Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Construction Phase Site Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan CONTRACT NO: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CLIENT: Initial Issue Table 1 CPHASEMP Prepared by: Sign: REVIEW BY: Sign: Sign: AUTHORISATION FOR ISSUE Sign: Print: Print: Print: Group HSE Manager Date: Date: XXXXXXX Print: Project Manager/Construction Manager Date: XXXXXXX Date: XXXXXXXXX This title page is to be kept and displayed as the cover sheet for all future revisions. Each works contractor shall receive a copy of this document (or relevant parts). They must ensure that the contents of the plan, relevant to their works, are communicated to their management, supervisors and employees as is appropriate. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 1 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Record of Ongoing Reviews Table 2 Review Date Name Position Signature Record of Subsequent Revisions Table 3 Issue Date Issued Description of Revision Page No Reviewed by Authorised by Comment Issue number to be inserted next to page number in footer. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 2 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan The Project Manager shall ensure that the contents of this Project Plan are communicated to all staff working on the Project. The persons listed below have been briefed on the main content of the CPHASEMP and have signed to confirm that it is understood (Insert more as necessary); Table 4 Name Position Signature XXXXXXXX Contracts Manager XXXXXX XXXXXXXX Project Manager XXXXXX XXXXXXX Site Manager XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Site Manager XXXXXX XXXXXXXX Senior Engineer XXXXXXX XXXXXXX Foreman XXXXXX Quantity Surveyor Section Engineer Site Engineer CONTROL The Master CPHASEMP is held by the Project Manager/HSE Coordinator with controlled copies held by the following; May include: Project Manager/HSE Systems Co-ordinator Systems Manager Construction Managers Project Superintendent Section Managers Engineers Each controlled copy holder is responsible for ensuring that the contents of this plan and any amendments are made available and communicated to all staff and Sub-contractors under their control. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 3 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Scope of the Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan (CPHASEMP) This document is in three parts: Part A deals with general site issues and is common to both plans; Part B deals with Health & Safety issues; Part C deals with Environmental issues. Parts A and B together form the construction phase Health and Safety Plan (as required under the CDM Regulations 2015 & OHSAS 18001:), and Parts A and C together form the Site Environmental Management Plan (to comply with ISO 14001: 2015). (The whole plan forms an integral part of the company management system). References are also made to the Project Management Plan. The plan details the arrangements that have been put into place for the management of health, safety and environmental matters during the construction phase of Insert project name. All parties involved in these works must ensure that they are aware of their duties under relevant legislation. They must make themselves and their employees familiar with the content of this plan and work within the management system defined therein. The following appointments have been made in accordance with The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015: Client: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Principle Designer: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX Employers Agent: XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXX Employers M&E Consultant: XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX Principal Contractor XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX Designers: XXXXX XXX XXX Structural Engineer: XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX Mechanical Contractor – Details TBC Electrical Contractor – Details TBC Additional project specific appointments shall be added, for example ecologist, archaeologist See also sections A 3.2 and C5. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 4 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan CONTENTS Part A – HSE - General Issues A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 Project Profile Policy Statements Management Structure & Responsibilities CPHASEMP Objectives Project HSE Targets Contractors/Designers Selection and Appointment Co-ordination, Communication and Liaison Training and Competence Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) & Other Safe Systems of Work Emergency Procedures and Plans (Including First Aid) Inspections and Monitoring Procedures in the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this plan Review & Close Out Reports Archiving Public Relations and Complaints CONTENTS Part B - Health and Safety - Specific B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 Summary of Hazards & Risks Shared Plant Equipment and other Facilities (Excluding Welfare) Traffic Management & Deliveries Plant & Other Work Equipment Services Co-ordination Temporary Works Security Accident Reporting & Investigation Site Safety Rules Health Surveillance Welfare & Site Accommodation Health & Safety File CONTENTS Part C – Environmental – Specific C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Introduction Identification of significant aspects and impacts Site Environmental Obligations Site Environmental Controls Waste Management Plan Regulatory Agencies and Interested Parties Environmental Monitoring & Measurement Emergency Preparedness and Response CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 5 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan CONTENTS Part D - APPENDICES Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 11 Appendix 12 Appendix 13 Appendix 14 Appendix 15 Appendix 16 Appendix 17 F10 Contract Programme Health & Safety Policy Statement Environment Policy Statement Management Structure General Responsibilities Site Induction Fire & Emergency Plan Pre-Construction Plan & Risks Traffic Management Plan & Site Establishment Accident Reporting Site Rules Environment Register Construction Noise Impact Air Quality Survey Asbestos Survey Demolition Works CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 6 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan PART A - GENERAL ISSUES A1 Project Profile A1.1 Description XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The appointment letter is to be in place prior to works commencing on site and will be displayed on site along with all NMS Infrastructure Construction Company Insurances, NMS Infrastructure Construction Policies, Health and Safety Law poster as well as various relevant educational posters. Section D, Appendix 1 A1.2 Programme Information The project is scheduled to commence on XXXXXXX and is XXXXXXXX weeks in duration which includes a XXX-week initial mobilisation period. Refer to the title and location of the master programme. As per the requirements set out in the United Kingdom Health & Safety law which is the NMS Infrastructure minimum standards that we work to specifically in the process of working within construction the Construction Design Management Regulations 2015 unless a higher standard within country this will be adopted, adequate time will be allowed for all contractors to mobilise effectively. Where potential issues exist over mobilisation time periods, NMS Infrastructure Group Limited must be informed as soon as practicable. The specific mobilisation period (also known as the ‘Notice to Commence’ period) for each contractor will be agreed and stated at the Sub Contract Meeting Minutes (for orders over £??). Section D, Appendix 2 A2 Policy Statements The following Policy Statements are in Section 1 of the NMS Infrastructure Group HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual: NMS Infrastructure Group Health and Safety Policy Statement Section D, Appendix NMS Infrastructure Group Environmental Policy Statement Section D, Appendix 4 3 The above policy statements are prominently displayed in the site office and welfare facilities. A3 Management Structure & Individual Responsibilities A3.1 Management Structure The project organisation chart is in Appendix 5 and is prominently displayed on the site offices and welfare facilities. It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that all team members are aware of the role they are to play in the project, their health, safety and environmental responsibilities and arrange for any training requirements that may be necessary. Section D, Appendix 5 CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 7 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A3.2 General Responsibilities The general responsibilities of individuals with assigned job titles are stated in Section 1 of the HSE Procedures & Guidance Manual. All of the appointments and responsibilities in this section must be consistent with the project management plan. The Project Manager has appointed people to mandatory positions as detailed in Appendix 5 The Responsibilities list is also prominently displayed