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Parina Elementary School Newsletter - Vol. 1, Edition 1

Jeremiah 30:2
“Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Write all the
words which I have spoken to you in a book.’”
Delivers truthful news, relays quality stories
Vol.1, Edition 1.s.2024
The Official Publication of Parina Elementary School
NEWS...page 2 MHO personnel holds hand wash activity
BEST PRACTICE, BEST RECOGNITION. (From left to right) Mr. Jay Rex P. Alupay, School Head of
Parina Elementary School receives the plaque of appreciation handed by Mrs. Thelma Deza, EPS
in ESP, together with Mrs. Elma P. Balacang, EPS in English and Mrs. Florida Valenzuela, EPS in
Filipino during the Pammadayaw Awards 2022 held at EKB Aliwa Gym, Capagaypayan, Luna,
21, 2022.
by: Merry
P. Mariano, Documenter—PLGU Apayao
The Grades
4 toPhoto
6 learners
of Mrs.
A. Bagay are enjoying their catch—up activity on reading.
Photo by Chloe Dela Cruz
PES strengthens National Reading Program
With the Department of Education’s issuance of DepEd Order No. 1, s. 2024 or the Implementation of Catch—Up Fridays, and the National Reading Program as a primary component,
Parina Elementary School implements the reading activities through its contextualized school
reading Program—Project SINAG or the School Intervention Needed for Authentic Growth in
reading this January 2024.
These two approaches are
grade levels.
The National Reading
Program caters to the different
reading needs of Iearners
through its two-pronged approach: Reading Intervention
and Reading Enhancement.
inclined with the school’s project SINAG which is being implemented for two years now.
With the 27 current enrollees of PES, five or 18% are
performing below their actual
Now, with the implementation of Catch—Up Fridays, the
NRP and the school reading program is provided with a space
and time to be strengthened for
FEATURE ...page 6 A Legend
Named Thelma
“I hope that with the implementation of Catch—Up Fridays,
our learners will be helped improved not just in their reading
skills but in their overall academic performances. Let’s make
this program an effective and
impactful catch—up activity to
elevate learning competency
levels of learners,” states Jay
Rex P. Alupay, the School
SDO Pammadayaw Awards 2023
PESians bag SELG, YES-O awards
Rex P. Alupay, 30, the School Head (rightmost) received the certificates awarded to Parina Elementary School awardees during the
Pammadayaw Awards 2023 at ECBJR Gymnasium, Capagaypayan, Luna, Apayao on January 05, 2024.
Photo by Aristotle Calem
JANUARY 05, 2024— Four stakeholders of Parina Elementary School
won awards during the Pammadayaw
Awards 2023 held at ECBJR Gymnasium, Capagaypayan, Luna, Apayao on
January 05, 2024.
As reflected on the Division
Memorandum No. 497, s. 2023 or the
Conduct of the Education Summit and
Pammadayaw Awards 2023, Jay Rex P.
Alupay, the School Head was First Plac-
er in the SELG School Head
Recognition Award Category;
Jeramine A. Bagay, Teacher II
was awarded third Most Outstanding SELG Teacher —
Adviser; Chloe Ann Eunice A.
Dela Cruz was second Most Outstanding SELG Student—Leader;
and, Xyriel Labasay was awarded Third Most Outstanding YES—
O Student Leader. #
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
PTA continues construction
of school CR
By Gift Mia Averylle S. Alupay
Mr. Jesther Sagucio, 34 and Mr. Bernard Daludado, 41 working on
putting on the door beam for the comfort room being constructed. Photo by : Sophia Nicole S. Barit
With the goal to establish a school that is child—
friendly, motivating and
complete with school facilities,
t he
Pa r ent s —
Teachers Association of
Parina Elementary School
took the initiative to establish Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene (WASH) in
Schools (WinS) facilities
through the continuous
construction of separate
comfort rooms for boys
and girls on March 08,
The construction of
WinS facilities is one of the
priority projects of the school
as reflected in its School Im-
provement Plan (SIP) and its
Annual Implementation Plan
(AIP) this implementation year
SELG President Chloe Ann
Eunice Dela Cruz expressed
her clamor for a safe, clean
and well—established comfort
room during the AIP planning
on December 13, 2023 and it
was marked as a priority by
the School Planning Team.
“I believe that sanitation is
one of the key components in
maintaining child’s health and
nutrition. It is just but proper
to provide learners with proper
facilities on sanitation,” urged
the SELG President .#
PES celebrates oral health month
MHO personnel holds hand wash activity
By Sophia Nicole S. Barit
Santos, Midwife from the
Municipal Health Office
detailed at BLGU Parina
hand-wash activities at
Parina Elementary School
on February 15, 2024.
The activity was done to
ensure that proper handwashing practices are being
done by learners and that
there is a close supervision
by medical professionals.
