules, raises funds for equity and debt,
constructs the plant, builds lines for
power evacuation to the nearest substation, and operates the plant for 25
years with an intent to reduce the cost
of solar power generation through
improved technology over the years.
What business opportunity does
SolarArise present to investors?
SolarArise offers investors a
chance to own long-term, cash-generating assets. Approximately 95%
of the investment is made upfront in
the capital-intensive solar business,
with minimal annual operational and
maintenance costs. The generated revenue significantly contributes to a reliable cash flow, making it appealing to
investors such as pension funds or life
insurance corporations. These inveswww.efymag.com
tors, seeking annuity income with a
long-term horizon, value the consistent, double-digit annual returns that
solar investments can provide over 10,
15, or even 25 years.
Solar panels are said to have less
efficiency. How does that compare
with traditional energy generation
existing, ever-present source. The
more we invest in solar energy, the
less we rely on inefficient, polluting
sources like coal. So, in solar energy,
efficiency is more about investment
rationale than resource limitation.
What is scheduling, and why is it
The concept of efficiency in the
context of solar energy is fundamentally different from traditional energy
generation sources. In conventional
sources, efficiency matters because
you deal with finite resources burned
or extracted from the earth. With
solar energy, the sun is always there;
if you don’t harness it, you simply
miss out on its potential. The real
question of efficiency in solar energy
depends on the returns on the investment made in solar infrastructure.
Are we generating the expected
amount of electricity annually for the
capital invested? It is about maximising the power generated from an
Government mandates compel
solar producers to schedule power
output for the next 24 hours in onehour slots with predictions every 15
minutes, balancing energy supply
in the grid. A permissible deviation threshold exists, and significant
underproduction or overproduction
may lead to penalties. This practice,
applicable to solar and wind energy,
is called forecasting and scheduling.
Are IoT devices or sensors used in
your solar energy projects?
Sensors in solar plants differ from
those in smart grids, being plant-specific and focusing on individual solar
module performance. Each module
Electronics For You express | March 2024
strategy: interview
has sensors measuring and transmitting data about received sunlight and
direct current (DC) power generation.
These sensors are part of control systems within the plant, with a primary
focus on internal sensor functionality.
ways to store energy more effectively, cheaply, and efficiently to minimise electricity loss. Another critical
area is enhancing battery life for
multiple cycles, which significantly
lowers the overall storage cost.
How does placing all these sensors
in a plant impact the monitoring and
Do you need any specific technology or a partnership for scheduling?
A solar plant, spread across a vast
area, makes fault detection akin to
finding a needle in a haystack. Sensors at each stage locate deviations
in power generation, offering precise
measurements. They generate a loss
diagram, detailing power losses from
input to final output. Optimising and
examining this diagram ensures consistency with engineering predictions,
aiding in identifying faults for repair
and increasing efficiency.
Do you see the advancements in EV
and automotive batteries leading to
potential solar power storage space?
Yes, for storage to be truly revolutionised, you will need it at three
ends. One, at the plant end, where
electricity is generated, to dispatch
electricity as and when required. The
second storage is needed at the grid
end in the substations with a corpus
to store excess energy and release it
during peak demand periods. Improved battery technology at the consumer end, i.e., the third end, allows
consumers to store excess energy and
use it as required.
Is there any technology that connects
the national grid to battery stations
and schedules the power supply?
Yes, there are numerous technologies for this. Scheduling is a smaller
aspect of the larger technological
innovation happening. Large battery
banks for power storage are being
built to offer renewable power during
peak demand, which may be outside
the sunshine/wind hours. The idea is
to provide clean power on demand,
especially during high-cost periods.
Other technologies include finding
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
Partnerships with time-of-day
power experts are crucial for accurate predictions of solar power generation, estimating sunlight and grid
power needs. In our solar plants,
‘digital twins’ simulate the energy
conversion process via a detailed,
virtual model of solar modules. This
enables precise forecasting by mirroring the actual asset, identifying
areas for improvement. Efficiency
gains may involve examining losses
from solar modules to transformers.
The digital twin learns from past
production data, directly impacting
revenue for cash-focused investors.
What is the scale of investment you
put into all of this technology?
The scale of investment varies.
Initially, it primarily involved the upfront capital investment in modules
and other components. Nowadays,
much of this technology comes built
with the modules we purchase. For
example, there is something known
as string inverters, where each module is tied to an inverter equipped
with an inbuilt chip for measurement. Therefore, for us, it becomes a
part of the capital investment needed
to buy the product. I estimate that
it accounts for less than 5% of the
system’s cost.
Are all the components being
acquired domestically or by
While certain tenders are designated for domestic procurement,
imports become necessary due to
the limited availability of materials.
The domestic production capacity
for solar modules is much less than
the demand, necessitating interna-
tional imports. To discourage reliance
on foreign sources when domestic
capacity is available, the government
has imposed a basic custom duty,
making imports 44% more expensive
than domestic purchases. Yet, importing becomes the only option once the
domestic supply is fully used. This
situation is expected to change in the
next few years as significant investments are being made in domestic
manufacturing, helping bridge the
demand-supply gap and allowing for
more local production.
Where does India stand in the
renewable energy generation
ecosystem at a global level?
India, now the fourth-largest in
renewable energy generation, has
achieved significant progress in the
past decade; initially not even ranking in the top 10. The government
aims to have 50% of its power from
renewable sources by 2030, and with
ongoing efforts and observed adoption trends, India may achieve this
target even before 2030.
What are the primary challenges in
achieving this goal, and how do you
propose to face them?
India’s renewable energy challenges have evolved. From 2010 to
2015, the focus was on proving solar
power viability, now cost-effective and
attracting substantial investment. The
current challenge is providing 24-hour
clean power, addressed by energy
storage solutions like traditional batteries or pumped hydro storage. Solar
power costs `2.5 to `3, while storage
is at `6 to `7 per unit, making 24-hour
solar slightly costlier than fossil fuels.
Despite a 90% reduction in battery
pricing over a decade, the remaining 10% is still considered expensive.
More efficient and affordable storage
(around `5 a unit) could provide continuous clean energy at competitive or
lower prices than fossil fuels. Minor
challenges include payment security
and ensuring timely payments for supplied electricity.
strategy: my story
“Music Is An
Integral Part Of
My Life, And
I Cannot Imagine
My Life Without It”
Prof. V. Kamakoti, the
esteemed Director of IIT
Madras and the visionary
pioneer behind India’s
groundbreaking indigenous
computer microprocessor
‘Shakti,’ graciously shares
his extraordinary journey.
From his deep commitment
to education and innovation
to his passion for music
and rural education, Prof.