in the offices and welfare facilities. The Project Manager may make other appointments in writing as are appropriate in consultation with the employee. Section D, Appendix 6 A4 CPHASEMP Objectives The objectives of this CPHASEMP are to achieve the following: To put into practical effect, the commitment to Health & Safety made in the NMS Infrastructure Group Health & Safety, Environmental and Corporate Responsibility Policies & Strategies Ensure maximum flexibility in meeting the Client’s requirements whilst complying with the relevant parts of BS EN ISO 9001:2015, BS EN ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 45001:2018 and relevant HSE performance standards. Ensure a systematic approach to the management of Health, Safety and the Environment Establish effective controls to minimise environmental impact and control all forms of pollution while seeking ways to conserve natural resources. Establish training regimes for all staff and operatives appropriate to personal needs and the project requirements. Provide a structure to ensure that health, safety and environmental issues are effectively managed in a consistent and integrated manner. Ensure the company meets the requirements of all relevant health, safety and environmental legislation. Ensure adequate control and co-ordination of all parties to the construction phase of the project regarding health, safety & environment. Generate a culture where everyone, irrespective of his/her position, realises that they have a part to play in ensuring that accidents and ill health are prevented and that impact on the environment is minimised. Ensure a safe working environment for all those who work on the project. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 8 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A5 Project HSE Targets Progress on both the Project and Group derived Objectives and Targets should be monitored, reviewed and discussed at the Project HSE or Review/Progress Meetings or equivalent. At NMS Infrastructure Construction it is our intention to develop a strategic approach to risk management to move towards the goal of zero incidents on all of our projects. Initial information exchanges will assist in identifying high risk areas and tasks where work activities can proceed. In addition to information exchanges, it is envisioned that the projects will include improved communication and monitoring procedures. The projects will also increase awareness amongst all NMS Infrastructure Construction workforces of health and safety standards and accident prevention and will work, as appropriate, toward strengthening the capacity to promote high standards of health and safety on site. A6 Contractors/Designers Selection and Appointment Note: that the term ‘contractors’ below covers sub-contractors and other contractors working on the project for which we have control as principal contractor. A6.1 Introduction In order to achieve the high standards of health and safety and environmental management set out in the targets and objectives, the commitment of all parties to achieving those standards is required. All Contractors must demonstrate their commitment to achieving the targets set for the project, by cooperating with NMS Infrastructure Group in implementing this Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan. A6.2 Selection of Contractors/Designers Before appointing any Contractor, Designer or Contractor with design responsibilities, the person making the appointment must be reasonably satisfied that those being appointed are competent and have allocated sufficient resources to fulfil their obligations under Safety, Health and Environmental legislation. Where NMS Infrastructure Group makes the appointment, the procedures within the Project Management Plan will apply. No contractor shall sub-let any part of their awarded package without express permission from NMS Infrastructure Group management. Should permission be granted, NMS Infrastructure Group management must ensure that the Contractors selection process is at least equal to that of NMS Infrastructure Group. To that end NMS Infrastructure Group reserves the right to audit procedures put in place by any party to the construction phase to ensure that these requirements are met. The selection of designers or contractors should again be carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Project Management Plan. Whether NMS Infrastructure Group or the Contractor appoints the designer, the appointed Principle Designer for the project has a duty if requested to advise on such an appointment. Contractors and designers will be provided with a copy of the CPHASEMP (or the relevant parts) at the earliest opportunity and this will be discussed at various pre- appointment meetings and throughout their involvement in the contract. In addition, the appropriate elements with regards to safety, health and environmental management will be communicated within the Induction. The Contractor will appoint senior member(s) as their principal point of contact for all matters relating to Safety, Health and Environmental issues. These roles i.e. Safety Advisor and Environmental Advisor may be separate. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 9 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A6.3 Pre-Commencement Meetings Prior to any Contractor commencing work on site, a recorded pre-commencement meeting must be held with NMS Infrastructure Group project management to discuss health, safety and environmental management matters. At least 48 hours prior to this meeting, the Contractor must submit details of its risk assessments and systems of work for the work they will be undertaking. An agenda for the pre-commencement meeting is contained in IBP Subcontract Management. This meeting is in addition to the sub-contract appointment meeting. A7 Co-ordination, Communication and Liaison The successful implementation of this Health, Safety and Environment Plan depends upon there being adequate co-ordination, communication and liaison between the various parties. Accordingly, the following formal arrangements have been made: A7. Principal Contractor Internal Management Team The NMS Infrastructure Group management team will review Health, Safety & Environmental issues as part of their regular planning meetings to discuss compliance with the CPHASEMP and to coordinate forthcoming activities. Managers attending these meetings will ensure that their subordinates are aware of the matters relating to Health, Safety and the Environment that are discussed to ensure that adequate co-ordination takes place. A7.2 Between the Principal Contractor and the Client The Client (or his representative) shall be invited to review the implementation of the Health, Safety & Environmental parts of the Plan as an agenda item at their progress meeting which will be held weekly/fortnightly/monthly/quarterly (delete as appropriate). A7.3 Between NMS Infrastructure Group, Designers and other interested parties. The design team shall be invited to agree a programme of formal meetings to review ongoing and/or outstanding design matters as they relate to Health, Safety and the Environment as well as the provision of information relevant to the Health Safety & Environmental Files. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 10 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A7.4 Between NMS Infrastructure Group and Contractors Day to day co-ordination and communication of contractors will be carried out by the relevant Section Managers/ Engineers, Agents, Foremen etc. Co-ordination and liaison of day-to-day health, safety and environmental matters shall be carried out between each Contractor's nominated manager or supervisor and managers from NMS Infrastructure Group’s team. Each member of the NMS Infrastructure Group team shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate records of such co-ordination and liaison are kept. All contractors (or their representatives) must attend the Daily HSE Briefing as detailed in the Training Section of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. Following this briefing, contractors must ensure that all information is disseminated to all their staff prior to work commencing (see also A8.6). NMS Infrastructure Group shall hold daily/weekly/fortnightly, planning review and progress meetings with each Contractor where health, safety & the environment will be the first items on the agenda. At these meetings matters related to the assessment of risk or proposed methods of work will be reviewed, as will the interface with other Contractors’ activities. All current Method Statements and Risk Statements will be reviewed and all future imminent risk assessments and method statements will be submitted and agreed by NMS Infrastructure Group, in addition all Contractors weekly safety inspection reports will be reviewed. A HSE co-ordination meeting to discuss health, safety and environmental matters will be held with all Contractors together at least once a month. These meetings will be recorded and the minutes distributed to all Contractors/ self-employed persons, each contractor will be required to bring to the meeting any appointed or volunteer workforce representatives. The purpose of this meeting will be