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Collections & Fraud Management Training Workshop

International Best Practice in
Collections and Fraud Management
Effective management through all economic cycles
A Lafferty Training Workshop
Gain the analytical skills, learn the business strategies and master the operations
knowledge required to optimize the collections and fraud management functions to limit
lending product – in every economic environment.
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credit and fraud losses to a level that supports the business’s profit model – for every
International Best Practice in Collections and Fraud Management
About the Training Workshop
To help maximise business profitability, we are delighted to announce that Lafferty Group’s premier global expert in collections
and fraud management, will lead a series of two-day seminars around the world to give you the knowledge needed to optimise
collections and fraud management results. It provides best practices that have been proven around the world, for all consumer
lending products and in all economic environments. It is based on compiling the experiences, lessons learned and success
factors from lenders in over 60 countries.
How You Will Benefit
Know the root causes of your credit and fraud losses
Understand when and where to use collections and fraud management strategies
Be able to use data mining techniques to develop fraud detection strategies
Understand the role of behavior scoring in optimizing collections strategies.
Learn capacity planning techniques that that will ensure the right level of resources are there when they are needed
Acquire an advanced level of collections and fraud knowledge that will allow you to be a key player in contributing
to business profitability
This course provides you with an opportunity to become collections and fraud management certified by passing
an optional final examination
Receive a certificate of completion and class photo
Receive a detailed outline of the course content
Receive either the Lafferty Cards News or Lafferty Retail Banking News weekly newswire for one year
Who Should Attend
Credit and fraud policy managers
Collections and fraud operations managers
Staff supporting credit and fraud management functions
Product managers concerned about credit and fraud loss surprises
All managers wanting to ensure the optimizing of the risk / reward trade-off
Training Workshop Leader
Our workshop leader has a long and distinguished career in devising successful and effective
collections and fraud management strategies for retail banks and consumer financial services.
As the global fraud management director for a leading global financial institution’s consumer division,
he has been at the forefront of continuously managing loan accounts to optimise the revenuerisk balance. He also has years of experience in applying a multi-step approach when recovering
defaulted amounts.
His commitment and enthusiasm for collections and fraud management has involved him personally
delivering training in 30 countries on six continents. Furthermore, he has developed 20 consumer
credit management courses that have been completed by over 25,000 managers in 60 markets.
A Lafferty Training Workshop
International Best Practice in Collections and Fraud Management
Programme Agenda
Lafferty’s two-day hands-on course will give you the knowledge needed to optimize collections and fraud management
results. It offers global best practices that have been proven around the world, for all consumer lending products and for
every economic environment.
This course will be delivered via lecture, individual exercises, case studies and group discussions. All attendees will receive
a detailed outline of the course content.
Day 1
Business and External Environment Impacts on Collections and Fraud Management
08:00 Arrival and registration
08:30 Workshop Goals and Introductions
09:15 Collections and Fraud Impacts on the Business Financial Statement
10:30 Break
10:45 Root Causes of Collections and Fraud Transactions
12:30 Lunch
Distinguishing Between Credit and Fraud Losses – what you call it is how you fight it
13:30 Understanding Implications of Credit vs. Fraud Losses from Genuine Customers and Its Impact on Management Strategies
14:30 Break
14:45 Strategies for Managing Fraud from Genuine Customers
16:45 Individual Exercises and Team Case Studies for Genuine Fraud
18:00 Case Study Presentations and Wrap Up
18:15 Day 1 Test
18:30 End of Day 1
Day 2
Major Fraud Attack Types and How to Deal With Them – proven strategies and dozens of countermeasures
08:00 Arrival
08:30 Review Test Answers
08:40 Complete Evaluations for Day 1
08:50 Major Fraud Types and Countermeasures
10:30 Break
10:45 Using Data Mining and Behavior Scoring to Understand Fraudsters and Delinquent Customers
12:15 Class Photo
12:30 Lunch
Managing Collections through Process and Strategy – the right response at the right time
13:30 Collections Overview
14:30 Capacity Planning
15:30 Break
15:45 MIS, Metrics and Benchmarking
16:45 Technology and Automation
17:30 Effective Collections and Fraud Management in Times of Crisis
18:00 Final Exam
18:15 Final Workshop Evaluations
18:25 Workshop Wrap Up
18:30 Workshop Adjourns
Dates and Venues
Madrid 19 & 20 October 2009
Istanbul 22 & 23 October 2009
Bucharest 26 & 27 October 2009
A Lafferty Training Workshop
London 29 & 30 October 2009
Abu Dhabi 9 & 10 November 2009
Athens 12 & 13 November
Dubai 15 & 16 November 2009
Johannesburg 19 & 20 November 2009
International Best Practice in
Collections and Fraud Management
Effective management through all economic cycles
A Lafferty Training Workshop
: www.lafferty.com
' +44 (0) 20 3008 5282
7 +44 (0) 20 3008 8426
* Lafferty Conferences, One Lyric Square
Early bird registration 25% discount
London W6 0NB, UK
First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Post Code:
I agree to be bound to the terms and conditions of booking shown below.