All 27 learners of PES
have undergone the simultaneous handwashing activity.
“On my part being a
medical practitioner, teaching young kids the importance of maintaining good
health and hygiene is very
close to my heart especially
the teaching and demonstration of good handwashing
practices,” stated Mrs. Delos
The activity also paved
the way for the creation of a
Memorandum of Agreement
between Midwife Delos Santos and the school for Ms.
Madelyn to be of continued
support to the school in the
maintenance of the overall
health, sanitation and hygiene of PESians.#
YOUR MOUTH IS THE DOORWAY OF GOOD HEALTH. In celebration of Oral Health Month, Parina Elementary School teachers
and pupils conducted a simultaneous tooth brushing activities,
followed by a film viewing activity on February 25, 2024. Photo
by Chloe Ann Eunice Dela Cruz
PES—PTA elects new officials
By Chloe Ann Eunice Dela Cruz
Parents—Teachers Association of Parina Elementary School elected its new
set of officers who will lead
the school for three school
years starting this SY
TEACH ME HOW TO HANDWASH. Mrs. Madelyn Delos Santos,
35, Midwife of MHO Calanasan teaches Princess Jeanel Tan, 10,
Grade 5 pupil on how to properly wash her hands. Photo by: Sophia Nicole S. Barit
Bernard Daludado was
elected as the PTA President,
Julian Alupay Jr. as Vice—
President, Jeramine A. Bagay
as Secretary, Jessiebel Agbucar
Se cre trary—
counterpart from parents,
Mary Rose Addep as Treasur-
er, Lilet Joy Alupay as Auditor, Grace Alupay as Business Manager, Jonalyn Sappat as P.I.O., and Ronalyn
Lacasandile and Jovilyn Ballesteros as Sentinels.
“I thank the whole PTA OF
Parina Elementary School for
entrusting me with this responsibility. But we must
remember that this is not a
one man’s task. We need cooperation to function successfully,” said Daludado in
his message given after the
Oathtaking Ceremony.#
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
PLGU, PHO Apayao donates
Wins facilities to PES
By Gift Mia Averylle S. Alupay
To promote the maintenance of proper hygiene and
prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the Provincial
Local Government Unit of Apayao through the Provincial
Health Office donated health and sanitation supplies to
Parina Elementary School and was delivered on February
8, 3024 by PHO personnel.
“It is imperative that we
PES is one of the four
equip our learners with
identified recipients in the
the knowledge on health
entire municipality of Caland sanitation and this
anasan to have received bedonation from the PHO is
havioral nudges for hand hyvery much useful,” exgiene and other health kits to
plains Jeramine A. Bagay,
include soap dispensers, tisthe assigned Clinic Teachsues, alcohol, a mirror and
hand soap.
PHO personnel posed for a photo with the school head Jay Rex P.
Alupay (center). Jhon F. Aguda (fourth from right), Jeramine A.
Bagay (third from right), Angelica Caraang (second from right) and
Sharon Buccac (rightmost) as a means of verification on the delivery of the health kits. Photo by: Sophia Nicole S. Barit.
PES intensifies monthly values
Feature Editor: KESY LABASAY
Sports Editor: SOPHIA BARIT
Editor—in—Chief: CHLOE DELA CRUZ
By Princess Jeanel Tan
Being responsive to DepEd CAR'S Regional Memorandum No. 29, s. 2023 - "Intensifying Ethical Values and
Behavioral Attitudes in DepEd CAR," PESians had a short
meditation on the value of LOVE on the first Monday of
February 2024.
School Head, SPA, Consultant
Apayao PLGU donates furniture
By Sundrex Lacasandile
rex P. Alupay demonstrates symbols of the heart through modelling infront of the learners of Parina Elementary School as they
were having a short mediation and sharing of the values per
month which is “love” for the month of Febuary.Photo by: Reymark S. Addep
SERVE. Herman Bagay dedicated two-days of his precious 10—
day vacation leave to install facilitate minor repair of the water
system of Parina Elementary
on February 14—15,
Elementary School pupils and teachers posed for a photo with
the donations of the PLGU Apayao which consists of 3 bookshelves, 30 chairs, one sound systems, four foldable tables and
100 rubber mats. Photo by: Sophia Nicole S. Barit
He also installed the handwashing facilities such as the soap
and tissue dispensers to comfort
rooms and the handwashing
He did all this for free. #
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
already an intended space to
really drop everything and read;
and learn of other equally important matters related to health,
peace and values education.
In Parina Elementary School
alone, five out of 27 learners are
performing below their supposed
proficiency levels across all subject areas; four out of 11 Grades
IV to VI learners are under Frustration Level in reading; and four
out of 12 are below their supposed reading level in Grades I
to III.