to provide an open forum for NMS Infrastructure Group, Contractors and the self-employed, items to discuss are included within the standard agenda as follows Actions from previous meeting HSE Accident, Incident and near miss reviews, problem reports Standards of Compliance to HSE Procedures and Guidance Findings of Inspections and Audits etc. Stakeholder issues and complaints Changes in hazard/risk Programme & progress Four week look ahead Resources Interface HSE Alerts, Briefings and Circulars New Legislation or Codes of Practice Enforcing Authority Initiatives or Campaigns Health and Welfare Standards Waste Management Compliance Review, advice and opinions on HSE raised by the workforce Training Update/Requirements Lessons learnt / innovation Any other business Date and time of next meeting A contractor employing self-employed employees or other subcontractor i.e. sub subbing it, has a duty to ensure that relevant parts of the CPHASEMP are communicated (contractors must always obtain agreement from NMS Infrastructure Group prior to subletting works). CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 11 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A7.5 Between Contractors and Employees Each Contractor must ensure that their employees receive adequate and suitable information contained in their risk assessments and method statements by a detailed and specific briefing which must be recorded and include who gave and attended the briefing; NMS Infrastructure Group will periodically audit these arrangements. In addition, each Contractor must establish a regime of Tool Box Talks such that every employee receives a health, safety & environmental briefing at least once a week. Contractors’ supervisors are responsible for conducting these briefings and their implementation shall be monitored by NMS Infrastructure Group. Records must be kept of Tool Box Talks carried out and who attended them. Contractors must ensure that Site HSE Rules and necessary procedures issued by NMS Infrastructure Group are communicated to and understood by their employees. A7.6 Between NMS Infrastructure Group, Contractors' employees and the self-employed NMS Infrastructure Group shall ensure that self-employed persons receive the information contained within this document. The Project Manager reserves the right to communicate directly with any person employed on site with regard to health, safety and environmental matters. A7.7 HSE Committees (Employee Consultation) Where the total workforce at any one time exceeds 25 on site, a Safety Committee shall be established (which may also discuss health and environmental issues). It will be representative of the workforce, be as informal as possible, and records maintained. The meetings will be held at least bimonthly. For suggested agenda see ‘Consultation on HSE Issues’ in Section 4 of the NMS Infrastructure Group HSE Procedures & Guidance Manual Project to detail arrangements for consultation at an individual level and/or arrangements for when there are less than 25 persons working on site. A7.8 Liaison with the local community NMS Infrastructure Group shall make such arrangements as are appropriate for liaison with the local community. A7.9 Visits by enforcing authorities All visits to the project's undertakings by inspectors from the in country enforcing authority, Environment Agency / Local Police or Military force or other stakeholders with enforcement interests (e.g. English Heritage) shall be promptly notified to the NMS Infrastructure Group Project/Site Manager. Following any visits form CMSD-236 needs to be completed and e-mailed to the HSE Department at NMS Infrastructure Group, UK. A7.10 Liaison with Interested Parties NMS Infrastructure Group shall make such arrangements as are appropriate for liaison with other interested parties. Detail these arrangements here. XXXXXXXXXX CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 12 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A8 Training and Competence NMS Infrastructure Group shall conduct an audit of training and skill levels periodically and Contractors shall be required to take prompt remedial action if deficiencies are found. NMS Infrastructure Group is committed to improving safety performance and standards in the industry as described in the M.C.G. Health and Safety and Sustainability Charters and will work with in country agencies to assist in HSE best practice and knowledge sharing, this will be done through the relevant IOSH branch in country. A8.1 Site Induction – General Operatives All persons engaged on site must undergo a site-specific health, safety and environmental management induction session prior to starting work on site. Site HSE Induction Training Record/training Brief (minimum standard agenda) (CMSD-250) should be used to develop site-specific induction, which includes Health, Safety and Environmental information. Key Hazards, risk and environmental aspects should be raised, see Sections B1 and C2 respectively. A site record shall be kept of all health and safety and environmental management inductions. Form CMSD-250 (in Appendix 7 of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual) shall be used to ensure the following detail is included: Date of Induction Who received the induction Who gave the induction Details of information given The signature of the inductee The signature of the person giving the induction session NMS Infrastructure Group or nominated Agent site management will deliver and record all inductions SECTION D, APPENDIX 7 A8.2 Site Induction – Supervisors Supervisors/Managers induction will be delivered to all staff (i.e. NMS Infrastructure Group and contractors employees) engaged on the project that hold supervisory or management positions using form CMSG-280. This is in addition to the mandatory induction training recorded on form CMSD250. A8.3 Visitors Visitors will not generally be permitted onto site without the express permission of the Project / Site Manager. Adequate arrangements shall be made to ensure that bona fide visitors to the project receive adequate instruction on Health, Safety and Environmental matters. All visitors will be required to sign the visitor’s book and will be given a visitors HSE induction to the minimum standard which is included within the Induction training record agenda (CMSD-250). CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 13 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A8.4 Competence of Individuals & Training All NMS Infrastructure Group staff on site will be competent to fulfil their roles as assigned and will have completed health, safety and environmental training in accordance with the NMS Infrastructure Group training matrix as detailed in the Training Section in Section 7 of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. Each Contractor (and self-employed person) must ensure that those engaged in their undertakings are competent for the tasks they have to perform. Details of training and skills testing of employees must be provided to NMS Infrastructure Group on request. Contractors Managers/Supervisors must be able to demonstrate the appropriate level of HSE Management competence that should include a minimum of two days’ safety management training. (dependant on in country Minimum standards) Include any additional project/clients requirements. 8.5 Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) All personnel working on NMS Infrastructure Group Ltd projects must fall into one of the following categories, or in-country as agreed with the Group Health & Safety Manager A. B. C D E F Hold a CSCS or other recognised affiliated card. Have passed the CSCS safety test and applied for their CSCS card and be able to provide written proof Have passed the CSCS safety test but are required to complete an NVQ and have registered for such (in which case they should hold an experienced worker card) No card but card required. To work on site personnel must be able to provide evidence that they are engaged with Skills Direct and are in receipt of a test date No Card required as occupation is outside MCG scope and guidelines In Country Minimum standard training qualifications. Compliance will be recorded as part of the induction process using Site Safety, Health and Environmental Induction Training Record (CMSD-250). Contractors are expected to support our stance on CSCS and must therefore comply with these requirements and shall demonstrate such compliance by providing evidence as is reasonably required in advance of working on site. Failure to provide evidence to that specified above will render such labour inadmissible to site and the Subcontractor shall provide alternate labour to comply with those obligations. A8.6 Site Daily Briefings All NMS Infrastructure Group sites are to hold daily pre-start briefings for site staff, which outline the day’s activities, hazards and controls and other important points to note. These shall be run by site management staff and recorded on an attendance sheet. Daily ‘start of shift briefings’ should consist of a review of the coming day’s operations, key hazards, risks and controls. They may also incorporate lessons learnt from the previous day and changes to the project. All subcontractors are expected to attend and contribute. For those who come to site after a briefing has been carried out, the project management team should ensure that they receive this information. