lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Networking Assignment -1st semester HND in Computing (ESOFT Metro Campus) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing Unit 02: Networking Assignment 01 1 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Higher Nationals Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF) INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing Programme title Assessor Internal Verifier Unit 02: Networking Unit(s) LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Assignment title List which assessment criteria the Assessor has awarded. Pass Merit Distinction INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Do the assessment criteria awarded match those shown in the assignment brief? Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded justified by the assessor’s comments on the student work? Has the work been assessed accurately? Y/N Y/N Y/N Is the feedback to the student: Give details: • Constructive? • Linked to relevant assessment criteria? • Identifying opportunities for improved performance? • Agreeing actions? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Does the assessment decision need amending? Y/N Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Confirm action completed Remedial action taken Give details: Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date 2 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 3 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form Student Name/ID Unit Title Unit 02: Networking Assignment Number 1 Assessor 27/10/2021 Submission Date Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission 27/10/2021 Assessor Feedback: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 Descripts M1 LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P3 P4 M2 D1 P6 M3 D2 M4 D3 LO3 Design efficient networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P5 LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts Grade: P7 Assessor Signature: P8 Date: Resubmission Feedback: Grade: Assessor Signature: Date: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board. Assignment Feedback 4 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student Action Plan Summative feedback Feedback: Student to Assessor Assessor signature Date 27/10/2021 Student signature Date 5 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 General Guidelines 1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled. 2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment. 3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software. 4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing. 5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page. Word Processing Rules 1. The font size should be 12 points, and should be in the style of Time New Roman. 2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs. 3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style. 4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason. 5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment. Important Points: 1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your work. 2. Avoid using page borders in your assignment body. 3. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted. 4. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date. 5. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time. 6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively. 7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. 6 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade. 9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment. 10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both intext citation and a reference list. 11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course 7 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Student Declaration I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work. 1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Pearson UK. 3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this program. 4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way. 5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself and Pearson, UK. 6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the assignment. Student’s Signature: Provide E-mail ID 27/10/2021 Date: Provide Submission Date 8 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Higher National Diploma in Computing Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 2: Networking Academic Year 2021/22 Unit Tutor Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Issue Date 01/09/2021 Submission Date 27/10/2021 IV Name & Date Submission format The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. LO3 Design efficient networked systems. LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Assignment Brief and Guidance: Scenario SYNTAX SOLUTIONS is a privately owned, well-known Software company located in Colombo. The Management of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS has purchased a 3-story building in the heart of Matara. They are planning to make it one of the state-of-the-art companies in Matara with the latest facilities. 9 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 It is expected to have nearly 150 employees in Matara branch. Department Number of Users Customer Care 10 Sales and Marketing 20 Finance 25 Legal 5 HR 10 Developers 55 Network Team 5 Server Room Servers +ISP connections Following requirements are given by the Management. A ll the depa rt ment s must be separated w ith unique subnet and shou ld not commu nicate with each ot her unless there is a s pecial requirement . 19 2.168 .1 0.0/24 is given an d sh ou ld b e use d for all the de partm ent s exce pt the server room . I Ps sh ou ld assign us ing DHCP . ERP and CRM Systems ne ed to be imp le mente d in Mata ra branc h in loca l servers. Number of s er vers required for the Ser ver room ne ed to be decide d by the Network de signe r and sh ou ld be assigne d w it h 10 .2 54.1 .0 /2 4 sub net. (U ses static IPs ) High level of redundancy is ex pecte d in n etwork desig n to e liminate single point of failu re s and traffic bottle necks. Sales and Marketing Tea m nee d to access Network re source s us ing W IFI connec tivity. Proper methods for network ing monitoring and troubleshooting nee d to be esta blishe d. 10 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 A ll p ossible network security mecha nism s should be imp le mented. Assu me you have be en app ointed as th e n ew network consultant of SYNTAX SOLU TIONS . P repa re a n etwork arch itec tural de sign and imp lem ent it wit h your sug gestions an d re com men dations to me et th e compa ny req uirem ent s. (Note: Clear ly state your assumptions. You ar e allowed to design the network accor ding to your assumptions, but main requirements should not be violated) Activity 01 D isc uss t he benefits an d const ra int s of different n etwork system type s that can be imp le mente d in the Matara b ranc h an d the main IEEE Ethe rn et sta ndards that can be u sed in above LAN an d WLA N design . D isc uss t he im portanc e an d im pact of network topologies an d n etwork protocol suites wh ile comp arin g the main network topologies an d n etwork protocol suites th at are used in n etwork desig n u sing exa mp le s. Recomme nd su itab le n etwork topologies and n etwork protocol suites for above sce nario an d justif y your answe r w ith va lid points. Activity 02 Discu ss t he op erating princ ip le s of network dev ice s (Ex : Rou ter, Switc h, Etc .) and se rve r typ es that can be u sed for above scena rio wh ile exp lorin g different se rve rs that are ava ilab le in today ’s market with th eir spec ification s. Recomme nd se rve r/se r vers for the above sce nario and ju stif y you r selection with va lid point s. Discu ss t he inte r-de pen denc e of workstation hard wa re w ith networkin g softwa re and provide examp le s for n etworking soft ware that can be use d in above n etwork desig n. Activity 03 11 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Pre pare a written network desig n plan to meet th e above mentione d user req uirem ent s inc lu ding a b lue print drawn usin g a modelin g tool. (Ex : Microsoft Visio, Ed raw Max ). Supp ort your answe r by prov id in g th e VLA N and IP su bletting sche me for th e above scen ario an d the list of d evices, n etwork comp on ent s an d soft ware u sed to de sign the n etwork for above sce nario and wh ile ju stif ying you r se lec tion s. Test an d eva lu ate the proposed de sign to me et the re qu irements and ana lyze user feed back by using a User feed back form. Insta ll and configu re Network ser vices, d evices and ap plication s (E x: VLA N, DHCP, DNS , Proxy, We b, Etc .) according to the proposed d esign to accomp lish the use r req uirem ent s and desig n a detaile d Mainte nance sch edu le for above Network. * Note: - Screen s hots of Confi guration scripts s hould be pres ented. Activity 04 Imp le ment a networked syste m ba se d on your prep are d de sign w ith va lid ev id ence s and re com men d potentia l fu ture enh ance ment s for th e networke d system wit h va lid ju stification s to you r recomm endation s. Use c ritica l reflec tion to c ritically eva lu ate the design , pla n, config uration , and te sting of you r net work while ju stif ying w it h va lid conc lu sion s. Deve lop te st cases and conduc t verification (Ex: P in g , ex ten ded p in g , t race route , telnet, SSH, etc. ) to test th e above Network and ana lyse the test results aga inst the exp ected re su lt s. 12 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 13 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Table of Contents 1. Network System..............................................................................................................17 1.1. Network System Types...........................................................................................19 1.1.1. Peer – to – Peer System...................................................................................19 1.1.2. Client Server...................................................................................................20 1.2. Types of Computer Network...................................................................................20 1.2.1. Personal Area Network (PAN)........................................................................21 1.2.2. Local Area Network (LAN)............................................................................21 1.2.3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)................................................................21 1.2.4. Wide Area Network.........................................................................................22 1.3. Network Standards..................................................................................................22 1.3.1. The Websites for Major Standards Organizations...........................................23 1.3.2. IEEE Standards...............................................................................................23 Suitable Solutions for syntax solutions- 1...............................................................................24 1.4. Network Models.....................................................................................................25 1.4.1. ISO OSI Model...............................................................................................25 1.4.2. TCP/IP Model.................................................................................................25 1.4.3. OSI Model vs. TCP/IP Model.........................................................................26 1.4.4. Apple Talk.......................................................................................................26 1.5. Protocols.................................................................................................................27 1.1.2. Suitable protocol for Syntax Solutions branch........................................................31 1.6. 