Course Title: Entrepreneurship Code: MSMG-211 Credit Hours: 02 Course Instructor: Ms. Rameen Arshad Course Description: This course provides the students with an introduction to the concepts and capabilities necessary to successfully commercialize new ideas. Entrepreneurship is about more than coming up with an idea or starting a business. It is also about identifying and validating good opportunities and then creating, communicating, and capturing value from those opportunities over time. This includes new firms as well as firms in corporate and non-profit settings. This course will emphasize new venture formation. Objectives: To understand and handle your own business. This course will equip the students with appropriate subject knowledge and practical skills for managing business investments and fundraising for start-ups. A thorough emphasis on writing the winning business plan and transforming the idea into a venture Initiate a start-up – to provide a sound platform for a successful business which will contribute and boost economic activity in Pakistan. The course aims at motivating and guiding the students to become successful entrepreneurs Course Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students are expected to: 1. Recognize the nature of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial processes 2. Generate business ideas and Evaluate business opportunities 3. Learn how to identify and solve major entrepreneurial issues 4. Gain first-hand experience of starting a new venture via developing a business plan. Textbooks (or Course Materials) with latest Edition: Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 6th Edition.Bruce R. Barringer, Oklahoma State University R. Duane Ireland, Texas A&M University ©2019 |Pearson Entrepreneurship, 10th Edition, Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters, Dean A. Shepherd, McGraw Hill, 2017 Reference Books: Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter F. Drucker Harper Collins publishers UK Pattern of Entrepreneurship, Jack M. Kaplan Naqi, Dr. S. M, Entrepreneurship A Recipe for Economic Development: Lahore, Naqi Hyder & Associates Kuratko Donald F and Hodgetts (2001) Richard M, Entrepreneurship- A ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT WITH WEIGHTS: SNR 1 2 3 ITEMS Mid Term Exam End Term Exam Internal Evaluation Breakdown Quiz(s) Assignements(s) Présentations Lab Work/Practical Project Any Other Total GRAND TOTAL MARKS 30 50 5 5 5 5 20 100 COURSE CONTENTS: Week Scheduled Topic 01 Introduction ■ Introduction to Entrepreneurship ■ Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurship ■ Myths, Process of entrepreneurship ■ Types of Entrepreneurial Ventures, Process of 02 Entrepreneurship 03 Ideas and Opportunities ■ Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas ■ Brainstorming session Learning Activity CLO Thinking Level Lecture and Discussion CLO 1 Understanding Lecture and Discussion CLO 1 Understanding Assignment 2 Ideas Diary CLO 2 Applying and Creating Presentation CLO 2 Applying and Creating Discussion Evaluation CLO 3 Analyzing and Evaluating Quiz 1 CLO 2 Understanding Group Presentation CLO 2 &3 Evaluating and Creating Students will generate and discuss the business ideas ■ Developing Successful Business Ideas, Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas, Finding the gaps Group Formation and selection of business idea. Students to present the ideas and select a group business idea ■ Industry and Competitor Analysis, Industry Case Study 05 Trends Discussion ■ Five Forces Model and Competitor Analysis Lecture and 06 Discussion Application of 07 Presentation on the First Screen Analysis ■ Students to present the First screen analysis of First Screen their group idea Analysis on the group business idea by students 04 Assessment Activity 08 Presentation on the First Screen Analysis ■ Students to present the First screen analysis of Presentation and their group idea Discussion 09 Business Model ■ Developing an Effective Business Model Canvas 10 Sources of Debt Financing, Creative Sources of Financing Getting Funding or Financing, The Importance of Funding or Financing and Sources of Equity Funding 11 Business Plan ■ Contents of the Business Plan and Template CLO 2 &3 Evaluating and Creating CLO 3 Understanding and Applying CLO 4 &5 Evaluating and Creating CLO 3 Understanding and Applying Quiz 2 CLO 3 Understanding and Applying Group Presentation Group Presentation CLO 5 Evaluating and Creating CLO 5 Evaluating and Creating Group Presentation Lecture and Discussion Presentation and Discussion Lecture and Discussion 12 The Importance of Intellectual Property, Patents and Students to Trademarks, Copyrights determine the sources of funding and registration requirements Presentation and 13 Business Plan Presentations ■ Group Presentations on Business Plan Discussion Presentation and 14 Business Plan Presentations Group Presentations on Business Plan Discussion Group Presentation