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 14 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A8.7 Site Specific Training – Health and Safety On identification of safety hazards and risks, identify site-specific training i.e. toolbox talks, which may be required and list here. For Safety Tool Box Talks see CITB GE700. If you require a specific toolbox talk or training session, which are not covered by the HSE Training Matrix or the Tool Box Talks provided please, contact the HSE department. This folder can be found on the G Drive/Mc&B SHARE/Group HSE/GE700 Construction TBT A8.8 Site Specific Training – Environment On identification of environmental aspects identify site-specific training i.e. toolbox talks, which may be required and list here. For Environmental Tool Box Talks see the HSE page on DropBox Group HSE Folder. If you require a specific toolbox talk or training session, which are not covered by the HSE Training Matrix or the Tool Box Talks provided, please contact your HSE or Environmental Advisor. A9 Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) & Other Safe Systems of Work A9.1 Contractors RAMS All Contractors and self-employed persons have a duty to examine their undertakings to establish those operations that pose a significant HSE risk and develop control measures to eliminate or minimise those risks. Each Contractor (or self-employed person) must submit details of their initial risk assessments and control measures (Method Statements) to NMS Infrastructure Group 48 hrs in advance of the works commencing. The method statements shall be reviewed by the Project Manager or his assigned representative to ensure that subcontractors have recognised and understood their safety, health and environmental obligations associated with their activities within the overall context of the project. As work progresses the risk assessments and control measures should be reviewed and if necessary updated by each Contractor and discussed at planning/progress meetings with NMS Infrastructure Group. A RAMS Schedule on which to plot risk assessments and method statements will be utilised and they should be prepared with reference to the site programme and amended to reflect any changes in activity dates as they occur. No works may commence on site unless a site-specific risk assessment and method statement has been submitted and accepted by the NMS Infrastructure Group Management Team. Relevant parts of RAMS shall be communicated to all employees carrying out the work or otherwise at risk prior to commencing that activity. A9.2 NMS Infrastructure Group RAMS Where NMS Infrastructure Group carries out the work directly or is providing direct supervision, NMS Infrastructure Group will conduct the risk assessment and record it on CMSD-205 in accordance with the Risk Assessment and Method Statement Procedure. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 15 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Method statements will be produced in the format of CMSD-213 for direct work. Once the NMS Infrastructure Group RAMS have been approved, the main contents of the RAMS are to be summarised in a Work Activity Safety Plan (WASP) which must form the basis of the briefing to those undertaking the work or otherwise at risk. Detail on the development and briefing of the WASP is contained within the ‘Risk Assessment – Top Level Document’ section within the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. A9.3 Other Safe Systems of Work Other written safe systems of work can be produced in the form of Site Safety Procedures (SSP’s), Environmental procedures etc. These can be procedures to combat a project wide specific hazard i.e. confined spaces, management of a specific item of plant or machinery (TBM, Cranes, gantries, hoists etc.). They may be site generated with reference to particular standards, or be adopted from the client, i.e. Water Company confined space procedures, permit to work, control of premises etc. They may be included as an Appendix to this plan or referenced elsewhere. A10 Emergency Procedures and Plans (Including First Aid) A10.1 General Each Contractor must identify via their risk assessments any emergency procedures that are required as a result of their work activity. These requirements should then be discussed with NMS Infrastructure Group to assess whether a common procedure is appropriate. Detail here emergency preparedness & response plans to address accidents, incidents and environmental incidences. The format that should be used is CMSD-296 and should include arrangements in the event of: Fire/ explosions Structural Collapse Bomb Threat/UXB Spills of oils or chemical Pollution of watercourse Firewater run-off Flood/inundation etc. Further guidance to assist in the preparation of HSE Incident Response and Emergency Action Plan is found in the ‘HSE Incident Response and Planning’ section in Section 3 of the HSE Procedures & Guidance Manual. Such plans and procedures should be reviewed and revised as conditions change or structures become more complicated during construction. Site Emergency Contact Numbers XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Section D -Appendix 8 Fire and Emergency Plan A10.2 Fire The project shall conduct a fire risk assessment. This should include both office and site arrangements. Arrangements for fire preparedness & response should be included in CMSD-296 as described above. This should be done by the responsible person as per the Regulatory Reform Act (fire safety) Section D – Appendix 8A – Fire Risk Assessment CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 16 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A10.3 First Aid Adequate provision of first aid cover must be made with first aiders clearly identified by, for instance, the use of stickers on their hard hats. Adequate provision must also be made for non-employees and contractors. Positioning of first aid boxes, means of communication, locations and routes to nearest appropriate medical facility etc. Provision of at least one trained first aider at work to be present at all times when site in operation. First aid kit to be available in site office. Additional kits or equipment may be provided at other locations within the site. Location of the nearest hospital Name & location of hospital XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Site specific first aid information – XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Significant Sub-Contractors should provide their own trained first aiders. Section D- Appendix 8 A10.4 Environmental It should include provision for environmental emergencies for aspects identified in section C. A10.5 Disaster Recovery Plan Each project shall prepare and publish a Disaster Recovery Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Project Management Plan (PMP) and the location of the plan should be referenced. During the development of this plan, due consideration should be given to HSE issues and documentation. These may include storage of key documents such as training records and risk assessments, maintaining the Health, Safety and wellbeing of all persons during any emergency situation and ensuring containment and security of hazardous substances, local ecology etc. A11 Inspections and Monitoring A11.1 Inspections NMS Infrastructure Group will carry out formal HSE inspections of all work areas at least every 7 days, be recorded, actioned within reasonable timescales, and be formally closed out detailing action taken and by whom. Inspections will be completed in accordance with the Contract Inspection Procedure within Section 6 of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. As a minimum the following inspections will be completed Weekly HSE Inspections (CMSD-244) by Project Manager or delegate. Monthly Environmental Inspection (CMSD-257) by Project Manager or delegate. Monthly HSE Scored Inspection (CMSD-316) by the Regional HSE Consultant (Rawlings). Regional HSE Advisors Site Set Up Audit (CMSD-204) by Regional HSE Advisor and Group HSE Manager as referenced below, see section A12. NMS Infrastructure Group will ensure that competent persons undertake all other statutory inspections at required intervals. In addition to the above, NMS Infrastructure Group shall monitor health, safety and environmental standards and performance as follows: CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 17 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan NMS Infrastructure Group Supervisors will monitor their work areas HSE conditions and performance daily/routinely Spot checks of Contractors’ inspections and documentation (including registers) verifying compliance Sample checks of contractors/NMS Infrastructure Group briefing of own team on method statements Sample checks on the training of staff by contractors/NMS Infrastructure Group Periodic audits, checks & inspections by the Regional Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor (this includes a monthly scored inspection) Weekly reviews of risk assessments/method statements as detailed in A9 Sample checks of compliance