2. Network Topology......................................................................................................31 1.6.1. Physical Topology...........................................................................................31 1.6.2. Logical Topology............................................................................................32 1.6.3. Difference between Physical topology and Logical Topology.........................32 1.7. Bandwidth...........................................................................................................33 1.8. Suitable topology for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS...................................................34 Hardware Devices...........................................................................................................35 2.2. Network security.........................................................................................................39 2.3. Data Transmission Media............................................................................................42 2.4. Networking software...................................................................................................44 2.5. The recommendation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch..............................48 2.6. Recommendation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS branch................................................53 14 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 2.7. Compatibility..............................................................................................................54 2.8. VLAN.........................................................................................................................54 2.9. SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch VLAN and IP subnetting scheme.................56 3. Network Diagram for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch.......................................58 3.1. Windows server installation........................................................................................63 3.2. DHCP.........................................................................................................................66 3.3. Creating users.............................................................................................................82 3.4. Active directory configuration....................................................................................88 3.5. Network Maintenance.................................................................................................92 4. Implementing and designing the network system...........................................................93 4.1. Network device configuration.....................................................................................93 4.3. Network monitoring..................................................................................................105 4.4. Troubleshooting........................................................................................................106 4.5. Future enhancement..................................................................................................107 4.6. Evaluating design......................................................................................................107 Reference List.......................................................................................................................108 15 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Table of Figures Figure 1 (Network, Wikipedia, 2021)..........................................................................18 Figure 2(Integrated Network Systems, 2021)..............................................................19 Figure 3 (Advantages and Disadvantages of Network systems, Pinterest, 2021)........19 Figure 4(Peer to Peer Network System, Wikipedia, 2021)..........................................20 Figure 5(Client Server, Wikipedia, 2021)....................................................................20 Figure 7(Perzi, 2021)....................................................................................................21 Figure 6(LAN, Wikipedia, 2021).................................................................................21 Figure 8(Java point, 2021)...........................................................................................22 Figure 9 (BlogSpot, 2021)............................................................................................22 Figure 10(7 Layers of ISO OSI Model, Cloud Flare, 2021)........................................25 Figure 11(Layers of TCP/IP Model, guru99, 2021).....................................................26 Figure 12(guru99, 2021)..............................................................................................26 Figure 13(Apple Talk, Wikipedia, 2021)......................................................................27 Figure 14(How FTP works, Educba, 2021)..................................................................28 Figure 15(How SSH works, Wikipedia, 2021)............................................................28 Figure 16(How Telnet works, network interview, 2021).............................................28 Figure 17(Process of sending and receiving email through SMTP, Wikipedia, 2021) 29 Figure 18(HTTP, javatpoint, 2021)..............................................................................29 Figure 19(TCP, javapoint, 2021)..................................................................................30 Figure 20(UDP, educba, 2021).....................................................................................30 Figure 21(Physical Topologies, Informationq, 2021)..................................................31 Figure 22(Concept Draw, 2020)...................................................................................32 Figure 23(Author developed).......................................................................................32 Figure 24(Physical Topology and Logical Topology, wustl, 2008).............................33 Figure 25-Router..........................................................................................................36 Figure 26-Switch..........................................................................................................36 Figure 27-Modem.........................................................................................................37 Figure 28-Repeater.......................................................................................................37 Figure 29-Access point.................................................................................................38 Figure 30-Proxy server.................................................................................................40 Figure 31-UTP..............................................................................................................42 Figure 32-STP..............................................................................................................42 Figure 33-Coaxial cable...............................................................................................43 Figure 34-Fiber optics..................................................................................................43 Figure 35-PowerEdge R830 rack server......................................................................48 Figure 36- PowerEdge R240 rack server.....................................................................49 Figure 37- PowerEdge R7515 rack server...................................................................50 Figure 38-Fusion server pro 1288H V5 rack server.....................................................51 Figure 39-Dell 3240 Compact Desktop Workstation...................................................52 Figure 40- MySQL / Database.....................................................................................53 16 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 41-VIDCO-19 Kandy branch VLAN & IP subnetting scheme........................56 Figure 42-Network diagram for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch...................58 Figure 43-Windows server 2012..................................................................................63 Figure 44- Windows server- Install..............................................................................64 Figure 45-Windows server setup..................................................................................64 Figure 46-Windows server type of installation............................................................65 Figure 47-Installing windows.......................................................................................65 Figure 48-Desktop........................................................................................................66 Figure 49-Start..............................................................................................................67 Figure 50-DHCP configure............................................................................................68 Figure 51- Add roles and features................................................................................69 Figure 52-Select installation type.................................................................................70 Figure 53- Select destination server.............................................................................71 Figure 54- Add features that required for DHCP.........................................................72 Figure 55- Roles...........................................................................................................72 Figure 56-Roles............................................................................................................73 Figure 57-Confirmation................................................................................................73 Figure 58-Installation progress.....................................................................................74 Figure 59- Feature installation.....................................................................................74 Figure 60-Start..............................................................................................................75 Figure 61- Selecting the content...................................................................................75 Figure 62-Selecting