Kamakoti offers insights
and shares his experiences
in conversation with
Sudeshna Das, Consulting
Editor of the EFY Group
Prof. V. Kamakoti
Director, IIT Madras
Electronics For You express | March 2024
was born in Chennai in
1968. My father, a professor
of Sanskrit at the University
of Madras, hailed from a family of
academicians, while my mother was
a homemaker. Both my paternal and
maternal grandparents resided in villages. My father held a strong belief
in the cultural richness of rural India,
and as a result, he was determined
that I spend my early years in the village rather than the city. This belief
in the essence of Indian culture residing in rural areas significantly influenced my life’s journey and shaped
my personality.” Prof. Kamakoti’s life
story commences with this intriguing anecdote, a tale that profoundly
impacted his path and character.
Nurturing roots and happiness
Prof. Kamakoti’s early childhood
was primarily spent in the villages of
Mudikondan and Vishnupuram, located in southern Tamil Nadu, where
he resided with his grandparents. He
gained firsthand knowledge of the
challenges associated with farming
and agricultural practices, gaining a
deep understanding of the hardships
of rural life. Moreover, he imbibed a
valuable lesson about the importance
of local flora and fauna.
“In our villages, farmers are regarded as the cornerstone of society,
as they provide sustenance for everyone. If the farmers were to cease their
food production, regardless of how
much wealth one possesses, it would
all become meaningless. This was one
of the insightful lessons I learned during my formative years in the village.
I believe that my father’s decision to
immerse me in village life during my
early years was a profound one.”
Upon returning to Chennai, the
young Kamakoti commenced his
preschool education. During this period, he was a timid and introverted
boy, quite unlike the person he has
become today, as he humorously
mentions. His school years, from
living just across the street
from his home and began
learning to play the violin,
quickly developing a deep
passion for the instrument.
“As a director, when I see
students who are stressed or
depressed, I recognise that
societal and family pressure
are often the root cause.
Fortunately, except for the
cricket debacle, my parents
At legendry M.S. Subbulakshmi’s residence—around 1992-1996 did not impose anything on
me. This was a significant
preschool to the 10th standard, were
contribution to my life.”
marked with enjoyment and a lack
The 10th grade marked a turning
of inclination towards becoming an
point in his life. His grandfather, an
academic overachiever.
astrologer, predicted that he would
His life as a school cricket team’s
excel in academia in the future. This
opening batsman was progressing
prediction motivated Kamakoti to
well until an incident in the midintensify his studies.
dle of the seventh grade. A bouncer
Driven by the aspiration to excel
struck his spectacles with a cricket
academically, Kamakoti secured
ball, prompting his father to worry
admission to the prestigious PS Senior
that he might eventually suffer a
Secondary School in Mylapore, locathead injury. In response, his father
ed in the heart of Chennai. However,
took his cricket bat and threw it into
shortly after joining the new school,
a well, declaring that he could purhe fractured his hand. As a result,
sue anything except cricket. Kamahis performance in the first quarterly
koti did not accept this decision
examination was dismal, with a score
easily and protested for two months.
of 25 out of 100 in mathematics. NevNonetheless, he soon discovered
ertheless, after receiving counselling
another passion that would become
from the school principal, his acaa lifelong companion—the violin.
demic performance improved. In the
He found an excellent violin teacher
subsequent quarterly examination, he
achieved a score of 50 out of 100, and
in the final exam, he earned a perfect
100 in mathematics and 90 in physics,
although chemistry posed a challenge.
He reminisces about securing his position as a top 2% scorer in mathematics in the CBSE 12th board exams.
However, he emphasises that numbers
and scores don’t define a person’s
worth. What truly matters is the support and opportunities one receives,
just as his parents provided him with
a window to explore and succeed.
Pledging an India-centric
academic path
Prof. Kamakoti playing violin
Reflecting on his college days, Prof.
Kamakoti recalls, “I was unable to
clear the IIT entrance examination, so
I joined Sri Venkateswara College of
Engineering. The college was situated
in a remote area, nearly 40 kilometres
away from my home, with limited
bus transportation. I was fortunate
to have exceptional professors like
Prof. S.D. Nigam, Prof. Venkatesha
Nayak Sujeer, Prof. Raja Raja Verma,
Prof. Thirumalpad, and Prof. N.
Venkateswaran, who were from renowned educational institutions, who
provided me with valuable guidance
in subjects like computer architecture,
physics, chemistry, and electronics.”
It was during his engineering
college years that Prof. Kamakoti was
introduced to the field of Computer
Science & Electronics. He elaborates, “In my college days, computer
science was a subset of electronics. We studied some programming
languages like BASIC and COBOL,
but our curriculum primarily focused
on digital and analogue circuits,
and computer architecture courses.
Additionally, I began exploring advanced concepts related to hardware
implementation of reconfigurable
computing during my engineering
days. At that time, FPGAs were not
as prevalent as they are today, and
I worked with something known
as a programmable array of adders.
These hexagonal elements were
like the FPGAs we have today, and
I was involved in developing a selfreconfiguring, fault-tolerant programmable array. We designed logic,
lookup tables, and defined the data
path and control paths. This work
led to the creation of a logic block
observer called built-in logic block
observer (BILBO).” Notably, this was
a time before the internet, so all his
research and work relied heavily on
extensive library access.
Reflecting on his college years, he
also shares a profound commitment
and vow he made during this period.
“During my college days, I had the
Prof. Kamakoti with wife and kid
privilege of being in the presence of my
Guruji, the Acharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Sri Chandrashekarendra
Saraswati. He advised me to stay in
India and contribute to the country
through my work. I took a solemn vow
that I would not travel abroad, obtain
a passport, nor leave India. I resolved
to stay in India and dedicate myself to
serving the nation. Hence, I continued
my PhD here, and to this day, I do not
possess a passport.”
Art-integrated learning
During his school and college years,
Prof. Kamakoti began experimenting extensively with Carnatic music
and the violin. He even developed
a unique approach to memorising
complex mathematical equations
using musical rhythms. He recalls,
“I remember struggling with certain
intricate organic chemistry formulas.
At that time, I transformed them into
equations resembling music with
mathematics and memorised them
with the help of musical rhythms.
Looking back, this creative memorisation method was quite effective. Find
what you love in whatever you do,
and you will automatically love and
get deeply involved in your action.”
Prof. Kamakoti also had the privilege of forming a close relationship
with the legendary singer and Bharat
Ratna award recipient Late M.S.
Subbulakshmi, a renowned singer
whom he held in great affection.
As his father was assisting M.S.
Subbulakshmi in Sanskrit, Prof.
Kamakoti had the opportunity to
participate in many of
her recordings, including
the Balaji Pancharatna
and several others.
