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Opinion Essay Writing: Football on TV

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b R ead the article again and cornplete tbe gaps
with a word or phrase from the list. Use capital
letters w here necessary.
a Read the article once. Do you agree with what it says?
finally firstly for example thirdly
in my OfliAion instead to conclude
Every time I turn on t he television, I'm sure to find a football
match on one of the channels. If I change channels, there
will probably be footbal l on other channels too, especially
at the weekend . 1!D....aJY.. apinion there is definitely too much
footba ll on TV for the following reasons.
____, if you compare football with ot her sports, football
completely dominates. The only place where you can watch
other sports is on special sports channels, which you usually
have to pay for. This is not fair for people who like other
sports, 3
tennis, basketball, or ath letics.
Secondly, the football matches on TV are not only the
importa nt matches. Every week they show boring matches
from the second or t hird divisions.
I also believe that, at weekends, most people
want to relax in front of t he television. Many people,
including me , don 't like football and prefer to see good films
or funny series.
, I think that even on news programmes there is
too much footbal l. It is very annoying when they talk about
footba ll for hours every day, especially when there are more
important t hings happen ing in the world.
You are going to write an article called 'There
are too many reality shows on TV'. Do you
agree? With a partner decide if you agree or not,
and think of three of four reasons.
d Write the article. Write four or five paragraphs.
Paragraph 1
Write an introduction. You can
adapt the introduct ion in the model
article. Say if you agree or not.
Give your reasons. Begin the
paragraphs with Firstly, Secondly,
(Thirdly,) and Finally.
Write a conclusion (this should be a
summary of what you write in the
middle paragraphs).
e Check your article for mistakes (grammar,
punctuation, and spelling). Show your article to
other students in the class. H ow many of your
classm ates agree with you? H ow m any disagree?
~ p. 85
, I think TV should show fewer football matches
and programmes about foot ball, especially at the weekend.
it should show other sports too, and more films.
On news programmes they should talk about important
thi ngs that are happening in the world, not about footbal l.