Ip4................................................................................................76 Figure 63-New scope Wizard window.........................................................................76 Figure 64-New scope wizard........................................................................................77 Figure 65-Enter IP address details................................................................................77 Figure 66-Add exclusions and delay............................................................................78 Figure 67-Lease Duration.............................................................................................78 Figure 68-Configure DHCP options.............................................................................79 Figure 69- Enter the IP address....................................................................................79 Figure 70-DNS IP.........................................................................................................80 Figure 71-WINS servers................................................................................................80 Figure 72-Activating Scope.........................................................................................81 Figure 73-Completing the New scope Wizard.............................................................81 Figure 74-Start..............................................................................................................82 Figure 75-Window of Active Directory.......................................................................82 Figure 76-Selecting the relevant user group................................................................83 Figure 77-Filling the details of the User......................................................................83 Figure 78-Setting a password.......................................................................................84 Figure 79-Select Password server options...................................................................84 Figure 80-Create...........................................................................................................85 Figure 81-Users............................................................................................................85 Figure 82-Properties.....................................................................................................86 Figure 83-Select Groups window.................................................................................86 Figure 84-Installation type...........................................................................................88 Figure 85- Select features.............................................................................................89 Figure 86- future installation........................................................................................89 17 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 87-Result...........................................................................................................90 Figure 88- Active directory..........................................................................................91 Figure 89-Network devices configuration....................................................................93 Figure 90-IP configuration...........................................................................................93 Figure 91-Configuration...............................................................................................94 Figure 92-VLAN Switch..............................................................................................94 Figure 93-Switch ports assign to VLANS....................................................................94 Figure 94-Command Prompt........................................................................................95 Figure 95-Ping..............................................................................................................95 Figure 96-Ping..............................................................................................................96 Figure 97-Ping..............................................................................................................96 Figure 98-Ping..............................................................................................................97 Figure 99-Ping..............................................................................................................97 Figure 100-Ping............................................................................................................98 Figure 101-Ping............................................................................................................98 Figure 102- Ping...........................................................................................................99 Figure 103-Test case and test.....................................................................................100 18 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 1. Network System It is a collection of computers sharing resources placed on or provided by network nodes. The computers use common communication with one another. They’re identified by network unique addresses, and have hostnames.[ CITATION Wik211 \l 1033 ] Figure 1 (Network, Wikipedia, 2021) A computer network is a collection of autonomous computing devices that are interconnected in several ways in order to exchange information by common conventions, referred to as protocols, over a shared communication medium. A special fact to remember is that a single computer with its peripherals such as printers, scanners etc… are not considered as a network. The speed with which data is moved from one place on a network to another is referred to as ‘Data transfer rate’. It is a key issue in computer networks. (Lecture notes) Advantages of computer networks Share information and resources Access databases E-commerce Easy administration Communication Provide data security 19 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Factors to be considered when installing a network 1. Performance 2. Reliability 3. Security The security of a computer is challenged everyday by: Equipment malfunctions System failures Computer Hackers Virus attacks… are the main reasons for that… (Lecture Notes) Figure 2(Integrated Network Systems, 2021) 20 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 3 (Advantages and Disadvantages of Network systems, Pinterest, 2021) 1.1. Network System Types 1.1.1. Peer – to – Peer System These networks are very common where less than 10 computers are used and a high security is not needed. The term peer presents the idea of that all computers have the same status and they communicate with one another with equal abilities.[CITATION HND21 \l 1033 ] Figure 4(Peer to Peer Network System, Wikipedia, 2021) 1.1.2. Client Server These networks are more appropriate for larger networks. Here a central computer, or ‘server’, acts as the storage location for files and applications shared on the network. Normally a ‘server’ has higher average performance. It controls the network access of other computers which are referred as ‘client’ computers. Only network administer has access rights to the server. 21 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 5(Client Server, Wikipedia, 2021) 1.2. Types of Computer Network Computer networks can be classified according to geographical distribution of computers in the network. There are mainly 4 network types: LAN (Local Area Network) PAN (Personal Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) 1.2.1. Personal Area Network (PAN) It is a network involved with the exchange of vicinity of a person. These systems are wireless and involve the transmission of data between devices like smartphones, personal computers, tablet computers etc… [ CITATION Wik211 \l 1033 ] Figure 6(Perzi, 2021) 1.2.2. Local Area Network (LAN) A LAN connects computers inside a room or several rooms in a building. Ex: A computer network built in a school, university, a small-scale business or an office etc… 22 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 7(LAN, Wikipedia, 2021) 1.2.3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) MAN is a combination of several Local Area Networks which covers less than 16 miles. Ex: Banking networks, institute and universities with branches. Figure 8(Java point, 2021) 1.2.4. Wide Area Network These networks cover a wide area. This can be inside or outside a country. The best example for Wide Area Network is Internet. 23 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 9 (BlogSpot, 2021) 1.3. Network Standards These standards are essential in creating and associated maintaining an open among the competitive world market for product manufactures and guaranteeing national and international ability of data information and telecommunication technology and processes. They provide tips to manufacturers, vendors, government agencies, and different service suppliers to make sure their interconnectivity necessary in today’s marketplace and in international communications. 1.3.1. The Websites for Major Standards Organizations ANSI (American National Standards Institute) www.ansi.org IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) www.ieee.org ISO (International Organization for Standardization) www.iso.org IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) www.ietf.org W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) www.w3c.org 1.3.2. IEEE Standards The computer society of the IEEE started a project called “Project 802” to set standards and enable intercommunication among equipment from variety of manufacturers. Basically, this can specify functions of the physical layer and the data link layer of major LAN protocols. 24 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Ex: - IEEE 802.x This deals with LAN and MAN, and they are restricted to networks carrying variablesize packets. The services and protocols which used this standard are map in the lower two layers of the OSI networking reference model. IEEE 802.3 This is a working group and a collection of IEEE standards produced by working group defining the physical layer and data link layer’s media access control of wired Ethernet.[ CITATION HND21 \l 1033 ] Suitable Solutions for syntax solutions- 1 1.1. 1.1.1. According to the scenario Client server is the best network model. In SYNTAX SOLUTIONS have 7 departments except for the server room, so there are lot of client computers. That’s why I suggest Client- Server network model. The main reason why Peer-to-peer network model is not suitable is that it is only suitable for a network with less than 10 computers. If we consider the first requirement given for this scenario, it has said that every department should be separated with unique subnet and in the server room a DHCP should be used as the protocol, so because of that I think that the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)are the networks which has to be implemented here as mentioned in the question. The major reason for my suggestion is that because it spans relatively small area, and the other reasons are It allows multi-access to high-bandwidth media. Control the network privately under local administration. And if the employers in each department have to connect to one another’s system if there is a special requirement, so in that case local administrator must distribute passwords for each employer to log in to the system via a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection. It is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization’s network.