These experiences
shaped him in various ways. The ability to
rebound from setbacks is
a valuable skill, both in
art and life. Performing
arts, like music and sports,
instil this resilience and
elegance in the face of
challenges. “Art-integrated With his students on the day of completing a course
learning has been instrumental in my journey, offering valuable tensive network included prominent
life lessons and creativity,” he agrees.
teachers and thought leaders.
He got married in 1997. His
Stepping into the professional
wife, who came from a family with
a strong educational background,
Following his BTech, Prof. Kamakoti
shared his commitment to education.
performed exceptionally well in the
Her family had founded a school
GATE examination, securing admisin 1960 that catered to around 600
sion offers from both IIT Kanpur and
rural children, while Prof. KamaIIT Madras. Driven by his passion for
koti’s great-grandfather established
research and a desire to contribute to
a school in 1914 that had over 1200
the field, he chose to remain in Chen- students. Today, their family continnai and continued his academic jourues to mentor schools that provide
ney with an MS (by research) and
education to thousands of children
PhD at the Department of Computer
below the poverty line, a mission
Science and Engineering, IIT Mathey are deeply committed to.
dras. In 1994, he was awarded a PhD
The marriage between Prof. Kamdegree. His specialisations include
akoti and his wife was not just a ungraph theory, computational geomion of two individuals but a fusion of
etry, computer architecture, informatheir families’ legacies in education.
tion security, and VLSI design.
This shared commitment to educaBefore joining the faculty at his
tion became even more significant in
alma mater, Prof. Kamakoti completed
the years that followed when Prof.
two post-doctoral assignments—one
Kamakoti took on the role of director
at the Supercomputer Education and
at the school. He aimed to provide
Research Center, Indian Institute of
high-quality education to children
Science, Bengaluru, and the other at
from rural backgrounds without comthe Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
promising on admission standards, a
Chennai. He fondly remembers this
mission he continues to pursue.
period, saying, “During this time, I
In 1998, Prof. Kamakoti and his
had the opportunity to interact with
wife welcomed their daughter into
accomplished individuals, thanks to
the world on Saraswati Puja day,
my father, who was a highly respected
and they named her Bharathi, anIndian logician, Vedantic scholar, and
other name of Saraswati—the Hindu
philosopher. He served as a professor
Goddess of knowledge, wisdom,
and headed the Department of Sanskrit
music, arts, and learning.
at the University of Madras, and his exProf. Kamakoti’s professional
journey continued to
evolve. He moved back
to Chennai to be closer
to his parents and took
up a postdoctoral position at the Institute of
Mathematical Sciences
(IMSc). During this
time, he was engaged
in theoretical computer science research,
publishing extensively,
and gaining valuable
insights. He also set up
a small supercomputer
cluster at IMSc, which provided him
with practical experience in building
and maintaining such systems.
This period marked a transition in
his career when he received a job offer
from ATI Technologies, a Silicon Valley
company setting up an office in Chennai. He recalls, “Initially, they offered
me a 10x increase from my previous
salary. It was a generous package.”
After joining the company, he
was responsible for forming a group
of pre- and post- silicon processor
verification and testing. Setting up
the company’s office in Chennai was
not without its challenges, including
administrative and logistical issues.
However, with his Chennai roots and
connections, the team managed to
overcome these hurdles.
Exploring the path
of an academician
At this point, Prof. Kamakoti received
offers from both the Indian Institute
of Science and IIT Madras. Ultimately, he decided to join IIT Madras.
It was a difficult decision for him
as he shares, “On one side was my
current job, paying around `200,000
per month, and on the other, an
assistant professor position offering
`21,000 a month. During this period,
my Guruji was not present, but his
teachings had instilled in me a sense
of clarity and purpose. I am grateful
for my wife’s support. She managed
$10,000 from Open-Silicon
and commercial EDA tools
from Magma, with help
from Anand Anandkumar,
who was heading Magma
India at that time. This
marked the inception of my
journey with VLSI at IIT
IIT Madras alumni
support was instrumental,
with a funding of around
Prof. Kamakoti greeting former President, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam $60,000. Subsequently,
another batch of alumni
our household with my reduced salfrom 1986 and 1982 contributed a
ary. This mutual understanding was
substantial amount. This funding
crucial and turned our house into a
allowed him to expand the VLSI
home. These moments became pivendeavours and further support
otal in my life.”
doctoral students. “With this modFrom 2001 to 2009, before assumest beginning, I embarked on my
ing the role of a professor, he worked
VLSI journey at IIT Madras, where
on noteworthy projects involving
we took on large-scale designs and
hardware verification and developeven attempted to clone the x86
ment, collaborating with companies
architecture given my knowledge
such as Intel and Xilinx on various
in x86 instruction set architecture.
projects. He also facilitated the placeThis turned out to be a challenging
ment of numerous students, with
task due to the complexity. In those
companies such as Open-Silicon and
days, the decoder, responsible for
Intel hiring several of their graduates.
finding instruction boundaries in the
After joining IIT Madras, he
fast-changing x86 instructions, was a
embarked on a journey into VLSI. He
significant accomplishment.
was eager to work in an area that was
Around 2003, he got involved
underrepresented in the department.
and led the Special Manpower DeProf. Kamakoti initiated a campaign
velopment Program initiated by the
to highlight VLSI as a field which has
Ministry of Electronics, Government
tremendous potential. He revived the
of India. Prof. Kamakoti, along with
CAD for the VLSI subject, which had
other members, formed the Reconfigpreviously been handled by someone
urable Intelligence Systems Engineerelse in his department but had come
ing (RISE) group, with a vision of
to a halt. The CS 6230 course, which
engineering intelligent systems. He
he initiated in 2001, received signifiused to believe that systems would
cant interest, with 70 registrations.
evolve to be more intelligent, and
However, he soon realised the
looking back, the name RISE stands
need for commercial tools to support
apt today.
the course and create job opportuniIn 2009, when he assumed the
ties. He remembers, “This is where
role of a professor, it marked a turnNaveed Sherwani, Satya Gupta, and
ing point. He remembers, “I also
Chitra Hariharan, the co-founders of
became the vice-chairman of the
Open-Silicon, played a crucial role.
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
We acquired essential tools for teachcommittee at IIT Madras, which was
ing, including licenses from Magma.
an interesting experience, although I
With a humble beginning and under
earlier failed in that examination. A
Prof. Kamakoti at DRDO Awards function
poignant memory during this period
was when a distressed student approached me after failing an examination. She had come all the way
from Andhra Pradesh, and her dream
was shattered. I could only offer her
solace by sharing that I had faced
similar setbacks in my academic journey. I assured her that she could still
achieve great things, which, fortunately, she found reassuring.”
