local UI = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Rayfield/main/source'))() local Window = UI:CreateWindow({ Name = 'Legends Re:Written', LoadingTitle = 'Script Loading', LoadingSubtitle = 'Legends Rewritten', ConfigurationSaving = { Enabled = true, FolderName = nil, FileName = "Legends Rewritten" }, Discord = { Enabled = false, Invite = "", RememberJoins = false }, KeySystem = false, KeySettings = { Title = "Sirius Hub", Subtitle = "Key System", Note = "Join the discord (discord.gg/sirius)", FileName = "SiriusKey", SaveKey = true, GrabKeyFromSite = false, Key = "Hello" } }) UI:Notify({ Title = "Warning", Content = "Using Force random trade and Make random plr trade you too fast causes game to kick you.", Duration = 6.5, Image = 4483362458, Actions = { -- Notification Buttons Ignore = { Name = "Okay!", Callback = function() warn'Ok' end }, }, }) local plrtable = {}; for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if not table.find(plrtable, v.Name) then table.insert(plrtable, v.Name) end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function() for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if not table.find(plrtable, v.Name) then table.insert(plrtable, v.Name) end end end) local Tab2 = Window:CreateTab('Main', 4483362458) local Section2 = Tab2:CreateSection('Player Stuff') local Toggle = Tab2:CreateToggle({ Name = 'GodMode', CurrentValue = false, Flag = "Gmode", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps Callback = function(val) getgenv().god = val while getgenv().god and task.wait() do game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Parkour.Script.iFrame:FireServer() end end, }) local GM2 = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = 'GodMode 2', Callback = function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Counter:Destroy() end, }) local Section3 = Tab2:CreateSection('Annoy') local Dropdown = Tab2:CreateDropdown({ Name = "Target Player", Options = plrtable, CurrentOption = 'Nil', Flag = "target", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps Callback = function(Option) targetplr = Option print(targetplr) end, }) local Dropdown = Tab2:CreateDropdown({ Name = "Target Player 2", Options = plrtable, CurrentOption = 'Nil', Flag = "target", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps Callback = function(op) targetplr2 = op print(targetplr2) end, }) local TradePlr = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Make Target Trade You", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players[targetplr] local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.SendTradeRequest:FireServer(targ, lp) end, }) local ForceTradePlr = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Force Trade with target", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players[targetplr] local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.AddTradeFrame:FireServer(targ, lp) end, }) local ForceTradePlrR = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Force Trade Random", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #plrtable)] local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.AddTradeFrame:FireServer(targ, lp) end, }) local ForceTradePlr2P = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Force Trade Random 2 Players", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #plrtable)] local targ2 = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #plrtable)] game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.AddTradeFrame:FireServer(targ, targ2) end, }) local ForceTradePlr2P = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Force Trade 2 Players", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players[targetplr] local targ2 = game.Players[targetplr2] game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.AddTradeFrame:FireServer(targ, targ2) end, }) local TradePlrR = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Make Random Trade You", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #plrtable)] local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.SendTradeRequest:FireServer(targ, lp) end, }) local TradePlrR = Tab2:CreateButton({ Name = "Make Random Trade Another Person", Callback = function() local targ = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #plrtable)] local targ2 = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1, #plrtable)] game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.SendTradeRequest:FireServer(targ, lp) end, })