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SCIENCE 5 - 3rd Q. 23-24

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
SY 2023-2024
Grade and Section:
Direction: Read each questions carefully. Shade the circle of the corresponding letter of
the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following shows motion?
A. a boy watching TV
B. a mother going to market
C. pillows on the bed
D. a dog barking on a strangers
2. What causes the object that moves along a surface to slow down and eventually
A. friction
B. force
C. gravity
D. energy
3. Which of the following demonstrates motion, with the other object as the frame of
A. a boy jogging in place
B. a dog barking at the garage
C. a girl running towards his father D. a boy running on a treadmill device
4. Why do we need to use the metric system of measurement?
A. Because it is used by many scientists.
B. Because it is important to describe motion.
C. Because it is necessary to describe movement.
D. Because it is easier to understand each other’s data.
5. Which of the following is the standard unit of measurement used for distance or length?
A. foot
B. meter
C. minute
D. second
6. Why do we need to use an appropriate device in measuring length?
A. To have an accurate data.
B. To be familiar with the use of each tool.
C. To measure how far and near the two points from one another.
D. To have experience using tools like a ruler, meter stick tape measure.
7. What do you call a material that allows electricity to pass through?
A. wire
B. insulators
C. conductors
D. semi - conductor
8. Which of the following consists of objects that are good conductors of heat?
A. gold, pencil, tape
B. steel, paper towel, paper
C. aluminum cup, wood, cloth
D. iron wire, thumb tacks, steel ruler
9. What do we call a material that does not allow the electricity and heat to pass through
A. conductor
B. insulator
C. iron
D. wire
10. Why are cooking utensils made up of metal but the handles are made of plastic?
A. Metal is hard while plastic is soft.
B. Metal is not brittle while plastic is brittle.
C. Metal is expensive but plastic is cheaper.
D. Metal is a good conductor of heat while plastic is a poor conductor of heat.
11. What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator?
A. An insulator is durable, while a conductor is not.
B. A conductor is durable, while an insulator is not.
C. An insulator allows heat to flow through it easily while a conductor does not.
D. A conductor allows heat to flow through it easily while an insulator does not.
12. Why is electrical wiring usually made from copper?
A. because it is shiny
B. because it is strong
C. because it is not magnetic
D. because it conducts electricity
13. Why do people enjoy the shade of the tree during summer?
A. it reflects light B. it absorbs light
C. it blocks light D. it transmits light
14. When is a shadow formed?
A. when there is no light
B. when light is blocked
C. when light is absorbed
D. when light passed an object
15. When does reflection happen?
A. When light curves in a circular path.
B. When light bounces off a shiny, smooth surface.
C. When light spreads out as it passes through a gap.
D. When light bends as it moves through different materials.
16. What happens when light strikes a transparent surface, such as window glass or
plastic wrap?
A. The light will bend.
B. The light will bounce back.
C. The light will be absorbed and heated.
D. The light can pass through or be transmitted.
17. What happens to light when it strikes translucent materials?
A. The light is blocked.
B. The light is absorbed.
C. The light passes through. D. The light is both transmitted and absorbed.
18. Which of the following materials will not allow light to pass through?
A. a clear glass window
B. a cemented wall
B. a smoked stained glass
D. a plastic curtain
19. Why does the bulb light up?
A. The bulb becomes hot.
B. The electricity moves through a complete circuit.
C. The electricity moves from the bulb to the dry cell.
D. The electricity is collected in the wire that heats up the bulb.
20. What will happen when the 1.5 volts battery is replaced with a 3 volts battery?
A. Nothing has changed.
B. The bulb gets dimmer.
C. The bulb gets brighter.
D. The bulb stays at the same level of brightness
21. What happens when you connect several bulbs in a series?
A. electricity flows
B. it will explode
C. lessen the resistance
D. it increases the resistance
22. What is the source of electricity in an electric circuit?
A. wet cell
B. dry cell
C. body cell D. electric cell
23. Which of the following is a kind of circuit where electricity cannot flow?
A. closed circuit B. open circuit C. semi circuit
D. incomplete circuit
24. Which is not a part of an electrical circuit?
A. bulb
B. wires
C. magnet D. switch
25. Which of the following is a kind of circuit where electricity can flow?
A. closed circuit
B. open circuit
C. semi circuit
D. incomplete circuit
26. What happens when one bulb burns out in form of parallel circuit?
A. The other bulbs explode.
B. Nothing has changed.
C. The other bulbs will not light anymore. D. The other bulbs will continue to light.
27. What makes a circuit open?
A. pushing the switch on
B. pushing the switch off
C. well positioned batteries
D. complete path electricity
28. Which statement is correct about electric current powered by a battery?
I. It always flows clockwise.
II. It gets used up as it goes around the circuit.
III. It does not get used up as it goes around the circuit.
A. I
D. I, II and III
29. What makes the bulb light up?
Electricity is inside the bulb.