With the actual and regular
teaching days, its really difficult
to just focus on reading competencies because there are also
other subjects that teachers
need to teach, but with the implementation of Catch—Up Fridays,
the prioritization on reading as
the primary focus for instruction,
the reading performances of
learners improved from January
to March.
Vice President and DepEd
Secretary Sarah Z. Duterte urged
the implementation of Cat-Up
Fridays through a DepEd Order
No. 1, s. 2024 or the Implementation of Catch –Up Fridays signed
by Undersecretary Gina O. Gonong published on January 01,
While the primary component
of the order is focused on the
adoption of the National Learning and Recovery Plan, values,
health and peace education
were added.
DO No. 01, s. 2024 is an
essential and considerably effective move of the Department
of education in providing a
space to really intensify the
teaching of core competencies
especially in the improvement
of reading proficiency and
comprehension levels of levels
of learners.
Its intention to strengthen
the foundational, social, and
other relevant skills to realize
the intent of the basic education curriculum has become
more magnified as there is
From a learner’s perspective
It takes the unified efforts of
a whole village to build a
school. As it also takes the
whole community to teach a
Our eyes are not close to see
the difference between a
learned, educated person from
people who were not able to
finish their studies.
We are one community in a
single village and our efforts,
times, resources and goals in
sync are the very scaffolds of our
way up to progress.
Gone are the days when
ignorance is still forgiven and
understood. It is now time for us
to fully support our children in
their pursuit towards getting
And the school, it is the heart
of this community. It is where we
send our children with high hopes
that in school they will grow into
responsible and successful individuals with bright futures ahead
of them.
Yes, we can never debunk
that education is indeed the solution and the key to ones success.
This support starts from
sending our children to school
fully fed and given all the school
supplies they need in school.
This support also means our
active participation in improving
our school, the learning environment where our children will be
The learning environment
plays a key role in the provision of
quality education among our children. Facilities, utilities and all
resources that is in it are the very
things we must need to complete
in order to ensure that there is
really quality in the delivery of
learning to our children.
As we can see, Parina Elementary School is still lacking of
many essential facilities.
Comfort rooms for our children
and teachers are not yet fully done
and complete. Our Material Recovery Facility is still unfinished
and our school stage, covered
court and our canteen is still on—
going in its construction status.
Not only reading performances have improved but peace,
health and values education that
are often put and considered as
just side dishes of learning were
given focused and indeed, observably, learners’ behavior improved.
In conclusion, Catch—Up
Fridays has really become an
effective avenue for learners
especially the struggling ones to
catch—up and be provided with
the attention they so deserve. So
let us continue the implementation of Catch—Up Fridays.#
Aside from the physical facilities, we are in the school year
where the learning recovery plan
is being implemented. We have
been met and oriented y our
teachers that we parents are active partners in helping our children in their academics. We may
not be forced to teach them but
teaching them the proper values
at home and helping them develop
good habits is our responsibility as
Truly, we have many things to
do. Our vision is Parina Elementary School to develop and improve into a school that could
competently and committedly able
to establish an enabling learning
environment for our children. And
to realize this, we need to exercise
the values of cooperation and
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
“Your Mama, Papa, Lolo and Lola and
your siblings are a good help. Review with
them. Ask for their help and assistance.
-Gift Mia Averylle S. Alupay,7, Grade II
How to achieve in academics
From the two—year home—
based learning, learners are now
able to attend face-to-face classes.
This time learners learn their lessons through activities given by
their teachers but not all learners
can do their tasks solely due to individual differences. Some are achievers and some just come to school
for allowances and just reasons.
Classes already started but do
you think you’re exited? Are you interested with the activities or do you think
you can do what your teachers wants
you to do? If you think you have problems with it, here are some ways to
help you achieve in class.
First, start identifying your weakness and strength. For your weakness,
do something that helps you improve
and for your strength, use and share it
so that it will be enhanced. Also, talk to
your teacher so that she can help you
as well.
Second, come to school regularly. Why? Coming to school will let
your teacher monitor your improvements as every day is a new
day for new learnings.
Third, be participative. Engaging
yourself with the activities helps
you grow and learn because
learning is also by doing.
Fourth, be optimistic. Having a
positive mindset results a positive
insights.It will also maake your
work less harder to do.
Lastly, never give up. In everything you do in class don’t give up
and if you commit mistake, just be
reminded with the saying that
goes “ Mistakes are proof that you
are trying. Keep going!”.
Those mentioned above are not
just the ways. I hope they are a
big hep. Most important, believe in
yourself and do your best. Congratulations in advance.#
“Use your notes. Check your outlines.
Read from what you have written on your
subject ‘s notes.”
- Angelica Lanog 11, Grade V
“Read your books. Review your past lessons. If you were not able to take notes.
The book is always the best reference.”
