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Human Inheritance Worksheet: Genetics & Chromosomes

Name _______________________________________ Date _________ Period ____
Human Inheritance
Answer every question as completely as possible.
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1. Which side of the nature/nurture debate do you believe is most correct? Why?
(4 points)
2. How many pairs of chromosomes does a normal human have in each cell? (2 points)
3. Why do human traits such as height and skin color have many different phenotypes
(brown, green, blue, gray, hazel eyes) when pea plants have only two (tall/short only,
green/yellow only)? (2 points)
4. How is meiosis different from mitosis? (3 points)
5. Give an example of how the environment could alter the effects of genes to
determine how tall a person will be. (3 points)
Multiple Choice. Pick the best choice for each question. (1 point each)
______ 6. Which of the following is a viewpoint on intelligence a “nature” person would
have regarding the nature/nurture debate.
a. “That person is smart because he always read books as a kid.”
b. “That person is smart because he was raised by smart parents.”
c. “That person is smart because he was born that way.”
d. “That person is smart because he grew up in another country.”
______ 7. Which of the following is a viewpoint on height a “nurture” person would have
regarding the nature/nurture debate?
a. “That kid is tall because it’s in his genetics.”
b. “That kid is tall because he had a good diet growing up.”
c. “That kid is tall because his parents are also tall.”
d. All of the above.
______ 8. Which process is associated with sexual reproduction?
a. Osmosis
b. Halitosis
c. Mitosis
d. Meiosis
______ 9. How many chromosomes are left in a cell after meiosis?
a. 23 with no matching pair
b. 23 pairs
c. 46 pairs
d. None of the above
______ 10. How many chromosomes are left in a cell after mitosis?
a. 23 with no matching pair
b. 23 pairs
c. 46 pairs
d. None of the above
______ 11. Which blood type is recessive?
a. O
b. A
c. B
d. AB