In 2011, he organised India’s premier VLSI Design conference at IIT
Madras, strengthening his ties with
the VLSI community. Around 2012,
he began pondering the question
of what significant contribution he
could make to his country. “I felt that
we needed to move beyond academic
pursuits and look for real-world,
transformative projects. Dr A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam’s vision for India in
2020 resonated with me. He urged us
Few favourite things of
Prof. Kamakoti
Music genre: Indian classical music including
Carnatic music and Hindustani music
Music director: Ilayaraja
Actor: M.G. Ramachandran
Actress: Padmini
Singer: M.S. Subbulakshmi
Movie(s): Nadodi Mannan, Oppenheimer, Sholay
Comics character: Tintin
Comics book: The Castafiore Emerald
Food: Lady’s finger/Okra fry
to work on concrete
solutions rather than
abstract concepts,
inspiring my journey
towards a significant
project for the country,” he explains.
At that time,
the proliferation of
mobile devices and
surveillance cameras
caught his attention.
Processors were in
high demand. So, he
decided to explore
the possibility of
creating an indigenous processor
for the nation. “However, developing a processor wasn’t just about
designing the hardware. We needed
a robust software stack and a market
for our processor. These challenges
led us to explore open instruction set
architectures,” he narrates.
Initially, Prof. Kamakoti and
his team members considered IBM
Power, which was an open instruction set architecture. However, joining the Open Power Consortium also
came with financial constraints that
didn’t align with their budget. Therefore, they also evaluated SPARC, but
its legacy and learning curve were
impractical for the academic environment. The need for a comprehensive
software stack was paramount.
In 2013, they came across RISC-V,
a clean-slate open instruction set
architecture project led by UC Berkeley. This development sparked their
interest, as it promised a serious,
well-supported initiative with a complete software stack. Late one night,
they decided to switch their focus
to RISC-V and renamed the project
Shakti, meaning ‘power’ in Sanskrit.
Between 2013 and 2017, they tirelessly worked on raising awareness
and convincing funding agencies of
the importance of their project. Many
were unfamiliar with RISC-V, and
some doubted its feasibility. How-
ever, they persevered, determined to
see their vision through. During this
time, they developed a basic fivestage pipeline processor as part of a
student project, which gave them a
solid foundation to build upon.
Rising as a thought leader
In 2017, Prof. Kamakoti’s team
reached a stage where significant
progress was evident. During this
period, another significant development occurred with the introduction
of BlueSpec, a hardware description
language. BlueSpec stood out as a
rule-oriented programming language
designed to identify common design
flaws early in the design cycle,
dramatically enhancing productivity.
The team started using BlueSpec in
2017 when the license cost was close
to a million dollars. Fortunately, they
received 250 licenses free of charge
and, subsequently, BlueSpec became
open source.
This shift to BlueSpec marked
a pivotal moment in their Shakti
project, an initiative focused on
developing indigenous computer
microprocessors in India. The aim
of the project was to design and
create microprocessors that are built
in India, reducing dependence on
foreign-made microprocessors, and
promoting self-reliance in the field of
semiconductor technology.
Subsequently, they secured funding of close to a million and a half
dollars from the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. That allowed them
to develop two processors in phase
one of the project. One of them,
fabricated at 180 nanometres, was
manufactured at the Semiconductor
Laboratory (SCL), Chandigarh. This
significant achievement showcased
that India possessed the capability
to produce functional chips. Their
journey continued with another chip
fabricated at 22 nanometres in collaboration with Intel’s Oregon fabs.
These two chips reinforced their
position in the game. Subsequently,
they produced two more chips at SCL,
further establishing their presence.
In the second phase, they shifted
their focus to security and hypervisor
mode. Simultaneously, they identified the need for startup companies
to build an ecosystem in the country.
As a visionary academician, Prof.
Kamakoti’s mission went beyond
creating processors; it involved empowering students and contributing
to the nation’s growth. He became
closely associated with the National
Security Advisory Board, where
he had the privilege of working
alongside Ajit Doval, the National
Security Advisor (NSA) to the Prime
Minister of India and P.S. Raghavan,
the Chairman of National Security
Advisory Board of India. These experiences provided invaluable insights
into the workings of a large democracy and the responsibility that came
with it.
Furthermore, Prof. Kamakoti
was involved with various financial
institutions, serving on committees
and boards, such as the Technology
Standing Committee for the National
Stock Exchange and the board of
City Union Bank. Financial insights
proved instrumental in his role as
Director of IIT Madras.
“I am immensely grateful to the
Ministry of Education for entrusting
me with the responsibility of the Director of IIT Madras. This institution,
as a premier academic entity, had a
significant role to play in shaping the
future of education in India. They
were committed to the cause and had
embraced the goals set forth in the
National Education Policy 2020.”
A major focus area for Prof. Kamakoti’s team is to improve the Gross
Enrolment Ratio in higher education,
which currently stands at 26.2%.
Their aim is to raise it to 50% within
the next decade. To achieve this,
they have initiated rural interaction
centres, bridging the gap between
urban and rural students. These centres are equipped with large screens
and internet connectivity, allowing
students from remote areas to interact
with educators and receive academic
support. They have established nearly
100 such centres in Tamil Nadu and
Uttar Pradesh, offering support and
motivation to students in remote
areas. Their aspirations extend to
setting up 100,000 such centres, and
they are actively seeking corporate
social responsibility (CSR) support for
this noble initiative.
Another noteworthy endeavour
is creating IIT Madras’s presence
in Zanzibar, Tanzania, where they
are committed to knowledge sharing without expecting any financial
returns. Their goal is to nurture intellectual growth in every corner of the
Prof. Kamakoti’s journey has
been guided by a deep sense of
responsibility towards education,
innovation, and contributing to the
well-being of the nation. As director of IIT Madras, he and his team
have accomplished a lot, including
the opening of a medical school,
establishing a campus in Tanzania,
and launching another BS program
in Medical Science and Engineering at IIT Madras campus. While
discussing his involvement to ensure
the progress of the institute, he
acknowledges the need to delegate
some responsibilities to free up more
time for broader strategic thinking
and planning, which is essential for
taking their initiatives and country to
the next level.
“I always believe that I should
not procrastinate things administratively. I also feel that nowadays I do
not find enough time to think about
the future of the Institute as the
administrative load is so high. Therefore, I must figure out a way to create 12 more hours for thinking about
the future of the institute.”
design: systemS
The Cost of Inaction: Exploring
The Consequences Of Ignoring
IIoT Security Risks
As industrial IoT (IIoT) integration surges, so do security concerns. Let’s delve into the
rising threat landscape and the role of the security model in fortifying IIoT defences
and safeguarding critical infrastructure
Bantwal Baliga,
Principal Security
(Customer success),
Palo Alto Networks
ndustrial IoT (IIoT) security has gained
tremendous importance in recent years.
With the rise of IIoT and the increasing integration of operational technologies
(OT) with the internet, the need for robust
security measures has become paramount.