-Sundrex Lacasandile, 10 Grade IV
“The best time to review is everyday. Review days and weeks before the exam.”
- Sophia Nicole S. Barit, 10, Grade IV
“Review per subject and per schedule. As
your teacher for assistance. Ask for review
-Brendalyn Ballesteros, 10 Grade IV
Journalism: An avenue for learning
Learnings, experiences, improvements, developments. All of
these and many more can be
taken from sojourning in the
world of writing and expression—
In the beginning of this school
year, by virtue of DepEd Order
No.__ s. 2022, it was announced
that there will be no co—and extra–
curricular activities to be conducted
for schools to be focused on learning recovery from the drawbacks of
the two—year pandemic.
But on December 2022, it was
known that the Division Schools
Press Conference will be conducted
and so the selection process for the
school’s participants to the pre—
requisite competition the District
Schools Press Conference was
done by school paper advisers and
journalism coaches.
School, six pupils were chosen
to join the District SPC and after
the elimination, three will participate in the individual writing
competitions while another
three joined the radio broadcasting teams to represent Upper Calanasan District in the
Division Press Conference.
While the goal is develop
winning young journalists, in
the trainings, many other
things are developed. Lifelong
skills and knowledge are being
imparted to young minds.
Write shops and trainings are
being done by coaches and
young journalists and on the
process, these budding journalists are being exposed with
international, national and local
issues. They are able to grasp
and understand the core of
these issues and analyze its
effect. At a young age, they are
being taught of the importance
of being informed and being
able to express once thoughts
into writing and in oral communication.
Being part of the delegation
of Upper Calanasan District to
the Division Schools Press
Conference, I am now experiencing firsthand the thoughts
and ideas I am putting into this
article. I am tasked to understand and think beyond the
box. The training and write
shops being facilitated to us
are not just processes of preparation to win but also, these
are processes of learnings and
As one of its purposes, journalism is indeed an avenue for
Coaches and trainers are investing time, effort and sharing
the best of the knowledge they
have to us. This is done in order
for us to gain skills and later on
become winning and learned
A week from now, we will be
moving on to compete in a higher
level of competition in Journalism. Along with the much awaited
test of how much we have prepared, we will also be able to
experience socializing with participants from the other municipalities and educational districts in
Province of Apayao.
It is still uncertain if I could be
picked or adjudged winner on the
genre where I am tasked to compete. Will I be able to write just
the exact words and terms the
judges will notice as winning
words? Will I be able to express
my thoughts with an ace? I am
not sure. There are only a few
things I am certain of. This field of
journalism I was chosen to traverse is an avenue for learning
and experiences. Win or lose, I
am a journalists.#
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
The Legend Named Thelma
By Rodyen Mae S. Lacasandile
She is Mrs. Thelma A.
Lacasandile, formerly Miss Thelma A.
Austodillo. She was born in the silent
place of Naguilian, Calanasan, Apayao in the early sunrise of February
1,1960 under the zodiac sign Aquarius. She was raised by a strict parent
but loving and supportive. They are
Mr. Julio B. Austodillo from San Gabriel, La Union and Mrs. Angelita B. Aliten of Naguilian, Calanasan, Apayao.
After two years of rearing by her parents, her aunt Mrs. Francisca Sadao
Took her and lived with them for three
years. Her parents transferred then to
Brgy. Tanglagan during those times.
She went back to her parents at the
age of six and enrolled grade I at Tanglagan Elementary School but not
accepted by her teacher Mrs. Emma
B. Corpuz because her age is not yet
enough since 7 is their cut off. She
was accepted as a visitor/ sit in. That
was the school year 1966-1967. She
then officially enrolled as Grade I on
the school year 1967-1968 still the
advisory of Mrs. Emma B. Corpuz.
She continued there to study with the
following advisers, Grade II-Mrs. Florencia. P. Aliga; Grade III-Mr. Dison
Project INSPIRE:
Allag and for Grade IV her, her adviser was Mrs.
Corpuz Again and for Grade V, Mrs. Aliga was her
adviser again. She graduated with honor in that
school in March 1973 under Mr. Vicente Aliga Sr.
She continued her education journey at
ANIAHS from school year 1973-1977 and became
a consistent honor student. She graduated there
as valedictorian and First Pioneer Class ’79 on
said school. She then enrolled in a prestigious
school in Baguio City and graduated in March
1982. After graduation, she took PBET immediately but unfortunately didn’t make it. She took another examination for the second time around on November 1985 at Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. With
God’s grace, she passed it. She was employed as
substitute teacher of Mrs. Elena Ravelo and Mrs.
Benito Solmayor.