with Method Statements and Permits to Work Periodic Safety tours by off-site senior managers (at least every 3 months) Each Contractor must ensure that their line managers, Supervisors or Health, Safety & Environmental Advisors monitor the health, safety and environmental standards of their activities as a normal part of their duties. In addition, each contractor should ensure that a formal and recorded safety and environmental inspection is carried out every week. Inspection records should include confirmation that previous remedial actions have been carried out. These reports will be reviewed at the monthly safety meeting. Include any site/regional monitoring arrangements i.e. stop-shift audit etc. A12 Procedures in the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this plan Any persons who disregard the safety, health or environmental rules and arrangements detailed in this plan will in the first instance receive a written warning from the site manager; subsequent misdemeanours will provoke the removal of the person from site. The site manager reserves the right to remove from site instantly any person whose acts or omissions in his opinion constitute serious danger to people or property. Moreover, the principal contractor may give reasonable directions to any contractor sharing the site for the purposes of construction (regardless of contractual arrangements) in order for him to comply with duties under CDM Regulations) (Refer to Confirmation of Direction (CMSD-214) in Appendix 4 of the HSE Procedures & Guidance manual). The Principal Contractor is given the authority under Regulation 16(2) of the CDM regulations to issue reasonable directions to contractors. Such directions must: 1. 2. Relate to compliance with the Principal Contractor’s duties. Be reasonable given the specific circumstances applicable at the time. CMSD-214 should be completed, discussed with the contractors or site manager/supervisor and formally issued with a copy forwarded to the contractor’s most appropriate Director. A13 Review & Close Out Reports A13.1 CPHASEMP Review This CPHASEMP can be reviewed as often as is necessary to include the significant changes in risk, scope of works, circumstances or personalities. The review will be conducted using CMSD-238 as a checklist and be recorded. The suitability of, and performance against, the CPHASEMP will be reviewed to ensure that it remains valid and reflects the arrangements for managing current activities on site. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 18 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A13.2 HSE Performance Reviews HSE performance will be reviewed throughout the project and discussed at various meetings as discussed in paragraph A7. Performance reviews shall identify trends in accidents giving areas that will be targeted for improvement. HSE performance will be reviewed and will be recorded on Project Managers Monthly HSE Report CMSD-234 and submitted to regional management and Central HSE Department by the 8th of the following month being reported. A13.3 Subcontractor Performance Reviews The NMS Infrastructure Group Project team will complete contractor’s performance reviews at least every 3 months using CMSD-017. Relevant members of the construction team should be consulted during each review. A13.4 Project Review & Close-Out Close out reports will be prepared in accordance with NMS Infrastructure Group Management System requirements as described below: The Operations Director will ensure that a formal Project Review and Report will be conducted within 8 weeks of practical completion. The purpose of the process is to consistently review the project from inception to completion, involving representatives from all parties concerned to feedback, identify and record opportunities for improvement so that current best practice is used in future projects. The review should be as frank as possible but should concentrate on constructive criticism of issues raised to enable a positive review of HSE systems and procedures without rancour. This feedback is intended to enable the company to benefit more widely from the experience gained on this project. The Operations Director will organise a project close out meeting in accordance with CMSD-007 'Project Close out Review Meeting', which includes the following HSE issues: Was the site HSE organisation and communication effective? Was the allocation of HSE management responsibilities realistic? How could it be improved? Were risks assessed and controlled effectively? (Detail any problem areas) Were particular problems encountered with the CDM Co-ordinator? Were particular problems encountered with works contractors' Safety, Health and Environmental management? Was the CPHASEMP effective and well communicated? Were emergency procedures effective? Were audits and other monitoring checks useful? General remarks Prior to that meeting, the Project Manager shall ensure that CMSD-006 'Project Close Down Report' is circulated to all those attending, at least 10 working days before the meeting date. A14 Archiving All archiving will be carried out in accordance with the Project Management Plan and Archiving Procedure (IBP) CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 19 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan A15 Public Relations and Complaints Public relations will be managed using the NMS Infrastructure Group HSE Management System Communication, Public Relations and Complaints Procedure. Complaints shall be recorded and, where applicable, actions taken to rectify the source of the complaint and control measures taken to prevent a reoccurrence in accordance with the HSE Management System Communication, Public Relations and Complaints Procedure. PART B – HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUES B1 Summary of Hazards & Risks The significant hazards, which shall have to be carefully planned, managed and controlled, include (but are not limited to): Section D – Appendix 9 Pre Construction Plan and Design Risk Register The purpose of this summary is to inform prospective contractors before they are appointed and also to focus the attention of the NMS Infrastructure Group project management team and appointed contractors on key risks. This should highlight and summarise the key Safety & Health hazards, insofar as they can be identified ahead of the preparation of detailed risk assessments and safety method statements. Some of this information will come from designers and the CDM Co-ordinator, via pre-tender information. However, NMS Infrastructure Group also has a duty to identify significant hazards.The plan should carry forward and add to information in the pre-tender plan, covering: Significant hazards which the designer was not able to avoid or combat at source and sufficient information about the precautions suggested for dealing with them Significant constraints or other hazards arising from the existing site. Significant assumptions about work methods and the consequent precautions. Note: The below text is an example ONLY each Construction Phase Health & Safety, Environmental Management Plan specific projects are required to populate or delete as required below: Adjacent Usage – The site is within a heavy residential area. Access and egress routes will be maintained to all residents and emergency services at all times. Deliveries and construction activities will be restricted and avoided where possible at all peak times. Traffic management plan will be in place prior to works commencing. Adjoining/Adjacent Structures – The site is currently occupied by and existing care home along with additional timber structures which will be demolished. A full R&D survey will be undertaken prior to any works commencing to ensure there is no asbestos present. A demolition plan will in place along with all necessary RAMS before works commence. A construction noise impact assessment and an Air quality survey have been completed and these will be considered alongside the demolition plan. Instability of the structures – A full condition survey of the site including existing buildings, fences, paths and roads etc. will be carried out and recorded before works commence on site. Neighbours/Vulnerable Groups – A full traffic management plan and site establishment plan has been developed for the scheme. Herras fencing will be supplied to the perimeter of the site along with lockable gates and warning and safety signage to secure the site. All construction workers attending CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 20 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan the site will be given a site induction which will reference the surrounding areas and access routes and local residential activities. Section D – Appendix 10 Party wall situations and Restrictions – The existing site will have a secure fence to the perimeter to separate the boundaries. There are a number of trees on site that have a TPO on them and will be protected as required and agreed. Demolition – The existing buildings on site will be demolished to allow for the construction of a new building. A full demolition plan will be developed and in place prior to any works commencing. Construction noise impact and air quality surveys have been undertaken and will