Industrial IoT, often referred to as OT, has
transformed industries across the board.
The advent of 5G technology has made OT
assets integral to the manufacturing, healthcare, and robotics sectors. These technologies have improved operational efficiency
and enhanced worker safety by reducing
accidents in industrial settings.
In the past, OT systems operated in isolation; however, they are interconnected today,
leading to more efficient and complex systems. Remote operations have also become
increasingly common, highlighting the need
for secure IIoT infrastructure. While IIoT
offers numerous benefits, it also introduces
security challenges. Connecting OT systems
to the internet inherently involves some level
of risk. Recent news reports have highlighted
IT/OT Convergence
and Cloud Balloon the
Threat Surface
Specific Attacks
• Contribute to top initial attack
vectors involved in ICS
37% - External remote services
33% - Public facing applications
29% - Internet accessible assets
• Most industrial security
standards do not address cloud
• 50% increase of ICS CVEs
disclosed in 2021
• 61% remotely exploitable
• 65% leads to total loss of
• Disclosed vulns on old OS
often not patched
• Ransomware adopting
ICS-aware functions
• Activity groups targeting
critical infrastructure
(e.g. Chrysene, Parasite...)
Fig. 1: Security gaps due to connectivity dilemma with the expansion of IIoT
(Credit: Palo Alto Networks)
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
industrial cyberattacks, such as the Ukrainian electric grid attack and the Saudi oil
refinery attack, showcasing the vulnerabilities of increased connectivity.
Ransomware attacks, in particular,
have emerged as a significant threat to the
manufacturing sector. In 2021 alone, there
were ten successful ransomware attacks
targeting manufacturing companies. The
consequences of such attacks are severe,
disrupting production, encrypting data, and
causing financial losses.
Challenges in India
India is not immune to these threats. Recent
attacks on organisations like Oil India, Dr
Reddy’s Laboratories, and Tata Power have
underscored the critical nature of IIoT security. The healthcare sector has not been spared,
with institutions like AIIMS falling victim
to ransomware attacks, paralysing essential
services. One of the most concerning trends
is the rise of state-sponsored cyberattacks.
Countries like China and others are known
to engage in targeted campaigns, launching
attacks on critical infrastructure worldwide.
These attacks have been a constant threat,
with significant incidents reported yearly.
The connectivity dilemma with the expansion of IIoT has exposed security gaps.
This is depicted in Fig. 1.
Many OT systems are externally accessible, with public-facing applications and
internet accessibility, making them susceptible to attacks. Vulnerabilities in industrial
control systems (ICS) have increased by
50%, with 61% being remotely exploitable.
design: systemS
Notable industrial cyberattacks and the
growing threat landscape in IIoT
In the world of Industrial IoT (IIoT), the potential for catastrophic cyberattacks
cannot be underestimated. Here are some examples that highlight the
devastating consequences of such attacks:
• The Ukraine power grid attack. Initiated by a spear-phishing email
targeting a high-profile individual, this attack compromised both IT
and OT systems, culminating in a network takeover. In just six hours,
230,000 people faced a devastating power grid shutdown amid
freezing temperatures.
• Saudi oil refinery attacks. Targeted critical infrastructure in oil and
gas, nuclear, and manufacturing sectors, posing a grave threat to
national security and international stability.
• Norsk hydro ransomware attacks. Causing disruptions in aluminium
production across approximately 170 plants, these attacks led to
significant financial losses, highlighting the vulnerability of critical
industrial infrastructure to cyber threats.
• Colonial pipeline hack. Resulting in widespread fuel and gasoline
shortages, this cyberattack disrupted the crucial energy supply
chain, leading to fuel shortages at gas stations, and underscoring the
vulnerability of critical infrastructure to cyber threats, thereby raising
concerns about national security and resilience.
However, new attacks are emerging every day. A 2021 report indicated
10 successful ransomware attacks on the manufacturing segment.
The potential loss is staggering, considering the encryption of data and
shutdown of machines. As the IIoT landscape expands, so does the
threat landscape. The lessons learned should serve as a clarion call for
heightened vigilance, rigorous training, and stringent security protocols to
protect against future cyber onslaughts.
The loss of availability, a critical element in the CIA triad
(confidentiality, integrity, and availability), is a major
concern, with 65% of attacks leading to downtime. Outdated operating systems like Windows XP and Windows
7 pose additional risks. Many organisations still use
these unsupported systems, making them easy targets for
exploitation. Furthermore, ransomware attacks targeting
specific industries have become a significant menace.
As we continue to embrace the potential of Industrial
IoT, it is crucial to address the security challenges that
come with it. The convergence of OT and IT systems
demands a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity.
Organisations must prioritise securing their IIoT infrastructure to protect against potential threats and ensure
the uninterrupted operation of critical systems. In this
era of connectivity, security is not an option but a necessity. With vigilance, education, and robust cybersecurity
measures, we can safeguard our industrial IoT assets and
pave the way for a more secure and prosperous future. As
organisations worldwide embrace the opportunities presented by digital transformation, they must also be acutely
aware of the risks that come hand in hand.
The changing face of threats
Digital transformation has ushered in a new era of threats.
Ransomware attacks have escalated in both frequency
and intensity, posing a significant danger to businesses.
Electronics For You express | March 2024
Web application attacks
Malicious external hardware or
removable media
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
Compromised remote access
Compromised supply chain
Data theft
API attacks
Other malware
No more than 47% of
organisations use any
single OT security tool
or approach.
experienced a
security incident in
the last 12 months
Fig. 2: Several attack vectors persist despite the advances in cybersecurity (Credit: Palo Alto Networks)
Even insider threats have become a
cause for concern, as enemy states
can manipulate individuals within an
organisation to compromise information or alter configurations, leading to
severe consequences. The expanding
attack surface is a critical concern.
The convergence of IT (information
technology) and OT (operational
technology), the widespread adoption
of 5G and LTE, and the migration to
cloud computing have all increased
the potential vulnerabilities. Organisations that do not configure their cloud
resources securely expose themselves
to a host of security risks.
By 2032, an astonishing 2.6 billion
OT assets will be connected to the
internet. However, a startling fact is
that more than 47% of organisations
lack the necessary security tools to
effectively counter these threats. This
glaring security gap underscores the
urgent need for cybersecurity measures. Furthermore, a staggering 94% of
industries have experienced a security
incident in the past 12 months. While
this statistic may not be surprising
given the ever-increasing threat landscape, it serves as a stark reminder of
the constant and growing danger that
the organisations face.