Extention position was allotted at Tanglagan ES and awarded to Sitio Parina under supervisory of Mr. Bartolome from Tabuk, KalingaApayao and was given to her. She then established Parina Primary School, August 2,1985 with
40 pupils as Grade I. Some of my pupils were drop
out of Tanglan ES due to the distance of school to
the sitio. For 32 years, she was the only teacher
teaching multi-grade in that school. Succeeding
years some teachers came namely, Mrs. Marcela
Austodillo, Ms. Lovella. Bonoan in 2016 and in
2018 Ms. Jeramine Alupay. filed her terminal leave
and had her retirement on March 10,2022 and
served 36 years in service.
As of now, she is the Manager of the
Parina Micro-Hydro Electric Power Association
and member of Water Association. #
A. Lacasandile, 63, a retired Teacher II and
former Teacher—In—Charge of Parina Elementary School is seen in three photos on this
collage. On the biggest picture, she is seen
patiently teaching a child while on the lap of
his mother. The second picture shows her
former learners who are now professionals.
From the left is Mr. Jomar Alupay, 29, Administrative Officer II of SDO Apayao, next to him
is Mrs. Jovilyn A. Alupay, Teacher I of Tanglagan National High School and Ms. Lilet Joy
A. Alupay, Teacher I of PES. All of these alumni are working under the helm of DepEd. Photo credits: Thelma A. Lacasandile
Inspiring the Young, Instilling Values
Kesy D. Labasay
Stories are very impactful in the teaching and learning process. Values taken
from it goes beyond the
child’s holistic development.
Stories are springboards that
make learning more meaningful yet fun.
Project INSPIRE stands
for the acronym Inspiring Narrated Stories Projecting Individuals Rise to Excellence.
This project will head start the
school’s desire to involve a
community in educating the
child. Volunteer story tellers
will take part in the realization
of the project. Believing that
each individual has a story
that inspires whether it be
from a personal experience or
from a story told to them or
from what they have read,
Project INSPIRE is founded
in the belief that stories have
the power to transform a
child positively.
With individuals who
can tell inspiring stories will
be invited as guest story tellers every Tuesday only from
4: 30 PM – 5: 00 PM in the
afternoon. A 30 – minute value formation time every
week is foreseen to have an
impact in instilling positive
discipline among children as
one of the primary goals of
the Department of Education
especially our region is the
formation of good behavior
among our learners. On the
side, listening comprehension and their over – all
knowledge of the world
around them could also be
improved and increased.
Story tellers could be people who showcase excellence in their respective
fields. They could also be
our grandparents, the
community elders who
could tell folktales and
local fables and some other volunteers in the community. All learners shall
become listeners. Sometimes, they may also take
part in the storytelling activities. They may become
actors and actresses to
the stories that will be imparted to them
The Department of
Education desires also for
teachers to develop and
write stories primarily for
their learners’ consumption.
Stories that could inspire.
Stories that have morals
and instill values.#
Mrs. Arbella A. Agbucar
the Daycare
Teacher of DCC Parina,
the day’s storyteller is
seen telling a story tit le d ,
“S i
Engkantada at ang Tatlong Haragan” for Project INSPIRE. This was
done on November 8,
2022 at PES. Photo by JA
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
Nalbo Falls
peaceful. The perfect getaway
for family and friend’s bonding.
These are just a few of the
adjectives that describe Nalbo
Of the three falls that can be
found in the administrative barangay of Parina, Calanasan,
Apayao, Nalbo Falls is the nearest from the heart of the barangay as you only need to travel a
distance of one kilometer to get
Nalbo Falls has seven layers
of falls or free—falling waters. It
is just like seven layers of heaven
in each layers.
This majestic falls can be
reached within a twenty to thirty
minutes walking, and trekking on a
foot trail. Walking is the only
means of transportation since it is
not along the road but going there
is a journey of sweating looking for
the heaven that is Nalbo Falls.
Going there is not a travel that
one can just rush, going there is
also a travel you could enjoy looking around verdant mountains,
towering trees and picking exotic
plants that could be displayed in
their glorious beauty and aesthetics at home. Plants you can call,
“originally from Nalbo Falls.”
Come at Nalbo Falls and experience firsthand the beauty it has
to offer.
Sojourn in Parina’s Falls
By Reymark S. Addep
Simmayung Falls
Grand. Towering. Incomparable and worthy to be sojourned.
to be found and reached at 23 kilometers from the barangay center.
That is Simmayung Falls. The
tallest and farthest falls in the barangay.
Simmayung is a good place for
excursionist. It is loved by those
whose heart is into adventures and
trailing. It is perfect for everyone
looking for a hide away from the
noise of people.
From an approximately seven—hour long travel to get there,
you can just say you have no regrets for your tired legs as you will
just be filled with happiness just by
setting your sight on the great
Simmayung Falls.
Simmayung Falls has this towering height of 44 meters with a
catch basin that is deep measuring at three meters.