be utilised along with all Preconstruction information and underground service reports. All services to the building will be isolated and stripped back to the boundary by appropriate statutory bodies. A full R&D survey will be undertaken to ensure no asbestos is present. Asbestos – As above a full R&D survey will be undertaken to determine if any asbestos is present. Should the survey highlight the presence of asbestos this will be removed prior to the works commencing by a licensed contractor in line with all regulations. In the event that asbestos or suspected asbestos not highlighted on the survey be discovered after works commence on site. The Project Manager will stop all works and seal off the area and arrange for appropriate sampling to take place. No works will take place to that area until confirmation of the material has been confirmed. Ground Conditions – All surveys in the Preconstruction Plan are to be referred too prior to works commencing. Section D –Appendix 9 Personal Protective Equipment - The minimum standards of PPE required on site are safety footwear, hard-hat and a reflective jacket. This applies to all site personnel with no exceptions. Additional items of protection will be required in line with individual contractors Risk Assessments. Spare or new PPE will be stored in the site offices and distributed as required and instructed by the Site Manager. Excavations – Any excavations work’s to be carried out will be planned in advance. Prior to commencing, agreed plans and procedures for carrying out the works will be formulated which will include all Method Statements, Risk assessments and Control measurements to ensure the works can be completed safely. Manual Handling – Any Manual handling activities will have a CMSD-209 assessment completed. Any measures and controls required after the assessment will be actioned and managed before the works commence. Noise & vibration – Any potential noise and vibration activities will be assessed using CMSD–208. Any measures and controls required after the assessment will be actioned and managed before the works commence. Dust - Any potential noise and vibration activities will be assessed using CMSD–205 Work Activity safety plan. Any measures and controls required after the assessment will be actioned and managed before the works commence. Exposure to UV Radiation (Sun)- It is the Policy of NMS Infrastructure Construction that all operatives must wear appropriately suited clothing whilst on site. Shirts must be worn at all times and no shorts will be allowed. Posters will be displayed in various welfare facilities advising operatives of the exposures to UV radiation along with the recommended precautions to be taken. Lighting – Task lighting will be supplied as required to main corridors and rooms and to any required areas. Assessments will be completed by the Site Management Team and appropriate equipment installed. Inspections and test certificates for all equipment will recorded and kept on site. Control of Work at Height- All works at height will comply to The Work at Height Regulations 2005. Any works to be carried out will be assessed and appropriate measures put in place to ensure the works can be completed safely. Appropriate method statements and Risk Assessments will be produced, assessed and agreed for the works to be completed CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 21 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Lead – The Control of Lead at work Regulations will be adhered to for any works involving lead. All appropriate Method Statements, Risk Assessments and COSHH detailing how the works will be completed and controlled will be formulated before any activities commence. Overhead Services – Site are to be assessed before commencing for any overhead services and measures taken as required to implement a safe system of works. This may include the services disconnected or sheathed by the appropriate statuary bodies. No works will be undertaken until confirmation of isolations have been received and documented. Preconstruction information confirm there are no overhead services at site. B2 Shared Plant Equipment and other Facilities (Excluding Welfare) All Shared planned will be managed in Line with NMS Infrastructure Construction Policies and procedures. On arrival of site all equipment will be checked and inspected. All certificates will need to be in place confirming dates of inspection and tests carried out before the use of equipment is allowed. Certificates will be checked to ensure they match the equipment supplied. Regular inspections will be carried out at the required recognised periods. Only operatives specifically trained in the use of the equipment will be allowed to operate the equipment. B3 Traffic Management and Deliveries B3.1 Traffic Management SECTION D –Appendix 10 Traffic Management Plan B3.2 Safe Movement of Vehicles and Pedestrians Arrangements will be made to ensure that pedestrians and operatives are kept clear of site vehicles and mobile plant by the provision of adequate traffic routes and other controls. Reversing is prohibited unless under the direction of a trained traffic Marshall. Doors and gates used by pedestrians are to be separated from vehicle routes and will enable pedestrians to see approaching vehicles and plant. All vehicles being used for construction work shall: Be driven in a manner which is safe; Be loaded in a way that it can be driven, operated or towed safely; Have means to provide adequate visibility to the operator; Have suitable steps taken to prevent unintended movement of the vehicle and; Have the person in control of the vehicle able to give adequate warning to any person liable to be at risk from movement of the vehicle. All vehicles leaving site will have clean wheels and bodywork free of loose material with wheel wash facilities where deemed necessary. A drawing indicating the direction of vehicle movement and pedestrian walk ways is identified in SECTION D, APPENDIX 10– Traffic Management Plan CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 22 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan B3.3 Deliveries All significant deliveries to site must be pre-arranged with preferably 24 hours’ notice given to NMS Infrastructure Group site staff by the relevant contractor/supplier. Details of traffic management arrangements as well as any site requirements regarding the delivery of materials are identified in SECTION D, APPENDIX 10 – Traffic Management Plan B4 Plant & Other Work Equipment B4.1 Mobile Plant Describe arrangements for checking equipment on arrival on site, prior to first use, checking of documentation, regular inspections etc. Also specify requirement for elimination of blindspots, signage etc. On arrival of site all equipment will be checked and inspected. All certificates will need to be in place confirming dates of inspection and tests carried out before the use of equipment is allowed. Certificates will be checked to ensure they match the equipment supplied. Regular inspections will be carried out at the required recognised periods. Only operatives specifically trained in the use of the equipment will be allowed to operate the equipment. At the end of the working day, all plant and equipment will be stored in a locked box, and all ignition keys for the plant removed from the plant and stored within the site office. B4.2 Static & Portable Equipment Describe/identify equipment that poses significant risk i.e. disk cutter, portable electric tools, bench saws, pneumatic tools etc., arrangements for checking equipment on arrival on site, prior to first use, checking of documentation, regular inspections etc. On arrival of site all equipment will be checked and inspected. All certificates will need to be in place confirming dates of inspection and tests carried out before the use of equipment is allowed. Certificates will be checked to ensure they match the equipment supplied. Regular inspections will be carried out at the required recognised periods. Only operatives specifically trained in the use of the equipment will be allowed to operate the equipment. B4.3 Lifting Operation & Equipment Describe arrangements for checking equipment on arrival on site, prior to first use, checking of thorough examination and other documentation, regular inspections etc. May include specific requirement/restriction for manriding etc. On arrival of site all equipment will be checked and inspected. All certificates will need to be in place confirming dates of inspection and tests carried out before the use of equipment is allowed. Certificates will be checked to ensure they match the equipment supplied. Regular inspections will be carried out at the required recognised periods. Only operatives specifically trained in the use of the equipment will be allowed to operate the equipment. B5 Services co-ordination CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 23 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Set out here the arrangements made to ensure safety when working on, or adjacent to, live services. These arrangements may be issued as a procedure / site instruction or included as an appendix and referenced here. Reference can be made to the ‘Service Avoidance and Management’ procedure