Common attack vectors
Fig. 3: Threat actors of IIOT (Credit: Palo Alto Networks)
Several attack vectors persist despite
the advances in cybersecurity. Web ap-
Fig. 4: The four key pillars of cybersecurity strategy (Credit: Palo Alto Networks)
plication attacks, external hardware or removable media
(such as USB drives), and compromised remote access
are among the prevalent threats. Data theft and ransombased attacks continue to plague organisations. Moreover, the proliferation of APIs (application programming
interfaces) has opened new avenues for cybercriminals to
exploit. In the realm of Industrial IoT, threat actors come
in various forms. Negligent insiders, whether intentionally or unintentionally, remain a significant concern. Phishing attacks targeting employees, including top executives,
are rampant. Cybercriminals driven by profit motives,
rival companies seeking an edge, and malicious insiders
coerced into compromising an organisation’s security all
play a role in the evolving threat landscape. Additionally,
hacktivists, motivated by specific agendas, can wreak
havoc, and nation-state actors pose a grave danger, especially in the context of geopolitical conflicts.
The industrial control system Kill Chain offers insight
into the stages of a cyberattack in this domain. It starts
with reconnaissance, where hackers gather information.
Next comes weaponisation, where malware is crafted.
The attackers then target specific individuals, often
through social engineering tactics. Delivery and exploitation follow, with malware being introduced and exploited. Installation of malicious software within the OT
network occurs before the attackers execute the attack,
exfiltrate data, and compromise the control system.
Overcoming security challenges
While recognising the importance of security in Industrial IoT is a crucial first step, implementing effective
measures can be challenging. Several factors contribute
to the complexity of securing these environments:
Legacy systems. Many OT systems are built on legacy
infrastructure, making it challenging to integrate modern
security solutions seamlessly.
Lack of visibility. Managing and monitoring the vast
number of assets in Industrial IoT environments can be
overwhelming, leading to blind spots in security.
Compatibility issues. Existing security tools may not
be compatible with OT systems, necessitating tailored
Security strategy. A well-defined security strategy,
starting from the top down, is often lacking, resulting in
inadequate protection.
Governance and monitoring. Consistent security
governance and continuous monitoring are essential for
safeguarding Industrial IoT environments, but these are
often overlooked.
Lack of security as an end goal. Security should
not be an afterthought but an integral part of the entire
process. Neglecting security for the sake of convenience
Fig. 5: Zero trust security model
or expediency can lead to vulnerabilities.
As organisations forge ahead with
digital transformation, they must
prioritise security in tandem with innovation. A robust security strategy,
modernisation of legacy systems, and
ongoing monitoring and improve-
A defence-in-depth approach
Implementing a defenceApplication and Data Security:
Timely patching, encrypting sensitive data, etc
in-depth approach is
Host Security: Timely patching of AV, restricting unwanted
crucial to safeguard IIoT
services, dynamic whitelisting, write and read protection
Network Security (Corporate+ICS): Firewall,
environments effectively.
sandboxing, IDS/IPS, VPNs, monitoring and alerting
This strategy mir rors
Physical Security: ID cards, CCTV, fences, etc
the layers of defence
Policy and Procedures: Risk management, incident
response management, supply chain management,
employed in the US military,
audit and assessment, training and awareness
where multiple layers of
Defence-in-depth approach
protection deter and thwart
adversaries at various
levels. In the context of IIoT security, consider these layers:
• Application and data security. Prioritise timely system patching and encrypt sensitive data.
• Host security. Deploy endpoint security tools, security development lifecycle (SDL), and
application development security response (ADSR) mechanisms.
• Network security. Utilise traditional security measures such as sandboxing, VPNs, and
• Physical security. Implement access controls, ID card systems, and surveillance to protect
physical assets.
• Policies and processes. Develop and enforce robust security policies, procedures, and
incident response plans.
• Compliance with standards. Consider adhering to the IEC 62443 standard, a gold standard
for OT security, covering terminologies, concepts, glossaries, policies, procedures, system
protection, and security risk assessment.
By integrating these layers of security, IIoT environments can effectively minimise risks,
protect critical infrastructure, and ensure the resilience of industrial operations. It is imperative
for organisations to recognise the urgency of adopting such a holistic security strategy in
safeguarding the future of IIoT.
ment efforts are critical for protecting
Industrial IoT assets. By addressing
these challenges proactively, organisations can navigate the perfect storm
of threats in the digital transformation
era and emerge stronger.
In this article, we delve into the
strategies and principles that can
fortify your IIoT security posture.
Pillars and automation
in IoT security
To build a robust IIoT security framework, focus is required on three key
pillars: people, process, and technology. Recognising that humans are
often the weakest link in security,
investment should be done in security awareness training, gamify it for
employee engagement, and conduct
thorough background checks for new
hires. Security by design is vital. It is
necessary to establish clear processes,
governance, and a comprehensive
security strategy.
One needs to define the security
architecture, including essential
security controls such as firewalls,
endpoint security, SIEM (security
information and event management),
and OT security tools. It is important to cultivate a
security-conscious culture, not only within your organisation but also among your partners and vendors.
Despite diligent security efforts, modern IIoT environments still face formidable challenges:
Lack of visibility. OT teams may not possess the
technical know-how to identify security issues, leading
to oversight.
Zero-day attacks. Rapidly evolving threats, such as
zero-day attacks, can exploit vulnerabilities before security measures are in place.
Overwhelmed security operations. Security teams
may struggle to keep pace with the sheer volume of
threats and alerts.
Complexity. As IIoT environments expand, managing and securing an increasingly complex ecosystem
becomes challenging.
Securing IIoT environments demands a multifaceted
approach. The convergence of people, processes, and
technology is essential. Embrace a defence-in-depth
approach, adhere to industry standards, and consider
the zero trust security model. By implementing these
principles and remaining vigilant, organisations can
navigate the IIOT security landscape. In this article, we
explore the importance of continuous security inspection, the role of automation, and strategies to enhance
IoT security.
Continuous security inspection involves vigilant
monitoring of your IoT ecosystem for signs of intrusion
or compromise. Whereas, automation helps streamline
security processes, reduce response times, and enhance
overall protection. Here are some key components of
automation in IoT security:
Security information and event management
(SIEM). SIEM tools like QRadar and Splunk can help collect and analyse logs from various IoT devices, authentication systems, and network components. They provide
real-time insights into potential security incidents.
Security orchestration, automation, and response
(SOAR). SOAR platforms use predefined playbooks to
automate incident response. For example, in the case of
a phishing attack, a SOAR platform can take immediate
action to remediate the threat without manual intervention.
Security incident and event management (SIEM).
SIEM tools are essential for monitoring and managing
security events. They provide a centralised platform
for collecting, analysing, and responding to security
Endpoint detection and response (EDR) and extended detection and response (XDR). EDR and XDR
solutions use advanced analytics to detect and respond
design: systemS
to threats at the endpoint level, providing an additional
layer of protection.