[ CITATION Qui21 \l 1033 ] 25 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 The main benefit of this network is that it uses encryption and other security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the network and that the data cannot be intercepted. So, in overall I think the network types LAN, WLAN, VPN are the types which have to be used for this scenario while the network model which must be implemented is the Client- Server Network system. I suggest IEEE 802.11 should be used for the interior design of this branch here because it is especially devoted to wireless LAN. And also, IEEE 802.7fibre optic connection can be used for this case. These days the most popular way to connect devices is WIFI which has the IEEE 802.11 especially in branches like this so as I said before those are the IEEE standards which are going to useful in for this process. Except for those IEEE standards Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) also will be useful in sharing information. 1.4. Network Models What are Network Models? Those models are conceptual models that help to explain the data communication within a computer network. There two types of models 1. ISO OSI Model 2. TCP/IP Model 1.4.1. ISO OSI Model The Open System Interconnection model is a conceptual model that characterizes and standardises the communication functions of telecommunication or computing system without regard to its underlying internal structure and technology. 26 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 10(7 Layers of ISO OSI Model, Cloud Flare, 2021) 1.4.2. TCP/IP Model This is the set of communications protocols used in the internet and similar computer networks. In long form it is transmission control protocol and internet protocol. There are 4 layers in this model. [ CITATION Wik211 \l 1033 ] Figure 11(Layers of TCP/IP Model, guru99, 2021) 1.4.3. OSI Model vs. TCP/IP Model 27 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 12(guru99, 2021) 1.4.4. Apple Talk Apple Talk is a set of local area network communication protocols. It is originally created for Apple computers by Apple Company. This network supports up to 32 devices. The data exchanging speed is 230.4Kbps. From connecting Apple Talk equipped systems mechanically assign addresses, update the distributed namespace and configure any necessary inter networking routing. It has 4 basic components such as sockets, nodes, networks, and zones and it is hierarchically arranged.[ CITATION Wik211 \l 1033 ] 28 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 13(Apple Talk, Wikipedia, 2021) 1.5. Protocols It is a set of rules and procedures for transmitting data between two or more devices. A protocol defines What is communicated? How it is communicated? When it is communicated? Protocols can be categorized into 3 main groups as, 1. Application Layer Protocols 2. Transport Layer Protocols 3. Internet Layer Protocols [ CITATION HND21 \l 1033 ] Below are some examples for protocols 1. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – Transfer files from the server to a client computer. This is built on client server model. Figure 14(How FTP works, Educba, 2021) 2. Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) It is a network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. Any network service can be secured with Secure Shell Protocol. 29 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 15(How SSH works, Wikipedia, 2021) 3. Telnet This protocol connects one system with another. It is types of client- server protocol that can be used open a command line on a remote computer. [ CITATION Tec21 \l 1033 ] Figure 16(How Telnet works, network interview, 2021) 4. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) This protocol is an internet standard communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. This protocol is responsible in sending and receiving mail messages.[ CITATION Wik21 \l 1033 ] Figure 17(Process of sending and receiving email through SMTP, Wikipedia, 2021) 5. Post Office Protocol (POP3) 30 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 As mentioned in the above example SMTP is the protocol use in emailing but it is not the only protocol needed in this process as in the above figure when receiving an email, it come across the protocol POP3 which is a one version of Post office Protocol. 6. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) This protocol is designed for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It transmits hypertext messages between client and servers in order to give the HTTP user a way to interact with web resources such as HTML files. Figure 18(HTTP, javatpoint, 2021) It is very popular communication protocol which enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network. Figure 19(TCP, javapoint, 2021) 31 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 7. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) It is a communication protocol which creates low- tolerating and low – latency linking between different applications. It comes under Transmission Control Protocol. Figure 20(UDP, educba, 2021) 8. Internet Protocol (IP) This protocol is the network layer communication protocol. It consists datagrams across network boundaries. The functions of this protocol are internetworking, and essentially establish the internet. [ CITATION Wik212 \l 1033 ] 1.1.2. Suitable protocol for Syntax Solutions branch I think for this scenario TCP/IP is the best option, since it is the open protocol standard and the other reasons are that it is freely available and anyone can implement in any hardware or operating system unique to the device. It is widely use in such branches. 1.6. Network Topology The geometric way of how computers are connected to each other is referred to as Network Topology. These topologies can be mainly divided into two categories 1. Physical Topology 2. Logical Topology 32 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 1.6.1. Physical Topology It is the term which refers the way in which a network is laid out physically. Examples for Physical Topologies 1. Star Topology 2. Bus Topology 3. Ring Topology 4. Tree Topology 5. Mesh Topology 6. Hybrid Topology Figure 21(Physical Topologies, Informationq, 2021) 1.6.2. Logical Topology This topology defines the architecture of the communication mechanism for all nodes in a network. The topologies fall under this category contrasts with physical topologies, which refer to the physical interconnections of all devices in the network. 1. Ethernet 2. Local Talk 3. Token ring 33 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 22(Concept Draw, 2020) 1.6.3. Difference between Physical topology and Logical Topology Physical Topology Logical Topology Depicts physical layout of network Depicts Can be modified based on needs. (Logistics of network) No Interference or manipulation involved hoe data is transmitted. here. Has major impact on cost, scalability and Has major impact on speed and delivery bandwidth capacity of networked based of data packets. Also handles flow control on selection and availability of devices. and ordered delivery of data packets. Can be arranged in star, ring, bus, mesh Only exists in bus and ring topologies. and bus topologies. Figure 23(Author developed) Both the physical and logical topologies are equally important in designing and implementing a network. However logical topology has a negative impact on the data transmitting in the form of packets, if not planned carefully. [ CITATION Tec211 \l 1033 ] 34 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 24(Physical Topology and Logical Topology, wustl, 2008) 1.7. Bandwidth In networking, this term refers to the measure of the capacity of a medium to transmit data. A medium that has a higher capacity for example, has a high bandwidth, whereas a medium that has limited capacity has a low bandwidth. Importance of Bandwidth a. Bandwidth is limited by physics and technology b. Bandwidth is not free c. Bandwidth requirements are growing at a rapid rate d. Bandwidth is critical to network performance [ CITATION HND21 \l 1033 ] 1.8. Suitable topology for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS With a properly managed network topology, a business will improve the potency of data transfer. Better efficiency, in turn can reduce cost for maintenance and operations. 35 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 For this SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch, the topology I suggest is star topology because in star topology all devices are connect to a central switch, which makes it easy to add new nodes without rebooting all currently connected device and this topology makes efficient use of cable and is easy to administer. Also, this is a commonly encountered topology especially in companies like this. 2. Hardware Devices Computer hardware means the physical components of a computer and related devices. Hardware devices that used to connect computers, printers, and other electronic devices are called network devices. Network devices can be inter network or intra network. Some devices are installed on the device, as NIC card or RJ45 connector and some parts of network are; • Router • Switch • Modem • Repeater • Access point [ CITATION tut21 \l 1033 ] Router The router is a physical or virtual internet networking device that designed to receive, analyze and forward data packets between computer networks. A router works on the third layer of the OSI model. It is based on the IP address of the computer and it is used for protocols such as ICMP to communicate between two or more network. A router is used in LAN and WAN network and it ideal for officers’ connectivity. It shares information with other routers in network and used to routing protocol to transfer the data across the network. It is more expensive than other network devices like switches and hubs. A router reads its routing table to determine on the best possible route the packet can take to quickly and reliably reach it destination. There are two group of routing table; Static the routes are fed manually inside a static routing table. It is also only suitable for very limited network with approx. two or three routers Dynamic the router communicates with other routers through protocols in a dynamic routing table to decide the routes are accessible. This 36 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 is ideal for wider networks where due to a large number of routers, feeding may not be feasible in manually.