ATTITUDES AND STUDY HABITS OF GRADE VI PUPILS AS CORRLATES TO THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SCIENCE I. CONTEXT AND RATIONALE The world is becoming more and more competitive. Quality of pupils’ academic performance has become the key factor for personal progress. It is the desire of all parents that their children climb the ladder of academic performance as high level as possible. In fact, it appears as if the whole educational system revolves round the academic performance of the pupils. Thus and has to be made by educationalist to find various strategies to unravel the complex determinant of academic performance, such as intelligence, study habit and other personality variables like self concept, anxiety and attitudes. Study habits are usually defined as pupils’ ability to manage time and other resources to complete an academic task successful. ‘Study habit’ is the amount and kind of studying routines which the student used during a regular period of study which occurred in a conducive environment. Crede and Kunsel (2008) defines study habit as study routines, including, but not restricted to, frequently of studying sessions, review of material, self-testing, rehearsal of learned material, and studying in a conducive environment. Pupils’ attitudes towards the act of studying (Crede & Kuncel, 2008) are referred as “study attiyudes”. There are many factors affecting study orientation expressive of study habits and attitudes of pupils. Individual differences, effective usage of time, note-taking, study habits training, family, proper study environment, homework, using library, reading-listening, and writing and outstanding common factors. However, interest and will are very important for study habits and attitudes. Individual differences can be analyzed in terms of control focus, gender, success dimension. The quality of a nations depends the quality of its citizen. The quality of the citizens depends on the quality of their education and quality of education besides other factor which depends upon study habits and study attitudes of the learners. Quality of education is reflected trough academic achievements which is function of study habits and study attitudes of the pupils. Thus, to enhance the quality of education is it necessary to improve study habits and study attitudes of the pupils. To improve study habits and attitudes, factors are needed to identify which affect those characteristics adversely. Identification of these factors may lead towards remedial measures. The focus of this study is on pupils’ attitudes and study habit toward science subjects taught in elementary classrooms. Thus, the scope of the present study was limited to science as experience by pupils in elementary school rather than out-of-school experiences obtained from external source. Attitudes towards science denotes interests or feeling towards studying science. It is the pupils’ disposition towards like or dislikes of science subject while attitude subject in science means scientific approach assumed by an individual for solving problems, assessing ideas and making decisions. II. ACTION REASERCH QUESTION The study aims to determine the relationship of the study and attitudes of Grade VI pupils from selected Mamburao Elementary SchoolDistrict, Diision of Occidental Mindoro to their academic performance in Science for the SY 2017-2018. The study will answer the following questions: 1. What is the attitude of the respondents in their science subject? 2. What is the assessment on the study habits acquired by the respondents? 3. What is the level of performances of the responses in their science subject? 4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondent’ study habits and attitudes towards Science subject? 5. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ attitudes and academic performance in science. 6. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ study habits and academic performance in Science? III. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The researcher will focused on the study habits and the study attitudes of Grade Six pupils in Science in relation to academic performance from selected Mamburao Elementary Schools in the Division of Occidental Mindoro. The respondents were limited only to Grade VI pupils of selected schools of Mamburao District SY 2017-2018. IV. PROPOSED INNOVATION, INTERVENTION AND STRATEGY The following are the innovation, intervention and strategy to make the attitudes and study skills in science more effective such as; > Make the lesson in science more interesting and enjoyable by providing hands on activities that provide students with opportunities to engage in exploration and sense making with the science content like experimentation and research. > To sustain good motivation of the student to study, make the lesson real or authentic by creating learning activities that are based on topics that are relevant to the pupils’ lives. Strategies include using local examples, teaching with events in the news, using pop culture technology(iPods, cell phones, tablet, YouTube videos) to teach or connecting the subject with your students culture, outside interest and social lives. > Science teacher should demonstrate more positive attitudes towards sciences than their pupils by showing great enthusiasm, resourcefulness, helpful behavior, and thorough knowledge of the subject matter. >Provide the pupils with some tips to increase their span for concentration while studying their lesson in the classroom or even at home. V. ACTION RESEACH METHODS A. Participants and /or other source of Information The participants/ respondents of the present study were 120 Grade VI pupils fro selected schools of Mamburao District School Year 2017-2018. Table 1. Respondents’ Distribution. SCHOOL POPULATION SAMPLE SIZE Mamburao Central School PERCENTAGE 25 Fatima Elementary School 36 8 Talabaan Elementary School-Proper 8 Casoy Elementary School 12 Tayamaan Elementary Schhol 23 Aroma Elementary School 18 Dapi Elementary School 8 25 It shows the distribution of the respondents in the study. Out of pupils that composed the total population of Grade VI pupils in Mamburao District, 120 were used as respondents. This number is 25% of the total population. According to Cohen (1988)this number will satisfy the requirements to run the correlation and regression analysis. b. Data Gathering Procedure Permission from the School Administrator/School Head of the concern school were sough before the conduct of the study. The questionnaire were distributed to the respondents. The final grades of the respondents were requested from their science teachers or advicer. C. Data Analysis Descriptive statistics such as frequently distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to determine respondents’ study habits, attitudes towards science and their academic performance. The relationship between the variables will be measured using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation. All the responses will be computed using a computer software, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. VI. ACTION RESEARCH WORKPLAN AND TIMELINE Activity Week/Month 1 1. To seek January 2018 permission from the School Administrator to conduct questionnaire Week/Month 2 Week/Month 3 Week/Month 4 Week/Month 5 Activity Week/Month 1 Week/Month 2 Week/Month 3 Week/Month 4 Week/Month 5 VI. ACTION RESEARCH WORKPLAN AND TIMELINE 2. To determine the respondents results on a given questionnaire 3. To find the results and findings including its analysis and interpretation on the questionnaire 4.To find out the Summary, conclusion and recommendation based on the analysis obtained February 2018 February to March 2018 March