A five-step journey to zero trust
A zero trust security model (ZTNA) is gaining prominence in the IoT security landscape. To implement a
zero trust strategy effectively, a systematic approach
is essential. To implement it effectively, consider these
three core principles:
Least privileged access. Limit access rights to the
bare minimum required for an individual’s role. Regularly
review and adjust permissions to reduce the risk of unauthorised access.
Continuous trust verification. Implement two-factor
authentication and regularly re-authenticate users to
prevent unauthorised access. Compartmentalise access
to different systems to prevent lateral movement by attackers.
Strict network segmentation. Isolate different IoT
components to limit the potential impact of a compromise. Each component should have its access controls.
Define production services by recognising various
environments and compartmentalising assets. Delve into
transaction flows within your IoT ecosystem, for a comprehensive understanding and protection of communication layers. Conduct a thorough analysis of data flows and
interdependencies, carefully evaluating the connections between IoT applications to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities.
In the quest for robust security, it is imperative to build the
zero trust network, establishing zones and assessing the
potential impact of security breaches, and subsequently
designing appropriate security measures. Finally, as a critical layer of defence, define zero trust policies that answer
the fundamental questions of who can access what, when,
where, why, and how, ensuring that your policies align
seamlessly with these considerations to fortify security.
IoT security is an ongoing journey, not a destination.
Threats evolve, and vulnerabilities emerge. Regularly
monitor and update your security measures to adapt to
changing circumstances. By implementing a zero trust
security model, leveraging automation, and conducting
continuous security inspection, organisations can significantly enhance their IoT security posture. Additionally,
partnering with managed security services providers
(MSSPs) can provide valuable expertise and support in
safeguarding IoT environments. Remember, in the world
of IoT, security is a collective responsibility, and vigilance is the key to success.
This article is from a tech talk session at EFY Expo 2023, Pune, by Prashasth
Bantwal Baliga, Principal Security Consultant (Customer success), Palo Alto
Networks. It has been transcribed and curated by Akanksha Sondhi Gaur,
Research Analyst and Journalist at EFY.
Electronics For You express | March 2024
Ash inha
With Keyboard And Touchpad
reviously, in March 2023 issue, we published a project
for a smartwatch with an
ESP32 board featuring Wi-Fi analysis and health monitoring capabilities. Building upon this, let us now
create a smartwatch that can function as a wearable human interface
device (HID). This watch can serve
as both a keyboard and a mouse,
providing control over phones,
laptops, etc. It acts as a portable
keyboard with mouse functionality,
worn on the wrist.
This design utilises the Indusboard coin along with GC9A01
driver and CST816S capacitive touch
driver-based display, perfectly suited
for a round display. The display is
connected to the Indusboard using
SPI and I2C pins onboard. Refer to
Fig. 1 for the author’s prototype.
The components required for this
device are listed in Bill of Materials
Fig. 1: Author’s prototype
Software coding
The code is created using Arduino
and the TFTeSPI library, with the
CST816S touch driver library driving
the display and touchscreen. The
HID library comes pre-installed with
the ESP32S2 Board SDK, so only
TFTeSPI and CST816 libraries need
Development board
USB Type C
Round touch
GC9A01 driver and 1
CST816S capacitive
touch driver
Fig. 2: Setting the display driver
to be installed. Search for them
in the Arduino library manager
and install. Configure the display
driver and SPI pins in the TFTeSPI
library folder found in the Arduino
library folder. Open the user config
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do-it-yourself: Project
Fig. 3: Setting the pins of display driver
Fig. 4: Code snippet for setting I2C pins
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
file for the library and uncomment
the GC9A01_Driver. Set the MISO,
MOSI, CS, and DC pins in the configuration file. Refer to Figs. 2 and 3
for settings.
Now, two codes need to be written: one for the touchpad mouse
and the other for the keyboard.
Code for touchpad mouse. For
the mouse, include the mouse HID
library and define the I2C pins for
the display. Any pin on the Indusboard can be used as the I2C pin.
Here, the pins 5 and 6 are used as
SDA and SCL for I2C pins. In the
code, map the touch points with
mouse movements and use gestures
like left swipe, right swipe, single
tap, and double tap for mouse
clicks. Refer to Figs. 4 and 5 for
code snippets.
Code for keyboard. Include the
HID library for Indusboard and set
the I2C pins of the touch display
driver. Any pin on the Indusboard
can be configured as an I2C pin.
Fig. 5: Code snippet for mouse HID
do-it-yourself: Project
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Fig. 6: Code setting for the TFTeSPI library and I2C pins
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Fig. 7: Code snippet for keyboard
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Electronics For You express | March 2024
do-it-yourself: Project
Here, the pins 5 and 6 are used.
Refer to Fig. 6 for code settings.
Create the keyboard layout,
display it on the keyboard, map the
touchpoints to the displayed keys,
and detect touch on those keys.
Then, send that letter as HID input
Fig. 8: Code snippet to detect the touch point and send as HID input
Fig. 10: Indusboard soldered with the display
efy Note
The source code
of this project
is available
for free download at
Fig. 9: Circuit diagram
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
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Metal Clad, CEM1, Paper Phenolic
shown in Fig. 9. Solder the pins
behind the Indusboard. The Indusboard size fits perfectly behind the
display like a watch. Refer to Fig. 10
for soldering and placement of the
Fig. 11: Author testing the smartwatch touch keyboard
to the laptop. Refer to Fig. 7 for the
code snippet for the keyboard. Fig. 8
shows the code snippet to detect the
touch point and send as HID input.
After including all the libraries,
upload the code by selecting the
ESP32S2 as the chip and the right
After proper assembly, power the
Indusboard. When the code for the
keyboard is uploaded, it shows the
keyboard layout, and touching the
keys will type the corresponding alphabets and letters. When the code
for the mouse is uploaded, moving
a finger on the display will move the
mouse pointer along with the touch
movements. Refer to Fig. 11 for the
author’s testing of the smartwatch
touch keyboard.
Circuit diagram
Connect the display and touch pins
according to the circuit diagram
Ashwini Kumar Sinha, an IoT and AI
enthusiast, is a tech journalist at EFY
Electronics For You express | March 2024
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FMEA・ FRACAS・ Fault Tree・ Reliability Prediction・RBD・ Maintainability Prediction・ Weibull・ ALT
Embedded Studio is the all-in-one Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
・RTOS & middleware ・Flasher in-circuit programmers ・Debuggers ・Trace debugger
AbsInt provides advanced development tools for embedded sys-tems, and tools for validation, veri-fication and certification of safetycritical software. Absint tools are based on a generic and generative framework which allows an extremely quick, sound and flexible
response to customer needs.