[ CITATION jav21 \l 1033 ] Static Routes are fed manually in a static routing table. It is only suitable for networks with two to three routers. Dynamic The routers communicate with each other through protocols to determine which routes are free. It is suitable for lager networks where manual feeding may not be feasible. Figure 25-Router Switch The switch is a network device that connects other devices to Ethernet networks through twisted pair cables, packet switching technique is used to receive, store and forward data packets. The switch has a list of network addresses of those all devices connected to it. The packet is sent to correct port. The packets are checked for network errors before they are forwarded. In full duplex mode, the data is transmitted. 37 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 26-Switch [ CITATION tut21 \l 1033 ] Modem Modems are used to transmit digital signals through phone lines. The two main functions of Modem are Modulation and Demodulation. Digital signals are converted into analog signals and transmitted to a modem at receiver location. A computer connected to a modem gets a digital output when the receiving modem turns the other way. Digital data can be transmitted via the RS-232 standard interface of the serial line modem. Most cable operators use modems as final terminals to locate and remember their homes and personal clients. The data link layers are in the modems. [ CITATION EDU21 \l 1033 ] Figure 27-Modem Repeater A repeater is an electronic device that re-transmits a signal. It is used to extend transmissions so that the signal can be received on the other side of an obstruction. It is a type of hardware that is simple to operate. This device operates at the physical layer of the ISO open system interconnection reference mode, which is where the signal is received on cable segment and then transmitted onto cable segment. [CITATION tut20 \l 1033 ] 38 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 28-Repeater Access point A wired or wireless link in an AP is usually means a wireless device. An AP can either act as a bridge that connects a standard wireless network to wireless devices or as routers that send data to another access point. WAP or a wireless connection point is a device that is used to generate a wireless LAN (WLAN) transmitter and receiver. An access point is a machine with an integrated antenna, transmitter, and adapter. It is usually networked in separate machines. [ CITATION EDU21 \l 1033 ] Figure 29-Access point 39 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 2.2. Network security A wide range of technologies, devices and processes are covered by network security. It is a set of rules and configurations designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of computer networks and data using both software and hardware technologies. There are three different controls, such as; physical, technical and administrative. Following devices can be used for the SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch network security enhancement. Proxy server Proxy server is an intermediary server between client and the internet. It has different basic functionalities. Such as; firewall and network data filtering, network connection sharing and data caching. If you using this on its way to address you need, internet traffic flows through the proxy server. The request then reruns from the same proxy server and then the proxy server will forward to you the data obtained from the websites. Organizations and individuals use proxy server for different reasons. Such as; • To control internet usage of employees Proxy server setting up in organizations is to monitor and control how their members use the internet. Most of companies don’t want you to look at particular company time websites and they can configure the proxy server to block access to some websites. They can even track and monitor all web requests there for they know how much time you spend on cyber loafing, even though they do not block the websites. • Bandwidth saving and improved speeds Organizations with a good proxy server will get best overall network efficiency. Proxy servers will cache famous websites. There for when you ask for www.SYNTAXSOLUTIONS.com. The proxy server can search to see if it has the site’s current copy and give you the saved copy afterwards. In other word that when hundreds of users from the same proxy server hit www. SYNTAXSOLUTIONS.com at the same time, the proxy server only sends one request to www.SYNTAXSOLUTIONS.com. This saves the company bandwidth and increase the network efficiency. [ CITATION ava20 \l 1033 ] 40 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 30-Proxy server Firewall A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides based on a set of explained security rules if allow or not to allow specific traffic. A firewall can be hardware, software or both. Firewall can be stand alone or can used in other devices for infrastructure, as routers or servers. Firewall used to both corporate and consumer setting.it can installed at an organizations network perimeter to protect against external threats or within the network to create segmentation and protect against insider threats. Hardware firmware firewalls are often used for setting restrictions between in home devices. Some firewalls are available as applications which serve as the primary device that separates two networks. It excludes unnecessary and unwanted network traffic from accessing networks inside the company. The firewall can be completely blocked. Some or all traffic depends on firewall policy of the organization or it can conduct a check on some or all of the traffic. There are two types of firewall policies used in widely; • Whitelisting The firewall rejects all connections except for those specifically listed as acceptable • Blacklisting The firewall allows all connections except those specifically listed. Intrusion detection system (IDS) 41 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 An intrusion detection system is a monitoring system that detects unsure activities and generates alerts when they are detected. A security operation center (SOC) analyst or incident responder can investigate the issue and take the appropriate action to remediate the threat based upon these alerts. There is a wide range of IDS, ranging from antivirus tools to tiered control systems that track whole network traffic. When installed at strategic point or points in the network to manage traffic to and from all devices on the network. IDS perform a passing traffic analysis and compare the traffic transmitted to the library of known attacks on the subnets. [ CITATION Gee21 \l 1033 ] IDS classifications; • Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) NIDS operate at the network level and monitor traffic from all devices going in and out of the network. • Host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) HIDS is a system that monitor important operating system files. Intrusion prevention system (IPS) IPS is a technology that keeps an eye on a network for any malicious tasks attempting to exploit a known vulnerability. This is used to recognize malicious task, record detected threats, and report detected threats and take preventative action to stop a threat from doing damage. And also, it can used to monitor a network continually in real time. An IPS will work through all network traffic by scanning. To do this, IPS stands directly behind the firewall and offers a complementary inspection layer that searches for dangerous content in a negative way. As this, IPS tools are placed in direct communication paths between a system and network, enabling the tool to analyze network traffic. The IPS has number of methods for detecting but the three main techniques. [ CITATION pal20 \l 1033 ] They are; • Signature based detection • Anomaly based detection • Policy based detection 42 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 2.3. Data Transmission Media This is another important factor that should be considered when creating a system. There are two types of data transmission media 1. Guided/wired 2. Unguided/wireless Guided/wired If the medium used in data transmission is a physical medium, it is called guided/wired. 1. Twisted pair a. Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) This is the twisted copper wire pairs used for telephone connections. These are very flexible and low-priced. However, it is difficult to transmit data for a long distance through UTP wires. Figure 31-UTP b. Shielded twisted pair (STP) STP is a better quality and secures data transmission medium. However, it is expensive. Figure 32-STP 43 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 3. Coaxial cable It consists of an electronic cable pair. The outer cable which is like a braided copper net produces electromagnetic field around the central cable. These two cables are separated by a plastic shield. These cables are expensive and used for CCTV and TV antenna. Figure 33-Coaxial cable 4. Fiber Optics cable It consists of pair of cables. The data transmission is carried out by while reflecting light. These are used in present very commonly. The cable is relatively more expensive. This is the fastest data transmission media at present. As I mentioned in activity 1 for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch fiber optic cable is the best option because it is the fastest data transmission media. Figure 34-Fiber optics Unguided/wireless media Data is transmitted as signal through the air without using physical medium. Ex: 1. Radio waves 2. Microwaves 3. Infrared 44 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 When SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch want to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or options like that, they are using radio waves in communication. And like wise other wireless media like microwaves and infrared are also will be used. As an example, mouse, wireless keyboards use infrared data transmission. 