It can be reached via walking
mode only and it is hiding waiting
Perfect subject for photography and painting. A place
where you could enjoy your
unlimited swimming session
with no other than Mother
Yes, this is Mabusik Falls.
You are just in for one of the
greatest adventures of your life
once you decide to be at Mabusik Falls.
Mabusik Falls
Mabusik Falls has a height of
22 meters and has its catch
basin’s depth at five meters.
Just perfect for diving and dipping in cold fresh waters.
It can be reached via walk-
ing mode of transportation and considering its
distance of 16 kilometers
from the barangay center, you need to spend
five hours walking to get
All photos on this page were taken by and taken from Mr. Valentino Damaso, Barangay Secretary
In there the harmonious sound of
the forest is free and thrilling. In
Simmayung Falls, you ca breath
the freshest air that is made from
the mist of combined Parina’s virgin Flora and Fauna.#
March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2023
Parina ES: Then and Now
By Janelle Joy Tamayo
Parina Elementary School is located at barangay Parina, Calanasan, Apayao. It has a rolling
hill area of 1900 square meters
donated by the late Ruben Ballesteros.
It was formally opened on
August 2, 1985 and marked its 22
years serving the constituents of
Barangay Parina by nurturing the
young YParina learners.
The school started with a
temporary school building made
of cogon and tree barks which
was constructed by the community people. It was later replaced
with a Bagong Lipunan Type
school building through the country – wide development fund of
the late Congressman, the Hon.
Elias K. Bulut of Kalinga – Apayao. Due to a typhoon, the school
building was destructed which
was later redeveloped by the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) and it has
become a Modified Bagong
Lipunan building.
The building was again
repaired in school year 2003 –
2004 with only one academic
In 2016, the school was
relocated from Zone 4 to Zone 1
along the National Road. An ECBJr Type School Building was
constructed and another school
building – DPWH BOD Building
with two rooms was constructed
in 2018.
Then the school opened
with only one teacher a temporary school building, now Parina
Elementary School has two buildings with three classrooms and
three teachers serving eight
grade levels included the non—
graded class.
There are still many things
the school needs to establish, but
in the coming years to come, this
now will become then and a progressive school named Parina
Elementary School will be fully
developed and improved.#
LolaAmalia, Our Community Doctor
By Gift Mia Averylle S. Alupay
This is how she is called medically. For 33 years, she has been
playing a very significant role in
the communities where she
stayed. She is the go to person of
mothers with ill children. Also
those with eye ailments, they come
to her and with her healing hands,
she has become the community
doctor. She is Lola Amalia De
Guzman Alupay.
Lola Amalia is now 67 years
old, a widow who is blessed with
a dozen of children. Among her
children are the barangay’s Local Chief Executive, the Daycare
Teacher, the Barangay Health
Worker, the schools Utility
Worker, A company driver, a
barangay official, a canteen
owner and manager and others,
are also living independently
even though none of the twelve
are lucky enough to finish their
resident of Barangay Parina, Calanasan, Apayao is checking the eye
problem of one of her grand daughter—in—law, Jessiebel S. Agbucar, 26. All Photos on this page were taken by Chloe Dela Cruz
Fortunately, Lola Amalia is
blessed to be surrounded by
her children at an old age.
Being a Hilot, she has been of
great aid to her community.
Now, at her age, nothing still
beats the healing and comfort her
magical hands could give. To her, it
is a gift from God. A gift she would
love to share.#
According to her, being a
Hilot is not an easy thing. It is
not a simple task but a responsibility she has to fulfill with
compassion and sacrifice.
Even at an old age, she is
still being woke up at
night time in times
her help is needed.
She also attends
to pregnant and
those who have
just given
she even
going to her
patients house
first before doing
her own chores.
She is living
alone in her
as she
chose to
stay alone after
her husband’s
death five years
HANDS. Lola Amalia is checking on her
great grandson’s tummy to check for Kabag.
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
Warren Nail S. Agtang, Non—
graded pupil is seen weeding.
Being a Makakalikasan is one
of the core values of the Department of Education. The mandate
of DepEd to integrate environmental education in the curriculum for all grade levels is even
embedded on Republic Act 9512
or the National Environmental
Awareness and Education Act.
In this regard, DepEd
– CAR through RM No.
283, s. 2021 promotes environmental
through recognizing institutions that are sustainably
making ways to protect our
environment and the Earth
as a whole. As a way to do
so, search for the ROSE
school is being done every
school year and Parina
Elementary School now
signifies its intent to participate in the search not just
to be recognized but to
encourage other schools as
well in making the necessary steps towards environmental protection and conservation.
now to strengthen environmental advocacy as those learners
could learn and gain from this
activity will be their lifelong
values, knowledge and commitment towards environmental
protection. This project will also
ensure that learners could apply their learnings from environmental
competencies in Science, EPP
& TLE and others.