Embedded Technologies RTOS for a Safe & Secure connected Future. Securing the Internet of Things with PikeOS®.PikeOS is a
Hypervisor based separation microkernel. ELinOS is an industrial grade Linux designed to be built out of the box with ease.
Tracealyzer® lets embedded software developers dive deep into the real-time behavior. Speed up debugging, optimize performance and
verify software timing. Users report 90% less debugging and doubled development speed.
One tool for quickly designing and developing applications for multi-market embedded devices. Crank Storyboard enables R&D teams
and UI Designers to quickly and collaboratively develop rich animated user interfaces for resource-constrained embedded devices.
Engicam has a full range of system-on-module with all i.MX processors and Vybrid VF600. Engicam is providing their solutions for
markets ranging from plc, train, electrical devices, vending machine, kiosk, point-of-interest.
Implement Deep SAST with Codesonar
・Fulfill Functional Safety & Coding Standards・Bring Security into DevSecOps ・Binary Composition Analysis
Imagix 4D helps developers comprehend complex, legacy or open source C, C++ and Java source code. Learn unfamiliar code.Eliminate
bugs due to faulty understanding
The AI-native, unified quality platform that delivers unprecedented levels of productivity to accelerate digital transformation. Achieve
exhaustive application coverage with AI-generated autonomous testing. Launch resilient, comprehensive user-defined tests.
Manage embedded systems real-time data in a single database solution. Analyze, run data campaigns, and store time-series device data.
Mongoose Embedded Web Server for electronic devices
Meet Mongoose - an open source embedded HTTP/Websocket/MQTT library for C/C++
Hex-Rays is a commonly known for developing IDA Pro, a popular and widely used disassembler and debugger tool. IDA Pro (Interactive
DisAssembler Professional) is a powerful reverse engineering tool that allows analysts to disassemble and analyze binary code of
software applications. It is commonly used in the field of cybersecurity, malware analysis, and software security.
Accelerate digital transformation and unlock the power of AI and cloud computing without compromising on the security you need to
stay compliant and in control.
Teamcenter® software is a modern, adaptable product lifecycle management (PLM) system that connects people and processes, across
functional silos, with a digital thread for innovation.
Everything you need to accelerate innovation in one Unified Solution.Connect teams and projects, and improve application
development processes with a single, unified solution for requirements, coding, testing, and release
Integrated 3D CAD/CAM Solution Powered by Self-Developed 3D Geometric Modeling Kernel.
Designed for the whole process of product development
NX CAD for product engineering enables you to deliver products to the market right for the first time. Increase market gains, decrease
development costs, and improve product quality through more virtual product models and fewer costly physical prototypes.
CYPE develops and distributes BIM software for Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals (AEC).
Finalcad is a software that provides a platform for construction project management. It offers a solution called Finalcad One, which is a
web-based and mobile app that allows users to automate and collaborate on the inspection, testing and maintenance of fire protection
systems and other construction activities.
Phone : 91-80-42600900
Mail : info@ftdinfocom.com
Website : www.ftdinfocom.com
#2nd floor, No. 7, 17th B Main Rd 5th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru Karnataka 560095, India
advertisers’ index
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Client Name
Advantech Industrial Computing India Private Limited (https://www.advantech.com/en)............. 83
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Meco Instruments Private Limited (www.mecoinst.com).................................................. 53, 55, 57
Binay Opto Electronics Pvt Ltd (www.binayLED.com)............................................... Front Gatefold
Mouser Electronics India Pvt Ltd (https://www.mouser.in).............................................................. 9
Brainchild technologies (https://brainchildtech.com).................................................................... 72
MR Technology (www.mrtechnology.in)........................................................................................ 27
CHIPMAX DESIGNS PVT LTD (www.neodenindia.com)............................................................. 35
National Controlling & Equipments (www.nacei.com).................................................................. 82
CIRCUIT ELECTRONICS (http://www.circuitelectronics.co.in).................................................... 71
O/E/N India Ltd (www.oenindia.com)............................................................................................ 75
Countronics (www.countronics.com)............................................................................................ 82
Phytec Embedded Pvt Ltd (https://www.phytec.in)....................................................................... 33
DigiKey (www.digikey.in)................................................................................................................ 6
Premier Industries (www.solderwire.co.in)................................................................................... 72
EFY Expo Pune 2024 (www.efyexpo.com/pune)............................................................................ 7
Quantel Technologies India Private Limited (https://quantel-global.com)..................................... 17
EFY Group of Publications: Subscription Scheme (https://subscribe.efy.in)................................ 64
Rajguru Electronics (I) Pvt Ltd (www.rajguruelectronics.com)...................................................... 85
element14 India Pvt Ltd (https://in.element14.com)...................................................... Front Cover
RIGOL Technologies HK Limited (https://www.rigol.com)............................................................. 47
Emertxe Information Technologies Pvt Ltd (https://www.emertxe.com)....................................... 21
RioSH Technologies Pvt. Ltd (https://www.rioshtech.com)........................................................... 39
Evobi Automations Pvt Ltd (https://www.playcomputer.org) ........................................................ 76
Sakthi Accumulators Pvt Ltd (https://sakthipower.com)................................................................ 82
Evoluzn India Private Limited (www.evoluzn.in)........................................................................... 79
SandLogic Technologies Pvt Ltd (https://www.sandlogic.com)..................................................... 80
Fillet Engineering Services (www.filletengg.com)......................................................................... 37
Toradex Systems (India) Private Limited (https://www.toradex.com)........................................... 31
FTD Infocom Private Limited (https://www.ftdinfocom.com)......................................................... 81
TRACO Electronic AG. (www.tracopower.com)............................................................................ 45
HIOKI INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED (https://www.hioki.com/global).................................................. 73
Incore Semiconductors Pvt Ltd (https://incoresemi.com)............................................................. 80
Tranquility IoT & Big Data Solutions Private Limited (https://www.tibsglobal.com)...................... 39
India Electronics Week 2025 (http://www.indiaelectronicsweek.com).......................................... 23
Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o. (www.tme.com)............................................................... 19
IndusBoard Coin (https://indus.electronicsforu.com).................................................. 59, 61, 63, 65
Uniglobus Electricals & Electronics Private Limited (https://polycab.com)................................... 86
Invendis Technologies India Pvt Ltd (https://invendis.com).......................................................... 29
Viccacia Global Technologies Private Limited (https://viccacia.com)........................................... 78
Linumiz (https://www.linumiz.com)............................................................................................... 74
Vinsurwaves (https://vinsurwaves.com)....................................................................................... 78
Matrix Freight Forwarders Private Limited (www.matrixfreight.com)............................................ 37
Wiman Communication Technologies (https://wiman.in).............................................................. 77
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Date: 29-2-2024
March 2024 | Electronics For You express
Ramesh Chopra