2.4. Networking software Networking software is any software that interact, increases and facilitates the functions of computer network. This is a backbone for every network. Traditional networks were hardware based with software embedded. Network software is not same as a software application. It is invisible to end users. It is simply used to facilitate the access those users have to network resources in a seamless way. Functions of network software • Helps to set up and install computer network • Enables users to have access to network resources in a seamless manner • Enables virtualizations of network • Helps to define locations of data storage and allows users to access that data • Allows administrations to add or remove users from the network Cisco IOS It is world widely most developed networking software Cisco IOS main function is to enable data communication between network nodes. It combines cutting edge technology, business critical services and broad hardware platform support. From these routing and switching can be used to improve the performance and security of network traffic. Cisco IOS has the ability to share and maintain consistent features with reusable code across the network. This help to deliver services faster and improve innovation. [ CITATION tec20 \l 1033 ] Server OS It is specifically designed to run on servers, which are specialized computer that operate within a client or server architecture. Server operating systems help enable and facilitate typical server roles such as Web server, mail server, file server, database server, application server and print server. [ CITATION web20 \l 1033 ] 45 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 As for the SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch it has to use Microsoft server 2019. Active directory Active directory is database and group of service which is developed by Microsoft for windows that connect users with the network resources they need to get their work done. It stores data as objects. It classifies directory objects by name and attributes. Active directory main server is Domain services. It stores directory information and handles the interaction of the user with the Domain. Active directory Domain server verifies access when a user signs into a device or try to connect to over a network. Active directory Domain controls which users have access to each resource or group of policies. [ CITATION Wik216 \l 1033 ] Solar winds Solar winds network show monitor can be configured quickly. Solar winds reduce network downtime and detect, diagnose and resolve network performance issues with affordable, easy to use network monitoring software. In an hour the tool automatically discovers and deploys network devices. It has an intuitive interface because it uses a straightforward approach in running a whole network. The interface of the software is very easy to use and change. It is able to create a topology that is customized to the entire network infrastructure and also can create smart alerts tailored to the dependency aware and much more. [ CITATION tec21 \l 1033 ] Server Network server is a powerful computer that provides workstations and other servers in a network with different shared resources. A user can set up a server to control access to a network, send or receive email, manage printing or host a website. They are also good at making tough calculations. Some servers are dedicated to a specific task, often referred to as commitment. Many servers today are shared servers that take responsibility for email, DNS, FTP and multiple websites on a web server. A 46 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 server may have more RAM installed than a typical workstation. [ CITATION PAE21 \l 1033 ] Importance of server Remote accessibility If employees want to work from home or elsewhere a server is very useful. And above all of that this information is much safer because the server uses a range of tools to ensure that all information is encrypted, allowing those who choose to download at the other end to keep a secure file that does not in any way affect their desktop or laptop. Geographical constrains become an issue as those who choose to work outside of the office have access to all of their email addresses. Increased reliability Many servers now have an excess power supply. This means that no data is lost in this case and the data can still be backed up during a power cut. Most servers prevent data loss in RAID configuration and do not interfere with the workflow. As mentioned earlier, it will make the unit look more reliable. Expand easily If you are looking to expand your business in the future, a client will allow you to do so. A server allows you to easily configure a variety of devices, computers, and users and add new applications. There for meaning there is no disruption to anyone in the business. Servers can classify according to their intended function There are different types of servers are available in today. Such as; • Application server There are large numbers of application servers, which is also referred to as middleware calculate the terrain between the database servers and the end sure and often connect both. • Mail server It transfers and store mail over corporate networks (LAN and WAN) through the internet, web server are also important. 47 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 • Web server Simply, a web server supports a web browser with static content by loading a file disk and servers as a web browser for a user across the network. Entire communication is facilitated by the use of HTTP by browser and server communication with each other. [ CITATION PAE21 \l 1033 ] Server components Client consists of different components and sub-components. At the hardware level, clients usually have a rack mounted chassis that includes a power supply and system. Keyboard, one or more CPUs, memory, storage, network interface and power supply. Many server hardware networks support out of zone control over a dedicated port. External management systems can be used to enable or disable the server. Most of the hardware on the network off zone is using a dedicated port. External management system can be used to remotely rotate the server.[ CITATION Hyp20 \l 1033 ] Server physical types; Rack server A rack server is known as a rack mounting server or a rack mounting computer. It is a computer called a server rack located in a rectangular structure. Rack servers are the most widely used servers in military, industrial and commercial programs and applications because of their high size, scalability, upgrade capability and support for computer intensive software but tower and blade servers from time to time. [ CITATION Rac18 \l 1033 ] Tower server The tower server is a computer intended to be used as a server and is built into a standalone cabinet. A cabinet called a tower is similar in shape and shape to a cabinet for tower type personal computer. This is in contrast to rack server s or blade server s, which is designed to be rack mounted. It is easier when cooling because the overall component density is fairly low and scalability, because an unlimited number of servers can be added to an existing network. [ CITATION ser21 \l 1033 ] Blade server 48 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 The blade server, sometimes referred to as a high-density server, is a compact device that contains a computer used to manage and distribute data over a collection of computers and systems known as a network. Its role is to act as a path between computers, programs, applications and systems. Many blade servers are dedicated and focused on a single application because professionals have more control over how they access and use and transfer data between devices.[ CITATION Rac18 \l 1033 ] 2.5. The recommendation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch According to the scenario, my recommendation is to use rack server because it is easy to mount server room, server rack. As well as it increased scalability, maximized air flow when coupled with a cooling systems and ease of regular computer maintenance and diagnostics given that their design allows technicians and operators to easily slide rack servers in and out of them. PowerEdge R830 rack server It has excellent functionality and cost effectiveness productivity for mainstream databases, virtualization and VDI. Features Processor Technical specification Intel®Xeon®processor E5-4600 v4 product Supported Operating System family Microsoft Microsoft Windows Server®2012 Windows Server R2 2012 Novell®SUSE®Linux Enterprise Server Red Hat®Enterprise Linux® VMware Chipset Memory vSphere®ESXi® Intel C612 (48 DIMM slots): 8GB/16GB/32GB/64GB Slots DDR4, RDIMM, LRDIMM up 2400MT/s 7 Pcle slots; 2×16 half-length, full-height 1×8 half-length, full-height 3×8 half-length, fullheight 1×8 half-length, full-height for the Storage RAID controller 16×2.5” SATA/SAS SSD, SAS 49 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) HDD lOMoARcPSD|38339166 (15K,10K), nearline SAS HDD (7.2K) Figure 35-PowerEdge R830 rack server PowerEdge R240 rack server It is specially designed for web hosting and multitasking applications with an accessible 1U rack server that simplifies performance and scaling. Features Processor Technical specification Segment 14G Wave 4 XL CPUs Advanced E- Supported Operating System 2176G Standard E-2136, E-2144G Certify XenServer Citrix® XenServer® Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-V Red Hat® Enterprise Ubuntu server 4×DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports UDIMM, up Memory to 2666MT/s, 64GB Max. Supports registered ECC Networking options; 2×1GbE LOM network Slots interface controller (NIC) ports Front ports; 1×USB 2.0,1×IDRAC micro-USB 2.0 management port Rear ports; 2×USB 3.0 VGA, serial connector Internal controllers: PERC H730P, H330, Storage HBA330 (non-RAID) Software RAID: PERC S140 External HBAs: 12Gbps SAS HBA (nonRAID) Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem: 2×M.2 240GB (RAID 1 or No RAID), 1×M.2 240GB (N0 RAID Only) Figure 36- PowerEdge R240 rack server 50 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 PowerEdge R7515 rack server Features Processor Technical specification One 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ processor with Supported Operating System up to 64 cores Canonical®Ubuntu®Server LTS Citrix®Hypervisor® Microsoft® Windows Server® with Hyper-V Red Hat® Enterprise Linux SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server Memory VMware® ESXi® RDIMM 1TB Slots LRDIMM 2TB PCIe Up to 4: 2×Gen3 slots (1×8;1×16), Storage 2×Gen4 slots (2×16) Up to 8×3.5” hot plug SATA/SAS (HDD) Up to 12×3.5” hot plug SAS/SATA (HDD) Up to 24×2.5” hot plug SATA/SAS/NVMe Figure 37- PowerEdge R7515 rack server Fusion server pro 1288H V5 rack server The Huawei fusion server pro 1288H V5 is a 1U, 2-socket rack server. Deployment of dens to process workloads generated by cloud computing virtualization is high. It has high performance. Excellent scales while enhancing the use of space in data centers total expenses. Features Processor Technical specification 1st or 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (3100/4100/5100/6100/8100 Supported Operating System series) Microsoft windows server Red hat enterprise Memory server Cent OS 24 DDR4 DIMM slots, 2933 MT/s; up to 12 Internal storage Intel® Optane™ PMem modules (100 series) Supports hot plug hard drives and the following configuration options: 10×2.5-inch hard drives (6-8 NVMe SSDs and 2- 4 51 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 SAS/SATA drives with a total number of 10 or less) Power on password Administrator password Up to 5PCIe 3.0 slots, including 1 for a RAID Security PCIe Expansion controller card and 1 for a flexible NIC Figure 38-Fusion server pro 1288H V5 rack server Dell 3240 Compact Desktop Workstation Feature Processor Technical specification Intel Core i5-10500 (6 core, 12M cache, Supported operating system base 3.1GHz-4.5GHz) DDr4-2666 Windows 10 pro 64bit English, French, Graphic card RAM Spanish Intel Integrated Graphics – core i 8GB 1×8GB DDR4 2666MHz or 2933MHz (2933MHz required level core i7 or above) SoDIMM Non-Ecc Memory 256GB PCIe NVMeClass 40M.2 SSD Storage Figure 39-Dell 3240 Compact Desktop Workstation 2.6. Recommendation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS branch According to scenario, I recommend to use three server computers for this Matara branch requirement. In SYNTAX SOLUTIONS there are lots of projects out there. Many software engineers work in SYNTAX SOLUTIONS. Therefore, MySQL and oracle can be configured as database server. I recommend, Dell PowerEdge R830 52 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 rack server to configure the database because of the system required, server installation required. Features Processor RAM Supported