Project LIFE with school
clubs and organizations that
have mandates related to environmental education and protection will work together to
realize the project’s objectives
and to address the problems of
the school relevant to its location.
surProject LIFE stands for
roundings is 75% sloppy the acronym Lifelong Initiasince the school is located tives
For Earth.
on a plotted top of a mountain
and prone to landslide. To ensure safeness of the buildings
and school ground during rainy
days and earthquakes so as
the school has not yet able to
establish botanical gardens,
herbal gardens and other
beautification of ground. On the
other hand, after the two-year
pandemic that learners were
not supervised in doing
als, we can make the Earth a better
planet for life.
Now, Parina Elementary School
is partnering with government
agencies and internal and community stakeholders to make Project
LIFE function as it should.
A series of tree planting activities are being initiated with the Calanasan Environment and Natural
Resources Offices (CENRO), the
Provincial Environment and Natural
through its Green Guards deployed
in the community.
. Clean up Drive activities are also
being taken as a step towards environmental protection. Every Friday
afternoon, pupils and teachers of
PES are conducting clean up
drives within the barangay. They
are being assisted by barangay
Plant Trees, Plant Life
By Chloe Ann Eunice Dela Cruz
Ms. Marites A. Alupay, Forester I of Calanasan Environment and
Natural Resources Office is planting a Mahogany seedling with
Reymark Addep a Grade V pupil during the Tree Planting Activity
in Parina Elementary School on January 28, 2023.
awareness education awareness
campaigns and activities synchronized with the list of activities reflected in the school calendar for S.Y. 2022 – 2023 will
be conducted and facilitated.
While some other activities,
with the help of government
agencies and some other Non
– government organizations
who are willing to help will also
be done.
TREE PLANTING IS DONE. Ms. Marites A. Alupay, Forester I of
Calanasan Environment and Natural Resources Office is planting a
Mahogany seedling with Reymark Addep a Grade V pupil posed for a
remembrance on the Tree Planting Day held at PES on January 28,
2022. All Photos on this page were taken by Chloe Ann Dela Cruz
The project which is being
initiated by the school commencing this school year will
be a continuous and lifelong
project that the school hopes to
conduct every year. This is with
the faith that the school together with a community of environmentally – concerned individu-
officials and other barangay constituents.
Now, Project LIFE as not only
become a school initiative but a
community project where everybody is doing their part, sharing a
hand, an effort and time and are
moving towards the goal making
the Earth a cleaner and greener
place to live in.
Indeed, planting trees is just
one of the many steps we can
do. Saving the Earth is not only
prolonging its life as a planet
but it also ensures a more safety and secured habitat for all of
us, citizens of the Earth.
We are then encourage to continue
measures as Earth’s stewards. Let
us hand in hand maintain and
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
PLGU Green Guards establish nursery, teach kids on soil prep
By Brendalyn Ballesteros
Provincial Local Goernment Unit of Apayao Green
Guards initiated the establishment of a seedling nursery at
Parina Elementary School in
partnership with the school’s
Project LIFE (Lifelong Initiatives For Earth) on February
“I am so happy while we are
doing the soil preparation activity because I am being taught of
a skill; I am learning the baiscs
in the preparation of a nursery,”
says Princess Jeanel Tan, the
YES—O President.
LIFELONG INITIATIVES FOR EARTH. Mr. Joey Agbucar patiently teaches young
PESians on how to prepare and pot soil as a preliminary activity before planting
seedlings. Photo by: Sophia Nicole S. Barit.
100 pots were potted by
Grades III and IV learners of
PES led by Chloe Ann Eunice
Dela Cruz and Princess Jeanel
Tan, the SELG and YES—O
president respectively.#
PTA harvests 5 sacks of ginger from the school GPP
By Mia Alupay
With the help of its Parents
- Teachers Association (PTA),
five sacks of ginger was harvested from the school's Gulayan sa Paaralan on January
23, 2024.
A total of 4, 790.00 has already been collected from the
sold gingers that was disposed
for 50.00 per kilo.
A Golden Harvest
WHEN YOU SOW, YOU REAP. Mrs. Jessibel Agbucar (left) and Mrs. Grace L. Alupay (right)
are patiently harvesting the gingers planted in the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program area and
they were able to harvest five sacks of ginger which was sold at 50.00 per kilo. These parents were the same parents who had helped plant ginger seeds and now after eight long
months, the gingers have been ripe for harvest. Photo by Chloe Ann Eunice Dela Cruz
“PTA initiatives in raising
funds through the Gulayan sa
Paaralan Program is very commendable and appreciated by
the whole school community.
The seedlings used were donations by the parents themselves
and all proceeds were given to
the school,” says Lilet Joy A.
Alupay, the School GPP Coordinator.