within section 4 of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. Section D – Appendix 9 See Preconstruction information – Site Services Before any works commence around the potential live services all areas will be checked. The Preconstruction Plan will be utilised. Any existing service drawings will be checked to show any locations of services. Service providers will be contacted for relevant information. Isolations will be carried out by competent qualified contractors. Cat scans of the areas will be carried out before any excavations along with test pits. All permits to work will be in place before any works commence. Electricity xxxxxxxx Gas xxxxxxxxxxxx Water xxxxxxxxxxxxx B6 Temporary Works NMS Infrastructure Group are legally responsible for the safe construction and use of all Temporary Works conducted on all projects they control, regardless of whether they are carried out by a Subcontractor. The company must therefore effectively control this type of activity. Procedures to be implemented by the NMS Infrastructure Group are contained within the Temporary Works section of the G: Drive on the company server and guidance on these procedures is available in the ‘Temporary Works Management’ section of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. The appointment of a suitably qualified and competent Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC) is also necessary. Both of these requirements are mandatory, when a suitably qualified in house manager cannot be appointed the PM will appoint an external temporary Works Coordinator. The procedures state the controls required by the Company. Essentially these documents require that all Temporary Works: B7 Are identified as early as is reasonably practicable, ideally at contract start, and as a result are entered into a Temporary Works register with Designer, Checker and key programme dates clearly identified. Are competently co-ordinated and checked in its entirety where more than one designer is involved. Must be designed and these designs checked. The physical works must be inspected to demonstrate compliance with the design. All checks and inspections must be recorded in writing and be demonstrable. All changes must be referred to the designer and checker. Security Detail arrangements that shall be put in place to ensure that only authorised persons are permitted access to work areas. The process of authorisation should be linked to attendance at a Health and Safety Induction Session. Where the client is security sensitive such as the MOD or the NHS, their CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 24 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan agreement as to what we include in this section should be obtained, this similarly would necessitate CPHASEMP issue as “Controlled”. SECTION D – Appendix 10 Security will be as detailed in site set up plan of the TMP. Suitable fencing and Hoarding will be supplied to the perimeter of the site. All safety and directional signs will be installed as required. Gates for vehicle and pedestrian access will be supplied as required. Gates will be manned or kept secure. Separate walkways to split traffic and pedestrian routes will be installed. Regular inspections of the site perimeter fencings will be checked. At the end of each day the Site Manager will ensure the site is secure and locked. B8 Accident Reporting and Investigation All accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses must be reported immediately to NMS Infrastructure Group Management. Each contractor is responsible for ensuring that accidents and incidents are reported to the Health and Safety Executive or appropriate enforcing authority in accordance with the in country and NMSI group requirements All accidents that result in personnel time loss or damage to plant or properties (of any nature) will be investigated by the employer or responsible person with full participation and co-operation of any contractors involved. A full report must be compiled with any witness statements and photographs to assist in the final conclusions and recommendations. Where the responsibility for investigation lies with NMS Infrastructure Group, this will be carried out by the line management with assistance where necessary from the HSE Department. The report detailing any remedial action will be submitted to Group management. Where the incident is investigated by a contractor, NMS Infrastructure Group will be given a copy of the investigation report detailing any remedial action. In addition, NMS Infrastructure Group, where appointed as Principal Contractor, must be informed of all reportable accidents and incidents as soon as is practicable. Reporting procedures are identified in the flow chart Section D, Appendix 11 B9 Site Safety Rules NMS Infrastructure Group shall establish written site rules for the management of health and safety. Rules shall be developed to be appropriate to the risks faced on site and may incorporate rules imposed by the client, any such rules should be in line with group policies and procedures: Section D, Appendix 12 B10 Health Surveillance Any requirement for health surveillance will be identified in the Risk Assessment for the operation concerned. Where it has been identified that health surveillance is necessary, the works contractor concerned shall provide details of the surveillance proposed to NMS Infrastructure Group. (Note: Such information would not include any medical information that could be identified as belonging to an individual). B11 Welfare & Site Accommodation B11.1 Welfare SECTION D – Appendix 10 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN AND SITE ESTABLISHMENT. All welfare facilities will be supplied by external companies to NMS Infrastructure Group’s specification. They will be fully compliant to CDM 2015 schedule 2 along with NMS Infrastructure Group standards CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 25 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan and will be available from day one on site. In situations where water, drainage, mains electricity etc. are not available, arrangements have been made to enable project management. B11.2 Site Accommodation All site accommodation will be supplied by XXXXXXXX to NMS Infrastructure Group’s specification: NMS Infrastructure Group standard cabin set up includes the following: Site Office/ Canteen Site Canteen/ Drying Room Site Meeting Room Toilet Facilities Site Store B12 Health and Safety File The Health and Safety File will contain all relevant information as requested in the Pre-Construction Plan issued and will generally follow the index provided. Meetings shall be arranged with the Principle Designer to agree the format that the information is required and to arrange the systematic handover of information. Information for inclusion in the health and safety file must be received prior to contractors leaving site. 2no hard copies along with 1no electronic copy of the document will be supplied. The health and safety file should include information about all the following topics, where this may be relevant to the health and safety of any future construction work. The level of detail should be proportionate to the risks likely to be involved in such work. 1. A brief description of the work carried out; 2. Residual hazards and how they have been dealt with (for example surveys or other information concerning asbestos, contaminated land, water bearing strata, buried services etc.); 3. Key structural principles incorporated in the design of the structure (for example bracing, sources of substantial stored energy – including pre or post tensioned members) and safe working loads for floors and roofs, particularly where they may preclude placing scaffolding or heavy machinery there; 4. Any hazards associated with the materials used (for example hazardous substances, lead paint and special coatings that should not be burnt off etc.); 5. Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment (for example lifting arrangements); 6. Health and Safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintaining the structure; 7. The nature, location and markings of significant services, including fire-fighting services; 8. Information and as-built drawings of the structure, its plant and equipment (for example, the means of safe access to and from service voids, fire doors and compartmentation). PART C - ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES C1 Introduction The Project Team aims to work in a manner that maximises the opportunities to enhance the environment whilst reducing the negative environmental impacts of the project in accordance with the NMS Infrastructure Group Environmental Policy. In order to do this, the Project Management Team and all subcontractors and suppliers will comply with the requirements of the NMS Infrastructure Group Environmental Management System and the environmental elements of this CPHASEMP, implementing the plan in conjunction with our relevant environmental procedures. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 26 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan The initial drafting of the Plan will take due cognisance of all information gathered and processed by the Tender Team. The Plan establishes the arrangements to manage the environmental risks associated with this Project and details how monitoring will be used to ensure that the agreed environmental procedures are adhered to and supported operationally by the relevant documentation. All contractors providing a product or service will be required to provide evidence, for example a method statement to show how they will control environmental risks that may arise from undertaking their works. Environmental Management Structure and responsibilities are located within Section A3. C2 Identification of Significant Aspects and Associated Impacts The significant aspects and associated impacts have to be identified for each Project. Using the NMS Infrastructure Group Projects Aspects Register (CMSD-305), all construction activities should be reviewed and assessed in accordance with the HSE Procedures & Guidance Manual. The completed Project Aspects Register is available in Section D of this document. 2.1 Previous studies/reports List and reference pervious and existing studies and reports e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Phase 1 / Phase 2 contaminated land assessments, Ecological Impacts Reports, Section 106 Planning Requirements Section D – Appendix 9 See Preconstruction Plan 2.2 Key Environmental Issues The Key Environmental issues on the contract, as identified on the project environmental aspects register are: Section D – Appendix 13 See attached register The purpose of this environmental aspects review is to focus the attention of the NMS Infrastructure Group project management team and appointed contractors on all the key environmental issues and to inform prospective contractors before they are appointed. The review of site activities should take into account the likely impacts on: C3 Sensitive environmental locations on site (e.g. trees with TPOs) Potential pollution receptors on the site. Potential areas of legal non-compliances. Specific flora & fauna species requiring protection. The identification of waste streams and the implementation of the waste management plans Noise and vibration sensitive facades Contaminated land areas Buildings with English Heritage listing Special designation of areas (SSSI, RAMSAR, Sites of Nature Conservation) Drainage Points on sites Site Environmental Obligations 3.1 Client Requirements CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 27 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan List/detail the specific client requirements, specific procedures, local permits, restrictions and monitoring requirements. (check the pre-tender information provided by the Client / CDM Co-ordinator). The actual requirements should also be included within the site-specific environmental control plans. 3.2 Contractual Obligations Detail contractual requirements as specified including specific monitoring and testing requirements. Also working under existing consent conditions. 3.3 Specific Legal Requirements (for example permits, consents and licences) The Environmental Consents Checklist (CMSD-319) must be completed to identify consents which will be required on the contract; these may include Section 61 Construction Noise and Vibration Consent, Surface water drainage consent, Sewage consent, English heritage consent, FD 1 Working close to a watercourse. Details of monitoring requirements can be included within the specific site environmental control i.e. only one place to look. A schedule of consents may be useful/required. C4 Site Environmental Controls Either list the specific Site Environmental Controls Plans (i.e. Water Management etc.) that have been developed for the contract and reference where they are located or include the relevant environmental controls within this section. C5 Waste Management Plan The Site Waste Management Plan (see Give Appendix reference or File Location) has been developed for the contract. The plan is designed to assist the Project Management Team to ensure that waste streams are identified, dealt with appropriately and documented accordingly. The Waste Producer Checklist (CMSD-290) has also been completed to assist in the completion of the Site Waste Management Plan. The completed Waste Producer Checklist is located within the Site HSE Files. The waste management plan is reviewed regularly to ensure that issues are considered at the appropriate juncture and that it reflects actual arrangements. The TEMPLATE Waste Management Plan (CMSD-321) should be used to create the Site Waste Management Plan. The Waste Producers Checklist should be completed in accordance with the Site Waste Management Plan and filed within the HSE Files The purpose of the waste management plan is to identify all potential waste streams to enable an assessment to be made to assist in identifying the potential for: Classification of waste materials and the European Waste Codes Evaluating contaminated land Understanding exemptions from the Waste Management Licensing Regulations Tracing the origins of materials used for Compound Construction materials Eliminating waste at source through design, specification, size etc. Re-use and recycling on site – with or without treatment Re-use and recycling off site – consider other NMS Infrastructure Group sites, other contractors, local authority etc. Identification of waste carriers Identification of landfill sites, transfer sites, re-cycling facilities Waste management contractors will be assessed for competence including that of arrangements for confirmation of transfer between parties, their arrangements for re-use, recycling or forms of treatment, record keeping etc. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 28 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan Where subcontractors employ their own waste disposal contractors or carry out the transfer/disposal activities themselves, the Project Manager will ensure that the correct procedures are in place and that the previous information is checked and recorded. NMS Infrastructure Group will also check that the subcontractor has the following: A valid waste management licence or copy from the transfer station/ disposal site being used A copy of the waste carrier’s registration or licence Copies of all transfer notes for non-hazardous waste Copies of all consignment notes for hazardous wastes All sites and permanent locations shall keep records of waste carriers used. The required information to be kept by all sites and permanent locations is contained within Form ref. CMSD-321 (Site Waste Management Plan) and file reference (insert file name). The Waste and Recycled Material Register (CMSD-329) will be completed on a monthly basis and submitted with the Project Managers Monthly HSE Report or by the 15th of every month. Information within the report includes waste removed from site, material diverted from waste and used on site and recycled materials/waste imported for use on site. All the relevant forms and templates can be found in Appendix 4 of the HSE Procedures and Guidance Manual. C6 Regulatory Agencies and Interested Parties The following regulatory agencies and interested parties have been identified as key stakeholders with interests in the activities being undertaken in conjunction with the development of this site: Environmental Issue Regulator/Interested Party Details of communications with regulatory bodies are to be kept in the relevant HSE Files. C7 Environmental Monitoring & Measurement See Section A11 for detail on HSE and Environmental Inspection requirements. The project specific environmental monitoring requirements are identified and measured. A summary of these requirements should be detailed on Project Specific Environmental Monitoring Form CMSD–279 and this is located in (insert where). Any project-specific licences, permits and requirements will need environmental monitoring (for example noise, vibration, dust, energy, water quality or waste) should be included. See the following in the site Files. Section D – Appendix 14 Construction Noise Impact Assessment Section D – Appendix 15 Air Quality Survey Any equipment used for monitoring (including hired equipment) shall be maintained and calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions and records of this kept in the Project Environmental File. CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 29 of 30 Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environmental Management Plan C8 Emergency Preparedness and Response The HSE Incident Response and Emergency Action Plan shall be prepared in accordance with the ‘HSE Incident Response, Fire, Security and Emergency Planning’ section of the NMS Infrastructure Group HSE Procedures & Guidance Manual and CMSD-296. It is imperative that all staff are made aware of the environmental implications of incidents and that such incidents are dealt with in the correct manner. In the event of an environmental incident, please refer to the Environmental Incident Procedure within Section 6 of the HSE Procedures & Guidance manual. The follow personnel should be informed following an environmental incident: List relevant personnel including client if applicable. xxxxxxxxxxxx– Contracts Manager xxxxxxxxxxxx– Group Safety Manager xxxxxxxxxxxx - Director CMSD-500 CPHASEMP: June 2020 Rev001 Page 30 of 30