Electricity flows in a complete circuit.
Electricity is changed into chemical energy.
Electricity jumps from the dry cell to the bulb.
30. Which of the following best describe a closed circuit?
A. If it is a closed circuit, an electrical device does not work.
B. A closed circuit makes the bulb light up because the path of electricity is
C. Electric current flows through the connecting wires from the power source to the
device then back to the source again.
D. Electricity does not flow in this kind of circuit because there is a gap or no
complete path from one end of the circuit to the other end.
31. What devices that ensure safety when faults and problems in a circuit arise?
A. fuse, transformer
B. fuse, wire C. fuse, circuit breaker
D. fuse, dry cell
32. Which is the electrical safety device that to provide overcurrent protection of an
electrical circuit?
A. fuse
B. wire
C. transformer
D. circuit breaker
33. How can we conserve electricity?
A. Iron clothes every day.
B. Leave the radio on the whole day.
C. Turn off the light when it is not used.
D. Switch on the light while you are sleeping.
34. Why should you avoid stepping on the broken wires?
A. You may get hurt.
B. Brown out may occur.
C. You may get electrocuted.
D. A and B are correct.
35. What should you do if you find your electric bills are getting bigger?
A. Conserve electricity.
B. Ignore the electric bill.
C. See the nearest Meralco station.
D. Do not use any electric appliances.
36. What is the bad effect of a short circuit?
A. brown out B. loses protons C. gains electrons D. loses electrons
37. Which of the following measures can prevent fire caused by electricity?
A. Touch a switch with dry hands.
B. Plug in the socket with wet hands.
C. Avoid walking under low dangling wires.
D. Have a regular inspection of electrical cords
38. Which of the following is the BEST thing to do if you have a faulty wiring or broken
appliances at home?
A. Repair them yourself
B. Both A and C
C. Call a qualified electrician
D. None of the above
39. Which circuit contains two or more paths for an electric current to flow through?
A. parallel circuit B. close circuit
C. series circuit D. open circuit
40. What will happen to the voltage across the paths in a parallel circuit if more
independent bulbs are added and the number of dry cells or source is the same?
A. the voltage will increase
B. the voltage will decrease
C. the voltage will remain the same
D. the voltage will fluctuate
41. Which of the following is a kind of circuit that electricity flows from negative to the
positive terminal of a battery?
A. closed circuit
B. parallel circuit
C. open circuit
D. series circuit
42. Which is not advantages of the parallel circuit?
A. Individual devices can be controlled.
B. Parallel circuit requires many wiring connections.
C. When a bulb burns out, other bulbs continue to glow
D. Two or more pathways allow electric current to pass through
43. Which of the following statement is true about parallel circuit at home?
A. Appliances at home cannot function simultaneously.
B. When a light is switched on, other lights will also glow.
C. When the electric fan is switched off, the TV set will not function.
D. Appliances at home can function/operate independently from other appliances.
44. What happens when you connect several bulbs in a series?
A. both b and c
B. electricity flows
C. lessen the resistance electricity flows
D. it increases the resistance and this can connect several bulbs on a low voltage
bulb on a high voltage line.
45. Which of these devices does not use electromagnet?
A. telephone B. gas stove C. electric fan
D. door bell
46-50. Draw a diagram of an electromagnet. Use the back page of your answer sheet.
Explain how it can be useful at home, school and in the community. Consider the rubric
in doing the task.
The drawing and explanation represent a clear understanding of concept.
The drawing and explanation represent a somewhat clear understanding of
the concept.
The drawing and explanation represent a quite clear understanding of the concept.
The drawing and explanation do not represent the concepts learned.
The drawing and explanation lack details.