MySQL Oracle Windows Server 2012 or Linux7 or higher 64bit higher Minimum of 4GB RAM operating Minimum 30GB hard disk system Hard drive space Red Hat enterprise Minimum of 2GB RAM Typical Install Type total: 10GB Intel® core (™) dual core Intel 2Ghz (×86) AMD64 InteIEM64T Figure 40- MySQL / Database I recommend DNS server, DHCP server, Proxy and mail server because for the work in this branch they are essential. Dell PowerEdge R7515 rack server can be used because this server computer has powerful hardware therefore it can manage these all the services and Dell PowerEdge R240 rack server for web server because web server has lots of traffics and more load. 2.7. Compatibility Compatibility is the ability to work together on two systems without modification to do so. Compatible software applications use the same data formats. Compatibility may interaction of any two products; hardware and software, same or different types or different versions of the same product. Designed accessories compatibility with future versions is called forward compatible. In the network following should be compatible; 53 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 • Hardware • Operating system • Software If these are not compatible lot of errors will occur Such as, • Without minimum requirement for server OS, you install the OS for server it cab be crash • Routers, switches and other main networking devices are in deferent models, so it will be a big trouble in configure that • When install some server without there are requirements it will be not work or crash • Servers and clients are in deferent OS so; compatible devices must be select as requirement. [ CITATION tec211 \l 1033 ] 2.8. VLAN A VLAN (Virtual LAN) is a logical subset of devices that can be grouped together in separate physical local area network (LANs). Network virtualization is part of the virtualization described above and it is virtualization. We use network virtualization with VLANs on switches to allow connecting multiple broadcast domains with a single switch with the VLANs we divide switches in to multiple switches. [ CITATION Lif211 \l 1033 ] SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch has seven department. And IP address is divided to subnet for departments. IP address are allocated for department member count. VLAN can configure because it can categorize many broadcast domains into number of logical subnets. A team at VLAN high security users can be included and external users can be removed. VLAN cannot interact with them. 54 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 2.9. SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch VLAN and IP subnetting scheme Departmen Users VL AN t Customer Care Sub Network ID net 10 VLAN 10 Mask 27 Broadcast IP Range ID 192.168.1 192.168.1 192.168. 0.1 0.11 1 0.2- 192.168. 55 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Sales and 20 Marketing VLAN 27 20 192.168.1 192.168.1 1 0.10 192.168. 0.12 0.33 1 0.13- 192.168. HR 10 VLAN 27 30 192.168.1 192.168.1 1 0.32 192.168. 0.34 0.45 1 0.35- 192.168. Legal 10 VLAN 27 40 192.168.1 192.168.1 1 0.44 192.168. 0.46 0.57 1 0.47- 192.168. Finance 25 VLAN 27 50 192.168.1 192.168.1 1 0.56 192.168. 0.58 0.84 1 0.59- 192.168. Developers 55 VLAN 27 60 192.168.1 192.168.1 1 0.83 192.168. 0.85 0.146 1 0.86- 192.168. Network Team 5 VLAN 70 27 192.168.1 192.168.1 1 0.145 192.168. 0.147 0.153 1 0.147192.168. 1 0.152 Figure 41-VIDCO-19 Kandy branch VLAN & IP subnetting scheme Wireshark Wireshark is the world’s leading network traffic analyst. It is an essential tool for security system administrator. This free software allows analyzing network traffic in real time, often the best tool for troubleshooting in network. It allows keeping network traffic under a microscope and filtering that traffic, magnifying the root cause of the problem. Administrators use it to detect faulty network devices that drop packets, delays caused by machines disrupting traffic around the world and 56 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 data leakage or unauthorized access attempts against your organization. [ CITATION Wik217 \l 1033 ] FileZilla The FileZilla software is an open-source FTP tool that allows a user to transfer files to a remote computer from a local computer. This is consisting of client and server. Client binaries are available for Windows, Linux and MacOS but server binaries are available for only Windows. Client and server both are supported protocol for FTP, SFTP and FTPS. [ CITATION Wik218 \l 1033 ] PuTTY PuTTY is a free terminal emulator that supports various network protocols such as SSH, Telnet, SCP and rlogin. It is originally available for Windows and Linux. [ CITATION Wik219 \l 1033 ] According to the scenario, to monitor the network traffic SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch has to use the wireshark. Because it analyzes the malicious data packet enters the network. SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch can use FileZilla as the remote file transfer tool. PuTTy software use as the remotely login tool for routers and switches. In this network the devices that should be used are switch, routers, access point and servers which are already explained under Hardware devices. 3. Network Diagram for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch 57 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 42-Network diagram for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch User feedback from about network Employee Email Department Job role Date 58 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 kamal@syntax.lk Developer Very Good Good Are you satisfied about this network? What do you 2021/10/20 Manager Excellent Bad think about the network topology implement that in network system? Did you satisfy with the speed of the internet in network? How about the security and efficiency in this network? Did you satisfy with response time with server room? Overall experience Employee Email henry@syntax.lk Department Customer Care Good Are you satisfied about this Job role Manager Very Good Date 2021/10/20 Excellent Bad 59 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 network? What do you think about the network topology implement that in network system? Did you satisfy with the speed of the internet in network? How about the security and efficiency in this network? Did you satisfy with response time with server room? Overall experience Employee Email devin@syntax.lk Department HR Good Are you satisfied about this network? What do you Job role Officer Very Good Date 2021/10/20 Excellent Bad think about the 60 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 network topology implement that in network system? Did you satisfy with the speed of the internet in network? How about the security and efficiency in this network? Did you satisfy with response time with server room? Overall experience The feedback was really good as in the above forms. According to those feedbacks it is able to conclude that the overall system was a success. 61 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 3.1. Windows server installation Windows server is a brand name for a group of server operating system released by Microsoft. That allows network activities such as print server, Domain controller, Web server and file server to be performed by a computer. It is also the framework for separately obtained server applications such as Exchange server or SQL server as a server operating system. In SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch it can use Windows Server OS for server machine. After creating a bootable USB or DVD media, insert it and boot your computer. Virtual box, KVM and VMware users need 62 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 to attach the ISO file when creating a VM and follow the installation steps shown. Then click install now on the install screen. Figure 43-Windows server 2012 Start the installation by clicking on “Install now” 63 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 44- Windows server- Install Select the Windows server 2012 edition to installed click Next Figure 45-Windows server setup Read the License term, turn on checkbox “I accept the License term” and then click next. 64 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Click custom: Install Windows only (Advanced) Figure 46-Windows server type of installation Select the disk you will be installing on. If you do not want to change drive option and click Next It will then start copying files. This will take a while (could be 20 mins or so depending on hardware performance). It will reboot a couple times (automatically) Figure 47-Installing windows 65 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 The system should automatically reboot after the installation. Set Administrator password when prompted on the next screen. Click Finish to complete the installation. Then use Ctrl + Alt + Del combination. Figure 48-Desktop That’s all now the installation is fully finished. 3.2. DHCP A DHCP server is a server that automatically assigns IP addresses to computers and other devices on the network. DHCP configure process 66 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Open server manager ----- Start Server manager Figure 49-Start Server manager------ Manage-------- Add roles and features 67 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 50-DHCP configure Before Next 68 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 51- Add roles and features Select role based or feature based installationRole and feature based Select Next 69 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 52-Select installation type Select destination server Choose the server that wants the DHCP service installed on. In this example can choose the local server next 70 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 53- Select destination server Select server roles- Select DHCP server roles next When select the roll you will get a pop up asking to add features that are required for DHCP server Add Features 71 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 54- Add features that required for DHCP Back on the select server roles page Next Figure 55- Roles 72 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 56-Roles On features DHCP Next Net Framework Next On the confirmation page can select to automatically restart the server if required. Figure 57-Confirmation 73 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Click install and Finish the installation Install progress page, it will say install succeeded when complete. Figure 58-Installation progress Figure 59- Feature installation 74 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 That completes the install of the DHCP role Move onto the next section for steps on configuring the DHCP server. Figure 60-Start Click DHCP Figure 61- Selecting the content 75 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 62-Selecting Ip4 Select Ip4 and click New Scope Figure 63-New scope Wizard window Click ‘Next’ 76 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 64-New scope wizard Figure 65-Enter IP address details 77 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 66-Add exclusions and delay Figure 67-Lease Duration 78 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 