Please tick city training workshop you are registering to attend:
 Madrid 19 & 20 October
 Bucharest 26 & 27 October
 Abu Dhabi 9 & 10 November
 Dubai 15 & 16 November
 Istanbul 22 & 23 October
 London 29 & 30 October
 Athens 12 & 13 November
 Johannesburg 19 & 20 November
Registration Fee (please tick as appropriate)
Early bird rate: Available for attendees registering two calendar
months in advance.
1-2 delegates
3-4 delegates
5+ delegates
Standard rate:
1-2 delegates
3-4 delegates
5+ delegates
 €1,497 per delegate
 €1,348 per delegate
 €1,273 per delegate
 €1,997 per delegate
 €1,798 per delegate
 €1,698 per delegate
In-house Training Course: Lafferty is happy to provide
this workshop as an in-house training course upon request.
Please contact Evelyn Hunter-Jordan +44 (0) 20 3008 5283.
Terms & Conditions:
Registration Fee: Registration fees cover participation at the two day workshop, lunches
and refreshments. The fee does not include hotel accommodation and travel to the event.
Registration is only confirmed when full payment is received. Payment: Payment must be
received prior to the event. Payment methods are outline on the registration form above.
Cancellation: Substitutions can be made in writing at any time and will incur no penalty
fee. Cancellations without a substitute delegate received one calendar month prior to
workshop will be subject to a 25% administration charge. Delegates cancelling after this
date without a substitute delegate will be required to pay the full fee and no refund will be
given. Cancellations must be received in writing or by email and will not be accepted over
the phone. Disclaimer: The organisers reserve the right to alter the programme as necessary.
Times are also subject to change. Speaker names are confirmed at time of going to press.
Data Protections: The information you have provided will be safeguarded by the Lafferty
Group who will keep you informed of relevant conferences in the future. Please tick how
you would like to receive future information mail  email . We may wish to make your
details available to sponsors of this particular event, or to other reputable organisations
who may wish to contact you. Please tick this box  if you would prefer your details remain
confidential. The Lafferty Group may also use your data to keep you informed of relevant
products and services. If you object being contacted by telephone  mail  or email 
please tick the relevant box.
Payment Details (please tick as appropriate)
 Credit / Debit Card (please circle one)
American Express | MasterCard | Visa | Other .............................................
   
CVC / Security Number 
Expiry Date
Card Number
Amount ...........................................................................................................................
Cardholder’s Name ......................................................................................................
Signature ................................................................... Date
 Please invoice (please supply billing address if different from above)
 I enclose a cheque (please make cheques payable to ‘Lafferty Ltd’)
VAT: Please note that VAT will be added to your bill at the current UK rates
for all UK customers and for those EU customers not supplying a VAT
registration number.
To register, please complete and return to fax: +44 (0) 20 3008 8426
or email: events@lafferty.com or phone +44 (0)20 3008 5282