The GPP is successfuly being
managed and implemented
through Project VEGIE - a school
project directed towards the establishment and sustenance of a
school garden which is also serving as an income generating project. Proceeds are funding the
SBFP, WinS and other school
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
Addep wins silver in 100m
In a display of exceptional
talent and determination,
Grade VI pupil Reymark Addep
made headlines at the Upper
Calanasan District Sports Selection Meet 2024, held at Tanglagan National High School on
January 26, 2024. Competing
in the fiercely contested 100meter run, Reymark Addep
showcased his remarkable
speed and agility, ultimately
clinching the silver medal in a
thrilling race that captivated
Despite facing formidable
opponents, Reymark Addep
demonstrated unwavering focus and determination as he
dashed towards the finish line.
His lightning-fast start and
impressive stride left his competitors trailing behind, as he
surged ahead with a burst of
speed that electrified the
Reymark Addep's silver medal win was a testament to his dedication and
hard work, as well as his
natural talent for sprinting. His performance not
only secured him a place
on the podium but also
earned him the admiration
and respect of his peers
and mentors alike.
The theme of the
event, "Strengthening Camarade rie
Sports," resonated deeply
with Reymark Addep, who
embraced the spirit of unity
throughout the competition. His positive attitude
and camaraderie with fellow athletes exemplified
the true essence
As news of Reymark Addep's remarkable achievement spread,
he became an inspiration
across the district. His
silver medal win served
as a reminder that with
perseverance and determination, dreams can be
turned into reality.
Reymark Addep's
success at the Upper
Calan asan
D istrict
Sports Selection Meet
2024 marked a significant milestone in his
athletic journey. With his
sights set on future competitions, he remains committed to
pushing the boundaries of his
potential and striving for excellence in every endeavor.
The support and encouragement of his family, teachers, and peers played a crucial
role in Reymark Addep's success, serving as a source of
motivation and inspiration
throughout his training and
As Reymark Addep stood
proudly on the podium, his
silver medal shining brightly
around his neck, he expressed
gratitude for the opportunity to
represent his school and district in the prestigious event.
His humility and sportsmanship endeared him to all who
witnessed his remarkable performance.
Looking ahead, Reymark
Addep remains focused on his
goals, determined to continue
honing his skills and pursuing
his passion for athletics. With
his indomitable spirit and unw a v e r in g
d e t e r m in a t io n ,
there's no doubt that Reymark
Addep's future in the world of
sports is bright.
The Upper Calanasan
District Sports Selection Meet
2024 may have come to a
close, but Reymark Addep's
journey as an athlete is far
from over. With each stride he
takes, he brings honor to his
school, his district, and himself, leaving a legacy that will
inspire generations to come.#
March 2023— March 2024
Vol.1, Edition 1, s. 2024
PESians represent UCD in badminton
In a heartwarming display of courage and determination, two young badminton enthusiasts from
Parina Elementary School have etched their names
into the annals of the school’s sports history, though
they not had a podium finish. Chloe Ann Eunice Dela
Cruz and Kesy Labasay, both Grade 6 and 5 learners
respectively, embarked on a remarkable journey as
they represented not just their school but the entire
Upper Calanasan District at the Provincial Meet 2024
held in Luna, Apayao.
The Apayao Eco Tourism Sports Complex
buzzed with excitement as athletes from across the
province gathered to compete in various sporting
events. Amidst the bustling atmosphere, Chloe Ann
and Kesy stood out as trailblazers, venturing into uncharted territory as participants in the Girls Doubles
Their journey to the Provincial Meet was one
filled with challenges and obstacles, but Chloe Ann
and Kesy remained undeterred in their pursuit of
sporting glory. With the unwavering support of their
coaches, teachers, and classmates, they honed their
skills and prepared to showcase their talents on a
bigger stage.
As the competition unfolded, Chloe Ann and
Kesy faced formidable opponents who tested their
mettle on the court. Despite their best efforts, victory
eluded them in each match. However, their spirits
remained unbroken, and they continued to give their
all in every rally, demonstrating sportsmanship and
resilience beyond their years.
Although they did not secure a podium finish,
Chloe Ann and Kesy's participation in the Provincial
Meet was a victory in itself. Their presence on the
court symbolized the triumph of determination over
adversity, inspiring their peers and fellow athletes
with their courage and perseverance.
As they returned to Parina Elementary School,
Chloe Ann and Kesy were welcomed and recognized,
their heads held high in pride and accomplishment.
Their journey may not have ended with medals
around their necks, but their courage and determination have left an indelible mark on the hearts of their
classmates and the entire community.
Looking ahead, Chloe Ann and Kesy remain undaunted by the challenges that lie ahead. With their
passion for badminton burning brighter than ever,
they are determined to continue honing their skills
and striving for excellence in the sport they love.#