68-Configure DHCP options Select the first one which says ‘Yes, I want to configure DHCP options’ And click ‘Next’ Figure 69- Enter the IP address 79 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Enter the default gateway which is the IP of your Router then click on Next Figure 70-DNS IP Add DNS IP Figure 71-WINS servers 80 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 72-Activating Scope Select Yes I want to activate the scope now Figure 73-Completing the New scope Wizard Click Finish 81 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 3.3. Creating users Following screenshots show the step-by-step procedure of creating users. Figure 74-Start Select Active Directory Figure 75-Window of Active Directory 82 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 76-Selecting the relevant user group Figure 77-Filling the details of the User 83 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 78-Setting a password Figure 79-Select Password server options 84 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 80-Create Click Finish Figure 81-Users 85 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 82-Properties Figure 83-Select Groups window 86 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 3.4. Active directory configuration Microsoft’s proprietary directory service is an active directory (AD). It runs on windows allows clients and administrators to control network resource access and 87 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 permissions. The data is stored as objects by the active directory. A single thing, like a user, a party. A computer is an object such as a program or a printer. Objects are usually described as user or groups of principals or a printer. As users or group of principals or security printers such as printers or computers. The active directory configuration follows; Server manager Manage Add roles and features Wizard Select installation Type Add roles and features Next Select role based or feature based installation Next Figure 84-Installation type Select a server from the server pool. In server pool ensure that the local computer is selected Next After select Active Directory Domain services from roles 88 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 85- Select features Click Add features Next Figure 86- future installation Active Directory Domain Servers page Next 89 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Confirmation page Install -to install the roles, role services, or features on the server Figure 87-Result After complete installation click on notification in server manager click on the link promote this server to a domain controller When the Active Directory Domain Servers configuration wizard Select Add a new forest and enter root domain name Then verify NetBIOS domain name open Next Next Given specify locations for AD DS database folder log files folder SYSVOL folder The wizard all validates the prerequisites before installing AD DS. When all checks are passed successfully, Install When the installation is completed Close to finish wizard 90 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Active Directory Domain Services have been successfully installed. Machine will be rebooted automatically. Figure 88- Active directory 91 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 3.5. Network Maintenance It is the range of services a company intends to use to keep the work running smoothly. [ CITATION MGl21 \l 1033 ] Network Maintenance schedule SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch maintain schedule Service Occurrence Start time Duration Notice Affected Backup schedule File server Daily 12.00AM 3 hours Email server Weekly 2.00AM 2 hours Database Daily 12.00AM 2 hours Weekly 2.00AM 2 hours server A 2-3 hours’ notice will be given when the administrative server is taking down. We will give you 2-3 hours’ notice on taking down of our server. No additional notes Update testing Server update No additional notes Windows Weekly 2.00AM 2 hours update We provide will 4 hours’ notice when longer down time is Security update Daily 12.00AM 50 minutes requires. No additional notes 92 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 4. Implementing and designing the network system 4.1. Network device configuration Bellow given is the SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch network design. Figure 89-Network devices configuration Figure 90-IP configuration 93 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 91-Configuration Figure 92-VLAN Switch Figure 93-Switch ports assign to VLANS 94 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Change IP Figure 94-Start Figure 95-Adjust computer settings 95 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 96-Network settings Figure 97-Network connection Click on Ethernet then property window will appear. 96 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 98-Ethernet properties After clicking ok the IP version properties will appear. Figure 99-IP Version 4 properties 97 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Click on use following IP address After typing the address, the subnet mask will appear automatically. Then select the use the following DNS server address and give the address. Now click on ok to finish. 98 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 4.2. Ping First go to apps and select command prompt. Figure 100-Command Prompt After selecting it this window will appear 99 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 101-Ping Then ping the IP address Figure 102-Ping After that it’ll give the reply if it is correctly pinged. 100 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 103-Ping As in the following screenshot now it is successfully pinned. Figure 104-Ping 101 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 105-Ping Figure 106-Ping 102 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Figure 107-Ping Figure 108- Ping *The process of create users is included in Task 3. 103 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Test case and test above the network Test no Description Expected 1 result Telnet to router Successfully Actual result Successful in network team login client pc. 2 Ping customer Ping care pc Successful to successfully developer’s 3 client pc Check Ping connectivity successfully between room 4 server and department DHCP server Client pc get Successful working 5 Successful IP address correctly from DHCP Check routing Ping between Successful working two networks Figure 109-Test case and test Test 01: Telnet to router in network team client pc Test 02: Ping customer care pc to developers’ client pc Test 03: Check connectivity between server room and department Test 04: DHCP server working correctly Test 05: Check routing working 104 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 4.3. Network monitoring It is the use of a system that constantly monitors a computer network for slow or failing components and that notifies the network administrator in case of outages or other trouble. The ping program is one example of s basic network monitoring program. Finding performance issues and barriers can help identify problems at an early stage. Effective active monitoring can prevent network malfunctions or failures. Important features of network monitoring; • Monitoring the essentials • Selecting the correct protocol • Setting the threshold • Optimizing the monitoring time interval [ CITATION HND21 \l 1033 ] 105 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 4.4. Troubleshooting Network administrators will need to use different resources to amplify the problem in order to avoid network distortion. Troubleshooting is the process use to identify and solve the problems if anything happens in the computer network. It is the logical process that network engineers use to resolve network problems and to improve network operations. The network should be subject to troubleshooting in the following order; 1. Identify the problem 2. Make an educated guess of the possible cause of the problem. 3. Explore the system to check whether your idea is valid. 4. Identify system elements in error; plan and implement remediation steps. 5. Check that the solution worked and change procedures to prevent the problem from happening again. [ CITATION com20 \l 1033 ] 106 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 4.5. Future enhancement As for the future enhancement of the network security in SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch author recommends IPS (Invasion Prevention System). The reason for thinking that IPS is much suitable is that it has the ability to detect and secure the system. However, on the other hand IDS can identify risks. A slow running network is the main concern of companies like this SYNTAX SOLUTIONS for that infrastructure upgrade is needed. Finally, the internet of things is a trend that continues to grow, so we must also keep that in our mind and work with the newest technology for the best result. 4.6. Evaluating design According to the requirements of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara branch I provide the best suitable resources. First this plan started by giving suggestions for protocols, network system type and topology which were also described very well. Then I presented the devices which should be used. After that I also came up with server suggestions. Likewise, the designing part was over. Then the next step was to ensure the security more. For that I provide the steps to follow. When designing the plan, I also suggest some ways that can make the officers who wants to work from home access the system. In order to increase network efficiency and productivity several networks control several tools was introduced. As mentioned earlier security is one of the main things which we are concerned about so as an example I use firewall because it acts as a barrier between the internet and the network. Finally, to confirm that this network design was a success author got feedbacks from some of the workers from several departments. And the feedbacks were positive which concluded that overall network design of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Matara was a huge success. 107 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 Reference List Rack Solutions, 2018. Blade server vs Rack server. 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M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. 110 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization. LO 1 & LO2 D1 Critically evaluate the topology protocol selected for a given scenario to demonstrate the efficient utilisation of a networking system. LO3 : Design efficient networked systems P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. M3 Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. D2 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system. 111 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com) lOMoARcPSD|38339166 LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design. P8 Document and analyze test results against expected results. M4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. 112 Matheesha Nuhansi Kalamulla –Networking Assignment 01 Downloaded by she per (shenal_6161@yahoo.com)